/*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || || # vBulletin 3.0.8 || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # || || # Copyright ©2000–2005 Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. All Rights Reserved. || || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # || || # ---------------- VBULLETIN IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # || || # http://www.vbulletin.com | http://www.vbulletin.com/license.html # || || #################################################################### || \*======================================================================*/ /* Definitions for the colors for the editor popup (based on colours from MS Word) you may edit these colors if you wish, but there MUST be exactly 40 colors defined. If the color you wish to use does not have an HTML name, you must enter the hexadecimal version on both sides of the colon, for example: "#FFFF00" : "Yellow", "#FEFEFE" : "#FEFEFE", */ var coloroptions = new Array(); coloroptions = { "#000000" : "Black", "#A0522D" : "Sienna", "#556B2F" : "DarkOliveGreen", "#006400" : "DarkGreen", "#483D8B" : "DarkSlateBlue", "#000080" : "Navy", "#4B0082" : "Indigo", "#2F4F4F" : "DarkSlateGray", "#8B0000" : "DarkRed", "#FF8C00" : "DarkOrange", "#808000" : "Olive", "#008000" : "Green", "#008080" : "Teal", "#0000FF" : "Blue", "#708090" : "SlateGray", "#696969" : "DimGray", "#FF0000" : "Red", "#F4A460" : "SandyBrown", "#9ACD32" : "YellowGreen", "#2E8B57" : "SeaGreen", "#48D1CC" : "MediumTurquoise", "#4169E1" : "RoyalBlue", "#800080" : "Purple", "#808080" : "Gray", "#FF00FF" : "Magenta", "#FFA500" : "Orange", "#FFFF00" : "Yellow", "#00FF00" : "Lime", "#00FFFF" : "Cyan", "#00BFFF" : "DeepSkyBlue", "#9932CC" : "DarkOrchid", "#C0C0C0" : "Silver", "#FFC0CB" : "Pink", "#F5DEB3" : "Wheat", "#FFFACD" : "LemonChiffon", "#98FB98" : "PaleGreen", "#AFEEEE" : "PaleTurquoise", "#ADD8E6" : "LightBlue", "#DDA0DD" : "Plum", "#FFFFFF" : "White" }; // variable to prevent init being called twice var editor_loaded = false; // initialize some arrays var popupcontrols = new Array(); var colorindex = new Array(); var fontoptions = new Array(); var sizeoptions = new Array(); var buttonstatus = new Array(); // default values for URL / Image prompts var imgurl = "http://"; var linkurl = "http://"; var is_v4 = false; if ((navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4.") != "-1" && is_ie) || (parseInt(navigator.appVersion) == 4 && is_ns)) { // the v4 browsers dont support try / catch is_v4 = true; } // ############################################################################# // function to change the appearence of a control element function format_control(elm, elmtype, controlstate) { // if we do not *need* to change the control state, then don't if (typeof(elm.controlstate) != "undefined" && controlstate == elm.controlstate) { return; } // construct the name of the appropriate array key from the istyles array var istyle = "pi_" + elmtype + "_" + controlstate; // set element background, color, padding and border elm.style.background = istyles[istyle][0]; elm.style.color = istyles[istyle][1]; if (elmtype != "menu") { elm.style.padding = istyles[istyle][2]; } elm.style.border = istyles[istyle][3]; // set the element controlstate variable elm.controlstate = controlstate; // handle some special cases for popup elements if (typeof(elm.cmd) != "undefined" && in_array(elm.cmd, popupcontrols) != -1) { var tds = elm.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var i = 0; i < tds.length; i++) { switch (tds[i].className) { // set the right-border for popup_feedback class elements case "popup_feedback": { tds[i].style.borderRight = iif(controlstate == "normal", istyles["pi_menu_normal"][3], istyles[istyle][3]); } break; // set the border colour for popup_pickbutton class elements case "popup_pickbutton": { tds[i].style.borderColor = iif(controlstate == "normal", istyles["pi_menu_normal"][0], istyles[istyle][0]); } break; // set the left-padding and left-border for alt_pickbutton elements case "alt_pickbutton": { if (buttonstatus[elm.cmd]) { tds[i].style.paddingLeft = istyles["pi_button_normal"][2]; tds[i].style.borderLeft = istyles["pi_button_normal"][3]; } else { tds[i].style.paddingLeft = istyles[istyle][2]; tds[i].style.borderLeft = istyles[istyle][3]; } } } } } } // ############################################################################# // function to set 'unselectable' for an element and all its child nodes function set_unselectable(elm) { if (is_ie4) { return; } else if (typeof(elm.tagName) != "undefined") { if (elm.hasChildNodes()) { for (var i = 0; i < elm.childNodes.length; i++) { set_unselectable(elm.childNodes[i]); } } elm.unselectable = true; } } // ############################################################################# function build_fontoptions(is_wysiwyg) { if (is_wysiwyg) { for (key in fontoptions) { document.writeln('' + fontoptions[key] + ''); } } else { for (key in fontoptions) { document.writeln(''); } } } // ############################################################################# function build_sizeoptions(is_wysiwyg) { if (is_wysiwyg) { for (key in sizeoptions) { document.writeln('' + sizeoptions[key] + ''); } } else { for (key in sizeoptions) { document.writeln(''); } } } // ############################################################################# function build_coloroptions(is_wysiwyg) { if (is_wysiwyg) { for (var y = 0; y < 5; y++) { document.write(''); for (var x = 0; x < 8; x++) { document.write('
'); } document.write(''); } } else { for (key in coloroptions) { document.writeln(''); } } } // ############################################################################# function set_default_text(textvalue, is_wysiwyg, non_wysiwyg_obj) { if (is_wysiwyg) { if (is_ie) { if (textvalue == "") { textvalue = "

"; } fetch_object("htmlbox").innerHTML = textvalue; fetch_object("htmlbox").className = "wysiwyg"; } else { var htb = fetch_object("htmlbox").contentWindow.document; htb.open(); htb.write("Mozilla WYSIWYG" + textvalue + ""); htb.close(); htb.body.style.cursor = "text"; var bgstyle = fetch_mozilla_css_class(".wysiwyg"); if (bgstyle != false) { // got bgstyle } else { // just set up a default style bgstyle = { "backgroundColor" : "white", "color" : "black", "fontFamily" : "verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif", "fontSize" : "10pt" }; } htb.body.style.backgroundColor = bgstyle.backgroundColor; htb.body.style.color = bgstyle.color; htb.body.style.fontFamily = bgstyle.fontFamily; htb.body.style.fontSize = bgstyle.fontSize; } } else { non_wysiwyg_obj.value = textvalue; } } // ############################################################################# function fetch_mozilla_css_class(selector) { for (var s = 0; s < document.styleSheets.length; s++) { for (var r = 0; r < document.styleSheets[s].cssRules.length; r++) { if (document.styleSheets[s].cssRules[r].selectorText == selector) { return document.styleSheets[s].cssRules[r].style; } } } return false; } // ############################################################################# function open_smilie_window(x_width, y_width, wysiwyg, forumid) { if (typeof(forumid) == "undefined") { forumid = 0; } window.open("misc.php?" + SESSIONURL + "do=getsmilies&wysiwyg=" + wysiwyg + "&forumid=" + forumid, "smilies", "statusbar=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=" + x_width + ",height=" + y_width); } // ############################################################################# function alter_box_height(boxid, pixelvalue) { var box = fetch_object(boxid); var boxheight = parseInt(box.style.height); var newheight = boxheight + pixelvalue; if (newheight > 0) { box.style.height = newheight + "px"; } return false; } /*======================================================================*\ || #################################################################### || # Downloaded: 23:50, Thu Aug 25th 2005 || # CVS: $RCSfile: vbulletin_editor.js,v $ - $Revision: $ || #################################################################### \*======================================================================*/