1. About this manual

This is a Wiki, a set of documents written by the OpenWrt developers and community. Nearly every page on this site can be edited, you just need to create an account.

Please read the manual. If you have any questions about anything in the manual, post a message in the forums or on the Mailing Lists

1.1. The OpenWrt manual

About OpenWrt

1.1.1. Installation and Usage

Installing OpenWrt

Using OpenWrt the first time

Troubleshooting OpenWrt

OpenWrt Addon Packages

1.1.2. WhiteRussian RC5 (Stable) Configuration

OpenWrt WhiteRussian Configuration

1.1.3. Kamikaze (Experimental) Configuration

OpenWrt Kamikaze Configuration

2. Appendix: FAQ


3. Appendix: Additional documentation

Deinstalling OpenWrt

OpenWrt Customization

Hardware Information

Understanding Network Interfaces

OpenWrtDocs (last edited 2006-10-17 23:44:00 by mbm)

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