embedding/browser/webBrowser/nsIWebBrowserPrint.idl - Revision 1.3

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Disk File
Skipping to line 23. 
#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIDOMWindow;
interface nsIDOMWindow;
interface nsIPrintSettings;
interface nsIPrintSettings;
interface nsIPrintListener;
interface nsIPrintListener;
 * The nsIWebBrowserPrint
 * The nsIWebBrowserPrint
[scriptable, uuid(9A7CA4B0-FBBA-11d4-A869-00105A183419)]
[scriptable, uuid(9A7CA4B0-FBBA-11d4-A869-00105A183419)]
interface nsIWebBrowserPrint : nsISupports
interface nsIWebBrowserPrint : nsISupports
Skipping to line 35. 
   * Returns a PrintSettings object 
   * (creates a new the first time, if one doesn't exist)
  attribute nsIPrintSettings printSettings;
   * Print the specified DOM window
   * Print the specified DOM window
   * aDOMWindow - The DOM window to print
   * aDOMWindow - The DOM window to print
Skipping to line 55. 
   * aThePrintOptions - Printer Settings for the print preview
   * aThePrintOptions - Printer Settings for the print preview
  void PrintPreview(in nsIDOMWindow aDOMWindow,
  void PrintPreview(in nsIDOMWindow aDOMWindow,
                    in nsIPrintSettings aThePrintSettings);
                    in nsIPrintSettings aThePrintSettings);
  void Cancel();
  void Cancel();