When the page is loaded, the window.onload method is fired and a player is constructed. When the "Player 1" or "Player 2" buttons are clicked, the existing player is destroyed, and a new one is created. This works fine in all browsers, except FF3 on Mac. When the embed is removed by either setting it's parent's innerHTML = "" or using removeChild, the <embed> tag is removed, but the plugin is not. The handle to the plugin is lost, and it is floating in "outer space".

Steps to reproduce:
Load this page, install the plugin, wait for the video to start playing. Then, click "Player 2". Wait for the video to start playing, then click "Player 1". Go back and forth between the two players a few times. Sometimes you only have to go back and forth once, sometimes several times. Now open a new tab. You will see the plugin on the new tab and on all tabs. This issue does not occur on FF3 for Windows, or any other browser.