Bug Summary

Warning:line 1001, column 26
Called C++ object pointer is null

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name cellsh.cxx -analyzer-store=region -analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=cplusplus -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -mframe-pointer=all -fmath-errno -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -munwind-tables -target-cpu x86-64 -fno-split-dwarf-inlining -debugger-tuning=gdb -resource-dir /usr/lib64/clang/11.0.0 -isystem /usr/include/libxml2 -D BOOST_ERROR_CODE_HEADER_ONLY -D BOOST_SYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED -D CPPU_ENV=gcc3 -D LINUX -D OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL=1 -D SAL_LOG_INFO -D SAL_LOG_WARN -D UNIX -D UNX -D X86_64 -D _PTHREADS -D _REENTRANT -D SC_DLLIMPLEMENTATION -D SC_INFO_OSVERSION="LINUX" -D SYSTEM_LIBXML -D EXCEPTIONS_ON -D LIBO_INTERNAL_ONLY -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnpackedTarball/liborcus/include -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnpackedTarball/mdds/include -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnpackedTarball/icu/source -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnpackedTarball/icu/source/i18n -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnpackedTarball/icu/source/common -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/external/clew/source/include -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/external/boost/include -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnpackedTarball/boost -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/sc/source/core/inc -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/sc/source/filter/inc -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/sc/source/ui/inc -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/sc/inc -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/SdiTarget/sc/sdi -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/include -I /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- -I /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/config_host -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/CustomTarget/officecfg/registry -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnoApiHeadersTarget/udkapi/normal -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnoApiHeadersTarget/offapi/normal -I /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/workdir/UnoApiHeadersTarget/oovbaapi/normal -internal-isystem /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/10/../../../../include/c++/10 -internal-isystem /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/10/../../../../include/c++/10/x86_64-redhat-linux -internal-isystem /usr/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/10/../../../../include/c++/10/backward -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib64/clang/11.0.0/include -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O0 -Wno-missing-braces -std=c++17 -fdeprecated-macro -fdebug-compilation-dir /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core -ferror-limit 19 -fvisibility hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -stack-protector 2 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fcxx-exceptions -fexceptions -debug-info-kind=constructor -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -o /home/maarten/tmp/wis/scan-build-libreoffice/output/report/2020-10-07-141433-9725-1 -x c++ /home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/sc/source/ui/view/cellsh.cxx
1/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
3 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
4 *
5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8 *
9 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
10 *
11 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 * with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
18 */
20#include <scitems.hxx>
22#include <svl/slstitm.hxx>
23#include <svl/stritem.hxx>
24#include <svl/whiter.hxx>
25#include <svtools/cliplistener.hxx>
26#include <svtools/insdlg.hxx>
27#include <sot/formats.hxx>
28#include <svx/hlnkitem.hxx>
29#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
30#include <sfx2/childwin.hxx>
31#include <sfx2/objface.hxx>
32#include <sfx2/request.hxx>
33#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
34#include <vcl/EnumContext.hxx>
35#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
36#include <svx/clipfmtitem.hxx>
38#include <cellsh.hxx>
39#include <sc.hrc>
40#include <docsh.hxx>
41#include <attrib.hxx>
42#include <tabvwsh.hxx>
43#include <formulacell.hxx>
44#include <scmod.hxx>
45#include <globstr.hrc>
46#include <scresid.hxx>
47#include <transobj.hxx>
48#include <drwtrans.hxx>
49#include <scabstdlg.hxx>
50#include <postit.hxx>
51#include <cliputil.hxx>
52#include <clipparam.hxx>
53#include <markdata.hxx>
54#include <gridwin.hxx>
56#define ShellClass_ScCellShell
57#define ShellClass_CellMovement
58#include <scslots.hxx>
61SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE(ScCellShell, ScFormatShell)SfxInterface* ScCellShell::pInterface = nullptr; SfxInterface
* ScCellShell::GetStaticInterface() { if ( !pInterface ) { pInterface
= new SfxInterface( "ScCellShell", false, GetInterfaceId(), ScFormatShell
::GetStaticInterface(), aScCellShellSlots_Impl[0], sal_uInt16
(sizeof(aScCellShellSlots_Impl) / sizeof(SfxSlot) ) ); InitInterface_Impl
(); } return pInterface; } SfxInterface* ScCellShell::GetInterface
() const { return GetStaticInterface(); } void ScCellShell::RegisterInterface
(const SfxModule* pMod) { GetStaticInterface()->Register(pMod
); }
63void ScCellShell::InitInterface_Impl()
65 GetStaticInterface()->RegisterObjectBar(SFX_OBJECTBAR_OBJECT1,
66 SfxVisibilityFlags::Standard | SfxVisibilityFlags::Server,
67 ToolbarId::Objectbar_Format);
69 GetStaticInterface()->RegisterPopupMenu("cell");
72ScCellShell::ScCellShell(ScViewData& rData, const VclPtr<vcl::Window>& frameWin) :
73 ScFormatShell(&rData),
74 pImpl( new CellShell_Impl() ),
75 bPastePossible(false),
76 pFrameWin(frameWin)
78 SetName("Cell");
79 SfxShell::SetContextName(vcl::EnumContext::GetContextName(vcl::EnumContext::Context::Cell));
84 if ( pImpl->m_xClipEvtLstnr.is() )
85 {
86 pImpl->m_xClipEvtLstnr->RemoveListener( GetViewData()->GetActiveWin() );
88 // The listener may just now be waiting for the SolarMutex and call the link
89 // afterwards, in spite of RemoveListener. So the link has to be reset, too.
90 pImpl->m_xClipEvtLstnr->ClearCallbackLink();
92 pImpl->m_xClipEvtLstnr.clear();
93 }
95 pImpl->m_pLinkedDlg.disposeAndClear();
96 delete pImpl->m_pRequest;
99void ScCellShell::GetBlockState( SfxItemSet& rSet )
101 ScTabViewShell* pTabViewShell = GetViewData()->GetViewShell();
102 ScRange aMarkRange;
103 ScMarkType eMarkType = GetViewData()->GetSimpleArea( aMarkRange );
104 bool bSimpleArea = (eMarkType == SC_MARK_SIMPLE);
105 bool bOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix;
106 bool bEditable = pTabViewShell->SelectionEditable( &bOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix );
107 ScDocument& rDoc = GetViewData()->GetDocument();
108 ScDocShell* pDocShell = GetViewData()->GetDocShell();
109 ScMarkData& rMark = GetViewData()->GetMarkData();
110 SCCOL nCol1, nCol2;
111 SCROW nRow1, nRow2;
112 nCol1 = aMarkRange.aStart.Col();
113 nRow1 = aMarkRange.aStart.Row();
114 nCol2 = aMarkRange.aEnd.Col();
115 nRow2 = aMarkRange.aEnd.Row();
117 SfxWhichIter aIter(rSet);
118 sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich();
119 while ( nWhich )
120 {
121 bool bDisable = false;
122 bool bNeedEdit = true; // need selection be editable?
123 switch ( nWhich )
124 {
125 case FID_FILL_TO_BOTTOM((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 4): // fill to top / bottom
126 {
127 bDisable = !bSimpleArea || (nRow1 == 0 && nRow2 == 0);
128 if (!bDisable && GetViewData()->SelectionForbidsCellFill())
129 bDisable = true;
130 if ( !bDisable && bEditable )
131 { // do not damage matrix
132 bDisable = rDoc.HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
133 nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow1, rMark ); // first row
134 }
135 }
136 break;
137 case FID_FILL_TO_TOP((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 6):
138 {
139 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea) || (nRow1 == rDoc.MaxRow() && nRow2 == rDoc.MaxRow());
140 if (!bDisable && GetViewData()->SelectionForbidsCellFill())
141 bDisable = true;
142 if ( !bDisable && bEditable )
143 { // do not damage matrix
144 bDisable = rDoc.HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
145 nCol1, nRow2, nCol2, nRow2, rMark ); // last row
146 }
147 }
148 break;
149 case FID_FILL_TO_RIGHT((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 5): // fill to left / right
150 {
151 bDisable = !bSimpleArea || (nCol1 == 0 && nCol2 == 0);
152 if (!bDisable && GetViewData()->SelectionForbidsCellFill())
153 bDisable = true;
154 if ( !bDisable && bEditable )
155 { // do not damage matrix
156 bDisable = rDoc.HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
157 nCol1, nRow1, nCol1, nRow2, rMark ); // first column
158 }
159 }
160 break;
161 case FID_FILL_TO_LEFT((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 7):
162 {
163 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea) || (nCol1 == rDoc.MaxCol() && nCol2 == rDoc.MaxCol());
164 if (!bDisable && GetViewData()->SelectionForbidsCellFill())
165 bDisable = true;
166 if ( !bDisable && bEditable )
167 { // do not damage matrix
168 bDisable = rDoc.HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
169 nCol2, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, rMark ); // last column
170 }
171 }
172 break;
174 case SID_RANDOM_NUMBER_GENERATOR_DIALOG((26000 + 100) + 70):
175 bDisable = !bSimpleArea || GetViewData()->SelectionForbidsCellFill();
176 break;
177 case SID_SAMPLING_DIALOG((26000 + 100) + 71):
178 case SID_DESCRIPTIVE_STATISTICS_DIALOG((26000 + 100) + 72):
179 case SID_ANALYSIS_OF_VARIANCE_DIALOG((26000 + 100) + 73):
180 case SID_CORRELATION_DIALOG((26000 + 100) + 74):
181 case SID_COVARIANCE_DIALOG((26000 + 100) + 75):
182 {
183 bDisable = !bSimpleArea;
184 }
185 break;
187 case FID_FILL_SERIES((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 9): // fill block
188 case SID_OPENDLG_TABOP((26000 + 100) + 54): // multiple-cell operations, are at least 2 cells marked?
189 if (rDoc.GetChangeTrack()!=nullptr &&nWhich ==SID_OPENDLG_TABOP((26000 + 100) + 54))
190 bDisable = true;
191 else
192 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea) || (nCol1 == nCol2 && nRow1 == nRow2);
194 if (!bDisable && GetViewData()->SelectionForbidsCellFill())
195 bDisable = true;
197 if ( !bDisable && bEditable && nWhich == FID_FILL_SERIES((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 9) )
198 { // do not damage matrix
199 bDisable = rDoc.HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
200 nCol1, nRow1, nCol2, nRow1, rMark ) // first row
201 || rDoc.HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
202 nCol1, nRow2, nCol2, nRow2, rMark ) // last row
203 || rDoc.HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
204 nCol1, nRow1, nCol1, nRow2, rMark ) // first column
205 || rDoc.HasSelectedBlockMatrixFragment(
206 nCol2, nRow1, nCol2, nRow2, rMark ); // last column
207 }
208 break;
209 case FID_FILL_SINGLE_EDIT((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 10):
210 bDisable = false;
211 break;
212 case SID_CUT(5000 + 710): // cut
213 bDisable = !bSimpleArea || GetObjectShell()->isContentExtractionLocked();
214 break;
215 case FID_INS_CELL((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 6): // insert cells, just simple selection
216 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea);
217 break;
219 case SID_PASTE(5000 + 712):
220 case SID_PASTE_SPECIAL(5000 + 311):
221 case SID_PASTE_UNFORMATTED(5000 + 314):
222 case SID_PASTE_ONLY_VALUE(5000 + 804):
223 case SID_PASTE_ONLY_TEXT(5000 + 802):
224 case SID_PASTE_ONLY_FORMULA(5000 + 803):
225 case SID_PASTE_TEXTIMPORT_DIALOG(5000 + 805):
226 bDisable = GetViewData()->SelectionForbidsCellFill();
227 break;
229 case FID_INS_ROW((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 7):
230 case FID_INS_ROWS_BEFORE((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 22): // insert rows
231 case FID_INS_ROWS_AFTER((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 20):
232 {
233 sc::ColRowEditAction eAction = sc::ColRowEditAction::InsertRowsBefore;
234 if (nWhich == FID_INS_ROWS_AFTER((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 20))
235 eAction = sc::ColRowEditAction::InsertRowsAfter;
237 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea) || GetViewData()->SimpleColMarked();
238 if (!bEditable && nCol1 == 0 && nCol2 == rDoc.MaxCol())
239 {
240 // See if row insertions are allowed.
241 bEditable = rDoc.IsEditActionAllowed(eAction, rMark, nRow1, nRow2);
242 }
243 break;
244 }
245 case FID_INS_CELLSDOWN((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 18):
246 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea) || GetViewData()->SimpleColMarked();
247 break;
249 case FID_INS_COLUMN((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 8):
250 case FID_INS_COLUMNS_BEFORE((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 23): // insert columns
251 case FID_INS_COLUMNS_AFTER((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 21):
252 {
253 sc::ColRowEditAction eAction = sc::ColRowEditAction::InsertColumnsBefore;
254 if (nWhich == FID_INS_COLUMNS_AFTER((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 21))
255 eAction = sc::ColRowEditAction::InsertColumnsAfter;
257 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea) || GetViewData()->SimpleRowMarked();
258 if (!bEditable && nRow1 == 0 && nRow2 == rDoc.MaxRow())
259 {
260 // See if row insertions are allowed.
261 bEditable = rDoc.IsEditActionAllowed(eAction, rMark, nCol1, nCol2);
262 }
263 break;
264 }
265 case FID_INS_CELLSRIGHT((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 19):
266 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea) || GetViewData()->SimpleRowMarked();
267 break;
269 case SID_COPY(5000 + 711): // copy
270 // not editable because of matrix only? Do not damage matrix
271 //! is not called, when protected AND matrix, we will have
272 //! to live with this... is caught in Copy-Routine, otherwise
273 //! work is to be done once more
274 if ( bEditable || !bOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix )
275 bNeedEdit = false; // allowed when protected/ReadOnly
276 bDisable = GetObjectShell()->isContentExtractionLocked();
277 break;
279 case SID_AUTOFORMATTypedWhichId<SfxStringItem>( 10000 + 242 ): // Autoformat, at least 3x3 selected
280 bDisable = (!bSimpleArea)
281 || ((nCol2 - nCol1) < 2) || ((nRow2 - nRow1) < 2);
282 break;
284 case SID_CELL_FORMAT_RESET((26000) + 67) :
285 case FID_CELL_FORMAT((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25))) :
286 case SID_ENABLE_HYPHENATION((26000) + 87) :
287 // not editable because of matrix only? Attribute ok nonetheless
288 if ( !bEditable && bOnlyNotBecauseOfMatrix )
289 bNeedEdit = false;
290 break;
292 case FID_VALIDATION((((26000 + 521) + 50))+54):
293 {
294 if ( pDocShell && pDocShell->IsDocShared() )
295 {
296 bDisable = true;
297 }
298 }
299 break;
300 case SID_TRANSLITERATE_HALFWIDTH( 10000 + 914 ):
301 case SID_TRANSLITERATE_FULLWIDTH( 10000 + 915 ):
302 case SID_TRANSLITERATE_HIRAGANA( 10000 + 916 ):
303 case SID_TRANSLITERATE_KATAKANA( 10000 + 917 ):
304 ScViewUtil::HideDisabledSlot( rSet, GetViewData()->GetBindings(), nWhich );
305 break;
306 case SID_CONVERT_FORMULA_TO_VALUE((26000 + 200) + 5):
307 {
308 // Check and see if the marked range has at least one formula cell.
309 bDisable = !rDoc.HasFormulaCell(aMarkRange);
310 }
311 break;
312 }
313 if (!bDisable && bNeedEdit && !bEditable)
314 bDisable = true;
316 if (bDisable)
317 rSet.DisableItem(nWhich);
318 else if (nWhich == SID_ENABLE_HYPHENATION((26000) + 87))
319 {
320 // toggle slots need a bool item
321 rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, false ) );
322 }
323 nWhich = aIter.NextWhich();
324 }
327// functions, disabled depending on cursor position
328// Default:
331void ScCellShell::GetCellState( SfxItemSet& rSet )
333 ScDocShell* pDocShell = GetViewData()->GetDocShell();
334 ScDocument& rDoc = GetViewData()->GetDocShell()->GetDocument();
335 ScAddress aCursor( GetViewData()->GetCurX(), GetViewData()->GetCurY(),
336 GetViewData()->GetTabNo() );
337 SfxWhichIter aIter(rSet);
338 sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich();
339 while ( nWhich )
340 {
341 bool bDisable = false;
342 bool bNeedEdit = true; // need cursor position be editable?
343 switch ( nWhich )
344 {
345 case SID_THESAURUS( 10000 + 245 ):
346 {
347 CellType eType = rDoc.GetCellType( aCursor );
348 bDisable = ( eType != CELLTYPE_STRING && eType != CELLTYPE_EDIT);
349 if (!bDisable)
350 {
351 // test for available languages
352 LanguageType nLang = ScViewUtil::GetEffLanguage( rDoc, aCursor );
353 bDisable = !ScModule::HasThesaurusLanguage( nLang );
354 }
355 }
356 break;
357 case SID_OPENDLG_FUNCTION((26000 + 100) + 52):
358 {
359 ScMarkData aMarkData = GetViewData()->GetMarkData();
360 aMarkData.MarkToSimple();
361 ScRange aRange;
362 aMarkData.GetMarkArea(aRange);
363 if(aMarkData.IsMarked())
364 {
365 if (!rDoc.IsBlockEditable( aCursor.Tab(), aRange.aStart.Col(),aRange.aStart.Row(),
366 aRange.aEnd.Col(),aRange.aEnd.Row() ))
367 {
368 bDisable = true;
369 }
370 bNeedEdit=false;
371 }
373 }
374 break;
375 case SID_INSERT_POSTIT( 10000 + 1101 ):
376 {
377 ScAddress aPos( GetViewData()->GetCurX(), GetViewData()->GetCurY(), GetViewData()->GetTabNo() );
378 if( rDoc.GetNote(aPos) )
379 {
380 bDisable = true;
381 }
382 else
383 {
384 bDisable = false;
385 if ( pDocShell && pDocShell->IsDocShared() )
386 {
387 bDisable = true;
388 }
389 }
390 }
391 break;
392 case SID_EDIT_POSTIT( 10000 + 1158 ):
393 {
394 ScAddress aPos( GetViewData()->GetCurX(), GetViewData()->GetCurY(), GetViewData()->GetTabNo() );
395 bDisable = rDoc.GetNote(aPos) == nullptr;
396 }
397 break;
398 }
399 if (!bDisable && bNeedEdit)
400 if (!rDoc.IsBlockEditable( aCursor.Tab(), aCursor.Col(),aCursor.Row(),
401 aCursor.Col(),aCursor.Row() ))
402 bDisable = true;
403 if (bDisable)
404 rSet.DisableItem(nWhich);
405 nWhich = aIter.NextWhich();
406 }
409static bool lcl_TestFormat( SvxClipboardFormatItem& rFormats, const TransferableDataHelper& rDataHelper,
410 SotClipboardFormatId nFormatId )
412 if ( rDataHelper.HasFormat( nFormatId ) )
413 {
414 // translated format name strings are no longer inserted here,
415 // handled by "paste special" dialog / toolbox controller instead.
416 // Only the object type name has to be set here:
417 OUString aStrVal;
418 if ( nFormatId == SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE )
419 {
420 TransferableObjectDescriptor aDesc;
421 if ( const_cast<TransferableDataHelper&>(rDataHelper).GetTransferableObjectDescriptor(
422 SotClipboardFormatId::OBJECTDESCRIPTOR, aDesc ) )
423 aStrVal = aDesc.maTypeName;
424 }
425 else if ( nFormatId == SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE_OLE
426 || nFormatId == SotClipboardFormatId::EMBEDDED_OBJ_OLE )
427 {
428 OUString aSource;
429 SvPasteObjectHelper::GetEmbeddedName( rDataHelper, aStrVal, aSource, nFormatId );
430 }
432 if ( !aStrVal.isEmpty() )
433 rFormats.AddClipbrdFormat( nFormatId, aStrVal );
434 else
435 rFormats.AddClipbrdFormat( nFormatId );
437 return true;
438 }
440 return false;
443void ScCellShell::GetPossibleClipboardFormats( SvxClipboardFormatItem& rFormats )
445 vcl::Window* pWin = GetViewData()->GetActiveWin();
446 bool bDraw = ScDrawTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(ScTabViewShell::GetClipData(pWin)) != nullptr;
448 TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( pWin ) );
450 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::DRAWING );
451 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::SVXB );
452 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::GDIMETAFILE );
453 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::PNG );
454 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::BITMAP );
455 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE );
457 if ( !bDraw )
458 {
459 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::LINK );
460 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::STRING );
461 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC );
462 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::DIF );
463 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::RTF );
464 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT );
465 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::HTML );
466 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::HTML_SIMPLE );
467 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::BIFF_8 );
468 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::BIFF_5 );
469 }
471 if ( !lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE_OLE ) )
472 lcl_TestFormat( rFormats, aDataHelper, SotClipboardFormatId::EMBEDDED_OBJ_OLE );
475// insert, insert contents
477static bool lcl_IsCellPastePossible( const TransferableDataHelper& rData )
479 bool bPossible = false;
480 css::uno::Reference< css::datatransfer::XTransferable2 > xTransferable(rData.GetXTransferable(), css::uno::UNO_QUERY);
481 if ( ScTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(xTransferable) || ScDrawTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(xTransferable) )
482 bPossible = true;
483 else
484 {
485 if ( rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::PNG ) ||
486 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::BITMAP ) ||
487 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::GDIMETAFILE ) ||
488 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::SVXB ) ||
489 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::PRIVATE ) ||
490 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RTF ) ||
491 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT ) ||
492 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE ) ||
493 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE ) ||
494 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBED_SOURCE_OLE ) ||
495 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK_SOURCE_OLE ) ||
496 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::EMBEDDED_OBJ_OLE ) ||
497 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::STRING ) ||
498 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC ) ||
499 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK ) ||
500 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::LINK ) ||
501 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::HTML ) ||
502 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::HTML_SIMPLE ) ||
503 rData.HasFormat( SotClipboardFormatId::DIF ) )
504 {
505 bPossible = true;
506 }
507 }
508 return bPossible;
511bool ScCellShell::HasClipboardFormat( SotClipboardFormatId nFormatId )
513 vcl::Window* pWin = GetViewData()->GetActiveWin();
514 TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( pWin ));
515 return aDataHelper.HasFormat( nFormatId );
518IMPL_LINK( ScCellShell, ClipboardChanged, TransferableDataHelper*, pDataHelper, void )void ScCellShell::LinkStubClipboardChanged(void * instance, TransferableDataHelper
* data) { return static_cast<ScCellShell *>(instance)->
ClipboardChanged(data); } void ScCellShell::ClipboardChanged(
TransferableDataHelper* pDataHelper)
520 bPastePossible = lcl_IsCellPastePossible( *pDataHelper );
522 SfxBindings& rBindings = GetViewData()->GetBindings();
523 rBindings.Invalidate( SID_PASTE(5000 + 712) );
524 rBindings.Invalidate( SID_PASTE_SPECIAL(5000 + 311) );
525 rBindings.Invalidate( SID_PASTE_UNFORMATTED(5000 + 314) );
526 rBindings.Invalidate( SID_PASTE_ONLY_VALUE(5000 + 804) );
527 rBindings.Invalidate( SID_PASTE_ONLY_TEXT(5000 + 802) );
528 rBindings.Invalidate( SID_PASTE_ONLY_FORMULA(5000 + 803) );
529 rBindings.Invalidate( SID_PASTE_TEXTIMPORT_DIALOG(5000 + 805) );
530 rBindings.Invalidate( SID_CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_ITEMS(5000 + 312) );
533namespace {
535bool checkDestRanges(ScViewData& rViewData)
537 ScRange aDummy;
538 ScMarkType eMarkType = rViewData.GetSimpleArea( aDummy);
539 if (eMarkType != SC_MARK_MULTI)
540 {
541 // Single destination range.
542 if (eMarkType != SC_MARK_SIMPLE && eMarkType != SC_MARK_SIMPLE_FILTERED)
543 return false;
544 }
546 if (rViewData.SelectionForbidsCellFill())
547 return false;
549 // Multiple destination ranges.
551 ScDocument& rDoc = rViewData.GetDocument();
552 vcl::Window* pWin = rViewData.GetActiveWin();
553 if (!pWin)
554 return false;
556 const ScTransferObj* pOwnClip = ScTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(ScTabViewShell::GetClipData(pWin));
557 if (!pOwnClip)
558 // If it's not a Calc document, we won't be picky.
559 return true;
561 ScDocument* pClipDoc = pOwnClip->GetDocument();
562 if (!pClipDoc)
563 return false;
565 ScRange aSrcRange = pClipDoc->GetClipParam().getWholeRange();
566 SCROW nRowSize = aSrcRange.aEnd.Row() - aSrcRange.aStart.Row() + 1;
567 SCCOL nColSize = aSrcRange.aEnd.Col() - aSrcRange.aStart.Col() + 1;
569 ScMarkData aMark = rViewData.GetMarkData();
570 ScRangeList aRanges;
571 aMark.MarkToSimple();
572 aMark.FillRangeListWithMarks(&aRanges, false);
574 return ScClipUtil::CheckDestRanges(rDoc, nColSize, nRowSize, aMark, aRanges);
579void ScCellShell::GetClipState( SfxItemSet& rSet )
586 if ( !pImpl->m_xClipEvtLstnr.is() )
587 {
588 // create listener
589 pImpl->m_xClipEvtLstnr = new TransferableClipboardListener( LINK( this, ScCellShell, ClipboardChanged )::tools::detail::makeLink( ::tools::detail::castTo<ScCellShell
*>(this), &ScCellShell::LinkStubClipboardChanged)
590 vcl::Window* pWin = GetViewData()->GetActiveWin();
591 pImpl->m_xClipEvtLstnr->AddListener( pWin );
593 // get initial state
594 TransferableDataHelper aDataHelper( TransferableDataHelper::CreateFromSystemClipboard( pWin ) );
595 bPastePossible = lcl_IsCellPastePossible( aDataHelper );
596 }
598 bool bDisable = !bPastePossible;
600 // cell protection / multiple selection
602 if (!bDisable)
603 {
604 SCCOL nCol = GetViewData()->GetCurX();
605 SCROW nRow = GetViewData()->GetCurY();
606 SCTAB nTab = GetViewData()->GetTabNo();
607 ScDocument& rDoc = GetViewData()->GetDocShell()->GetDocument();
608 if (!rDoc.IsBlockEditable( nTab, nCol,nRow, nCol,nRow ))
609 bDisable = true;
611 if (!bDisable && !checkDestRanges(*GetViewData()))
612 bDisable = true;
613 }
615 if (bDisable)
616 {
617 rSet.DisableItem( SID_PASTE(5000 + 712) );
618 rSet.DisableItem( SID_PASTE_SPECIAL(5000 + 311) );
619 rSet.DisableItem( SID_PASTE_UNFORMATTED(5000 + 314) );
620 rSet.DisableItem( SID_PASTE_ONLY_VALUE(5000 + 804) );
621 rSet.DisableItem( SID_PASTE_ONLY_TEXT(5000 + 802) );
622 rSet.DisableItem( SID_PASTE_ONLY_FORMULA(5000 + 803) );
623 rSet.DisableItem( SID_PASTE_TEXTIMPORT_DIALOG(5000 + 805) );
624 rSet.DisableItem( SID_CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_ITEMS(5000 + 312) );
625 }
626 else if ( rSet.GetItemState( SID_CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_ITEMS(5000 + 312) ) != SfxItemState::UNKNOWN )
627 {
628 SvxClipboardFormatItem aFormats( SID_CLIPBOARD_FORMAT_ITEMS(5000 + 312) );
629 GetPossibleClipboardFormats( aFormats );
630 rSet.Put( aFormats );
631 }
636void ScCellShell::GetHLinkState( SfxItemSet& rSet )
638 // always return an item (or inserting will be disabled)
639 // if the cell at the cursor contains only a link, return that link
641 SvxHyperlinkItem aHLinkItem;
642 if ( !GetViewData()->GetView()->HasBookmarkAtCursor( &aHLinkItem ) )
643 {
644 //! put selected text into item?
645 }
647 rSet.Put(aHLinkItem);
650void ScCellShell::GetState(SfxItemSet &rSet)
652 ScTabViewShell* pTabViewShell = GetViewData()->GetViewShell();
653 ScDocShell* pDocSh = GetViewData()->GetDocShell();
'pDocSh' initialized here
654 ScViewData* pData = GetViewData();
655 ScDocument& rDoc = pData->GetDocument();
656 ScMarkData& rMark = pData->GetMarkData();
657 SCCOL nPosX = pData->GetCurX();
658 SCROW nPosY = pData->GetCurY();
659 SCTAB nTab = pData->GetTabNo();
661 SCTAB nTabCount = rDoc.GetTableCount();
662 SCTAB nTabSelCount = rMark.GetSelectCount();
664 SfxWhichIter aIter(rSet);
665 sal_uInt16 nWhich = aIter.FirstWhich();
666 while ( nWhich )
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
667 {
668 switch ( nWhich )
Control jumps to 'case 26271:' at line 1175
Control jumps to 'case 26290:' at line 997
669 {
670 case SID_DETECTIVE_REFRESH((((((((((((((((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) +
25)) + 22)) + 20)) + 29)) + 20))+20))+1))+50))+20))+14)
671 if (!rDoc.HasDetectiveOperations())
672 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
673 break;
675 case SID_RANGE_ADDRESS((((26000 + 521) + 50))+47):
676 {
677 ScRange aRange;
678 if ( pData->GetSimpleArea( aRange ) == SC_MARK_SIMPLE )
679 {
680 OUString aStr(aRange.Format(rDoc, ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D));
681 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aStr ) );
682 }
683 }
684 break;
686 case SID_RANGE_NOTETEXT((((26000 + 521) + 50))+52):
687 {
688 // always take cursor position, do not use top-left cell of selection
689 OUString aNoteText;
690 if ( const ScPostIt* pNote = rDoc.GetNote(nPosX, nPosY, nTab) )
691 aNoteText = pNote->GetText();
692 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aNoteText ) );
693 }
694 break;
696 case SID_RANGE_ROW((((26000 + 521) + 50))+20):
697 rSet.Put( SfxInt32Item( nWhich, nPosY+1 ) );
698 break;
700 case SID_RANGE_COL((((26000 + 521) + 50))+21):
701 rSet.Put( SfxInt16Item( nWhich, nPosX+1 ) );
702 break;
704 case SID_RANGE_TABLE((((26000 + 521) + 50))+22):
705 rSet.Put( SfxInt16Item( nWhich, nTab+1 ) );
706 break;
708 case SID_RANGE_FORMULA((((26000 + 521) + 50))+24):
709 {
710 OUString aString;
711 rDoc.GetFormula( nPosX, nPosY, nTab, aString );
712 if( aString.isEmpty() )
713 {
714 rDoc.GetInputString( nPosX, nPosY, nTab, aString );
715 }
716 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aString ) );
717 }
718 break;
720 case SID_RANGE_TEXTVALUE((((26000 + 521) + 50))+26):
721 {
722 OUString aString = rDoc.GetString(nPosX, nPosY, nTab);
723 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aString ) );
724 }
725 break;
727 case SID_STATUS_SELMODE((26000 + 100) + 16):
728 {
729 /* 0: STD Click cancels Sel
730 * 1: ER Click extends selection
731 * 2: ERG Click defines further selection
732 */
733 sal_uInt16 nMode = pTabViewShell->GetLockedModifiers();
735 switch ( nMode )
736 {
737 case KEY_SHIFT: nMode = 1; break;
738 case KEY_MOD1: nMode = 2; break; // Control-key
739 case 0:
740 default:
741 nMode = 0;
742 }
744 rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( nWhich, nMode ) );
745 }
746 break;
748 case SID_STATUS_DOCPOS((26000 + 100) + 14):
749 {
750 OUString aStr = ScResId( STR_TABLE_COUNTreinterpret_cast<char const *>("STR_TABLE_COUNT" "\004"
u8"Sheet %1 of %2")
752 aStr = aStr.replaceFirst("%1", OUString::number( nTab + 1 ) );
753 aStr = aStr.replaceFirst("%2", OUString::number( nTabCount ) );
755 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aStr ) ); }
756 break;
758 case SID_ROWCOL_SELCOUNT((26000 + 100) + 38):
759 {
760 ScRange aMarkRange;
761 GetViewData()->GetSimpleArea( aMarkRange );
762 SCCOL nCol1, nCol2;
763 SCROW nRow1, nRow2;
764 nCol1 = aMarkRange.aStart.Col();
765 nRow1 = aMarkRange.aStart.Row();
766 nCol2 = aMarkRange.aEnd.Col();
767 nRow2 = aMarkRange.aEnd.Row();
768 if( nCol2 != nCol1 || nRow1 != nRow2 )
769 {
770 const auto nRows = nRow2 - nRow1 + 1;
771 const auto nCols = nCol2 - nCol1 + 1;
772 const LocaleDataWrapper& rLocaleData = Application::GetSettings().GetUILocaleDataWrapper();
773 OUString aRowArg = ScResId(STR_SELCOUNT_ROWARGreinterpret_cast<char const *>("STR_SELCOUNT_ROWARG" "\004"
u8"$1 row" "\004" u8"$1 rows")
, nRows).replaceAll("$1", rLocaleData.getNum(nRows, 0));
774 OUString aColArg = ScResId(STR_SELCOUNT_COLARGreinterpret_cast<char const *>("STR_SELCOUNT_COLARG" "\004"
u8"$1 column" "\004" u8"$1 columns")
, nCols).replaceAll("$1", rLocaleData.getNum(nCols, 0));
775 OUString aStr = ScResId(STR_SELCOUNTreinterpret_cast<char const *>("STR_SELCOUNT" "\004" u8"Selected: $1, $2"
776 aStr = aStr.replaceAll("$1", aRowArg);
777 aStr = aStr.replaceAll("$2", aColArg);
778 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aStr ) );
779 }
780 else
781 {
782 SCSIZE nSelected, nTotal;
783 rDoc.GetFilterSelCount( nPosX, nPosY, nTab, nSelected, nTotal );
784 if( nTotal )
785 {
786 OUString aStr = ScResId( STR_FILTER_SELCOUNTreinterpret_cast<char const *>("STR_FILTER_SELCOUNT" "\004"
u8"$1 of $2 records found")
787 aStr = aStr.replaceAll( "$1", OUString::number( nSelected ) );
788 aStr = aStr.replaceAll( "$2", OUString::number( nTotal ) );
789 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aStr ) );
790 }
791 }
792 }
793 break;
795 // calculations etc. with date/time/Fail/position&size together
797 // #i34458# The SfxStringItem belongs only into SID_TABLE_CELL. It no longer has to be
798 // duplicated in SID_ATTR_POSITION or SID_ATTR_SIZE for SvxPosSizeStatusBarControl.
799 case SID_TABLE_CELL( 10000 + 225 ):
800 {
801 // Test, if error under cursor
802 // (not rDoc.GetErrCode, to avoid erasing circular references)
804 // In interpreter may happen via rescheduled Basic
805 if ( rDoc.IsInInterpreter() )
806 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, "..." ) );
807 else
808 {
809 FormulaError nErrCode = FormulaError::NONE;
810 ScFormulaCell* pCell = rDoc.GetFormulaCell(ScAddress(nPosX, nPosY, nTab));
811 if (pCell && !pCell->IsRunning())
812 nErrCode = pCell->GetErrCode();
814 OUString aFuncStr;
815 if ( pTabViewShell->GetFunction( aFuncStr, nErrCode ) )
816 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aFuncStr ) );
817 }
818 }
819 break;
821 case SID_DATA_SELECT((((26000 + 521) + 50))+39):
822 // HasSelectionData includes column content and validity,
823 // page fields have to be checked separately.
824 if ( !rDoc.HasSelectionData( nPosX, nPosY, nTab ) &&
825 !pTabViewShell->HasPageFieldDataAtCursor() )
826 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
827 break;
829 case FID_CURRENTVALIDATION((((26000 + 521) + 50))+51):
830 if ( !rDoc.HasValidationData( nPosX, nPosY, nTab ))
831 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
832 break;
834 case SID_STATUS_SUM((26000 + 100) + 30):
835 {
836 OUString aFuncStr;
837 if ( pTabViewShell->GetFunction( aFuncStr, FormulaError::NONE ) )
838 rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( nWhich, aFuncStr ) );
839 }
840 break;
842 case FID_MERGE_ON((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 15):
843 if ( rDoc.GetChangeTrack() || !pTabViewShell->TestMergeCells() )
844 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
845 break;
847 case FID_MERGE_OFF((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 16):
848 if ( rDoc.GetChangeTrack() || !pTabViewShell->TestRemoveMerge() )
849 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
850 break;
852 case FID_MERGE_TOGGLE((((26000 + 521) + 50))+10):
853 if ( rDoc.GetChangeTrack() )
854 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
855 else
856 {
857 bool bCanMerge = pTabViewShell->TestMergeCells();
858 bool bCanSplit = pTabViewShell->TestRemoveMerge();
859 if( !bCanMerge && !bCanSplit )
860 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
861 else
862 rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, bCanSplit ) );
863 }
864 break;
866 case FID_INS_ROWBRK((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 1):
867 if ( nPosY==0 || (rDoc.HasRowBreak(nPosY, nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual) || rDoc.IsTabProtected(nTab) )
868 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
869 break;
871 case FID_INS_COLBRK((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 2):
872 if ( nPosX==0 || (rDoc.HasColBreak(nPosX, nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual) || rDoc.IsTabProtected(nTab) )
873 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
874 break;
876 case FID_DEL_ROWBRK((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 3):
877 if ( nPosY==0 || !(rDoc.HasRowBreak(nPosY, nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual) || rDoc.IsTabProtected(nTab) )
878 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
879 break;
881 case FID_DEL_COLBRK((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 4):
882 if ( nPosX==0 || !(rDoc.HasColBreak(nPosX, nTab) & ScBreakType::Manual) || rDoc.IsTabProtected(nTab) )
883 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
884 break;
886 case FID_FILL_TAB((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 8):
887 if ( nTabSelCount < 2 )
888 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
889 break;
891 case SID_INSERT_CURRENT_DATE((20000 +5000)+16):
892 case SID_INSERT_CURRENT_TIME((20000 +5000)+17):
893 {
894 if ( rDoc.IsTabProtected(nTab) &&
895 rDoc.HasAttrib(nPosX, nPosY, nTab, nPosX, nPosY, nTab, HasAttrFlags::Protected))
896 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
897 }
898 break;
900 case SID_SELECT_SCENARIO((((((((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 22
)) + 20)) + 29)) + 20))+13)
901 {
902 std::vector<OUString> aList;
903 Color aDummyCol;
905 if ( !rDoc.IsScenario(nTab) )
906 {
907 OUString aStr;
908 ScScenarioFlags nFlags;
909 SCTAB nScTab = nTab + 1;
910 bool bSheetProtected = rDoc.IsTabProtected(nTab);
912 while ( rDoc.IsScenario(nScTab) )
913 {
914 rDoc.GetName( nScTab, aStr );
915 aList.push_back(aStr);
916 rDoc.GetScenarioData( nScTab, aStr, aDummyCol, nFlags );
917 aList.push_back(aStr);
918 // Protection is sal_True if both Sheet and Scenario are protected
919 aList.push_back((bSheetProtected && (nFlags & ScScenarioFlags::Protected)) ? OUString("1") : OUString("0"));
920 ++nScTab;
921 }
922 }
923 else
924 {
925 OUString aComment;
926 ScScenarioFlags nDummyFlags;
927 rDoc.GetScenarioData( nTab, aComment, aDummyCol, nDummyFlags );
928 OSL_ENSURE( aList.empty(), "List not empty!" )do { if (true && (!(aList.empty()))) { sal_detail_logFormat
((SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_WARN), ("legacy.osl"), ("/home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/sc/source/ui/view/cellsh.cxx"
":" "928" ": "), "%s", "List not empty!"); } } while (false)
929 aList.push_back(aComment);
930 }
932 rSet.Put( SfxStringListItem( nWhich, &aList ) );
933 }
934 break;
936 case FID_ROW_HIDE((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 3):
937 case FID_ROW_SHOW((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 4):
938 case FID_COL_HIDE((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 7):
939 case FID_COL_SHOW((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 8):
940 case FID_COL_OPT_WIDTH((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 6):
941 case FID_ROW_OPT_HEIGHT((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 2):
942 case FID_DELETE_CELL((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 2):
943 if ( rDoc.IsTabProtected(nTab) || pDocSh->IsReadOnly())
944 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
945 break;
947 case SID_OUTLINE_MAKE((((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 22))
+ 20)) + 27)
948 {
949 if ( GetViewData()->GetDocument().GetDPAtCursor( GetViewData()->GetCurX(),
950 GetViewData()->GetCurY(), GetViewData()->GetTabNo() ) )
951 {
952 //! test for data pilot operation
953 }
954 else if (rDoc.GetChangeTrack()!=nullptr || GetViewData()->IsMultiMarked())
955 {
956 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
957 }
958 }
959 break;
960 case SID_OUTLINE_SHOW((((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 22))
+ 20)) + 26)
961 if ( GetViewData()->GetDocument().GetDPAtCursor( GetViewData()->GetCurX(),
962 GetViewData()->GetCurY(), GetViewData()->GetTabNo() ) )
963 {
964 //! test for data pilot operation
965 }
966 else if (!pTabViewShell->OutlinePossible(false))
967 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
968 break;
970 case SID_OUTLINE_HIDE((((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 22))
+ 20)) + 25)
971 if ( GetViewData()->GetDocument().GetDPAtCursor( GetViewData()->GetCurX(),
972 GetViewData()->GetCurY(), GetViewData()->GetTabNo() ) )
973 {
974 //! test for data pilot operation
975 }
976 else if (!pTabViewShell->OutlinePossible(true))
977 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
978 break;
980 case SID_OUTLINE_REMOVE((((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 22))
+ 20)) + 28)
981 {
982 if ( GetViewData()->GetDocument().GetDPAtCursor( GetViewData()->GetCurX(),
983 GetViewData()->GetCurY(), GetViewData()->GetTabNo() ) )
984 {
985 //! test for data pilot operation
986 }
987 else
988 {
989 bool bCol, bRow;
990 pTabViewShell->TestRemoveOutline( bCol, bRow );
991 if ( !bCol && !bRow )
992 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
993 }
994 }
995 break;
997 case FID_COL_WIDTH((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 5):
998 {
999 SfxUInt16Item aWidthItem( FID_COL_WIDTH((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 5), rDoc.GetColWidth( nPosX , nTab) );
1000 rSet.Put( aWidthItem );
1001 if ( pDocSh->IsReadOnly())
Called C++ object pointer is null
1002 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1004 //XXX disable if not conclusive
1005 }
1006 break;
1008 case FID_ROW_HEIGHT((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 1):
1009 {
1010 SfxUInt16Item aHeightItem( FID_ROW_HEIGHT((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 1), rDoc.GetRowHeight( nPosY , nTab) );
1011 rSet.Put( aHeightItem );
1012 //XXX disable if not conclusive
1013 if ( pDocSh->IsReadOnly())
1014 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1015 }
1016 break;
1018 case SID_DETECTIVE_FILLMODE((((((((((((((((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) +
25)) + 22)) + 20)) + 29)) + 20))+20))+1))+50))+20))+6)
1019 rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem( nWhich, pTabViewShell->IsAuditShell() ));
1020 break;
1022 case FID_INPUTLINE_STATUS((26000 + 100)):
1023 OSL_FAIL( "Old update method. Use ScTabViewShell::UpdateInputHandler()." )do { if (true && (((sal_Bool)1))) { sal_detail_logFormat
((SAL_DETAIL_LOG_LEVEL_WARN), ("legacy.osl"), ("/home/maarten/src/libreoffice/core/sc/source/ui/view/cellsh.cxx"
":" "1023" ": "), "%s", "Old update method. Use ScTabViewShell::UpdateInputHandler()."
); } } while (false)
1024 break;
1026 case SID_SCENARIOS((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 25)) + 22)) +
: // scenarios:
1027 if (!(rMark.IsMarked() || rMark.IsMultiMarked())) // only, if something selected
1028 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1029 break;
1031 case FID_NOTE_VISIBLE((((26000 + 521) + 50))+59):
1032 {
1033 const ScPostIt* pNote = rDoc.GetNote(nPosX, nPosY, nTab);
1034 if ( pNote && rDoc.IsBlockEditable( nTab, nPosX,nPosY, nPosX,nPosY ) )
1035 rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( nWhich, pNote->IsCaptionShown() ) );
1036 else
1037 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1038 }
1039 break;
1041 case FID_HIDE_NOTE((((26000 + 521) + 50))+101):
1042 case FID_SHOW_NOTE((((26000 + 521) + 50))+100):
1043 {
1044 bool bEnable = false;
1045 bool bSearchForHidden = nWhich == FID_SHOW_NOTE((((26000 + 521) + 50))+100);
1046 if (!rMark.IsMarked() && !rMark.IsMultiMarked())
1047 {
1048 // Check current cell
1049 const ScPostIt* pNote = rDoc.GetNote(nPosX, nPosY, nTab);
1050 if ( pNote && rDoc.IsBlockEditable( nTab, nPosX,nPosY, nPosX,nPosY ) )
1051 if ( pNote->IsCaptionShown() != bSearchForHidden)
1052 bEnable = true;
1053 }
1054 else
1055 {
1056 // Check selection range
1057 ScRangeListRef aRangesRef;
1058 pData->GetMultiArea(aRangesRef);
1059 ScRangeList aRanges = *aRangesRef;
1060 std::vector<sc::NoteEntry> aNotes;
1061 rDoc.GetNotesInRange(aRanges, aNotes);
1062 for(const auto& rNote : aNotes)
1063 {
1064 const ScAddress& rAdr = rNote.maPos;
1065 if( rDoc.IsBlockEditable( rAdr.Tab(), rAdr.Col(), rAdr.Row(), rAdr.Col(), rAdr.Row() ))
1066 {
1067 if (rNote.mpNote->IsCaptionShown() != bSearchForHidden)
1068 {
1069 bEnable = true;
1070 break;
1071 }
1072 }
1073 }
1075 }
1076 if ( !bEnable )
1077 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1078 }
1079 break;
1081 case FID_SHOW_ALL_NOTES((((26000 + 521) + 50))+102):
1082 case FID_HIDE_ALL_NOTES((((26000 + 521) + 50))+103):
1083 case FID_DELETE_ALL_NOTES((((26000 + 521) + 50))+104):
1084 {
1085 bool bHasNotes = false;
1087 for (auto const& rTab : rMark.GetSelectedTabs())
1088 {
1089 if (rDoc.HasTabNotes( rTab ))
1090 {
1091 bHasNotes = true;
1092 break;
1093 }
1094 }
1096 if ( !bHasNotes )
1097 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1098 }
1099 break;
1101 case SID_TOGGLE_NOTES( 10000 + 1098 ):
1102 {
1103 bool bHasNotes = false;
1104 ScRangeList aRanges;
1106 for (auto const& rTab : rMark.GetSelectedTabs())
1107 {
1108 if (rDoc.HasTabNotes( rTab ))
1109 {
1110 bHasNotes = true;
1111 aRanges.push_back(ScRange(0,0,rTab,rDoc.MaxCol(),rDoc.MaxRow(),rTab));
1112 }
1113 }
1115 if ( !bHasNotes )
1116 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1117 else
1118 {
1119 CommentCaptionState eState = rDoc.GetAllNoteCaptionsState( aRanges );
1120 bool bAllNotesInShown = (eState != ALLHIDDEN && eState != MIXED);
1121 rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( SID_TOGGLE_NOTES( 10000 + 1098 ), bAllNotesInShown) );
1122 }
1123 }
1124 break;
1126 case SID_DELETE_NOTE((((((((((((((((((((((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20))
+ 25)) + 22)) + 20)) + 29)) + 20))+20))+1))+50))+20))+20))+2
1127 {
1128 bool bEnable = false;
1129 if ( rMark.IsMarked() || rMark.IsMultiMarked() )
1130 {
1131 if ( rDoc.IsSelectionEditable( rMark ) )
1132 {
1133 // look for at least one note in selection
1134 ScRangeList aRanges;
1135 rMark.FillRangeListWithMarks( &aRanges, false );
1136 bEnable = rDoc.ContainsNotesInRange( aRanges );
1137 }
1138 }
1139 else
1140 {
1141 bEnable = rDoc.IsBlockEditable( nTab, nPosX,nPosY, nPosX,nPosY ) &&
1142 rDoc.GetNote(nPosX, nPosY, nTab);
1143 }
1144 if ( !bEnable )
1145 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1146 }
1147 break;
1149 case SID_OPENDLG_CONSOLIDATE((26000 + 100) + 50):
1151 {
1152 if (rDoc.GetChangeTrack()!=nullptr)
1153 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich);
1154 }
1155 break;
1157 case SID_CHINESE_CONVERSION( 10000 + 1016 ):
1158 case SID_HANGUL_HANJA_CONVERSION( 10000 + 959 ):
1159 ScViewUtil::HideDisabledSlot( rSet, pData->GetBindings(), nWhich );
1160 break;
1162 case FID_USE_NAME((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 13):
1163 {
1164 if ( pDocSh && pDocSh->IsDocShared() )
1165 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1166 else
1167 {
1168 ScRange aRange;
1169 if ( pData->GetSimpleArea( aRange ) != SC_MARK_SIMPLE )
1170 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1171 }
1172 }
1173 break;
1175 case FID_DEFINE_NAME((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 11):
1176 case FID_INSERT_NAME((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 12):
1177 case FID_ADD_NAME((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 16):
1178 case SID_DEFINE_COLROWNAMERANGES((((26000 + 521) + 50))+58):
1179 {
1180 if ( pDocSh && pDocSh->IsDocShared() )
Assuming 'pDocSh' is null
1181 {
1182 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1183 }
1184 }
1185 break;
Execution continues on line 1238
1187 case FID_DEFINE_CURRENT_NAME((((((((26000 + 200) + 20)) + 20)) + 20)) + 24):
1188 {
1189 ScAddress aCurrentAddress( nPosX, nPosY, nTab );
1191 if ( !rDoc.IsAddressInRangeName( RangeNameScope::GLOBAL, aCurrentAddress ) &&
1192 !rDoc.IsAddressInRangeName( RangeNameScope::SHEET, aCurrentAddress ))
1193 {
1194 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1195 }
1196 }
1197 break;
1199 case SID_SPELL_DIALOG( 10000 + 243 ):
1200 {
1201 if ( pData && rDoc.IsTabProtected( pData->GetTabNo() ) )
1202 {
1203 bool bVisible = false;
1204 SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = ( pTabViewShell ? pTabViewShell->GetViewFrame() : nullptr );
1205 if ( pViewFrame && pViewFrame->HasChildWindow( nWhich ) )
1206 {
1207 SfxChildWindow* pChild = pViewFrame->GetChildWindow( nWhich );
1208 std::shared_ptr<SfxDialogController> xController = pChild ? pChild->GetController() : nullptr;
1209 if (xController && xController->getDialog()->get_visible())
1210 {
1211 bVisible = true;
1212 }
1213 }
1214 if ( !bVisible )
1215 {
1216 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1217 }
1218 }
1219 }
1220 break;
1222 case SID_OPENDLG_CURRENTCONDFRMT((26000 + 100) + 58):
1223 case SID_OPENDLG_CURRENTCONDFRMT_MANAGER((26000 + 100) + 64):
1224 {
1225 const SfxPoolItem* pItem = rDoc.GetAttr( nPosX, nPosY, nTab, ATTR_CONDITIONAL );
1226 const ScCondFormatItem* pCondFormatItem = static_cast<const ScCondFormatItem*>(pItem);
1228 if ( pCondFormatItem->GetCondFormatData().empty() )
1229 rSet.DisableItem( nWhich );
1230 else if ( pCondFormatItem->GetCondFormatData().size() == 1 )
1231 rSet.DisableItem( SID_OPENDLG_CURRENTCONDFRMT_MANAGER((26000 + 100) + 64) );
1232 else if ( pCondFormatItem->GetCondFormatData().size() > 1 )
1233 rSet.DisableItem( SID_OPENDLG_CURRENTCONDFRMT((26000 + 100) + 58) );
1234 }
1235 break;
1237 } // switch ( nWitch )
1238 nWhich = aIter.NextWhich();
1239 } // while ( nWitch )
1242/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */