/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <o3tl/any.hxx>
#include <svx/svdmodel.hxx>
#include <svx/svxids.hrc>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <tools/helpers.hxx>
#include <unotools/syslocale.hxx>
#include <sdmod.hxx>
#include <optsitem.hxx>
#include <FrameView.hxx>
#include <sdattr.hrc>
using namespace ::utl;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
template< class T > T getSafeValue( const Any& rAny )
    T value = T();
    bool bOk = (rAny >>= value);
    DBG_ASSERT( bOk, "SdOptionsItem, wrong type from configuration!" );
    return value;
SdOptionsItem::SdOptionsItem( const SdOptionsGeneric& rParent, const OUString& rSubTree ) :
    ConfigItem  ( rSubTree ),
    mrParent    ( rParent )
void SdOptionsItem::ImplCommit()
    if( IsModified() )
        mrParent.Commit( *this );
void SdOptionsItem::Notify( const css::uno::Sequence<OUString>& )
Sequence< Any > SdOptionsItem::GetProperties( const Sequence< OUString >& rNames )
    return ConfigItem::GetProperties( rNames );
bool SdOptionsItem::PutProperties( const Sequence< OUString >& rNames, const Sequence< Any>& rValues )
    return ConfigItem::PutProperties( rNames, rValues );
SdOptionsGeneric::SdOptionsGeneric(bool bImpress, const OUString& rSubTree)
    : maSubTree(rSubTree)
    , mbImpress(bImpress)
    , mbInit(rSubTree.isEmpty())
    , mbEnableModify(false)
SdOptionsGeneric::SdOptionsGeneric(SdOptionsGeneric const & rSource)
SdOptionsGeneric& SdOptionsGeneric::operator=(SdOptionsGeneric const & rSource)
    maSubTree = rSource.maSubTree;
    mpCfgItem.reset(rSource.mpCfgItem ? new SdOptionsItem(*rSource.mpCfgItem) : nullptr );
    mbImpress = rSource.mbImpress;
    mbInit = rSource.mbInit;
    mbEnableModify = rSource.mbEnableModify;
    return *this;
void SdOptionsGeneric::Init() const
    if( !mbInit )
        SdOptionsGeneric* pThis = const_cast<SdOptionsGeneric*>(this);
        if( !mpCfgItem )
            pThis->mpCfgItem.reset( new SdOptionsItem( *this, maSubTree ) );
        const Sequence< OUString >  aNames( GetPropertyNames() );
        const Sequence< Any >       aValues = mpCfgItem->GetProperties( aNames );
        if( aNames.getLength() && ( aValues.getLength() == aNames.getLength() ) )
            const Any* pValues = aValues.getConstArray();
            pThis->EnableModify( false );
            pThis->mbInit = pThis->ReadData( pValues );
            pThis->EnableModify( true );
            pThis->mbInit = true;
void SdOptionsGeneric::Commit( SdOptionsItem& rCfgItem ) const
    const Sequence< OUString >  aNames( GetPropertyNames() );
    Sequence< Any >             aValues( aNames.getLength() );
    if( aNames.getLength() && ( aValues.getLength() == aNames.getLength() ) )
        if( WriteData( aValues.getArray() ) )
            rCfgItem.PutProperties( aNames, aValues );
            OSL_FAIL( "PutProperties failed" );
Sequence< OUString > SdOptionsGeneric::GetPropertyNames() const
    sal_uLong           nCount;
    const char**    ppPropNames;
    GetPropNameArray( ppPropNames, nCount );
    Sequence< OUString > aNames( nCount );
    OUString*            pNames = aNames.getArray();
    for( sal_uLong i = 0; i < nCount; i++ )
        pNames[ i ] = OUString::createFromAscii( ppPropNames[ i ] );
    return aNames;
void SdOptionsGeneric::Store()
    if( mpCfgItem )
bool SdOptionsGeneric::isMetricSystem()
    SvtSysLocale aSysLocale;
    MeasurementSystem eSys = aSysLocale.GetLocaleDataPtr()->getMeasurementSystemEnum();
    return ( eSys == MeasurementSystem::Metric );
|* SdOptionsLayout
SdOptionsLayout::SdOptionsLayout(bool bImpress, bool bUseConfig) :
    SdOptionsGeneric( bImpress, bUseConfig ?
                      ( bImpress ?
                        OUString( "Office.Impress/Layout" ) :
                        OUString( "Office.Draw/Layout" ) ) :
                      OUString() ),
    bRuler( true ),
    bMoveOutline( true ),
    bDragStripes( false ),
    bHandlesBezier( false ),
    bHelplines( true ),
    nMetric(static_cast<sal_uInt16>(isMetricSystem() ? FUNIT_CM : FUNIT_INCH)),
    nDefTab( 1250 )
    EnableModify( true );
bool SdOptionsLayout::operator==( const SdOptionsLayout& rOpt ) const
    return( IsRulerVisible() == rOpt.IsRulerVisible() &&
            IsMoveOutline() == rOpt.IsMoveOutline() &&
            IsDragStripes() == rOpt.IsDragStripes() &&
            IsHandlesBezier() == rOpt.IsHandlesBezier() &&
            IsHelplines() == rOpt.IsHelplines() &&
            GetMetric() == rOpt.GetMetric() &&
            GetDefTab() == rOpt.GetDefTab() );
void SdOptionsLayout::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const
    if( isMetricSystem() )
        static const char* aPropNamesMetric[] =
        ppNames = aPropNamesMetric;
        rCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aPropNamesMetric);
        static const char* aPropNamesNonMetric[] =
        ppNames = aPropNamesNonMetric;
        rCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aPropNamesNonMetric);
bool SdOptionsLayout::ReadData( const Any* pValues )
    if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetRulerVisible( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 0 ]) );
    if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetHandlesBezier( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 1 ]) );
    if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetMoveOutline( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 2 ]) );
    if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetDragStripes( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 3 ]) );
    if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetHelplines( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 4 ]) );
    if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetMetric( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 5 ])) );
    if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetDefTab( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 6 ])) );
    return true;
bool SdOptionsLayout::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const
    pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsRulerVisible();
    pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsHandlesBezier();
    pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsMoveOutline();
    pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsDragStripes();
    pValues[ 4 ] <<= IsHelplines();
    pValues[ 5 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetMetric());
    pValues[ 6 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetDefTab());
    return true;
|* SdOptionsLayoutItem
:   SfxPoolItem     ( ATTR_OPTIONS_LAYOUT )
,   maOptionsLayout ( false, false )
SdOptionsLayoutItem::SdOptionsLayoutItem( SdOptions const * pOpts, ::sd::FrameView const * pView )
:   SfxPoolItem     ( ATTR_OPTIONS_LAYOUT )
,   maOptionsLayout ( false, false )
    if( pOpts )
        maOptionsLayout.SetMetric( pOpts->GetMetric() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetDefTab( pOpts->GetDefTab() );
    if( pView )
        maOptionsLayout.SetRulerVisible( pView->HasRuler() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetMoveOutline( !pView->IsNoDragXorPolys() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetDragStripes( pView->IsDragStripes() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetHandlesBezier( pView->IsPlusHandlesAlwaysVisible() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetHelplines( pView->IsHlplVisible() );
    else if( pOpts )
        maOptionsLayout.SetRulerVisible( pOpts->IsRulerVisible() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetMoveOutline( pOpts->IsMoveOutline() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetDragStripes( pOpts->IsDragStripes() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetHandlesBezier( pOpts->IsHandlesBezier() );
        maOptionsLayout.SetHelplines( pOpts->IsHelplines() );
SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsLayoutItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
    return new SdOptionsLayoutItem( *this );
bool SdOptionsLayoutItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const
    return maOptionsLayout == static_cast<const SdOptionsLayoutItem&>(rAttr).maOptionsLayout;
void SdOptionsLayoutItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const
    if( pOpts )
        pOpts->SetRulerVisible( maOptionsLayout.IsRulerVisible() );
        pOpts->SetMoveOutline( maOptionsLayout.IsMoveOutline() );
        pOpts->SetDragStripes( maOptionsLayout.IsDragStripes() );
        pOpts->SetHandlesBezier( maOptionsLayout.IsHandlesBezier() );
        pOpts->SetHelplines( maOptionsLayout.IsHelplines() );
        pOpts->SetMetric( maOptionsLayout.GetMetric() );
        pOpts->SetDefTab( maOptionsLayout.GetDefTab() );
|* SdOptionsContents
SdOptionsContents::SdOptionsContents(bool bImpress) :
    SdOptionsGeneric( bImpress, bImpress ?
                        OUString( "Office.Impress/Content" ) :
                        OUString( "Office.Draw/Content" ) )
    EnableModify( true );
bool SdOptionsContents::operator==(const SdOptionsContents&) const
    return true;
void SdOptionsContents::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const
    static const char* aPropNames[] =
    rCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aPropNames);
    ppNames = aPropNames;
bool SdOptionsContents::ReadData(const Any*)
    return true;
bool SdOptionsContents::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const
    //#i80528# no draft anymore
    pValues[ 0 ] <<= false;
    pValues[ 1 ] <<= false;
    pValues[ 2 ] <<= false;
    pValues[ 3 ] <<= false;
    return true;
|* SdOptionsMisc
SdOptionsMisc::SdOptionsMisc( bool bImpress, bool bUseConfig ) :
    SdOptionsGeneric( bImpress, bUseConfig ?
                      ( bImpress ?
                        OUString( "Office.Impress/Misc" ) :
                        OUString( "Office.Draw/Misc" ) ) :
                      OUString() ),
    bStartWithTemplate( false ),
    bMarkedHitMovesAlways( true ),
    bMoveOnlyDragging( false ),
    bCrookNoContortion( false ),
    bQuickEdit( IsImpress() ),
    bMasterPageCache( true ),
    bDragWithCopy( false ),
    bPickThrough( true ),
    bDoubleClickTextEdit( true ),
    bClickChangeRotation( false ),
    bEnableSdremote( false ),
    bEnablePresenterScreen( true),
    bSolidDragging( true ),
    bSummationOfParagraphs( false ),
    bTabBarVisible( true ),
    bShowUndoDeleteWarning( true ),
    bSlideshowRespectZOrder( true ),
    bShowComments( true ),
    bPreviewNewEffects( true ),
    bPreviewChangedEffects( false ),
    bPreviewTransitions( true ),
    mnDisplay( 0 ),
    mnPenColor( 0xff0000 ),
    mnPenWidth( 150.0 ),
    // The default for 6.1-and-above documents is to use printer-independent
    // formatting.
    mnPrinterIndependentLayout (1)
    EnableModify( true );
bool SdOptionsMisc::operator==( const SdOptionsMisc& rOpt ) const
    return( IsStartWithTemplate() == rOpt.IsStartWithTemplate() &&
            IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() == rOpt.IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() &&
            IsMoveOnlyDragging() == rOpt.IsMoveOnlyDragging() &&
            IsCrookNoContortion() == rOpt.IsCrookNoContortion() &&
            IsQuickEdit() == rOpt.IsQuickEdit() &&
            IsMasterPagePaintCaching() == rOpt.IsMasterPagePaintCaching() &&
            IsDragWithCopy() == rOpt.IsDragWithCopy() &&
            IsPickThrough() == rOpt.IsPickThrough() &&
            IsDoubleClickTextEdit() == rOpt.IsDoubleClickTextEdit() &&
            IsClickChangeRotation() == rOpt.IsClickChangeRotation() &&
            IsEnableSdremote() == rOpt.IsEnableSdremote() &&
            IsEnablePresenterScreen() == rOpt.IsEnablePresenterScreen()&&
            IsSummationOfParagraphs() == rOpt.IsSummationOfParagraphs() &&
            IsTabBarVisible() == rOpt.IsTabBarVisible() &&
            IsSolidDragging() == rOpt.IsSolidDragging() &&
            IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() == rOpt.IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() &&
            IsSlideshowRespectZOrder() == rOpt.IsSlideshowRespectZOrder() &&
            GetPrinterIndependentLayout() == rOpt.GetPrinterIndependentLayout() &&
            GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() == rOpt.GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() &&
            GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() == rOpt.GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() &&
            IsPreviewNewEffects() == rOpt.IsPreviewNewEffects() &&
            IsPreviewChangedEffects() == rOpt.IsPreviewChangedEffects() &&
            IsPreviewTransitions() == rOpt.IsPreviewTransitions() &&
            GetDisplay() == rOpt.GetDisplay() &&
            IsShowComments() == rOpt.IsShowComments() &&
            GetPresentationPenColor() == rOpt.GetPresentationPenColor() &&
            GetPresentationPenWidth() == rOpt.GetPresentationPenWidth()
void SdOptionsMisc::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const
    static const char* aPropNames[] =
        // just for impress
    rCount = ( IsImpress() ? SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aPropNames) : 14 );
    ppNames = aPropNames;
bool SdOptionsMisc::ReadData( const Any* pValues )
    if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 0 ]) );
    if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetCrookNoContortion( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 1 ]) );
    if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetQuickEdit( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 2 ]) );
    if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetMasterPagePaintCaching( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 3 ]) );
    if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetDragWithCopy( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 4 ]) );
    if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetPickThrough( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 5 ]) );
    if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetDoubleClickTextEdit( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 6 ]) );
    if( pValues[7].hasValue() ) SetClickChangeRotation( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 7 ]) );
    if( pValues[9].hasValue() ) SetSolidDragging( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 9 ]) );
    if( pValues[10].hasValue() ) SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth( *o3tl::doAccess<sal_uInt32>(pValues[ 10 ]) );
    if( pValues[11].hasValue() ) SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight( *o3tl::doAccess<sal_uInt32>(pValues[ 11 ]) );
    if( pValues[12].hasValue() ) SetPrinterIndependentLayout( *o3tl::doAccess<sal_uInt16>(pValues[ 12 ]) );
    if( pValues[13].hasValue() )
        SetShowComments(  *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 13 ]) );
    // just for Impress
    if (IsImpress())
        if( pValues[14].hasValue() )
            SetStartWithTemplate( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 14 ]) );
        if( pValues[15].hasValue() )
            SetSummationOfParagraphs( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 15 ]) );
        if( pValues[16].hasValue() )
            SetShowUndoDeleteWarning( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 16 ]) );
        if( pValues[17].hasValue() )
            SetSlideshowRespectZOrder(*o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 17 ]));
        if( pValues[18].hasValue() )
            SetPreviewNewEffects(*o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 18 ]));
        if( pValues[19].hasValue() )
            SetPreviewChangedEffects(*o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 19 ]));
        if( pValues[20].hasValue() )
            SetPreviewTransitions(*o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 20 ]));
        if( pValues[21].hasValue() )
            SetDisplay(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 21 ]));
        if( pValues[22].hasValue() )
            SetPresentationPenColor( getSafeValue< sal_Int32 >( pValues[ 22 ] ) );
        if( pValues[23].hasValue() )
            SetPresentationPenWidth( getSafeValue< double >( pValues[ 23 ] ) );
        if( pValues[24].hasValue() )
            SetEnableSdremote( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 24 ]) );
        if( pValues[25].hasValue() )
            SetEnablePresenterScreen( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 25 ]) );
        if( pValues[26].hasValue() ) {
            SetTabBarVisible( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 26 ]) );
    return true;
bool SdOptionsMisc::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const
    pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsMarkedHitMovesAlways();
    pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsCrookNoContortion();
    pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsQuickEdit();
    pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsMasterPagePaintCaching();
    pValues[ 4 ] <<= IsDragWithCopy();
    pValues[ 5 ] <<= IsPickThrough();
    pValues[ 6 ] <<= IsDoubleClickTextEdit();
    pValues[ 7 ] <<= IsClickChangeRotation();
    // The preview is not supported anymore.  Use a dummy value.
    pValues[ 8 ] <<= double(0);// GetPreviewQuality();
    pValues[ 9 ] <<= IsSolidDragging();
    pValues[ 10 ] <<= GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth();
    pValues[ 11 ] <<= GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight();
    pValues[ 12 ] <<= GetPrinterIndependentLayout();
    pValues[ 13 ] <<= IsShowComments();
    // just for Impress
    if (IsImpress())
        pValues[ 14 ] <<= IsStartWithTemplate();
        pValues[ 15 ] <<= IsSummationOfParagraphs();
        pValues[ 16 ] <<= IsShowUndoDeleteWarning();
        pValues[ 17 ] <<= IsSlideshowRespectZOrder();
        pValues[ 18 ] <<= IsPreviewNewEffects();
        pValues[ 19 ] <<= IsPreviewChangedEffects();
        pValues[ 20 ] <<= IsPreviewTransitions();
        pValues[ 21 ] <<= GetDisplay();
        pValues[ 22 ] <<= GetPresentationPenColor();
        pValues[ 23 ] <<= GetPresentationPenWidth();
        pValues[ 24 ] <<= IsEnableSdremote();
        pValues[ 25 ] <<= IsEnablePresenterScreen();
        pValues[ 26 ] <<= IsTabBarVisible();
    return true;
|* SdOptionsMiscItem
:   SfxPoolItem     ( ATTR_OPTIONS_MISC )
,   maOptionsMisc   ( false, false )
SdOptionsMiscItem::SdOptionsMiscItem( SdOptions const * pOpts, ::sd::FrameView const * pView )
:   SfxPoolItem     ( ATTR_OPTIONS_MISC )
,   maOptionsMisc   ( false, false )
    if( pOpts )
        maOptionsMisc.SetStartWithTemplate( pOpts->IsStartWithTemplate() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetEnableSdremote( pOpts->IsEnableSdremote() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetEnablePresenterScreen( pOpts->IsEnablePresenterScreen() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetSummationOfParagraphs( pOpts->IsSummationOfParagraphs() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetTabBarVisible( pOpts->IsTabBarVisible() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetShowUndoDeleteWarning( pOpts->IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetPrinterIndependentLayout( pOpts->GetPrinterIndependentLayout() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth( pOpts->GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight( pOpts->GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetShowComments( pOpts->IsShowComments() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetPresentationPenColor(pOpts->GetPresentationPenColor() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetPresentationPenWidth(pOpts->GetPresentationPenWidth() );
    if( pView )
        maOptionsMisc.SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( pView->IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetMoveOnlyDragging( pView->IsMoveOnlyDragging() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetCrookNoContortion( pView->IsCrookNoContortion() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetQuickEdit( pView->IsQuickEdit() );
        // #i26631#
        maOptionsMisc.SetMasterPagePaintCaching( pView->IsMasterPagePaintCaching() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetDragWithCopy( pView->IsDragWithCopy() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetPickThrough( pView->GetModel()->IsPickThroughTransparentTextFrames() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetDoubleClickTextEdit( pView->IsDoubleClickTextEdit() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetClickChangeRotation( pView->IsClickChangeRotation() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetSolidDragging( pView->IsSolidDragging() );
    else if( pOpts )
        maOptionsMisc.SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( pOpts->IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetMoveOnlyDragging( pOpts->IsMoveOnlyDragging() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetCrookNoContortion( pOpts->IsCrookNoContortion() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetQuickEdit( pOpts->IsQuickEdit() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetMasterPagePaintCaching( pOpts->IsMasterPagePaintCaching() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetDragWithCopy( pOpts->IsDragWithCopy() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetPickThrough( pOpts->IsPickThrough() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetDoubleClickTextEdit( pOpts->IsDoubleClickTextEdit() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetClickChangeRotation( pOpts->IsClickChangeRotation() );
        maOptionsMisc.SetSolidDragging( pOpts->IsSolidDragging() );
SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsMiscItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
    return new SdOptionsMiscItem( *this );
bool SdOptionsMiscItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const
    return maOptionsMisc == static_cast<const SdOptionsMiscItem&>(rAttr).maOptionsMisc;
void SdOptionsMiscItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const
    if( pOpts )
        pOpts->SetStartWithTemplate( maOptionsMisc.IsStartWithTemplate() );
        pOpts->SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( maOptionsMisc.IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() );
        pOpts->SetMoveOnlyDragging( maOptionsMisc.IsMoveOnlyDragging() );
        pOpts->SetCrookNoContortion( maOptionsMisc.IsCrookNoContortion() );
        pOpts->SetQuickEdit( maOptionsMisc.IsQuickEdit() );
        pOpts->SetMasterPagePaintCaching( maOptionsMisc.IsMasterPagePaintCaching() );
        pOpts->SetDragWithCopy( maOptionsMisc.IsDragWithCopy() );
        pOpts->SetPickThrough( maOptionsMisc.IsPickThrough() );
        pOpts->SetDoubleClickTextEdit( maOptionsMisc.IsDoubleClickTextEdit() );
        pOpts->SetClickChangeRotation( maOptionsMisc.IsClickChangeRotation() );
        pOpts->SetEnableSdremote( maOptionsMisc.IsEnableSdremote() );
        pOpts->SetEnablePresenterScreen( maOptionsMisc.IsEnablePresenterScreen() );
        pOpts->SetSummationOfParagraphs( maOptionsMisc.IsSummationOfParagraphs() );
        pOpts->SetTabBarVisible( maOptionsMisc.IsTabBarVisible() );
        pOpts->SetSolidDragging( maOptionsMisc.IsSolidDragging() );
        pOpts->SetShowUndoDeleteWarning( maOptionsMisc.IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() );
        pOpts->SetPrinterIndependentLayout( maOptionsMisc.GetPrinterIndependentLayout() );
        pOpts->SetShowComments( maOptionsMisc.IsShowComments() );
        pOpts->SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth( maOptionsMisc.GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() );
        pOpts->SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight( maOptionsMisc.GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() );
        pOpts->SetPreviewNewEffects( maOptionsMisc.IsPreviewNewEffects() );
        pOpts->SetPreviewChangedEffects( maOptionsMisc.IsPreviewChangedEffects() );
        pOpts->SetPreviewTransitions( maOptionsMisc.IsPreviewTransitions() );
        pOpts->SetDisplay( maOptionsMisc.GetDisplay() );
        pOpts->SetPresentationPenColor( maOptionsMisc.GetPresentationPenColor() );
        pOpts->SetPresentationPenWidth( maOptionsMisc.GetPresentationPenWidth() );
|* SdOptionsSnap
SdOptionsSnap::SdOptionsSnap( bool bImpress, bool bUseConfig ) :
    SdOptionsGeneric( bImpress, bUseConfig ?
                      ( bImpress ?
                        OUString( "Office.Impress/Snap" ) :
                        OUString( "Office.Draw/Snap" ) ) :
                      OUString() ),
    bSnapHelplines( true ),
    bSnapBorder( true ),
    bSnapFrame( false ),
    bSnapPoints( false ),
    bOrtho( false ),
    bBigOrtho( true ),
    bRotate( false ),
    nSnapArea( 5 ),
    nAngle( 1500 ),
    nBezAngle( 1500 )
    EnableModify( true );
bool SdOptionsSnap::operator==( const SdOptionsSnap& rOpt ) const
    return( IsSnapHelplines() == rOpt.IsSnapHelplines() &&
            IsSnapBorder() == rOpt.IsSnapBorder() &&
            IsSnapFrame() == rOpt.IsSnapFrame() &&
            IsSnapPoints() == rOpt.IsSnapPoints() &&
            IsOrtho() == rOpt.IsOrtho() &&
            IsBigOrtho() == rOpt.IsBigOrtho() &&
            IsRotate() == rOpt.IsRotate() &&
            GetSnapArea() == rOpt.GetSnapArea() &&
            GetAngle() == rOpt.GetAngle() &&
            GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() == rOpt.GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() );
void SdOptionsSnap::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const
    static const char* aPropNames[] =
    rCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aPropNames);
    ppNames = aPropNames;
bool SdOptionsSnap::ReadData( const Any* pValues )
    if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetSnapHelplines( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 0 ]) );
    if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetSnapBorder( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 1 ]) );
    if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetSnapFrame( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 2 ]) );
    if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetSnapPoints( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 3 ]) );
    if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetOrtho( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 4 ]) );
    if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetBigOrtho( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 5 ]) );
    if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetRotate( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 6 ]) );
    if( pValues[7].hasValue() ) SetSnapArea( static_cast<sal_Int16>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 7 ])) );
    if( pValues[8].hasValue() ) SetAngle( static_cast<sal_Int16>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 8 ])) );
    if( pValues[9].hasValue() ) SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( static_cast<sal_Int16>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 9 ])) );
    return true;
bool SdOptionsSnap::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const
    pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsSnapHelplines();
    pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsSnapBorder();
    pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsSnapFrame();
    pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsSnapPoints();
    pValues[ 4 ] <<= IsOrtho();
    pValues[ 5 ] <<= IsBigOrtho();
    pValues[ 6 ] <<= IsRotate();
    pValues[ 7 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetSnapArea());
    pValues[ 8 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetAngle());
    pValues[ 9 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle());
    return true;
|* SdOptionsSnapItem
:   SfxPoolItem     ( ATTR_OPTIONS_SNAP )
,   maOptionsSnap   ( false, false )
SdOptionsSnapItem::SdOptionsSnapItem( SdOptions const * pOpts, ::sd::FrameView const * pView )
:   SfxPoolItem     ( ATTR_OPTIONS_SNAP )
,   maOptionsSnap   ( false, false )
    if( pView )
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapHelplines( pView->IsHlplSnap() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapBorder( pView->IsBordSnap() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapFrame( pView->IsOFrmSnap() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapPoints( pView->IsOPntSnap() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetOrtho( pView->IsOrtho() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetBigOrtho( pView->IsBigOrtho() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetRotate( pView->IsAngleSnapEnabled() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapArea( pView->GetSnapMagneticPixel() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetAngle( static_cast<sal_Int16>(pView->GetSnapAngle()) );
        maOptionsSnap.SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( static_cast<sal_Int16>(pView->GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle()) );
    else if( pOpts )
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapHelplines( pOpts->IsSnapHelplines() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapBorder( pOpts->IsSnapBorder() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapFrame( pOpts->IsSnapFrame() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapPoints( pOpts->IsSnapPoints() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetOrtho( pOpts->IsOrtho() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetBigOrtho( pOpts->IsBigOrtho() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetRotate( pOpts->IsRotate() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetSnapArea( pOpts->GetSnapArea() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetAngle( pOpts->GetAngle() );
        maOptionsSnap.SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( pOpts->GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() );
SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsSnapItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
    return new SdOptionsSnapItem( *this );
bool SdOptionsSnapItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const
    return maOptionsSnap == static_cast<const SdOptionsSnapItem&>(rAttr).maOptionsSnap;
void SdOptionsSnapItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const
    if( pOpts )
        pOpts->SetSnapHelplines( maOptionsSnap.IsSnapHelplines() );
        pOpts->SetSnapBorder( maOptionsSnap.IsSnapBorder() );
        pOpts->SetSnapFrame( maOptionsSnap.IsSnapFrame() );
        pOpts->SetSnapPoints( maOptionsSnap.IsSnapPoints() );
        pOpts->SetOrtho( maOptionsSnap.IsOrtho() );
        pOpts->SetBigOrtho( maOptionsSnap.IsBigOrtho() );
        pOpts->SetRotate( maOptionsSnap.IsRotate() );
        pOpts->SetSnapArea( maOptionsSnap.GetSnapArea() );
        pOpts->SetAngle( maOptionsSnap.GetAngle() );
        pOpts->SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( maOptionsSnap.GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() );
|* SdOptionsZoom
SdOptionsZoom::SdOptionsZoom( bool bImpress ) :
    SdOptionsGeneric( bImpress, bImpress ?
                                 OUString() :
                                 OUString("Office.Draw/Zoom") ),
    nX( 1 ),
    nY( 1 )
    EnableModify( true );
void SdOptionsZoom::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const
    static const char* aPropNames[] =
    rCount = !IsImpress() ? SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aPropNames) : 0;
    ppNames = aPropNames;
bool SdOptionsZoom::ReadData( const Any* pValues )
    sal_Int32 x = 1, y = 1;
    if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) x = *o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 0 ]);
    if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) y = *o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 1 ]);
    SetScale( x, y );
    return true;
bool SdOptionsZoom::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const
    sal_Int32 x, y;
    GetScale( x, y );
    pValues[ 0 ] <<= x;
    pValues[ 1 ] <<= y;
    return true;
|* SdOptionsGrid
SdOptionsGrid::SdOptionsGrid(bool bImpress) :
    SdOptionsGeneric( bImpress,
                      bImpress ?
                        OUString( "Office.Impress/Grid" ) :
                        OUString( "Office.Draw/Grid" )
    EnableModify( false );
    EnableModify( true );
void SdOptionsGrid::SetDefaults()
    const sal_uInt32 nVal = 1000;
    SetFieldDivisionX( nVal );
    SetFieldDivisionY( nVal );
    SetFieldDrawX( nVal );
    SetFieldDrawY( nVal );
    SetFieldSnapX( nVal );
    SetFieldSnapY( nVal );
    SetUseGridSnap( false );
    SetSynchronize( true );
    SetGridVisible( false );
    SetEqualGrid( true );
void SdOptionsGrid::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const
    if( isMetricSystem() )
        static const char* aPropNamesMetric[] =
        ppNames = aPropNamesMetric;
        rCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aPropNamesMetric);
        static const char* aPropNamesNonMetric[] =
        ppNames = aPropNamesNonMetric;
        rCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aPropNamesNonMetric);
bool SdOptionsGrid::ReadData( const Any* pValues )
    if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetFieldDrawX( *o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 0 ]) );
    if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetFieldDrawY( *o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 1 ]) );
    if( pValues[2].hasValue() )
        const sal_uInt32 nDivX = FRound( *o3tl::doAccess<double>(pValues[ 2 ]) );
        SetFieldDivisionX( SvxOptionsGrid::GetFieldDrawX() / ( nDivX + 1 ) );
    if( pValues[3].hasValue() )
        const sal_uInt32 nDivY = FRound( *o3tl::doAccess<double>(pValues[ 3 ]) );
        SetFieldDivisionY( SvxOptionsGrid::GetFieldDrawY() / ( nDivY + 1 ) );
    if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetFieldSnapX( *o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 4 ]) );
    if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetFieldSnapY( *o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 5 ]) );
    if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetUseGridSnap( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 6 ]) );
    if( pValues[7].hasValue() ) SetSynchronize( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 7 ]) );
    if( pValues[8].hasValue() ) SetGridVisible( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 8 ]) );
    if( pValues[9].hasValue() ) SetEqualGrid( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 9 ]) );
    return true;
bool SdOptionsGrid::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const
    pValues[ 0 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetFieldDrawX());
    pValues[ 1 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetFieldDrawY());
    pValues[ 2 ] <<= ( GetFieldDivisionX() ? ( static_cast<double>(GetFieldDrawX()) / GetFieldDivisionX() - 1.0 ) : double(0) );
    pValues[ 3 ] <<= ( GetFieldDivisionY() ? ( static_cast<double>(GetFieldDrawY()) / GetFieldDivisionY() - 1.0 ) : double(0) );
    pValues[ 4 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetFieldSnapX());
    pValues[ 5 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetFieldSnapY());
    pValues[ 6 ] <<= IsUseGridSnap();
    pValues[ 7 ] <<= IsSynchronize();
    pValues[ 8 ] <<= IsGridVisible();
    pValues[ 9 ] <<= IsEqualGrid();
    return true;
|* SdOptionsGridItem
SdOptionsGridItem::SdOptionsGridItem( SdOptions const * pOpts ) :
    SetSynchronize( pOpts->IsSynchronize() );
    SetEqualGrid( pOpts->IsEqualGrid() );
    SetFieldDrawX( pOpts->GetFieldDrawX() );
    SetFieldDrawY( pOpts->GetFieldDrawY() );
    SetFieldDivisionX( pOpts->GetFieldDivisionX() ? ( pOpts->GetFieldDrawX() / pOpts->GetFieldDivisionX() - 1 ) : 0 );
    SetFieldDivisionY( pOpts->GetFieldDivisionY() ? ( pOpts->GetFieldDrawY() / pOpts->GetFieldDivisionY() - 1 ) : 0 );
    SetFieldSnapX( pOpts->GetFieldSnapX() );
    SetFieldSnapY( pOpts->GetFieldSnapY() );
    SetUseGridSnap( pOpts->IsUseGridSnap() );
    SetGridVisible( pOpts->IsGridVisible() );
void SdOptionsGridItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const
    pOpts->SetFieldDrawX( GetFieldDrawX() );
    pOpts->SetFieldDivisionX( GetFieldDrawX() / ( GetFieldDivisionX() + 1 ) );
    pOpts->SetFieldDrawY( GetFieldDrawY() );
    pOpts->SetFieldDivisionY( GetFieldDrawY() / ( GetFieldDivisionY() + 1 ) );
    pOpts->SetFieldSnapX( GetFieldSnapX() );
    pOpts->SetFieldSnapY( GetFieldSnapY() );
    pOpts->SetUseGridSnap( GetUseGridSnap() );
    pOpts->SetSynchronize( GetSynchronize() );
    pOpts->SetGridVisible( GetGridVisible() );
    pOpts->SetEqualGrid( GetEqualGrid() );
|* SdOptionsPrint
SdOptionsPrint::SdOptionsPrint( bool bImpress, bool bUseConfig ) :
    SdOptionsGeneric( bImpress, bUseConfig ?
                      ( bImpress ?
                        OUString( "Office.Impress/Print" ) :
                        OUString( "Office.Draw/Print" ) ) :
                      OUString() ),
    bDraw( true ),
    bNotes( false ),
    bHandout( false ),
    bOutline( false ),
    bDate( false ),
    bTime( false ),
    bPagename( false ),
    bHiddenPages( true ),
    bPagesize( false ),
    bPagetile( false ),
    bWarningPrinter( true ),
    bWarningSize( false ),
    bWarningOrientation( false ),
    bBooklet( false ),
    bFront( true ),
    bBack( true ),
    bCutPage( false ),
    bPaperbin( false ),
    mbHandoutHorizontal( true ),
    mnHandoutPages( 6 ),
    nQuality( 0 )
    EnableModify( true );
bool SdOptionsPrint::operator==( const SdOptionsPrint& rOpt ) const
    return( IsDraw() == rOpt.IsDraw() &&
            IsNotes() == rOpt.IsNotes() &&
            IsHandout() == rOpt.IsHandout() &&
            IsOutline() == rOpt.IsOutline() &&
            IsDate() == rOpt.IsDate() &&
            IsTime() == rOpt.IsTime() &&
            IsPagename() == rOpt.IsPagename() &&
            IsHiddenPages() == rOpt.IsHiddenPages() &&
            IsPagesize() == rOpt.IsPagesize() &&
            IsPagetile() == rOpt.IsPagetile() &&
            IsWarningPrinter() == rOpt.IsWarningPrinter() &&
            IsWarningSize() == rOpt.IsWarningSize() &&
            IsWarningOrientation() == rOpt.IsWarningOrientation() &&
            IsBooklet() == rOpt.IsBooklet() &&
            IsFrontPage() == rOpt.IsFrontPage() &&
            IsBackPage() == rOpt.IsBackPage() &&
            IsCutPage() == rOpt.IsCutPage() &&
            IsPaperbin() == rOpt.IsPaperbin() &&
            GetOutputQuality() == rOpt.GetOutputQuality() &&
            IsHandoutHorizontal() == rOpt.IsHandoutHorizontal() &&
            GetHandoutPages() == rOpt.GetHandoutPages() );
void SdOptionsPrint::GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const
    if (IsImpress())
        static const char* aImpressPropNames[] =
            // bWarningPrinter
            // bWarningSize
            // bWarningOrientation
            // bCutPage
        rCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aImpressPropNames);
        ppNames = aImpressPropNames;
        static const char* aDrawPropNames[] =
            // bWarningPrinter
            // bWarningSize
            // bWarningOrientation
            // bCutPage
        rCount = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(aDrawPropNames);
        ppNames = aDrawPropNames;
bool SdOptionsPrint::ReadData( const Any* pValues )
    if( pValues[0].hasValue() ) SetDate( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 0 ]) );
    if( pValues[1].hasValue() ) SetTime( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 1 ]) );
    if( pValues[2].hasValue() ) SetPagename( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 2 ]) );
    if( pValues[3].hasValue() ) SetHiddenPages( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 3 ]) );
    if( pValues[4].hasValue() ) SetPagesize( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 4 ]) );
    if( pValues[5].hasValue() ) SetPagetile( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 5 ]) );
    if( pValues[6].hasValue() ) SetBooklet( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 6 ]) );
    if( pValues[7].hasValue() ) SetFrontPage( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 7 ]) );
    if( pValues[8].hasValue() ) SetBackPage( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 8 ]) );
    if( pValues[9].hasValue() ) SetPaperbin( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 9 ]) );
    if( pValues[10].hasValue() ) SetOutputQuality( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[ 10 ])) );
    if( pValues[11].hasValue() ) SetDraw( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 11 ]) );
    // just for impress
    if (IsImpress())
        if( pValues[12].hasValue() ) SetNotes( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 12 ]) );
        if( pValues[13].hasValue() ) SetHandout( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 13 ]) );
        if( pValues[14].hasValue() ) SetOutline( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[ 14 ]) );
        if( pValues[15].hasValue() ) SetHandoutHorizontal( *o3tl::doAccess<bool>(pValues[15]) );
        if( pValues[16].hasValue() ) SetHandoutPages( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(*o3tl::doAccess<sal_Int32>(pValues[16])) );
    return true;
bool SdOptionsPrint::WriteData( Any* pValues ) const
    pValues[ 0 ] <<= IsDate();
    pValues[ 1 ] <<= IsTime();
    pValues[ 2 ] <<= IsPagename();
    pValues[ 3 ] <<= IsHiddenPages();
    pValues[ 4 ] <<= IsPagesize();
    pValues[ 5 ] <<= IsPagetile();
    pValues[ 6 ] <<= IsBooklet();
    pValues[ 7 ] <<= IsFrontPage();
    pValues[ 8 ] <<= IsBackPage();
    pValues[ 9 ] <<= IsPaperbin();
    pValues[ 10 ] <<= static_cast<sal_Int32>(GetOutputQuality());
    pValues[ 11 ] <<= IsDraw();
    // just for impress
    if (IsImpress())
        pValues[ 12 ] <<= IsNotes();
        pValues[ 13 ] <<= IsHandout();
        pValues[ 14 ] <<= IsOutline();
        pValues[ 15 ] <<= IsHandoutHorizontal();
        pValues[ 16 ] <<= GetHandoutPages();
    return true;
|* SdOptionsPrintItem
:   SfxPoolItem     ( ATTR_OPTIONS_PRINT )
,   maOptionsPrint  ( false, false )
SdOptionsPrintItem::SdOptionsPrintItem( SdOptions const * pOpts )
:   SfxPoolItem     ( ATTR_OPTIONS_PRINT )
,   maOptionsPrint  ( false, false )
    if( pOpts )
        maOptionsPrint.SetDraw( pOpts->IsDraw() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetNotes( pOpts->IsNotes() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetHandout( pOpts->IsHandout() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetOutline( pOpts->IsOutline() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetDate( pOpts->IsDate() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetTime( pOpts->IsTime() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetPagename( pOpts->IsPagename() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetHiddenPages( pOpts->IsHiddenPages() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetPagesize( pOpts->IsPagesize() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetPagetile( pOpts->IsPagetile() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetWarningPrinter( pOpts->IsWarningPrinter() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetWarningSize( pOpts->IsWarningSize() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetWarningOrientation( pOpts->IsWarningOrientation() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetBooklet( pOpts->IsBooklet() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetFrontPage( pOpts->IsFrontPage() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetBackPage( pOpts->IsBackPage() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetCutPage( pOpts->IsCutPage() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetPaperbin( pOpts->IsPaperbin() );
        maOptionsPrint.SetOutputQuality( pOpts->GetOutputQuality() );
SfxPoolItem* SdOptionsPrintItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
    return new SdOptionsPrintItem( *this );
bool SdOptionsPrintItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const
    return maOptionsPrint == static_cast<const SdOptionsPrintItem&>(rAttr).maOptionsPrint;
void SdOptionsPrintItem::SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const
    if( pOpts )
        pOpts->SetDraw( maOptionsPrint.IsDraw() );
        pOpts->SetNotes( maOptionsPrint.IsNotes() );
        pOpts->SetHandout( maOptionsPrint.IsHandout() );
        pOpts->SetOutline( maOptionsPrint.IsOutline() );
        pOpts->SetDate( maOptionsPrint.IsDate() );
        pOpts->SetTime( maOptionsPrint.IsTime() );
        pOpts->SetPagename( maOptionsPrint.IsPagename() );
        pOpts->SetHiddenPages( maOptionsPrint.IsHiddenPages() );
        pOpts->SetPagesize( maOptionsPrint.IsPagesize() );
        pOpts->SetPagetile( maOptionsPrint.IsPagetile() );
        pOpts->SetWarningPrinter( maOptionsPrint.IsWarningPrinter() );
        pOpts->SetWarningSize( maOptionsPrint.IsWarningSize() );
        pOpts->SetWarningOrientation( maOptionsPrint.IsWarningOrientation() );
        pOpts->SetBooklet( maOptionsPrint.IsBooklet() );
        pOpts->SetFrontPage( maOptionsPrint.IsFrontPage() );
        pOpts->SetBackPage( maOptionsPrint.IsBackPage() );
        pOpts->SetCutPage( maOptionsPrint.IsCutPage() );
        pOpts->SetPaperbin( maOptionsPrint.IsPaperbin() );
        pOpts->SetOutputQuality( maOptionsPrint.GetOutputQuality() );
|* SdOptions
SdOptions::SdOptions(bool bImpress) :
    SdOptionsLayout( bImpress, true ),
    SdOptionsContents( bImpress ),
    SdOptionsMisc( bImpress, true ),
    SdOptionsSnap( bImpress, true ),
    SdOptionsZoom( bImpress ),
    SdOptionsGrid( bImpress ),
    SdOptionsPrint( bImpress, true )
void SdOptions::StoreConfig()
sal_Int32 SdOptionsMisc::GetDisplay() const
    return mnDisplay;
void SdOptionsMisc::SetDisplay( sal_Int32 nDisplay )
    if( mnDisplay != nDisplay )
        mnDisplay = nDisplay;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V794 The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &rSource'.