[Index] [Options]


The total interval of this run is: 0 to 74513
One second is equivalent to an interval of 1000 on this server.
One percent of the total run interval for this run is 745.
All options should have command line equivalents to support batch mode.
Changes to the options take effect immediately.

Maximum number of items to display in a list?
This option exists to control how much information you are willing to accept.

This option controls the sort order of the lists presented.
There are 3 choices:

Desired sort order?

Modify the intervals which the graphs cover;
meaning that a narrower interval range will produce a more detailed graph for that interval span.

Minimum graph interval?

Maximum graph interval?

Modify the intervals to target allocations created during a particular interval;
meaning that the allocations created only withing that interval are of interest.

Minimum allocation interval?

Maximum allocation interval?

Modify the byte sizes to target allocations of a particular byte size.

Minimum byte size?

Maximum byte size?

Modify the intervals to target allocations of a particular lifespan/duration;
meaning that the allocations existed at least or at most the specified span of time.

Minimum lifetime?

Maximum lifetime?

Modify the numbers to target allocations of particular weights;
the weight of an allocation is the byte size multiplied by the lifespan interval.

Minimum weight?

Maximum weight?

By manipulating the interval range, you narrow or widen the set of live allocations evaluated. Allocations existing solely before the minimum or solely after the maximum will not be considered.

Minimum interval?

Maximum interval?

Restrict callsite backtraces to thost only containing the specified text. This allows targeting of specific creation functions.
