package; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Formatter; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static*; /** * This example shows how to display a spreadsheet in HTML using the classes for * spreadsheet display. * * @author Ken Arnold, Industrious Media LLC */ public class ToHtml { private final Workbook wb; private final Appendable output; private boolean completeHTML; private Formatter out; private boolean gotBounds; private int firstColumn; private int endColumn; private HtmlHelper helper; private static final String DEFAULTS_CLASS = "excelDefaults"; private static final String COL_HEAD_CLASS = "colHeader"; private static final String ROW_HEAD_CLASS = "rowHeader"; private static final Map ALIGN = mapFor(ALIGN_LEFT, "left", ALIGN_CENTER, "center", ALIGN_RIGHT, "right", ALIGN_FILL, "left", ALIGN_JUSTIFY, "left", ALIGN_CENTER_SELECTION, "center"); private static final Map VERTICAL_ALIGN = mapFor( VERTICAL_BOTTOM, "bottom", VERTICAL_CENTER, "middle", VERTICAL_TOP, "top"); private static final Map BORDER = mapFor(BORDER_DASH_DOT, "dashed 1pt", BORDER_DASH_DOT_DOT, "dashed 1pt", BORDER_DASHED, "dashed 1pt", BORDER_DOTTED, "dotted 1pt", BORDER_DOUBLE, "double 3pt", BORDER_HAIR, "solid 1px", BORDER_MEDIUM, "solid 2pt", BORDER_MEDIUM_DASH_DOT, "dashed 2pt", BORDER_MEDIUM_DASH_DOT_DOT, "dashed 2pt", BORDER_MEDIUM_DASHED, "dashed 2pt", BORDER_NONE, "none", BORDER_SLANTED_DASH_DOT, "dashed 2pt", BORDER_THICK, "solid 3pt", BORDER_THIN, "dashed 1pt"); @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked"}) private static Map mapFor(Object... mapping) { Map map = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < mapping.length; i += 2) { map.put((K) mapping[i], (V) mapping[i + 1]); } return map; } /** * Creates a new converter to HTML for the given workbook. * * @param wb The workbook. * @param output Where the HTML output will be written. * * @return An object for converting the workbook to HTML. */ public static ToHtml create(Workbook wb, Appendable output) { return new ToHtml(wb, output); } /** * Creates a new converter to HTML for the given workbook. If the path ends * with ".xlsx" an {@link XSSFWorkbook} will be used; otherwise * this will use an {@link HSSFWorkbook}. * * @param path The file that has the workbook. * @param output Where the HTML output will be written. * * @return An object for converting the workbook to HTML. */ public static ToHtml create(String path, Appendable output) throws IOException { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(path); if (path.endsWith(".xlsx")) return createXSSF(in, output); else return createHSSF(in, output); } /** * Creates a new converter to HTML for the given workbook. This attempts to * detect whether the input is XML (so it should create an {@link * XSSFWorkbook} or not (so it should create an {@link HSSFWorkbook}). * * @param in The input stream that has the workbook. * @param output Where the HTML output will be written. * * @return An object for converting the workbook to HTML. * * @see #createHSSF(InputStream, Appendable) * @see #createXSSF(InputStream, Appendable) */ public static ToHtml create(InputStream in, Appendable output) throws IOException { if (!in.markSupported()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("!in.markSupported()"); in.mark(1); boolean isXml = ( == '<'); in.reset(); if (isXml) return createXSSF(in, output); else return createHSSF(in, output); } /** * Creates a new converter to HTML for an {@link XSSFWorkbook}. * * @param in The input stream that has the workbook. * @param output Where the HTML output will be written. * * @return An object for converting the workbook to HTML. */ public static ToHtml createXSSF(InputStream in, Appendable output) throws IOException { return create(new XSSFWorkbook(in), output); } /** * Creates a new converter to HTML for an {@link HSSFWorkbook}. * * @param in The input stream that has the workbook. * @param output Where the HTML output will be written. * * @return An object for converting the workbook to HTML. */ public static ToHtml createHSSF(InputStream in, Appendable output) throws IOException { return create(new HSSFWorkbook(in), output); } private ToHtml(Workbook wb, Appendable output) { if (wb == null) throw new NullPointerException("wb"); if (output == null) throw new NullPointerException("output"); this.wb = wb; this.output = output; setupColorMap(); } private void setupColorMap() { if (wb instanceof HSSFWorkbook) helper = new HSSFHtmlHelper((HSSFWorkbook) wb); else if (wb instanceof XSSFWorkbook) helper = new XSSFHtmlHelper((XSSFWorkbook) wb); else throw new IllegalArgumentException( "unknown workbook type: " + wb.getClass().getSimpleName()); } /** * Run this class as a program * * @param args The command line arguments. * * @throws Exception Exception we don't recover from. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ToHtml toHtml = create(args[0], System.out); toHtml.setCompleteHTML(true); toHtml.printStyles(); toHtml = create(args[0], new PrintWriter(new FileWriter( "/tmp/k.html"))); toHtml.setCompleteHTML(true); toHtml.printPage(); } public void setCompleteHTML(boolean completeHTML) { this.completeHTML = completeHTML; } public void printPage() throws IOException { try { ensureOut(); if (completeHTML) { out.format( "%n"); out.format("%n"); out.format("%n"); out.format("%n"); out.format("%n"); } print(); if (completeHTML) { out.format("%n"); out.format("%n"); } } finally { if (out != null) out.close(); if (output instanceof Closeable) { Closeable closeable = (Closeable) output; closeable.close(); } } } public void print() { printInlineStyle(); printSheets(); } private void printInlineStyle() { //out.format("%n"); out.format("%n"); } private void ensureOut() { if (out == null) out = new Formatter(output); } public void printStyles() { ensureOut(); // First, copy the base css BufferedReader in = null; try { in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( getClass().getResourceAsStream("excelStyle.css"))); String line; while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { out.format("%s%n", line); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Reading standard css", e); } finally { if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //noinspection ThrowFromFinallyBlock throw new IllegalStateException("Reading standard css", e); } } } // now add css for each used style Set seen = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < wb.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) { Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(i); Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; for (Cell cell : row) { CellStyle style = cell.getCellStyle(); if (!seen.contains(style)) { printStyle(style); seen.add(style); } } } } } private void printStyle(CellStyle style) { out.format(".%s .%s {%n", DEFAULTS_CLASS, styleName(style)); styleContents(style); out.format("}%n"); } private void styleContents(CellStyle style) { styleOut("text-align", style.getAlignment(), ALIGN); styleOut("vertical-align", style.getAlignment(), VERTICAL_ALIGN); fontStyle(style); borderStyles(style); helper.colorStyles(style, out); } private void borderStyles(CellStyle style) { styleOut("border-left", style.getBorderLeft(), BORDER); styleOut("border-right", style.getBorderRight(), BORDER); styleOut("border-top", style.getBorderTop(), BORDER); styleOut("border-bottom", style.getBorderBottom(), BORDER); } private void fontStyle(CellStyle style) { Font font = wb.getFontAt(style.getFontIndex()); if (font.getBoldweight() >= HSSFFont.BOLDWEIGHT_NORMAL) out.format(" font-weight: bold;%n"); if (font.getItalic()) out.format(" font-style: italic;%n"); int fontheight = font.getFontHeightInPoints(); if (fontheight == 9) { //fix for stupid ol Windows fontheight = 10; } out.format(" font-size: %dpt;%n", fontheight); // Font color is handled with the other colors } private String styleName(CellStyle style) { if (style == null) style = wb.getCellStyleAt((short) 0); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Formatter fmt = new Formatter(sb); fmt.format("style_%02x", style.getIndex()); return fmt.toString(); } private void styleOut(String attr, K key, Map mapping) { String value = mapping.get(key); if (value != null) { out.format(" %s: %s;%n", attr, value); } } private static int ultimateCellType(Cell c) { int type = c.getCellType(); if (type == Cell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) type = c.getCachedFormulaResultType(); return type; } private void printSheets() { ensureOut(); Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(0); printSheet(sheet); } public void printSheet(Sheet sheet) { ensureOut(); out.format("%n", DEFAULTS_CLASS); printCols(sheet); printSheetContent(sheet); out.format("
%n"); } private void printCols(Sheet sheet) { out.format("%n"); ensureColumnBounds(sheet); for (int i = firstColumn; i < endColumn; i++) { out.format("%n"); } } private void ensureColumnBounds(Sheet sheet) { if (gotBounds) return; Iterator iter = sheet.rowIterator(); firstColumn = (iter.hasNext() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : 0); endColumn = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { Row row =; short firstCell = row.getFirstCellNum(); if (firstCell >= 0) { firstColumn = Math.min(firstColumn, firstCell); endColumn = Math.max(endColumn, row.getLastCellNum()); } } gotBounds = true; } private void printColumnHeads() { out.format("%n"); out.format(" %n", COL_HEAD_CLASS); out.format(" ◊%n", COL_HEAD_CLASS); //noinspection UnusedDeclaration StringBuilder colName = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = firstColumn; i < endColumn; i++) { colName.setLength(0); int cnum = i; do { colName.insert(0, (char) ('A' + cnum % 26)); cnum /= 26; } while (cnum > 0); out.format(" %s%n", COL_HEAD_CLASS, colName); } out.format(" %n"); out.format("%n"); } private void printSheetContent(Sheet sheet) { printColumnHeads(); out.format("%n"); Iterator rows = sheet.rowIterator(); while (rows.hasNext()) { Row row =; out.format(" %n"); out.format(" %d%n", ROW_HEAD_CLASS, row.getRowNum() + 1); for (int i = firstColumn; i < endColumn; i++) { String content = " "; String attrs = ""; CellStyle style = null; if (i >= row.getFirstCellNum() && i < row.getLastCellNum()) { Cell cell = row.getCell(i); if (cell != null) { style = cell.getCellStyle(); attrs = tagStyle(cell, style); //Set the value that is rendered for the cell //also applies the format CellFormat cf = CellFormat.getInstance( style.getDataFormatString()); CellFormatResult result = cf.apply(cell); content = result.text; if (content.equals("")) content = " "; } } out.format(" %s%n", styleName(style), attrs, content); } out.format(" %n"); } out.format("%n"); } private String tagStyle(Cell cell, CellStyle style) { if (style.getAlignment() == ALIGN_GENERAL) { switch (ultimateCellType(cell)) { case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_STRING: return "style=\"text-align: left;\""; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_ERROR: return "style=\"text-align: center;\""; case HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC: default: // "right" is the default break; } } return ""; } }