/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <config_features.h>
#include <filter/msfilter/msvbahelper.hxx>
#include <basic/sbx.hxx>
#include <basic/sbstar.hxx>
#include <basic/basmgr.hxx>
#include <basic/sbmod.hxx>
#include <basic/sbmeth.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentPropertiesSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/XDocumentProperties.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/vba/XVBACompatibility.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XUnoTunnel.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/ModuleType.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <tools/urlobj.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <unotools/pathoptions.hxx>
#include <rtl/character.hxx>
#include <sfx2/objsh.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/KeyModifier.hpp>
#include <svtools/acceleratorexecute.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/XUIConfigurationManager.hpp>
#include <map>
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
namespace ooo {
namespace vba {
const OUString sUrlPart0( "vnd.sun.star.script:" );
const OUString sUrlPart1( "?language=Basic&location=document" );
OUString makeMacroURL( const OUString& sMacroName )
    return sUrlPart0 + sMacroName + sUrlPart1;
OUString extractMacroName( const OUString& rMacroUrl )
    if( rMacroUrl.startsWith( sUrlPart0 ) && rMacroUrl.endsWith( sUrlPart1 ) )
        return rMacroUrl.copy( sUrlPart0.getLength(),
            rMacroUrl.getLength() - sUrlPart0.getLength() - sUrlPart1.getLength() );
    return OUString();
OUString trimMacroName( const OUString& rMacroName )
    // the name may contain whitespaces and may be enclosed in apostrophs
    OUString aMacroName = rMacroName.trim();
    sal_Int32 nMacroLen = aMacroName.getLength();
    if( (nMacroLen >= 2) && (aMacroName[ 0 ] == '\'') && (aMacroName[ nMacroLen - 1 ] == '\'') )
        aMacroName = aMacroName.copy( 1, nMacroLen - 2 ).trim();
    return aMacroName;
SfxObjectShell* findShellForUrl( const OUString& sMacroURLOrPath )
    SfxObjectShell* pFoundShell=nullptr;
    SfxObjectShell* pShell = SfxObjectShell::GetFirst();
    INetURLObject aObj;
    aObj.SetURL( sMacroURLOrPath );
    bool bIsURL = aObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid;
    OUString aURL;
    if ( bIsURL )
        aURL = sMacroURLOrPath;
        osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( sMacroURLOrPath, aURL );
        aObj.SetURL( aURL );
    while ( pShell )
        uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel = pShell->GetModel();
        // are we searching for a template? if so we have to cater for the
        // fact that in openoffice a document opened from a template is always
        // a new document :/
        if ( xModel.is() )
                "shell " << pShell << " has model with url " << xModel->getURL()
                    << " and we look for " << aURL);
            OUString aName = xModel->getURL() ;
            if (aName.isEmpty())
                    uno::Reference< frame::XFrame > xFrame( xModel->getCurrentController()->getFrame(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                    uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( xFrame, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                    xProps->getPropertyValue("Title") >>= aName;
                    sal_Int32 pos = 0;
                    aName = aName.getToken(0,'-',pos);
                    aName = aName.trim();
                    if( sMacroURLOrPath.lastIndexOf( aName ) >= 0 )
                        pFoundShell = pShell;
            if ( sMacroURLOrPath.endsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( ".dot" ) )
                uno::Reference<document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier> const
                    xDocPropSupp(xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY);
                if (xDocPropSupp.is())
                    uno::Reference< document::XDocumentProperties > const
                    OUString sCurrName = xDocProps->getTemplateName();
                    if( sMacroURLOrPath.lastIndexOf( sCurrName ) >= 0 )
                        pFoundShell = pShell;
                // sometimes just the name of the document ( without the path
                // is used
                bool bDocNameNoPathMatch = false;
                if ( !aURL.isEmpty() && aURL.indexOf( '/' ) == -1 )
                    sal_Int32 lastSlashIndex = xModel->getURL().lastIndexOf( '/' );
                    if ( lastSlashIndex > -1 )
                        bDocNameNoPathMatch = xModel->getURL().copy( lastSlashIndex + 1 ) == aURL;
                        if ( !bDocNameNoPathMatch )
                            OUString aTmpName = "'" + xModel->getURL().copy( lastSlashIndex + 1 ) + "'";
                            bDocNameNoPathMatch = aTmpName == aURL;
                if ( aURL == xModel->getURL() || bDocNameNoPathMatch )
                    pFoundShell = pShell;
        pShell = SfxObjectShell::GetNext( *pShell );
    return pFoundShell;
// sMod can be empty ( but we really need the library to search in )
// if sMod is empty and a macro is found then sMod is updated
// if sMod is empty, only standard modules will be searched (no class, document, form modules)
bool hasMacro( SfxObjectShell const * pShell, const OUString& sLibrary, OUString& sMod, const OUString& sMacro )
    bool bFound = false;
    (void) pShell;
    (void) sLibrary;
    (void) sMod;
    (void) sMacro;
    if ( !sLibrary.isEmpty() && !sMacro.isEmpty() )
        BasicManager* pBasicMgr = pShell-> GetBasicManager();
        if ( pBasicMgr )
            StarBASIC* pBasic = pBasicMgr->GetLib( sLibrary );
            if ( !pBasic )
                sal_uInt16 nId = pBasicMgr->GetLibId( sLibrary );
                pBasicMgr->LoadLib( nId );
                pBasic = pBasicMgr->GetLib( sLibrary );
            if ( pBasic )
                if ( !sMod.isEmpty() ) // we wish to find the macro is a specific module
                    SbModule* pModule = pBasic->FindModule( sMod );
                    if ( pModule && pModule->FindMethod( sMacro, SbxClassType::Method ))
                        bFound = true;
                else if( SbMethod* pMethod = dynamic_cast< SbMethod* >( pBasic->Find( sMacro, SbxClassType::Method ) ) )
                    if( SbModule* pModule = pMethod->GetModule() )
                        // when searching for a macro without module name, do not search in class/document/form modules
                        if( pModule->GetModuleType() == script::ModuleType::NORMAL )
                            sMod = pModule->GetName();
                            bFound = true;
    return bFound;
OUString getDefaultProjectName( SfxObjectShell const * pShell )
    OUString aPrjName;
    if( BasicManager* pBasicMgr = pShell ? pShell->GetBasicManager() : nullptr )
        aPrjName = pBasicMgr->GetName();
        if( aPrjName.isEmpty() )
            aPrjName = "Standard";
    return aPrjName;
void parseMacro( const OUString& sMacro, OUString& sContainer, OUString& sModule, OUString& sProcedure )
    sal_Int32 nMacroDot = sMacro.lastIndexOf( '.' );
    if ( nMacroDot != -1 )
        sProcedure = sMacro.copy( nMacroDot + 1 );
        sal_Int32 nContainerDot = sMacro.lastIndexOf( '.',  nMacroDot - 1 );
        if ( nContainerDot != -1 )
            sModule = sMacro.copy( nContainerDot + 1, nMacroDot - nContainerDot - 1 );
            sContainer = sMacro.copy( 0, nContainerDot );
            sModule = sMacro.copy( 0, nMacroDot );
       sProcedure = sMacro;
OUString resolveVBAMacro( SfxObjectShell const * pShell, const OUString& rLibName, const OUString& rModuleName, const OUString& rMacroName )
    (void) pShell;
    (void) rLibName;
    (void) rModuleName;
    (void) rMacroName;
    if( pShell )
        OUString aLibName = rLibName.isEmpty() ?  getDefaultProjectName( pShell ) : rLibName ;
        OUString aModuleName = rModuleName;
        if( hasMacro( pShell, aLibName, aModuleName, rMacroName ) )
            return aLibName + "." + aModuleName + "." + rMacroName;
    return OUString();
MacroResolvedInfo resolveVBAMacro( SfxObjectShell* pShell, const OUString& MacroName, bool bSearchGlobalTemplates )
    (void) pShell;
    (void) MacroName;
    (void) bSearchGlobalTemplates;
    return MacroResolvedInfo();
    if( !pShell )
        return MacroResolvedInfo();
    // the name may be enclosed in apostrophs
    OUString aMacroName = trimMacroName( MacroName );
    // parse the macro name
    sal_Int32 nDocSepIndex = aMacroName.indexOf( '!' );
    if( nDocSepIndex > 0 )
        // macro specified by document name
        // find document shell for document name and call ourselves
        // recursively
        // assume for now that the document name is *this* document
        OUString sDocUrlOrPath = aMacroName.copy( 0, nDocSepIndex );
        aMacroName = aMacroName.copy( nDocSepIndex + 1 );
        SAL_INFO("filter.ms", "doc search, current shell is " << pShell);
        SfxObjectShell* pFoundShell = nullptr;
        if( bSearchGlobalTemplates )
            SvtPathOptions aPathOpt;
            OUString aAddinPath = aPathOpt.GetAddinPath();
            if( sDocUrlOrPath.startsWith( aAddinPath ) )
                pFoundShell = pShell;
        if( !pFoundShell )
            pFoundShell = findShellForUrl( sDocUrlOrPath );
            "doc search, after find, found shell is " << pFoundShell);
        return resolveVBAMacro( pFoundShell, aMacroName );
    // macro is contained in 'this' document ( or code imported from a template
    // where that template is a global template or perhaps the template this
    // document is created from )
    MacroResolvedInfo aRes( pShell );
    // macro format = Container.Module.Procedure
    OUString sContainer, sModule, sProcedure;
    parseMacro( aMacroName, sContainer, sModule, sProcedure );
#if 0
    // As long as service VBAProjectNameProvider isn't supported in the model, disable the createInstance call
    // (the ServiceNotRegisteredException is wrongly caught in ScModelObj::createInstance)
    uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > xPrjNameCache;
    uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory> xSF( pShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
    if ( xSF.is() ) try
        xPrjNameCache.set( xSF->createInstance( "ooo.vba.VBAProjectNameProvider" ), uno::UNO_QUERY );
    catch( const uno::Exception& )    // createInstance may throw
    std::vector< OUString > sSearchList;
    if ( !sContainer.isEmpty() )
// service VBAProjectNameProvider not implemented
#if 0
        // get the Project associated with the Container
        if ( xPrjNameCache.is() )
            if ( xPrjNameCache->hasByName( sContainer ) )
                OUString sProject;
                xPrjNameCache->getByName( sContainer ) >>= sProject;
                sContainer = sProject;
        sSearchList.push_back( sContainer ); // First Lib to search
        // Ok, if we have no Container specified then we need to search them in order, this document, template this document created from, global templates,
        // get the name of Project/Library for 'this' document
            OUString sThisProject( "Standard" );
                uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProps( pShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                uno::Reference< script::vba::XVBACompatibility > xVBAMode( xProps->getPropertyValue( "BasicLibraries" ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                sThisProject = xVBAMode->getProjectName();
            catch( const uno::Exception& /*e*/) {}
        sSearchList.push_back( sThisProject ); // First Lib to search
// service VBAProjectNameProvider not implemented
#if 0
        if ( xPrjNameCache.is() )
            // is this document created from a template?
            uno::Reference< document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier > const
                xDocPropSupp(pShell->GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
            uno::Reference< document::XDocumentProperties > xDocProps( xDocPropSupp->getDocumentProperties(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            OUString sCreatedFrom = xDocProps->getTemplateURL();
            if ( !sCreatedFrom.isEmpty() )
                INetURLObject aObj;
                aObj.SetURL( sCreatedFrom );
                bool bIsURL = aObj.GetProtocol() != INetProtocol::NotValid;
                OUString aURL;
                if ( bIsURL )
                    aURL = sCreatedFrom;
                    osl::FileBase::getFileURLFromSystemPath( sCreatedFrom, aURL );
                    aObj.SetURL( aURL );
                sCreatedFrom =  aObj.GetLastName();
            sal_Int32 nIndex =  sCreatedFrom.lastIndexOf( '.' );
            if ( nIndex != -1 )
                sCreatedFrom = sCreatedFrom.copy( 0, nIndex );
            OUString sPrj;
            if ( !sCreatedFrom.isEmpty() && xPrjNameCache->hasByName( sCreatedFrom ) )
                xPrjNameCache->getByName( sCreatedFrom ) >>= sPrj;
                // Make sure we don't double up with this project
                if ( !sPrj.equals( sThisProject ) )
                    sSearchList.push_back( sPrj );
            // get list of global template Names
            uno::Sequence< OUString > sTemplateNames = xPrjNameCache->getElementNames();
            sal_Int32 nLen = sTemplateNames.getLength();
            for ( sal_Int32 index = 0; ( bSearchGlobalTemplates && index < nLen ); ++index )
                if ( !sCreatedFrom.equals( sTemplateNames[ index ] ) )
                    if ( xPrjNameCache->hasByName( sTemplateNames[ index ] ) )
                        xPrjNameCache->getByName( sTemplateNames[ index ] ) >>= sPrj;
                        // Make sure we don't double up with this project
                        if ( !sPrj.equals( sThisProject ) )
                            sSearchList.push_back( sPrj );
    for (auto const& search : sSearchList)
        aRes.mbFound = hasMacro( pShell, search, sModule, sProcedure );
        if ( aRes.mbFound )
            sContainer = search;
    //aRes.msResolvedMacro = sProcedure.Insert( '.', 0 ).Insert( sModule, 0).Insert( '.', 0 ).Insert( sContainer, 0 );
    aRes.msResolvedMacro = sContainer + "." + sModule + "." + sProcedure;
    return aRes;
// Treat the args as possible inputs (conversion at bottom of method)
bool executeMacro( SfxObjectShell* pShell, const OUString& sMacroName, uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& aArgs, uno::Any& aRet, const uno::Any& /*aCaller*/)
    (void) pShell;
    (void) sMacroName;
    (void) aArgs;
    (void) aRet;
    return false;
    bool bRes = false;
    if ( !pShell )
        return bRes;
    OUString sUrl = makeMacroURL( sMacroName );
    uno::Sequence< sal_Int16 > aOutArgsIndex;
    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aOutArgs;
        if ( pShell )
            nErr = pShell->CallXScript( sUrl,
                               aArgs, aRet, aOutArgsIndex, aOutArgs, false );
            sal_Int32 nLen = aOutArgs.getLength();
            // convert any out params to seem like they were inputs
            if ( nLen )
                for ( sal_Int32 index=0; index < nLen; ++index )
                    sal_Int32 nOutIndex = aOutArgsIndex[ index ];
                    aArgs[ nOutIndex ] = aOutArgs[ index ];
        bRes = ( nErr == ERRCODE_NONE );
    catch ( const uno::Exception& )
       bRes = false;
    return bRes;
uno::Sequence< OUString > VBAMacroResolver_getSupportedServiceNames()
    uno::Sequence<OUString> aServiceNames { "com.sun.star.script.vba.VBAMacroResolver" };
    return aServiceNames;
OUString VBAMacroResolver_getImplementationName()
    return OUString( "com.sun.star.comp.vba.VBAMacroResolver" );
uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > VBAMacroResolver_createInstance( const uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext >& )
    return static_cast< ::cppu::OWeakObject* >( new VBAMacroResolver );
VBAMacroResolver::VBAMacroResolver() :
    mpObjShell( nullptr )
// com.sun.star.lang.XServiceInfo interface -----------------------------------
OUString SAL_CALL VBAMacroResolver::getImplementationName()
    return VBAMacroResolver_getImplementationName();
sal_Bool SAL_CALL VBAMacroResolver::supportsService( const OUString& rService )
    return cppu::supportsService(this, rService);
uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL VBAMacroResolver::getSupportedServiceNames()
    return VBAMacroResolver_getSupportedServiceNames();
// com.sun.star.lang.XInitialization interface --------------------------------
void SAL_CALL VBAMacroResolver::initialize( const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& rArgs )
    OSL_ENSURE( rArgs.getLength() > 1, "VBAMacroResolver::initialize - missing arguments" );
    if( rArgs.getLength() < 2 )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    // first argument: document model
    mxModel.set( rArgs[ 0 ], uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    uno::Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel > xUnoTunnel( mxModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    mpObjShell = reinterpret_cast< SfxObjectShell* >( xUnoTunnel->getSomething( SfxObjectShell::getUnoTunnelId() ) );
    if( !mpObjShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    // second argument: VBA project name
    if( !(rArgs[ 1 ] >>= maProjectName) || (maProjectName.isEmpty()) )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
// com.sun.star.script.vba.XVBAMacroResolver interface ------------------------
OUString SAL_CALL VBAMacroResolver::resolveVBAMacroToScriptURL( const OUString& rVBAMacroName )
    if( !mpObjShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    // the name may be enclosed in apostrophs
    OUString aMacroName = trimMacroName( rVBAMacroName );
    if( aMacroName.isEmpty() )
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
    // external references not supported here (syntax is "url!macroname" or "[url]!macroname" or "[url]macroname")
    if( (aMacroName[ 0 ] == '[') || (aMacroName.indexOf( '!' ) >= 0) )
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
    // check if macro name starts with project name, replace with "Standard"
    // TODO: adjust this when custom VBA project name is supported
    sal_Int32 nDotPos = aMacroName.indexOf( '.' );
    if( (nDotPos == 0) || (nDotPos + 1 == aMacroName.getLength()) )
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
    if( (nDotPos > 0) && aMacroName.matchIgnoreAsciiCase( maProjectName ) )
        aMacroName = aMacroName.copy( nDotPos + 1 );
    // try to find the macro
    MacroResolvedInfo aInfo = resolveVBAMacro( mpObjShell, aMacroName );
    if( !aInfo.mbFound )
        throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
    // build and return the script URL
    return makeMacroURL( aInfo.msResolvedMacro );
OUString SAL_CALL VBAMacroResolver::resolveScriptURLtoVBAMacro( const OUString& /*rScriptURL*/ )
    OSL_ENSURE( false, "VBAMacroResolver::resolveScriptURLtoVBAMacro - not implemented" );
    throw uno::RuntimeException();
bool getModifier( sal_Unicode c, sal_uInt16& mod )
    if ( c == '+' ) {
        mod |= KEY_SHIFT;
        return true;
    } else if ( c == '^' ) {
        mod |= KEY_MOD1;
        return true;
    } else if ( c == '%' ) {
        mod |= KEY_MOD2;
        return true;
    return false;
/// @throws uno::RuntimeException
sal_uInt16 parseChar( sal_Unicode c )
    sal_uInt16 nVclKey = 0;
    // do we care about locale here for letters/digits? probably not
    if ( rtl::isAsciiAlpha( c ) )
        nVclKey |= ( rtl::toAsciiUpperCase( c ) - 'A' ) + KEY_A;
        if ( rtl::isAsciiUpperCase( c ) )
            nVclKey |= KEY_SHIFT;
    else if ( rtl::isAsciiDigit( c ) )
        nVclKey |= ( c  - '0' ) + KEY_0;
    else if ( c == '~' ) // special case
        nVclKey = KEY_RETURN;
    else if ( c == ' ' ) // special case
        nVclKey = KEY_SPACE;
    else // I guess we have a problem ( but not sure if locale specific keys might come into play here )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    return nVclKey;
struct KeyCodeEntry
   const char* sName;
   sal_uInt16 nCode;
KeyCodeEntry const aMSKeyCodesData[] = {
    { "BS", KEY_BACKSPACE },
    { "DEL", KEY_DELETE },
    { "DOWN", KEY_DOWN },
    { "UP", KEY_UP },
    { "LEFT", KEY_LEFT },
    { "RIGHT", KEY_RIGHT },
    { "END", KEY_END },
    { "ESC", KEY_ESCAPE },
    { "HELP", KEY_HELP },
    { "HOME", KEY_HOME },
    { "PGUP", KEY_PAGEUP },
    { "TAB", KEY_TAB },
    { "F1", KEY_F1 },
    { "F2", KEY_F2 },
    { "F3", KEY_F3 },
    { "F4", KEY_F4 },
    { "F5", KEY_F5 },
    { "F6", KEY_F6 },
    { "F7", KEY_F7 },
    { "F8", KEY_F8 },
    { "F9", KEY_F9 },
    { "F10", KEY_F10 },
    { "F11", KEY_F11 },
    { "F12", KEY_F12 },
    { "F13", KEY_F13 },
    { "F14", KEY_F14 },
    { "F15", KEY_F15 },
awt::KeyEvent parseKeyEvent( const OUString& Key )
    static std::map< OUString, sal_uInt16 > s_KeyCodes;
    if ( s_KeyCodes.empty() )
        for (KeyCodeEntry const & i : aMSKeyCodesData)
            s_KeyCodes[ OUString::createFromAscii( i.sName ) ] = i.nCode;
    OUString sKeyCode;
    sal_uInt16 nVclKey = 0;
    // parse the modifier if any
    for ( int i=0; i<Key.getLength(); ++i )
        if ( ! getModifier( Key[ i ], nVclKey ) )
            sKeyCode = Key.copy( i );
    // check if keycode is surrounded by '{}', if so scoop out the contents
    // else it should be just one char of ( 'a-z,A-Z,0-9' )
    if ( sKeyCode.getLength() == 1 ) // ( a single char )
        nVclKey |= parseChar( sKeyCode[ 0 ] );
    else // key should be enclosed in '{}'
        if ( sKeyCode.getLength() < 3 ||  !( sKeyCode[0] == '{' && sKeyCode[sKeyCode.getLength() - 1 ] == '}' ) )
            throw uno::RuntimeException();
        sKeyCode = sKeyCode.copy(1, sKeyCode.getLength() - 2 );
        if ( sKeyCode.getLength() == 1 )
            nVclKey |= parseChar( sKeyCode[ 0 ] );
            auto it = s_KeyCodes.find( sKeyCode );
            if ( it == s_KeyCodes.end() ) // unknown or unsupported
                throw uno::RuntimeException();
            nVclKey |= it->second;
    awt::KeyEvent aKeyEvent = svt::AcceleratorExecute::st_VCLKey2AWTKey( vcl::KeyCode( nVclKey ) );
    return aKeyEvent;
void applyShortCutKeyBinding ( const uno::Reference< frame::XModel >& rxModel, const awt::KeyEvent& rKeyEvent, const OUString& rMacroName )
    OUString MacroName( rMacroName );
    if ( !MacroName.isEmpty() )
        OUString aMacroName = MacroName.trim();
        if( aMacroName.startsWith("!") )
            MacroName = aMacroName.copy(1).trim();
        SfxObjectShell* pShell = nullptr;
        if ( rxModel.is() )
            uno::Reference< lang::XUnoTunnel >  xObjShellTunnel( rxModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
            pShell = reinterpret_cast<SfxObjectShell*>( xObjShellTunnel->getSomething(SfxObjectShell::getUnoTunnelId()));
            if ( !pShell )
                throw uno::RuntimeException();
        MacroResolvedInfo aMacroInfo = resolveVBAMacro( pShell, aMacroName );
        if( !aMacroInfo.mbFound )
            throw uno::RuntimeException( "The procedure doesn't exist" );
       MacroName = aMacroInfo.msResolvedMacro;
    uno::Reference< ui::XUIConfigurationManagerSupplier > xCfgSupplier(rxModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
    uno::Reference< ui::XUIConfigurationManager > xCfgMgr = xCfgSupplier->getUIConfigurationManager();
    uno::Reference< ui::XAcceleratorConfiguration > xAcc( xCfgMgr->getShortCutManager(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
    if ( MacroName.isEmpty() )
        // I believe this should really restore the [application] default. Since
        // afaik we don't actually setup application default bindings on import
        // we don't even know what the 'default' would be for this key
        xAcc->removeKeyEvent( rKeyEvent );
        xAcc->setKeyEvent( rKeyEvent, ooo::vba::makeMacroURL( MacroName ) );
} // namespace vba
} // namespace ooo
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V547 Expression 'pShell' is always true.