/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ 'use strict'; module.metadata = { 'stability': 'unstable' }; const { defer } = require("../lang/functional"); const { windows } = require('../window/utils'); const { Ci } = require('chrome'); function activateTab(tab, window) { let gBrowser = getTabBrowserForTab(tab); // normal case if (gBrowser) { gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; } // fennec ? else if (window && window.BrowserApp) { window.BrowserApp.selectTab(tab); } return null; } exports.activateTab = activateTab; function getTabBrowser(window) { return window.gBrowser; } exports.getTabBrowser = getTabBrowser; function getTabContainer(window) { return getTabBrowser(window).tabContainer; } exports.getTabContainer = getTabContainer; function getTabs(window) { // fennec if (window.BrowserApp) return window.BrowserApp.tabs; // firefox - default return Array.slice(getTabContainer(window).children); } exports.getTabs = getTabs; function getActiveTab(window) { return window.gBrowser.selectedTab; } exports.getActiveTab = getActiveTab; function getOwnerWindow(tab) { // normal case if (tab.ownerDocument) return tab.ownerDocument.defaultView; // try fennec case return getWindowHoldingTab(tab); } exports.getOwnerWindow = getOwnerWindow; // fennec function getWindowHoldingTab(rawTab) { for each (let window in windows()) { // this function may be called when not using fennec if (!window.BrowserApp) continue; for each (let tab in window.BrowserApp.tabs) { if (tab === rawTab) return window; } } return null; } function openTab(window, url, options) { options = options || {}; // fennec? if (window.BrowserApp) { return window.BrowserApp.addTab(url, { selected: options.inBackground ? false : true, pinned: options.isPinned || false }); } return window.gBrowser.addTab(url); }; exports.openTab = openTab; function isTabOpen(tab) { // try normal case then fennec case return !!((tab.linkedBrowser) || getWindowHoldingTab(tab)); } exports.isTabOpen = isTabOpen; function closeTab(tab) { let gBrowser = getTabBrowserForTab(tab); // normal case? if (gBrowser) return gBrowser.removeTab(tab); let window = getWindowHoldingTab(tab); // fennec? if (window && window.BrowserApp) return window.BrowserApp.closeTab(tab); return null; } exports.closeTab = closeTab; function getURI(tab) { if (tab.browser) // fennec return tab.browser.currentURI.spec; return tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec; } exports.getURI = getURI; function getTabBrowserForTab(tab) { let outerWin = getOwnerWindow(tab); if (outerWin) return getOwnerWindow(tab).gBrowser; return null; } exports.getTabBrowserForTab = getTabBrowserForTab; function getBrowserForTab(tab) { if (tab.browser) // fennec return tab.browser; return tab.linkedBrowser; } exports.getBrowserForTab = getBrowserForTab; function getTabTitle(tab) { return getBrowserForTab(tab).contentDocument.title || tab.label || ""; } exports.getTabTitle = getTabTitle; function setTabTitle(tab, title) { title = String(title); if (tab.browser) tab.browser.contentDocument.title = title; tab.label = String(title); } exports.setTabTitle = setTabTitle; function getTabContentWindow(tab) { return getBrowserForTab(tab).contentWindow; } exports.getTabContentWindow = getTabContentWindow; function getTabForContentWindow(window) { // Retrieve the topmost frame container. It can be either , // or . But in our case, it should be xul:browser. let browser = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .chromeEventHandler; // Is null for toplevel documents if (!browser) return false; // Retrieve the owner window, should be browser.xul one let chromeWindow = browser.ownerDocument.defaultView; // Ensure that it is top-level browser window. // We need extra checks because of Mac hidden window that has a broken // `gBrowser` global attribute. if ('gBrowser' in chromeWindow && chromeWindow.gBrowser && 'browsers' in chromeWindow.gBrowser) { // Looks like we are on Firefox Desktop // Then search for the position in tabbrowser in order to get the tab object let browsers = chromeWindow.gBrowser.browsers; let i = browsers.indexOf(browser); if (i !== -1) return chromeWindow.gBrowser.tabs[i]; return null; } else if ('BrowserApp' in chromeWindow) { // Looks like we are on Firefox Mobile return chromeWindow.BrowserApp.getTabForWindow(window) } return null; } exports.getTabForContentWindow = getTabForContentWindow; function getTabURL(tab) { if (tab.browser) // fennec return String(tab.browser.currentURI.spec); return String(getBrowserForTab(tab).currentURI.spec); } exports.getTabURL = getTabURL; function setTabURL(tab, url) { url = String(url); if (tab.browser) return tab.browser.loadURI(url); return getBrowserForTab(tab).loadURI(url); } // "TabOpen" event is fired when it's still "about:blank" is loaded in the // changing `location` property of the `contentDocument` has no effect since // seems to be either ignored or overridden by internal listener, there for // location change is enqueued for the next turn of event loop. exports.setTabURL = defer(setTabURL); function getTabContentType(tab) { return getBrowserForTab(tab).contentDocument.contentType; } exports.getTabContentType = getTabContentType; function getSelectedTab(window) { if (window.BrowserApp) // fennec? return window.BrowserApp.selectedTab; if (window.gBrowser) return window.gBrowser.selectedTab; return null; } exports.getSelectedTab = getSelectedTab;