Ellipsis if text-overflow on parent div but content in child div?
Some overly long and uninformative sentence.
What if overflow is not = hidden?
overflow visible overflow visible
overflow auto overflow auto
Text wrapping + scroll a bit?
overflow_auto_overflow overflow_auto_overflow overflow_auto_overflow
Lots of text in a fixed container?
text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test text test
Image right where the ellipsis should be?
Chinese text?
久有归天愿 终过鬼门关 千里来寻归宿 春华变苍颜
With a right side float?
m mm mm mm mm mm
Position relative?
Some overly long and uninformative sentence.
Position absolute?
Some overly long and uninformative sentence.
Span beyond content area repositioned left?
test test test testmm mm mm mm mm
Inline block descendant?
Some overly long and uninformative sentence.
Does table-layout fixed trigger ellipsis automatically?
Test test test test 
What if we define text overflow on the table?
Test test test test 

Does mouse click on ellipsis trigger an event
on the text-overflow elem or the overflowing text elem?
Some overly long and uninformative sentence.