Bugzilla version 2.15

This is Bugzilla: the Mozilla bug system. For more information about what Bugzilla is and what it can do, see mozilla.org's bug pages.

Enter Bug

First, you must pick a product on which to enter a bug.

Browser: For bugs about the Mozilla Browser, including bugs with the New Layout project
Browser Localizations: For problems with translation, spelling and other errors in particular language packs and localized builds of Mozilla. Also for reporting browser bugs in languages other than english.
Bugzilla: For bugs in the Bugzilla Bug Tracking System (the code found at http://lxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/webtools/bugzilla). This is not the place to request configuration changes to this installation of Bugzilla. If you'd like to have keywords, components or initial owner/contact information changed, please file it under the appropriate component in the mozilla.org product below.
CCK: For bugs about the Client Customization Kit project
Calendar: For issues with the Mozilla Calendar product.
Directory: For bugs about the Directory (LDAP) project
Documentation: Documentation for Mozilla users, developers and web developers.
Grendel: For bugs about the Grendel java-based mail/news reader
JSS: Network Security Services for Java (JSS). A Java interface to NSS.
MailNews: For bugs about the Mozilla Mail/News project
NSPR: Netscape Portable Runtime library. libc and threading abstraction
NSS: Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled server applications. NSS supports SSL v2 and v3, TLS, PKCS #5, PKCS #7, PKCS #11, PKCS #12, S/MIME, X.509 v3 certificates and other security standsards.
PSM: Personal Security Manager (PSM), the module that performs all encryption and PKI in the browser, including SSL, TLS, and certificate management.
Rhino: A Java implementation of JavaScript
Tech Evangelism: For reporting web pages that must be upgraded to support web standards and Mozilla.
Webtools: For bugs about the web-based tools that mozilla.org uses. This includes LXR, Bonsai, and Tinderbox but does not include Bugzilla, which has its own product.
mozilla.org: Tasks related to the running of the mozilla.org organization itself.
This is Bugzilla: the Mozilla bug system. For more information about what Bugzilla is and what it can do, see mozilla.org's bug pages.
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