/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <fmtfld.hxx>
#include <libxml/xmlwriter.h>
#include <fldbas.hxx>
#include <txtfld.hxx>
#include <txtannotationfld.hxx>
#include <docfld.hxx>
#include <docufld.hxx>
#include <doc.hxx>
#include <pam.hxx>
#include <reffld.hxx>
#include <ddefld.hxx>
#include <usrfld.hxx>
#include <expfld.hxx>
#include <swfont.hxx>
#include <ndtxt.hxx>
#include <calc.hxx>
#include <hints.hxx>
#include <IDocumentFieldsAccess.hxx>
#include <IDocumentMarkAccess.hxx>
#include <fieldhint.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
// constructor for default item in attribute-pool
SwFormatField::SwFormatField( sal_uInt16 nWhich )
    : SfxPoolItem( nWhich )
    , SwModify(nullptr)
    , SfxBroadcaster()
    , mpTextField( nullptr )
SwFormatField::SwFormatField( const SwField &rField )
    : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_FIELD )
    , SwModify( rField.GetTyp() )
    , SfxBroadcaster()
    , mpField( rField.CopyField() )
    , mpTextField( nullptr )
    if ( mpField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::Input )
        // input field in-place editing
        SetWhich( RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD );
        static_cast<SwInputField*>(mpField.get())->SetFormatField( *this );
    else if (mpField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::SetExp)
        // see SwWrtShell::StartInputFieldDlg
        static_cast<SwSetExpField *>(mpField.get())->SetFormatField(*this);
    else if ( mpField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::Postit )
        // text annotation field
        SetWhich( RES_TXTATR_ANNOTATION );
// #i24434#
// Since Items are used in ItemPool and in default constructed ItemSets with
// full pool range, all items need to be clonable. Thus, this one needed to be
// corrected
SwFormatField::SwFormatField( const SwFormatField& rAttr )
    : SfxPoolItem( rAttr )
    , SwModify(nullptr)
    , SfxBroadcaster()
    , mpTextField( nullptr )
    if ( rAttr.mpField )
        mpField = rAttr.mpField->CopyField();
        if ( mpField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::Input )
            // input field in-place editing
            SetWhich( RES_TXTATR_INPUTFIELD );
            SwInputField *pField = dynamic_cast<SwInputField*>(mpField.get());
            if (pField)
                pField->SetFormatField( *this );
        else if (mpField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::SetExp)
            // see SwWrtShell::StartInputFieldDlg
            static_cast<SwSetExpField *>(mpField.get())->SetFormatField(*this);
        else if ( mpField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::Postit )
            // text annotation field
            SetWhich( RES_TXTATR_ANNOTATION );
    SwFieldType* pType = mpField ? mpField->GetTyp() : nullptr;
    if (pType && pType->Which() == SwFieldIds::Database)
        pType = nullptr;  // DB field types destroy themselves
    Broadcast( SwFormatFieldHint( this, SwFormatFieldHintWhich::REMOVED ) );
    // some fields need to delete their field type
    if( pType && pType->HasOnlyOneListener() )
        bool bDel = false;
        switch( pType->Which() )
        case SwFieldIds::User:
            bDel = static_cast<SwUserFieldType*>(pType)->IsDeleted();
        case SwFieldIds::SetExp:
            bDel = static_cast<SwSetExpFieldType*>(pType)->IsDeleted();
        case SwFieldIds::Dde:
            bDel = static_cast<SwDDEFieldType*>(pType)->IsDeleted();
        default: break;
        if( bDel )
            // unregister before deleting
            pType->Remove( this );
            delete pType;
void SwFormatField::RegisterToFieldType( SwFieldType& rType )
void SwFormatField::SetField(std::unique_ptr<SwField> _pField)
    mpField = std::move(_pField);
    if ( mpField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::Input )
        static_cast<SwInputField* >(mpField.get())->SetFormatField( *this );
    else if (mpField->GetTyp()->Which() == SwFieldIds::SetExp)
        // see SwWrtShell::StartInputFieldDlg
        static_cast<SwSetExpField *>(mpField.get())->SetFormatField(*this);
    Broadcast( SwFormatFieldHint( this, SwFormatFieldHintWhich::CHANGED ) );
void SwFormatField::SetTextField( SwTextField& rTextField )
    mpTextField = &rTextField;
void SwFormatField::ClearTextField()
    mpTextField = nullptr;
bool SwFormatField::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const
    return ( mpField
             && static_cast<const SwFormatField&>(rAttr).mpField
             && mpField->GetTyp() == static_cast<const SwFormatField&>(rAttr).mpField->GetTyp()
             && mpField->GetFormat() == static_cast<const SwFormatField&>(rAttr).mpField->GetFormat() )
           ( !mpField && !static_cast<const SwFormatField&>(rAttr).mpField );
SfxPoolItem* SwFormatField::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
    return new SwFormatField( *this );
void SwFormatField::InvalidateField()
    SwPtrMsgPoolItem const item(RES_REMOVE_UNO_OBJECT,
            &static_cast<SwModify&>(*this)); // cast to base class (void*)
    NotifyClients(&item, &item);
void SwFormatField::SwClientNotify( const SwModify& rModify, const SfxHint& rHint )
    SwClient::SwClientNotify(rModify, rHint);
    if( !mpTextField )
    const SwFieldHint* pHint = dynamic_cast<const SwFieldHint*>( &rHint );
    if ( pHint )
        // replace field content by text
        SwPaM* pPaM = pHint->GetPaM();
        SwDoc* pDoc = pPaM->GetDoc();
        const SwTextNode& rTextNode = mpTextField->GetTextNode();
        pPaM->GetPoint()->nNode = rTextNode;
        pPaM->GetPoint()->nContent.Assign( const_cast<SwTextNode*>(&rTextNode), mpTextField->GetStart() );
        OUString const aEntry( mpField->ExpandField( pDoc->IsClipBoard() ) );
        pPaM->Move( fnMoveForward );
        pDoc->getIDocumentContentOperations().DeleteRange( *pPaM );
        pDoc->getIDocumentContentOperations().InsertString( *pPaM, aEntry );
void SwFormatField::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem* pNew )
    if (pOld && (RES_REMOVE_UNO_OBJECT == pOld->Which()))
    {   // invalidate cached UNO object
        m_wXTextField = nullptr;
        // ??? why does this Modify method not already do this?
        NotifyClients(pOld, pNew);
    if( !mpTextField )
    // don't do anything, especially not expand!
    if( pNew && pNew->Which() == RES_OBJECTDYING )
    SwTextNode* pTextNd = &mpTextField->GetTextNode();
    OSL_ENSURE( pTextNd, "Where is my Node?" );
    if( pNew )
        switch( pNew->Which() )
                // update GetRef fields
                if( SwFieldIds::GetRef == mpField->GetTyp()->Which() )
                    // #i81002#
                    static_cast<SwGetRefField*>(mpField.get())->UpdateField( mpTextField );
        case RES_DOCPOS_UPDATE:
                // handled in SwTextFrame::Modify()
                pTextNd->ModifyNotification( pNew, this );
        case RES_ATTRSET_CHG:
        case RES_FMT_CHG:
                pTextNd->ModifyNotification( pOld, pNew );
    switch (mpField->GetTyp()->Which())
        case SwFieldIds::HiddenPara:
            if( !pOld || RES_HIDDENPARA_PRINT != pOld->Which() )
        case SwFieldIds::DbSetNumber:
        case SwFieldIds::DbNumSet:
        case SwFieldIds::DbNextSet:
        case SwFieldIds::DatabaseName:
            pTextNd->ModifyNotification( nullptr, pNew);
        default: break;
    if( SwFieldIds::User == mpField->GetTyp()->Which() )
        SwUserFieldType* pType = static_cast<SwUserFieldType*>(mpField->GetTyp());
            SwCalc aCalc( *pTextNd->GetDoc() );
            pType->GetValue( aCalc );
    const bool bForceNotify = (pOld == nullptr) && (pNew == nullptr);
    mpTextField->ExpandTextField( bForceNotify );
bool SwFormatField::GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const
    const SwTextNode* pTextNd;
    if( RES_AUTOFMT_DOCNODE != rInfo.Which() ||
        !mpTextField || nullptr == ( pTextNd = mpTextField->GetpTextNode() ) ||
        &pTextNd->GetNodes() != static_cast<SwAutoFormatGetDocNode&>(rInfo).pNodes )
        return true;
    return false;
bool SwFormatField::IsFieldInDoc() const
    return mpTextField != nullptr
           && mpTextField->IsFieldInDoc();
bool SwFormatField::IsProtect() const
    return mpTextField != nullptr
           && mpTextField->GetpTextNode() != nullptr
           && mpTextField->GetpTextNode()->IsProtect();
void SwFormatField::dumpAsXml(xmlTextWriterPtr pWriter) const
    xmlTextWriterStartElement(pWriter, BAD_CAST("SwFormatField"));
    xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(pWriter, BAD_CAST("ptr"), "%p", this);
    xmlTextWriterWriteFormatAttribute(pWriter, BAD_CAST("mpTextField"), "%p", mpTextField);
// class SwTextField ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
    SwFormatField & rAttr,
    sal_Int32 const nStartPos,
    bool const bInClipboard)
    : SwTextAttr( rAttr, nStartPos )
// fdo#39694 the ExpandField here may not give the correct result in all cases,
// but is better than nothing
    , m_aExpand( rAttr.GetField()->ExpandField(bInClipboard) )
    , m_pTextNode( nullptr )
    rAttr.SetTextField( *this );
SwTextField::~SwTextField( )
    SwFormatField & rFormatField( static_cast<SwFormatField &>(GetAttr()) );
    if ( this == rFormatField.GetTextField() )
bool SwTextField::IsFieldInDoc() const
    return GetpTextNode() != nullptr
           && GetpTextNode()->GetNodes().IsDocNodes();
void SwTextField::ExpandTextField(const bool bForceNotify) const
    OSL_ENSURE( m_pTextNode, "SwTextField: where is my TextNode?" );
    const SwField* pField = GetFormatField().GetField();
    const OUString aNewExpand( pField->ExpandField(m_pTextNode->GetDoc()->IsClipBoard()) );
    const SwFieldIds nWhich = pField->GetTyp()->Which();
    const bool bSameExpandSimpleNotification
        = SwFieldIds::Chapter != nWhich && SwFieldIds::PageNumber != nWhich
          && SwFieldIds::RefPageGet != nWhich
          // Page count fields to not use aExpand during formatting,
          // therefore an invalidation of the text frame has to be triggered even if aNewExpand == aExpand:
          && (SwFieldIds::DocStat != nWhich
              || DS_PAGE != static_cast<const SwDocStatField*>(pField)->GetSubType())
          && (SwFieldIds::GetExp != nWhich
              || static_cast<const SwGetExpField*>(pField)->IsInBodyText());
    bool bHiddenParaChanged = false;
    if (aNewExpand != m_aExpand || bSameExpandSimpleNotification)
        bHiddenParaChanged = m_pTextNode->CalcHiddenParaField();
    if (aNewExpand == m_aExpand)
        if ( bSameExpandSimpleNotification )
            if( bHiddenParaChanged )
                m_pTextNode->ModifyNotification( nullptr, nullptr );
            if ( !bForceNotify )
                // done, if no further notification forced.
        m_aExpand = aNewExpand;
    const_cast<SwTextField*>(this)->NotifyContentChange( const_cast<SwFormatField&>(GetFormatField()) );
void SwTextField::CopyTextField( SwTextField *pDest ) const
    OSL_ENSURE( m_pTextNode, "SwTextField: where is my TextNode?" );
    OSL_ENSURE( pDest->m_pTextNode, "SwTextField: where is pDest's TextNode?" );
    IDocumentFieldsAccess* pIDFA = &m_pTextNode->getIDocumentFieldsAccess();
    IDocumentFieldsAccess* pDestIDFA = &pDest->m_pTextNode->getIDocumentFieldsAccess();
    SwFormatField& rDestFormatField = const_cast<SwFormatField&>(pDest->GetFormatField());
    const SwFieldIds nFieldWhich = rDestFormatField.GetField()->GetTyp()->Which();
    if( pIDFA != pDestIDFA )
        // different documents, e.g. clipboard:
        // register field type in target document
        SwFieldType* pFieldType;
        if( nFieldWhich != SwFieldIds::Database
            && nFieldWhich != SwFieldIds::User
            && nFieldWhich != SwFieldIds::SetExp
            && nFieldWhich != SwFieldIds::Dde
            && SwFieldIds::TableOfAuthorities != nFieldWhich )
            pFieldType = pDestIDFA->GetSysFieldType( nFieldWhich );
            pFieldType = pDestIDFA->InsertFieldType( *rDestFormatField.GetField()->GetTyp() );
        // DDE fields need special treatment
        if( SwFieldIds::Dde == nFieldWhich )
            if( rDestFormatField.GetTextField() )
        OSL_ENSURE( pFieldType, "unknown FieldType" );
        pFieldType->Add( &rDestFormatField ); // register at the field type
        rDestFormatField.GetField()->ChgTyp( pFieldType );
    // update expression fields
    if( nFieldWhich == SwFieldIds::SetExp
        || nFieldWhich == SwFieldIds::GetExp
        || nFieldWhich == SwFieldIds::HiddenText )
        SwTextField* pField = const_cast<SwTextField*>(this);
        pDestIDFA->UpdateExpFields( pField, true );
    // table fields: external display
    else if( SwFieldIds::Table == nFieldWhich
             && static_cast<SwTableField*>(rDestFormatField.GetField())->IsIntrnlName() )
        // convert internal (core) to external (UI) formula
        const SwTableNode* pTableNd = m_pTextNode->FindTableNode();
        if( pTableNd )        // in a table?
            static_cast<SwTableField*>(rDestFormatField.GetField())->PtrToBoxNm( &pTableNd->GetTable() );
void SwTextField::NotifyContentChange(SwFormatField& rFormatField)
    //if not in undo section notify the change
    if (m_pTextNode && m_pTextNode->GetNodes().IsDocNodes())
        m_pTextNode->ModifyNotification(nullptr, &rFormatField);
void SwTextField::GetPamForTextField(
    const SwTextField& rTextField,
    std::shared_ptr< SwPaM >& rPamForTextField )
    if (rTextField.GetpTextNode() == nullptr)
        SAL_WARN("sw.core", "<SwTextField::GetPamForField> - missing <SwTextNode>");
    const SwTextNode& rTextNode = rTextField.GetTextNode();
    rPamForTextField.reset( new SwPaM( rTextNode,
                                    (rTextField.End() != nullptr) ? *(rTextField.End()) : ( rTextField.GetStart() + 1 ),
                                    rTextField.GetStart() ) );
void SwTextField::DeleteTextField( const SwTextField& rTextField )
    if (rTextField.GetpTextNode() != nullptr)
        std::shared_ptr< SwPaM > pPamForTextField;
        GetPamForTextField(rTextField, pPamForTextField);
        if (pPamForTextField.get() != nullptr)
// class SwTextInputField ///////////////////////////////////////////////
// input field in-place editing
    SwFormatField & rAttr,
    sal_Int32 const nStart,
    sal_Int32 const nEnd,
    bool const bInClipboard )
    : SwTextAttr( rAttr, nStart )
    , SwTextAttrNesting( rAttr, nStart, nEnd )
    , SwTextField( rAttr, nStart, bInClipboard )
    , m_bLockNotifyContentChange( false )
    SetHasDummyChar( false );
    SetHasContent( true );
void SwTextInputField::LockNotifyContentChange()
    m_bLockNotifyContentChange = true;
void SwTextInputField::UnlockNotifyContentChange()
    m_bLockNotifyContentChange = false;
void SwTextInputField::NotifyContentChange( SwFormatField& rFormatField )
    if ( !m_bLockNotifyContentChange )
        SwTextField::NotifyContentChange( rFormatField );
        UpdateTextNodeContent( GetFieldContent() );
const OUString SwTextInputField::GetFieldContent() const
    return GetFormatField().GetField()->ExpandField(false);
void SwTextInputField::UpdateFieldContent()
    if ( IsFieldInDoc()
         && GetStart() != (*End()) )
        assert( (*End()) - GetStart() >= 2 &&
                "<SwTextInputField::UpdateFieldContent()> - Are CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART and/or CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDEND missing?" );
        // skip CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART character
        const sal_Int32 nIdx = GetStart() + 1;
        // skip CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDEND character
        const sal_Int32 nLen = static_cast<sal_Int32>(std::max<sal_Int32>( 0, ( (*End()) - 1 - nIdx ) ));
        const OUString aNewFieldContent = GetTextNode().GetExpandText( nIdx, nLen );
        const SwInputField* pInputField = dynamic_cast<const SwInputField*>(GetFormatField().GetField());
        assert(pInputField != nullptr);
        const_cast<SwInputField*>(pInputField)->applyFieldContent( aNewFieldContent );
        // trigger update of fields for scenarios in which the Input Field's content is part of e.g. a table formula
void SwTextInputField::UpdateTextNodeContent( const OUString& rNewContent )
    assert(IsFieldInDoc() &&
        "<SwTextInputField::UpdateTextNodeContent(..)> - misusage as Input Field is not in document content.");
    assert( (*End()) - GetStart() >= 2 &&
            "<SwTextInputField::UpdateTextNodeContent(..)> - Are CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART and/or CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDEND missing?" );
    // skip CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDSTART character
    const sal_Int32 nIdx = GetStart() + 1;
    // skip CH_TXT_ATR_INPUTFIELDEND character
    const sal_Int32 nDelLen = std::max<sal_Int32>( 0, ( (*End()) - 1 - nIdx ) );
    SwIndex aIdx( &GetTextNode(), nIdx );
    GetTextNode().ReplaceText( aIdx, nDelLen, rNewContent );
// class SwTextAnnotationField //////////////////////////////////////////
// text annotation field
    SwFormatField & rAttr,
    sal_Int32 const nStart,
    bool const bInClipboard )
    : SwTextAttr( rAttr, nStart )
    , SwTextField( rAttr, nStart, bInClipboard )
::sw::mark::IMark* SwTextAnnotationField::GetAnnotationMark() const
    const SwPostItField* pPostItField = dynamic_cast<const SwPostItField*>(GetFormatField().GetField());
    assert(pPostItField != nullptr);
    SwDoc* pDoc = static_cast<const SwPostItFieldType*>(pPostItField->GetTyp())->GetDoc();
    assert(pDoc != nullptr);
    IDocumentMarkAccess* pMarksAccess = pDoc->getIDocumentMarkAccess();
    IDocumentMarkAccess::const_iterator_t pMark = pMarksAccess->findAnnotationMark( pPostItField->GetName() );
    return pMark != pMarksAccess->getAnnotationMarksEnd()
           ? pMark->get()
           : nullptr;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer 'pPostItField'.

V522 There might be dereferencing of a potential null pointer.