
 * Data of the random tips.
 * @public
 * @module data/Tips

 * The settings/constraints for a tip, represented in an object.
 * @public
 * @typedef {Object} TipObject
 * @property {string} id just some ID
 * @property {integer|null} requiredShowCount Shows the message x times; set
 * to `null` to show infinitively. This is the maximum value.
 * @property {bool} [allowDismiss=true] set to false to disallow dismissing
 * the message. This likely makes no sense for any tip, so the default is true.
 * @property {bool|integer} [requireDismiss=false] show the message, if it is
 * not, at least, dismissed for x times. Alternatively set to true to require
 * that message is dismissed the exact same number as requiredShowCount states,
 * i.e. only dismissed count as "tip shown".
 * @property {integer|null} [maximumDismiss=null] hides the message, if it
 * has been dismissed x times.
 * @property {integer} [requiredTriggers=10] require some displays ("triggers")
 * of (any) add-on page before showing tip. This is effectively just a minimum
 * limit, so it is not shown too "early".
 * @property {Object.<string, integer>} [showInContext] a key-value object with
 * context -> num to require the tip to be shown in a specific context for the
 * given number of times. See {@link RandomTips.setContext}.
 * @property {Object.<string, integer>} [maximumInContest] a key-value object with
 * context -> num to only show the tip in a specific context at most for the
 * given number of times. See {@link RandomTips.setContext}.
 * @property {bool|integer} [randomizeDisplay=false] Randomizes the display with a
 * chance of 50% by default (when set to `true`). You can override that percentage
 * (as an integer, e.g. 0.2 instead of 20%).
 * Note that the tip message display in general is already randomized
 * with a chance of 20%, see {@link RandomTips.GLOBAL_RANDOMIZE}.
 * @property {string} text The text to actually show. It is passed to the
 * {@link MessageHandler}, so you can (& should) use a translatable string here.
 * @property {Object} [actionButton] adds an action button to the message, is
 * passed as-is to the {@link MessageHandler} module.
 * @property {string} actionButton.text the text to use for the button
 * @property {string|function} actionButton.action the link or function to
 * execute on click
 * @property {callbackShowTip} [showTip] evaluate via a custom function
 * whether to show or not to show the tip

 * Custom function to check whether a tip shall be shown or not.
 * **Attention:** This is evaluated before all other constraints were evaluated.
 * Be careful before returning `true`, you may actually want to return `null`.
 * * If you return `true`, it means you **force**(!) the tip to be shown. This
 *   overrides the usual conditions and shows the tip immediately.
 * * If you return `false`, it means you disallow the tip to be shown.
 * * If `null` is returned, the usual (other) conditions that determinate whether
 *   to show the tip are evaluated.
 * If you throw something, this cancels the whole tip selection process.
 * Note that you can actually _modify_ the values of the first two parameters, i.e.
 * `tipSpec` and `thisTipConfig`. If you modify the config, it will be saved
 * automatically.
 * The difference between `tipSpec` and `tipSpecOrig` is, that in `tipSpec` the
 * default values of the tips have been added/modified, if needed and that
 * `tipSpecOrig` is the original as you have specified it in {@link TipObject}.
 * For stylistic reasons, it is recommend to not hardcode the function into the
 * this file, but use a separate file/module.
 * @public
 * @callback callbackShowTip
 * @param  {TipObject} tipSpec the TipObject, merged with default values
 * @param  {module:RandomTips~TipConfigObject} thisTipConfig the settings of the tip
 * @param  {TipObject} tipSpecOrig the original, unmodified (frozen) TipObject
 *                                  of the tip
 * @param  {module:RandomTips~ModuleConfig} moduleConfig the whole config of this module
 * @return {boolean|null}

 * An array of all tips.
 * @private
 * @const
 * @type {Array.<TipObject>}
const tipArray = [
        id: "likeAddon",
        requiredShowCount: 3,
        requireDismiss: 1,
        maximumDismiss: 2,
        requiredTriggers: 10,
        showInContext: {
            "popup": 1
        randomizeDisplay: false,
        text: "tipYouLikeAddon",
        actionButton: {
            text: "tipYouLikeAddonButton",
            action: "https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/.../reviews/"

// freeze the inner tip objects, this is strongly recommend
tipArray.forEach((object) => Object.freeze(object));

 * The list of all tips. (now exported)
 * @public
 * @const
 * @type {Array.<TipObject>}
export const tips = Object.freeze(tipArray);