var storageManager; var storage; function showCannotCaptureWarning(node) { hideSpinner(node); openDialog("cannotCaptureWarningTemplate").then(function(response) { if (response == "ok") { // nothing } }); showError("Error: " + errorResponse); } function showSpinner(node) { $(node).find("iron-icon").after(" { window.close(); }).catch(function() { showCannotCaptureWarning(that); }); sendGA('popup', 'selectedArea'); }); $("#visibleArea, #justInstalledGrabVisibleArea").click(function() { var that = this; showSpinner(that); grabVisiblePart().then(() => { window.close(); }).catch(function() { showCannotCaptureWarning(that); }); sendGA('popup', 'visibleArea'); }); $("#entirePage").click(function() { var that = this; showSpinner(that); grabEntirePage().then(() => { window.close(); }).catch(function(errorResponse) { hideSpinner(that); openDialog("entirePageIssueDialogTemplate").then(function(response) { if (response == "ok") { // nothing } else { $("#visibleArea").click(); } }); showError("Error: " + errorResponse); }); sendGA('popup', 'entirePage'); }); $("#entireScreen").click(function() { $(".instructions").slideUp(); if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mac') != -1) { openDialog("entireScreenMacInstructionsTemplate").then(function(response) {}); } else if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('cros') != -1) { openDialog("entireScreenCrOSInstructionsTemplate").then(function(response) {}); } else { var $dialog = initTemplate("entireScreenWindowsInstructionsTemplate"); openDialog($dialog).then(function(response) {}); } sendGA('popup', 'entireScreen'); }); $("#openFile").click(function() { sendGA('popup', 'openFile'); chrome.tabs.create({url:"openFile.html"}); window.close(); }); $("#openAreaFromClipboard").click(function() { sendGA('popup', 'openAreaFromClipboard'); openFromClipboard(true).catch(function(response) { if (response.permissionNotGranted) { showError("You must grant this minimal permission if you want this extension to grab your image from the clipboard!"); } }); }); $("#openFromClipboard").click(function() { sendGA('popup', 'openFromClipboard'); openFromClipboard().catch(function(response) { if (response.permissionNotGranted) { showError("You must grant this minimal permission if you want this extension to grab your image from the clipboard!"); } }); }); // Delay some setTimeout(function() { var $optionsMenu = initTemplate("optionsMenuItemsTemplate"); initMessages("#options-menu *"); $(".contribute").click(function() { chrome.tabs.create({url: 'donate.html?fromPopup'}); window.close(); }); $(".discoverMyApps").click(function() { chrome.tabs.create({url:""}); window.close(); }); $(".feedback").click(function() { chrome.tabs.create({url:""}); window.close(); }); $(".changelog").click(function() { chrome.tabs.create({url:""}); window.close(); }); $(".options").click(function() { chrome.tabs.create({url:"options.html"}); window.close(); }); $(".aboutMe").click(function() { chrome.tabs.create({url:""}); window.close(); }); $(".help").click(function() { chrome.tabs.create({url:""}); window.close(); }); }, 400); $(".close").click(function() { window.close(); }); function processClipboardItem(item) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { if (item.kind == "file") { var fileName =; var fileType = item.type; console.log("mimetype", JSON.stringify(item)); // will give you the mime types var blob = item.getAsFile(); var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function(event) { //uploadImage(fileName, fileType,, $contentEditable); resolve({fileName:fileName, fileType:fileType,}); }; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); } else if (item.kind == "string") { // when i paste text, type=text/plain // when i copy/paste from paint it's a file with type=image/png // when i right click and "Copy image" type=text/html if (item.type == "text/html") { item.getAsString(function(s) { // returns this: console.log("getasstring:", item, s); var $div = $("
"); $div.append(s); var dataUrl = $div.find("img").attr("src"); if (dataUrl && dataUrl.indexOf("data:") == 0) { console.log("data: found"); resolve({dataUrl:dataUrl}); } else { resolve({couldNotProcessReason:"Can't process url: " + s}); } }); } else if (item.type == "text/plain") { item.getAsString(function(s) { if (s.indexOf("http") == 0) { resolve({urlWasCopied:true, url:s}); } else { resolve({couldNotProcessReason:"Could not parse this text/plain: " + s}); } }); } else { resolve({couldNotProcessReason:"Could not determine item.type: " + item.type}); } } else { resolve({couldNotProcessReason:"Could not determine item.kind: " + item.kind}); } }); } $("body").on("paste", function(e) { console.log("paste"); var items = (event.clipboardData || event.originalEvent.clipboardData).items; var promises = []; for (var a=0; a { bg.screenShotData = promiseResponse.dataUrl; chrome.tabs.create({url: "snapshot.html"}); }); } else { openEditor(promiseResponse.dataUrl); } success = true; return true; } }); if (!success && !urlWasCopied) { showError("No images in clipboard!"); } }).catch(function(errorResponse) { showError(errorResponse); }); }); });