/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Ben Goodger * Brant Gurganus */ //NOTE: This script expects gBrandBundle and gProfileManagerBundle to be // instanciated elsewhere (currently from StartUp in profileSelection.js) var promptService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPromptService); var profileManagerMode = "selection"; var set = null; // invoke the createProfile Wizard function CreateProfileWizard() { // Need to call CreateNewProfile xuls window.openDialog('chrome://communicator/content/profile/createProfileWizard.xul', 'CPW', 'centerscreen,chrome,modal=yes,titlebar=yes'); } // update the display to show the additional profile function CreateProfile( aProfName, aProfDir ) { var profile = new Profile( aProfName, aProfDir, "yes" ); var item = AddItem( "profiles", profile ); var profileList = document.getElementById( "profiles" ); if( item ) { profileList.selectItem( item ); profileList.ensureElementIsVisible( item ); } } // rename the selected profile function RenameProfile() { var lString, oldName, newName; var renameButton = document.getElementById("renbutton"); if (renameButton.getAttribute("disabled") == "true" ) return false; var profileList = document.getElementById( "profiles" ); var selected = profileList.selectedItems[0]; var profilename = selected.getAttribute("profile_name"); if( selected.getAttribute("rowMigrate") == "no" ) { // migrate if the user wants to lString = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("migratebeforerename"); lString = lString.replace(/\s*/g,"\n"); lString = lString.replace(/%brandShortName%/, gBrandBundle.getString("brandShortName")); var title = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("migratetitle"); if (promptService.confirm(window, title, lString)) { var profileDir = profile.getProfileDir(profilename); if (profileDir) { profileDir = profileDir.QueryInterface( Components.interfaces.nsIFile ); if (profileDir) { if (!profileDir.exists()) { var errorMessage = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("sourceProfileDirMissing"); var profileDirMissingTitle = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("sourceProfileDirMissingTitle"); promptService.alert(window, profileDirMissingTitle, errorMessage); return false; } } } profile.migrateProfile( profilename ); } else return false; } else { oldName = selected.getAttribute("rowName"); newName = {value:oldName}; var dialogTitle = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("renameprofiletitle"); var msg = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("renameProfilePrompt"); msg = msg.replace(/%oldProfileName%/gi, oldName); while (1) { var rv = promptService.prompt(window, dialogTitle, msg, newName, null, {value:0}); if (rv) { newName = newName.value; if (!newName) return false; var invalidChars = ["/", "\\", "*", ":"]; for( var i = 0; i < invalidChars.length; i++ ) { if( newName.indexOf( invalidChars[i] ) != -1 ) { var aString = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("invalidCharA"); var bString = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("invalidCharB"); bString = bString.replace(/\s*/g,"\n"); lString = aString + invalidChars[i] + bString; alert( lString ); return false; } } var migrate = selected.getAttribute("rowMigrate"); try { profile.renameProfile(oldName, newName); selected.setAttribute( "label", newName ); selected.setAttribute( "rowName", newName ); selected.setAttribute( "profile_name", newName ); } catch(e) { lString = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("profileExists"); var profileExistsTitle = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("profileExistsTitle"); promptService.alert(window, profileExistsTitle, lString); continue; } } break; } } // set the button state DoEnabling(); return true; } function ConfirmDelete() { var deleteButton = document.getElementById("delbutton"); if( deleteButton.getAttribute("disabled") == "true" ) return; var profileList = document.getElementById( "profiles" ); var selected = profileList.selectedItems[0]; var name = selected.getAttribute("rowName"); var dialogTitle = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("deletetitle"); var dialogText; if( selected.getAttribute("rowMigrate") == "no" ) { var brandName = gBrandBundle.getString("brandShortName"); dialogText = gProfileManagerBundle.getFormattedString("delete4xprofile", [brandName]); dialogText = dialogText.replace(/\s*/g,"\n"); if (promptService.confirm(window, dialogTitle, dialogText)) { profile.deleteProfile( name, false ); profileList.removeChild( selected ); } return; } else { var pathExists = true; try { var path = profile.getProfilePath(name); } catch (ex) { pathExists = false; } if (pathExists) { dialogText = gProfileManagerBundle.getFormattedString("deleteprofile", [path]); dialogText = dialogText.replace(/\s*/g,"\n"); var buttonPressed = promptService.confirmEx(window, dialogTitle, dialogText, (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * promptService.BUTTON_POS_0) + (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * promptService.BUTTON_POS_1) + (promptService.BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * promptService.BUTTON_POS_2), gProfileManagerBundle.getString("dontDeleteFiles"), null, gProfileManagerBundle.getString("deleteFiles"), null, {value:0}); if (buttonPressed != 1) DeleteProfile(buttonPressed == 2); } else DeleteProfile(false); } } // Delete the profile, with the delete flag set as per instruction above. function DeleteProfile( deleteFiles ) { var profileList = document.getElementById( "profiles" ); if (profileList.selectedItems && profileList.selectedItems.length) { var selected = profileList.selectedItems[0]; var firstAdjacent = selected.previousSibling; var name = selected.getAttribute( "rowName" ); try { profile.deleteProfile( name, deleteFiles ); profileList.removeChild( selected ); } catch (ex) { } if( firstAdjacent ) { profileList.selectItem( firstAdjacent ); profileList.ensureElementIsVisible( firstAdjacent ); } // set the button state DoEnabling(); } } function ShowProfileProperties() { window.openDialog('chrome://communicator/content/profile/profileProperties.xul', 'PP', 'centerscreen,chrome,modal=yes,titlebar=yes'); } function ConfirmMigrateAll() { var string = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("migrateallprofiles"); var title = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("migrateallprofilestitle"); if (promptService.confirm(window, title, string)) return true; else return false; } function SwitchProfileManagerMode() { var prattleIndex = null; var captionLine = null; var buttonDisplay = null; var selItems = []; if( profileManagerMode == "selection" ) { prattleIndex = 1; // need to switch to manager's index try { captionLine = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("pm_title"); // get manager's caption } catch(e) { captionLine = "Manage Profiles *"; } var manage = document.getElementById( "manage" ); // hide the manage profiles button... var manageParent = manage.parentNode; manageParent.removeChild( manage ); profileManagerMode = "manager"; // swap the mode } else { prattleIndex = 0; try { captionLine = gProfileManagerBundle.getString("ps_title"); } catch(e) { captionLine = "Select Profile *"; } profileManagerMode = "selection"; } // swap deck var deck = document.getElementById( "prattle" ); deck.setAttribute( "selectedIndex", prattleIndex ) // swap caption ChangeCaption( captionLine ); set = !set; } // change the title of the profile manager/selection window. function ChangeCaption( aCaption ) { var caption = document.getElementById( "header" ); caption.setAttribute( "value", aCaption ); window.title = aCaption; } // do button enabling based on listbox selection function DoEnabling() { var renbutton = document.getElementById( "renbutton" ); var delbutton = document.getElementById( "delbutton" ); var start = document.getElementById( "ok" ); var profileList = document.getElementById( "profiles" ); var items = profileList.selectedItems; if( items.length != 1 ) { renbutton.setAttribute( "disabled", "true" ); delbutton.setAttribute( "disabled", "true" ); start.setAttribute( "disabled", "true" ); } else { if( renbutton.getAttribute( "disabled" ) == "true" ) renbutton.removeAttribute( "disabled", "true" ); if( start.getAttribute( "disabled" ) == "true" ) start.removeAttribute( "disabled", "true" ); var canDelete = true; if (!gStartupMode) { var selected = profileList.selectedItems[0]; var profileName = selected.getAttribute("profile_name"); var currentProfile = profile.currentProfile; if (currentProfile && (profileName == currentProfile)) canDelete = false; } if (canDelete) { if ( delbutton.getAttribute( "disabled" ) == "true" ) delbutton.removeAttribute( "disabled" ); } else delbutton.setAttribute( "disabled", "true" ); } } // handle key event on listboxes function HandleKeyEvent( aEvent ) { switch( aEvent.keyCode ) { case 46: if( profileManagerMode != "manager" ) return; ConfirmDelete(); break; case "VK_F2": if( profileManagerMode != "manager" ) return; RenameProfile(); break; } } function HandleClickEvent( aEvent ) { if( aEvent.detail == 2 && aEvent.button == 0 && aEvent.target.localName == "listitem") { if (!onStart()) return false; window.close(); return true; } return false; }