/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
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 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
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#  include "config.h"
/** @name MzString class
  It was supposed to be used instead of std::string.
  Notes for usage:
  When you declare an MzString, it is initially empty. There is no need to
  do things like #MzString a = "";#, especially not in constructors.
  If you want to use a default empty MzString as a parameter, use
#void foo(MzString par = MzString());   // Correct#
rather than
#void foo(MzString par = "");   // WRONG!#
#void foo(MzString par = 0);    // WRONG!#
(The last one is only wrong because some compilers can't handle it.)
Methods that take an index as parameter all follow this rule: Valid indexes
go from 0 to length()-1.
Correct: & #foo.substr(0, length()-1);# \\
Wrong:   & #bar.substr(0, length());#
It is important that you declare MzStrings as const if possible, because
some methods are much more efficient in const versions.
If you want to check whether a string is empty, do
#if (foo.empty()) something right#
rather than something along the lines of
#if (!foo) completely wrong#
When you use the #.copy()# method, MzString calls "#new []#", so you have to
release the memory with #delete[]#. Don't preallocate memory.
When you want to copy an MzString, just do
#MzString a, b = "String";#
#a = b; // That's it!#
not something like
#MzString a, b = "String";#
#a = b.copy();#
The class automatically handles deep copying when required.
class MzString
        MzString();                               // Create an empty string
        int       length() const;
        const char*   c_str() const;
        operator  char*()         { return const_cast<char *>(c_str()); }
// Assignment
        MzString  &operator = (const MzString &s);
        MzString  &operator = (const char *s);
// Appending
        MzString  &operator << (const char *);
        MzString  &operator << (char);
        MzString  &operator << (unsigned char c)  { return *this<<static_cast<char>(c); }
        MzString  &operator << (int);
        MzString  &operator << (long);
        MzString  &operator << (short i)      { return *this<<static_cast<int>(i); }
        MzString  &operator << (MzString const &);
/* MzString &operator << (MzString *s)  { return *this<<*s; }
  // Removing
  char      operator >> (char &c);
// Access to specific characters
//char      &operator [] (int n);
        char      operator [] (int n);
// Comparison
//  Return:
//   0 : 'this' is equal to 's'.
//  -1 : 'this' is less than 's'.
//   1 : 'this' is greater than 's'.
        int       compare(const char *s);
// Searching for parts
        int       find    (char c);
        int       find    (char c, int pos);
        int       rfind   (char c);
        int       rfind   (char c, int pos);
// Manipulation
        void      replace(int, char c);
        void      append  (MzString const &s);
        void      append  (const char *s);
        void      append  (const char *s, int n);
        int       Length;                         // Current Length
        int       Allocated;                      // Total space allocated
        char      *Data;                          // The actual contents
// Allocate some space for the data.
// Delete Data if it has been allocated.
        bool      allocate(int len);
inline int MzString::length() const
    return Length;
inline const char* MzString::c_str() const
    if (Data)
        Data[Length] = '\0';                      // We always leave room for this.
        return Data;
    } else
    return "";
// Non friend, non member operators
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V690 The 'MzString' class implements the '=' operator, but lacks a copy constructor. It is dangerous to use such a class.