HTML tag APPLET Attribute Test


This test case tests the <APPLET> tag with its optional ALIGN attribute. It allows the java applet to be horizontally aligned with the surrounding text using the nonstandard java applet alignments LEFT|RIGHT or to be vertically aligned with the surrounding text using the standard java applet alignments TOP|MIDDLE|BOTTOM or using Netscape's java applet alignments TEXTTOP|ABSMIDDLE|BASELINE|ABSBOTTOM.

Test Instructions:

  1. Verify that the sample java applet displays as stated in each of the following test cases:
  2. Verify that the java applet is maintained when you minimize/maximize the screen.
  3. Verify that the java applet is maintained when you re-size left & right the screen.
  4. Verify that the java applet is maintained when you re-size top & bottom the screen.
  5. Verify re-draw takes place correctly after maximizing the screen.
  6. Verify reload works.

Horizontally Aligned "Left" and "Right" Java Applet with Surrounding Text

Java Applet with the alignment values "left" or "right" are floating java applet types. An ALIGN=left java applet will float down and over to the left margin (into the next available space there) and subsequent text will wrap around the right hand side of that java applet. This text should be alongside a java applet on the left margin.

Likewise for ALIGN=right, the java applet aligns with the right margin and the text wraps around the left margin. All of this text should be wrapping around the side of the java applet aligned against the right margin of the page. If the java applet is not on the right margin, and this text is not wrapped around the left side, then ALIGN=right is broken.

What happens is that, while text is flowing around an java applet, the left (or right) margin of the page is temporarily redefined to be adjacent to the java applet as opposed to the edge of the page. This means that subsequent java applet with the same alignment will stack up against each other.

The following shows staggered "left" aligned java applet:

When the text flows beyond the bottom of the java applet, the margin returns to it former position, typically at the edge of the browser window.

Vertically Aligned Java Applet with Surrounding Text

ALIGN=TOP, the java applet aligns with the Tallest item in the line.

ALIGN=TEXTTOP (similar to ALIGN=TOP), the java applet aligns with the Tallest text in the line.

ALIGN=MIDDLE, the middle of the java applet aligns with the of the middle of the text.

ALIGN=ABSMIDDLE, the middle of the java applet aligns with the of the middle of the Largest item in the line.

ALIGN=BOTTOM, the bottom of the java applet aligns with the of the bottom of the text.

ALIGN=BASELINE (same as ALIGN=BOTTOM), the bottom of the java applet bottom aligns with the of the baseline of the text.

ALIGN=ABSBOTTOM, the bottom of the java applet aligns with the of the lowest item in the line.

Created 04/16/99 by Bindu Sharma

Netscape Confidential

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