Teacher: My Lesson Plans: Derivatives of equations with imaginary numbers  
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Derivatives of equations with imaginary numbers
Lesson Plan ID: 100001
Created: 10/27/04
Author: R.Elliott
Original Author: S.Junaghare
TEK Chapter: 111. Mathematics
TEK Course: 111.36. Mathematical Models With Applications
TEK Subchapter: B. Middle School
Grades: 9-12
Dates: 11/01/04 - 11/05/04
Duration: 12 Hours
Campus: Cottonwood Creek
Search Kewords: Mathematics, Derivatives, Advanced
The rain in Spain lies mainly on the plain.
Lesson Objective: 
The rain in Spain lies mainly on the plain.
State Standards: 
  • 111.36.1 History. The student understands traditional historical points of reference in world history.
  • 111.36.1.A identify the major eras in world history and describe their defining characteristics;
  • 111.36.1.B dentify changes that resulted from important turning points in world history such as the development of farming; the Mongol invasions; the development of cities; the European age of exploration and colonization; the scientific and industrial revolutions;
  • 111.36.1.C apply absolute and relative chronology through the sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time periods; and
  • 111.36.1.D explain the significance of the following dates: 1066, 1215, 1492, 1789, 1914-1918, and 1939-1945.
  • 111.36.2 History. The student understands traditional historical points of reference in world history.
  • 111.36.2.A identify the major eras in world history and describe their defining characteristics;
  • 111.36.2.B dentify changes that resulted from important turning points in world history such as the development of farming; the Mongol invasions; the development of cities; the European age of exploration and colonization; the scientific and industrial revolutions;
  • 111.36.3 History. The student understands traditional historical points of reference in world history.
  • 111.36.3.A identify the major eras in world history and describe their defining characteristics;
  • 111.36.3.B identify changes that resulted from important turning points in world history such as the development of farming; the Mongol invasions; the development of cities; the European age of exploration and colonization; the scientific and industrial revolutions;
  • 111.36.3.C apply absolute and relative chronology through the sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time periods; and
The rain in Spain lies mainly on the plain.
Critical Questions: 
The rain in Spain lies mainly on the plain.
The rain in Spain lies mainly on the plain.
The rain in Spain lies mainly on the plain.
Reference Materials: 
The rain in Spain lies mainly on the plain.
Web Sites: 