/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include "NetChart.hxx"
#include <PlottingPositionHelper.hxx>
#include <ShapeFactory.hxx>
#include <ExplicitCategoriesProvider.hxx>
#include <CommonConverters.hxx>
#include <ViewDefines.hxx>
#include <ObjectIdentifier.hxx>
#include <ChartTypeHelper.hxx>
#include <LabelPositionHelper.hxx>
#include <Clipping.hxx>
#include <Stripe.hxx>
#include <PolarLabelPositionHelper.hxx>
#include <DateHelper.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/Symbol.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart/DataLabelPlacement.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart/MissingValueTreatment.hpp>
#include <editeng/unoprnms.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/DoubleSequence.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/NormalsKind.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XShapes.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceName.hpp>
namespace chart
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
using namespace ::rtl::math;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::chart2;
NetChart::NetChart( const uno::Reference<XChartType>& xChartTypeModel
                     , sal_Int32 nDimensionCount
                     , bool bNoArea
                     , std::unique_ptr<PlottingPositionHelper> pPlottingPositionHelper
        : VSeriesPlotter( xChartTypeModel, nDimensionCount, true )
        , m_pMainPosHelper(std::move(pPlottingPositionHelper))
        , m_bArea(!bNoArea)
        , m_bLine(bNoArea)
    // we only support 2D Net charts
    assert(nDimensionCount == 2);
    PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper = m_pMainPosHelper.get();
    VSeriesPlotter::m_pMainPosHelper = m_pMainPosHelper.get();
double NetChart::getMaximumX()
    double fMax = VSeriesPlotter::getMaximumX() + 1.0;
    return fMax;
bool NetChart::isExpandIfValuesCloseToBorder( sal_Int32 )
    return false;
bool NetChart::isSeparateStackingForDifferentSigns( sal_Int32 /*nDimensionIndex*/ )
    // no separate stacking in all types of line/area charts
    return false;
LegendSymbolStyle NetChart::getLegendSymbolStyle()
    if( m_bArea )
        return LegendSymbolStyle_BOX;
    return LegendSymbolStyle_LINE;
uno::Any NetChart::getExplicitSymbol( const VDataSeries& rSeries, sal_Int32 nPointIndex )
    uno::Any aRet;
    Symbol* pSymbolProperties = rSeries.getSymbolProperties( nPointIndex );
    if( pSymbolProperties )
        aRet <<= *pSymbolProperties;
    return aRet;
drawing::Direction3D NetChart::getPreferredDiagramAspectRatio() const
    return drawing::Direction3D(1,1,1);
bool NetChart::impl_createLine( VDataSeries* pSeries
                , drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D* pSeriesPoly
                , PlottingPositionHelper const * pPosHelper )
    //return true if a line was created successfully
    uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xSeriesGroupShape_Shapes = getSeriesGroupShapeBackChild(pSeries, m_xSeriesTarget);
    drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D aPoly;
        bool bIsClipped = false;
        if( !ShapeFactory::isPolygonEmptyOrSinglePoint(*pSeriesPoly) )
            // do NOT connect last and first point, if one is NAN, and NAN handling is NAN_AS_GAP
            double fFirstY = pSeries->getYValue( 0 );
            double fLastY = pSeries->getYValue( VSeriesPlotter::getPointCount() - 1 );
            if( (pSeries->getMissingValueTreatment() != css::chart::MissingValueTreatment::LEAVE_GAP)
                || (::rtl::math::isFinite( fFirstY ) && ::rtl::math::isFinite( fLastY )) )
                // connect last point in last polygon with first point in first polygon
                ::basegfx::B2DRectangle aScaledLogicClipDoubleRect( pPosHelper->getScaledLogicClipDoubleRect() );
                drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D aTmpPoly(*pSeriesPoly);
                drawing::Position3D aLast(aScaledLogicClipDoubleRect.getMaxX(),aTmpPoly.SequenceY[0][0],aTmpPoly.SequenceZ[0][0]);
                // add connector line to last polygon
                AddPointToPoly( aTmpPoly, aLast, pSeriesPoly->SequenceX.getLength() - 1 );
                Clipping::clipPolygonAtRectangle( aTmpPoly, aScaledLogicClipDoubleRect, aPoly );
                bIsClipped = true;
        if( !bIsClipped )
            Clipping::clipPolygonAtRectangle( *pSeriesPoly, pPosHelper->getScaledLogicClipDoubleRect(), aPoly );
        return false;
    //transformation 3) -> 4)
    pPosHelper->transformScaledLogicToScene( aPoly );
    //create line:
    uno::Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape;
        xShape = m_pShapeFactory->createLine2D( xSeriesGroupShape_Shapes
                , PolyToPointSequence( aPoly ) );
        setMappedProperties( xShape
                , pSeries->getPropertiesOfSeries()
                , PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForLineSeriesProperties() );
        //because of this name this line will be used for marking
        ::chart::ShapeFactory::setShapeName(xShape, "MarkHandles");
    return true;
bool NetChart::impl_createArea( VDataSeries* pSeries
                , drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D* pSeriesPoly
                , drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D const * pPreviousSeriesPoly
                , PlottingPositionHelper const * pPosHelper )
    //return true if an area was created successfully
    uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xSeriesGroupShape_Shapes = getSeriesGroupShapeBackChild(pSeries, m_xSeriesTarget);
    double zValue = pSeries->m_fLogicZPos;
    drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D aPoly( *pSeriesPoly );
    //add second part to the polygon (grounding points or previous series points)
    if( !ShapeFactory::isPolygonEmptyOrSinglePoint(*pSeriesPoly) )
        if( pPreviousSeriesPoly )
            addPolygon( aPoly, *pPreviousSeriesPoly );
    else if(!pPreviousSeriesPoly)
        double fMinX = pSeries->m_fLogicMinX;
        double fMaxX = pSeries->m_fLogicMaxX;
        double fY = pPosHelper->getBaseValueY();//logic grounding
        //clip to scale
        if(fMaxX<pPosHelper->getLogicMinX() || fMinX>pPosHelper->getLogicMaxX())
            return false;//no visible shape needed
        pPosHelper->clipLogicValues( &fMinX, &fY, nullptr );
        pPosHelper->clipLogicValues( &fMaxX, nullptr, nullptr );
        //apply scaling
            pPosHelper->doLogicScaling( &fMinX, &fY, &zValue );
            pPosHelper->doLogicScaling( &fMaxX, nullptr, nullptr );
        AddPointToPoly( aPoly, drawing::Position3D( fMaxX,fY,zValue) );
        AddPointToPoly( aPoly, drawing::Position3D( fMinX,fY,zValue) );
        appendPoly( aPoly, *pPreviousSeriesPoly );
    //apply clipping
        drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D aClippedPoly;
        Clipping::clipPolygonAtRectangle( aPoly, pPosHelper->getScaledLogicClipDoubleRect(), aClippedPoly, false );
        ShapeFactory::closePolygon(aClippedPoly); //again necessary after clipping
        aPoly = aClippedPoly;
        return false;
    //transformation 3) -> 4)
    pPosHelper->transformScaledLogicToScene( aPoly );
    //create area:
    uno::Reference< drawing::XShape >
        xShape = m_pShapeFactory->createArea2D( xSeriesGroupShape_Shapes
                , aPoly );
    setMappedProperties( xShape
                , pSeries->getPropertiesOfSeries()
                , PropertyMapper::getPropertyNameMapForFilledSeriesProperties() );
    //because of this name this line will be used for marking
    ::chart::ShapeFactory::setShapeName(xShape, "MarkHandles");
    return true;
void NetChart::impl_createSeriesShapes()
    //the polygon shapes for each series need to be created before
    //iterate through all series again to create the series shapes
    for( auto const& rZSlot : m_aZSlots )
        for( auto const& rXSlot : rZSlot )
            std::map< sal_Int32, drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D* > aPreviousSeriesPolyMap;//a PreviousSeriesPoly for each different nAttachedAxisIndex
            drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D* pSeriesPoly = nullptr;
            //iterate through all series
            for( std::unique_ptr<VDataSeries> const & pSeries : rXSlot.m_aSeriesVector )
                sal_Int32 nAttachedAxisIndex = pSeries->getAttachedAxisIndex();
                PlottingPositionHelper* pPosHelper = &(getPlottingPositionHelper( nAttachedAxisIndex ));
                    pPosHelper = m_pMainPosHelper.get();
                PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper = pPosHelper;
                pSeriesPoly = &pSeries->m_aPolyPolygonShape3D;
                if( m_bArea )
                    if( !impl_createArea( pSeries.get(), pSeriesPoly, aPreviousSeriesPolyMap[nAttachedAxisIndex], pPosHelper ) )
                if( m_bLine )
                    if( !impl_createLine( pSeries.get(), pSeriesPoly, pPosHelper ) )
                aPreviousSeriesPolyMap[nAttachedAxisIndex] = pSeriesPoly;
            }//next series in x slot (next y slot)
        }//next x slot
    }//next z slot
void lcl_reorderSeries( std::vector< std::vector< VDataSeriesGroup > >&  rZSlots )
    std::vector< std::vector< VDataSeriesGroup > >  aRet;
    aRet.reserve( rZSlots.size() );
    std::vector< std::vector< VDataSeriesGroup > >::reverse_iterator aZIt( rZSlots.rbegin() );
    std::vector< std::vector< VDataSeriesGroup > >::reverse_iterator aZEnd( rZSlots.rend() );
    for( ; aZIt != aZEnd; ++aZIt )
        std::vector< VDataSeriesGroup > aXSlot;
        std::vector< VDataSeriesGroup >::reverse_iterator aXIt( aZIt->rbegin() );
        std::vector< VDataSeriesGroup >::reverse_iterator aXEnd( aZIt->rend() );
        for( ; aXIt != aXEnd; ++aXIt )
    rZSlots = std::move(aRet);
}//anonymous namespace
//better performance for big data
struct FormerPoint
    FormerPoint( double fX, double fY, double fZ )
        : m_fX(fX), m_fY(fY), m_fZ(fZ)
        ::rtl::math::setNan( &m_fX );
        ::rtl::math::setNan( &m_fY );
        ::rtl::math::setNan( &m_fZ );
    double m_fX;
    double m_fY;
    double m_fZ;
void NetChart::createShapes()
    if( m_aZSlots.empty() ) //no series
    if( m_bArea )
        lcl_reorderSeries( m_aZSlots );
    OSL_ENSURE(m_pShapeFactory&&m_xLogicTarget.is()&&m_xFinalTarget.is(),"NetChart is not proper initialized");
    //the text labels should be always on top of the other series shapes
    //for area chart the error bars should be always on top of the other series shapes
    //therefore create an own group for the texts and the error bars to move them to front
    //(because the text group is created after the series group the texts are displayed on top)
    m_xSeriesTarget   = createGroupShape( m_xLogicTarget );
    m_xTextTarget     = m_pShapeFactory->createGroup2D( m_xFinalTarget );
    //check necessary here that different Y axis can not be stacked in the same group? ... hm?
    //update/create information for current group
    double fLogicZ        = 1.0;//as defined
    sal_Int32 const nStartIndex = 0; // inclusive       ;..todo get somehow from x scale
    sal_Int32 nEndIndex = VSeriesPlotter::getPointCount();
    //better performance for big data
    std::map< VDataSeries*, FormerPoint > aSeriesFormerPointMap;
    m_bPointsWereSkipped = false;
    sal_Int32 nSkippedPoints = 0;
    sal_Int32 nCreatedPoints = 0;
    bool bDateCategory = (m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider && m_pExplicitCategoriesProvider->isDateAxis());
    //iterate through all x values per indices
    for( sal_Int32 nIndex = nStartIndex; nIndex < nEndIndex; nIndex++ )
        std::map< sal_Int32, double > aLogicYSumMap;//one for each different nAttachedAxisIndex
        for( auto const& rZSlot : m_aZSlots )
            //iterate through all x slots in this category to get 100percent sum
            for( auto const& rXSlot : rZSlot )
                for( std::unique_ptr<VDataSeries> const & pSeries : rXSlot.m_aSeriesVector )
                    if (bDateCategory)
                    sal_Int32 nAttachedAxisIndex = pSeries->getAttachedAxisIndex();
                    if( aLogicYSumMap.find(nAttachedAxisIndex)==aLogicYSumMap.end() )
                    PlottingPositionHelper* pPosHelper = &(getPlottingPositionHelper( nAttachedAxisIndex ));
                        pPosHelper = m_pMainPosHelper.get();
                    PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper = pPosHelper;
                    double fAdd = pSeries->getYValue( nIndex );
                    if( !::rtl::math::isNan(fAdd) && !::rtl::math::isInf(fAdd) )
                        aLogicYSumMap[nAttachedAxisIndex] += fabs( fAdd );
        for( auto const& rZSlot : m_aZSlots )
            //for the area chart there should be at most one x slot (no side by side stacking available)
            //attention different: xSlots are always interpreted as independent areas one behind the other: @todo this doesn't work why not???
            for( auto const& rXSlot : rZSlot )
                std::map< sal_Int32, double > aLogicYForNextSeriesMap;//one for each different nAttachedAxisIndex
                //iterate through all series
                for( std::unique_ptr<VDataSeries> const & pSeries : rXSlot.m_aSeriesVector )
                    /*  #i70133# ignore points outside of series length in standard area
                        charts. Stacked area charts will use missing points as zeros. In
                        standard charts, pSeriesList contains only one series. */
                    if( m_bArea && (rXSlot.m_aSeriesVector.size() == 1) && (nIndex >= pSeries->getTotalPointCount()) )
                    uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xSeriesGroupShape_Shapes = getSeriesGroupShapeFrontChild(pSeries.get(), m_xSeriesTarget);
                    sal_Int32 nAttachedAxisIndex = pSeries->getAttachedAxisIndex();
                    PlottingPositionHelper* pPosHelper = &(getPlottingPositionHelper( nAttachedAxisIndex ));
                        pPosHelper = m_pMainPosHelper.get();
                    PlotterBase::m_pPosHelper = pPosHelper;
                    pSeries->m_fLogicZPos = fLogicZ;
                    //collect data point information (logic coordinates, style ):
                    double fLogicX = pSeries->getXValue(nIndex);
                    if (bDateCategory)
                        fLogicX = DateHelper::RasterizeDateValue( fLogicX, m_aNullDate, m_nTimeResolution );
                    double fLogicY = pSeries->getYValue(nIndex);
                    if( m_bArea && ( ::rtl::math::isNan(fLogicY) || ::rtl::math::isInf(fLogicY) ) )
                        if( pSeries->getMissingValueTreatment() == css::chart::MissingValueTreatment::LEAVE_GAP )
                            if( rXSlot.m_aSeriesVector.size() == 1 || pSeries == rXSlot.m_aSeriesVector.front() )
                                fLogicY = pPosHelper->getLogicMinY();
                                if( !pPosHelper->isMathematicalOrientationY() )
                                    fLogicY = pPosHelper->getLogicMaxY();
                                fLogicY = 0.0;
                    if( pPosHelper->isPercentY() && aLogicYSumMap[nAttachedAxisIndex] != 0.0 )
                        fLogicY = fabs( fLogicY )/aLogicYSumMap[nAttachedAxisIndex];
                    if(    ::rtl::math::isNan(fLogicX) || ::rtl::math::isInf(fLogicX)
                        || ::rtl::math::isNan(fLogicY) || ::rtl::math::isInf(fLogicY)
                        || ::rtl::math::isNan(fLogicZ) || ::rtl::math::isInf(fLogicZ) )
                        if( pSeries->getMissingValueTreatment() == css::chart::MissingValueTreatment::LEAVE_GAP )
                            drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPolygon = pSeries->m_aPolyPolygonShape3D;
                            sal_Int32& rIndex = pSeries->m_nPolygonIndex;
                            if( 0<= rIndex && rIndex < rPolygon.SequenceX.getLength() )
                                if( rPolygon.SequenceX[ rIndex ].getLength() )
                                    rIndex++; //start a new polygon for the next point if the current poly is not empty
                    if( aLogicYForNextSeriesMap.find(nAttachedAxisIndex) == aLogicYForNextSeriesMap.end() )
                        aLogicYForNextSeriesMap[nAttachedAxisIndex] = 0.0;
                    double fLogicValueForLabeDisplay = fLogicY;
                    fLogicY += aLogicYForNextSeriesMap[nAttachedAxisIndex];
                    aLogicYForNextSeriesMap[nAttachedAxisIndex] = fLogicY;
                    bool bIsVisible = pPosHelper->isLogicVisible( fLogicX, fLogicY, fLogicZ );
                    //remind minimal and maximal x values for area 'grounding' points
                    //only for filled area
                        double& rfMinX = pSeries->m_fLogicMinX;
                        double& rfMaxX = pSeries->m_fLogicMaxX;
                    drawing::Position3D aUnscaledLogicPosition( fLogicX, fLogicY, fLogicZ );
                    drawing::Position3D aScaledLogicPosition(aUnscaledLogicPosition);
                    pPosHelper->doLogicScaling( aScaledLogicPosition );
                    //transformation 3) -> 4)
                    drawing::Position3D aScenePosition( pPosHelper->transformLogicToScene( fLogicX,fLogicY,fLogicZ, false ) );
                    //better performance for big data
                    FormerPoint aFormerPoint( aSeriesFormerPointMap[pSeries.get()] );
                    pPosHelper->setCoordinateSystemResolution( m_aCoordinateSystemResolution );
                    if( !pSeries->isAttributedDataPoint(nIndex)
                        pPosHelper->isSameForGivenResolution( aFormerPoint.m_fX, aFormerPoint.m_fY, aFormerPoint.m_fZ
                                                            , aScaledLogicPosition.PositionX, aScaledLogicPosition.PositionY, aScaledLogicPosition.PositionZ ) )
                        m_bPointsWereSkipped = true;
                    aSeriesFormerPointMap[pSeries.get()] = FormerPoint(aScaledLogicPosition.PositionX, aScaledLogicPosition.PositionY, aScaledLogicPosition.PositionZ);
                    //store point information for series polygon
                    //for area and/or line (symbols only do not need this)
                    if( isValidPosition(aScaledLogicPosition) )
                        AddPointToPoly( pSeries->m_aPolyPolygonShape3D, aScaledLogicPosition, pSeries->m_nPolygonIndex );
                        //prepare clipping for filled net charts
                        if( !bIsVisible && m_bArea )
                            drawing::Position3D aClippedPos(aScaledLogicPosition);
                            pPosHelper->clipScaledLogicValues( nullptr, &aClippedPos.PositionY, nullptr );
                            if( pPosHelper->isLogicVisible( aClippedPos.PositionX, aClippedPos.PositionY, aClippedPos.PositionZ ) )
                                AddPointToPoly( pSeries->m_aPolyPolygonShape3D, aClippedPos, pSeries->m_nPolygonIndex );
                                AddPointToPoly( pSeries->m_aPolyPolygonShape3D, aScaledLogicPosition, pSeries->m_nPolygonIndex );
                    //create a single datapoint if point is visible
                    //apply clipping:
                    if( !bIsVisible )
                    Symbol* pSymbolProperties = pSeries->getSymbolProperties( nIndex );
                    bool bCreateSymbol = pSymbolProperties && (pSymbolProperties->Style != SymbolStyle_NONE);
                    if( !bCreateSymbol && !pSeries->getDataPointLabelIfLabel(nIndex) )
                    //create a group shape for this point and add to the series shape:
                    OUString aPointCID = ObjectIdentifier::createPointCID(
                        pSeries->getPointCID_Stub(), nIndex );
                    uno::Reference< drawing::XShapes > xPointGroupShape_Shapes(
                        createGroupShape(xSeriesGroupShape_Shapes,aPointCID) );
                    uno::Reference<drawing::XShape> xPointGroupShape_Shape =
                            uno::Reference<drawing::XShape>( xPointGroupShape_Shapes, uno::UNO_QUERY );
                        //create data point
                        drawing::Direction3D aSymbolSize(0,0,0);
                        if( bCreateSymbol )
                            if( pSymbolProperties )
                                if( pSymbolProperties->Style != SymbolStyle_NONE )
                                    aSymbolSize.DirectionX = pSymbolProperties->Size.Width;
                                    aSymbolSize.DirectionY = pSymbolProperties->Size.Height;
                                if( pSymbolProperties->Style == SymbolStyle_STANDARD )
                                    sal_Int32 nSymbol = pSymbolProperties->StandardSymbol;
                                    m_pShapeFactory->createSymbol2D( xPointGroupShape_Shapes
                                            , aScenePosition, aSymbolSize
                                            , nSymbol
                                            , pSymbolProperties->BorderColor
                                            , pSymbolProperties->FillColor );
                                else if( pSymbolProperties->Style == SymbolStyle_GRAPHIC )
                                    m_pShapeFactory->createGraphic2D( xPointGroupShape_Shapes
                                            , aScenePosition , aSymbolSize
                                            , pSymbolProperties->Graphic );
                                //@todo other symbol styles
                        //create data point label
                        if( pSeries->getDataPointLabelIfLabel(nIndex) )
                            LabelAlignment eAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_TOP;
                            drawing::Position3D aScenePosition3D( aScenePosition.PositionX
                                        , aScenePosition.PositionY
                                        , aScenePosition.PositionZ+getTransformedDepth() );
                            sal_Int32 nLabelPlacement = pSeries->getLabelPlacement( nIndex, m_xChartTypeModel, pPosHelper->isSwapXAndY() );
                            case css::chart::DataLabelPlacement::TOP:
                                aScenePosition3D.PositionY -= (aSymbolSize.DirectionY/2+1);
                                eAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_TOP;
                            case css::chart::DataLabelPlacement::BOTTOM:
                                aScenePosition3D.PositionY += (aSymbolSize.DirectionY/2+1);
                                eAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_BOTTOM;
                            case css::chart::DataLabelPlacement::LEFT:
                                aScenePosition3D.PositionX -= (aSymbolSize.DirectionX/2+1);
                                eAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_LEFT;
                            case css::chart::DataLabelPlacement::RIGHT:
                                aScenePosition3D.PositionX += (aSymbolSize.DirectionX/2+1);
                                eAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_RIGHT;
                            case css::chart::DataLabelPlacement::CENTER:
                                eAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER;
                                //todo implement this different for area charts
                                OSL_FAIL("this label alignment is not implemented yet");
                                aScenePosition3D.PositionY -= (aSymbolSize.DirectionY/2+1);
                                eAlignment = LABEL_ALIGN_TOP;
                            awt::Point aScreenPosition2D;//get the screen position for the labels
                            sal_Int32 nOffset = 100; //todo maybe calculate this font height dependent
                            if( nLabelPlacement == css::chart::DataLabelPlacement::OUTSIDE )
                                PolarPlottingPositionHelper* pPolarPosHelper = dynamic_cast<PolarPlottingPositionHelper*>(pPosHelper);
                                if( pPolarPosHelper )
                                    PolarLabelPositionHelper aPolarLabelPositionHelper(pPolarPosHelper,m_nDimension,m_xLogicTarget,m_pShapeFactory);
                                    aScreenPosition2D = awt::Point( aPolarLabelPositionHelper.getLabelScreenPositionAndAlignmentForLogicValues(
                                        eAlignment, fLogicX, fLogicY, fLogicZ, nOffset ));
                                if(eAlignment==LABEL_ALIGN_CENTER )
                                    nOffset = 0;
                                aScreenPosition2D = awt::Point( LabelPositionHelper(m_nDimension,m_xLogicTarget,m_pShapeFactory)
                                    .transformSceneToScreenPosition( aScenePosition3D ) );
                            createDataLabel( m_xTextTarget, *pSeries, nIndex
                                            , fLogicValueForLabeDisplay
                                            , aLogicYSumMap[nAttachedAxisIndex], aScreenPosition2D, eAlignment, nOffset );
                    //remove PointGroupShape if empty
                }//next series in x slot (next y slot)
            }//next x slot
        }//next z slot
    }//next category
} //namespace chart
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V547 Expression '!pPosHelper' is always false.

V547 Expression 'pSymbolProperties' is always true.

V547 Expression '!pPosHelper' is always false.

V547 Expression '!pPosHelper' is always false.