webshell/public/nsIContentViewerFile.h - Revision 3.6

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Disk File
Skipping to line 6. 
#define __gen_nsIContentViewerFile_h__
#define __gen_nsIContentViewerFile_h__
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsrootidl.h"
#include "nsrootidl.h"
#include "nsIWebShell.h"
#include "nsIWebShell.h"
#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
#include "nsIPrintListener.h"
class nsIDeviceContext;
class nsIDeviceContext;
class nsIPrintSettings;
class nsIWebProgressListener;
/* starting interface:    nsIContentViewerFile */
/* starting interface:    nsIContentViewerFile */
#define NS_ICONTENTVIEWERFILE_IID_STR "6317f32c-9bc7-11d3-bccc-0060b0fc76bd"
#define NS_ICONTENTVIEWERFILE_IID_STR "6317f32c-9bc7-11d3-bccc-0060b0fc76bd"
Skipping to line 29. 
  /* void Save (); */
  /* void Save (); */
  NS_IMETHOD Save(void) = 0;
  NS_IMETHOD Save(void) = 0;
  /* readonly attribute boolean saveable; */
  /* readonly attribute boolean saveable; */
  NS_IMETHOD GetSaveable(PRBool *aSaveable) = 0;
  NS_IMETHOD GetSaveable(PRBool *aSaveable) = 0;
  /* void Print (); 
   * Print the current document
   * Print the current document
   * @param aSilent -- if true, the print settings dialog will be suppressed
   * @param aSilent         -- if true, the print settings dialog will be supp
   * @param aFileName -- a file pointer to output regression tests or print to
 a file
   * @param aPrintSettings  -- PrintSettings used during print
   * @param aProgressListener  -- Listens to the progress of printing
   * @return error status
   * @return error status
  NS_IMETHOD Print(PRBool aSilent,FILE *aFile, nsIPrintListener *aPrintListene
r = nsnull) = 0;
  NS_IMETHOD Print(PRBool            aSilent,
                   nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings,
                   nsIWebProgressListener * aProgressListener) = 0;
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
   * Print the current document
   * @param aSilent        -- if true, the print settings dialog will be suppr
   * @param aDebugFile     -- Regression testing debug file
   * @param aPrintSettings -- PrintSettings used during print
   * @return error status
  NS_IMETHOD Print(PRBool            aSilent,
                   FILE *            aDebugFile, 
                   nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings = nsnull) = 0;
  NS_IMETHOD PrintPreview() = 0;
   * PrintPreview the current document
   * @param aPrintSettings  -- PrintSettings used during print
   * @return error status
  NS_IMETHOD PrintPreview(nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings) = 0;
  /* [noscript] void PrintContent (in nsIWebShell parent, in nsIDeviceContext 
DContext, in nsIDOMWindow aDOMWin, PRBool aIsSubDoc); */
  /* [noscript] void PrintContent (in nsIWebShell parent, in nsIDeviceContext 
DContext, in nsIDOMWindow aDOMWin, PRBool aIsSubDoc); */
  NS_IMETHOD PrintContent(nsIWebShell *      aParent,
  NS_IMETHOD PrintContent(nsIWebShell *      aParent,
                          nsIDeviceContext * aDContext,
                          nsIDeviceContext * aDContext,
                          nsIDOMWindow     * aDOMWin,
                          nsIDOMWindow     * aDOMWin,
Skipping to line 70. 
  /* readonly attribute boolean printable; */
  /* readonly attribute boolean printable; */
  NS_IMETHOD GetPrintable(PRBool *aPrintable) = 0;
  NS_IMETHOD GetPrintable(PRBool *aPrintable) = 0;
#ifdef NS_DEBUG
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
  NS_IMETHOD Save(void); \
  NS_IMETHOD Save(void); \
  NS_IMETHOD GetSaveable(PRBool *aSaveable); \
  NS_IMETHOD GetSaveable(PRBool *aSaveable); \
  NS_IMETHOD Print(PRBool aSilent,FILE *aFile, nsIPrintListener *aPrintListene
r); \
  NS_IMETHOD Print(PRBool aSilent, nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings, nsIWebPro
gressListener * aProgressListener); \
  NS_IMETHOD PrintPreview(); \
  NS_IMETHOD Print(PRBool aSilent, FILE * aDebugFile, nsIPrintSettings* aPrint
Settings); \
  NS_IMETHOD PrintPreview(nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings); \
  NS_IMETHOD PrintContent(nsIWebShell * parent, nsIDeviceContext * DContext, n
sIDOMWindow * aDOMWin, PRBool aIsSubDoc); \
  NS_IMETHOD PrintContent(nsIWebShell * parent, nsIDeviceContext * DContext, n
sIDOMWindow * aDOMWin, PRBool aIsSubDoc); \
  NS_IMETHOD GetPrintable(PRBool *aPrintable); 
  NS_IMETHOD GetPrintable(PRBool *aPrintable); 
/* Use this macro to declare functions that forward the behavior of this inter
face to another object. */
/* Use this macro when declaring classes that implement this interface. */
  NS_IMETHOD Save(void) { return _to ## Save(); } \
  NS_IMETHOD Save(void); \
  NS_IMETHOD GetSaveable(PRBool *aSaveable) { return _to ## GetSaveable(aSavea
ble); } \
  NS_IMETHOD GetSaveable(PRBool *aSaveable); \
  NS_IMETHOD Print(PRBool aSilent,FILE *aFile, nsIPrintListener *aPrintListene
r) { return _to ## Print(); } \
  NS_IMETHOD Print(PRBool aSilent, nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings, nsIWebPro
gressListener * aProgressListener); \
  NS_IMETHOD PrintPreview() { return _to ## Print(); } \
  NS_IMETHOD PrintPreview(nsIPrintSettings* aPrintSettings); \
  NS_IMETHOD PrintContent(nsIWebShell * parent, nsIDeviceContext * DContext, n
sIDOMWindow * aDOMWin, PRBool aIsSubDoc) { return _to ## PrintContent(parent, 
DContext, aDOMWin, aIsSubDoc); } \
  NS_IMETHOD PrintContent(nsIWebShell * parent, nsIDeviceContext * DContext, n
sIDOMWindow * aDOMWin, PRBool aIsSubDoc); \
  NS_IMETHOD GetPrintable(PRBool *aPrintable) { return _to ## GetPrintable(aPr
intable); } 
  NS_IMETHOD GetPrintable(PRBool *aPrintable); 
#endif /* __gen_nsIContentViewerFile_h__ */
#endif /* __gen_nsIContentViewerFile_h__ */