Type Ahead Functional Testcase

Welcome to the functional testcase for Type Ahead Find. This test is designed to test all features of Type Ahead Find. Just follow the instructions, printed in red text. Please be sure to read the document to the end.

If you haven't already done so, please run the basic tests.

Step One: Please type the following string without the quotation marks. Type the entire string in lowercase. Note the "/" -- this is very important! The string is: "Image loading is needed for this test."


Please verify that, as you type each character, the corresponding character in the above text is highlighted.

Please wait until the green typeahead find highlight is replaced by the normal system highlight. This should take several seconds. When it is replaced, you may continue to the next step.

Step Two: Please type the following string in without quotation marks. Type the entire string in uppercase. Note the "/" -- this is very important!
The string is: "Image loading is needed for this test"


Please wait until the green typeahead find highlight is replaced by the normal system highlight. This should take several seconds. When it is replaced, you may continue to the next step.

Step Three: Please type the following string in without quotation marks. The case is irrelevant. When the entire string is highlighted by the typeahead highlight, please press enter. The string is: "mozilladotorg"


Please verify that as you type each letter, the corresponding letter in the above URL is highlighted. Also, please verify that when the entire link is highlighted and you press enter, Mozilla.org's main page opens in a seperate window.

Step Four: Please type the following string in without quotation marks. The case is irrelevant. When the entire string is highlighted by the typeahead highlight, please press enter. The string is: "qmailmal"


Please verify that 
as you type each letter, the corresponding letter in the above URL is highlighted. Also, please verify that when the entire link is highlighted and you press enter, your mail application opens up. If you are using Mozilla Mail, a new message composition window should appear, and the "To:" field should read "malachi@bardstowncable.net"

Step Five:

Warning! Please do not attempt these next steps if you don't know what you are doing.

Open your typeaheadfind.js file. Please add the string below:

pref("ui.textSelectBackgroundAttention", "#33CCFF");

Save the file, and close all open Mozilla windows. Then, reopen Mozilla and repeat the basic test. Note that the highlight color should now be this light blue.

When the basic test is completed and you have verified that the highlight color is properly changed, you may delete that preference. The default change will take affect when Mozilla is restarted.

Thank you! You have sucessfully completed the Type Ahead Find Functional Testcase.

If the results you obtained matched the intended results, you are finished. If you wish, you may continue on to the advanced test page.

Sample deviations may include the text not being highlighted, the highlight not dissapearing for a long period of time (anywhere over 3 to 6 seconds), tproper windows not being spawned, etc.

If, at any times, the results you obtained deviated from the proper results, follow this procedure.
First, close your browser entirely. This means all running windows, the mail/news component, etc.
Second, return to this test page.
Third, please rerun the tests.
If the problem persists, please follow the bug filing instructions on the main page.

We thank you for your time!