January 12, 2011 12:34 PM

Subject An excerpt from my new book!
From Philip K Dick <>
To My Publisher <>
cc Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted DansonTed Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <> <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>Ted Danson <>

One of these days... people like me will rise up and overthrow you, and the end of tyranny by the homeostatic machine will have arrived. The day of human values and compassion and simple warmth will return, and when that happens someone like myself who has gone through an ordeal and who genuinely needs hot coffee to pick him up and keep him functioning when he has to function will get the hot coffee whether he happens to have a poscred readily available or not.

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