
So you want to donate money to The Mozilla Organization? Great! Donations are our primary source of income, and help us keeping running smoothly, and paying for services which we currently do not recieve for free. A listing in the donators table below, as well as a charitable recipt, are provided to donators of $10US or more, or any combination of hardware/services which we deem is worth at least that dollar amount.

We currently accept donations via PayPal, or with checks/money orders (US funds only, please) to the address below. PayPals accept major credit cards, as well as other payment methods. Please be sure to include your name and address with any donation, or, if you are unable to include it with the donation, e-mail with your name, address, and other details of your donation so that we can properly credit you. Please note that donations are processed and credited by humans. Processing currently takes 48-72 hours, you will receive an e-mail when your donation has been processed.

To donate via PayPal, use this button:
[PayPal button goes here]

To donate via check or money order, your donation can be sent to:
The Mozilla Organization
501 East Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA 94043
Please make checks or money orders payable to WHOEVER.


Please note: all donators will be credited here by name and amount donated. If you wish to remain anonymous, please state that in any contact with us, and you will be credited anonymously. Thanks for the support! If you have donated and we have forgotten to add you to this list, please contact us as soon as possible and we will rectify the error.


This chart should be generated, perhaps dynamically, by a script. Even if done statically, it would probably be a hell of a lot simpler to just <!--#include--> a generated file updated how often if static? Daily? Weekly?
The chart should have columns headed "Donator Name," "Monetary Donation," and "Additional Information." That last one actually shows how the person donated, perhaps we should leave it out for security reasons?