Application for Australian Business Number
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Apply for Australian Business Number - Application Detail

Does the applicant already have an Australian Business Number (ABN)?No

For taxation purposes which of the following is the applicant? Company, Partnerships, Trusts
      and Other Organisations

Does the applicant wish to apply for an Australian Business Number (ABN)?Yes

Does the applicant have a Tax File Number?Yes

Does the applicant wish to apply for a Tax File Number?No

Does the applicant wish to apply for Goods and Services Tax?Yes

Does the applicant wish to register for a fuel tax credit?No

Is the applicant required to register for Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding?Yes

Apply for Australian Business Number - Taxation Information

What type of Organisation is the applicant?Discretionary trust - trading
(See field help for further information)

Is the Entity a resident of Australia for tax purposes?Yes

Is the Entity exempt for income tax purposes?No
Is the Entity a non-profit organisation?No

Does the Entity want to register or be endorsed for any of the following?
(See field help for important information)
NoDeductible gift recipient
NoTax concession charity or income tax exempt fund
YesFringe benefits tax
NoLuxury car tax
NoWine equalisation tax

If the Entity uses, or intends to use the services of a tax agent, what is the tax agent's registration number?
You may find this number on your last tax return. If you can not find this number, leave this blank.

Does the entity wish to register for access to the Tax Office's online services for business?Yes
We provide a range of online services, making it easier for businesses to comply. You can go online to:
  • retrieve and lodge activity statements
  • access the business portal
  • perform certain superannuation transactions
  • request (PAYG) payment summary information reports
  • update your ABN details on the Australian Business Register

Entity Type:Discretionary Trading Trust

Apply for Australian Business Number - Applicant Information

What is the Discretionary Trading Trust's name?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
What is the Discretionary Trading Trust's trading name?
Trading name is the name the Discretionary Trading Trust trades under, or that is known by suppliers or customers. It may be different from the Discretionary Trading Trust’s legal name. It may be the trading name the Discretionary Trading Trust has registered with other government departments. If the trading name is the same as the legal name, leave this question blank. Do not use 'As Above'.

If the Discretionary Trading Trust is a company or other incorporated entity, what is your Australian Company Number (ACN) or Australian Registered Body Number (ARBN)?

What is the Discretionary Trading Trust's Tax File Number?11111111

Apply for Australian Business Number - Address Details

Where is the Discretionary Trading Trust's main business location/address?
This must be a street address, eg 123 Smith Street, Smithfield and not a post office box number or other delivery point address. This can be your home address if you operate a home based business.
Suburb/Town/Locality: XXXXXXXXXXXX
State/Territory: XXX
Postcode: XXXX

What is the Discretionary Trading Trust's postal address for service of notices and correspondence?
This is the address where government departments and agencies will send notices and correspondence.
Suburb/Town/Locality: XXXXXXXXXXXX
State/Territory: XXX
Postcode: XXXX

What is the Discretionary Trading Trust's e-mail address for service of notices and correspondence?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Apply for Australian Business Number - Associated Details

This section collects information about individuals and organisations associated with the applicant Discretionary Trading Trust. These associates may be a partner in a partnership, a trustee of a trust, a trustee or member of a superannuation fund or a director of a company. Please provide details of all associates.

It is not an offence not to quote a tax file number, but not quoting it increases the risk of administrative error and may delay this registration.

If an individual who is a public officer, director, office bearer, partner, member or trustee chooses not to disclose their tax file number, they must include their residential address with the application. Similarly, if an entity other than an individual chooses not to disclose their tax file number, they may include their business address, the date they commenced, registered or become incorporated and if applicable their ACN or ARBN with the application.

Who is the Discretionary Trading Trust's Associated Individual?

Associated Organisation 1
Tax File Number:
If the Associated Organisation is a company or other incorporated entity, please provide its Australian Company Number(ACN):XXXXXXXXX
Position Held:
Associated Organisation Business Address
Suburb/Town/Locality: XXXXXXXXXXXX
State/Territory: XXX
Postcode: XXXX
What is the date the Associated Organisation commenced, registered or became incorporated?// (dd/mm/yyyy)

Apply for Australian Business Number - Contact Details

This person will be able to make changes to the Discretionary Trading Trust's ABN record
Who is the authorised contact person for the Discretionary Trading Trust ?
Provide details of a person who maybe contacted for further information.

Title: XX
Preferred Name:XXXXX
Family Name: XXXXXXXX
Contact Telephone Numbers
Area Code Number
After Hours:
Mobile Number:
Preferred Language: English
If other then please specify:

Apply for Australian Business Number - Reason For Application

Why is the Discretionary Trading Trust applying for an ABN?
Please select the reason that best describes why the Discretionary Trading Trust is applying for an ABN.

Re-commenced business
What was the Australian Business Number (ABN) previously used?


Apply for Australian Business Number - Business Activity Details

From what date does the Discretionary Trading Trust require its ABN?

Important: This date cannot be more than 6 months in the future. If the date provided is a date in the future, the ABN will not be issued until that date.

If you intend for this business activity to be less than 3 months, on what date do you expect to cease activity?
If you register for GST, you will be required to complete business activity statements monthly.

Does the Discretionary Trading Trust have more than one business location in Australia?
In which States or Territories does the Discretionary Trading Trust have business locations?
New South Wales
Western Australia
Northern Territory
South Australia
Australian Capital Territory
Is the Discretionary Trading Trust owned or controlled by Commonwealth, State, Territory or Local Government?

What is the main Industry in which the Discretionary Trading Trust operates?

Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
Describe the main activity from which the Discretionary Trading Trust derives the majority of its business Income.
Also describe the main goods produced or the main services provided by the Discretionary Trading Trust. See Field Help for examples.

Does the Discretionary Trading Trust operate an agricultural property?

Goods and Services Tax (GST) Registration
You have completed the requirements to apply for an ABN.

Do you wish to continue and register for GST?

Is the Discretionary Trading Trust required to register for GST?No
You are required to register:
  • if you are carrying on an enterprise in Australia and
    your GST turnover is $75 000 or more ($150 000 or
    more for non-profit organisations)
  • if you supply taxi or limousine travel for fares
  • if you are a representative of an incapacitated entity (where the
    incapacitated entity is registered or required to be registered)
  • if you are a resident agent acting as a non-resident (where the
    non-resident is registered or required to be registered)
If the Discretionary Trading Trust is not required to register for GST, does the applicant want to apply for voluntary registration?Yes
An Discretionary Trading Trust which is not required by law to register for GST can choose to register voluntarily for GST if it is carrying on an enterprise, or intends to carry on an enterprise in the near future.

The Discretionary Trading Trust can only apply for voluntary registration if they are entitled to be registered for GST. See field help for more information.

Goods and Services Tax (GST) Registration

What is the Discretionary Trading Trust's date of registration for GST?XXXXXXXXXX
This date cannot be prior to the ABN required date provided earlier.

What is the Discretionary Trading Trust's GST turnover?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
This can be an estimated amount, please refer to the field level help for more information.

How often will the Discretionary Trading Trust lodge its activity statements?XXXXXXXXX
If the Discretionary Trading Trust's GST turnover is:
  • $20 million or more it must lodge its activity statement monthly
  • Less than $20 million it can choose to lodge its activity statement either quarterly or monthly
If the entity is registering voluntarily it may choose to lodge activity statements either monthly, quarterly or annually. For more information, please refer to the field level help.

Does the Discretionary Trading Trust intend to account for GST on a cash basis?Yes
Please refer to the field level help for more information about Cash vs. Non-Cash accounting.

Does the Discretionary Trading Trust import goods or services into Australia?Yes
For information about Deferred GST on Imports Scheme, refer to the field help or call 1300 130 915.

Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding Registration
You have completed the requirements to apply for an ABN.

Do you wish to continue and register for Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding?
The entity will need to register for Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding if it withholds amounts for payments made to payees such as:
  • Contractors or sub-contractors under a voluntary agreement
  • Employees for salary and wages
  • Labour hire workers
  • Suppliers who have not provided an ABN
See field help for a full explanation of these and other types of withholding payments.
Is the Discretionary Trading Trust required to register for PAYG withholding?Yes

Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding Registration

On what date did, or will, the Discretionary Trading Trust commence Pay As You Go (PAYG) Withholding?XXXXXXXXXX
This date cannot be prior to the ABN required date provided
What amount does the Discretionary Trading Trust expect it will withhold from payments to its payees each year?
This information is used to determine the frequency for making payments to the Tax Office of the amounts withheld.

How many employees does the Discretionary Trading Trust estimate it will pay?1
This is the total number of individuals to whom you are likely to make payments. Do not count people under a voluntary agreement or labour hire arrangements in your estimate.

How does the Discretionary Trading Trust intend to provide the PAYG Witholding payment summary annual report to the Tax Office?Electronically

How will the Discretionary Trading Trust provide payment summaries to its payees?Using payment summaries supplied by the Tax Office

Will the Discretionary Trading Trust pay royalties, dividends or interest to non-residents OR report investment income paid to Australian residents?No
Financial Account Details

What is the Discretionary Trading Trust's financial institution account details for Tax Office refunds?
Refunds will only be paid directly into a recognised financial institution account located in Australia. The account details provided must be held by the Discretionary Trading Trust (solely or jointly) or the Discretionary Trading Trust's registered tax agent or a legal practitioner acting as trustee or executor for the estate.

If the Discretionary Trading Trust has not yet set up an account with a financial institution this information can be provided later.

Financial institution account details
Account held by:

If none of these options apply, leave this section blank and continue your registration. You will need to provide these details using a Financial Account Details form.

(please include all 6 numbers)

Account Number:XXXXXXXX
(maximum of 9 numbers)




The collection of information on this form by the Australian Business Registrar and the Commissioner of Taxation is authorised by taxation law for the administration of those laws. Some of the information may be made publicly available, some may be passed to other government agencies.

Details of the government agencies regularly receiving information from the Australian Business Register can be found on the internet here or phone 132866 and a list of agencies will be e-mailed, faxed or posted to you.

Must be completed by an individual authorised by the Discretionary Trading Trust.

I declare that the applicant is entitled to registration and that the information given on this application is accurate and complete.
Position Held:Director of trustee corporation
For example Director, Partner, Trustee, Tax Agent, Public Officer.

Date of Declaration:XXXXXXXXXX
Penalties may be imposed for giving false or misleading information.

We estimate this application should take you 40 minutes to complete. If it took more or less, please provide the time taken here.

Please do not send this printed form to the Australian Business Registry, Australian Taxation Office. Application Reference Number is: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX