Fixed background image bug in table elements

Steps to reproduce:
Define a background-image with background-attachment:fixed for either of td, th, tr, thead, tbody, tfoot or the respective display:table-cell etc. Then scroll.
Expected behaviour:
The background image should be fixed when scrolling
Buggy behaviour (marked with red border below):
The background image will not stay fixed when scrolling. Sometimes it scrolls, other times it breaks, sometimes it updates to the fixed image. When refreshing the page, the image will repair to the fixed image position.
Fixed background images on table or on div within td, th, or display:table-cell are not affected (marked with green border below).
This bug affects Firefox 36.0 on Windows 8, Mac OS X, or Ubuntu. Neither Google Chrome nor Safari are affected by this bug.
fixed background image on th, td
th within tr within theadtd within tr within thead
th within tr within tbodytd within tr within tbody
th within tr within tfoottd within tr within tfoot
fixed background image on tr
th within tr within theadtd within tr within thead
th within tr within tbodytd within tr within tbody
th within tr within tfoottd within tr within tfoot
fixed background image on thead, tbody, tfoot
th within tr within theadtd within tr within thead
th within tr within tbodytd within tr within tbody
th within tr within tfoottd within tr within tfoot
fixed background image on table
th within tr within theadtd within tr within thead
th within tr within tbodytd within tr within tbody
th within tr within tfoottd within tr within tfoot
fixed background image on div within table cell
div within th within tr within thead
div within td within tr within thead
div within th within tr within tbody
div within td within tr within tbody
div within th within tr within tfoot
div within td within tr within tfoot
fixed background image on div {display:table-cell}
div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-header-group}
div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-row-group}
fixed background image on div {display:table-row}
div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-header-group}
div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-row-group}
fixed background image on div {display:table-(header|row|footer)-group}
div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-header-group}
div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-row-group}
fixed background image on div {display:table}
div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-header-group}
div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-row-group}
fixed background image on div within display:table-cell
div within div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-header-group}
div within div {display:table-cell} within div {display:table-row} within div {display:table-row-group}