Online European Patent Register - Results
Status of the database as of 08-04-2004 (dd-mm-yyyy)
  Choose your View:     
 Most recent event
 No opposition filed within time limit
 Date of publication07-07-1999 [1999/27]
 Publication numbers, publication type and publication dates
  EP0800800 A1 15-10-1997 [1997/42]
  EP0800800 B1 15-07-1998 [1998/29]
 Date of grant 15-07-1998 [1998/29]
 Application numbers and filing date
  EP19960113858 (96113858.3) Online File Inspection (available from 08:00 to 18:00 hrs. CET)
 Date of filing 29-08-1996 [1997/42]
 Date of publication of search report
 Date of publication of search report 15-10-1997 [1997/42]
 Priority number, priority date
  DE19961014160 10-04-1996 [1997/42]
 Classification (IPC) and bulletin number
  A61F2/06 [1997/42]
 Designated states
  AT , BE , CH , DE , DK , ES , FR , GB , GR , IE , IT , LI , LU , MC , NL , PT , SE , FI [1997/42]
 English title
  Stent for transluminal implantation in a hollow organ [1997/42]
 French title
  Stent pour implantation transluminale dans un organe creux [1997/42]
 German title
  Stent zur transluminalen Implantation in Hohlorgane [1997/42]
 Designated states, applicant name, address
  Variomed AG
  Gagozstrasse 51
  9496 Balzers/LI [1997/42]
 Inventor name, address
  01 / * * * [1997/42]
 Representative name, address
  Pellkofer, Dieter Dr., et al
  Manitz, Finsterwald & Partner GbR Martin-Greif-Strasse 1
  80336 München/DE [1997/42]
 Filing language
 Procedure language
 Publication language
 B1DE [1998/29]
 A1DE [1997/42]
 Location of file and fax number for file inspection requests
 Application is treated in (/fax-nr) MUNICH/(+49-89) 23994465
 Examination procedure
 request for examination 15-10-1996 [1997/42]
 request for accelerated examination filed 15-10-1996
 - accepted (yes/no) / date yes / 22-04-1997
 Examination report(s) A.96(2), R.51(2)
 date dispatch/time-limit/reply 09-10-1997/M04/23-12-1997
 communication R.51(4) dispatched 31-03-1998
 - approval (yes or no) yes
 communication R.51(6) dispatched 14-05-1998
 payment of fee for grant/fee for printing 05-05-1998/12-05-1998
 Divisional Application(s)
 Divisional application/publication number(s) EP19970110029/EP0801933
  (deleted) [1998/29]
 Opposition procedure
 no opposition filed,time-limit expired on 16-04-1999 [1999/27]
 Documents cited in the European Search
  EP0541443 A [X];
  EP0647438 A [X];
  WO9526695 A [X];
  EP0679372 A [A];
  EP0709067 A [XP];
  EP0709068 A [XP]
[ End of Data ]

10-04-2004 05:08:07