Architecture Characteristics

Level 0: No Architecture

Level 1: Initial

Level 2 Under Development

Level 3: Defined

Level 4: Managed

Level 5: Optimizing

8. Governance

None. Everyone does their own thing.

No explicit governance of architectural standards. Limited agreement with governance structure.

Governance of a few architectural standards (e. g. desktops, database management systems) and some adherence to existing Standards Profile. Variances maygo undetectedin the design andimplementationphases. Variousdegrees ofunderstanding ofthe proposedgovernancestructure.

Explicit documented governance of majority IT investments. Formal processes for managing variances. Senior management team issupportive ofenterprise-widearchitecturestandards andsubsequentrequiredcompliance.

Explicit governance of all IT investments. Formal processes for managing variances feed back into IT Architecture. Senior-managementteam takesownership ofenterprise-widearchitecturestandards andgovernancestructure.

Explicit governance of all IT investments. A standards and waivers process is used to improve architecture development and governance - processimprovements.