top stories for sprint 3

UC-1-14 m-c nightly builds
UC-13-1 Open Firefox from its app tile without a white flash
UC-14-1 Find the first instance of text in a page
UC-14-2 Find previous and next instance of text in a page
UC-2-2 Link handling and app bar visibility
UC-2-4 Put Firefox into snapped view
UC-3-2 Use the navigation app bar in snapped view
UC-3-6 See a Navigation Progress Indicator
UC-3-12 Secure site indicators
UC-3-14 Text selection in navigation app bar (touch)
UC-3-15 Text selection in navigation app bar (mouse or trackpad)
UC-4-1 enjoy interacting with tiles (AKA Implement an awesome tile widget and tile groups)
UC-4-3 Hide and delete tiles in Bookmarks and History tile groups
UC-4-4 Pin, unpin, hide, and restore a Top Site
UC-4-5 Use Awesome screen in snapped view
UC-4-6 Use the Awesome screen Top Sites tile group
UC-4-7 Use the Awesome screen Bookmarks tile group
UC-6-6 Activate the find in page app bar
UC-7-1 Initiate a file download and display the downloads app bar
UC-7-2 Monitor download progress
UC-7-4 Open downloaded file from downloads app bar
UC-8-1 Firefox's entry points in the Settings pane
UC-8-2 Access the About Flyout
UC-8-4 Access the Options Flyout
UC-8-6 Clear my Metro Firefox History
UC-9-1 Touch scrolling and panning
UC-9-3 Pinch Zooming
UC-9-5 Undo Zoom
UC-9-6 Touch text selection in content
UC-9-7 Content Multi-touch
UC-9-8 Touch friendly forms
UC-9-11 Login form filling
UC-9-12 fluff out click targets for touch and restore for pointer
UC-9-24 Metro-style content alerts and prompts
UC-9-26 Mouse friendly forms


m-c nightly builds


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: browser user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Mozilla contributor running Windows 8, I test the latest mozilla-central builds so that I can report bugs. I acquire a mozilla-central Metro Firefox build from and that build will put me on the nightly channel with regular nightly updates.
The user has a Windows 8 device and an Internet connection.
Success Guarantee: had all of its dependencies resolved and Mozilla had an m-c nightly channel pushing a MSEDB.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Mozilla contributor running Windows 8 visits and taps the Windows nightly build download button which provides the contributor with a Metro Style Enabled Desktop Browser.
Bug 747347 - (elm-merge) [Tracking] Migrate elm work over to mc and integrate win8 metro into fx desktop build/install [metro-mvp][LOE:-][metro-it2]
Related Documents and URLs:


Open Firefox from its app tile


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Firefox user, I open Metro Firefox from a beautiful app tile on the Windows Start screen or anywhere else an app tile is presented in the Metro shell.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
A Firefox app tile was visible on the Windows Start screen and Windows All Apps screen. Also, was fixed :)
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 0
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user taps the Windows key to visit the Start screen
  2. The user sees a beautiful square app tile for Metro Firefox featuring a Firefox icon and the text "Firefox".
  3. The user taps or clicks the Metro Firefox app tile and sees a beautiful Firefox splash screen, and then the Firefox browser appears (and there is no flash of white between splash and Firefox UI.)
1.a The user also finds a smaller Firefox app tile in the Windows All Apps screen and in the Search panel if Apps is selected.
Are Metro Style Enabled Desktop Browsers allowed to have a live tile? "Adding a splash screen (Windows Store apps using JavaScript and HTML)"
Related Documents and URLs:


Find the first instance of text in a page


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I locate the first instance of some text on a page by typing my term into the text box in the find in page app bar.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The first instance of the user's typed term was highlighted in the web page.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 0
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user loads a web page, swipes in the app bars, and taps the Find button in the context app bar.
  2. The app bars roll up and are replaced by the find app bar at the top of the screen and the soft keyboard at the bottom of the screen.
  3. The user types in some text and the first instance of that text is highlighted in the web page, scrolling the page if necessary so that the highlighted term is visible to the  user.
  4. The user taps the content area and the find app bar and the soft keyboard are both dismissed.
*.a If the term is not in the web page, the user is notified
  1. The Metro Firefox user loads a web page, swipes in the app bars, and taps the Find button in the context app bar.
  2. The app bars roll up and are replaced by the find app bar at the top of the screen and the soft keyboard at the bottom of the screen.
  3. The user types in some text which doesn't match anything on the page.
  4. The text box in the find app bar turns red and a Windows error sound is triggered.
The fiind app bar needs to be moved to the top of the screen so it's not obscured by the on screen keyboard.
Bug 801016 - [tracking] Find-in-Page [metro-mvp][LOE:-]
Bug 774842 - Implement new theme for the Find bar [metro-mvp][LOE:1][metro-it2][completed-elm]
Bug 771255 - Metro Appbar invocation should dismiss find in page popup, and vice versa [completed-elm] Guidelines and checklist for find-in-page (Windows Store apps)
Related Documents and URLs:


Find previous and next instance of text in a page


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I navigate between different instances of a term found in a page by tapping the next and previous buttons in the find app bar
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The first instance of the term was highlighted. The next instance of the term on the page was highlighted. The original instance of the term was highlighted.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 0
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Firefox user loads in Metro Firefox.
  2. The user swipes in the app bars and in the context app bar she taps the Find button.
  3. App bars are rolled up, and the find app bar and the soft keyboard slides in.
  4. The user types in the word "easy" and the first instance of the term is highlighted in the page.
  5. The user taps the next button and the next instance of the term is highlighted.
  6. The user taps the previous button and the original instance is once again highlighted.
6.a When the user hits the end of the page or the beginning of the page, Firefox automatically wraps to find the next instance of that term in the next or previous directions.
Bug 801021 - implement next/previous actions for find-in-page [metro-mvp]
Related Documents and URLs:


Link handling and app bar visibility


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I have a consistent experience with app bars opening and closing when opening links and tabs in Firefox.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
When a web page was loaded and interacted with, all app bars were hidden.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 0
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Metro Firefox user launches Metro Firefox or opens a new browser tab in which the navigation app bar and Awesome screen are displayed (No tabs app bar is showing)
  2. The user loads a web page, the Awesome screen or auto-complete screen are replaced by the web page and the navigation app bar remains visible.
  3. The Metro Firefox user taps the content area or hits the Esc key and the navigation app bar rolls up leaving the user with a full screen view of the web page.
1.a A Metro Firefox user launches Metro Firefox and loads a web page with the tabs app bar showing
  1. The user swipes in the app bars (tabs app bar, navigation app bar, and context app bar.)
  2. The user loads a web page and the Awesome screen or auto-complete screen is replaces by the loading web page.
  3. After 2 seconds the tabs app bar rolls up so the user sees only the loaded web page and the navigation app bar.
  4. The Metro Firefox user taps the content area or hits the Esc key and the navigation app bar rolls up leaving the user with a full screen view of the web page.
1.b A Metro Firefox user clicks on a link from outside of Metro Firefox (for example, from another Metro app or the Metro shell.)
  1. The user swipes in the Windows charms bar and taps the search charm bringing in the search sidebar.
  2. The user types into the search box, selects Apps from the filter list, and selects Firefox from the resulting apps list.
  3. Metro Firefox is brought into view if it wasn't already.
  4. The tabs app bar and navigation app bar slide in showing the newly created tabs app bar tile and in the navigation app bar, and the page loads
  5. After 2 seconds the tabs app bar rolls up so the user sees only the loaded web page and the navigation app bar.
  6. The Metro Firefox user taps the content area or hits the Esc key and the navigation app bar rolls up leaving the user with a full screen view of the web page.
1.c A Metro Firefox user opens a link in a new Firefox tab.
  1. The user is browsing a page in full screen view and with a long press on a link in the page the user brings up the context menu and selects Open in new tab.
  2. The tabs app bar and navigation app bar slide in showing the newly created tabs app bar tile and the link's URL in the navigation app bar, and the page loads
  3. After 2 seconds the tabs app bar rolls up so the user sees only the loaded web page and the navigation app bar.
  4. The Metro Firefox user taps the content area or hits the Esc key and the navigation app bar rolls up leaving the user with a full screen view of the web page.
I think we need to discuss this more with user experience but this feels close to right.
Related Documents and URLs:


Put Firefox into snapped view


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I have a snapped view so that I can use Metro Firefox while some other app is the main focus of my attention. In snapped view, I have a navigation app bar, but without the clutter of other app bars. I can put Firefox into snapped view using the Windows standard gesture.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
Browser operation and display were optimized for the available real estate with the context app bar and tabs app bar hidden and the Awesome screen and auto-complete screen re-configured, and the navigation app bar was still functional.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 3
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Metro Firefox user launches Metro Firefox and the Store app.
  2. With the Store app in full screen view, the user swipes in from the left edge to bring Metro Firefox into snapped view.
  3. In snapped view, the user will find the tab strip and the app bar hidden and the Awesome screen changes to its snapped view configuration. (see and for mocks of the snapped view configurations.)
*.a Fill view and snapped view are not available in portrait view..
  1. If in fill view when switched to portrait view, Metro Firefox will switch to full screen view.
  2. If in snapped view when switched to portrait view, Metro Firefox is hidden.
Related Documents and URLs:


Use the navigation app bar in snapped view


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user in snapped view, I retrieve the navigation app bar using the Windows standard gesture.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3). The browser is running in the default landscape view and full screen view.
Success Guarantee:
The navigation app bar in snapped view behaved the same as in fill view or full screen view except that it was sized to fit the snapped view
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 3
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Metro Firefox user puts Metro Firefox into snapped view.
  2. The user swipes or context-clicks to bring up the navigation app bar.
  3. The user dows not see any additional app bars slide in.
  4. Swipe or use other standard windows interactions to hide the navigation app bar.
  5. With the navigation app bar, visible, make sure typing in a new address and loading a page works as expected.
Bug 801000 - implement desired snapped view [metro-mvp] [LOE:3][metro-it3]
Related Documents and URLs:


See a Navigation Progress Indicator


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I see a thin progress indicator at the bottom of the navigation app bar that communicates the progress of a loading page so that I know it's actually loading.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The user watched a progress indicator as it described the site loading progress and when the page was loaded, the progress indicator disappeared.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 1
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user launches Metro Firefox and sees the Awesome screen.
  2. The user taps or clicks a tile in the Awesome screen.
  3. The Awesome screen is replaced by the loading website content and the navigation app bar has a three pixel tall orange navigation progress indicator along its bottom edge and moving from left to right
  4. When the page finishes loading, the navigation app bar disappears.
Related Documents and URLs:


Secure site indicators


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I quickly identify if a site is not secure, secured with SSL, or EV secure so that I can feel confident when I'm engaging in sensitive transactions.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
Secure, EV, and insecure sites each displayed distinct security indicators in the navigation app bar.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Metro Firefox user visits and sees an SSL indicator in the navigation app bar identifying the site as securely connected
  2. A Metro Firefox user visits and sees an EV SSL indicator with the name of the organization that runs the site in the navigation app bar identifying the site as securely connected.
  3. A Metro Firefox user visits and sees no SSL indication in the navigation app bar.
*.a Testing should cover back and forward between several different secure, EV, and insecure sites to make sure that the indicators turn on and off appropriately.
Needs visual design and assets.
Related Documents and URLs:


Text selection in navigation app bar (touch)


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I select text in the navigation app bar using my finger.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The desired text was selected.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Metro Firefox user loads and ensures the navigation app bar is showing.
  2. A metro Firefox user taps in the addressing text field of the navigation app bar and the cursor with gripper is inserted at the point of the tap if the tap was within the text of the address, or after the last character of the address text if the tap was somewhere in the whitespace to the right of the address.
  3. The user drags the gripper to the right or the left to select the text from the insertion point to the end of the drag.
  4. The selection persists until the user hides the navigation app bar or a the address changes.
Bug 788000 - Implement selection for chrome content [metro-mvp] [LOE:2]
Bug 791914 - Support keyboard, mouse, and touch selection in nav bar [metro-mvp][LOE:2]
Related Documents and URLs:


Text selection in navigation app bar (mouse or trackpad)


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I select text in the navigation app bar using my mouse or trackpad
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The desired text was selected.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Metro Firefox user loads and ensures the navigation app bar is showing.
  2. Using her mouse or trackpad the user moves the pointer over the addressing field in the navigation app bar.
  3. The user left clicks once with the left mouse button and the entire address is selected.
3.a The user left clicks and drags the cursor and the characters from the initial click insertion point up to the end of the drag are selected.
Bug 791914 - Support keyboard, mouse, and touch selection in nav bar [metro-mvp][LOE:2]
Related Documents and URLs:


enjoy interacting with tiles (AKA Implement an awesome tile widget and tile groups)


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I enjoy tapping and touching and selecting and dragging Firefox tiles. I enjoy it because the tiles respond to my fingers just like Windows native tiles. They're just so much fun to tap and touch.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3). The browser is running in the default landscape view and full screen view.
Success Guarantee:
The tiles responded to user touch inputs like native Windows tiles.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user opens Metro Firefox or opens a new tab to the Awesome screen.
  2. The user taps and presses and swipe selects and drag re-orders a tile and it behaves just like Windows native tiles.
Notes: Guidelines for visual feedback (Windows Store apps) Guidelines for targeting (Windows Store apps) Guidelines for cross-slide (Windows Store apps) Guidelines and checklist for tiles and badges (Windows Store apps) Quickstart: Creating a default tile using the Microsoft Visual Studio manifest editor (Windows Store apps) Tile and toast image sizes (Windows Store apps)
All of the github projects and similar that claim to have built nice HTML versions are woefully inadequate.
I'm working on this spec. I'm hoping Shorlander and Yuan can help here.


Hide and delete tiles in Bookmarks and History tile groups


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I hide certain tiles from my Awesome screen so that people can't easily look over my shoulder and see that I visit those particular sites. I completely delete other tiles so that they're removed from my Metro Firefox profile.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
Tiles un-pinned from the Awesome screen were no longer visible and tiles deleted from the Awesome screen were removed from the places database.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Metro Firefox user short swipes down to select a tile and raise the context app bar
  2. From the context app bar, the user selects Hide or Delete (see for a mock-up.)
  3. For Hide, the tile  disappears from the Awesome screen but the site remains in the browser's history and bookmarks database.
  4. For Delete, the tile is removed from the Awesome screen and is also be removed from the browser's history and database.
*.a The Metro Firefox user may select several tabs. (We can spin this off as a follow-up if we want to. Also, if we don't want to deal with this, the second selected tile can simply replace the first in an "only one at a time" approach like the Windows All Apps screen does.)
  1. The user selects a History tile, raising the context app bar and then proceeds to select several more tiles.
  2. The user taps hide or delete and the action applies to each of the selected tiles.
I accomplish this with a short swipe down on any Awesome screen tile. That gives me a context app bar with "Unpin" and "Delete" options. Unpin will leave the item in my browser's bookmarks and history database but hide it from highly visible locations like the Awesome screen and the auto-complete screen.  Delete will completely remove the address from my bookmarks and/or history.
Related Documents and URLs:


Pin, unpin, hide, and restore a Top Site


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I pin, unpin, hide, and restore sites from the auto-generated Top Sites thumbnail tile group on the Metro Firefox Awesome screen so that I can ensure a site stays in that auto-generated list or that a site is prevented from showing up in that list.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3). The browser is running in the default landscape view and full screen view.
Success Guarantee:
The thumbnail tile was pinned, unpinned, removed, and restored.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 3
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user opens a new tab to display the Awesome screen.
  2. The user selects a tab from the Top Sites tile group by making a short swipe down on the tile.
  3. The tab is selected and the context app bar appears with several options for interacting with that tab including "Pin" and "Remove".
  4. The user taps the Pin button in the context app bar and the tile visually reflects it's pinned state.
  5. The user selects the tile again and this time the user taps "Unpin" in the context app bar
  6. The thumbnail tile no longer has the pinned visual style.
*.a The Metro Firefox user hides and restores a site from the Top Sites list
  1. The Metro Firefox user opens a new tab to display the Awesome screen.
  2. The user selects a tab from the Top Sites tile group by making a short drag down.
  3. The tab is selected and the context app bar appears with several options for interacting with the tab.
  4. The user taps the "hide" button in the context app bar and the tile disappears.
  5. The context app bar remains visible but the hide button is replaced with a restore button.
  6. The user taps "Restore" in the context app bar and the tile re-appears.
2.a The Metro Firefox user may select several tabs. (We can spin this off as a follow-up if we want to. Also, if we don't want to deal with this, the second selected tile can simply replace the first in an "only one at a time" approach like the Windows All Apps screen does.)
  1. The user selects a tile Top Sites tile group, raising the context app bar and then proceeds to select several more tiles.
  2. The user taps any of pin, unpin, or hide and the action applies to each of the selected tiles.
Bug 808770 - Ability to pin pages to the "top sites" section on the Metro start page [metro-mvp][metro-it3][LOE:2]
Related Documents and URLs:


Use Awesome screen in snapped view


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I see the Awesome screen adapt to the snapped view constraints by hiding unnecessary app bars and organizing Awesome screen tiles vertically.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The Top Sites tile group had its thumbnail tiles transformed into normal tiles and the Bookmarks tile group and the History tile group were relocated to underneath the Top Sites tile group.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 3
Main Success Scenario:
  1. A Metro Firefox user launches Metro Firefox to the Awesome screen and swipes in the app bars.
  2. Using the Windows standard gesture, the user puts Firefox into snapped view.
  3. The user sees the app bars disappear, the Top Sites tile group's thumbnail tiles turn into standard tiles, and Bookmarks tile group and History tile group are moved from their location to the right of the Top Sites tile group to the location underneath it.
  4. Using the Windows standard gesture, the user puts Firefox into fill view and full screen view.
  5. The user sees the app bars return and the Awesome screen re-configured with the Bookmarks tile group and the History tile group to the right of the Top Sites tile group.
Notes: mock-up.
Related Documents and URLs:


Use the Awesome screen Top Sites tile group


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I quickly visually locate and launch the sites I most often visit so that I don't have to dig through long lists of history or bookmarks tiles. I accomplish that by interacting with the Top Sites tile group on the Awesome screen which lists my top 9 most frecently visited sites in a three by three grid of site thumbnail tiles.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The Awesome screen contained up to 8 thumbnail tiles to the user's most frecently visited places.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user launches Metro Firefox.
  2. The Metro Firefox Awesome screen appears and include a Top Sites thumbnail tile group with up to 9 thumbnail tiles for the user's most frecently visited sites.
  3. The user taps or clicks a thumbnail tile and the page loads up in the current browser tab.
*.a If the Metro Firefox user has put Metro Firefox into snapped view, the Top Sites thumbnail tiles are transformed into standard tiles.
2.a If the user has fewer than 9 sites in her history, she will see "blank" thumbnail tiles.
  1. A new Metro Firefox user opens Firefox for the first time.
  2. She sees blank thumbnail tiles for all 9 of the spaces reserved for the Top Sites tile group.
Related Documents and URLs:


Use the Awesome screen Bookmarks tile group


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I quickly launch sites that I've bookmarked for visiting later. I accomplish this by interacting with the Bookmarks tile group in the Awesome screen which shows me two columns of 6 tiles.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The Awesome screen contained a Bookmarks tile group with up to eleven standard tiles for sites the user had bookmarked.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user launches Firefox
  2. The Metro Firefox Awesome screen appears and, to the right of the Top Sites tile group, display the Bookmarks tile group with up to 12 tiles for the user's most recently bookmarked sites.
  3. The user taps or clicks a Bookmarks tile and the page loads up in the current browser tab.
*.a See Awesome screen in snapped view (UC-4-5) for the re-organization of Bookmarks tiles in snapped view.
Related Documents and URLs:


Activate the find in page app bar


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I find and navigate between instances of terms on a web page, by using the Find app bar by swiping in the context app bar, and clicking the Find in Page button, so that I can locate a term or phrase without having to read the entire document.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The find in page app bar was displayed at the top of the screen.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user loads a web page that contains some text she wants to locate.
  2. The user swipes in the app bars and presses the Find button.
  3. The tabs app bar, navigation app bar, and context app bar all roll up and are replaced by a find in page app bar which sits at the top of the screen and the soft keyboard that sits at the bottom of the screen.
This needs to move to the top of the screen.
Related Documents and URLs:


Initiate a file download and display the downloads app bar


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I initiate the download of files by tapping on a link with a file type that's downloadable, resulting in the downloads app bar appearing where I select save or cancel.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The downloads app bar appeared and each of the Save and Cancel buttons functioned. The app bar was "sticky" so that it didn't disappear if a user interacted with content.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits and taps on the download Firefox button
  2. The downloads app bar appears (developer note: set the app bar's dismissal mode to sticky) with the name of the file, the size of the file, and the publisher as well as two buttons for "Save" and "Cancel".
  3. The user taps Save to initiate the download or Cancel to abandon the download.
  4. Cancel or a swipe gesture dismisses the downloads app bar. Save does not dismiss the app bar.
Bug 801136 - [tracking] Downloads feature [metro-mvp][LOE:-]
Downloading is a rare occasion and one that shouldn't interrupt the user dramatically. The downloads app bar is designed to be there when you need it and not when you don't.
Related Documents and URLs:


Monitor download progress


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I observe the progress of a download in percentage and time increments by looking at the download app bar.  If I decide I do not want to monitor the progress download, I click the "Close" button on the downloads app bar or do an app bar swipe gesture and the app bar will disappear until the download completes when it will re-appear.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The downloads app bar showed download progress, and was restored at download completion if the user closed it during download progress.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits and taps on the download Firefox button
  2. The downloads app bar appears with the name of the file, the size of the file, and the publisher as well as two buttons for "Save" and "Cancel".
  3. The user taps Save to initiate the download and the downloads app bar shows the download progress indicator and the time remaining countdown along with buttons for "Cancel" and "Close" appear.
  4. The download completes and the progress and time remaining indicators are replaces with the the file name and "download has completed" and the "Open" and "Close" buttons.
  5. Tapping either button closes the downloads app bar.
*.a Active downloads block Windows Suspend from suspending Metro Firefox
3.a The user hides the downloads app bar so it is not in the way during longer downloads.
  1. The Metro Firefox user watches the download progress and decides she doesn't want to stare at that toolbar for the next 10 minutes so she taps the "Close" button or swipes the app bar away.
  2. The downloads app bar rolls up until the download is complete when it slides back in showing  the file name and "download has completed" and the "Open" and "Close" buttons.
Bug 801139 - show in progress downloads [metro-mvp][LOE:2][metro-it2][ux-wanted]
Related Documents and URLs:


Open downloaded file from downloads app bar


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I open downloaded files by clicking the "Open" button in the downloads app bar after download completes. If I do not want to open the file, I click the "Close" button on the downloads app bar.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The file was opened.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits and taps on the download Firefox button
  2. The downloads app bar appears with the name of the file, the size of the file, and the publisher as well as three buttons for "Save" and "Cancel".
  3. The user taps Save to initiate the download and the downloads app bar shows the download progress indicator and the time remaining countdown along with buttons for "Cancel" and "Close" appear.
  4. The download completes and the progress and time remaining indicators are replaced with the file name and "download has completed" and the "Open" and "Close" buttons.
  5. The Metro Firefox user taps the Open button and the Firefox installer executable is launched in the Windows desktop.
5.a For file types other than Windows executables, the file will open in a Windows Metro app or offer the user an app picker
  1. The Metro Firefox user taps the Open button and is presented with a Metro app picker.
Bug 801142 - implement 'open files in local apps' for Download Manager [metro-mvp][LOE:1][completed-elm][metro-it2]
Bug 801138 - Show downloaded files [metro-mvp][LOE:1][completed-elm][metro-it1]
Related Documents and URLs:


Firefox's entry points in the Settings pane


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I access Firefox's Options Flyout, Firefox's About Flyout, and Firefox's Help web site from the Windows Settings pane.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The Settings pane has entry points for the Options Flyout, the About Flyout, and the Help web site.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user opens Firefox and swipes in the Windows charms bar.
  2. The user taps the Settings charm to bring in the Settings pane and sees Options, About, and Help entry points.
  3. The user taps on each of Options, About and Help and they all open their respective interfaces.
Bug 802741 - Settings charm: Add top-level entries for "About Firefox" and "Help" [metro-mvp][LOE:1][metro-it2][completed-elm]
This looks good in 2013-01-14 elm nightly except for a few small changes.
 * Ordering. Right now it's About, Preferences, Help. It should be Preferences, About, Help.
 * Help should be "Help (online)"
 * "Preferences" should be "Options" if we're consistent with desktop
Related Documents and URLs:


Access the About Flyout


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I access basic information about Firefox, the product name, the channel, the version number, and an update checking mechanism, from the About flyout opened from Windows Settings pane.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The About Firefox Flyout appeared and showed the basic about information, including the update checking system.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user launches Firefox and swipes in the Windows charms bar.
  2. The user taps the Settings charm and in the resulting Settings pane, taps the About entry point.
  3. An About Firefox Flyout replaces the Settings pane, displaying the product name, channel, version, and an update checking mechanism.
  4. The user taps the content area of the browser or the back button at the top of the About Firefox Flyout to dismiss the Flyout.
Bug 807691 - Replace "About Firefox" page with a Metro-style sidebar UI  [metro-mvp][LOE:1][metro-it2]
We can go one of two ways here.  What we need is the content from the desktop Firefox About window. Product is OK with a Metro-ified version of that content being loaded in a Metro Firefox tab OR that content being loaded into a Flyout.  We should do which ever is easier for V1 and do the Flyout for v2 if that's not our v1 easy path.
It was suggested in our meeting on 1/14 that we could just let the automatic updater do its magic and not bother with building update checking into the About Flyout. If it's a substantial effort to pull that hunk of desktop machinery into our Flyout (or tab if we go that rout)?
The Flyout:
 * The Flyout should full screen height, regardless of orientation, and should be one of two specific widths, narrow (346 pixels) or wide (646 pixels).
 * The Flyout header should include a back button, the name of the entry point that opened the Flyout, and the app’s icon.
 * The header background color and border color should reflect the app color (same as the background color of your tile.
 * The border color should be the same color, but 20% darker.
 * Display settings contents on a white background.
 * We're emulating the native JS apps SettingsFlyout control
Related Documents and URLs:


Access the Options Flyout


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I open the Firefox Options Flyout from the Settings pane.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The Firefox Options Flyout was displayed
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 0
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user running Firefox swipes in the Windows charms bar and taps the Settings charm to open the Settings pane.
  2. The user taps the Firefox Options link at the top of the Settings pane and the Firefox Options Flyout opens.
Bug 740848 - Support the Windows 8 Metro settings contract [completed-elm] [metro-mvp]
Bug 797018 - [Metro] Styling for preference panel section headings [metro-mvp][LOE:1][completed-elm]
This one can go one of two ways. We can go with a screen or a Flyout. Right now we've got a screen but a Flyout would be more appropriate for Options than a screen
Related Documents and URLs:


Clear my Metro Firefox History


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I clear my Firefox history that I can "cover my tracks" without completely resetting the browser. I accomplish this by clicking the "clear my browser history" item in the Options Flyout.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The history, saved logins, saved form data, and cookies were all removed from the profile.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user accumulates several pages of browser history, a saved login, some saved form data, and some cookies.
  2. She opens Firefox's Options Flyout, taps the "Clear my browser history" item and her history, saved logins, saved form data, and cookies were all deleted.


Touch scrolling and panning


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I scroll using slide and swipe gestures so I can get around a page quickly and easily using my fingers.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
Pages scrolled horizontally and vertically smoothly with no lag between the user's swipe gesture and the page responding.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 0
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user loads and using her finger, slide scrolls and swipe scrolls the page up and down.
  2. The page "sticks to her finger" and is highly responsive in scrolling up and down. Slides are controlled and swipes have inertia.
  3. The Metro Firefox user loads and using her finger, slide scrolls and swipe scrolls scrolls the page right and left.
  4. The page "sticks to her finger" and is highly responsive in scrolling right and left. Slides are controlled and swipes have inertia.
Notes: Guidelines for panning (Windows Store apps)  Implement scroll indicators for touch scrolling
We had picked up Fennec's scroll to top and scroll to bottom gestures but we killed that because it's non-standard and gets confused with the standard scrolling gestures. - Scroll-to-top and scroll-to-bottom gestures are easy to trigger accidentally while fling-scrolling [metro-mvp][LOE:1][metro-it2][completed-elm]
Related Documents and URLs:


Pinch Zooming


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I zoom pages in and out with touch gestures or the zoom buttons in the app bar so that I can see the content at the zoom level I prefer.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
the page zoomed in and out
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user will visit and perform a pinch and stretch gesture to zoom in on the content.
  2. The content zoomed in.
  3. The user performs a pinch and squeeze gesture too zoom out on the content.
  4. The content zoomed out.
Notes: Guidelines for optical zoom and resizing (Windows Store apps) Pinch and zoom do not work for in-process content


Undo Zoom


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I easily return to the default zoom level for a page without having to remember what that was.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
default zoom was restored.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user zooms a page and then double taps on a page to restore the default zoom level.
  2. The page returns to the default zoom.


Touch text selection in content


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I can select text in a page using touch.
Success Guarantee:
The text was selected and the selection was expanded and altered.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user long presses on some text and releases to see the text selected and grippers at either end of the selection
  2. The user drags the grippers to adjust the selection.
Notes: Guidelines for selecting text and images (Windows Store apps)
Related Documents and URLs:


Content Multi-touch


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I take advantage of a site's multi-touch capabilities so that I can get the full site experience without having to switch to another browser.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
the demos work.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits the multi-touch demos at and they all work.
Notes: Implement touch events back end for metro Support W3C touch event instead of MozTouch event


Touch friendly forms


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I
Success Guarantee:
Forms were all touch friendly.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits a bugzilla page and can use all the forms on the  page with only touch and no physical keyboard or mouse.


Login form filling


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I easily sign into websites because Metro Firefox saves my username password combinations and automatically fills in login forms when I encounter them.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
The username and password for a specific site were saved and then automatically filled in when the user returned to the site's login form.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 0
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits and signs in.
  2. Firefox saves the username and password for
  3. The user signs out of Facebook, and closes the browser.
  4. The user opens Firefox and returns to where she sees that the sign in fields for username and password are already populated with her username and an obscured password.
  5. Hitting the Facebook Log In button logs the user into the site.
*.a Users can opt out of this behavior by visiting the Firefox Options screen and unchecking the item for login form filling.
Notes: - implement login/password management [metro-mvp] Resolved WORKSFORME - Support password autocomplete [metro-mvp] [LOE:1]


fluff out click targets for touch and restore for pointer


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I easily tap on links because Firefox is very forgiving about how precise I must be trying to hit a tiny link with my giant stub of a finger. If, however, I am using a mouse pointer, the fluff is removed so that it doesn't interfere with text selection.
The user has completed Download and Install Firefox (UC-1-1) and Set Firefox as Default Browser (UC-1-3).
Success Guarantee:
Tap targets were easy to hit.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: Iteration 2
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits a page with small links scattered among non-linked text.
  2. The user taps a link, missing it slightly but the page is loaded anyway.
  3. The user moves her mouse pointer with a trackpad or mouse and easily selects text right up to link boundaries.
Notes: - Enable 'ui.touch.radius' and remove metrofx specific front end code [metro-mvp][LOE:1][metro-it2][completed-elm]
This was originally implemented at Perform hit target detection/correction on tap clicks and at - fluff out touch click targets
So, we're half way done here. We need to un-fluff when the user is interacting with a pointing device.


Metro-style content alerts and prompts


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I get beautiful metro-styled message dialog for modal alerts triggered by web pages.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits, enters some data into the fields and presses the button.
  2. The user sees a beautiful message dialog alerting them to the dataloss with two buttons, Leave page and Stay on Page
  3. The user taps Stay on page which dismisses the message dialog and returns the user to the page.
  4. Tapping Leave page dismisses the message dialog and takes the user to the next page..
Notes: Metro theming for alert/prompt dialogs


Mouse friendly forms


Parent: Metro Firefox v1
Primary Actors: Metro Firefox user
Brief Description/Goal
As a Metro Firefox user, I can interact with forms using my mouse
Success Guarantee:
forms were selected and manipulated with the mouse.
Use Case Status: Base
Release: New
Main Success Scenario:
  1. The Metro Firefox user visits a bugzilla advanced search page and clicks on all of the forms and they all accept those clicks.
Support mouse interaction with <select> elements