/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sal/config.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <po.hxx>
#include <lngmerge.hxx>
namespace {
OString getBracketedContent(const OString& text) {
    return text.getToken(1, '[').getToken(0, ']');
void lcl_RemoveUTF8ByteOrderMarker( OString &rString )
    if( rString.getLength() >= 3 && rString[0] == '\xEF' &&
        rString[1] == '\xBB' && rString[2] == '\xBF' )
        rString = rString.copy(3);
// class LngParser
LngParser::LngParser(const OString &rLngFile)
    : sSource( rLngFile )
    std::ifstream aStream(sSource.getStr());
    if (aStream.is_open())
        bool bFirstLine = true;
        std::string s;
        std::getline(aStream, s);
        while (!aStream.eof())
            OString sLine(s.data(), s.length());
            if( bFirstLine )
                // Always remove UTF8 BOM from the first line
                lcl_RemoveUTF8ByteOrderMarker( sLine );
                bFirstLine = false;
            mvLines.push_back( sLine );
            std::getline(aStream, s);
        mvLines.push_back( OString() );
void LngParser::CreatePO( const OString &rPOFile )
    PoOfstream aPOStream( rPOFile, PoOfstream::APP );
    if (!aPOStream.isOpen()) {
        std::cerr << "Ulfex error: Can't open po file:" << rPOFile << "\n";
    size_t nPos  = 0;
    bool bStart = true;
    OString sGroup, sLine;
    OStringHashMap Text;
    OString sID;
    while( nPos < mvLines.size() ) {
        sLine = mvLines[ nPos++ ];
        while( nPos < mvLines.size() && !isNextGroup( sGroup , sLine ) ) {
            ReadLine( sLine , Text );
            sID = sGroup;
            sLine = mvLines[ nPos++ ];
        if( bStart ) {
            bStart = false;
            sID = sGroup;
        else {
            WritePO( aPOStream , Text , sSource , sID );
void LngParser::WritePO(PoOfstream &aPOStream,
    OStringHashMap &rText_inout, const OString &rActFileName,
    const OString &rID)
        "Ulfex", aPOStream, rActFileName, "LngText",
        rID, OString(), rText_inout.count("x-comment") ? rText_inout["x-comment"] : OString(), rText_inout["en-US"]);
bool LngParser::isNextGroup(OString &sGroup_out, const OString &sLine_in)
    const OString sLineTrim = sLine_in.trim();
    if (sLineTrim.startsWith("[") && sLineTrim.endsWith("]"))
        sGroup_out = getBracketedContent(sLineTrim).trim();
        return true;
    return false;
void LngParser::ReadLine(const OString &rLine_in,
        OStringHashMap &rText_inout)
    if (!rLine_in.match(" *") && !rLine_in.match("/*"))
        OString sLang(rLine_in.getToken(0, '=').trim());
        if (!sLang.isEmpty()) {
            OString sText(rLine_in.getToken(1, '"'));
            rText_inout[sLang] = sText;
void LngParser::Merge(
    const OString &rPOFile,
    const OString &rDestinationFile,
    const OString &rLanguage )
    std::ofstream aDestination(
        rDestinationFile.getStr(), std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::trunc);
    MergeDataFile aMergeDataFile( rPOFile, sSource, false, true );
    if( rLanguage.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("ALL") )
        aLanguages = aMergeDataFile.GetLanguages();
    size_t nPos = 0;
    bool bGroup = false;
    OString sGroup;
    // seek to next group
    while ( nPos < mvLines.size() && !bGroup )
        OString sLine( mvLines[ nPos ] );
        sLine = sLine.trim();
        if ( sLine.startsWith("[") && sLine.endsWith("]") )
            sGroup = getBracketedContent(sLine).trim();
            bGroup = true;
        nPos ++;
    while ( nPos < mvLines.size()) {
        OStringHashMap Text;
        OString sID( sGroup );
        std::size_t nLastLangPos = 0;
        std::unique_ptr<ResData> pResData( new ResData( sID, sSource ) );
        pResData->sResTyp = "LngText";
        MergeEntrys *pEntrys = aMergeDataFile.GetMergeEntrys( pResData.get() );
        // read languages
        bGroup = false;
        OString sLanguagesDone;
        while ( nPos < mvLines.size() && !bGroup )
            OString sLine( mvLines[ nPos ] );
            sLine = sLine.trim();
            if ( sLine.startsWith("[") && sLine.endsWith("]") )
                sGroup = getBracketedContent(sLine).trim();
                bGroup = true;
                nPos ++;
                sLanguagesDone = "";
                sal_Int32 n = 0;
                OString sLang(sLine.getToken(0, '=', n));
                if (n == -1 || static_cast<bool>(sLine.match("/*")))
                    sLang = sLang.trim();
                    OString sSearch( ";" );
                    sSearch += sLang;
                    sSearch += ";";
                    if ( sLanguagesDone.indexOf( sSearch ) != -1 ) {
                        mvLines.erase( mvLines.begin() + nPos );
                    if( pEntrys )
                        if( !sLang.isEmpty() )
                            OString sNewText;
                            pEntrys->GetText( sNewText, sLang, true );
                            if( sLang == "qtz" )
                            if ( !sNewText.isEmpty()) {
                                OString & rLine = mvLines[ nPos ];
                                OString sText1( sLang );
                                sText1 += " = \"";
                                // escape quotes, unescape double escaped quotes fdo#56648
                                sText1 += sNewText.replaceAll("\"","\\\"").replaceAll("\\\\\"","\\\"");
                                sText1 += "\"";
                                rLine = sText1;
                                Text[ sLang ] = sNewText;
                        nLastLangPos = nPos;
                        nPos ++;
                        sLanguagesDone += sSearch;
                    else {
                        nLastLangPos = nPos;
                        nPos ++;
                        sLanguagesDone += sSearch;
        OString sCur;
        if ( nLastLangPos )
            for(size_t n = 0; n < aLanguages.size(); ++n)
                sCur = aLanguages[ n ];
                if( !sCur.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase("en-US") && Text[sCur].isEmpty() && pEntrys )
                    OString sNewText;
                    pEntrys->GetText( sNewText, sCur, true );
                    if( sCur == "qtz" )
                    if ( !sNewText.isEmpty() && sCur != "x-comment")
                        OString sLine;
                        sLine += sCur;
                        sLine += " = \"";
                        // escape quotes, unescape double escaped quotes fdo#56648
                        sLine += sNewText.replaceAll("\"","\\\"").replaceAll("\\\\\"","\\\"");
                        sLine += "\"";
                        if ( nLastLangPos < mvLines.size() ) {
                            mvLines.insert( mvLines.begin() + nLastLangPos, sLine );
                        } else {
                            mvLines.push_back( sLine );
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < mvLines.size(); ++i )
        aDestination << mvLines[i] << '\n';
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V1024 The 'aStream' stream is checked for EOF before reading from it, but is not checked after reading. Use of invalid data may occur.