/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
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 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <comphelper/fileformat.h>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#include <svl/macitem.hxx>
#include <stringio.hxx>
SvxMacro::SvxMacro( const OUString &rMacName, const OUString &rLanguage)
    : aMacName( rMacName ), aLibName( rLanguage),
      eType( EXTENDED_STYPE)
    if ( rLanguage == SVX_MACRO_LANGUAGE_STARBASIC )
    else if ( rLanguage == SVX_MACRO_LANGUAGE_JAVASCRIPT )
OUString SvxMacro::GetLanguage()const
    else if(eType==JAVASCRIPT)
    else if(eType==EXTENDED_STYPE)
        return OUString(SVX_MACRO_LANGUAGE_SF);
    return aLibName;
SvxMacro& SvxMacro::operator=( const SvxMacro& rBase )
    if( this != &rBase )
        aMacName = rBase.aMacName;
        aLibName = rBase.aLibName;
        eType = rBase.eType;
    return *this;
SvxMacroTableDtor& SvxMacroTableDtor::operator=( const SvxMacroTableDtor& rTbl )
    aSvxMacroTable.insert(rTbl.aSvxMacroTable.begin(), rTbl.aSvxMacroTable.end());
    return *this;
bool SvxMacroTableDtor::operator==( const SvxMacroTableDtor& rOther ) const
    // Count different => odd in any case
    if ( aSvxMacroTable.size() != rOther.aSvxMacroTable.size() )
        return false;
    // Compare single ones; the sequence matters due to performance reasons
    SvxMacroTable::const_iterator it1 = aSvxMacroTable.begin();
    SvxMacroTable::const_iterator it2 = rOther.aSvxMacroTable.begin();
    for ( ; it1 != aSvxMacroTable.end(); ++it1, ++it2 )
        const SvxMacro& rOwnMac = it1->second;
        const SvxMacro& rOtherMac = it2->second;
        if (    it1->first != it2->first ||
                rOwnMac.GetLibName() != rOtherMac.GetLibName() ||
                rOwnMac.GetMacName() != rOtherMac.GetMacName() )
            return false;
    return true;
void SvxMacroTableDtor::Read( SvStream& rStrm )
    sal_uInt16 nVersion;
    rStrm.ReadUInt16( nVersion );
    short nMacro(0);
    if (nMacro < 0)
        SAL_WARN("editeng", "Parsing error: negative value " << nMacro);
    const size_t nMinStringSize = rStrm.GetStreamCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE ? 4 : 2;
    size_t nMinRecordSize = 2 + 2*nMinStringSize;
    if( SVX_MACROTBL_VERSION40 <= nVersion )
    const size_t nMaxRecords = rStrm.remainingSize() / nMinRecordSize;
    if (static_cast<size_t>(nMacro) > nMaxRecords)
        SAL_WARN("editeng", "Parsing error: " << nMaxRecords <<
                 " max possible entries, but " << nMacro<< " claimed, truncating");
        nMacro = nMaxRecords;
    for (short i = 0; i < nMacro; ++i)
        sal_uInt16 nCurKey, eType = STARBASIC;
        OUString aLibName, aMacName;
        rStrm.ReadUInt16( nCurKey );
        aLibName = readByteString(rStrm);
        aMacName = readByteString(rStrm);
        if( SVX_MACROTBL_VERSION40 <= nVersion )
            rStrm.ReadUInt16( eType );
        aSvxMacroTable.emplace( SvMacroItemId(nCurKey), SvxMacro( aMacName, aLibName, static_cast<ScriptType>(eType) ) );
SvStream& SvxMacroTableDtor::Write( SvStream& rStream ) const
    sal_uInt16 nVersion = SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_31 == rStream.GetVersion()
                                    ? SVX_MACROTBL_VERSION31
                                    : SVX_MACROTBL_AKTVERSION;
    if( SVX_MACROTBL_VERSION40 <= nVersion )
        rStream.WriteUInt16( nVersion );
    rStream.WriteUInt16( aSvxMacroTable.size() );
    SvxMacroTable::const_iterator it = aSvxMacroTable.begin();
    while( it != aSvxMacroTable.end() && rStream.GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE )
        const SvxMacro& rMac = it->second;
        rStream.WriteUInt16( static_cast<sal_uInt16>(it->first) );
        writeByteString(rStream, rMac.GetLibName());
        writeByteString(rStream, rMac.GetMacName());
        if( SVX_MACROTBL_VERSION40 <= nVersion )
            rStream.WriteUInt16( rMac.GetScriptType() );
    return rStream;
// returns NULL if no entry exists, or a pointer to the internal value
const SvxMacro* SvxMacroTableDtor::Get(SvMacroItemId nEvent) const
    SvxMacroTable::const_iterator it = aSvxMacroTable.find(nEvent);
    return it == aSvxMacroTable.end() ? nullptr : &(it->second);
// returns NULL if no entry exists, or a pointer to the internal value
SvxMacro* SvxMacroTableDtor::Get(SvMacroItemId nEvent)
    SvxMacroTable::iterator it = aSvxMacroTable.find(nEvent);
    return it == aSvxMacroTable.end() ? nullptr : &(it->second);
// return true if the key exists
bool SvxMacroTableDtor::IsKeyValid(SvMacroItemId nEvent) const
    SvxMacroTable::const_iterator it = aSvxMacroTable.find(nEvent);
    return it != aSvxMacroTable.end();
// This stores a copy of the rMacro parameter
SvxMacro& SvxMacroTableDtor::Insert(SvMacroItemId nEvent, const SvxMacro& rMacro)
    return aSvxMacroTable.emplace( nEvent, rMacro ).first->second;
// If the entry exists, remove it from the map and release it's storage
void SvxMacroTableDtor::Erase(SvMacroItemId nEvent)
    SvxMacroTable::iterator it = aSvxMacroTable.find(nEvent);
    if ( it != aSvxMacroTable.end())
bool SvxMacroItem::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const
    const SvxMacroTableDtor& rOwn = aMacroTable;
    const SvxMacroTableDtor& rOther = static_cast<const SvxMacroItem&>(rAttr).aMacroTable;
    return rOwn == rOther;
SfxPoolItem* SvxMacroItem::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const
    return new SvxMacroItem( *this );
bool SvxMacroItem::GetPresentation
    SfxItemPresentation /*ePres*/,
    MapUnit             /*eCoreUnit*/,
    MapUnit             /*ePresUnit*/,
    OUString&           rText,
    const IntlWrapper&
)   const
    SvxMacroTableDtor& rTbl = (SvxMacroTableDtor&)GetMacroTable();
    SvxMacro* pMac = rTbl.First();
    while ( pMac )
        rText += pMac->GetLibName();
        rText += cpDelim;
        rText += pMac->GetMacName();
        pMac = rTbl.Next();
        if ( pMac )
            rText += cpDelim;
    return false;
void SvxMacroItem::SetMacro( SvMacroItemId nEvent, const SvxMacro& rMacro )
    aMacroTable.Insert( nEvent, rMacro);
sal_uInt16 SvxMacroItem::GetVersion( sal_uInt16 nFileFormatVersion ) const
    return SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_31 == nFileFormatVersion
                ? 0 : SvxMacroTableDtor::GetVersion();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V794 The assignment operator should be protected from the case of 'this == &rTbl'.