layout/html/base/src/nsSimplePageSequence.h - Revision 3.24

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Skipping to line 37. 
#ifndef nsSimplePageSequence_h___
#ifndef nsSimplePageSequence_h___
#define nsSimplePageSequence_h___
#define nsSimplePageSequence_h___
#include "nsIPageSequenceFrame.h"
#include "nsIPageSequenceFrame.h"
#include "nsContainerFrame.h"
#include "nsContainerFrame.h"
#include "nsIPrintSettings.h"
#include "nsIPrintOptions.h"
#include "nsIPrintOptions.h"
// This class maintains all the data that 
// This class maintains all the data that 
// is used by all the page frame
// is used by all the page frame
Skipping to line 64. 
  nscoord     mHeadFooterGap;    // In twips, gap between H/F from edge of pag
  nscoord     mHeadFooterGap;    // In twips, gap between H/F from edge of pag
  nsStyleBackground* mBackground; //weak reference...
  nsStyleBackground* mBackground; //weak reference...
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrintSettings> mPrintSettings;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrintOptions> mPrintOptions;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIPrintOptions> mPrintOptions;
// Simple page sequence frame class. Used when we're in paginated mode
// Simple page sequence frame class. Used when we're in paginated mode
class nsSimplePageSequenceFrame : public nsContainerFrame,
class nsSimplePageSequenceFrame : public nsContainerFrame,
Skipping to line 88. 
  NS_IMETHOD  Paint(nsIPresContext*      aPresContext,
  NS_IMETHOD  Paint(nsIPresContext*      aPresContext,
                    nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                    nsIRenderingContext& aRenderingContext,
                    const nsRect&        aDirtyRect,
                    const nsRect&        aDirtyRect,
                    nsFramePaintLayer    aWhichLayer);
                    nsFramePaintLayer    aWhichLayer);
  // nsIPageSequenceFrame
  // nsIPageSequenceFrame
  NS_IMETHOD  Print(nsIPresContext*         aPresContext,
                    nsIPrintOptions*        aPrintOptions,
                    nsIPrintStatusCallback* aStatusCallback);
  NS_IMETHOD SetOffsets(nscoord aStartOffset, nscoord aEndOffset);
  NS_IMETHOD SetOffsets(nscoord aStartOffset, nscoord aEndOffset);
  NS_IMETHOD SetPageNo(PRInt32 aPageNo) { return NS_OK;}
  NS_IMETHOD SetPageNo(PRInt32 aPageNo) { return NS_OK;}
  NS_IMETHOD SetSelectionHeight(nscoord aYOffset, nscoord aHeight) { mYSelOffs
et = aYOffset; mSelectionHeight = aHeight; return NS_OK; }
  NS_IMETHOD SetSelectionHeight(nscoord aYOffset, nscoord aHeight) { mYSelOffs
et = aYOffset; mSelectionHeight = aHeight; return NS_OK; }
  // Async Printing
  // Async Printing
Skipping to line 100. 
                        nsIPrintOptions* aPrintOptions);
                        nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings);
  NS_IMETHOD PrintNextPage(nsIPresContext*  aPresContext,
  NS_IMETHOD PrintNextPage(nsIPresContext*  aPresContext);
                           nsIPrintOptions* aPrintOptions);
  NS_IMETHOD GetCurrentPageNum(PRInt32* aPageNum);
  NS_IMETHOD GetCurrentPageNum(PRInt32* aPageNum);
  NS_IMETHOD GetNumPages(PRInt32* aNumPages);
  NS_IMETHOD GetNumPages(PRInt32* aNumPages);
  NS_IMETHOD IsDoingPrintRange(PRBool* aDoing);
  NS_IMETHOD IsDoingPrintRange(PRBool* aDoing);
  NS_IMETHOD GetPrintRange(PRInt32* aFromPage, PRInt32* aToPage);
  NS_IMETHOD GetPrintRange(PRInt32* aFromPage, PRInt32* aToPage);
  NS_IMETHOD SkipPageBegin() { mSkipPageBegin = PR_TRUE; return NS_OK; }
  NS_IMETHOD SkipPageBegin() { mSkipPageBegin = PR_TRUE; return NS_OK; }