/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <string.h>
#include "keyimpl.hxx"
#include "reflcnst.hxx"
#include <rtl/alloc.h>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx>
#include <osl/diagnose.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <memory>
using namespace store;
namespace { static char const VALUE_PREFIX[] = "$VL_"; }
//  ORegKey()
ORegKey::ORegKey(const OUString& keyName, ORegistry* pReg)
    : m_refCount(1)
    , m_name(keyName)
    , m_bDeleted(false)
    , m_bModified(false)
    , m_pRegistry(pReg)
//  ~ORegKey()
    SAL_WARN_IF(m_refCount != 0, "registry", "registry::ORegKey::dtor(): refcount not zero.");
//  releaseKey
RegError ORegKey::releaseKey(RegKeyHandle hKey)
    return m_pRegistry->releaseKey(hKey);
//  createKey
RegError ORegKey::createKey(const OUString& keyName, RegKeyHandle* phNewKey)
    return m_pRegistry->createKey(this, keyName, phNewKey);
//  openKey
RegError ORegKey::openKey(const OUString& keyName, RegKeyHandle* phOpenKey)
    return m_pRegistry->openKey(this, keyName, phOpenKey);
//  openSubKeys
RegError ORegKey::openSubKeys(const OUString& keyName, RegKeyHandle** phOpenSubKeys, sal_uInt32* pnSubKeys)
    RegError _ret = RegError::NO_ERROR;
    *phOpenSubKeys = nullptr;
    *pnSubKeys = 0;
    ORegKey* pKey = this;
    if ( !keyName.isEmpty() )
        _ret = openKey(keyName, reinterpret_cast<RegKeyHandle*>(&pKey));
        if (_ret != RegError::NO_ERROR)
            return _ret;
    sal_uInt32 nSubKeys = pKey->countSubKeys();
    *pnSubKeys = nSubKeys;
    ORegKey** pSubKeys;
    pSubKeys = static_cast<ORegKey**>(rtl_allocateZeroMemory(nSubKeys * sizeof(ORegKey*)));
    OStoreDirectory::iterator   iter;
    OStoreDirectory             rStoreDir(pKey->getStoreDir());
    storeError                  _err = rStoreDir.first(iter);
    nSubKeys = 0;
    while ( _err == store_E_None )
        if ( iter.m_nAttrib & STORE_ATTRIB_ISDIR )
            OUString const sSubKeyName = iter.m_pszName;
            ORegKey* pOpenSubKey = nullptr;
            _ret = pKey->openKey(sSubKeyName, reinterpret_cast<RegKeyHandle*>(&pOpenSubKey));
            if (_ret != RegError::NO_ERROR)
                *phOpenSubKeys = nullptr;
                *pnSubKeys = 0;
                std::free(pSubKeys); // @@@ leaking 'pSubKeys[0...nSubkeys-1]'
                return _ret;              // @@@ leaking 'pKey'
            pSubKeys[nSubKeys] = pOpenSubKey;
        _err = rStoreDir.next(iter);
    *phOpenSubKeys = reinterpret_cast<RegKeyHandle*>(pSubKeys);
    if (!keyName.isEmpty())
        (void) releaseKey(pKey);
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  getKeyNames
RegError ORegKey::getKeyNames(const OUString& keyName,
                              rtl_uString*** pSubKeyNames,
                              sal_uInt32* pnSubKeys)
    RegError _ret = RegError::NO_ERROR;
    *pSubKeyNames = nullptr;
    *pnSubKeys = 0;
    ORegKey* pKey = this;
    if (!keyName.isEmpty())
        _ret = openKey(keyName, reinterpret_cast<RegKeyHandle*>(&pKey));
        if (_ret != RegError::NO_ERROR)
            return _ret;
    sal_uInt32 nSubKeys = pKey->countSubKeys();
    *pnSubKeys = nSubKeys;
    rtl_uString** pSubKeys = nullptr;
    pSubKeys = static_cast<rtl_uString**>(rtl_allocateZeroMemory(nSubKeys * sizeof(rtl_uString*)));
    OStoreDirectory::iterator   iter;
    OStoreDirectory             rStoreDir(pKey->getStoreDir());
    storeError                  _err = rStoreDir.first(iter);
    nSubKeys = 0;
    while ( _err == store_E_None )
        if ( iter.m_nAttrib & STORE_ATTRIB_ISDIR)
            OUString const sSubKeyName = iter.m_pszName;
            OUString sFullKeyName(pKey->getName());
            if (sFullKeyName.getLength() > 1)
                sFullKeyName += ORegistry::ROOT;
            sFullKeyName += sSubKeyName;
            rtl_uString_newFromString(&pSubKeys[nSubKeys], sFullKeyName.pData);
        _err = rStoreDir.next(iter);
    *pSubKeyNames = pSubKeys;
    if (!keyName.isEmpty())
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  closeKey
RegError ORegKey::closeKey(RegKeyHandle hKey)
    return m_pRegistry->closeKey(hKey);
//  deleteKey
RegError ORegKey::deleteKey(const OUString& keyName)
    return m_pRegistry->deleteKey(this, keyName);
//  getValueType
RegError ORegKey::getValueInfo(const OUString& valueName, RegValueType* pValueType, sal_uInt32* pValueSize) const
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    storeAccessMode accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadWrite;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadOnly;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if ( rValue.create(m_pRegistry->getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT, sImplValueName, accessMode) )
        *pValueType = RegValueType::NOT_DEFINED;
        *pValueSize = 0;
        return RegError::VALUE_NOT_EXISTS;
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE]);
    sal_uInt32  readBytes;
    if ( rValue.readAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE, readBytes) )
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != VALUE_HEADERSIZE)
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    sal_uInt32  size;
    sal_uInt8   type = pBuffer[0];
    readUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, size);
    *pValueType = static_cast<RegValueType>(type);
//    if (*pValueType == RegValueType::UNICODE)
//    {
//        *pValueSize = (size / 2) * sizeof(sal_Unicode);
//    } else
//    {
        if (*pValueType > RegValueType::BINARY)
            pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[4]);
            rValue.readAt(VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, pBuffer.get(), 4, readBytes);
            readUINT32(pBuffer.get(), size);
        *pValueSize = size;
//    }
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  setValue
RegError ORegKey::setValue(const OUString& valueName, RegValueType vType, RegValue value, sal_uInt32 vSize)
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        return RegError::REGISTRY_READONLY;
    if (vType > RegValueType::BINARY)
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if ( rValue.create(getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT , sImplValueName, storeAccessMode::Create) )
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    sal_uInt32 size = vSize;
    sal_uInt8 type = static_cast<sal_uInt8>(vType);
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE + size]);
    memcpy(pBuffer.get(), &type, 1);
    writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, size);
    switch (vType)
        case RegValueType::NOT_DEFINED:
            memcpy(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, value, size);
        case RegValueType::LONG:
            writeINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, *static_cast<sal_Int32*>(value));
        case RegValueType::STRING:
            writeUtf8(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, static_cast<const sal_Char*>(value));
        case RegValueType::UNICODE:
            writeString(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, static_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(value));
        case RegValueType::BINARY:
            memcpy(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, value, size);
    sal_uInt32  writenBytes;
    if ( rValue.writeAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE+size, writenBytes) )
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    if (writenBytes != (VALUE_HEADERSIZE+size))
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  setLongListValue
RegError ORegKey::setLongListValue(const OUString& valueName, sal_Int32 const * pValueList, sal_uInt32 len)
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        return RegError::REGISTRY_READONLY;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if (rValue.create(getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT, sImplValueName, storeAccessMode::Create) )
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    sal_uInt32 size = 4; // 4 bytes (sal_uInt32) for the length
    size += len * 4;
    sal_uInt8 type = sal_uInt8(RegValueType::LONGLIST);
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE + size]);
    memcpy(pBuffer.get(), &type, 1);
    writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, size);
    writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, len);
    sal_uInt32 offset = 4; // initial 4 bytes for the size of the array
    for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i < len; i++)
        writeINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET+offset, pValueList[i]);
        offset += 4;
    sal_uInt32  writenBytes;
    if ( rValue.writeAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE+size, writenBytes) )
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    if (writenBytes != (VALUE_HEADEROFFSET+size))
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  setStringListValue
RegError ORegKey::setStringListValue(const OUString& valueName, sal_Char** pValueList, sal_uInt32 len)
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        return RegError::REGISTRY_READONLY;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if (rValue.create(getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT, sImplValueName, storeAccessMode::Create) )
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    sal_uInt32 size = 4; // 4 bytes (sal_uInt32) for the length
    sal_uInt32 i;
    for (i=0; i < len; i++)
        size +=  4 + strlen(pValueList[i]) + 1;
    sal_uInt8 type = sal_uInt8(RegValueType::STRINGLIST);
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE + size]);
    memcpy(pBuffer.get(), &type, 1);
    writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, size);
    writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, len);
    sal_uInt32 offset = 4; // initial 4 bytes for the size of the array;
    sal_uInt32 sLen = 0;
    for (i=0; i < len; i++)
        sLen = strlen(pValueList[i]) + 1;
        writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET+offset, sLen);
        offset += 4;
        writeUtf8(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET+offset, pValueList[i]);
        offset += sLen;
    sal_uInt32  writenBytes;
    if ( rValue.writeAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE+size, writenBytes) )
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    if (writenBytes != (VALUE_HEADERSIZE+size))
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  setUnicodeListValue
RegError ORegKey::setUnicodeListValue(const OUString& valueName, sal_Unicode** pValueList, sal_uInt32 len)
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        return RegError::REGISTRY_READONLY;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if (rValue.create(getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT, sImplValueName, storeAccessMode::Create) )
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    sal_uInt32 size = 4; // 4 bytes (sal_uInt32) for the length
    sal_uInt32 i;
    for (i=0; i < len; i++)
        size +=  4 + ((rtl_ustr_getLength(pValueList[i]) +1) * 2);
    sal_uInt8 type = sal_uInt8(RegValueType::UNICODELIST);
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE + size]);
    memcpy(pBuffer.get(), &type, 1);
    writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, size);
    writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, len);
    sal_uInt32 offset = 4; // initial 4 bytes for the size of the array;
    sal_uInt32 sLen = 0;
    for (i=0; i < len; i++)
        sLen = (rtl_ustr_getLength(pValueList[i]) + 1) * 2;
        writeUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET+offset, sLen);
        offset += 4;
        writeString(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_HEADEROFFSET+offset, pValueList[i]);
        offset += sLen;
    sal_uInt32  writenBytes;
    if ( rValue.writeAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE+size, writenBytes) )
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    if (writenBytes != (VALUE_HEADERSIZE+size))
        return RegError::SET_VALUE_FAILED;
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  getValue
RegError ORegKey::getValue(const OUString& valueName, RegValue value) const
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    RegValueType    valueType;
    sal_uInt32      valueSize;
    storeAccessMode accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadWrite;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadOnly;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if (rValue.create(getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT, sImplValueName, accessMode) )
        return RegError::VALUE_NOT_EXISTS;
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE]);
    sal_uInt32  readBytes;
    if ( rValue.readAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE, readBytes) )
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != VALUE_HEADERSIZE)
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    sal_uInt8   type = pBuffer[0];
    valueType = static_cast<RegValueType>(type);
    readUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, valueSize);
    if (valueType > RegValueType::BINARY)
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[valueSize]);
    if ( rValue.readAt(VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, pBuffer.get(), valueSize, readBytes) )
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != valueSize)
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    switch (valueType)
        case RegValueType::NOT_DEFINED:
            memcpy(value, pBuffer.get(), valueSize);
        case RegValueType::LONG:
            readINT32(pBuffer.get(), *static_cast<sal_Int32*>(value));
        case RegValueType::STRING:
            readUtf8(pBuffer.get(), static_cast<sal_Char*>(value), valueSize);
        case RegValueType::UNICODE:
            readString(pBuffer.get(), static_cast<sal_Unicode*>(value), valueSize);
        case RegValueType::BINARY:
            memcpy(value, pBuffer.get(), valueSize);
        // coverity[dead_error_begin] - following conditions exist to avoid compiler warning
        case RegValueType::LONGLIST:
        case RegValueType::STRINGLIST:
        case RegValueType::UNICODELIST:
            memcpy(value, pBuffer.get(), valueSize);
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  getLongListValue
RegError ORegKey::getLongListValue(const OUString& valueName, sal_Int32** pValueList, sal_uInt32* pLen) const
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    RegValueType    valueType;
    sal_uInt32      valueSize;
    storeAccessMode accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadWrite;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadOnly;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if (rValue.create(getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT, sImplValueName, accessMode) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::VALUE_NOT_EXISTS;
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE]);
    sal_uInt32  readBytes;
    if ( rValue.readAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE, readBytes) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != VALUE_HEADERSIZE)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    sal_uInt8   type = pBuffer[0];
    valueType = static_cast<RegValueType>(type);
    if (valueType != RegValueType::LONGLIST)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    readUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, valueSize);
    /* check for 'reasonable' value */
    /* surely 10 millions entry in a registry list should be enough */
    if(valueSize > 40000000)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[valueSize]);
    if ( rValue.readAt(VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, pBuffer.get(), valueSize, readBytes) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != valueSize)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    sal_uInt32 len = 0;
    readUINT32(pBuffer.get(), len);
    /* make sure the declared size of the arry is consistent with the amount of data we have read */
    if(len > (valueSize - 4) / 4)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    *pLen = len;
    sal_Int32* pVList = static_cast<sal_Int32*>(rtl_allocateZeroMemory(len * sizeof(sal_Int32)));
    sal_uInt32 offset = 4; // initial 4 bytes for the size of the array;
    for (sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < len; i++)
        readINT32(pBuffer.get()+offset, pVList[i]);
        offset += 4;
    *pValueList = pVList;
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  getStringListValue
RegError ORegKey::getStringListValue(const OUString& valueName, sal_Char*** pValueList, sal_uInt32* pLen) const
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    RegValueType    valueType;
    sal_uInt32      valueSize;
    storeAccessMode accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadWrite;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadOnly;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if ( rValue.create(getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT, sImplValueName, accessMode) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::VALUE_NOT_EXISTS;
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE]);
    sal_uInt32  readBytes;
    if ( rValue.readAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE, readBytes) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != VALUE_HEADERSIZE)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    sal_uInt8   type = pBuffer[0];
    valueType = static_cast<RegValueType>(type);
    if (valueType != RegValueType::STRINGLIST)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    readUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, valueSize);
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[valueSize]);
    if ( rValue.readAt(VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, pBuffer.get(), valueSize, readBytes) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != valueSize)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    sal_uInt32 len = 0;
    readUINT32(pBuffer.get(), len);
    *pLen = len;
    sal_Char** pVList = static_cast<sal_Char**>(rtl_allocateZeroMemory(len * sizeof(sal_Char*)));
    sal_uInt32 offset = 4; // initial 4 bytes for the size of the array;
    sal_uInt32 sLen = 0;
    sal_Char *pValue;
    for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i < len; i++)
        readUINT32(pBuffer.get()+offset, sLen);
        offset += 4;
        pValue = static_cast<sal_Char*>(std::malloc(sLen));
        readUtf8(pBuffer.get()+offset, pValue, sLen);
        pVList[i] = pValue;
        offset += sLen;
    *pValueList = pVList;
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  getUnicodeListValue
RegError ORegKey::getUnicodeListValue(const OUString& valueName, sal_Unicode*** pValueList, sal_uInt32* pLen) const
    OStoreStream    rValue;
    std::unique_ptr<sal_uInt8[]> pBuffer;
    RegValueType    valueType;
    sal_uInt32      valueSize;
    storeAccessMode accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadWrite;
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadOnly;
    OUString sImplValueName( VALUE_PREFIX );
    sImplValueName += valueName;
    if ( rValue.create(getStoreFile(), m_name + ORegistry::ROOT, sImplValueName, accessMode) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::VALUE_NOT_EXISTS;
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[VALUE_HEADERSIZE]);
    sal_uInt32  readBytes;
    if ( rValue.readAt(0, pBuffer.get(), VALUE_HEADERSIZE, readBytes) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != VALUE_HEADERSIZE)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    sal_uInt8   type = pBuffer[0];
    valueType = static_cast<RegValueType>(type);
    if (valueType != RegValueType::UNICODELIST)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    readUINT32(pBuffer.get()+VALUE_TYPEOFFSET, valueSize);
    pBuffer.reset(new sal_uInt8[valueSize]);
    if ( rValue.readAt(VALUE_HEADEROFFSET, pBuffer.get(), valueSize, readBytes) )
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    if (readBytes != valueSize)
        pValueList = nullptr;
        *pLen = 0;
        return RegError::INVALID_VALUE;
    sal_uInt32 len = 0;
    readUINT32(pBuffer.get(), len);
    *pLen = len;
    sal_Unicode** pVList = static_cast<sal_Unicode**>(rtl_allocateZeroMemory(len * sizeof(sal_Unicode*)));
    sal_uInt32 offset = 4; // initial 4 bytes for the size of the array;
    sal_uInt32 sLen = 0;
    sal_Unicode *pValue;
    for (sal_uInt32 i=0; i < len; i++)
        readUINT32(pBuffer.get()+offset, sLen);
        offset += 4;
        pValue = static_cast<sal_Unicode*>(std::malloc((sLen / 2) * sizeof(sal_Unicode)));
        readString(pBuffer.get()+offset, pValue, sLen);
        pVList[i] = pValue;
        offset += sLen;
    *pValueList = pVList;
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
RegError ORegKey::getResolvedKeyName(const OUString& keyName,
                                     OUString& resolvedName) const
    if (keyName.isEmpty())
        return RegError::INVALID_KEYNAME;
    resolvedName = getFullPath(keyName);
    return RegError::NO_ERROR;
//  countSubKeys()
sal_uInt32 ORegKey::countSubKeys()
    OStoreDirectory::iterator   iter;
    OStoreDirectory             rStoreDir = getStoreDir();
    storeError                  _err = rStoreDir.first(iter);
    sal_uInt32                  count = 0;
    while ( _err == store_E_None )
        if ( iter.m_nAttrib & STORE_ATTRIB_ISDIR )
        _err = rStoreDir.next(iter);
    return count;
OStoreDirectory ORegKey::getStoreDir() const
    OStoreDirectory rStoreDir;
    OUString        fullPath;
    OUString        relativName;
    storeAccessMode accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadWrite;
    if ( m_name == ORegistry::ROOT )
    } else
        fullPath = m_name.copy(0, m_name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
        relativName = m_name.copy(m_name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
    if (m_pRegistry->isReadOnly())
        accessMode = storeAccessMode::ReadOnly;
    rStoreDir.create(getStoreFile(), fullPath, relativName, accessMode);
    return rStoreDir;
OUString ORegKey::getFullPath(OUString const & path) const {
    OSL_ASSERT(!m_name.isEmpty() && !path.isEmpty());
    OUStringBuffer b(m_name);
    if (!b.isEmpty() && b[b.getLength() - 1] == '/') {
        if (path[0] == '/') {
        } else {
    } else {
        if (path[0] != '/') {
    return b.makeStringAndClear();
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V519 The 'pSubKeys' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 164, 165.