Tracking code

What is left is to add a reference to the tracking code to the files that are to appear in the right frame (the content frame, in our example called "text"), and also checking all pages to make sure everything's right. Lets look at the code we need to add first.

The code is needed for the tracking. If you forget to insert this the tracking won't work. You'll also see that submenus with URLs will not expand like they should. In the page-header (between <HEAD> and </HEAD>) you have to insert this little script:

<script type="text/javascript" src="mtmtrack.js">

Note: the src-attribute will have to point to the right location of mtmtrack.js, so if you for instance have a document in a subdirectory use the correct relative URL, like "../mtmtrack.js".

The file "mtmtrack.js" is found in the downloadable files, and it's a small script that checks what browser the visitor has, and if it's either of the ones that get to use the dynamic menu it'll call the necessary function to update the menu. If you've put code.html in a frame that isn't named "code" you will have to open mtmtrack.js in your editor and make sure you set MTMCodeFrame to the name of the correct frame.

That should be about all there is to do. If you've used my pages as a basis for your pages you might want to remember that I use style sheets for my pages, and that each page therefore has a stylesheet linked. This link needs to be removed if you don't use stylesheets. If you're curious about what the inline style sheet looks like and what CSS properties it uses, have a look at the next document CSS-related properties.

If you find that the script doesn't work as it should, go through what you've done and make sure it looks like it should do. Also remember that the above script needs to be present in all pages that are to be loaded in the main frame ("text" in our example) for the tracking to work correctly.