The problem

Mozilla doesn't respect -moz-min-content on height properties.

Why it is important

When you use the grid layout and want that an element inside a grid area use only the minimum space necessary for displaying its content, and not fill all the available space.

<table> as grid item

A table element as a grid item on other browsers (like Chrome 70.0.3538.102 x64) use only the minimum space for displaying its content, on firefox it fills the grid item area



grid area: header

row 1 - grid area: below the header

row 2 - This is a table element

grid area: aside

<div> as grid item

A block element, a div for example, as a grid item on other browsers (like Chrome 70.0.3538.102 x64) fills the grid item area



grid area: header

grid area: below the header

This is a div element

grid area: aside