/* main FTB object -------------------------------------- */ function FTB_FreeTextBox(id, enableToolbars, readOnly, buttons, dropdownlists, breakMode, pasteMode, tabMode, startMode, clientSideTextChanged, designModeCss, designModeBodyTagCssClass, baseUrl, textDirection, buttonImageFormat, imageGalleryUrl, imageGalleryPath, receiveFocus, buttonWidth, buttonHeight) { this.debug = document.getElementById('debug'); this.id = id; this.enableToolbars = enableToolbars; this.readOnly = readOnly; this.buttons = buttons; this.dropdownlists = dropdownlists; this.breakMode = breakMode; this.pasteMode = pasteMode; this.tabMode = tabMode; this.startMode = startMode; this.clientSideTextChanged = clientSideTextChanged; this.designModeCss = designModeCss; this.designModeBodyTagCssClass = designModeBodyTagCssClass; this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.textDirection = textDirection; this.buttonImageFormat = buttonImageFormat; // currently unused this.imageGalleryUrl = imageGalleryUrl; this.imageGalleryPath = imageGalleryPath; this.hasFocus = false; this.mode = FTB_MODE_DESIGN; this.initialized = false; this.undoArray = new Array(); this.undoArrayMax = 16; this.undoArrayPos = -1; this.lastEvent = null; //}; //FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Initialize = function() { var ftb = this; // 2. Find everything //* windows this.htmlEditor = document.getElementById(this.id); if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { this.previewPane = eval(this.id + "_previewPane"); this.designEditor = eval(this.id + "_designEditor"); this.designEditor.ftb = this; this.designEditor.document.ftb = this; document.getElementById(this.id + "_designEditor").document.ftb = this; } else { this.previewPane = document.getElementById(this.id + "_previewPane").contentWindow; this.designEditor = document.getElementById(this.id + "_designEditor").contentWindow; this.designEditor.document.ftb = this; } //* areas this.toolbarArea = document.getElementById(this.id + "_toolbarArea"); this.designEditorArea = document.getElementById(this.id + "_designEditorArea"); this.htmlEditorArea = document.getElementById(this.id + "_htmlEditorArea"); this.previewPaneArea = document.getElementById(this.id + "_previewPaneArea"); //* tabs this.designModeTab = document.getElementById(this.id + "_designModeTab"); if (this.designModeTab) { this.designModeTab.ftb = this; this.designModeTab.onclick = function() { if (!this.ftb.readOnly) {this.ftb.GoToDesignMode(); this.ftb.Focus(); this.ftb.UpdateToolbars(); }} } this.htmlModeTab = document.getElementById(this.id + "_htmlModeTab"); if (this.htmlModeTab) { this.htmlModeTab.ftb = this; this.htmlModeTab.onclick = function() { if (!this.ftb.readOnly) {this.ftb.GoToHtmlMode(); this.ftb.Focus(); this.ftb.UpdateToolbars(); }} } this.previewModeTab = document.getElementById(this.id + "_previewModeTab"); if (this.previewModeTab) { this.previewModeTab.ftb = this; this.previewModeTab.onclick = function() { if (!this.ftb.readOnly) {this.ftb.GoToPreviewMode();}} } //* ancestor area this.ancestorArea = document.getElementById(this.id + "_AncestorArea"); // 3. Tell buttons who owns them //* setup buttons & dropdowns if (this.enableToolbars) { for(var i=0; i@import url(" + this.designModeCss + ");" : "") + this.designEditor.document.open(); this.designEditor.document.write("" + "" + ((this.designModeCss != '') ? "" : "") + ((this.baseUrl != '') ? "" : "") + "" + "" + this.htmlEditor.value + "" + ""); this.designEditor.document.close(); if (!this.readOnly) { if (FTB_Browser.isIE) this.designEditor.document.body.contentEditable = true; // enable this html area this.htmlEditor.disabled = ''; } // silly IE can't get the style right until now... if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { this.designEditor.document.body.style.border = '0'; } // 5. Add events if (!this.readOnly) { if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { FTB_AddEvents(this.designEditor.document, new Array("keydown","keypress","mousedown"), function(e) { ftb.hasFocus=true; return ftb.Event(e); } ); } else { var evt = function(e) { this.document.ftb.hasFocus=true; this.document.ftb.Event(e); return false; } this.designEditor.addEventListener("keydown", evt, true); this.designEditor.addEventListener("keypress", evt, true); this.designEditor.addEventListener("mousedown", evt, true); // no paste event in Mozilla } FTB_AddEvents(this.designEditor, new Array("blur"), function(e) { ftb.hasFocus=false; ftb.Event(e); ftb.StoreHtml(); } ); } if (this.startMode == FTB_MODE_HTML) this.GoToHtmlMode(); if (this.readOnly) this.DisableAllToolbarItems(); else this.UpdateToolbars(); this.undoArray[0] = this.htmlEditorArea.value; this.initialized = true; if (this.receiveFocus) this.Focus(); // crazy Gecko fix. apparently 'useCSS' cannot be fired before the page is loaded. if (FTB_Browser.isGecko && !(this.startMode == FTB_MODE_HTML)) { setTimeout(function() { ftb.designEditor.document.designMode = 'On'; ftb.designEditor.document.execCommand("useCSS", false, true); }, 50); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.AddStyle = function(css) { var styleEl=document.createElement('style'); styleEl.type='text/css'; styleEl.appendChild(css); this.designEditor.document.appendChild(styleEl); }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Event = function(ev) { if (ev != null) { if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { sel = this.GetSelection(); r = this.CreateRange(sel); // check for undo && redo if (ev.ctrlKey && ev.keyCode == FTB_KEY_Z) { this.Undo(); this.CancelEvent(ev); } else if (ev.ctrlKey && ev.keyCode == FTB_KEY_Y) { this.Redo(); this.CancelEvent(ev); } else { if (ev.keyCode == FTB_KEY_ENTER) { if (this.breakMode == FTB_BREAK_BR || ev.ctrlKey) { if (sel.type == 'Control') { return; } if ((!this.CheckTag(r.parentElement(),'LI'))&&(!this.CheckTag(r.parentElement(),'H'))) { r.pasteHTML('
'); this.CancelEvent(ev); r.select(); r.collapse(false); return false; } } } else if ((ev.ctrlKey && !ev.shiftKey && !ev.altKey)) { if (ev.keyCode == FTB_KEY_V || ev.keyCode == 118) { this.CapturePaste(); this.CancelEvent(ev); } } else if (ev.keyCode == FTB_KEY_TAB) { if (this.CheckTag(r.parentElement(),'LI')) { if (ev.shiftKey) this.ExecuteCommand("outdent"); else this.ExecuteCommand("indent"); this.CancelEvent(ev); } else { switch (this.tabMode) { default: case FTB_TAB_NEXTCONTROL: break; case FTB_TAB_INSERTSPACES: this.InsertHtml("   "); this.CancelEvent(ev); break; case FTB_TAB_DISABLED: this.CancelEvent(ev); break; } } } } } else { if (ev.type == "keypress" || ev.type == "keydown") { // check for undo && redo if (ev.ctrlKey && ev.which && ev.which == FTB_KEY_Z) { this.Undo(); this.CancelEvent(ev); } else if (ev.ctrlKey && ev.which && ev.which == FTB_KEY_Y) { this.Redo(); this.CancelEvent(ev); } else { if (ev.keyCode == FTB_KEY_ENTER) { if (this.breakMode == FTB_BREAK_P) { /* var insertP = true; var parent = this.GetParentElement(); if ( parent != null ) if (this.CheckTag(this.GetParentElement(),'LI') ) insertP = false; if (!insertP) return; if ( parent != null ) { if ( !this.CheckTag(this.GetParentElement(),'P') ) this.ExecuteCommand('formatblock','','p'); } else { this.ExecuteCommand('formatblock','','p'); } var parent = this.GetParentElement(); p = this.designEditor.document.createElement('p'); sel = this.GetSelection(); r = this.CreateRange(sel); r.insertNode(p); r.selectNode(p); //p.focus(); // //parent.insertBefore(p); this.CancelEvent(ev); */ } // check for control+commands (not in Mozilla by default) } else if ((ev.ctrlKey && !ev.shiftKey && !ev.altKey)) { if (ev.which == FTB_KEY_V || ev.which == 118) { if (ev.which == 118 && this.pasteMode != FTB_PASTE_DEFAULT) { this.CapturePaste(); this.CancelEvent(ev); } } else if (ev.which == FTB_KEY_B || ev.which == 98) { if (ev.which == FTB_KEY_B) this.ExecuteCommand('bold'); this.CancelEvent(ev); } else if (ev.which == FTB_KEY_I || ev.which == 105) { if (ev.which == FTB_KEY_I) this.ExecuteCommand('italic'); this.CancelEvent(ev); } else if (ev.which == FTB_KEY_U || ev.which == 117) { if (ev.which == FTB_KEY_U) this.ExecuteCommand('underline'); this.CancelEvent(ev); } } else if (ev.which == FTB_KEY_TAB) { if (this.CheckTag(r.parentElement,'LI')) { // do it's own thing! } else { switch (this.tabMode) { default: case FTB_TAB_NEXTCONTROL: // unsupported in Mozilla break; case FTB_TAB_INSERTSPACES: // do it's own thing break; case FTB_TAB_DISABLED: this.CancelEvent(ev); break; } } } } } } } if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) { FTB_Timeout.addMethod(this.id+'_UpdateToolbars',this,'UpdateToolbars',200); } if (this.clientSideTextChanged) this.clientSideTextChanged(this); }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.CancelEvent = function(ev) { if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { ev.cancelBubble = true; ev.returnValue = false; } else { ev.preventDefault(); ev.stopPropagation(); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.InsertElement = function(el) { var sel = this.GetSelection(); var range = this.CreateRange(sel); if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { range.pasteHTML(el.outerHTML); } else { this.InsertNodeAtSelection(el); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.RecordUndoStep = function() { if (!this.initialized) return; ++this.undoArrayPos; if (this.undoArrayPos >= this.undoArrayMax) { // remove the first element this.undoArray.shift(); --this.undoArrayPos; } var take = true; var html = this.designEditor.document.body.innerHTML; if (this.undoArrayPos > 0) take = (this.undoArray[this.undoArrayPos - 1] != html); if (take) { this.undoArray[this.undoArrayPos] = html; } else { this.undoArrayPos--; } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Undo = function() { if (this.undoArrayPos > 0) { var html = this.undoArray[--this.undoArrayPos]; if (html) this.designEditor.document.body.innerHTML = html; else ++this.undoArrayPos; } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.CanUndo = function() { return true; return (this.undoArrayPos > 0); }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Redo = function() { if (this.undoArrayPos < this.undoArray.length - 1) { var html = this.undoArray[++this.undoArrayPos]; if (html) this.designEditor.document.body.innerHTML = html; else --this.undoArrayPos; } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.CanRedo = function() { return true; return (this.undoArrayPos < this.undoArray.length - 1); }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.CapturePaste = function() { switch (this.pasteMode) { case FTB_PASTE_DISABLED: return false; case FTB_PASTE_TEXT: if (window.clipboardData) { var text = window.clipboardData.getData('Text'); text = text.replace(/<[^>]*>/gi,''); this.InsertHtml(text); } else { alert("Your browser does not support pasting rich content"); } return false; default: case FTB_PASTE_DEFAULT: try { this.ExecuteCommand('paste'); } catch (e) { alert('Your security settings to not allow you to use this command. Please visit http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html for more information.'); } return true; } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Debug = function(text) { if (this.debug) this.debug.value += text + '\r'; }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.UpdateToolbars = function() { if (this.hasFocus) { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) { if (this.enableToolbars) { for (var i=0; i-1; i--) { var el = ancestors[i]; if (!el) { continue; } var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = "javascript:void();"; a.el = el; a.ftb = this; a.onclick = function() { this.blur(); this.ftb.SelectNodeContents(this.el); this.ftb.UpdateToolbars(); return false; }; a.oncontextmenu = function () { this.ftb.EditElementStyle(this.el); return false; } var txt = el.tagName.toLowerCase(); if (txt == "input") txt = el.type; a.title = el.style.cssText; if (el.id) { txt += "#" + el.id; } if (el.className) { txt += "." + el.className; } a.appendChild(document.createTextNode("<" + txt + ">")); this.ancestorArea.appendChild(a); //if (i != 0) // this.ancestorArea.appendChild(document.createTextNode(String.fromCharCode(0xbb))); } } else { this.ancestorArea.innerHTML = ""; } } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.SetToolbarItemsEnabledState = function() { if (!this.enableToolbars) return; if (this.hasFocus || !this.initialized) { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN ) { for (i=0; i').replace('\t','').replace('\n','')); } else { iframe.document.open(); iframe.document.write("" + "" + ((this.designModeCss != '' && FTB_Browser.isGecko) ? "" : "") + ((this.baseUrl != '') ? "" : "") + "" + "" + this.htmlEditor.value + "" + ""); //iframe.document.write(this.htmlEditor.value); iframe.document.close(); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.CopyDesignToHtml = function() { this.htmlEditor.value = this.designEditor.document.body.innerHTML; // clear out default moz & ie properties if (this.htmlEditor.value == '
' || this.htmlEditor.value == '
\r\n' || // Moz this.htmlEditor.value == '


') { // IE this.htmlEditor.value = ''; } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.GoToHtmlMode = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) this.CopyDesignToHtml(); if (FTB_Browser.isGecko) this.designEditor.document.designMode = 'Off'; this.designEditorArea.style.display = 'none'; this.htmlEditorArea.style.display = ''; this.previewPaneArea.style.display = 'none'; if (this.ancestorArea) this.ancestorArea.innerHTML = ""; this.SetActiveTab(this.htmlModeTab); this.mode = FTB_MODE_HTML; //this.Focus(); return true; }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.GoToDesignMode = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) return false; this.CopyHtmlToIframe(this.designEditor); this.designEditorArea.style.display = ''; this.htmlEditorArea.style.display = 'none'; this.previewPaneArea.style.display = 'none'; // reset for Gecko if (FTB_Browser.isGecko) { this.designEditor.document.designMode = 'On'; this.designEditor.document.execCommand("useCSS", false, true); } if (this.ancestorArea) this.ancestorArea.innerHTML = ""; this.SetActiveTab(this.designModeTab); //this.SetToolbarItemsEnabledState(); this.mode = FTB_MODE_DESIGN; //this.Focus(); return true; }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.GoToPreviewMode = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) this.CopyDesignToHtml(); this.CopyHtmlToIframe(this.previewPane); this.designEditorArea.style.display = 'none'; this.htmlEditorArea.style.display = 'none'; this.previewPaneArea.style.display = ''; this.SetActiveTab(this.previewModeTab); if (this.ancestorArea) this.ancestorArea.innerHTML = ""; this.mode = FTB_MODE_PREVIEW; return true; }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.HtmlEncode = function( text ) { if ( typeof( text ) != "string" ) text = text.toString() ; text = text.replace(/&/g, "&") ; text = text.replace(/"/g, """) ; text = text.replace(//g, ">") ; text = text.replace(/'/g, "’") ; return text ; }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.ExecuteCommand = function(commandName, middle, commandValue) { if (this.mode != FTB_MODE_DESIGN) return; this.designEditor.focus(); if (commandName == 'backcolor' && !FTB_Browser.isIE) commandName = 'hilitecolor'; this.designEditor.document.execCommand(commandName,middle,commandValue); if (this.clientSideTextChanged) this.clientSideTextChanged(this); }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.QueryCommandState = function(commandName) { if (this.mode != FTB_MODE_DESIGN) return false; try { if (this.designEditor.document.queryCommandState(commandName)) { return FTB_BUTTON_ON; } else { // special case for paragraph on IE if (commandName == 'justifyleft') { if (this.designEditor.document.queryCommandState('justifyright') == false && this.designEditor.document.queryCommandState('justifycenter') == false && this.designEditor.document.queryCommandState('justifyfull') == false ) { return FTB_BUTTON_ON; } else { return FTB_BUTTON_OFF; } } else { return FTB_BUTTON_OFF; } } } catch(exp) { return FTB_BUTTON_OFF; } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.QueryCommandValue = function(commandName) { if (this.mode != FTB_MODE_DESIGN) return false; //alert("About to call this.designEditor.document.queryCommandValue(" +commandName+");"); value = this.designEditor.document.queryCommandValue(commandName); switch (commandName) { case "backcolor": if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { value = FTB_IntToHexColor(value); } else { if (value == "") value = "#FFFFFF"; } break; case "forecolor": if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { value = FTB_IntToHexColor(value); } else { if (value == "") value = "#000000"; } break; case "formatBlock": if (!FTB_Browser.isIE) { if (value == "" || value == "") value = "

"; else value = "<" + value + ">"; } break; } if (value == '' || value == null) { if (commandName == 'fontsize') return '3'; if (commandName == 'fontname') return 'Times New Roman'; if (commandName == 'forecolor') return '#000000'; if (commandName == 'backcolor') return '#ffffff'; } return value; }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.SurroundHtml = function(start,end) { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_HTML) return; this.designEditor.focus(); if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { var sel = this.designEditor.document.selection.createRange(); html = start + sel.htmlText + end; sel.pasteHTML(html); } else { selection = this.designEditor.window.getSelection(); if (selection) { range = selection.getRangeAt(0); } else { range = this.designEditor.document.createRange(); } this.InsertHtml(start + selection + end); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.InsertHtml = function(html) { if (this.mode != FTB_MODE_DESIGN) return; this.designEditor.focus(); if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { sel = this.designEditor.document.selection.createRange(); sel.pasteHTML(html); } else { selection = this.designEditor.window.getSelection(); if (selection) { range = selection.getRangeAt(0); } else { range = editor.document.createRange(); } var fragment = this.designEditor.document.createDocumentFragment(); var div = this.designEditor.document.createElement("div"); div.innerHTML = html; while (div.firstChild) { fragment.appendChild(div.firstChild); } selection.removeAllRanges(); range.deleteContents(); var node = range.startContainer; var pos = range.startOffset; switch (node.nodeType) { case 3: if (fragment.nodeType == 3) { node.insertData(pos, fragment.data); range.setEnd(node, pos + fragment.length); range.setStart(node, pos + fragment.length); } else { node = node.splitText(pos); node.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, node); range.setEnd(node, pos + fragment.length); range.setStart(node, pos + fragment.length); } break; case 1: node = node.childNodes[pos]; node.parentNode.insertBefore(fragment, node); range.setEnd(node, pos + fragment.length); range.setStart(node, pos + fragment.length); break; } selection.addRange(range); } }; /* ------------------------------------------------ START: Node and Selection Methods */ FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.CheckTag = function(item,tagName) { if (!item) return null; if (item.tagName.search(tagName)!=-1) { return item; } if (item.tagName=='BODY') { return false; } item=item.parentElement; return this.CheckTag(item,tagName); }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.GetParentElement = function() { var sel = this.GetSelection(); var range = this.CreateRange(sel); if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { switch (sel.type) { case "Text": case "None": return range.parentElement(); case "Control": return range.item(0); default: return this.designEditor.document.body; } } else try { var p = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (!range.collapsed && range.startContainer == range.endContainer && range.startOffset - range.endOffset <= 1 && range.startContainer.hasChildNodes()) p = range.startContainer.childNodes[range.startOffset]; /* alert(range.startContainer + ":" + range.startOffset + "\n" + range.endContainer + ":" + range.endOffset); */ while (p.nodeType == 3) { p = p.parentNode; } return p; } catch (e) { return null; } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.InsertNodeAtSelection = function(toBeInserted) { if (!FTB_Browser.isIE) { var sel = this.GetSelection(); var range = this.CreateRange(sel); // remove the current selection sel.removeAllRanges(); range.deleteContents(); var node = range.startContainer; var pos = range.startOffset; switch (node.nodeType) { case 3: // Node.TEXT_NODE // we have to split it at the caret position. if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 3) { // do optimized insertion node.insertData(pos, toBeInserted.data); range = this._createRange(); range.setEnd(node, pos + toBeInserted.length); range.setStart(node, pos + toBeInserted.length); sel.addRange(range); } else { node = node.splitText(pos); var selnode = toBeInserted; if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 11 /* Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) { selnode = selnode.firstChild; } node.parentNode.insertBefore(toBeInserted, node); this.SelectNodeContents(selnode); } break; case 1: // Node.ELEMENT_NODE var selnode = toBeInserted; if (toBeInserted.nodeType == 11 /* Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE */) { selnode = selnode.firstChild; } node.insertBefore(toBeInserted, node.childNodes[pos]); this.SelectNodeContents(selnode); break; } } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.SelectNodeContents = function(node, pos) { var range; var collapsed = (typeof pos != "undefined"); if (isIE) { range = this.designEditor.document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(node); (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos); range.select(); } else { var sel = this.GetSelection(); range = this.designEditor.document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(node); (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.SelectNextNode = function(el) { var node = el.nextSibling; while (node && node.nodeType != 1) { node = node.nextSibling; } if (!node) { node = el.previousSibling; while (node && node.nodeType != 1) { node = node.previousSibling; } } if (!node) { node = el.parentNode; } this.SelectNodeContents(node); }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.GetSelection = function() { if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { return this.designEditor.document.selection; } else { return this.designEditor.getSelection(); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.CreateRange = function(sel) { if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { return sel.createRange(); } else { if (typeof sel != "undefined") { try { return sel.getRangeAt(0); } catch(e) { return this.designEditor.document.createRange(); } } else { return this.designEditor.document.createRange(); } } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.SelectNodeContents = function(node, pos) { var range; var collapsed = (typeof pos != "undefined"); if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { range = this.designEditor.document.body.createTextRange(); range.moveToElementText(node); (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos); range.select(); } else { var sel = this.GetSelection(); range = this.designEditor.document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(node); (collapsed) && range.collapse(pos); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.GetNearest = function(tagName) { var ancestors = this.GetAllAncestors(); var ret = null; tagName = ("" + tagName).toLowerCase(); for (var i=0;i", ""); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.GetHtml = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) this.CopyDesignToHtml(); return this.htmlEditor.value; }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.SetHtml = function(html) { this.htmlEditor.value = html; this.mode = FTB_MODE_HTML; this.GoToDesignMode(); }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.StoreHtml = function() { if (!this.initialized) return; if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) this.CopyDesignToHtml(); return true; }; /* START: Button Methods -------------------------------- */ FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.DeleteContents = function() { if (confirm('Do you want to delete all the HTML and text presently in the editor?')) { this.designEditor.document.body.innerHTML = ''; this.htmlEditor.value=''; this.GoToDesignMode(); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Cut = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) { try { this.ExecuteCommand('cut'); } catch (e) { alert('Your security settings to not allow you to use this command. Please visit http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html for more information.'); } } else { //alert("TODO"); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Copy = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) { try { this.ExecuteCommand('copy'); } catch (e) { alert('Your security settings to not allow you to use this command. Please visit http://www.mozilla.org/editor/midasdemo/securityprefs.html for more information.'); } } else { //alert("TODO"); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Paste = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) this.CapturePaste(); } FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.SelectAll = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) { this.SelectNodeContents(this.designEditor.document.body); } }; FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Print = function() { if (this.mode == FTB_MODE_DESIGN) { if (FTB_Browser.isIE) { this.ExecuteCommand('print'); } else { this.designEditor.print(); } } else { printWindow = window.open('','',''); printWindow.document.open(); printWindow.document.write("

" + this.HtmlEncode(this.htmlEditor.value) + "");
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.CreateLink = function() {
	if (FTB_Browser.isIE) {
	} else {
		//need to pull
		var link = this.GetNearest('a');
		var url = prompt('Enter a URL:', (link) ? link.href : 'http://');
		if ((url != null) && (url != '')) 
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.IeSpellCheck = function() {
	if (!FTB_Browser.isIE) {
		alert('IE Spell is not supported in Mozilla');
	try {
		var tspell = new ActiveXObject('ieSpell.ieSpellExtension');
	} catch (err){
		if (window.confirm('You need ieSpell to use spell check. Would you like to install it?')){
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.NetSpell = function() {
	if (typeof(checkSpellingById) == 'function') {
		checkSpellingById(this.id + '_designEditor');
	} else {
		alert('Netspell libraries not properly linked.');
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.InsertImage = function() {
	if (FTB_Browser.isIE) {
	} else {
		var img = this.GetNearest('img');
		var imgSrc = prompt('Enter an image URL:', (img) ? img.src : 'http://');
		if ((imgSrc != null) && (imgSrc != '')) 
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.SaveButton = function() {
	dotNetName = this.id.split('_').join(':');
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.InsertImageFromGallery = function() {
	url = this.imageGalleryUrl.replace(/\{0\}/g,this.imageGalleryPath);	
	url += "&ftb=" + this.id;

	var gallery = window.open(url,'gallery','width=700,height=600,toolbars=0,resizable=1');
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.Preview = function() {

	printWindow = window.open('','','toolbars=no');
	printWindow.document.write("" + ((this.baseUrl != '') ? "" : "") + "" + this.htmlEditor.value + "");
/* START: InsertTable */
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.InsertTable = function(cols,rows,width,widthUnit,align,cellpadding,cellspacing,border) {
	var sel = this.GetSelection();
	var range = this.CreateRange(sel);	
	var doc = this.designEditor.document;
	// create the table element
	var table = doc.createElement("table");	

	// assign the given arguments
	table.style.width 	= width + widthUnit;
	table.align	 		= align;
	table.border	 	= border;
	table.cellSpacing 	= cellspacing;
	table.cellPadding 	= cellpadding;
	var tbody = doc.createElement("tbody");
	for (var i = 0; i < rows; ++i) {
		var tr = doc.createElement("tr");
		for (var j = 0; j < cols; ++j) {
			var td = doc.createElement("td");
			if (!FTB_Browser.isIE) td.appendChild(doc.createElement("br"));
	if (FTB_Browser.isIE) {
	} else {
	return true;
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.InsertTableWindow = function() {
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.EditTable = function() {
FTB_FreeTextBox.prototype.LaunchTableWindow = function(editing) {
	var tableWin = window.open("","tableWin","width=400,height=200");
	if (tableWin) {
	} else {
		alert("Please turn off your PopUp blocking software");
	tableWin.document.body.innerHTML = '';
	launchParameters = new Object();
	launchParameters['ftb'] = this;
	launchParameters['table'] = (editing) ? this.GetNearest("table") : null;	
	tableWin.launchParameters = launchParameters;
var FTB_TablePopUpHtml = new String("\
Table Editor\

Table Editor

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \
\ Layout \ \ \
Alignment:\ \
Border thickness:\ \
\ Spacing \ \ \
Cell spacing:\ \
Cell padding:\ \
\ \
\ \ "); /* END: InsertTable */ /* -------------------------------- END: Button Methods */