layout/base/public/nsIPresContext.h - Revision 3.77

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// Factory method to create a "galley" presentation context (galley is
// Factory method to create a "galley" presentation context (galley is
// a kind of view that has no limit to the size of a page)
// a kind of view that has no limit to the size of a page)
extern NS_EXPORT nsresult
extern NS_EXPORT nsresult
  NS_NewGalleyContext(nsIPresContext** aInstancePtrResult);
  NS_NewGalleyContext(nsIPresContext** aInstancePtrResult);
// Factory method to create a "paginated" presentation context for
// the screen.
extern NS_EXPORT nsresult
  NS_NewPrintPreviewContext(nsIPresContext** aInstancePtrResult);
#define DO_GLOBAL_REFLOW_COUNT(_name, _type) \
#define DO_GLOBAL_REFLOW_COUNT(_name, _type) \
  aPresContext->CountReflows((_name), (_type), (nsIFrame*)this); 
  aPresContext->CountReflows((_name), (_type), (nsIFrame*)this); 