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1bit alpha-transparent PNG to the left: 1bit-alpha channel

8bit alpha-transparent PNG to the left: 8bit-alpha channel

Scroll down and then slowly scroll back up. The above PNG image using 8bit alpha-transparency should not be upside-down.
You can see that the 1bit-transparent PNG is not affected.

Now you're prepared to watch another even more scary effect... turn on the alternative stylesheet 'fixed background' (via View->Use Stylesheet->'fixed background') and scroll again. Would perhaps be a nice effect, if it was intended this way.
Well, what I see and expect you to see also, is: the 8-bit alpha PNG scrolls up to the top of the page, seeming to stay there while scrolling further up (to improve visualisation, I've added red borders around the images for this stylesheet). Gotta see this yourself. =)

yeah, you're at the bottom of a 2000 pixel long page...