Testcase specification document

Testname: Functions and formulas

Document Owner:

Frank Stecher

Last document change:


Status of document:


Valid for version: StarOffice8, StarOffice8 PP1, StarOffice8 PP2, StarOffice8 PP3, StarOffice8 PP4, StarOffice8 PP5, StarOffice8 PP6

Test purpose:

Check the functions available for Calculations

Known issues:

Preconditions of test:

Test documents:



Excel Export for COT, ACOT, COTH, and ACOTH

Status: Preliminary


Calc contains COT, ACOT, COTH, and ACOTH functions, Excel does not. The Excel
export filter should replace the functions with the related Tangent functions:
COT(x) = 1/TAN(x)
ACOT(x) = PI/2-ATAN(x)
COTH(x) = 1/TANH(x)
ACOTH(x) = ATANH(1/x)
To check this, just load the testdocument COT.ods and save it to Excel97 file
format. Close and reload. Check that the functions have been changed according
to the list above.

Basic function test

Status: Standard


Load the test documents. Make a hard recalc (Shift-Ctrl-F9) in every opened document and check the reference columns. Attention: Some functions have a localdependency and could offer a different result on different locales Load the Umrechnen testdocument. You could change the parameter in user/config/registry/org.openoffice.Office.Calc [UnitConversion] . Extend the entries by a new one and use the parameter in the function. (In StarOffice 5.2 the parameter were stored in the convert.ini)

New functions => should be integrated into the testdocuments

Check, if the addition / subtraction of two numbers with the same absolute is null (e.g.: =0.2+0.1-0.3). The functions CUMPRINC (KUMKAPITAL) and CUMIPMT (KUMZINSZ) can use real numbers as parameter for NPER (ZZR). Check, if the comparison of an empty cell with an empty string is a logical TRUE. The function DDE has a fourth parameter, which defines the numberformat of the DDE-link (0 =default-numberformat ; 1=default-numberformat(US) ; 2=string) The boundary for the detection of years with two digits is between 29/30 and for documents <StarCalc5.0 between 18/19. Check if this boundary could be switched via the tabpage TOOLS-OPTIONS-GENERAL-OTHER. Check if an areareference, which is used as parameter instead of a cellreference, will be detected as cellreference which is dependent from the position.

Edit Formula

Status: Standard


type the following formula into a cell, =rand(). After typing the last bracket both must change the formatting to bold. Press F9 for a New Calculation of the sheet. A small bubble help containing the function result must appear. Is it possible to place the result into the cell by pressing Enter ? Check that the function TEXT takes not only country specific format codes.

String length limit

Status: Standard


From 622b the maximum string length in formulas is 64kB.
(Except in directly entered formulas e.g.(="hello world") – 255 bytes.)
Try the whole set of string operations at conditions that are close to 
or over this limit. 

Matrix Limits

Status: Standard


From 623b the array size of matrix formula is 524288 elements. 
Open Calc. 
Fill cells A1:IV2049 with any contents. (Hint: This exceeds the maximum range by one row)
Define a range name (insert->names->define...) e.g. 'test'. 
Type '=test' in A2051 and finish with 'Shift+Ctrl+<Enter>'. (This is the 'make a matrix out of a formula grip')
Check if 'Err:514' appears only in A2051.
Invoke the range name dialog again and correct right bottom to IV2048.
Type '=test' in A2051 and finish with 'Shift+Ctrl+<Enter>' for another time.
A2051:IV4098 should be a copy of the range called 'test' now.
Save as Calc 6, StarOffice 5.0 and Excel 97/2000
Invoke the range name dialog again and correct right bottom to IV2049.
A2051:IV4098 should be filled with 'Err:514' now. 
Close the file now.
Reload the Calc 6 file.
Check if the original file is restored without errors. (Don't forget a recalc with 'Shift+Ctrl+F9')
Load the Excel file in Excel.
Check if the export is OK.
Load the StarOffice 5.0 file.
Recalc with 'Shift+Ctrl+F9'. 
A2051:IV4098 should be filled with 'Err:514' because SO5.2 had a limit of 16384 elements

Percent Sign

Status: Standard


Check, if the percent sign operator is recognized in formulas. Load percent.sxc.