Seriously, LibreOffice has a real stability problem.  It crashes every day, several time a day. 


On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Michael Mellinger <> wrote:
I  was simply copying the columns H,J,L (Portuguese, French, Italian) in the first sheet then CMD-tab'ing to Chrome.  When I'd try to come back to the sheet, LibreOffice had crashed.  I reset my user profile.  Maybe that will help.


On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 8:29 AM, <> wrote:

Do you do something in particular with the file?

I haven't crashes with it, neither sorting or filtering.

Can you try resetting the user profile?, sometimes solves strange issues.

Please if you can answer here or avoid reproduce the message, when it's not
needed to remarks something, that makes the list to be long and more difficult
to follow.

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