/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <editeng/eeitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/adjustitem.hxx>
#include <svx/algitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/brushitem.hxx>
#include <svtools/colorcfg.hxx>
#include <editeng/colritem.hxx>
#include <editeng/charreliefitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/crossedoutitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/contouritem.hxx>
#include <editeng/editobj.hxx>
#include <editeng/editstat.hxx>
#include <editeng/emphasismarkitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/fhgtitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/forbiddenruleitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/forbiddencharacterstable.hxx>
#include <editeng/frmdiritem.hxx>
#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/justifyitem.hxx>
#include <svx/rotmodit.hxx>
#include <editeng/scripttypeitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/udlnitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/unolingu.hxx>
#include <editeng/fontitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/postitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/shdditem.hxx>
#include <editeng/wghtitem.hxx>
#include <editeng/wrlmitem.hxx>
#include <svl/zforlist.hxx>
#include <svl/zformat.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/metric.hxx>
#include <vcl/outdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/pdfextoutdevdata.hxx>
#include <vcl/settings.hxx>
#include <o3tl/make_unique.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <output.hxx>
#include <document.hxx>
#include <formulacell.hxx>
#include <attrib.hxx>
#include <patattr.hxx>
#include <cellform.hxx>
#include <editutil.hxx>
#include <progress.hxx>
#include <scmod.hxx>
#include <fillinfo.hxx>
#include <viewdata.hxx>
#include <tabvwsh.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <markdata.hxx>
#include <stlsheet.hxx>
#include <spellcheckcontext.hxx>
#include <scopetools.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/DirectionProperty.hpp>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
using namespace com::sun::star;
//! Merge Autofilter width with column.cxx
#define DROPDOWN_BITMAP_SIZE        18
#define DRAWTEXT_MAX    32767
const sal_uInt16 SC_SHRINKAGAIN_MAX = 7;
class ScDrawStringsVars
    ScOutputData*       pOutput;                // connection
    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern;              // attribute
    const SfxItemSet*   pCondSet;               // from conditional formatting
    vcl::Font           aFont;                  // created from attributes
    FontMetric          aMetric;
    long                nAscentPixel;           // always pixels
    SvxCellOrientation  eAttrOrient;
    SvxCellHorJustify   eAttrHorJust;
    SvxCellVerJustify   eAttrVerJust;
    SvxCellJustifyMethod eAttrHorJustMethod;
    const SvxMarginItem* pMargin;
    sal_uInt16          nIndent;
    bool                bRotated;
    OUString            aString;                // contents
    Size                aTextSize;
    long                nOriginalWidth;
    long                nMaxDigitWidth;
    long                nSignWidth;
    long                nDotWidth;
    long                nExpWidth;
    ScRefCellValue      maLastCell;
    sal_uLong           nValueFormat;
    bool                bLineBreak;
    bool                bRepeat;
    bool                bShrink;
    bool                bPixelToLogic;
    bool                bCellContrast;
    Color               aBackConfigColor;       // used for ScPatternAttr::GetFont calls
    Color               aTextConfigColor;
    sal_Int32           nRepeatPos;
    sal_Unicode         nRepeatChar;
                ScDrawStringsVars(ScOutputData* pData, bool bPTL);
                //  SetPattern = ex-SetVars
                //  SetPatternSimple: without Font
    void SetPattern(
        const ScPatternAttr* pNew, const SfxItemSet* pSet, const ScRefCellValue& rCell,
        SvtScriptType nScript );
    void        SetPatternSimple( const ScPatternAttr* pNew, const SfxItemSet* pSet );
    bool SetText( ScRefCellValue& rCell );   // TRUE -> drop pOldPattern
    void        SetHashText();
    void SetTextToWidthOrHash( ScRefCellValue& rCell, long nWidth );
    void        SetAutoText( const OUString& rAutoText );
    SvxCellOrientation      GetOrient() const        { return eAttrOrient; }
    SvxCellHorJustify       GetHorJust() const       { return eAttrHorJust; }
    SvxCellVerJustify       GetVerJust() const       { return eAttrVerJust; }
    SvxCellJustifyMethod    GetHorJustMethod() const { return eAttrHorJustMethod; }
    const SvxMarginItem*    GetMargin() const        { return pMargin; }
    sal_uInt16              GetLeftTotal() const     { return pMargin->GetLeftMargin() + nIndent; }
    sal_uInt16              GetRightTotal() const    { return pMargin->GetRightMargin() + nIndent; }
    const OUString&         GetString() const        { return aString; }
    const Size&             GetTextSize() const      { return aTextSize; }
    long                    GetOriginalWidth() const { return nOriginalWidth; }
    // Get the effective number format, including formula result types.
    // This assumes that a formula cell has already been calculated.
    sal_uLong GetResultValueFormat() const { return nValueFormat;}
    bool    GetLineBreak() const                    { return bLineBreak; }
    bool    IsRepeat() const                        { return bRepeat; }
    bool    IsShrink() const                        { return bShrink; }
    void        RepeatToFill( long nColWidth );
    long    GetAscent() const   { return nAscentPixel; }
    bool    IsRotated() const   { return bRotated; }
    void    SetShrinkScale( long nScale, SvtScriptType nScript );
    bool    HasCondHeight() const   { return pCondSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                                        pCondSet->GetItemState( ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT ); }
    bool    HasEditCharacters() const;
    long        GetMaxDigitWidth();     // in logic units
    long        GetSignWidth();
    long        GetDotWidth();
    long        GetExpWidth();
    void        TextChanged();
ScDrawStringsVars::ScDrawStringsVars(ScOutputData* pData, bool bPTL) :
    pOutput     ( pData ),
    pPattern    ( nullptr ),
    pCondSet    ( nullptr ),
    eAttrOrient ( SvxCellOrientation::Standard ),
    eAttrHorJust( SvxCellHorJustify::Standard ),
    eAttrVerJust( SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom ),
    eAttrHorJustMethod( SvxCellJustifyMethod::Auto ),
    pMargin     ( nullptr ),
    nIndent     ( 0 ),
    bRotated    ( false ),
    nOriginalWidth( 0 ),
    nMaxDigitWidth( 0 ),
    nSignWidth( 0 ),
    nDotWidth( 0 ),
    nExpWidth( 0 ),
    nValueFormat( 0 ),
    bLineBreak  ( false ),
    bRepeat     ( false ),
    bShrink     ( false ),
    bPixelToLogic( bPTL ),
    nRepeatPos( -1 ),
    nRepeatChar( 0x0 )
    ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
    bCellContrast = pOutput->mbUseStyleColor &&
    const svtools::ColorConfig& rColorConfig = pScMod->GetColorConfig();
    aBackConfigColor = rColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor;
    aTextConfigColor = rColorConfig.GetColorValue(svtools::FONTCOLOR).nColor;
void ScDrawStringsVars::SetShrinkScale( long nScale, SvtScriptType nScript )
    // text remains valid, size is updated
    OutputDevice* pDev = pOutput->mpDev;
    OutputDevice* pRefDevice = pOutput->mpRefDevice;
    OutputDevice* pFmtDevice = pOutput->pFmtDevice;
    // call GetFont with a modified fraction, use only the height
    Fraction aFraction( nScale, 100 );
    if ( !bPixelToLogic )
        aFraction *= pOutput->aZoomY;
    vcl::Font aTmpFont;
    pPattern->GetFont( aTmpFont, SC_AUTOCOL_RAW, pFmtDevice, &aFraction, pCondSet, nScript );
    long nNewHeight = aTmpFont.GetFontHeight();
    if ( nNewHeight > 0 )
        aFont.SetFontHeight( nNewHeight );
    // set font and dependent variables as in SetPattern
    pDev->SetFont( aFont );
    if ( pFmtDevice != pDev )
        pFmtDevice->SetFont( aFont );
    aMetric = pFmtDevice->GetFontMetric();
    if ( pFmtDevice->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER && aMetric.GetInternalLeading() == 0 )
        OutputDevice* pDefaultDev = Application::GetDefaultDevice();
        MapMode aOld = pDefaultDev->GetMapMode();
        pDefaultDev->SetMapMode( pFmtDevice->GetMapMode() );
        aMetric = pDefaultDev->GetFontMetric( aFont );
        pDefaultDev->SetMapMode( aOld );
    nAscentPixel = aMetric.GetAscent();
    if ( bPixelToLogic )
        nAscentPixel = pRefDevice->LogicToPixel( Size( 0, nAscentPixel ) ).Height();
    SetAutoText( aString );     // same text again, to get text size
namespace {
template<typename ItemType, typename EnumType>
EnumType lcl_GetValue(const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, sal_uInt16 nWhich, const SfxItemSet* pCondSet)
    const ItemType& rItem = static_cast<const ItemType&>(rPattern.GetItem(nWhich, pCondSet));
    return static_cast<EnumType>(rItem.GetValue());
bool lcl_GetBoolValue(const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, sal_uInt16 nWhich, const SfxItemSet* pCondSet)
    return lcl_GetValue<SfxBoolItem, bool>(rPattern, nWhich, pCondSet);
bool lcl_isNumberFormatText(const ScDocument* pDoc, SCCOL nCellX, SCROW nCellY, SCTAB nTab )
    sal_uInt32 nCurrentNumberFormat;
    pDoc->GetNumberFormat( nCellX, nCellY, nTab, nCurrentNumberFormat);
    SvNumberFormatter* pNumberFormatter = pDoc->GetFormatTable();
    return pNumberFormatter->GetType( nCurrentNumberFormat ) == SvNumFormatType::TEXT;
void ScDrawStringsVars::SetPattern(
    const ScPatternAttr* pNew, const SfxItemSet* pSet, const ScRefCellValue& rCell,
    SvtScriptType nScript )
    nMaxDigitWidth = 0;
    nSignWidth     = 0;
    nDotWidth      = 0;
    nExpWidth      = 0;
    pPattern = pNew;
    pCondSet = pSet;
    // evaluate pPattern
    OutputDevice* pDev = pOutput->mpDev;
    OutputDevice* pRefDevice = pOutput->mpRefDevice;
    OutputDevice* pFmtDevice = pOutput->pFmtDevice;
    // font
    ScAutoFontColorMode eColorMode;
    if ( pOutput->mbUseStyleColor )
        if ( pOutput->mbForceAutoColor )
            eColorMode = bCellContrast ? SC_AUTOCOL_IGNOREALL : SC_AUTOCOL_IGNOREFONT;
            eColorMode = bCellContrast ? SC_AUTOCOL_IGNOREBACK : SC_AUTOCOL_DISPLAY;
        eColorMode = SC_AUTOCOL_PRINT;
    if ( bPixelToLogic )
        pPattern->GetFont( aFont, eColorMode, pFmtDevice, nullptr, pCondSet, nScript,
                            &aBackConfigColor, &aTextConfigColor );
        pPattern->GetFont( aFont, eColorMode, pFmtDevice, &pOutput->aZoomY, pCondSet, nScript,
                            &aBackConfigColor, &aTextConfigColor );
    // orientation
    eAttrOrient = pPattern->GetCellOrientation( pCondSet );
    //  alignment
    eAttrHorJust = pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY, pCondSet ).GetValue();
    eAttrVerJust = pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY, pCondSet ).GetValue();
    if ( eAttrVerJust == SvxCellVerJustify::Standard )
        eAttrVerJust = SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom;
    // justification method
    eAttrHorJustMethod = lcl_GetValue<SvxJustifyMethodItem, SvxCellJustifyMethod>(*pPattern, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD, pCondSet);
    //  line break
    bLineBreak = pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_LINEBREAK, pCondSet ).GetValue();
    //  handle "repeat" alignment
    bRepeat = ( eAttrHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat );
    if ( bRepeat )
        // "repeat" disables rotation (before constructing the font)
        eAttrOrient = SvxCellOrientation::Standard;
        // #i31843# "repeat" with "line breaks" is treated as default alignment (but rotation is still disabled)
        if ( bLineBreak )
            eAttrHorJust = SvxCellHorJustify::Standard;
    short nRot;
    switch (eAttrOrient)
        case SvxCellOrientation::Standard:
            nRot = 0;
            bRotated = pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, pCondSet ).GetValue() != 0 &&
        case SvxCellOrientation::Stacked:
            nRot = 0;
            bRotated = false;
        case SvxCellOrientation::TopBottom:
            nRot = 2700;
            bRotated = false;
        case SvxCellOrientation::BottomUp:
            nRot = 900;
            bRotated = false;
            OSL_FAIL("Invalid SvxCellOrientation value");
            nRot = 0;
            bRotated = false;
    aFont.SetOrientation( nRot );
    // syntax mode
    if (pOutput->mbSyntaxMode)
        pOutput->SetSyntaxColor(&aFont, rCell);
    // There is no cell attribute for kerning, default is kerning OFF, all
    // kerning is stored at an EditText object that is drawn using EditEngine.
    aFont.SetKerning( FontKerning::NONE);
    pDev->SetFont( aFont );
    if ( pFmtDevice != pDev )
        pFmtDevice->SetFont( aFont );
    aMetric = pFmtDevice->GetFontMetric();
    // if there is the leading 0 on a printer device, we have problems
    // -> take metric from the screen (as for EditEngine!)
    if ( pFmtDevice->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER && aMetric.GetInternalLeading() == 0 )
        OutputDevice* pDefaultDev = Application::GetDefaultDevice();
        MapMode aOld = pDefaultDev->GetMapMode();
        pDefaultDev->SetMapMode( pFmtDevice->GetMapMode() );
        aMetric = pDefaultDev->GetFontMetric( aFont );
        pDefaultDev->SetMapMode( aOld );
    nAscentPixel = aMetric.GetAscent();
    if ( bPixelToLogic )
        nAscentPixel = pRefDevice->LogicToPixel( Size( 0, nAscentPixel ) ).Height();
    Color aULineColor( pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE, pCondSet ).GetColor() );
    pDev->SetTextLineColor( aULineColor );
    Color aOLineColor( pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE, pCondSet ).GetColor() );
    pDev->SetOverlineColor( aOLineColor );
    // number format
    nValueFormat = pPattern->GetNumberFormat( pOutput->mpDoc->GetFormatTable(), pCondSet );
    // margins
    pMargin = &pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_MARGIN, pCondSet );
    if ( eAttrHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Left || eAttrHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Right )
        nIndent = pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_INDENT, pCondSet ).GetValue();
        nIndent = 0;
    // "Shrink to fit"
    bShrink = pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, pCondSet ).GetValue();
    // at least the text size needs to be retrieved again
    //! differentiate and do not get the text again from the number format?
void ScDrawStringsVars::SetPatternSimple( const ScPatternAttr* pNew, const SfxItemSet* pSet )
    nMaxDigitWidth = 0;
    nSignWidth     = 0;
    nDotWidth      = 0;
    nExpWidth      = 0;
    // Is called, when the font variables do not change (!StringDiffer)
    pPattern = pNew;
    pCondSet = pSet;        //! is this needed ???
    // number format
    sal_uLong nOld = nValueFormat;
    const SfxPoolItem* pFormItem;
    if ( !pCondSet || pCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT,true,&pFormItem) != SfxItemState::SET )
        pFormItem = &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT);
    const SfxPoolItem* pLangItem;
    if ( !pCondSet || pCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT,true,&pLangItem) != SfxItemState::SET )
        pLangItem = &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_LANGUAGE_FORMAT);
    nValueFormat = pOutput->mpDoc->GetFormatTable()->GetFormatForLanguageIfBuiltIn(
                    static_cast<const SfxUInt32Item*>(pFormItem)->GetValue(),
                    static_cast<const SvxLanguageItem*>(pLangItem)->GetLanguage() );
    if (nValueFormat != nOld)
        maLastCell.clear();           // always reformat
    // margins
    pMargin = &pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_MARGIN, pCondSet );
    if ( eAttrHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Left )
        nIndent = pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_INDENT, pCondSet ).GetValue();
        nIndent = 0;
    // "Shrink to fit"
    bShrink = pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, pCondSet ).GetValue();
inline bool SameValue( const ScRefCellValue& rCell, const ScRefCellValue& rOldCell )
    return rOldCell.meType == CELLTYPE_VALUE && rCell.meType == CELLTYPE_VALUE &&
        rCell.mfValue == rOldCell.mfValue;
bool ScDrawStringsVars::SetText( ScRefCellValue& rCell )
    bool bChanged = false;
    if (!rCell.isEmpty())
        if (!SameValue(rCell, maLastCell))
            maLastCell = rCell;          // store cell
            Color* pColor;
            sal_uLong nFormat = nValueFormat;
            ScCellFormat::GetString( rCell,
                                     nFormat, aString, &pColor,
                                     true );
            if ( nFormat )
                nRepeatPos = aString.indexOf( 0x1B );
                if ( nRepeatPos != -1 )
                    if (nRepeatPos + 1 == aString.getLength())
                        nRepeatPos = -1;
                        nRepeatChar = aString[ nRepeatPos + 1 ];
                        // delete placeholder and char to repeat
                        aString = aString.replaceAt( nRepeatPos, 2, "" );
                        // Do not cache/reuse a repeat-filled string, column
                        // widths or fonts or sizes may differ.
                nRepeatPos = -1;
                nRepeatChar = 0x0;
            if (aString.getLength() > DRAWTEXT_MAX)
                aString = aString.copy(0, DRAWTEXT_MAX);
            if ( pColor && !pOutput->mbSyntaxMode && !( pOutput->mbUseStyleColor && pOutput->mbForceAutoColor ) )
                OutputDevice* pDev = pOutput->mpDev;
                pDev->SetFont( aFont );   // only for output
                bChanged = true;
                maLastCell.clear();       // next time return here again
        // otherwise keep string/size
        aTextSize = Size(0,0);
        nOriginalWidth = 0;
    return bChanged;
void ScDrawStringsVars::SetHashText()
void ScDrawStringsVars::RepeatToFill( long nColWidth )
    if ( nRepeatPos == -1 || nRepeatPos > aString.getLength() )
    long nCharWidth = pOutput->pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth(OUString(nRepeatChar));
    if ( nCharWidth < 1 || (bPixelToLogic && nCharWidth < pOutput->mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(1,0)).Width()) )
    // Are there restrictions on the cell type we should filter out here ?
    long nTextWidth = aTextSize.Width();
    if ( bPixelToLogic )
        nColWidth = pOutput->mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(nColWidth,0)).Width();
        nTextWidth = pOutput->mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(nTextWidth,0)).Width();
    long nSpaceToFill = ( nColWidth - nTextWidth );
    if ( nSpaceToFill <= nCharWidth )
    long nCharsToInsert = nSpaceToFill / nCharWidth;
    OUStringBuffer aFill;
    comphelper::string::padToLength(aFill, nCharsToInsert, nRepeatChar);
    aString = aString.replaceAt( nRepeatPos, 0, aFill.makeStringAndClear() );
void ScDrawStringsVars::SetTextToWidthOrHash( ScRefCellValue& rCell, long nWidth )
    // #i113045# do the single-character width calculations in logic units
    if (bPixelToLogic)
        nWidth = pOutput->mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(nWidth,0)).Width();
    CellType eType = rCell.meType;
    if (eType != CELLTYPE_VALUE && eType != CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        // must be a value or formula cell.
    if (eType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        ScFormulaCell* pFCell = rCell.mpFormula;
        if (pFCell->GetErrCode() != FormulaError::NONE || pOutput->mbShowFormulas)
            SetHashText();      // If the error string doesn't fit, always use "###". Also for "display formulas" (#i116691#)
        // If it's formula, the result must be a value.
        if (!pFCell->IsValue())
    sal_uLong nFormat = GetResultValueFormat();
    if ((nFormat % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET) != 0)
        // Not 'General' number format.  Set hash text and bail out.
    double fVal = rCell.getValue();
    const SvNumberformat* pNumFormat = pOutput->mpDoc->GetFormatTable()->GetEntry(nFormat);
    if (!pNumFormat)
    long nMaxDigit = GetMaxDigitWidth();
    if (!nMaxDigit)
    sal_uInt16 nNumDigits = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nWidth / nMaxDigit);
        OUString sTempOut(aString);
        if (!pNumFormat->GetOutputString(fVal, nNumDigits, sTempOut))
            aString = sTempOut;
            // Failed to get output string.  Bail out.
        aString = sTempOut;
    sal_uInt8 nSignCount = 0, nDecimalCount = 0, nExpCount = 0;
    sal_Int32 nLen = aString.getLength();
    sal_Unicode cDecSep = ScGlobal::GetpLocaleData()->getLocaleItem().decimalSeparator[0];
    for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLen; ++i )
        sal_Unicode c = aString[i];
        if (c == '-')
        else if (c == cDecSep)
        else if (c == 'E')
    // #i112250# A small value might be formatted as "0" when only counting the digits,
    // but fit into the column when considering the smaller width of the decimal separator.
    if (aString == "0" && fVal != 0.0)
        nDecimalCount = 1;
    if (nDecimalCount)
        nWidth += (nMaxDigit - GetDotWidth()) * nDecimalCount;
    if (nSignCount)
        nWidth += (nMaxDigit - GetSignWidth()) * nSignCount;
    if (nExpCount)
        nWidth += (nMaxDigit - GetExpWidth()) * nExpCount;
    if (nDecimalCount || nSignCount || nExpCount)
        // Re-calculate.
        nNumDigits = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(nWidth / nMaxDigit);
        OUString sTempOut(aString);
        if (!pNumFormat->GetOutputString(fVal, nNumDigits, sTempOut))
            aString = sTempOut;
            // Failed to get output string.  Bail out.
        aString = sTempOut;
    long nActualTextWidth = pOutput->pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth(aString);
    if (nActualTextWidth > nWidth)
        // Even after the decimal adjustment the text doesn't fit.  Give up.
    maLastCell.clear();   // #i113022# equal cell and format in another column may give different string
void ScDrawStringsVars::SetAutoText( const OUString& rAutoText )
    aString = rAutoText;
    OutputDevice* pRefDevice = pOutput->mpRefDevice;
    OutputDevice* pFmtDevice = pOutput->pFmtDevice;
    aTextSize.setWidth( pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth( aString ) );
    aTextSize.setHeight( pFmtDevice->GetTextHeight() );
    if ( !pRefDevice->GetConnectMetaFile() || pRefDevice->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER )
        double fMul = pOutput->GetStretch();
        aTextSize.setWidth( static_cast<long>(aTextSize.Width() / fMul + 0.5) );
    aTextSize.setHeight( aMetric.GetAscent() + aMetric.GetDescent() );
    if ( GetOrient() != SvxCellOrientation::Standard )
        long nTemp = aTextSize.Height();
        aTextSize.setHeight( aTextSize.Width() );
        aTextSize.setWidth( nTemp );
    nOriginalWidth = aTextSize.Width();
    if ( bPixelToLogic )
        aTextSize = pRefDevice->LogicToPixel( aTextSize );
    maLastCell.clear();       // the same text may fit in the next cell
long ScDrawStringsVars::GetMaxDigitWidth()
    if (nMaxDigitWidth > 0)
        return nMaxDigitWidth;
    for (sal_Char i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
        sal_Char cDigit = '0' + i;
        long n = pOutput->pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth(OUString(cDigit));
        nMaxDigitWidth = ::std::max(nMaxDigitWidth, n);
    return nMaxDigitWidth;
long ScDrawStringsVars::GetSignWidth()
    if (nSignWidth > 0)
        return nSignWidth;
    nSignWidth = pOutput->pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth(OUString('-'));
    return nSignWidth;
long ScDrawStringsVars::GetDotWidth()
    if (nDotWidth > 0)
        return nDotWidth;
    const OUString& sep = ScGlobal::GetpLocaleData()->getLocaleItem().decimalSeparator;
    nDotWidth = pOutput->pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth(sep);
    return nDotWidth;
long ScDrawStringsVars::GetExpWidth()
    if (nExpWidth > 0)
        return nExpWidth;
    nExpWidth = pOutput->pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth(OUString('E'));
    return nExpWidth;
void ScDrawStringsVars::TextChanged()
    OutputDevice* pRefDevice = pOutput->mpRefDevice;
    OutputDevice* pFmtDevice = pOutput->pFmtDevice;
    aTextSize.setWidth( pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth( aString ) );
    aTextSize.setHeight( pFmtDevice->GetTextHeight() );
    if ( !pRefDevice->GetConnectMetaFile() || pRefDevice->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER )
        double fMul = pOutput->GetStretch();
        aTextSize.setWidth( static_cast<long>(aTextSize.Width() / fMul + 0.5) );
    aTextSize.setHeight( aMetric.GetAscent() + aMetric.GetDescent() );
    if ( GetOrient() != SvxCellOrientation::Standard )
        long nTemp = aTextSize.Height();
        aTextSize.setHeight( aTextSize.Width() );
        aTextSize.setWidth( nTemp );
    nOriginalWidth = aTextSize.Width();
    if ( bPixelToLogic )
        aTextSize = pRefDevice->LogicToPixel( aTextSize );
bool ScDrawStringsVars::HasEditCharacters() const
    for (sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < aString.getLength(); ++nIdx)
            case CHAR_NBSP:
            case CHAR_SHY:
            case CHAR_ZWSP:
            case CHAR_LRM:
            case CHAR_RLM:
            case CHAR_NBHY:
            case CHAR_ZWNBSP:
                return true;
    return false;
double ScOutputData::GetStretch()
    if ( mpRefDevice->IsMapModeEnabled() )
        //  If a non-trivial MapMode is set, its scale is now already
        //  taken into account in the OutputDevice's font handling
        //  (OutputDevice::ImplNewFont, see #95414#).
        //  The old handling below is only needed for pixel output.
        return 1.0;
    // calculation in double is faster than Fraction multiplication
    // and doesn't overflow
    if ( mpRefDevice == pFmtDevice )
        MapMode aOld = mpRefDevice->GetMapMode();
        return static_cast<double>(aOld.GetScaleY()) / static_cast<double>(aOld.GetScaleX()) * static_cast<double>(aZoomY) / static_cast<double>(aZoomX);
        // when formatting for printer, device map mode has already been taken care of
        return static_cast<double>(aZoomY) / static_cast<double>(aZoomX);
//  output strings
static void lcl_DoHyperlinkResult( const OutputDevice* pDev, const tools::Rectangle& rRect, ScRefCellValue& rCell )
    vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* pPDFData = dynamic_cast< vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* >( pDev->GetExtOutDevData() );
    OUString aCellText;
    OUString aURL;
    if (rCell.meType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        ScFormulaCell* pFCell = rCell.mpFormula;
        if ( pFCell->IsHyperLinkCell() )
            pFCell->GetURLResult( aURL, aCellText );
    if ( !aURL.isEmpty() && pPDFData )
        vcl::PDFExtOutDevBookmarkEntry aBookmark;
        aBookmark.nLinkId = pPDFData->CreateLink( rRect );
        aBookmark.aBookmark = aURL;
        std::vector< vcl::PDFExtOutDevBookmarkEntry >& rBookmarks = pPDFData->GetBookmarks();
        rBookmarks.push_back( aBookmark );
void ScOutputData::SetSyntaxColor( vcl::Font* pFont, const ScRefCellValue& rCell )
    switch (rCell.meType)
        case CELLTYPE_VALUE:
        case CELLTYPE_STRING:
        case CELLTYPE_FORMULA:
            // added to avoid warnings
static void lcl_SetEditColor( EditEngine& rEngine, const Color& rColor )
    ESelection aSel( 0, 0, rEngine.GetParagraphCount(), 0 );
    SfxItemSet aSet( rEngine.GetEmptyItemSet() );
    aSet.Put( SvxColorItem( rColor, EE_CHAR_COLOR ) );
    rEngine.QuickSetAttribs( aSet, aSel );
    // function is called with update mode set to FALSE
void ScOutputData::SetEditSyntaxColor( EditEngine& rEngine, const ScRefCellValue& rCell )
    Color aColor;
    switch (rCell.meType)
        case CELLTYPE_VALUE:
            aColor = *pValueColor;
        case CELLTYPE_STRING:
            aColor = *pTextColor;
        case CELLTYPE_FORMULA:
            aColor = *pFormulaColor;
            // added to avoid warnings
    lcl_SetEditColor( rEngine, aColor );
bool ScOutputData::GetMergeOrigin( SCCOL nX, SCROW nY, SCSIZE nArrY,
                                    SCCOL& rOverX, SCROW& rOverY,
                                    bool bVisRowChanged )
    bool bDoMerge = false;
    bool bIsLeft = ( nX == nVisX1 );
    bool bIsTop  = ( nY == nVisY1 ) || bVisRowChanged;
    CellInfo* pInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY].pCellInfo[nX+1];
    if ( pInfo->bHOverlapped && pInfo->bVOverlapped )
        bDoMerge = bIsLeft && bIsTop;
    else if ( pInfo->bHOverlapped )
        bDoMerge = bIsLeft;
    else if ( pInfo->bVOverlapped )
        bDoMerge = bIsTop;
    rOverX = nX;
    rOverY = nY;
    bool bHOver = pInfo->bHOverlapped;
    bool bVOver = pInfo->bVOverlapped;
    bool bHidden;
    while (bHOver)              // nY constant
        bHidden = mpDoc->ColHidden(rOverX, nTab);
        if ( !bDoMerge && !bHidden )
            return false;
        if (rOverX >= nX1 && !bHidden)
            bHOver = pRowInfo[nArrY].pCellInfo[rOverX+1].bHOverlapped;
            bVOver = pRowInfo[nArrY].pCellInfo[rOverX+1].bVOverlapped;
            ScMF nOverlap = mpDoc->GetAttr(rOverX, rOverY, nTab, ATTR_MERGE_FLAG)->GetValue();
            bHOver = bool(nOverlap & ScMF::Hor);
            bVOver = bool(nOverlap & ScMF::Ver);
    while (bVOver)
        bHidden = mpDoc->RowHidden(rOverY, nTab);
        if ( !bDoMerge && !bHidden )
            return false;
        if (nArrY>0)
            --nArrY;                        // local copy !
        if (rOverX >= nX1 && rOverY >= nY1 &&
            !mpDoc->ColHidden(rOverX, nTab) &&
            !mpDoc->RowHidden(rOverY, nTab) &&
            pRowInfo[nArrY].nRowNo == rOverY)
            bVOver = pRowInfo[nArrY].pCellInfo[rOverX+1].bVOverlapped;
            ScMF nOverlap = mpDoc->GetAttr( rOverX, rOverY, nTab, ATTR_MERGE_FLAG )->GetValue();
            bVOver = bool(nOverlap & ScMF::Ver);
    return true;
inline bool StringDiffer( const ScPatternAttr*& rpOldPattern, const ScPatternAttr* pNewPattern )
    OSL_ENSURE( pNewPattern, "pNewPattern" );
    if ( pNewPattern == rpOldPattern )
        return false;
    else if ( !rpOldPattern )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CJK_FONT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CJK_FONT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CTL_FONT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CTL_FONT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CJK_FONT_HEIGHT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CTL_FONT_HEIGHT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_WEIGHT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CJK_FONT_WEIGHT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CTL_FONT_WEIGHT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_POSTURE ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_POSTURE ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CJK_FONT_POSTURE ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_CTL_FONT_POSTURE ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_UNDERLINE ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_OVERLINE ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_WORDLINE ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_CROSSEDOUT ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_CONTOUR ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_SHADOWED ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_COLOR ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_COLOR ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_STACKED ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_STACKED ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_LINEBREAK ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_LINEBREAK ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_MARGIN ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_MARGIN ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FORBIDDEN_RULES ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_EMPHASISMARK ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_RELIEF ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_FONT_RELIEF ) )
        return true;
    else if ( &pNewPattern->GetItem( ATTR_BACKGROUND ) != &rpOldPattern->GetItem( ATTR_BACKGROUND ) )
        return true;    // needed with automatic text color
        rpOldPattern = pNewPattern;
        return false;
static inline void lcl_CreateInterpretProgress( bool& bProgress, ScDocument* pDoc,
        const ScFormulaCell* pFCell )
    if ( !bProgress && pFCell->GetDirty() )
        ScProgress::CreateInterpretProgress( pDoc );
        bProgress = true;
inline bool IsAmbiguousScript( SvtScriptType nScript )
    return ( nScript != SvtScriptType::LATIN &&
             nScript != SvtScriptType::ASIAN &&
             nScript != SvtScriptType::COMPLEX );
bool ScOutputData::IsEmptyCellText( const RowInfo* pThisRowInfo, SCCOL nX, SCROW nY )
    // pThisRowInfo may be NULL
    bool bEmpty;
    if ( pThisRowInfo && nX <= nX2 )
        bEmpty = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1].bEmptyCellText;
        ScRefCellValue aCell(*mpDoc, ScAddress(nX, nY, nTab));
        bEmpty = aCell.isEmpty();
    if ( !bEmpty && ( nX < nX1 || nX > nX2 || !pThisRowInfo ) )
        //  for the range nX1..nX2 in RowInfo, cell protection attribute is already evaluated
        //  into bEmptyCellText in ScDocument::FillInfo / lcl_HidePrint (printfun)
        bool bIsPrint = ( eType == OUTTYPE_PRINTER );
        if ( bIsPrint || bTabProtected )
            const ScProtectionAttr* pAttr =
                    mpDoc->GetEffItem( nX, nY, nTab, ATTR_PROTECTION );
            if ( bIsPrint && pAttr->GetHidePrint() )
                bEmpty = true;
            else if ( bTabProtected )
                if ( pAttr->GetHideCell() )
                    bEmpty = true;
                else if ( mbShowFormulas && pAttr->GetHideFormula() )
                    if (mpDoc->GetCellType(ScAddress(nX, nY, nTab)) == CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
                        bEmpty = true;
    return bEmpty;
void ScOutputData::GetVisibleCell( SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTabP, ScRefCellValue& rCell )
    rCell.assign(*mpDoc, ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTabP));
    if (!rCell.isEmpty() && IsEmptyCellText(nullptr, nCol, nRow))
bool ScOutputData::IsAvailable( SCCOL nX, SCROW nY )
    //  apply the same logic here as in DrawStrings/DrawEdit:
    //  Stop at non-empty or merged or overlapped cell,
    //  where a note is empty as well as a cell that's hidden by protection settings
    ScRefCellValue aCell(*mpDoc, ScAddress(nX, nY, nTab));
    if (!aCell.isEmpty() && !IsEmptyCellText(nullptr, nX, nY))
        return false;
    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = mpDoc->GetPattern( nX, nY, nTab );
    return !(pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE).IsMerged() ||
// nX, nArrY:       loop variables from DrawStrings / DrawEdit
// nPosX, nPosY:    corresponding positions for nX, nArrY
// nCellX, nCellY:  position of the cell that contains the text
// nNeeded:         Text width, including margin
// rPattern:        cell format at nCellX, nCellY
// nHorJustify:     horizontal alignment (visual) to determine which cells to use for long strings
// bCellIsValue:    if set, don't extend into empty cells
// bBreak:          if set, don't extend, and don't set clip marks (but rLeftClip/rRightClip is set)
// bOverwrite:      if set, also extend into non-empty cells (for rotated text)
// rParam           output: various area parameters.
void ScOutputData::GetOutputArea( SCCOL nX, SCSIZE nArrY, long nPosX, long nPosY,
                                  SCCOL nCellX, SCROW nCellY, long nNeeded,
                                  const ScPatternAttr& rPattern,
                                  sal_uInt16 nHorJustify, bool bCellIsValue,
                                  bool bBreak, bool bOverwrite,
                                  OutputAreaParam& rParam )
    //  rThisRowInfo may be for a different row than nCellY, is still used for clip marks
    RowInfo& rThisRowInfo = pRowInfo[nArrY];
    long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
    long nCellPosX = nPosX;         // find nCellX position, starting at nX/nPosX
    SCCOL nCompCol = nX;
    while ( nCellX > nCompCol )
        //! extra member function for width?
        long nColWidth = ( nCompCol <= nX2 ) ?
                pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nCompCol+1].nWidth :
                static_cast<long>( mpDoc->GetColWidth( nCompCol, nTab ) * mnPPTX );
        nCellPosX += nColWidth * nLayoutSign;
    while ( nCellX < nCompCol )
        long nColWidth = ( nCompCol <= nX2 ) ?
                pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nCompCol+1].nWidth :
                static_cast<long>( mpDoc->GetColWidth( nCompCol, nTab ) * mnPPTX );
        nCellPosX -= nColWidth * nLayoutSign;
    long nCellPosY = nPosY;         // find nCellY position, starting at nArrY/nPosY
    SCSIZE nCompArr = nArrY;
    SCROW nCompRow = pRowInfo[nCompArr].nRowNo;
    while ( nCellY > nCompRow )
        if ( nCompArr + 1 < nArrCount )
            nCellPosY += pRowInfo[nCompArr].nHeight;
            nCompRow = pRowInfo[nCompArr].nRowNo;
            sal_uInt16 nDocHeight = mpDoc->GetRowHeight( nCompRow, nTab );
            if ( nDocHeight )
                nCellPosY += static_cast<long>( nDocHeight * mnPPTY );
    nCellPosY -= static_cast<long>(mpDoc->GetScaledRowHeight( nCellY, nCompRow-1, nTab, mnPPTY ));
    const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = &rPattern.GetItem( ATTR_MERGE );
    bool bMerged = pMerge->IsMerged();
    long nMergeCols = pMerge->GetColMerge();
    if ( nMergeCols == 0 )
        nMergeCols = 1;
    long nMergeRows = pMerge->GetRowMerge();
    if ( nMergeRows == 0 )
        nMergeRows = 1;
    long nMergeSizeX = 0;
    for ( long i=0; i<nMergeCols; i++ )
        long nColWidth = ( nCellX+i <= nX2 ) ?
                pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nCellX+i+1].nWidth :
                static_cast<long>( mpDoc->GetColWidth( sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>(nCellX+i), nTab ) * mnPPTX );
        nMergeSizeX += nColWidth;
    long nMergeSizeY = 0;
    short nDirect = 0;
    if ( rThisRowInfo.nRowNo == nCellY )
        // take first row's height from row info
        nMergeSizeY += rThisRowInfo.nHeight;
        nDirect = 1;        // skip in loop
    // following rows always from document
    nMergeSizeY += static_cast<long>(mpDoc->GetScaledRowHeight( nCellY+nDirect, nCellY+nMergeRows-1, nTab, mnPPTY));
    --nMergeSizeX;      // leave out the grid horizontally, also for alignment (align between grid lines)
    rParam.mnColWidth = nMergeSizeX; // store the actual column width.
    rParam.mnLeftClipLength = rParam.mnRightClipLength = 0;
    // construct the rectangles using logical left/right values (justify is called at the end)
    // rAlignRect is the single cell or merged area, used for alignment.
    rParam.maAlignRect.SetLeft( nCellPosX );
    rParam.maAlignRect.SetRight( nCellPosX + ( nMergeSizeX - 1 ) * nLayoutSign );
    rParam.maAlignRect.SetTop( nCellPosY );
    rParam.maAlignRect.SetBottom( nCellPosY + nMergeSizeY - 1 );
    //  rClipRect is all cells that are used for output.
    //  For merged cells this is the same as rAlignRect, otherwise neighboring cells can also be used.
    rParam.maClipRect = rParam.maAlignRect;
    if ( nNeeded > nMergeSizeX )
        SvxCellHorJustify eHorJust = static_cast<SvxCellHorJustify>(nHorJustify);
        long nMissing = nNeeded - nMergeSizeX;
        long nLeftMissing = 0;
        long nRightMissing = 0;
        switch ( eHorJust )
            case SvxCellHorJustify::Left:
                nRightMissing = nMissing;
            case SvxCellHorJustify::Right:
                nLeftMissing = nMissing;
            case SvxCellHorJustify::Center:
                nLeftMissing = nMissing / 2;
                nRightMissing = nMissing - nLeftMissing;
                // added to avoid warnings
        // nLeftMissing, nRightMissing are logical, eHorJust values are visual
        if ( bLayoutRTL )
            ::std::swap( nLeftMissing, nRightMissing );
        SCCOL nRightX = nCellX;
        SCCOL nLeftX = nCellX;
        if ( !bMerged && !bCellIsValue && !bBreak )
            //  look for empty cells into which the text can be extended
            while ( nRightMissing > 0 && nRightX < MAXCOL && ( bOverwrite || IsAvailable( nRightX+1, nCellY ) ) )
                long nAdd = static_cast<long>( mpDoc->GetColWidth( nRightX, nTab ) * mnPPTX );
                nRightMissing -= nAdd;
                rParam.maClipRect.AdjustRight(nAdd * nLayoutSign );
                if ( rThisRowInfo.nRowNo == nCellY && nRightX >= nX1 && nRightX <= nX2 )
                    rThisRowInfo.pCellInfo[nRightX].bHideGrid = true;
            while ( nLeftMissing > 0 && nLeftX > 0 && ( bOverwrite || IsAvailable( nLeftX-1, nCellY ) ) )
                if ( rThisRowInfo.nRowNo == nCellY && nLeftX >= nX1 && nLeftX <= nX2 )
                    rThisRowInfo.pCellInfo[nLeftX].bHideGrid = true;
                long nAdd = static_cast<long>( mpDoc->GetColWidth( nLeftX, nTab ) * mnPPTX );
                nLeftMissing -= nAdd;
                rParam.maClipRect.AdjustLeft( -(nAdd * nLayoutSign) );
        //  Set flag and reserve space for clipping mark triangle,
        //  even if rThisRowInfo isn't for nCellY (merged cells).
        if ( nRightMissing > 0 && bMarkClipped && nRightX >= nX1 && nRightX <= nX2 && !bBreak && !bCellIsValue )
            rThisRowInfo.pCellInfo[nRightX+1].nClipMark |= ScClipMark::Right;
            bAnyClipped = true;
            long nMarkPixel = static_cast<long>( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * mnPPTX );
            rParam.maClipRect.AdjustRight( -(nMarkPixel * nLayoutSign) );
        if ( nLeftMissing > 0 && bMarkClipped && nLeftX >= nX1 && nLeftX <= nX2 && !bBreak && !bCellIsValue )
            rThisRowInfo.pCellInfo[nLeftX+1].nClipMark |= ScClipMark::Left;
            bAnyClipped = true;
            long nMarkPixel = static_cast<long>( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * mnPPTX );
            rParam.maClipRect.AdjustLeft(nMarkPixel * nLayoutSign );
        rParam.mbLeftClip = ( nLeftMissing > 0 );
        rParam.mbRightClip = ( nRightMissing > 0 );
        rParam.mnLeftClipLength = nLeftMissing;
        rParam.mnRightClipLength = nRightMissing;
        rParam.mbLeftClip = rParam.mbRightClip = false;
        // leave space for AutoFilter on screen
        // (for automatic line break: only if not formatting for printer, as in ScColumn::GetNeededSize)
        if ( eType==OUTTYPE_WINDOW &&
             ( rPattern.GetItem(ATTR_MERGE_FLAG).GetValue() & (ScMF::Auto|ScMF::Button|ScMF::ButtonPopup) ) &&
             ( !bBreak || mpRefDevice == pFmtDevice ) )
            // filter drop-down width is now independent from row height
            const long nFilter = DROPDOWN_BITMAP_SIZE;
            bool bFit = ( nNeeded + nFilter <= nMergeSizeX );
            if ( bFit || bCellIsValue )
                // content fits even in the remaining area without the filter button
                // -> align within that remaining area
                rParam.maAlignRect.AdjustRight( -(nFilter * nLayoutSign) );
                rParam.maClipRect.AdjustRight( -(nFilter * nLayoutSign) );
                // if a number doesn't fit, don't hide part of the number behind the button
                // -> set clip flags, so "###" replacement is used (but also within the smaller area)
                if ( !bFit )
                    rParam.mbLeftClip = rParam.mbRightClip = true;
    //  justify both rectangles for alignment calculation, use with DrawText etc.
namespace {
bool beginsWithRTLCharacter(const OUString& rStr)
    if (rStr.isEmpty())
        return false;
    switch (ScGlobal::pCharClass->getCharacterDirection(rStr, 0))
        case i18n::DirectionProperty_RIGHT_TO_LEFT:
        case i18n::DirectionProperty_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC:
        case i18n::DirectionProperty_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING:
        case i18n::DirectionProperty_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE:
            return true;
    return false;
/** Get left, right or centered alignment from RTL context.
    Does not return standard, block or repeat, for these the contextual left or
    right alignment is returned.
static SvxCellHorJustify getAlignmentFromContext( SvxCellHorJustify eInHorJust,
        bool bCellIsValue, const OUString& rText,
        const ScPatternAttr& rPattern, const SfxItemSet* pCondSet,
        const ScDocument* pDoc, SCTAB nTab, const bool  bNumberFormatIsText )
    SvxCellHorJustify eHorJustContext = eInHorJust;
    bool bUseWritingDirection = false;
    if (eInHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Standard)
        // fdo#32530: Default alignment depends on value vs
        // string, and the direction of the 1st letter.
        if (beginsWithRTLCharacter( rText)) //If language is RTL
            if (bCellIsValue)
               eHorJustContext = bNumberFormatIsText ? SvxCellHorJustify::Right : SvxCellHorJustify::Left;
                eHorJustContext = SvxCellHorJustify::Right;
        else if (bCellIsValue) //If language is not RTL
            eHorJustContext = bNumberFormatIsText ? SvxCellHorJustify::Left : SvxCellHorJustify::Right;
            bUseWritingDirection = true;
    if (bUseWritingDirection ||
            eInHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Block || eInHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat)
        SvxFrameDirection nDirection = lcl_GetValue<SvxFrameDirectionItem, SvxFrameDirection>(rPattern, ATTR_WRITINGDIR, pCondSet);
        if (nDirection == SvxFrameDirection::Horizontal_LR_TB || nDirection == SvxFrameDirection::Vertical_LR_TB)
            eHorJustContext = SvxCellHorJustify::Left;
        else if (nDirection == SvxFrameDirection::Environment)
            SAL_WARN_IF( !pDoc, "sc.ui", "getAlignmentFromContext - pDoc==NULL");
            // fdo#73588: The content of the cell must also
            // begin with a RTL character to be right
            // aligned; otherwise, it should be left aligned.
            eHorJustContext = (pDoc && pDoc->IsLayoutRTL(nTab) && (beginsWithRTLCharacter( rText))) ? SvxCellHorJustify::Right : SvxCellHorJustify::Left;
            eHorJustContext = SvxCellHorJustify::Right;
    return eHorJustContext;
void ScOutputData::DrawStrings( bool bPixelToLogic )
tools::Rectangle ScOutputData::LayoutStrings(bool bPixelToLogic, bool bPaint, const ScAddress &rAddress)
    OSL_ENSURE( mpDev == mpRefDevice ||
                mpDev->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit() == mpRefDevice->GetMapMode().GetMapUnit(),
                "LayoutStrings: different MapUnits ?!?!" );
    vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* pPDFData = dynamic_cast< vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* >(mpDev->GetExtOutDevData() );
    sc::IdleSwitch aIdleSwitch(*mpDoc, false);
    ScDrawStringsVars aVars( this, bPixelToLogic );
    bool bProgress = false;
    long nInitPosX = nScrX;
    if ( bLayoutRTL )
        nInitPosX += nMirrorW - 1;              // pixels
    long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
    SCCOL nLastContentCol = MAXCOL;
    if ( nX2 < MAXCOL )
        nLastContentCol = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>(
            nLastContentCol - mpDoc->GetEmptyLinesInBlock( nX2+1, nY1, nTab, MAXCOL, nY2, nTab, DIR_RIGHT ) );
    SCCOL nLoopStartX = nX1;
    if ( nX1 > 0 )
        --nLoopStartX;          // start before nX1 for rest of long text to the left
    // variables for GetOutputArea
    OutputAreaParam aAreaParam;
    bool bCellIsValue = false;
    long nNeededWidth = 0;
    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = nullptr;
    const SfxItemSet* pCondSet = nullptr;
    const ScPatternAttr* pOldPattern = nullptr;
    const SfxItemSet* pOldCondSet = nullptr;
    SvtScriptType nOldScript = SvtScriptType::NONE;
    // alternative pattern instances in case we need to modify the pattern
    // before processing the cell value.
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ScPatternAttr> > aAltPatterns;
    std::vector<long> aDX;
    long nPosY = nScrY;
    for (SCSIZE nArrY=1; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)
        RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
        SCROW nY = pThisRowInfo->nRowNo;
        if ((bPaint && pThisRowInfo->bChanged) || (!bPaint && rAddress.Row() == nY))
            long nPosX = nInitPosX;
            if ( nLoopStartX < nX1 )
                nPosX -= pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nLoopStartX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
            for (SCCOL nX=nLoopStartX; nX<=nX2; nX++)
                bool bMergeEmpty = false;
                CellInfo* pInfo = &pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1];
                bool bEmpty = nX < nX1 || pInfo->bEmptyCellText;
                SCCOL nCellX = nX;                  // position where the cell really starts
                SCROW nCellY = nY;
                bool bDoCell = false;
                bool bUseEditEngine = false;
                //  Part of a merged cell?
                bool bOverlapped = (pInfo->bHOverlapped || pInfo->bVOverlapped);
                if ( bOverlapped )
                    bEmpty = true;
                    SCCOL nOverX;                   // start of the merged cells
                    SCROW nOverY;
                    bool bVisChanged = !pRowInfo[nArrY-1].bChanged;
                    if (GetMergeOrigin( nX,nY, nArrY, nOverX,nOverY, bVisChanged ))
                        nCellX = nOverX;
                        nCellY = nOverY;
                        bDoCell = true;
                        bMergeEmpty = true;
                //  Rest of a long text further to the left?
                if ( bEmpty && !bMergeEmpty && nX < nX1 && !bOverlapped )
                    SCCOL nTempX=nX1;
                    while (nTempX > 0 && IsEmptyCellText( pThisRowInfo, nTempX, nY ))
                    if ( nTempX < nX1 &&
                         !IsEmptyCellText( pThisRowInfo, nTempX, nY ) &&
                         !mpDoc->HasAttrib( nTempX,nY,nTab, nX1,nY,nTab, HasAttrFlags::Merged | HasAttrFlags::Overlapped ) )
                        nCellX = nTempX;
                        bDoCell = true;
                //  Rest of a long text further to the right?
                if ( bEmpty && !bMergeEmpty && nX == nX2 && !bOverlapped )
                    //  don't have to look further than nLastContentCol
                    SCCOL nTempX=nX;
                    while (nTempX < nLastContentCol && IsEmptyCellText( pThisRowInfo, nTempX, nY ))
                    if ( nTempX > nX &&
                         !IsEmptyCellText( pThisRowInfo, nTempX, nY ) &&
                         !mpDoc->HasAttrib( nTempX,nY,nTab, nX,nY,nTab, HasAttrFlags::Merged | HasAttrFlags::Overlapped ) )
                        nCellX = nTempX;
                        bDoCell = true;
                //  normal visible cell
                if (!bEmpty)
                    bDoCell = true;
                //  don't output the cell that's being edited
                if ( bDoCell && bEditMode && nCellX == nEditCol && nCellY == nEditRow )
                    bDoCell = false;
                // skip text in cell if data bar/icon set is set and only value selected
                if ( bDoCell )
                    if(pInfo->pDataBar && !pInfo->pDataBar->mbShowValue)
                        bDoCell = false;
                    if(pInfo->pIconSet && !pInfo->pIconSet->mbShowValue)
                        bDoCell = false;
                //  output the cell text
                ScRefCellValue aCell;
                if (bDoCell)
                    if ( nCellY == nY && nCellX == nX && nCellX >= nX1 && nCellX <= nX2 )
                        aCell = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nCellX+1].maCell;
                        GetVisibleCell( nCellX, nCellY, nTab, aCell );      // get from document
                    if (aCell.isEmpty())
                        bDoCell = false;
                    else if (aCell.meType == CELLTYPE_EDIT)
                        bUseEditEngine = true;
                // Check if this cell is mis-spelled.
                if (bDoCell && !bUseEditEngine && aCell.meType == CELLTYPE_STRING)
                    if (mpSpellCheckCxt && mpSpellCheckCxt->isMisspelled(nCellX, nCellY))
                        bUseEditEngine = true;
                if (bDoCell && !bUseEditEngine)
                    if ( nCellY == nY && nCellX >= nX1 && nCellX <= nX2 )
                        CellInfo& rCellInfo = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nCellX+1];
                        pPattern = rCellInfo.pPatternAttr;
                        pCondSet = rCellInfo.pConditionSet;
                        if ( !pPattern )
                            // #i68085# pattern from cell info for hidden columns is null,
                            // test for null is quicker than using column flags
                            pPattern = mpDoc->GetPattern( nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                            pCondSet = mpDoc->GetCondResult( nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                    else        // get from document
                        pPattern = mpDoc->GetPattern( nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                        pCondSet = mpDoc->GetCondResult( nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                    if ( mpDoc->GetPreviewFont() || mpDoc->GetPreviewCellStyle() )
                        ScPatternAttr* pAltPattern = aAltPatterns.back().get();
                        if (  ScStyleSheet* pPreviewStyle = mpDoc->GetPreviewCellStyle( nCellX, nCellY, nTab ) )
                        else if ( SfxItemSet* pFontSet = mpDoc->GetPreviewFont( nCellX, nCellY, nTab ) )
                            const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
                            if ( pFontSet->GetItemState( ATTR_FONT, true, &pItem ) == SfxItemState::SET )
                                pAltPattern->GetItemSet().Put( static_cast<const SvxFontItem&>(*pItem) );
                            if ( pFontSet->GetItemState( ATTR_CJK_FONT, true, &pItem ) == SfxItemState::SET )
                                pAltPattern->GetItemSet().Put( static_cast<const SvxFontItem&>(*pItem) );
                            if ( pFontSet->GetItemState( ATTR_CTL_FONT, true, &pItem ) == SfxItemState::SET )
                                pAltPattern->GetItemSet().Put( static_cast<const SvxFontItem&>(*pItem) );
                        pPattern = pAltPattern;
                    if (aCell.hasNumeric() &&
                            pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_LINEBREAK, pCondSet).GetValue())
                        // Disable line break when the cell content is numeric.
                        ScPatternAttr* pAltPattern = aAltPatterns.back().get();
                        SfxBoolItem aLineBreak(ATTR_LINEBREAK, false);
                        pPattern = pAltPattern;
                    SvtScriptType nScript = mpDoc->GetCellScriptType(
                        ScAddress(nCellX, nCellY, nTab),
                        pPattern->GetNumberFormat(mpDoc->GetFormatTable(), pCondSet));
                    if (nScript == SvtScriptType::NONE)
                        nScript = ScGlobal::GetDefaultScriptType();
                    if ( pPattern != pOldPattern || pCondSet != pOldCondSet ||
                         nScript != nOldScript || mbSyntaxMode )
                        if ( StringDiffer(pOldPattern,pPattern) ||
                             pCondSet != pOldCondSet || nScript != nOldScript || mbSyntaxMode )
                            aVars.SetPattern(pPattern, pCondSet, aCell, nScript);
                            aVars.SetPatternSimple( pPattern, pCondSet );
                        pOldPattern = pPattern;
                        pOldCondSet = pCondSet;
                        nOldScript = nScript;
                    //  use edit engine for rotated, stacked or mixed-script text
                    if ( aVars.GetOrient() == SvxCellOrientation::Stacked ||
                         aVars.IsRotated() || IsAmbiguousScript(nScript) )
                        bUseEditEngine = true;
                if (bDoCell && !bUseEditEngine)
                    bool bFormulaCell = (aCell.meType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA);
                    if ( bFormulaCell )
                        lcl_CreateInterpretProgress(bProgress, mpDoc, aCell.mpFormula);
                    if ( aVars.SetText(aCell) )
                        pOldPattern = nullptr;
                    bUseEditEngine = aVars.HasEditCharacters() || (bFormulaCell && aCell.mpFormula->IsMultilineResult());
                long nTotalMargin = 0;
                SvxCellHorJustify eOutHorJust = SvxCellHorJustify::Standard;
                if (bDoCell && !bUseEditEngine)
                    CellType eCellType = aCell.meType;
                    bCellIsValue = ( eCellType == CELLTYPE_VALUE );
                    if ( eCellType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA )
                        ScFormulaCell* pFCell = aCell.mpFormula;
                        bCellIsValue = pFCell->IsRunning() || pFCell->IsValue();
                    const bool bNumberFormatIsText = lcl_isNumberFormatText( mpDoc, nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                    eOutHorJust = getAlignmentFromContext( aVars.GetHorJust(), bCellIsValue, aVars.GetString(),
                            *pPattern, pCondSet, mpDoc, nTab, bNumberFormatIsText );
                    bool bBreak = ( aVars.GetLineBreak() || aVars.GetHorJust() == SvxCellHorJustify::Block );
                    // #i111387# #o11817313# disable automatic line breaks only for "General" number format
                    if (bBreak && bCellIsValue && (aVars.GetResultValueFormat() % SV_COUNTRY_LANGUAGE_OFFSET) == 0)
                        bBreak = false;
                    bool bRepeat = aVars.IsRepeat() && !bBreak;
                    bool bShrink = aVars.IsShrink() && !bBreak && !bRepeat;
                    nTotalMargin =
                        static_cast<long>(aVars.GetLeftTotal() * mnPPTX) +
                        static_cast<long>(aVars.GetMargin()->GetRightMargin() * mnPPTX);
                    nNeededWidth = aVars.GetTextSize().Width() + nTotalMargin;
                    // GetOutputArea gives justified rectangles
                    GetOutputArea( nX, nArrY, nPosX, nPosY, nCellX, nCellY, nNeededWidth,
                                   *pPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                                   bCellIsValue || bRepeat || bShrink, bBreak, false,
                                   aAreaParam );
                    aVars.RepeatToFill( aAreaParam.mnColWidth - nTotalMargin );
                    if ( bShrink )
                        if ( aVars.GetOrient() != SvxCellOrientation::Standard )
                            // Only horizontal scaling is handled here.
                            // DrawEdit is used to vertically scale 90 deg rotated text.
                            bUseEditEngine = true;
                        else if ( aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip )     // horizontal
                            long nAvailable = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth() - nTotalMargin;
                            long nScaleSize = aVars.GetTextSize().Width();         // without margin
                            if ( nAvailable > 0 && nScaleSize > 0 )       // 0 if the text is empty (formulas, number formats)
                                long nScale = ( nAvailable * 100 ) / nScaleSize;
                                aVars.SetShrinkScale( nScale, nOldScript );
                                long nNewSize = aVars.GetTextSize().Width();
                                sal_uInt16 nShrinkAgain = 0;
                                while ( nNewSize > nAvailable && nShrinkAgain < SC_SHRINKAGAIN_MAX )
                                    // If the text is still too large, reduce the scale again by 10%, until it fits,
                                    // at most 7 times (it's less than 50% of the calculated scale then).
                                    nScale = ( nScale * 9 ) / 10;
                                    aVars.SetShrinkScale( nScale, nOldScript );
                                    nNewSize = aVars.GetTextSize().Width();
                                // If even at half the size the font still isn't rendered smaller,
                                // fall back to normal clipping (showing ### for numbers).
                                if ( nNewSize <= nAvailable )
                                    // Reset relevant parameters.
                                    aAreaParam.mbLeftClip = aAreaParam.mbRightClip = false;
                                    aAreaParam.mnLeftClipLength = aAreaParam.mnRightClipLength = 0;
                                pOldPattern = nullptr;
                    if ( bRepeat && !aAreaParam.mbLeftClip && !aAreaParam.mbRightClip )
                        long nAvailable = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth() - nTotalMargin;
                        long nRepeatSize = aVars.GetTextSize().Width();         // without margin
                        // When formatting for the printer, the text sizes don't always add up.
                        // Round down (too few repetitions) rather than exceeding the cell size then:
                        if ( pFmtDevice != mpRefDevice )
                        if ( nRepeatSize > 0 )
                            long nRepeatCount = nAvailable / nRepeatSize;
                            if ( nRepeatCount > 1 )
                                OUString aCellStr = aVars.GetString();
                                OUStringBuffer aRepeated = aCellStr;
                                for ( long nRepeat = 1; nRepeat < nRepeatCount; nRepeat++ )
                                aVars.SetAutoText( aRepeated.makeStringAndClear() );
                    //  use edit engine if automatic line breaks are needed
                    if ( bBreak )
                        if ( aVars.GetOrient() == SvxCellOrientation::Standard )
                            bUseEditEngine = ( aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip );
                            long nHeight = aVars.GetTextSize().Height() +
                                            static_cast<long>(aVars.GetMargin()->GetTopMargin()*mnPPTY) +
                            bUseEditEngine = ( nHeight > aAreaParam.maClipRect.GetHeight() );
                    if (!bUseEditEngine)
                        bUseEditEngine =
                            aVars.GetHorJust() == SvxCellHorJustify::Block &&
                            aVars.GetHorJustMethod() == SvxCellJustifyMethod::Distribute;
                if (bUseEditEngine)
                    //  mark the cell in CellInfo to be drawn in DrawEdit:
                    //  Cells to the left are marked directly, cells to the
                    //  right are handled by the flag for nX2
                    SCCOL nMarkX = ( nCellX <= nX2 ) ? nCellX : nX2;
                    RowInfo* pMarkRowInfo = ( nCellY == nY ) ? pThisRowInfo : &pRowInfo[0];
                    pMarkRowInfo->pCellInfo[nMarkX+1].bEditEngine = true;
                    bDoCell = false;    // don't draw here
                if ( bDoCell )
                    if ( bCellIsValue && ( aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip ) )
                        if (mbShowFormulas)
                            // Adjust the decimals to fit the available column width.
                            aVars.SetTextToWidthOrHash(aCell, aAreaParam.mnColWidth - nTotalMargin);
                        nNeededWidth = aVars.GetTextSize().Width() +
                                    static_cast<long>( aVars.GetLeftTotal() * mnPPTX ) +
                                    static_cast<long>( aVars.GetMargin()->GetRightMargin() * mnPPTX );
                        if ( nNeededWidth <= aAreaParam.maClipRect.GetWidth() )
                            // Cell value is no longer clipped.  Reset relevant parameters.
                            aAreaParam.mbLeftClip = aAreaParam.mbRightClip = false;
                            aAreaParam.mnLeftClipLength = aAreaParam.mnRightClipLength = 0;
                        //  If the "###" replacement doesn't fit into the cells, no clip marks
                        //  are shown, as the "###" already denotes too little space.
                        //  The rectangles from the first GetOutputArea call remain valid.
                    long nJustPosX = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Left();     // "justified" - effect of alignment will be added
                    long nJustPosY = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Top();
                    long nAvailWidth = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth();
                    long nOutHeight = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetHeight();
                    bool bOutside = ( aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() < nScrX || aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() >= nScrX + nScrW );
                    // Take adjusted values of aAreaParam.mbLeftClip and aAreaParam.mbRightClip
                    bool bVClip = AdjustAreaParamClipRect(aAreaParam);
                    bool bHClip = aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip;
                    // check horizontal space
                    if ( !bOutside )
                        bool bRightAdjusted = false;        // to correct text width calculation later
                        switch (eOutHorJust)
                            case SvxCellHorJustify::Left:
                                nJustPosX += static_cast<long>( aVars.GetLeftTotal() * mnPPTX );
                            case SvxCellHorJustify::Right:
                                nJustPosX += nAvailWidth - aVars.GetTextSize().Width() -
                                            static_cast<long>( aVars.GetRightTotal() * mnPPTX );
                                bRightAdjusted = true;
                            case SvxCellHorJustify::Center:
                                nJustPosX += ( nAvailWidth - aVars.GetTextSize().Width() +
                                            static_cast<long>( aVars.GetLeftTotal() * mnPPTX ) -
                                            static_cast<long>( aVars.GetMargin()->GetRightMargin() * mnPPTX ) ) / 2;
                                // added to avoid warnings
                        long nTestClipHeight = aVars.GetTextSize().Height();
                        switch (aVars.GetVerJust())
                            case SvxCellVerJustify::Top:
                            case SvxCellVerJustify::Block:
                                    long nTop = static_cast<long>( aVars.GetMargin()->GetTopMargin() * mnPPTY );
                                    nJustPosY += nTop;
                                    nTestClipHeight += nTop;
                            case SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom:
                                    long nBot = static_cast<long>( aVars.GetMargin()->GetBottomMargin() * mnPPTY );
                                    nJustPosY += nOutHeight - aVars.GetTextSize().Height() - nBot;
                                    nTestClipHeight += nBot;
                            case SvxCellVerJustify::Center:
                                    long nTop = static_cast<long>( aVars.GetMargin()->GetTopMargin() * mnPPTY );
                                    long nBot = static_cast<long>( aVars.GetMargin()->GetBottomMargin() * mnPPTY );
                                    nJustPosY += ( nOutHeight + nTop -
                                                    aVars.GetTextSize().Height() - nBot ) / 2;
                                    nTestClipHeight += std::abs( nTop - nBot );
                                // added to avoid warnings
                        if ( nTestClipHeight > nOutHeight )
                            // no vertical clipping when printing cells with optimal height,
                            // except when font size is from conditional formatting.
                            if ( eType != OUTTYPE_PRINTER ||
                                    ( mpDoc->GetRowFlags( nCellY, nTab ) & CRFlags::ManualSize ) ||
                                    ( aVars.HasCondHeight() ) )
                                bVClip = true;
                        if ( bHClip || bVClip )
                            // only clip the affected dimension so that not all right-aligned
                            // columns are cut off when performing a non-proportional resize
                            if (!bHClip)
                                aAreaParam.maClipRect.SetLeft( nScrX );
                                aAreaParam.maClipRect.SetRight( nScrX+nScrW );
                            if (!bVClip)
                                aAreaParam.maClipRect.SetTop( nScrY );
                                aAreaParam.maClipRect.SetBottom( nScrY+nScrH );
                            //  aClipRect is not used after SetClipRegion/IntersectClipRegion,
                            //  so it can be modified here
                            if (bPixelToLogic)
                                aAreaParam.maClipRect = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( aAreaParam.maClipRect );
                            if (bMetaFile)
                                mpDev->IntersectClipRegion( aAreaParam.maClipRect );
                                mpDev->SetClipRegion( vcl::Region( aAreaParam.maClipRect ) );
                        Point aURLStart( nJustPosX, nJustPosY );    // copy before modifying for orientation
                        switch (aVars.GetOrient())
                            case SvxCellOrientation::Standard:
                                nJustPosY += aVars.GetAscent();
                            case SvxCellOrientation::TopBottom:
                                nJustPosX += aVars.GetTextSize().Width() - aVars.GetAscent();
                            case SvxCellOrientation::BottomUp:
                                nJustPosY += aVars.GetTextSize().Height();
                                nJustPosX += aVars.GetAscent();
                                // added to avoid warnings
                        // When clipping, the visible part is now completely defined by the alignment,
                        // there's no more special handling to show the right part of RTL text.
                        Point aDrawTextPos( nJustPosX, nJustPosY );
                        if ( bPixelToLogic )
                            //  undo text width adjustment in pixels
                            if (bRightAdjusted)
                                aDrawTextPos.AdjustX(aVars.GetTextSize().Width() );
                            aDrawTextPos = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( aDrawTextPos );
                            //  redo text width adjustment in logic units
                            if (bRightAdjusted)
                                aDrawTextPos.AdjustX( -(aVars.GetOriginalWidth()) );
                        // in Metafiles always use DrawTextArray to ensure that positions are
                        // recorded (for non-proportional resize):
                        OUString aString = aVars.GetString();
                        if (!aString.isEmpty())
                            // If the string is clipped, make it shorter for
                            // better performance since drawing by HarfBuzz is
                            // quite expensive especially for long string.
                            OUString aShort = aString;
                            // But never fiddle with numeric values.
                            // (Which was the cause of tdf#86024).
                            // The General automatic format output takes
                            // care of this, or fixed width numbers either fit
                            // or display as ###.
                            if (!bCellIsValue)
                                double fVisibleRatio = 1.0;
                                double fTextWidth = aVars.GetTextSize().Width();
                                sal_Int32 nTextLen = aString.getLength();
                                if (eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Left && aAreaParam.mnRightClipLength > 0)
                                    fVisibleRatio = (fTextWidth - aAreaParam.mnRightClipLength) / fTextWidth;
                                    if (0.0 < fVisibleRatio && fVisibleRatio < 1.0)
                                        // Only show the left-end segment.
                                        sal_Int32 nShortLen = fVisibleRatio*nTextLen + 1;
                                        aShort = aShort.copy(0, nShortLen);
                                else if (eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Right && aAreaParam.mnLeftClipLength > 0)
                                    fVisibleRatio = (fTextWidth - aAreaParam.mnLeftClipLength) / fTextWidth;
                                    if (0.0 < fVisibleRatio && fVisibleRatio < 1.0)
                                        // Only show the right-end segment.
                                        sal_Int32 nShortLen = fVisibleRatio*nTextLen + 1;
                                        aShort = aShort.copy(nTextLen-nShortLen);
                                        // Adjust the text position after shortening of the string.
                                        double fShortWidth = pFmtDevice->GetTextWidth(aShort);
                                        double fOffset = fTextWidth - fShortWidth;
                                        aDrawTextPos.Move(fOffset, 0);
                            // if we are not painting, it means we are interested in
                            // the area of the text that covers the specified cell
                            if (!bPaint && rAddress.Col() == nX)
                                tools::Rectangle aRect;
                                mpDev->GetTextBoundRect(aRect, aShort);
                                aRect += aDrawTextPos;
                                return aRect;
                            if (bMetaFile || pFmtDevice != mpDev || aZoomX != aZoomY)
                                size_t nLen = aShort.getLength();
                                if (aDX.size() < nLen)
                                    aDX.resize(nLen, 0);
                                pFmtDevice->GetTextArray(aShort, &aDX[0]);
                                if ( !mpRefDevice->GetConnectMetaFile() ||
                                        mpRefDevice->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_PRINTER )
                                    double fMul = GetStretch();
                                    for (size_t i = 0; i < nLen; ++i)
                                        aDX[i] = static_cast<sal_Int32>(aDX[i] / fMul + 0.5);
                                if (bPaint)
                                    mpDev->DrawTextArray(aDrawTextPos, aShort, &aDX[0]);
                                if (bPaint)
                                    mpDev->DrawText(aDrawTextPos, aShort);
                        if ( bHClip || bVClip )
                            if (bMetaFile)
                        // PDF: whole-cell hyperlink from formula?
                        bool bHasURL = pPDFData && aCell.meType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA && aCell.mpFormula->IsHyperLinkCell();
                        if (bPaint && bHasURL)
                            tools::Rectangle aURLRect( aURLStart, aVars.GetTextSize() );
                            lcl_DoHyperlinkResult(mpDev, aURLRect, aCell);
                nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
        nPosY += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
    if ( bProgress )
    return tools::Rectangle();
ScFieldEditEngine* ScOutputData::CreateOutputEditEngine()
    ScFieldEditEngine* pEngine = new ScFieldEditEngine(mpDoc, mpDoc->GetEnginePool());
    pEngine->SetUpdateMode( false );
    // a RefDevice always has to be set, otherwise EditEngine would create a VirtualDevice
    pEngine->SetRefDevice( pFmtDevice );
    EEControlBits nCtrl = pEngine->GetControlWord();
    if ( bShowSpellErrors )
        nCtrl |= EEControlBits::ONLINESPELLING;
    if ( eType == OUTTYPE_PRINTER )
        nCtrl &= ~EEControlBits::MARKFIELDS;
    if ( eType == OUTTYPE_WINDOW && mpRefDevice == pFmtDevice )
        nCtrl &= ~EEControlBits::FORMAT100;       // use the actual MapMode
    pEngine->SetControlWord( nCtrl );
    mpDoc->ApplyAsianEditSettings( *pEngine );
    pEngine->EnableAutoColor( mbUseStyleColor );
    pEngine->SetDefaultHorizontalTextDirection( mpDoc->GetEditTextDirection( nTab ) );
    return pEngine;
static void lcl_ClearEdit( EditEngine& rEngine )       // text and attributes
    rEngine.SetUpdateMode( false );
    // do not keep any para-attributes
    const SfxItemSet& rPara = rEngine.GetParaAttribs(0);
    if (rPara.Count())
        rEngine.SetParaAttribs( 0,
                    SfxItemSet( *rPara.GetPool(), rPara.GetRanges() ) );
static bool lcl_SafeIsValue( ScRefCellValue& rCell )
    switch (rCell.meType)
        case CELLTYPE_VALUE:
            return true;
        case CELLTYPE_FORMULA:
            ScFormulaCell* pFCell = rCell.mpFormula;
            if (pFCell->IsRunning() || pFCell->IsValue())
                return true;
            // added to avoid warnings
    return false;
static void lcl_ScaleFonts( EditEngine& rEngine, long nPercent )
    bool bUpdateMode = rEngine.GetUpdateMode();
    if ( bUpdateMode )
        rEngine.SetUpdateMode( false );
    sal_Int32 nParCount = rEngine.GetParagraphCount();
    for (sal_Int32 nPar=0; nPar<nParCount; nPar++)
        std::vector<sal_Int32> aPortions;
        rEngine.GetPortions( nPar, aPortions );
        sal_Int32 nStart = 0;
        for ( std::vector<sal_Int32>::const_iterator it(aPortions.begin()); it != aPortions.end(); ++it )
            sal_Int32 nEnd = *it;
            ESelection aSel( nPar, nStart, nPar, nEnd );
            SfxItemSet aAttribs = rEngine.GetAttribs( aSel );
            long nWestern = aAttribs.Get(EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT).GetHeight();
            long nCJK = aAttribs.Get(EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CJK).GetHeight();
            long nCTL = aAttribs.Get(EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CTL).GetHeight();
            nWestern = ( nWestern * nPercent ) / 100;
            nCJK     = ( nCJK     * nPercent ) / 100;
            nCTL     = ( nCTL     * nPercent ) / 100;
            aAttribs.Put( SvxFontHeightItem( nWestern, 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT ) );
            aAttribs.Put( SvxFontHeightItem( nCJK, 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CJK ) );
            aAttribs.Put( SvxFontHeightItem( nCTL, 100, EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT_CTL ) );
            rEngine.QuickSetAttribs( aAttribs, aSel );      //! remove paragraph attributes from aAttribs?
            nStart = nEnd;
    if ( bUpdateMode )
        rEngine.SetUpdateMode( true );
static long lcl_GetEditSize( EditEngine& rEngine, bool bWidth, bool bSwap, long nAttrRotate )
    if ( bSwap )
        bWidth = !bWidth;
    if ( nAttrRotate )
        long nRealWidth  = static_cast<long>(rEngine.CalcTextWidth());
        long nRealHeight = rEngine.GetTextHeight();
        // assuming standard mode, otherwise width isn't used
        double nRealOrient = nAttrRotate * F_PI18000;   // 1/100th degrees
        double nAbsCos = fabs( cos( nRealOrient ) );
        double nAbsSin = fabs( sin( nRealOrient ) );
        if ( bWidth )
            return static_cast<long>( nRealWidth * nAbsCos + nRealHeight * nAbsSin );
            return static_cast<long>( nRealHeight * nAbsCos + nRealWidth * nAbsSin );
    else if ( bWidth )
        return static_cast<long>(rEngine.CalcTextWidth());
        return rEngine.GetTextHeight();
void ScOutputData::ShrinkEditEngine( EditEngine& rEngine, const tools::Rectangle& rAlignRect,
            long nLeftM, long nTopM, long nRightM, long nBottomM,
            bool bWidth, SvxCellOrientation nOrient, long nAttrRotate, bool bPixelToLogic,
            long& rEngineWidth, long& rEngineHeight, long& rNeededPixel, bool& rLeftClip, bool& rRightClip )
    if ( !bWidth )
        // vertical
        long nScaleSize = bPixelToLogic ?
            mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(0,rEngineHeight)).Height() : rEngineHeight;
        // Don't scale if it fits already.
        // Allowing to extend into the margin, to avoid scaling at optimal height.
        if ( nScaleSize <= rAlignRect.GetHeight() )
        bool bSwap = ( nOrient == SvxCellOrientation::TopBottom || nOrient == SvxCellOrientation::BottomUp );
        long nAvailable = rAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM;
        long nScale = ( nAvailable * 100 ) / nScaleSize;
        lcl_ScaleFonts( rEngine, nScale );
        rEngineHeight = lcl_GetEditSize( rEngine, false, bSwap, nAttrRotate );
        long nNewSize = bPixelToLogic ?
            mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(0,rEngineHeight)).Height() : rEngineHeight;
        sal_uInt16 nShrinkAgain = 0;
        while ( nNewSize > nAvailable && nShrinkAgain < SC_SHRINKAGAIN_MAX )
            // further reduce, like in DrawStrings
            lcl_ScaleFonts( rEngine, 90 );     // reduce by 10%
            rEngineHeight = lcl_GetEditSize( rEngine, false, bSwap, nAttrRotate );
            nNewSize = bPixelToLogic ?
                mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(0,rEngineHeight)).Height() : rEngineHeight;
        // sizes for further processing (alignment etc):
        rEngineWidth = lcl_GetEditSize( rEngine, true, bSwap, nAttrRotate );
        long nPixelWidth = bPixelToLogic ?
            mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(rEngineWidth,0)).Width() : rEngineWidth;
        rNeededPixel = nPixelWidth + nLeftM + nRightM;
    else if ( rLeftClip || rRightClip )
        // horizontal
        long nAvailable = rAlignRect.GetWidth() - nLeftM - nRightM;
        long nScaleSize = rNeededPixel - nLeftM - nRightM;      // without margin
        if ( nScaleSize <= nAvailable )
        long nScale = ( nAvailable * 100 ) / nScaleSize;
        lcl_ScaleFonts( rEngine, nScale );
        rEngineWidth = lcl_GetEditSize( rEngine, true, false, nAttrRotate );
        long nNewSize = bPixelToLogic ?
            mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(rEngineWidth,0)).Width() : rEngineWidth;
        sal_uInt16 nShrinkAgain = 0;
        while ( nNewSize > nAvailable && nShrinkAgain < SC_SHRINKAGAIN_MAX )
            // further reduce, like in DrawStrings
            lcl_ScaleFonts( rEngine, 90 );     // reduce by 10%
            rEngineWidth = lcl_GetEditSize( rEngine, true, false, nAttrRotate );
            nNewSize = bPixelToLogic ?
                mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(rEngineWidth,0)).Width() : rEngineWidth;
        if ( nNewSize <= nAvailable )
            rLeftClip = rRightClip = false;
        // sizes for further processing (alignment etc):
        rNeededPixel = nNewSize + nLeftM + nRightM;
        rEngineHeight = lcl_GetEditSize( rEngine, false, false, nAttrRotate );
ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::DrawEditParam(const ScPatternAttr* pPattern, const SfxItemSet* pCondSet, bool bCellIsValue) :
    meHorJustAttr( lcl_GetValue<SvxHorJustifyItem, SvxCellHorJustify>(*pPattern, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY, pCondSet) ),
    meHorJustContext( meHorJustAttr ),
    meHorJustResult( meHorJustAttr ),
    meVerJust( lcl_GetValue<SvxVerJustifyItem, SvxCellVerJustify>(*pPattern, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY, pCondSet) ),
    meHorJustMethod( lcl_GetValue<SvxJustifyMethodItem, SvxCellJustifyMethod>(*pPattern, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY_METHOD, pCondSet) ),
    meVerJustMethod( lcl_GetValue<SvxJustifyMethodItem, SvxCellJustifyMethod>(*pPattern, ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY_METHOD, pCondSet) ),
    meOrient( pPattern->GetCellOrientation(pCondSet) ),
    mnX(0), mnCellX(0), mnCellY(0),
    mnPosX(0), mnPosY(0), mnInitPosX(0),
    mbBreak( (meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Block) || lcl_GetBoolValue(*pPattern, ATTR_LINEBREAK, pCondSet) ),
bool ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::readCellContent(
    const ScDocument* pDoc, bool bShowNullValues, bool bShowFormulas, bool bSyntaxMode, bool bUseStyleColor, bool bForceAutoColor, bool& rWrapFields)
    if (maCell.meType == CELLTYPE_EDIT)
        const EditTextObject* pData = maCell.mpEditText;
        if (pData)
            if ( mbBreak && !mbAsianVertical && pData->HasField() )
                //  Fields aren't wrapped, so clipping is enabled to prevent
                //  a field from being drawn beyond the cell size
                rWrapFields = true;
            OSL_FAIL("pData == 0");
            return false;
        sal_uInt32 nFormat = mpPattern->GetNumberFormat(
                                    pDoc->GetFormatTable(), mpCondSet );
        OUString aString;
        Color* pColor;
        ScCellFormat::GetString( maCell,
                                 nFormat,aString, &pColor,
        if ( pColor && !bSyntaxMode && !( bUseStyleColor && bForceAutoColor ) )
            lcl_SetEditColor( *mpEngine, *pColor );
    if (mpMisspellRanges)
    return true;
void ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::setPatternToEngine(bool bUseStyleColor)
    // syntax highlighting mode is ignored here
    // StringDiffer doesn't look at hyphenate, language items
    if (mpPattern == mpOldPattern && mpCondSet == mpOldCondSet && mpPreviewFontSet == mpOldPreviewFontSet )
    Color nConfBackColor = SC_MOD()->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor;
    bool bCellContrast = bUseStyleColor &&
    SfxItemSet* pSet = new SfxItemSet( mpEngine->GetEmptyItemSet() );
    mpPattern->FillEditItemSet( pSet, mpCondSet );
    if ( mpPreviewFontSet )
        const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
        if ( mpPreviewFontSet->GetItemState( ATTR_FONT, true, &pItem ) == SfxItemState::SET )
            SvxFontItem aFontItem(EE_CHAR_FONTINFO);
            aFontItem = static_cast<const SvxFontItem&>(*pItem);
            pSet->Put( aFontItem );
        if ( mpPreviewFontSet->GetItemState( ATTR_CJK_FONT, true, &pItem ) == SfxItemState::SET )
            SvxFontItem aCjkFontItem(EE_CHAR_FONTINFO_CJK);
            aCjkFontItem = static_cast<const SvxFontItem&>(*pItem);
            pSet->Put( aCjkFontItem );
        if ( mpPreviewFontSet->GetItemState( ATTR_CTL_FONT, true, &pItem ) == SfxItemState::SET )
            SvxFontItem aCtlFontItem(EE_CHAR_FONTINFO_CTL);
            aCtlFontItem = static_cast<const SvxFontItem&>(*pItem);
            pSet->Put( aCtlFontItem );
    mpEngine->SetDefaults( pSet );
    mpOldPattern = mpPattern;
    mpOldCondSet = mpCondSet;
    mpOldPreviewFontSet = mpPreviewFontSet;
    EEControlBits nControl = mpEngine->GetControlWord();
    if (meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Stacked)
        nControl |= EEControlBits::ONECHARPERLINE;
        nControl &= ~EEControlBits::ONECHARPERLINE;
    mpEngine->SetControlWord( nControl );
    if ( !mbHyphenatorSet && pSet->Get(EE_PARA_HYPHENATE).GetValue() )
        //  set hyphenator the first time it is needed
        css::uno::Reference<css::linguistic2::XHyphenator> xXHyphenator( LinguMgr::GetHyphenator() );
        mpEngine->SetHyphenator( xXHyphenator );
        mbHyphenatorSet = true;
    Color aBackCol = mpPattern->GetItem( ATTR_BACKGROUND, mpCondSet ).GetColor();
    if ( bUseStyleColor && ( aBackCol.GetTransparency() > 0 || bCellContrast ) )
        aBackCol = nConfBackColor;
    mpEngine->SetBackgroundColor( aBackCol );
void ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::calcMargins(long& rTopM, long& rLeftM, long& rBottomM, long& rRightM, double nPPTX, double nPPTY) const
    const SvxMarginItem& rMargin = mpPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MARGIN, mpCondSet);
    sal_uInt16 nIndent = 0;
    if (meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Left || meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Right)
        nIndent = lcl_GetValue<SfxUInt16Item, sal_uInt16>(*mpPattern, ATTR_INDENT, mpCondSet);
    rLeftM   = static_cast<long>(((rMargin.GetLeftMargin() + nIndent) * nPPTX));
    rTopM    = static_cast<long>((rMargin.GetTopMargin() * nPPTY));
    rRightM  = static_cast<long>((rMargin.GetRightMargin() * nPPTX));
    rBottomM = static_cast<long>((rMargin.GetBottomMargin() * nPPTY));
    if(meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Right)
        rLeftM   = static_cast<long>((rMargin.GetLeftMargin()  * nPPTX));
        rRightM  = static_cast<long>(((rMargin.GetRightMargin() + nIndent) * nPPTX));
void ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::calcPaperSize(
    Size& rPaperSize, const tools::Rectangle& rAlignRect, double nPPTX, double nPPTY) const
    long nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM;
    calcMargins(nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM, nPPTX, nPPTY);
    if (isVerticallyOriented())
        rPaperSize.setWidth( rAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM );
        rPaperSize.setHeight( rAlignRect.GetWidth() - nLeftM - nRightM );
        rPaperSize.setWidth( rAlignRect.GetWidth() - nLeftM - nRightM );
        rPaperSize.setHeight( rAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM );
    if (mbAsianVertical)
        rPaperSize.setHeight( rAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM );
        // Subtract some extra value from the height or else the text would go
        // outside the cell area.  The value of 5 is arbitrary, and is based
        // entirely on heuristics.
        rPaperSize.AdjustHeight( -5 );
void ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::getEngineSize(ScFieldEditEngine* pEngine, long& rWidth, long& rHeight) const
    long nEngineWidth = 0;
    if (!mbBreak || meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Stacked || mbAsianVertical)
        nEngineWidth = static_cast<long>(pEngine->CalcTextWidth());
    long nEngineHeight = pEngine->GetTextHeight();
    if (isVerticallyOriented())
        long nTemp = nEngineWidth;
        nEngineWidth = nEngineHeight;
        nEngineHeight = nTemp;
    if (meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Stacked)
        nEngineWidth = nEngineWidth * 11 / 10;
    rWidth = nEngineWidth;
    rHeight = nEngineHeight;
bool ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::hasLineBreak() const
    return (mbBreak || (meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Stacked) || mbAsianVertical);
bool ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::isHyperlinkCell() const
    if (maCell.meType != CELLTYPE_FORMULA)
        return false;
    return maCell.mpFormula->IsHyperLinkCell();
bool ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::isVerticallyOriented() const
    return (meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::TopBottom || meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::BottomUp);
void ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::calcStartPosForVertical(
    Point& rLogicStart, long nCellWidth, long nEngineWidth, long nTopM, const OutputDevice* pRefDevice)
    OSL_ENSURE(isVerticallyOriented(), "Use this only for vertically oriented cell!");
    if (mbPixelToLogic)
        rLogicStart = pRefDevice->PixelToLogic(rLogicStart);
    if (mbBreak)
        // vertical adjustment is within the EditEngine
        if (mbPixelToLogic)
            rLogicStart.AdjustY(pRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nTopM)).Height() );
            rLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopM );
        switch (meHorJustResult)
            case SvxCellHorJustify::Center:
                rLogicStart.AdjustX((nCellWidth - nEngineWidth) / 2 );
            case SvxCellHorJustify::Right:
                rLogicStart.AdjustX(nCellWidth - nEngineWidth );
                ; // do nothing
void ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::setAlignmentToEngine()
    if (isVerticallyOriented() || mbAsianVertical)
        SvxAdjust eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Left;
        switch (meVerJust)
            case SvxCellVerJustify::Top:
                eSvxAdjust = (meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::TopBottom || mbAsianVertical) ?
                            SvxAdjust::Left : SvxAdjust::Right;
            case SvxCellVerJustify::Center:
                eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Center;
            case SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom:
            case SvxCellVerJustify::Standard:
                eSvxAdjust = (meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::TopBottom || mbAsianVertical) ?
                            SvxAdjust::Right : SvxAdjust::Left;
            case SvxCellVerJustify::Block:
                eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Block;
        mpEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxAdjustItem(eSvxAdjust, EE_PARA_JUST) );
        mpEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxJustifyMethodItem(meVerJustMethod, EE_PARA_JUST_METHOD) );
        if (meHorJustResult == SvxCellHorJustify::Block)
            mpEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxVerJustifyItem(SvxCellVerJustify::Block, EE_PARA_VER_JUST) );
        //  horizontal alignment now may depend on cell content
        //  (for values with number formats with mixed script types)
        //  -> always set adjustment
        SvxAdjust eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Left;
        if (meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Stacked)
            eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Center;
        else if (mbBreak)
            if (meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Standard)
                switch (meHorJustResult)
                    case SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat:            // repeat is not yet implemented
                    case SvxCellHorJustify::Standard:
                        SAL_WARN("sc.ui","meHorJustResult does not match getAlignmentFromContext()");
                    case SvxCellHorJustify::Left:
                        eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Left;
                    case SvxCellHorJustify::Center:
                        eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Center;
                    case SvxCellHorJustify::Right:
                        eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Right;
                    case SvxCellHorJustify::Block:
                        eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Block;
                switch (meVerJust)
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Top:
                        eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Right;
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Center:
                        eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Center;
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom:
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Standard:
                        eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Left;
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Block:
                        eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Block;
        mpEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxAdjustItem(eSvxAdjust, EE_PARA_JUST) );
        if (mbAsianVertical)
            mpEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxJustifyMethodItem(meVerJustMethod, EE_PARA_JUST_METHOD) );
            if (meHorJustResult == SvxCellHorJustify::Block)
                mpEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxVerJustifyItem(SvxCellVerJustify::Block, EE_PARA_VER_JUST) );
            mpEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxJustifyMethodItem(meHorJustMethod, EE_PARA_JUST_METHOD) );
            if (meVerJust == SvxCellVerJustify::Block)
                mpEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxVerJustifyItem(SvxCellVerJustify::Block, EE_PARA_VER_JUST) );
    if (maCell.meType == CELLTYPE_EDIT)
        // We need to synchronize the vertical mode in the EditTextObject
        // instance too.  No idea why we keep this state in two separate
        // instances.
        const EditTextObject* pData = maCell.mpEditText;
        if (pData)
bool ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::adjustHorAlignment(ScFieldEditEngine* pEngine)
    if (meHorJustResult == SvxCellHorJustify::Right || meHorJustResult == SvxCellHorJustify::Center)
        SvxAdjust eEditAdjust = (meHorJustResult == SvxCellHorJustify::Center) ?
            SvxAdjust::Center : SvxAdjust::Right;
        pEngine->SetDefaultItem( SvxAdjustItem(eEditAdjust, EE_PARA_JUST) );
        return true;
    return false;
void ScOutputData::DrawEditParam::adjustForHyperlinkInPDF(Point aURLStart, const OutputDevice* pDev)
    // PDF: whole-cell hyperlink from formula?
    vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* pPDFData = dynamic_cast<vcl::PDFExtOutDevData* >( pDev->GetExtOutDevData() );
    bool bHasURL = pPDFData && isHyperlinkCell();
    if (!bHasURL)
    long nURLWidth = static_cast<long>(mpEngine->CalcTextWidth());
    long nURLHeight = mpEngine->GetTextHeight();
    if (mbBreak)
        Size aPaper = mpEngine->GetPaperSize();
        if ( mbAsianVertical )
            nURLHeight = aPaper.Height();
            nURLWidth = aPaper.Width();
    if (isVerticallyOriented())
        std::swap( nURLWidth, nURLHeight );
    else if (mbAsianVertical)
        aURLStart.AdjustX( -nURLWidth );
    tools::Rectangle aURLRect( aURLStart, Size( nURLWidth, nURLHeight ) );
    lcl_DoHyperlinkResult(pDev, aURLRect, maCell);
// Returns true if the rect is clipped vertically
bool ScOutputData::AdjustAreaParamClipRect(OutputAreaParam& rAreaParam)
    if( rAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() < nScrX )
        rAreaParam.maClipRect.SetLeft( nScrX );
        rAreaParam.mbLeftClip = true;
    if( rAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() > nScrX + nScrW )
        rAreaParam.maClipRect.SetRight( nScrX + nScrW );          //! minus one?
        rAreaParam.mbRightClip = true;
    bool bVClip = false;
    if( rAreaParam.maClipRect.Top() < nScrY )
        rAreaParam.maClipRect.SetTop( nScrY );
        bVClip = true;
    if( rAreaParam.maClipRect.Bottom() > nScrY + nScrH )
        rAreaParam.maClipRect.SetBottom( nScrY + nScrH );     //! minus one?
        bVClip = true;
    return bVClip;
// Doesn't handle clip marks - should be handled in advance using GetOutputArea
class ClearableClipRegion
    ClearableClipRegion( const tools::Rectangle& rRect, bool bClip, bool bSimClip,
                        const VclPtr<OutputDevice>& pDev, bool bMetaFile )
        if (bClip || bSimClip)
            maRect = rRect;
            if (bClip)  // for bSimClip only initialize aClipRect
                if (mbMetaFile)
        // Pop() or SetClipRegion() must only be called in case bClip was true
        // in the ctor, and only then mpDev is set.
        if (mpDev)
            if (mbMetaFile)
    const tools::Rectangle& getRect() const { return maRect; }
    tools::Rectangle        maRect;
    VclPtr<OutputDevice>    mpDev;
    bool                    mbMetaFile;
// Returns needed width in current units; sets rNeededPixel to needed width in pixels
long ScOutputData::SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( DrawEditParam& rParam, const OUString& rSetString,
                                             long& rNeededPixel, long nAddWidthPixels )
    rParam.mpEngine->SetText( rSetString );
    long nEngineWidth = static_cast<long>( rParam.mpEngine->CalcTextWidth() );
    if ( rParam.mbPixelToLogic )
        rNeededPixel = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel( Size( nEngineWidth, 0 ) ).Width();
        rNeededPixel = nEngineWidth;
    rNeededPixel += nAddWidthPixels;
    return nEngineWidth;
void ScOutputData::DrawEditStandard(DrawEditParam& rParam)
    OSL_ASSERT(rParam.meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Standard);
    Size aRefOne = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
    bool bRepeat = (rParam.meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat && !rParam.mbBreak);
    bool bShrink = !rParam.mbBreak && !bRepeat && lcl_GetBoolValue(*rParam.mpPattern, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, rParam.mpCondSet);
    long nAttrRotate = lcl_GetValue<SfxInt32Item, long>(*rParam.mpPattern, ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, rParam.mpCondSet);
    if ( rParam.meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat )
        // ignore orientation/rotation if "repeat" is active
        rParam.meOrient = SvxCellOrientation::Standard;
        nAttrRotate = 0;
        // #i31843# "repeat" with "line breaks" is treated as default alignment
        // (but rotation is still disabled).
        // Default again leads to context dependent alignment instead of
        // SvxCellHorJustify::Standard.
        if ( rParam.mbBreak )
            rParam.meHorJustResult = rParam.meHorJustContext;
    if (nAttrRotate)
        //! set flag to find the cell in DrawRotated again ?
        //! (or flag already set during DrawBackground, then no query here)
        return;     // rotated is outputted separately
    SvxCellHorJustify eOutHorJust = rParam.meHorJustContext;
    //! mirror margin values for RTL?
    //! move margin down to after final GetOutputArea call
    long nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM;
    rParam.calcMargins(nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    SCCOL nXForPos = rParam.mnX;
    if ( nXForPos < nX1 )
        nXForPos = nX1;
        rParam.mnPosX = rParam.mnInitPosX;
    SCSIZE nArrYForPos = rParam.mnArrY;
    if ( nArrYForPos < 1 )
        nArrYForPos = 1;
        rParam.mnPosY = nScrY;
    OutputAreaParam aAreaParam;
    //  Initial page size - large for normal text, cell size for automatic line breaks
    Size aPaperSize( 1000000, 1000000 );
    if (rParam.mbBreak)
        //  call GetOutputArea with nNeeded=0, to get only the cell width
        //! handle nArrY == 0
        GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, 0,
                       *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                       rParam.mbCellIsValue, true, false, aAreaParam );
        //! special ScEditUtil handling if formatting for printer
        rParam.calcPaperSize(aPaperSize, aAreaParam.maAlignRect, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        Size aLogicSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(aPaperSize);
        if ( rParam.mbBreak && !rParam.mbAsianVertical && mpRefDevice != pFmtDevice )
            // #i85342# screen display and formatting for printer,
            // use same GetEditArea call as in ScViewData::SetEditEngine
            Fraction aFract(1,1);
            tools::Rectangle aUtilRect = ScEditUtil( mpDoc, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, nTab, Point(0,0), pFmtDevice,
                HMM_PER_TWIPS, HMM_PER_TWIPS, aFract, aFract ).GetEditArea( rParam.mpPattern, false );
            aLogicSize.setWidth( aUtilRect.GetWidth() );
    //  Fill the EditEngine (cell attributes and text)
    // default alignment for asian vertical mode is top-right
    if ( rParam.mbAsianVertical && rParam.meVerJust == SvxCellVerJustify::Standard )
        rParam.meVerJust = SvxCellVerJustify::Top;
    //  Read content from cell
    bool bWrapFields = false;
    if (!rParam.readCellContent(mpDoc, mbShowNullValues, mbShowFormulas, mbSyntaxMode, mbUseStyleColor, mbForceAutoColor, bWrapFields))
        // Failed to read cell content.  Bail out.
    if ( mbSyntaxMode )
        SetEditSyntaxColor(*rParam.mpEngine, rParam.maCell);
    else if ( mbUseStyleColor && mbForceAutoColor )
        lcl_SetEditColor( *rParam.mpEngine, COL_AUTO );     //! or have a flag at EditEngine
    rParam.mpEngine->SetUpdateMode( true );     // after SetText, before CalcTextWidth/GetTextHeight
    //  Get final output area using the calculated width
    long nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight;
    rParam.getEngineSize(rParam.mpEngine, nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight);
    long nNeededPixel = nEngineWidth;
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        nNeededPixel = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(nNeededPixel,0)).Width();
    nNeededPixel += nLeftM + nRightM;
    if (!rParam.mbBreak || bShrink)
        // for break, the first GetOutputArea call is sufficient
        GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, nNeededPixel,
                       *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                       rParam.mbCellIsValue || bRepeat || bShrink, false, false, aAreaParam );
        if ( bShrink )
            ShrinkEditEngine( *rParam.mpEngine, aAreaParam.maAlignRect,
                nLeftM, nTopM, nRightM, nBottomM, true,
                rParam.meOrient, 0, rParam.mbPixelToLogic,
                nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight, nNeededPixel,
                aAreaParam.mbLeftClip, aAreaParam.mbRightClip );
        if ( bRepeat && !aAreaParam.mbLeftClip && !aAreaParam.mbRightClip && rParam.mpEngine->GetParagraphCount() == 1 )
            // First check if twice the space for the formatted text is available
            // (otherwise just keep it unchanged).
            long nFormatted = nNeededPixel - nLeftM - nRightM;      // without margin
            long nAvailable = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth() - nLeftM - nRightM;
            if ( nAvailable >= 2 * nFormatted )
                // "repeat" is handled with unformatted text (for performance reasons)
                OUString aCellStr = rParam.mpEngine->GetText();
                long nRepeatSize = 0;
                SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, aCellStr, nRepeatSize, 0 );
                if ( pFmtDevice != mpRefDevice )
                if ( nRepeatSize > 0 )
                    long nRepeatCount = nAvailable / nRepeatSize;
                    if ( nRepeatCount > 1 )
                        OUStringBuffer aRepeated = aCellStr;
                        for ( long nRepeat = 1; nRepeat < nRepeatCount; nRepeat++ )
                        nEngineWidth = SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, aRepeated.makeStringAndClear(),
                                                        nNeededPixel, (nLeftM + nRightM ) );
                        nEngineHeight = rParam.mpEngine->GetTextHeight();
        if ( rParam.mbCellIsValue && ( aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip ) )
            nEngineWidth = SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, "###", nNeededPixel, ( nLeftM + nRightM ) );
            //  No clip marks if "###" doesn't fit (same as in DrawStrings)
        if (eOutHorJust != SvxCellHorJustify::Left)
            aPaperSize.setWidth( nNeededPixel + 1 );
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
    long nStartX = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Left();
    long nStartY = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Top();
    long nCellWidth = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth();
    long nOutWidth = nCellWidth - 1 - nLeftM - nRightM;
    long nOutHeight = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM;
    if (rParam.mbBreak)
        //  text with automatic breaks is aligned only within the
        //  edit engine's paper size, the output of the whole area
        //  is always left-aligned
        nStartX += nLeftM;
        if ( eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Right )
            nStartX -= nNeededPixel - nCellWidth + nRightM + 1;
        else if ( eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Center )
            nStartX -= ( nNeededPixel - nCellWidth + nRightM + 1 - nLeftM ) / 2;
            nStartX += nLeftM;
    bool bOutside = (aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() < nScrX || aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() >= nScrX + nScrW);
    if (bOutside)
    // Also take fields in a cell with automatic breaks into account: clip to cell width
    bool bClip = AdjustAreaParamClipRect(aAreaParam) || aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip || bWrapFields;
    bool bSimClip = false;
    Size aCellSize;         // output area, excluding margins, in logical units
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        aCellSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight ) );
        aCellSize = Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight );
    if ( nEngineHeight >= aCellSize.Height() + aRefOne.Height() )
        const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = &rParam.mpPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE);
        bool bMerged = pMerge->GetColMerge() > 1 || pMerge->GetRowMerge() > 1;
        //  Don't clip for text height when printing rows with optimal height,
        //  except when font size is from conditional formatting.
        //! Allow clipping when vertically merged?
        if ( eType != OUTTYPE_PRINTER ||
            ( mpDoc->GetRowFlags( rParam.mnCellY, nTab ) & CRFlags::ManualSize ) ||
            ( rParam.mpCondSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                rParam.mpCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT) ) )
            bClip = true;
            bSimClip = true;
        //  Show clip marks if height is at least 5pt too small and
        //  there are several lines of text.
        //  Not for asian vertical text, because that would interfere
        //  with the default right position of the text.
        //  Only with automatic line breaks, to avoid having to find
        //  the cells with the horizontal end of the text again.
        if ( nEngineHeight - aCellSize.Height() > 100 &&
             rParam.mbBreak && bMarkClipped &&
             ( rParam.mpEngine->GetParagraphCount() > 1 || rParam.mpEngine->GetLineCount(0) > 1 ) )
            CellInfo* pClipMarkCell = nullptr;
            if ( bMerged )
                //  anywhere in the merged area...
                SCCOL nClipX = ( rParam.mnX < nX1 ) ? nX1 : rParam.mnX;
                pClipMarkCell = &pRowInfo[(rParam.mnArrY != 0) ? rParam.mnArrY : 1].pCellInfo[nClipX+1];
                pClipMarkCell = &rParam.mpThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[rParam.mnX+1];
            pClipMarkCell->nClipMark |= ScClipMark::Right;      //! also allow left?
            bAnyClipped = true;
            long nMarkPixel = static_cast<long>( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * mnPPTX );
            if ( aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() - nMarkPixel > aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() )
                aAreaParam.maClipRect.AdjustRight( -nMarkPixel );
    Point aURLStart;
    {   // Clip marks are already handled in GetOutputArea
        ClearableClipRegion aClip(rParam.mbPixelToLogic ? mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(aAreaParam.maClipRect)
                                : aAreaParam.maClipRect, bClip, bSimClip, mpDev, bMetaFile);
        Point aLogicStart;
        if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
            aLogicStart = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Point(nStartX,nStartY) );
            aLogicStart = Point(nStartX, nStartY);
        if (!rParam.mbBreak)
            //  horizontal alignment
            if (rParam.adjustHorAlignment(rParam.mpEngine))
                // reset adjustment for the next cell
                rParam.mpOldPattern = nullptr;
        if (rParam.meVerJust==SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom ||
            //! if pRefDevice != pFmtDevice, keep heights in logic units,
            //! only converting margin?
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size(0, nTopM +
                                mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aCellSize).Height() -
                                )).Height() );
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopM + aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight );
        else if (rParam.meVerJust==SvxCellVerJustify::Center)
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size(0, nTopM + (
                                mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aCellSize).Height() -
                                mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(0,nEngineHeight)).Height() )
                                / 2)).Height() );
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopM + (aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight) / 2 );
        else        // top
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nTopM)).Height() );
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopM );
        aURLStart = aLogicStart;      // copy before modifying for orientation
        // bMoveClipped handling has been replaced by complete alignment
        // handling (also extending to the left).
        if (bSimClip)
            // no hard clip, only draw the affected rows
            Point aDocStart = aClip.getRect().TopLeft();
            aDocStart -= aLogicStart;
            rParam.mpEngine->Draw( mpDev, aClip.getRect(), aDocStart, false );
            rParam.mpEngine->Draw(mpDev, aLogicStart);
    rParam.adjustForHyperlinkInPDF(aURLStart, mpDev);
void ScOutputData::ShowClipMarks( DrawEditParam& rParam, long nEngineHeight, const Size& aCellSize,
                                  bool bMerged, OutputAreaParam& aAreaParam)
    //  Show clip marks if height is at least 5pt too small and
    //  there are several lines of text.
    //  Not for asian vertical text, because that would interfere
    //  with the default right position of the text.
    //  Only with automatic line breaks, to avoid having to find
    //  the cells with the horizontal end of the text again.
    if ( nEngineHeight - aCellSize.Height() > 100 &&
            rParam.mbBreak && bMarkClipped &&
            ( rParam.mpEngine->GetParagraphCount() > 1 || rParam.mpEngine->GetLineCount(0) > 1 ) )
        CellInfo* pClipMarkCell = nullptr;
        if ( bMerged )
            //  anywhere in the merged area...
            SCCOL nClipX = ( rParam.mnX < nX1 ) ? nX1 : rParam.mnX;
            pClipMarkCell = &pRowInfo[(rParam.mnArrY != 0) ? rParam.mnArrY : 1].pCellInfo[nClipX+1];
            pClipMarkCell = &rParam.mpThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[rParam.mnX+1];
        pClipMarkCell->nClipMark |= ScClipMark::Right;      //! also allow left?
        bAnyClipped = true;
        const long nMarkPixel = static_cast<long>( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * mnPPTX );
        if ( aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() - nMarkPixel > aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() )
            aAreaParam.maClipRect.AdjustRight( -nMarkPixel );
std::unique_ptr<ClearableClipRegion> ScOutputData::Clip( DrawEditParam& rParam, const Size& aCellSize,
                                                        OutputAreaParam& aAreaParam, long nEngineHeight,
                                                        bool bWrapFields)
    // Also take fields in a cell with automatic breaks into account: clip to cell width
    bool bClip = AdjustAreaParamClipRect(aAreaParam) || aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip || bWrapFields;
    bool bSimClip = false;
    const Size& aRefOne = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
    if ( nEngineHeight >= aCellSize.Height() + aRefOne.Height() )
        const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = &rParam.mpPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE);
        const bool bMerged = pMerge->GetColMerge() > 1 || pMerge->GetRowMerge() > 1;
        //  Don't clip for text height when printing rows with optimal height,
        //  except when font size is from conditional formatting.
        //! Allow clipping when vertically merged?
        if ( eType != OUTTYPE_PRINTER ||
            ( mpDoc->GetRowFlags( rParam.mnCellY, nTab ) & CRFlags::ManualSize ) ||
            ( rParam.mpCondSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                rParam.mpCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT) ) )
            bClip = true;
            bSimClip = true;
        ShowClipMarks( rParam, nEngineHeight, aCellSize, bMerged, aAreaParam);
        // Clip marks are already handled in GetOutputArea
    return  std::unique_ptr<ClearableClipRegion>( new ClearableClipRegion( rParam.mbPixelToLogic ?
                                                mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( aAreaParam.maClipRect )
                                              : aAreaParam.maClipRect, bClip, bSimClip, mpDev, bMetaFile ));
void ScOutputData::DrawEditBottomTop(DrawEditParam& rParam)
    OSL_ASSERT(rParam.meHorJustAttr != SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat);
    const bool bRepeat = (rParam.meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat && !rParam.mbBreak);
    const bool bShrink = !rParam.mbBreak && !bRepeat && lcl_GetBoolValue(*rParam.mpPattern, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, rParam.mpCondSet);
    SvxCellHorJustify eOutHorJust = rParam.meHorJustContext;
    //! mirror margin values for RTL?
    //! move margin down to after final GetOutputArea call
    long nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM;
    rParam.calcMargins(nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    SCCOL nXForPos = rParam.mnX;
    if ( nXForPos < nX1 )
        nXForPos = nX1;
        rParam.mnPosX = rParam.mnInitPosX;
    SCSIZE nArrYForPos = rParam.mnArrY;
    if ( nArrYForPos < 1 )
        nArrYForPos = 1;
        rParam.mnPosY = nScrY;
    OutputAreaParam aAreaParam;
    //  Initial page size - large for normal text, cell size for automatic line breaks
    Size aPaperSize( 1000000, 1000000 );
    if (rParam.mbBreak)
        //  call GetOutputArea with nNeeded=0, to get only the cell width
        //! handle nArrY == 0
        GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, 0,
                       *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                       rParam.mbCellIsValue, true, false, aAreaParam );
        //! special ScEditUtil handling if formatting for printer
        rParam.calcPaperSize(aPaperSize, aAreaParam.maAlignRect, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        Size aLogicSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(aPaperSize);
    //  Fill the EditEngine (cell attributes and text)
    //  Read content from cell
    bool bWrapFields = false;
    if (!rParam.readCellContent(mpDoc, mbShowNullValues, mbShowFormulas, mbSyntaxMode, mbUseStyleColor, mbForceAutoColor, bWrapFields))
        // Failed to read cell content.  Bail out.
    if ( mbSyntaxMode )
        SetEditSyntaxColor( *rParam.mpEngine, rParam.maCell );
    else if ( mbUseStyleColor && mbForceAutoColor )
        lcl_SetEditColor( *rParam.mpEngine, COL_AUTO );     //! or have a flag at EditEngine
    rParam.mpEngine->SetUpdateMode( true );     // after SetText, before CalcTextWidth/GetTextHeight
    //  Get final output area using the calculated width
    long nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight;
    rParam.getEngineSize(rParam.mpEngine, nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight);
    long nNeededPixel = nEngineWidth;
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        nNeededPixel = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(nNeededPixel,0)).Width();
    nNeededPixel += nLeftM + nRightM;
    if (!rParam.mbBreak || bShrink)
        // for break, the first GetOutputArea call is sufficient
        GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, nNeededPixel,
                       *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                       rParam.mbCellIsValue || bRepeat || bShrink, false, false, aAreaParam );
        if ( bShrink )
            ShrinkEditEngine( *rParam.mpEngine, aAreaParam.maAlignRect,
                nLeftM, nTopM, nRightM, nBottomM, false,
                (rParam.meOrient), 0, rParam.mbPixelToLogic,
                nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight, nNeededPixel,
                aAreaParam.mbLeftClip, aAreaParam.mbRightClip );
        if ( bRepeat && !aAreaParam.mbLeftClip && !aAreaParam.mbRightClip && rParam.mpEngine->GetParagraphCount() == 1 )
            // First check if twice the space for the formatted text is available
            // (otherwise just keep it unchanged).
            const long nFormatted = nNeededPixel - nLeftM - nRightM;      // without margin
            const long nAvailable = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth() - nLeftM - nRightM;
            if ( nAvailable >= 2 * nFormatted )
                // "repeat" is handled with unformatted text (for performance reasons)
                OUString aCellStr = rParam.mpEngine->GetText();
                long nRepeatSize = 0;
                SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, aCellStr, nRepeatSize, 0 );
                if ( pFmtDevice != mpRefDevice )
                if ( nRepeatSize > 0 )
                    const long nRepeatCount = nAvailable / nRepeatSize;
                    if ( nRepeatCount > 1 )
                        OUStringBuffer aRepeated = aCellStr;
                        for ( long nRepeat = 1; nRepeat < nRepeatCount; nRepeat++ )
                        nEngineWidth = SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, aRepeated.makeStringAndClear(),
                                                            nNeededPixel, (nLeftM + nRightM ) );
                        nEngineHeight = rParam.mpEngine->GetTextHeight();
        if ( rParam.mbCellIsValue && ( aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip ) )
            nEngineWidth = SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, "###", nNeededPixel, ( nLeftM + nRightM ) );
            //  No clip marks if "###" doesn't fit (same as in DrawStrings)
    long nStartX = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Left();
    const long nStartY = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Top();
    const long nCellWidth = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth();
    const long nOutWidth = nCellWidth - 1 - nLeftM - nRightM;
    const long nOutHeight = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM;
    if (rParam.mbBreak)
        //  text with automatic breaks is aligned only within the
        //  edit engine's paper size, the output of the whole area
        //  is always left-aligned
        nStartX += nLeftM;
        if ( eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Right )
            nStartX -= nNeededPixel - nCellWidth + nRightM + 1;
        else if ( eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Center )
            nStartX -= ( nNeededPixel - nCellWidth + nRightM + 1 - nLeftM ) / 2;
            nStartX += nLeftM;
    const bool bOutside = (aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() < nScrX || aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() >= nScrX + nScrW);
    if (bOutside)
    // output area, excluding margins, in logical units
    const Size& aCellSize = rParam.mbPixelToLogic
        ? mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight ) )
        : Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight );
    Point aURLStart;
        const auto pClipRegion = Clip( rParam, aCellSize, aAreaParam, nEngineHeight, bWrapFields );
        Point aLogicStart(nStartX, nStartY);
        rParam.calcStartPosForVertical(aLogicStart, aCellSize.Width(), nEngineWidth, nTopM, mpRefDevice);
        aURLStart = aLogicStart;      // copy before modifying for orientation
        if (rParam.meHorJustResult == SvxCellHorJustify::Block || rParam.mbBreak)
            Size aPSize = rParam.mpEngine->GetPaperSize();
            aPSize.setWidth( aCellSize.Height() );
                rParam.mbBreak ? aPSize.Width() : nEngineHeight );
            // Note that the "paper" is rotated 90 degrees to the left, so
            // paper's width is in vertical direction.  Also, the whole text
            // is on a single line, as text wrap is not in effect.
            // Set the paper width to be the width of the text.
            Size aPSize = rParam.mpEngine->GetPaperSize();
            aPSize.setWidth( rParam.mpEngine->CalcTextWidth() );
            long nGap = 0;
            long nTopOffset = 0;
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
                nGap = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aCellSize).Height() - mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aPSize).Width();
                nGap = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0, nGap)).Height();
                nTopOffset = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nTopM)).Height();
                nGap = aCellSize.Height() - aPSize.Width();
                nTopOffset = nTopM;
            // First, align text to bottom.
            aLogicStart.AdjustY(aCellSize.Height() );
            aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopOffset );
            switch (rParam.meVerJust)
                case SvxCellVerJustify::Standard:
                case SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom:
                    // align to bottom (do nothing).
                case SvxCellVerJustify::Center:
                    // center it.
                    aLogicStart.AdjustY( -(nGap / 2) );
                case SvxCellVerJustify::Block:
                case SvxCellVerJustify::Top:
                    // align to top
                    aLogicStart.AdjustY( -nGap );
        rParam.mpEngine->Draw(mpDev, aLogicStart, 900);
    rParam.adjustForHyperlinkInPDF(aURLStart, mpDev);
void ScOutputData::DrawEditTopBottom(DrawEditParam& rParam)
    OSL_ASSERT(rParam.meHorJustAttr != SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat);
    const bool bRepeat = (rParam.meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat && !rParam.mbBreak);
    const bool bShrink = !rParam.mbBreak && !bRepeat && lcl_GetBoolValue(*rParam.mpPattern, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, rParam.mpCondSet);
    SvxCellHorJustify eOutHorJust = rParam.meHorJustContext;
    //! mirror margin values for RTL?
    //! move margin down to after final GetOutputArea call
    long nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM;
    rParam.calcMargins(nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    SCCOL nXForPos = rParam.mnX;
    if ( nXForPos < nX1 )
        nXForPos = nX1;
        rParam.mnPosX = rParam.mnInitPosX;
    SCSIZE nArrYForPos = rParam.mnArrY;
    if ( nArrYForPos < 1 )
        nArrYForPos = 1;
        rParam.mnPosY = nScrY;
    OutputAreaParam aAreaParam;
    //  Initial page size - large for normal text, cell size for automatic line breaks
    Size aPaperSize( 1000000, 1000000 );
    if (rParam.hasLineBreak())
        //  call GetOutputArea with nNeeded=0, to get only the cell width
        //! handle nArrY == 0
        GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, 0,
                       *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                       rParam.mbCellIsValue, true, false, aAreaParam );
        //! special ScEditUtil handling if formatting for printer
        rParam.calcPaperSize(aPaperSize, aAreaParam.maAlignRect, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        Size aLogicSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(aPaperSize);
    //  Fill the EditEngine (cell attributes and text)
    //  Read content from cell
    bool bWrapFields = false;
    if (!rParam.readCellContent(mpDoc, mbShowNullValues, mbShowFormulas, mbSyntaxMode, mbUseStyleColor, mbForceAutoColor, bWrapFields))
        // Failed to read cell content.  Bail out.
    if ( mbSyntaxMode )
        SetEditSyntaxColor( *rParam.mpEngine, rParam.maCell );
    else if ( mbUseStyleColor && mbForceAutoColor )
        lcl_SetEditColor( *rParam.mpEngine, COL_AUTO );     //! or have a flag at EditEngine
    rParam.mpEngine->SetUpdateMode( true );     // after SetText, before CalcTextWidth/GetTextHeight
    //  Get final output area using the calculated width
    long nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight;
    rParam.getEngineSize(rParam.mpEngine, nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight);
    long nNeededPixel = nEngineWidth;
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        nNeededPixel = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(nNeededPixel,0)).Width();
    nNeededPixel += nLeftM + nRightM;
    if (!rParam.mbBreak || bShrink)
        // for break, the first GetOutputArea call is sufficient
        GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, nNeededPixel,
                       *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                       rParam.mbCellIsValue || bRepeat || bShrink, false, false, aAreaParam );
        if ( bShrink )
            ShrinkEditEngine( *rParam.mpEngine, aAreaParam.maAlignRect,
                nLeftM, nTopM, nRightM, nBottomM, false,
                rParam.meOrient, 0, rParam.mbPixelToLogic,
                nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight, nNeededPixel,
                aAreaParam.mbLeftClip, aAreaParam.mbRightClip );
        if ( bRepeat && !aAreaParam.mbLeftClip && !aAreaParam.mbRightClip && rParam.mpEngine->GetParagraphCount() == 1 )
            // First check if twice the space for the formatted text is available
            // (otherwise just keep it unchanged).
            const long nFormatted = nNeededPixel - nLeftM - nRightM;      // without margin
            const long nAvailable = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth() - nLeftM - nRightM;
            if ( nAvailable >= 2 * nFormatted )
                // "repeat" is handled with unformatted text (for performance reasons)
                OUString aCellStr = rParam.mpEngine->GetText();
               long nRepeatSize = 0;
               SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, aCellStr, nRepeatSize, 0 );
                if ( pFmtDevice != mpRefDevice )
                if ( nRepeatSize > 0 )
                    const long nRepeatCount = nAvailable / nRepeatSize;
                    if ( nRepeatCount > 1 )
                        OUStringBuffer aRepeated = aCellStr;
                        for ( long nRepeat = 1; nRepeat < nRepeatCount; nRepeat++ )
                        nEngineWidth = SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, aRepeated.makeStringAndClear(),
                                                            nNeededPixel, (nLeftM + nRightM ) );
                        nEngineHeight = rParam.mpEngine->GetTextHeight();
        if ( rParam.mbCellIsValue && ( aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip ) )
            nEngineWidth = SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, "###", nNeededPixel, ( nLeftM + nRightM ) );
            //  No clip marks if "###" doesn't fit (same as in DrawStrings)
    long nStartX = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Left();
    const long nStartY = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Top();
    const long nCellWidth = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth();
    const long nOutWidth = nCellWidth - 1 - nLeftM - nRightM;
    const long nOutHeight = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM;
    if (rParam.mbBreak)
        //  text with automatic breaks is aligned only within the
        //  edit engine's paper size, the output of the whole area
        //  is always left-aligned
        nStartX += nLeftM;
        if (rParam.meHorJustResult == SvxCellHorJustify::Block)
            nStartX += aPaperSize.Height();
        if ( eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Right )
            nStartX -= nNeededPixel - nCellWidth + nRightM + 1;
        else if ( eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Center )
            nStartX -= ( nNeededPixel - nCellWidth + nRightM + 1 - nLeftM ) / 2;
            nStartX += nLeftM;
    const bool bOutside = (aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() < nScrX || aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() >= nScrX + nScrW);
    if (bOutside)
    // output area, excluding margins, in logical units
    const Size& aCellSize = rParam.mbPixelToLogic
        ? mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight ) )
        : Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight );
    Point aURLStart;
        const auto pClipRegion = Clip( rParam, aCellSize, aAreaParam, nEngineHeight, bWrapFields );
        Point aLogicStart(nStartX, nStartY);
        rParam.calcStartPosForVertical(aLogicStart, aCellSize.Width(), nEngineWidth, nTopM, mpRefDevice);
        aURLStart = aLogicStart;      // copy before modifying for orientation
        if (rParam.meHorJustResult != SvxCellHorJustify::Block)
            aLogicStart.AdjustX(nEngineWidth );
            if (!rParam.mbBreak)
                // Set the paper width to text size.
                Size aPSize = rParam.mpEngine->GetPaperSize();
                aPSize.setWidth( rParam.mpEngine->CalcTextWidth() );
                long nGap = 0;
                long nTopOffset = 0; // offset by top margin
                if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
                    nGap = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aPSize).Width() - mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aCellSize).Height();
                    nGap = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0, nGap)).Height();
                    nTopOffset = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nTopM)).Height();
                    nGap = aPSize.Width() - aCellSize.Height();
                    nTopOffset = nTopM;
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopOffset );
                switch (rParam.meVerJust)
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Standard:
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom:
                        // align to bottom
                        aLogicStart.AdjustY( -nGap );
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Center:
                        // center it.
                        aLogicStart.AdjustY( -(nGap / 2) );
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Block:
                    case SvxCellVerJustify::Top:
                        // align to top (do nothing)
        // bMoveClipped handling has been replaced by complete alignment
        // handling (also extending to the left).
        rParam.mpEngine->Draw(mpDev, aLogicStart, 2700);
    rParam.adjustForHyperlinkInPDF(aURLStart, mpDev);
void ScOutputData::DrawEditStacked(DrawEditParam& rParam)
    OSL_ASSERT(rParam.meHorJustAttr != SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat);
    Size aRefOne = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
    bool bRepeat = (rParam.meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat && !rParam.mbBreak);
    bool bShrink = !rParam.mbBreak && !bRepeat && lcl_GetBoolValue(*rParam.mpPattern, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, rParam.mpCondSet);
    rParam.mbAsianVertical =
        lcl_GetBoolValue(*rParam.mpPattern, ATTR_VERTICAL_ASIAN, rParam.mpCondSet);
    if ( rParam.mbAsianVertical )
        // in asian mode, use EditEngine::SetVertical instead of EEControlBits::ONECHARPERLINE
        rParam.meOrient = SvxCellOrientation::Standard;
    SvxCellHorJustify eOutHorJust = rParam.meHorJustContext;
    //! mirror margin values for RTL?
    //! move margin down to after final GetOutputArea call
    long nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM;
    rParam.calcMargins(nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    SCCOL nXForPos = rParam.mnX;
    if ( nXForPos < nX1 )
        nXForPos = nX1;
        rParam.mnPosX = rParam.mnInitPosX;
    SCSIZE nArrYForPos = rParam.mnArrY;
    if ( nArrYForPos < 1 )
        nArrYForPos = 1;
        rParam.mnPosY = nScrY;
    OutputAreaParam aAreaParam;
    //  Initial page size - large for normal text, cell size for automatic line breaks
    Size aPaperSize( 1000000, 1000000 );
    //  call GetOutputArea with nNeeded=0, to get only the cell width
    //! handle nArrY == 0
    GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, 0,
                   *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                   rParam.mbCellIsValue, true, false, aAreaParam );
    //! special ScEditUtil handling if formatting for printer
    rParam.calcPaperSize(aPaperSize, aAreaParam.maAlignRect, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        Size aLogicSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(aPaperSize);
        if ( rParam.mbBreak && mpRefDevice != pFmtDevice )
            // #i85342# screen display and formatting for printer,
            // use same GetEditArea call as in ScViewData::SetEditEngine
            Fraction aFract(1,1);
            tools::Rectangle aUtilRect = ScEditUtil( mpDoc, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, nTab, Point(0,0), pFmtDevice,
                HMM_PER_TWIPS, HMM_PER_TWIPS, aFract, aFract ).GetEditArea( rParam.mpPattern, false );
            aLogicSize.setWidth( aUtilRect.GetWidth() );
    //  Fill the EditEngine (cell attributes and text)
    //  Read content from cell
    bool bWrapFields = false;
    if (!rParam.readCellContent(mpDoc, mbShowNullValues, mbShowFormulas, mbSyntaxMode, mbUseStyleColor, mbForceAutoColor, bWrapFields))
        // Failed to read cell content.  Bail out.
    if ( mbSyntaxMode )
        SetEditSyntaxColor( *rParam.mpEngine, rParam.maCell );
    else if ( mbUseStyleColor && mbForceAutoColor )
        lcl_SetEditColor( *rParam.mpEngine, COL_AUTO );     //! or have a flag at EditEngine
    rParam.mpEngine->SetUpdateMode( true );     // after SetText, before CalcTextWidth/GetTextHeight
    //  Get final output area using the calculated width
    long nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight;
    rParam.getEngineSize(rParam.mpEngine, nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight);
    long nNeededPixel = nEngineWidth;
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        nNeededPixel = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(nNeededPixel,0)).Width();
    nNeededPixel += nLeftM + nRightM;
    if (bShrink)
        // for break, the first GetOutputArea call is sufficient
        GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, nNeededPixel,
                       *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                       true, false, false, aAreaParam );
        ShrinkEditEngine( *rParam.mpEngine, aAreaParam.maAlignRect,
            nLeftM, nTopM, nRightM, nBottomM, true,
            rParam.meOrient, 0, rParam.mbPixelToLogic,
            nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight, nNeededPixel,
            aAreaParam.mbLeftClip, aAreaParam.mbRightClip );
        if ( rParam.mbCellIsValue && ( aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip ) )
            nEngineWidth = SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, "###", nNeededPixel, ( nLeftM + nRightM ) );
            //  No clip marks if "###" doesn't fit (same as in DrawStrings)
        if ( eOutHorJust != SvxCellHorJustify::Left )
            aPaperSize.setWidth( nNeededPixel + 1 );
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
    long nStartX = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Left();
    long nStartY = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Top();
    long nCellWidth = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth();
    long nOutWidth = nCellWidth - 1 - nLeftM - nRightM;
    long nOutHeight = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM;
    if (rParam.mbBreak)
        //  text with automatic breaks is aligned only within the
        //  edit engine's paper size, the output of the whole area
        //  is always left-aligned
        nStartX += nLeftM;
        if ( eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Right )
            nStartX -= nNeededPixel - nCellWidth + nRightM + 1;
        else if ( eOutHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Center )
            nStartX -= ( nNeededPixel - nCellWidth + nRightM + 1 - nLeftM ) / 2;
            nStartX += nLeftM;
    bool bOutside = (aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() < nScrX || aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() >= nScrX + nScrW);
    if (bOutside)
    // Also take fields in a cell with automatic breaks into account: clip to cell width
    bool bClip = AdjustAreaParamClipRect(aAreaParam) || aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip || bWrapFields;
    bool bSimClip = false;
    Size aCellSize;         // output area, excluding margins, in logical units
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        aCellSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight ) );
        aCellSize = Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight );
    if ( nEngineHeight >= aCellSize.Height() + aRefOne.Height() )
        const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = &rParam.mpPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE);
        bool bMerged = pMerge->GetColMerge() > 1 || pMerge->GetRowMerge() > 1;
        //  Don't clip for text height when printing rows with optimal height,
        //  except when font size is from conditional formatting.
        //! Allow clipping when vertically merged?
        if ( eType != OUTTYPE_PRINTER ||
            ( mpDoc->GetRowFlags( rParam.mnCellY, nTab ) & CRFlags::ManualSize ) ||
            ( rParam.mpCondSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                rParam.mpCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT) ) )
            bClip = true;
            bSimClip = true;
        //  Show clip marks if height is at least 5pt too small and
        //  there are several lines of text.
        //  Not for asian vertical text, because that would interfere
        //  with the default right position of the text.
        //  Only with automatic line breaks, to avoid having to find
        //  the cells with the horizontal end of the text again.
        if ( nEngineHeight - aCellSize.Height() > 100 &&
             rParam.mbBreak && bMarkClipped &&
             ( rParam.mpEngine->GetParagraphCount() > 1 || rParam.mpEngine->GetLineCount(0) > 1 ) )
            CellInfo* pClipMarkCell = nullptr;
            if ( bMerged )
                //  anywhere in the merged area...
                SCCOL nClipX = ( rParam.mnX < nX1 ) ? nX1 : rParam.mnX;
                pClipMarkCell = &pRowInfo[(rParam.mnArrY != 0) ? rParam.mnArrY : 1].pCellInfo[nClipX+1];
                pClipMarkCell = &rParam.mpThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[rParam.mnX+1];
            pClipMarkCell->nClipMark |= ScClipMark::Right;      //! also allow left?
            bAnyClipped = true;
            long nMarkPixel = static_cast<long>( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * mnPPTX );
            if ( aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() - nMarkPixel > aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() )
                aAreaParam.maClipRect.AdjustRight( -nMarkPixel );
    Point aURLStart;
    {   // Clip marks are already handled in GetOutputArea
        ClearableClipRegion aClip(rParam.mbPixelToLogic ? mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(aAreaParam.maClipRect)
                                : aAreaParam.maClipRect, bClip, bSimClip, mpDev, bMetaFile);
        Point aLogicStart;
        if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
            aLogicStart = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Point(nStartX,nStartY) );
            aLogicStart = Point(nStartX, nStartY);
        if (rParam.meVerJust==SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom ||
            //! if pRefDevice != pFmtDevice, keep heights in logic units,
            //! only converting margin?
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size(0, nTopM +
                                mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aCellSize).Height() -
                                )).Height() );
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopM + aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight );
        else if (rParam.meVerJust==SvxCellVerJustify::Center)
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size(0, nTopM + (
                                mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aCellSize).Height() -
                                mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(0,nEngineHeight)).Height() )
                                / 2)).Height() );
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopM + (aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight) / 2 );
        else        // top
            if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nTopM)).Height() );
                aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopM );
        aURLStart = aLogicStart;      // copy before modifying for orientation
        Size aPaperLogic = rParam.mpEngine->GetPaperSize();
        aPaperLogic.setWidth( nEngineWidth );
        // bMoveClipped handling has been replaced by complete alignment
        // handling (also extending to the left).
        if (bSimClip)
            // no hard clip, only draw the affected rows
            Point aDocStart = aClip.getRect().TopLeft();
            aDocStart -= aLogicStart;
            rParam.mpEngine->Draw( mpDev, aClip.getRect(), aDocStart, false );
            rParam.mpEngine->Draw( mpDev, aLogicStart );
    rParam.adjustForHyperlinkInPDF(aURLStart, mpDev);
void ScOutputData::DrawEditAsianVertical(DrawEditParam& rParam)
    // When in asian vertical orientation, the orientation value is STANDARD,
    // and the asian vertical boolean is true.
    OSL_ASSERT(rParam.meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Standard);
    OSL_ASSERT(rParam.meHorJustAttr != SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat);
    Size aRefOne = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(1,1));
    bool bHidden = false;
    bool bShrink = !rParam.mbBreak && lcl_GetBoolValue(*rParam.mpPattern, ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, rParam.mpCondSet);
    long nAttrRotate = lcl_GetValue<SfxInt32Item, long>(*rParam.mpPattern, ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, rParam.mpCondSet);
    if (nAttrRotate)
        //! set flag to find the cell in DrawRotated again ?
        //! (or flag already set during DrawBackground, then no query here)
        bHidden = true;     // rotated is outputted separately
    // default alignment for asian vertical mode is top-right
    /* TODO: is setting meHorJustContext and meHorJustResult unconditionally to
     * SvxCellHorJustify::Right really wanted? Seems this was done all the time,
     * also before context was introduced and everything was attr only. */
    if ( rParam.meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Standard )
        rParam.meHorJustResult = rParam.meHorJustContext = SvxCellHorJustify::Right;
    if (bHidden)
    SvxCellHorJustify eOutHorJust = rParam.meHorJustContext;
    //! mirror margin values for RTL?
    //! move margin down to after final GetOutputArea call
    long nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM;
    rParam.calcMargins(nTopM, nLeftM, nBottomM, nRightM, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    SCCOL nXForPos = rParam.mnX;
    if ( nXForPos < nX1 )
        nXForPos = nX1;
        rParam.mnPosX = rParam.mnInitPosX;
    SCSIZE nArrYForPos = rParam.mnArrY;
    if ( nArrYForPos < 1 )
        nArrYForPos = 1;
        rParam.mnPosY = nScrY;
    OutputAreaParam aAreaParam;
    //  Initial page size - large for normal text, cell size for automatic line breaks
    Size aPaperSize( 1000000, 1000000 );
    //  call GetOutputArea with nNeeded=0, to get only the cell width
    //! handle nArrY == 0
    GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, 0,
                   *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                   rParam.mbCellIsValue, true, false, aAreaParam );
    //! special ScEditUtil handling if formatting for printer
    rParam.calcPaperSize(aPaperSize, aAreaParam.maAlignRect, mnPPTX, mnPPTY);
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        Size aLogicSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(aPaperSize);
        if ( rParam.mbBreak && !rParam.mbAsianVertical && mpRefDevice != pFmtDevice )
            // #i85342# screen display and formatting for printer,
            // use same GetEditArea call as in ScViewData::SetEditEngine
            Fraction aFract(1,1);
            tools::Rectangle aUtilRect = ScEditUtil( mpDoc, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, nTab, Point(0,0), pFmtDevice,
                HMM_PER_TWIPS, HMM_PER_TWIPS, aFract, aFract ).GetEditArea( rParam.mpPattern, false );
            aLogicSize.setWidth( aUtilRect.GetWidth() );
    //  Fill the EditEngine (cell attributes and text)
    // default alignment for asian vertical mode is top-right
    if ( rParam.meVerJust == SvxCellVerJustify::Standard )
        rParam.meVerJust = SvxCellVerJustify::Top;
    //  Read content from cell
    bool bWrapFields = false;
    if (!rParam.readCellContent(mpDoc, mbShowNullValues, mbShowFormulas, mbSyntaxMode, mbUseStyleColor, mbForceAutoColor, bWrapFields))
        // Failed to read cell content.  Bail out.
    if ( mbSyntaxMode )
        SetEditSyntaxColor( *rParam.mpEngine, rParam.maCell );
    else if ( mbUseStyleColor && mbForceAutoColor )
        lcl_SetEditColor( *rParam.mpEngine, COL_AUTO );     //! or have a flag at EditEngine
    rParam.mpEngine->SetUpdateMode( true );     // after SetText, before CalcTextWidth/GetTextHeight
    //  Get final output area using the calculated width
    long nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight;
    rParam.getEngineSize(rParam.mpEngine, nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight);
    long nNeededPixel = nEngineWidth;
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        nNeededPixel = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(nNeededPixel,0)).Width();
    nNeededPixel += nLeftM + nRightM;
    // for break, the first GetOutputArea call is sufficient
    GetOutputArea( nXForPos, nArrYForPos, rParam.mnPosX, rParam.mnPosY, rParam.mnCellX, rParam.mnCellY, nNeededPixel,
                   *rParam.mpPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                   rParam.mbCellIsValue || bShrink, false, false, aAreaParam );
    if ( bShrink )
        ShrinkEditEngine( *rParam.mpEngine, aAreaParam.maAlignRect,
            nLeftM, nTopM, nRightM, nBottomM, false,
            rParam.meOrient, 0, rParam.mbPixelToLogic,
            nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight, nNeededPixel,
            aAreaParam.mbLeftClip, aAreaParam.mbRightClip );
    if ( rParam.mbCellIsValue && ( aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip ) )
        nEngineWidth = SetEngineTextAndGetWidth( rParam, "###", nNeededPixel, ( nLeftM + nRightM ) );
        //  No clip marks if "###" doesn't fit (same as in DrawStrings)
    if (eOutHorJust != SvxCellHorJustify::Left)
        aPaperSize.setWidth( nNeededPixel + 1 );
        if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
    long nStartX = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Left();
    long nStartY = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.Top();
    long nCellWidth = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetWidth();
    long nOutWidth = nCellWidth - 1 - nLeftM - nRightM;
    long nOutHeight = aAreaParam.maAlignRect.GetHeight() - nTopM - nBottomM;
    //  text with automatic breaks is aligned only within the
    //  edit engine's paper size, the output of the whole area
    //  is always left-aligned
    nStartX += nLeftM;
    bool bOutside = (aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() < nScrX || aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() >= nScrX + nScrW);
    if (bOutside)
    // Also take fields in a cell with automatic breaks into account: clip to cell width
    bool bClip = AdjustAreaParamClipRect(aAreaParam) || aAreaParam.mbLeftClip || aAreaParam.mbRightClip || bWrapFields;
    bool bSimClip = false;
    Size aCellSize;         // output area, excluding margins, in logical units
    if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
        aCellSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight ) );
        aCellSize = Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight );
    if ( nEngineHeight >= aCellSize.Height() + aRefOne.Height() )
        const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = &rParam.mpPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE);
        bool bMerged = pMerge->GetColMerge() > 1 || pMerge->GetRowMerge() > 1;
        //  Don't clip for text height when printing rows with optimal height,
        //  except when font size is from conditional formatting.
        //! Allow clipping when vertically merged?
        if ( eType != OUTTYPE_PRINTER ||
            ( mpDoc->GetRowFlags( rParam.mnCellY, nTab ) & CRFlags::ManualSize ) ||
            ( rParam.mpCondSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                rParam.mpCondSet->GetItemState(ATTR_FONT_HEIGHT) ) )
            bClip = true;
            bSimClip = true;
        //  Show clip marks if height is at least 5pt too small and
        //  there are several lines of text.
        //  Not for asian vertical text, because that would interfere
        //  with the default right position of the text.
        //  Only with automatic line breaks, to avoid having to find
        //  the cells with the horizontal end of the text again.
        if ( nEngineHeight - aCellSize.Height() > 100 &&
             ( rParam.mbBreak || rParam.meOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Stacked ) &&
             !rParam.mbAsianVertical && bMarkClipped &&
             ( rParam.mpEngine->GetParagraphCount() > 1 || rParam.mpEngine->GetLineCount(0) > 1 ) )
            CellInfo* pClipMarkCell = nullptr;
            if ( bMerged )
                //  anywhere in the merged area...
                SCCOL nClipX = ( rParam.mnX < nX1 ) ? nX1 : rParam.mnX;
                pClipMarkCell = &pRowInfo[(rParam.mnArrY != 0) ? rParam.mnArrY : 1].pCellInfo[nClipX+1];
                pClipMarkCell = &rParam.mpThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[rParam.mnX+1];
            pClipMarkCell->nClipMark |= ScClipMark::Right;      //! also allow left?
            bAnyClipped = true;
            long nMarkPixel = static_cast<long>( SC_CLIPMARK_SIZE * mnPPTX );
            if ( aAreaParam.maClipRect.Right() - nMarkPixel > aAreaParam.maClipRect.Left() )
                aAreaParam.maClipRect.AdjustRight( -nMarkPixel );
    Point aURLStart;
    {   // Clip marks are already handled in GetOutputArea
        ClearableClipRegion aClip(rParam.mbPixelToLogic ? mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(aAreaParam.maClipRect)
                                : aAreaParam.maClipRect, bClip, bSimClip, mpDev, bMetaFile);
        Point aLogicStart;
        if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
            aLogicStart = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Point(nStartX,nStartY) );
            aLogicStart = Point(nStartX, nStartY);
        long nAvailWidth = aCellSize.Width();
        // space for AutoFilter is already handled in GetOutputArea
        //  horizontal alignment
        if (rParam.meHorJustResult==SvxCellHorJustify::Right)
            aLogicStart.AdjustX(nAvailWidth - nEngineWidth );
        else if (rParam.meHorJustResult==SvxCellHorJustify::Center)
            aLogicStart.AdjustX((nAvailWidth - nEngineWidth) / 2 );
        // paper size is subtracted below
        aLogicStart.AdjustX(nEngineWidth );
        // vertical adjustment is within the EditEngine
        if (rParam.mbPixelToLogic)
            aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nTopM)).Height() );
            aLogicStart.AdjustY(nTopM );
        aURLStart = aLogicStart;      // copy before modifying for orientation
        // bMoveClipped handling has been replaced by complete alignment
        // handling (also extending to the left).
        // with SetVertical, the start position is top left of
        // the whole output area, not the text itself
        aLogicStart.AdjustX( -(rParam.mpEngine->GetPaperSize().Width()) );
        rParam.mpEngine->Draw(mpDev, aLogicStart);
    rParam.adjustForHyperlinkInPDF(aURLStart, mpDev);
void ScOutputData::DrawEdit(bool bPixelToLogic)
    std::unique_ptr<ScFieldEditEngine> pEngine;
    bool bHyphenatorSet = false;
    const ScPatternAttr* pOldPattern = nullptr;
    const SfxItemSet*    pOldCondSet = nullptr;
    const SfxItemSet*    pOldPreviewFontSet = nullptr;
    ScRefCellValue aCell;
    long nInitPosX = nScrX;
    if ( bLayoutRTL )
        nInitPosX += nMirrorW - 1;
    long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
    //! store nLastContentCol as member!
    SCCOL nLastContentCol = MAXCOL;
    if ( nX2 < MAXCOL )
        nLastContentCol = sal::static_int_cast<SCCOL>(
            nLastContentCol - mpDoc->GetEmptyLinesInBlock( nX2+1, nY1, nTab, MAXCOL, nY2, nTab, DIR_RIGHT ) );
    long nRowPosY = nScrY;
    for (SCSIZE nArrY=0; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)            // 0 fo the rest of the merged
        RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
        if (nArrY==1) nRowPosY = nScrY;                         // positions before are calculated individually
        if ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged || nArrY==0 )
            long nPosX = 0;
            for (SCCOL nX=0; nX<=nX2; nX++)                     // due to overflow
                std::unique_ptr< ScPatternAttr > pPreviewPattr;
                if (nX==nX1) nPosX = nInitPosX;                 // positions before nX1 are calculated individually
                CellInfo*   pInfo = &pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1];
                if (pInfo->bEditEngine)
                    SCROW nY = pThisRowInfo->nRowNo;
                    SCCOL nCellX = nX;                  // position where the cell really starts
                    SCROW nCellY = nY;
                    bool bDoCell = false;
                    long nPosY = nRowPosY;
                    if ( nArrY == 0 )
                        nPosY = nScrY;
                        nY = pRowInfo[1].nRowNo;
                        SCCOL nOverX;                   // start of the merged cells
                        SCROW nOverY;
                        if (GetMergeOrigin( nX,nY, 1, nOverX,nOverY, true ))
                            nCellX = nOverX;
                            nCellY = nOverY;
                            bDoCell = true;
                    else if ( nX == nX2 && pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1].maCell.isEmpty() )
                        //  Rest of a long text further to the right?
                        SCCOL nTempX=nX;
                        while (nTempX < nLastContentCol && IsEmptyCellText( pThisRowInfo, nTempX, nY ))
                        if ( nTempX > nX &&
                             !IsEmptyCellText( pThisRowInfo, nTempX, nY ) &&
                             !mpDoc->HasAttrib( nTempX,nY,nTab, nX,nY,nTab, HasAttrFlags::Merged | HasAttrFlags::Overlapped ) )
                            nCellX = nTempX;
                            bDoCell = true;
                        bDoCell = true;
                    if ( bDoCell && bEditMode && nCellX == nEditCol && nCellY == nEditRow )
                        bDoCell = false;
                    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern = nullptr;
                    const SfxItemSet* pCondSet = nullptr;
                    if (bDoCell)
                        if ( nCellY == nY && nCellX >= nX1 && nCellX <= nX2 &&
                             !mpDoc->ColHidden(nCellX, nTab) )
                            CellInfo& rCellInfo = pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nCellX+1];
                            pPattern = rCellInfo.pPatternAttr;
                            pCondSet = rCellInfo.pConditionSet;
                            aCell = rCellInfo.maCell;
                        else        // get from document
                            pPattern = mpDoc->GetPattern( nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                            pCondSet = mpDoc->GetCondResult( nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                            GetVisibleCell( nCellX, nCellY, nTab, aCell );
                        if (aCell.isEmpty())
                            bDoCell = false;
                    if (bDoCell)
                        if ( mpDoc->GetPreviewCellStyle() )
                            if ( ScStyleSheet* pPreviewStyle = mpDoc->GetPreviewCellStyle( nCellX, nCellY, nTab ) )
                                pPreviewPattr.reset( new ScPatternAttr(*pPattern) );
                                pPattern = pPreviewPattr.get();
                        SfxItemSet* pPreviewFontSet = mpDoc->GetPreviewFont( nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                        if (!pEngine)
                            lcl_ClearEdit( *pEngine );      // also calls SetUpdateMode(sal_False)
                        // fdo#32530: Check if the first character is RTL.
                        OUString aStr = mpDoc->GetString(nCellX, nCellY, nTab);
                        DrawEditParam aParam(pPattern, pCondSet, lcl_SafeIsValue(aCell));
                        const bool bNumberFormatIsText = lcl_isNumberFormatText( mpDoc, nCellX, nCellY, nTab );
                        aParam.meHorJustContext = getAlignmentFromContext( aParam.meHorJustAttr,
                                aParam.mbCellIsValue, aStr, *pPattern, pCondSet, mpDoc, nTab, bNumberFormatIsText);
                        aParam.meHorJustResult = (aParam.meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Block) ?
                                SvxCellHorJustify::Block : aParam.meHorJustContext;
                        aParam.mbPixelToLogic = bPixelToLogic;
                        aParam.mbHyphenatorSet = bHyphenatorSet;
                        aParam.mpEngine = pEngine.get();
                        aParam.maCell = aCell;
                        aParam.mnArrY = nArrY;
                        aParam.mnX = nX;
                        aParam.mnCellX = nCellX;
                        aParam.mnCellY = nCellY;
                        aParam.mnPosX = nPosX;
                        aParam.mnPosY = nPosY;
                        aParam.mnInitPosX = nInitPosX;
                        aParam.mpPreviewFontSet = pPreviewFontSet;
                        aParam.mpOldPattern = pOldPattern;
                        aParam.mpOldCondSet = pOldCondSet;
                        aParam.mpOldPreviewFontSet = pOldPreviewFontSet;
                        aParam.mpThisRowInfo = pThisRowInfo;
                        if (mpSpellCheckCxt)
                            aParam.mpMisspellRanges = mpSpellCheckCxt->getMisspellRanges(nCellX, nCellY);
                        if (aParam.meHorJustAttr == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat)
                            // ignore orientation/rotation if "repeat" is active
                            aParam.meOrient = SvxCellOrientation::Standard;
                        switch (aParam.meOrient)
                            case SvxCellOrientation::BottomUp:
                            case SvxCellOrientation::TopBottom:
                            case SvxCellOrientation::Stacked:
                                // this can be vertically stacked or asian vertical.
                        // Retrieve parameters for next iteration.
                        pOldPattern = aParam.mpOldPattern;
                        pOldCondSet = aParam.mpOldCondSet;
                        pOldPreviewFontSet = aParam.mpOldPreviewFontSet;
                        bHyphenatorSet = aParam.mbHyphenatorSet;
                nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
        nRowPosY += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
    if (mrTabInfo.maArray.HasCellRotation())
        DrawRotated(bPixelToLogic);     //! call from outside ?
void ScOutputData::DrawRotated(bool bPixelToLogic)
    //! store nRotMax
    SCCOL nRotMax = nX2;
    for (SCSIZE nRotY=0; nRotY<nArrCount; nRotY++)
        if (pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol != SC_ROTMAX_NONE && pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol > nRotMax)
            nRotMax = pRowInfo[nRotY].nRotMaxCol;
    ScModule* pScMod = SC_MOD();
    Color nConfBackColor = pScMod->GetColorConfig().GetColorValue(svtools::DOCCOLOR).nColor;
    bool bCellContrast = mbUseStyleColor &&
    std::unique_ptr<ScFieldEditEngine> pEngine;
    bool bHyphenatorSet = false;
    const ScPatternAttr* pPattern;
    const SfxItemSet*    pCondSet;
    const ScPatternAttr* pOldPattern = nullptr;
    const SfxItemSet*    pOldCondSet = nullptr;
    ScRefCellValue aCell;
    long nInitPosX = nScrX;
    if ( bLayoutRTL )
        nInitPosX += nMirrorW - 1;
    long nLayoutSign = bLayoutRTL ? -1 : 1;
    long nRowPosY = nScrY;
    for (SCSIZE nArrY=0; nArrY+1<nArrCount; nArrY++)            // 0 for the rest of the merged
        RowInfo* pThisRowInfo = &pRowInfo[nArrY];
        long nCellHeight = static_cast<long>(pThisRowInfo->nHeight);
        if (nArrY==1) nRowPosY = nScrY;                         // positions before are calculated individually
        if ( ( pThisRowInfo->bChanged || nArrY==0 ) && pThisRowInfo->nRotMaxCol != SC_ROTMAX_NONE )
            long nPosX = 0;
            for (SCCOL nX=0; nX<=nRotMax; nX++)
                if (nX==nX1) nPosX = nInitPosX;                 // positions before nX1 are calculated individually
                CellInfo* pInfo = &pThisRowInfo->pCellInfo[nX+1];
                if ( pInfo->nRotateDir != ScRotateDir::NONE )
                    SCROW nY = pThisRowInfo->nRowNo;
                    bool bHidden = false;
                    if (bEditMode)
                        if ( nX == nEditCol && nY == nEditRow )
                            bHidden = true;
                    if (!bHidden)
                        if (!pEngine)
                            lcl_ClearEdit( *pEngine );      // also calls SetUpdateMode(sal_False)
                        long nPosY = nRowPosY;
                        //! rest from merged cells further up do not work!
                        bool bFromDoc = false;
                        pPattern = pInfo->pPatternAttr;
                        pCondSet = pInfo->pConditionSet;
                        if (!pPattern)
                            pPattern = mpDoc->GetPattern( nX, nY, nTab );
                            bFromDoc = true;
                        aCell = pInfo->maCell;
                        if (bFromDoc)
                            pCondSet = mpDoc->GetCondResult( nX, nY, nTab );
                        if (aCell.isEmpty() && nX>nX2)
                            GetVisibleCell( nX, nY, nTab, aCell );
                        if (aCell.isEmpty() || IsEmptyCellText(pThisRowInfo, nX, nY))
                            bHidden = true;     // nRotateDir is also set without a cell
                        long nCellWidth = static_cast<long>(pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth);
                        SvxCellHorJustify eHorJust =
                                            pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY, pCondSet).GetValue();
                        bool bBreak = ( eHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Block ) ||
                                    pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_LINEBREAK, pCondSet).GetValue();
                        bool bRepeat = ( eHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Repeat && !bBreak );
                        bool bShrink = !bBreak && !bRepeat &&
                                        pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_SHRINKTOFIT, pCondSet ).GetValue();
                        SvxCellOrientation eOrient = pPattern->GetCellOrientation( pCondSet );
                        const ScMergeAttr* pMerge = &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MERGE);
                        bool bMerged = pMerge->GetColMerge() > 1 || pMerge->GetRowMerge() > 1;
                        long nStartX = nPosX;
                        long nStartY = nPosY;
                        if (nX<nX1)
                            if ((bBreak || eOrient!=SvxCellOrientation::Standard) && !bMerged)
                                bHidden = true;
                                nStartX = nInitPosX;
                                SCCOL nCol = nX1;
                                while (nCol > nX)
                                    nStartX -= nLayoutSign * static_cast<long>(pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nCol+1].nWidth);
                        long nCellStartX = nStartX;
                        // omit substitute representation of small text
                        if (!bHidden)
                            long nOutWidth = nCellWidth - 1;
                            long nOutHeight = nCellHeight;
                            if ( bMerged )
                                SCCOL nCountX = pMerge->GetColMerge();
                                for (SCCOL i=1; i<nCountX; i++)
                                    nOutWidth += static_cast<long>( mpDoc->GetColWidth(nX+i,nTab) * mnPPTX );
                                SCROW nCountY = pMerge->GetRowMerge();
                                nOutHeight += static_cast<long>(mpDoc->GetScaledRowHeight( nY+1, nY+nCountY-1, nTab, mnPPTY));
                            SvxCellVerJustify eVerJust =
                                                pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_VER_JUSTIFY, pCondSet).GetValue();
                            // syntax mode is ignored here...
                            // StringDiffer doesn't look at hyphenate, language items
                            if ( pPattern != pOldPattern || pCondSet != pOldCondSet )
                                SfxItemSet* pSet = new SfxItemSet( pEngine->GetEmptyItemSet() );
                                pPattern->FillEditItemSet( pSet, pCondSet );
                                                                    // adjustment for EditEngine
                                SvxAdjust eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Left;
                                if (eOrient==SvxCellOrientation::Stacked)
                                    eSvxAdjust = SvxAdjust::Center;
                                // adjustment for bBreak is omitted here
                                pSet->Put( SvxAdjustItem( eSvxAdjust, EE_PARA_JUST ) );
                                pEngine->SetDefaults( pSet );
                                pOldPattern = pPattern;
                                pOldCondSet = pCondSet;
                                EEControlBits nControl = pEngine->GetControlWord();
                                if (eOrient==SvxCellOrientation::Stacked)
                                    nControl |= EEControlBits::ONECHARPERLINE;
                                    nControl &= ~EEControlBits::ONECHARPERLINE;
                                pEngine->SetControlWord( nControl );
                                if ( !bHyphenatorSet && pSet->Get(EE_PARA_HYPHENATE).GetValue() )
                                    //  set hyphenator the first time it is needed
                                    css::uno::Reference<css::linguistic2::XHyphenator> xXHyphenator( LinguMgr::GetHyphenator() );
                                    pEngine->SetHyphenator( xXHyphenator );
                                    bHyphenatorSet = true;
                                Color aBackCol =
                                    pPattern->GetItem( ATTR_BACKGROUND, pCondSet ).GetColor();
                                if ( mbUseStyleColor && ( aBackCol.GetTransparency() > 0 || bCellContrast ) )
                                    aBackCol = nConfBackColor;
                                pEngine->SetBackgroundColor( aBackCol );
                            // margins
                            //! change position and paper size to EditUtil !!!
                            const SvxMarginItem* pMargin =
                                                    &pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_MARGIN, pCondSet);
                            sal_uInt16 nIndent = 0;
                            if ( eHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Left )
                                nIndent = pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_INDENT, pCondSet).GetValue();
                            long nTotalHeight = nOutHeight; // without subtracting the margin
                            if ( bPixelToLogic )
                                nTotalHeight = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0,nTotalHeight)).Height();
                            long nLeftM = static_cast<long>( (pMargin->GetLeftMargin() + nIndent) * mnPPTX );
                            long nTopM  = static_cast<long>( pMargin->GetTopMargin() * mnPPTY );
                            long nRightM  = static_cast<long>( pMargin->GetRightMargin() * mnPPTX );
                            long nBottomM = static_cast<long>( pMargin->GetBottomMargin() * mnPPTY );
                            nStartX += nLeftM;
                            nStartY += nTopM;
                            nOutWidth -= nLeftM + nRightM;
                            nOutHeight -= nTopM + nBottomM;
                            // rotate here already, to adjust paper size for page breaks
                            long nAttrRotate = 0;
                            double nSin = 0.0;
                            double nCos = 1.0;
                            SvxRotateMode eRotMode = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD;
                            if ( eOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Standard )
                                nAttrRotate = pPattern->
                                                    GetItem(ATTR_ROTATE_VALUE, pCondSet).GetValue();
                                if ( nAttrRotate )
                                    eRotMode = pPattern->GetItem(ATTR_ROTATE_MODE, pCondSet).GetValue();
                                    if ( nAttrRotate == 18000 )
                                        eRotMode = SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD;    // no overflow
                                    if ( bLayoutRTL )
                                        nAttrRotate = -nAttrRotate;
                                    double nRealOrient = nAttrRotate * F_PI18000;   // 1/100 degree
                                    nCos = cos( nRealOrient );
                                    nSin = sin( nRealOrient );
                            Size aPaperSize( 1000000, 1000000 );
                            if (eOrient==SvxCellOrientation::Stacked)
                                aPaperSize.setWidth( nOutWidth );             // to center
                            else if (bBreak)
                                if (nAttrRotate)
                                    //! the correct paper size for break depends on the number
                                    //! of rows, as long as the rows can not be outputted individually
                                    //! offsetted -> therefore unlimited, so no wrapping.
                                    //! With offset rows the following would be correct:
                                    aPaperSize.setWidth( static_cast<long>(nOutHeight / fabs(nSin)) );
                                else if (eOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Standard)
                                    aPaperSize.setWidth( nOutWidth );
                                    aPaperSize.setWidth( nOutHeight - 1 );
                            if (bPixelToLogic)
                                pEngine->SetPaperSize(aPaperSize);  // scale is always 1
                            // read data from cell
                            if (aCell.meType == CELLTYPE_EDIT)
                                if (aCell.mpEditText)
                                    OSL_FAIL("pData == 0");
                                sal_uInt32 nFormat = pPattern->GetNumberFormat(
                                                            mpDoc->GetFormatTable(), pCondSet );
                                OUString aString;
                                Color* pColor;
                                ScCellFormat::GetString( aCell,
                                                         nFormat,aString, &pColor,
                                if ( pColor && !mbSyntaxMode && !( mbUseStyleColor && mbForceAutoColor ) )
                                    lcl_SetEditColor( *pEngine, *pColor );
                            if ( mbSyntaxMode )
                                SetEditSyntaxColor(*pEngine, aCell);
                            else if ( mbUseStyleColor && mbForceAutoColor )
                                lcl_SetEditColor( *pEngine, COL_AUTO );     //! or have a flag at EditEngine
                            pEngine->SetUpdateMode( true );     // after SetText, before CalcTextWidth/GetTextHeight
                            long nEngineWidth  = static_cast<long>(pEngine->CalcTextWidth());
                            long nEngineHeight = pEngine->GetTextHeight();
                            if (nAttrRotate && bBreak)
                                double nAbsCos = fabs( nCos );
                                double nAbsSin = fabs( nSin );
                                // adjust width of papersize for height of text
                                int nSteps = 5;
                                while (nSteps > 0)
                                    // everything is in pixels
                                    long nEnginePixel = mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(
                                    long nEffHeight = nOutHeight - static_cast<long>(nEnginePixel * nAbsCos) + 2;
                                    long nNewWidth = static_cast<long>(nEffHeight / nAbsSin) + 2;
                                    bool bFits = ( nNewWidth >= aPaperSize.Width() );
                                    if ( bFits )
                                        nSteps = 0;
                                        if ( nNewWidth < 4 )
                                            // can't fit -> fall back to using half height
                                            nEffHeight = nOutHeight / 2;
                                            nNewWidth = static_cast<long>(nEffHeight / nAbsSin) + 2;
                                            nSteps = 0;
                                        // set paper width and get new text height
                                        aPaperSize.setWidth( nNewWidth );
                                        if (bPixelToLogic)
                                            pEngine->SetPaperSize(aPaperSize);  // Scale is always 1
                                        //pEngine->QuickFormatDoc( sal_True );
                                        nEngineWidth  = static_cast<long>(pEngine->CalcTextWidth());
                                        nEngineHeight = pEngine->GetTextHeight();
                            long nRealWidth  = nEngineWidth;
                            long nRealHeight = nEngineHeight;
                            // when rotated, adjust size
                            if (nAttrRotate)
                                double nAbsCos = fabs( nCos );
                                double nAbsSin = fabs( nSin );
                                if ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD )
                                    nEngineWidth = static_cast<long>( nRealWidth * nAbsCos +
                                                            nRealHeight * nAbsSin );
                                    nEngineWidth = static_cast<long>( nRealHeight / nAbsSin );
                                //! limit !!!
                                nEngineHeight = static_cast<long>( nRealHeight * nAbsCos +
                                                         nRealWidth * nAbsSin );
                            if (!nAttrRotate)           //  only rotated text here
                                bHidden = true;         //! check first !!!
                            //! omit which doesn't stick out
                            if (!bHidden)
                                Size aClipSize( nScrX+nScrW-nStartX, nScrY+nScrH-nStartY );
                                // go on writing
                                Size aCellSize;
                                if (bPixelToLogic)
                                    aCellSize = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight ) );
                                    aCellSize = Size( nOutWidth, nOutHeight );  // scale is one
                                long nGridWidth = nEngineWidth;
                                bool bNegative = false;
                                if ( eRotMode != SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD )
                                    nGridWidth = aCellSize.Width() +
                                            std::abs(static_cast<long>( aCellSize.Height() * nCos / nSin ));
                                    bNegative = ( pInfo->nRotateDir == ScRotateDir::Left );
                                    if ( bLayoutRTL )
                                        bNegative = !bNegative;
                                // use GetOutputArea to hide the grid
                                // (clip region is done manually below)
                                OutputAreaParam aAreaParam;
                                SCCOL nCellX = nX;
                                SCROW nCellY = nY;
                                SvxCellHorJustify eOutHorJust = eHorJust;
                                if ( eRotMode != SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD )
                                    eOutHorJust = bNegative ? SvxCellHorJustify::Right : SvxCellHorJustify::Left;
                                long nNeededWidth = nGridWidth;     // in pixel for GetOutputArea
                                if ( bPixelToLogic )
                                    nNeededWidth =  mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(nNeededWidth,0)).Width();
                                GetOutputArea( nX, nArrY, nCellStartX, nPosY, nCellX, nCellY, nNeededWidth,
                                                *pPattern, sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>(eOutHorJust),
                                                false, false, true, aAreaParam );
                                if ( bShrink )
                                    long nPixelWidth = bPixelToLogic ?
                                        mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(Size(nEngineWidth,0)).Width() : nEngineWidth;
                                    long nNeededPixel = nPixelWidth + nLeftM + nRightM;
                                    aAreaParam.mbLeftClip = aAreaParam.mbRightClip = true;
                                    // always do height
                                    ShrinkEditEngine( *pEngine, aAreaParam.maAlignRect, nLeftM, nTopM, nRightM, nBottomM,
                                        false, eOrient, nAttrRotate, bPixelToLogic,
                                        nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight, nNeededPixel, aAreaParam.mbLeftClip, aAreaParam.mbRightClip );
                                    if ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD )
                                        // do width only if rotating within the cell (standard mode)
                                        ShrinkEditEngine( *pEngine, aAreaParam.maAlignRect, nLeftM, nTopM, nRightM, nBottomM,
                                            true, eOrient, nAttrRotate, bPixelToLogic,
                                            nEngineWidth, nEngineHeight, nNeededPixel, aAreaParam.mbLeftClip, aAreaParam.mbRightClip );
                                    // nEngineWidth/nEngineHeight is updated in ShrinkEditEngine
                                    // (but width is only valid for standard mode)
                                    nRealWidth  = static_cast<long>(pEngine->CalcTextWidth());
                                    nRealHeight = pEngine->GetTextHeight();
                                    if ( eRotMode != SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD )
                                        nEngineWidth = static_cast<long>( nRealHeight / fabs( nSin ) );
                                long nClipStartX = nStartX;
                                if (nX<nX1)
                                    //! clipping is not needed when on the left side of the window
                                    if (nStartX<nScrX)
                                        long nDif = nScrX - nStartX;
                                        nClipStartX = nScrX;
                                        aClipSize.AdjustWidth( -nDif );
                                long nClipStartY = nStartY;
                                if (nArrY==0)
                                    if ( nClipStartY < nRowPosY )
                                        long nDif = nRowPosY - nClipStartY;
                                        nClipStartY = nRowPosY;
                                        aClipSize.AdjustHeight( -nDif );
                                if ( nAttrRotate /* && eRotMode != SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD */ )
                                    // only clip rotated output text at the page border
                                    nClipStartX = nScrX;
                                    aClipSize.setWidth( nScrW );
                                if (bPixelToLogic)
                                    aAreaParam.maClipRect = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( tools::Rectangle(
                                                    Point(nClipStartX,nClipStartY), aClipSize ) );
                                    aAreaParam.maClipRect = tools::Rectangle(Point(nClipStartX, nClipStartY),
                                                            aClipSize );    // Scale = 1
                                if (bMetaFile)
                                    mpDev->IntersectClipRegion( aAreaParam.maClipRect );
                                    mpDev->SetClipRegion( vcl::Region( aAreaParam.maClipRect ) );
                                Point aLogicStart;
                                if (bPixelToLogic)
                                    aLogicStart = mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Point(nStartX,nStartY) );
                                    aLogicStart = Point(nStartX, nStartY);
                                if ( eOrient!=SvxCellOrientation::Standard || !bBreak )
                                    long nAvailWidth = aCellSize.Width();
                                    if (eType==OUTTYPE_WINDOW &&
                                            eOrient!=SvxCellOrientation::Stacked &&
                                        // filter drop-down width is now independent from row height
                                        if (bPixelToLogic)
                                            nAvailWidth -= mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(Size(0,DROPDOWN_BITMAP_SIZE)).Height();
                                            nAvailWidth -= DROPDOWN_BITMAP_SIZE;
                                        long nComp = nEngineWidth;
                                        if (nAvailWidth<nComp) nAvailWidth=nComp;
                                    // horizontal orientation
                                    if (eOrient==SvxCellOrientation::Standard && !nAttrRotate)
                                        if (eHorJust==SvxCellHorJustify::Right ||
                                            pEngine->SetUpdateMode( false );
                                            SvxAdjust eSvxAdjust =
                                                (eHorJust==SvxCellHorJustify::Right) ?
                                                    SvxAdjust::Right : SvxAdjust::Center;
                                                SvxAdjustItem( eSvxAdjust, EE_PARA_JUST ) );
                                            aPaperSize.setWidth( nOutWidth );
                                            if (bPixelToLogic)
                                            pEngine->SetUpdateMode( true );
                                        // rotated text is centered by default
                                        if (eHorJust==SvxCellHorJustify::Right)
                                            aLogicStart.AdjustX(nAvailWidth - nEngineWidth );
                                        else if (eHorJust==SvxCellHorJustify::Center ||
                                            aLogicStart.AdjustX((nAvailWidth - nEngineWidth) / 2 );
                                if ( bLayoutRTL )
                                    if (bPixelToLogic)
                                        aLogicStart.AdjustX( -(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic(
                                                        Size( nCellWidth, 0 ) ).Width()) );
                                        aLogicStart.AdjustX( -nCellWidth );
                                if ( eOrient==SvxCellOrientation::Standard ||
                                     eOrient==SvxCellOrientation::Stacked || !bBreak )
                                    if (eVerJust==SvxCellVerJustify::Bottom ||
                                        if (bPixelToLogic)
                                            aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size(0,
                                                            mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aCellSize).Height() -
                                                            )).Height() );
                                            aLogicStart.AdjustY(aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight );
                                    else if (eVerJust==SvxCellVerJustify::Center)
                                        if (bPixelToLogic)
                                            aLogicStart.AdjustY(mpRefDevice->PixelToLogic( Size(0,(
                                                            mpRefDevice->LogicToPixel(aCellSize).Height() -
                                                            / 2)).Height() );
                                            aLogicStart.AdjustY((aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight) / 2 );
                                // TOPBOTTOM and BOTTOMTOP are handled in DrawStrings/DrawEdit
                                OSL_ENSURE( eOrient == SvxCellOrientation::Standard && nAttrRotate,
                                            "DrawRotated: no rotation" );
                                long nOriVal = 0;
                                if ( nAttrRotate )
                                    // attribute is 1/100, Font 1/10 Grad
                                    nOriVal = nAttrRotate / 10;
                                    double nAddX = 0.0;
                                    double nAddY = 0.0;
                                    if ( nCos > 0.0 && eRotMode != SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD )
                                        //! limit !!!
                                        double nH = nRealHeight * nCos;
                                        nAddX += nH * ( nCos / fabs(nSin) );
                                    if ( nCos < 0.0 && eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD )
                                        nAddX -= nRealWidth * nCos;
                                    if ( nSin < 0.0 )
                                        nAddX -= nRealHeight * nSin;
                                    if ( nSin > 0.0 )
                                        nAddY += nRealWidth * nSin;
                                    if ( nCos < 0.0 )
                                        nAddY -= nRealHeight * nCos;
                                    if ( eRotMode != SVX_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD )
                                        //! limit !!!
                                        double nSkew = nTotalHeight * nCos / fabs(nSin);
                                        if ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_CENTER )
                                            nAddX -= nSkew * 0.5;
                                        if ( ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_TOP && nSin > 0.0 ) ||
                                             ( eRotMode == SVX_ROTATE_MODE_BOTTOM && nSin < 0.0 ) )
                                            nAddX -= nSkew;
                                        long nUp = 0;
                                        if ( eVerJust == SvxCellVerJustify::Center )
                                            nUp = ( aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight ) / 2;
                                        else if ( eVerJust == SvxCellVerJustify::Top )
                                            if ( nSin > 0.0 )
                                                nUp = aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight;
                                        else    // BOTTOM / STANDARD
                                            if ( nSin < 0.0 )
                                                nUp = aCellSize.Height() - nEngineHeight;
                                        if ( nUp )
                                            nAddX += ( nUp * nCos / fabs(nSin) );
                                    aLogicStart.AdjustX(static_cast<long>(nAddX) );
                                    aLogicStart.AdjustY(static_cast<long>(nAddY) );
                                //  bSimClip is not used here (because nOriVal is set)
                                pEngine->Draw( mpDev, aLogicStart, static_cast<short>(nOriVal) );
                                if (bMetaFile)
                nPosX += pRowInfo[0].pCellInfo[nX+1].nWidth * nLayoutSign;
        nRowPosY += pRowInfo[nArrY].nHeight;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V1004 The 'pPattern' pointer was used unsafely after it was verified against nullptr. Check lines: 4577, 4620.