
 * Translates WebExtension's HTML document by attributes.
 * @public
 * @module Localizer
 * @requires ./replaceInnerContent
import { replaceInnerContent } from "./replaceInnerContent.js";

const I18N_ATTRIBUTE = "data-i18n";
const I18N_DATASET = "i18n";
const I18N_DATASET_INT = I18N_DATASET.length;

 * Splits the _MSG__*__ format and returns the actual tag.
 * The format is defined in {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/i18n/Locale-Specific_Message_reference#name}.
 * @private
 * @param  {string} tag
 * @returns {string}
 * @throws {Error} if pattern does not match
function getMessageTag(tag) {
    /** {@link https://regex101.com/r/LAC5Ib/2} **/
    const splitMessage = tag.split(/^__MSG_([\w@]+)__$/);

    // throw custom exception if input is invalid
    if (splitMessage.length < 2) {
        throw new Error(`invalid message tag pattern "${tag}"`);

    return splitMessage[1];

 * Converts a dataset value back to a real attribute.
 * This is intended for substrings of datasets too, i.e. it does not add the "data" prefix
 * in front of the attribute.
 * @private
 * @param  {string} dataSetValue
 * @returns {string}
 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/dataset#Name_conversion}
function convertDatasetToAttribute(dataSetValue) {
    // if beginning of string is capital letter, only lowercase that
    /** {@link https://regex101.com/r/GaVoVi/1} **/
    dataSetValue = dataSetValue.replace(/^[A-Z]/, (char) => char.toLowerCase());

    // replace all other capital letters with dash in front of them
    /** {@link https://regex101.com/r/GaVoVi/3} **/
    dataSetValue = dataSetValue.replace(/[A-Z]/, (char) => {
        return `-${char.toLowerCase()}`;

    return dataSetValue;

 * Returns the translated message when a key is given.
 * @private
 * @param  {string} messageName
 * @param  {string[]} [substitutions]
 * @returns {string} translated string
 * @throws {Error} if no translation could be found
 * @see {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/API/i18n/getMessage}
function getTranslatedMessage(messageName, substitutions) {
    const translatedMessage = browser.i18n.getMessage(messageName, substitutions);

    if (!translatedMessage) {
        throw new Error(`no translation string for "${messageName}" could be found`);

    return translatedMessage;

 * Replaces attribute or inner text of element with string.
 * @private
 * @param  {HTMLElement} elem
 * @param  {string} attribute attribute to replace, set to "null" to replace inner content
 * @param  {string} translatedMessage
 * @returns {void}
function replaceWith(elem, attribute, translatedMessage) {
    const isHTML = translatedMessage.startsWith("!HTML!");
    if (isHTML) {
        translatedMessage = translatedMessage.replace("!HTML!", "").trimLeft();

    switch (attribute) {
    case null:
        replaceInnerContent(elem, translatedMessage, isHTML);
        // attributes are never allowed to contain unbescaped HTML
        elem.setAttribute(attribute, translatedMessage);

 * Localises the strings to localize in the HTMLElement.
 * @private
 * @param  {HTMLElement} elem
 * @param  {string} tag the translation tag
 * @returns {void}
function replaceI18n(elem, tag) {
    // localize main content
    if (tag !== "") {
        try {
            const translatedMessage = getTranslatedMessage(getMessageTag(tag));
            replaceWith(elem, null, translatedMessage);
        } catch (error) {
            // log error but continue translating as it was likely just one problem in one translation
            console.error(error.message, "for element", elem);

    // replace attributes
    for (const [dataAttribute, dataValue] of Object.entries(elem.dataset)) {
        if (
            !dataAttribute.startsWith(I18N_DATASET) || // ignore other data attributes
            dataAttribute.length === I18N_DATASET_INT // ignore non-attribute replacements
        ) {

        const replaceAttribute = convertDatasetToAttribute(dataAttribute.slice(I18N_DATASET_INT));

        try {
            const translatedMessage = getTranslatedMessage(getMessageTag(dataValue));
            replaceWith(elem, replaceAttribute, translatedMessage);
        } catch (error) {
            // log error but continue translating as it was likely just one problem in one translation
            console.error(error.message, "for element", elem, "while replacing attribute", replaceAttribute);

 * Localizes static strings in the HTML file.
 * @public
 * @returns {void}
export function init() {
    document.querySelectorAll(`[${I18N_ATTRIBUTE}]`).forEach((currentElem) => {
        const contentString = currentElem.dataset[I18N_DATASET];
        replaceI18n(currentElem, contentString);

    // replace html lang attribut after translation
    document.querySelector("html").setAttribute("lang", browser.i18n.getUILanguage());

// automatically init module