/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <sc.hrc>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
#include <sot/formats.hxx>
#include <sfx2/mieclip.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/i18n/CalendarFieldIndex.hpp>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <global.hxx>
#include <scerrors.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <undoblk.hxx>
#include <rangenam.hxx>
#include <viewdata.hxx>
#include <tabvwsh.hxx>
#include <filter.hxx>
#include <asciiopt.hxx>
#include <formulacell.hxx>
#include <cellform.hxx>
#include <docoptio.hxx>
#include <progress.hxx>
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <editable.hxx>
#include <compiler.hxx>
#include <warnbox.hxx>
#include <clipparam.hxx>
#include <impex.hxx>
#include <editutil.hxx>
#include <patattr.hxx>
#include <docpool.hxx>
#include <stringutil.hxx>
#include <cellvalue.hxx>
#include <tokenarray.hxx>
#include <documentimport.hxx>
#include <refundo.hxx>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <tools/svlibrary.h>
#include <unotools/configmgr.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/weld.hxx>
#include <editeng/editobj.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <osl/endian.h>
// We don't want to end up with 2GB read in one line just because of malformed
// multiline fields, so chop it _somewhere_, which is twice supported columns
// times maximum cell content length, 2*1024*64K=128M, and because it's
// sal_Unicode that's 256MB. If it's 2GB of data without LF we're out of luck
// anyway.
static const sal_Int32 nArbitraryLineLengthLimit = 2 * MAXCOLCOUNT * 65536;
    const char SYLK_LF[]  = "\x1b :";
    inline bool lcl_IsEndianSwap( const SvStream& rStrm )
    #ifdef OSL_BIGENDIAN
        return rStrm.GetEndian() != SvStreamEndian::BIG;
        return rStrm.GetEndian() != SvStreamEndian::LITTLE;
enum class SylkVersion
    SCALC3,    // Wrote wrongly quoted strings and unescaped semicolons.
    OOO32,     // Correct strings, plus multiline content.
    OWN,       // Place our new versions, if any, before this value.
    OTHER      // Assume that aliens wrote correct strings.
// Whole document without Undo
ScImportExport::ScImportExport( ScDocument* p )
    : pDocSh( dynamic_cast< ScDocShell* >(p->GetDocumentShell()) ), pDoc( p ),
      nSizeLimit( 0 ), nMaxImportRow(!utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing() ? MAXROW : SCROWS32K),
      cSep( '\t' ), cStr( '"' ),
      bFormulas( false ), bIncludeFiltered( true ),
      bAll( true ), bSingle( true ), bUndo( false ),
      bOverflowRow( false ), bOverflowCol( false ), bOverflowCell( false ),
      mbApi( true ), mbImportBroadcast(false), mbOverwriting( false ),
    pUndoDoc = nullptr;
    pExtOptions = nullptr;
// Insert am current cell without range(es)
ScImportExport::ScImportExport( ScDocument* p, const ScAddress& rPt )
    : pDocSh( dynamic_cast< ScDocShell* >(p->GetDocumentShell()) ), pDoc( p ),
      aRange( rPt ),
      nSizeLimit( 0 ), nMaxImportRow(!utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing() ? MAXROW : SCROWS32K),
      cSep( '\t' ), cStr( '"' ),
      bFormulas( false ), bIncludeFiltered( true ),
      bAll( false ), bSingle( true ), bUndo( pDocSh != nullptr ),
      bOverflowRow( false ), bOverflowCol( false ), bOverflowCell( false ),
      mbApi( true ), mbImportBroadcast(false), mbOverwriting( false ),
    pUndoDoc = nullptr;
    pExtOptions = nullptr;
//  ctor with a range is only used for export
//! ctor with a string (and bSingle=true) is also used for DdeSetData
ScImportExport::ScImportExport( ScDocument* p, const ScRange& r )
    : pDocSh( dynamic_cast<ScDocShell* >(p->GetDocumentShell()) ), pDoc( p ),
      aRange( r ),
      nSizeLimit( 0 ), nMaxImportRow(!utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing() ? MAXROW : SCROWS32K),
      cSep( '\t' ), cStr( '"' ),
      bFormulas( false ), bIncludeFiltered( true ),
      bAll( false ), bSingle( false ), bUndo( pDocSh != nullptr ),
      bOverflowRow( false ), bOverflowCol( false ), bOverflowCell( false ),
      mbApi( true ), mbImportBroadcast(false), mbOverwriting( false ),
    pUndoDoc = nullptr;
    pExtOptions = nullptr;
    // Only one sheet (table) supported
    aRange.aEnd.SetTab( aRange.aStart.Tab() );
// Evaluate input string - either range, cell or the whole document (when error)
// If a View exists, the TabNo of the view will be used.
ScImportExport::ScImportExport( ScDocument* p, const OUString& rPos )
    : pDocSh( dynamic_cast< ScDocShell* >(p->GetDocumentShell()) ), pDoc( p ),
      nSizeLimit( 0 ), nMaxImportRow(!utl::ConfigManager::IsFuzzing() ? MAXROW : SCROWS32K),
      cSep( '\t' ), cStr( '"' ),
      bFormulas( false ), bIncludeFiltered( true ),
      bAll( false ), bSingle( true ), bUndo( pDocSh != nullptr ),
      bOverflowRow( false ), bOverflowCol( false ), bOverflowCell( false ),
      mbApi( true ), mbImportBroadcast(false), mbOverwriting( false ),
    pUndoDoc = nullptr;
    pExtOptions = nullptr;
    SCTAB nTab = ScDocShell::GetCurTab();
    aRange.aStart.SetTab( nTab );
    OUString aPos( rPos );
    // Named range?
    ScRangeName* pRange = pDoc->GetRangeName();
    if (pRange)
        const ScRangeData* pData = pRange->findByUpperName(ScGlobal::pCharClass->uppercase(aPos));
        if (pData)
            if( pData->HasType( ScRangeData::Type::RefArea )
                || pData->HasType( ScRangeData::Type::AbsArea )
                || pData->HasType( ScRangeData::Type::AbsPos ) )
    formula::FormulaGrammar::AddressConvention eConv = pDoc->GetAddressConvention();
    // Range?
    if (aRange.Parse(aPos, pDoc, eConv) & ScRefFlags::VALID)
        bSingle = false;
    // Cell?
    else if (aRange.aStart.Parse(aPos, pDoc, eConv) & ScRefFlags::VALID)
        aRange.aEnd = aRange.aStart;
        bAll = true;
ScImportExport::~ScImportExport() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE
void ScImportExport::SetExtOptions( const ScAsciiOptions& rOpt )
    if ( pExtOptions )
        *pExtOptions = rOpt;
        pExtOptions.reset(new ScAsciiOptions( rOpt ));
    //  "normal" Options
    cSep = ScAsciiOptions::GetWeightedFieldSep( rOpt.GetFieldSeps(), false);
    cStr = rOpt.GetTextSep();
void ScImportExport::SetFilterOptions(const OUString& rFilterOptions)
    maFilterOptions = rFilterOptions;
bool ScImportExport::IsFormatSupported( SotClipboardFormatId nFormat )
    return nFormat == SotClipboardFormatId::STRING
              || nFormat == SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC
              || nFormat == SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK
              || nFormat == SotClipboardFormatId::LINK
              || nFormat == SotClipboardFormatId::HTML
              || nFormat == SotClipboardFormatId::HTML_SIMPLE
              || nFormat == SotClipboardFormatId::DIF;
// Prepare for Undo
bool ScImportExport::StartPaste()
    if ( !bAll )
        ScEditableTester aTester( pDoc, aRange );
        if ( !aTester.IsEditable() )
            vcl::Window* pWin = Application::GetDefDialogParent();
            std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xInfoBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr,
                                                          VclMessageType::Info, VclButtonsType::Ok,
            return false;
    if( bUndo && pDocSh && pDoc->IsUndoEnabled())
        pUndoDoc.reset(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
        pUndoDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, aRange.aStart.Tab(), aRange.aEnd.Tab() );
        pDoc->CopyToDocument(aRange, InsertDeleteFlags::ALL | InsertDeleteFlags::NOCAPTIONS, false, *pUndoDoc);
    return true;
// Create Undo/Redo actions, Invalidate/Repaint
void ScImportExport::EndPaste(bool bAutoRowHeight)
    bool bHeight = bAutoRowHeight && pDocSh && pDocSh->AdjustRowHeight(
                    aRange.aStart.Row(), aRange.aEnd.Row(), aRange.aStart.Tab() );
    if( pUndoDoc && pDoc->IsUndoEnabled() && pDocSh )
        ScDocumentUniquePtr pRedoDoc(new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ));
        pRedoDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, aRange.aStart.Tab(), aRange.aEnd.Tab() );
        pDoc->CopyToDocument(aRange, InsertDeleteFlags::ALL | InsertDeleteFlags::NOCAPTIONS, false, *pRedoDoc);
        ScMarkData aDestMark;
            new ScUndoPaste(pDocSh, aRange, aDestMark, std::move(pUndoDoc), std::move(pRedoDoc), InsertDeleteFlags::ALL, nullptr));
    if( pDocSh )
        if (!bHeight)
            pDocSh->PostPaint( aRange, PaintPartFlags::Grid );
    ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
    if ( pViewSh )
bool ScImportExport::ExportData( const OUString& rMimeType,
                                 css::uno::Any & rValue )
    SvMemoryStream aStrm;
    // mba: no BaseURL for data exchange
    if( ExportStream( aStrm, OUString(),
                SotExchange::GetFormatIdFromMimeType( rMimeType ) ))
        aStrm.WriteUChar( 0 );
        rValue <<= css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >(
                                        static_cast<sal_Int8 const *>(aStrm.GetData()),
                                        aStrm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END ) );
        return true;
    return false;
bool ScImportExport::ImportString( const OUString& rText, SotClipboardFormatId nFmt )
    switch ( nFmt )
        // formats supporting unicode
        case SotClipboardFormatId::STRING :
        case SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC :
            ScImportStringStream aStrm( rText);
            return ImportStream( aStrm, OUString(), nFmt );
            // ImportStream must handle RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE
            rtl_TextEncoding eEnc = osl_getThreadTextEncoding();
            OString aTmp( rText.getStr(), rText.getLength(), eEnc );
            SvMemoryStream aStrm( const_cast<char *>(aTmp.getStr()), aTmp.getLength() * sizeof(sal_Char), StreamMode::READ );
            aStrm.SetStreamCharSet( eEnc );
            SetNoEndianSwap( aStrm );       //! no swapping in memory
            return ImportStream( aStrm, OUString(), nFmt );
bool ScImportExport::ExportString( OUString& rText, SotClipboardFormatId nFmt )
    if ( nFmt != SotClipboardFormatId::STRING && nFmt != SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC )
        SAL_WARN("sc.ui", "ScImportExport::ExportString: Unicode not supported for other formats than SotClipboardFormatId::STRING[_TSV]");
        rtl_TextEncoding eEnc = osl_getThreadTextEncoding();
        OString aTmp;
        bool bOk = ExportByteString( aTmp, eEnc, nFmt );
        rText = OStringToOUString( aTmp, eEnc );
        return bOk;
    //  nSizeLimit not needed for OUString
    SvMemoryStream aStrm;
    aStrm.SetStreamCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE );
    SetNoEndianSwap( aStrm );       //! no swapping in memory
    // mba: no BaseURL for data exc
    if( ExportStream( aStrm, OUString(), nFmt ) )
        aStrm.WriteUInt16( 0 );
        aStrm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END );
        rText = OUString( static_cast<const sal_Unicode*>(aStrm.GetData()) );
        return true;
    return false;
    // ExportStream must handle RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE
bool ScImportExport::ExportByteString( OString& rText, rtl_TextEncoding eEnc, SotClipboardFormatId nFmt )
    OSL_ENSURE( eEnc != RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE, "ScImportExport::ExportByteString: Unicode not supported" );
        eEnc = osl_getThreadTextEncoding();
    if (!nSizeLimit)
        nSizeLimit = SAL_MAX_UINT16;
    SvMemoryStream aStrm;
    aStrm.SetStreamCharSet( eEnc );
    SetNoEndianSwap( aStrm );       //! no swapping in memory
    // mba: no BaseURL for data exchange
    if( ExportStream( aStrm, OUString(), nFmt ) )
        aStrm.WriteChar( 0 );
        aStrm.Seek( STREAM_SEEK_TO_END );
        if( aStrm.Tell() <= nSizeLimit )
            rText = static_cast<const sal_Char*>(aStrm.GetData());
            return true;
    return false;
bool ScImportExport::ImportStream( SvStream& rStrm, const OUString& rBaseURL, SotClipboardFormatId nFmt )
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::STRING || nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC )
        if( ExtText2Doc( rStrm ) )      // evaluate pExtOptions
            return true;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK )
        if( Sylk2Doc( rStrm ) )
            return true;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::DIF )
        if( Dif2Doc( rStrm ) )
            return true;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::RTF || nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT )
        if( RTF2Doc( rStrm, rBaseURL ) )
            return true;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::LINK )
        return true;            // Link-Import?
    if ( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::HTML )
        if( HTML2Doc( rStrm, rBaseURL ) )
            return true;
    if ( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::HTML_SIMPLE )
        MSE40HTMLClipFormatObj aMSE40ClpObj;                // needed to skip the header data
        SvStream* pHTML = aMSE40ClpObj.IsValid( rStrm );
        if ( pHTML && HTML2Doc( *pHTML, rBaseURL ) )
            return true;
    return false;
bool ScImportExport::ExportStream( SvStream& rStrm, const OUString& rBaseURL, SotClipboardFormatId nFmt )
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::STRING || nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::STRING_TSVC )
        if( Doc2Text( rStrm ) )
            return true;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK )
        if( Doc2Sylk( rStrm ) )
            return true;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::DIF )
        if( Doc2Dif( rStrm ) )
            return true;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::LINK && !bAll )
        OUString aDocName;
        if ( pDoc->IsClipboard() )
            aDocName = ScGlobal::GetClipDocName();
            SfxObjectShell* pShell = pDoc->GetDocumentShell();
            if (pShell)
                aDocName = pShell->GetTitle( SFX_TITLE_FULLNAME );
        OSL_ENSURE( !aDocName.isEmpty(), "ClipBoard document has no name! :-/" );
        if( !aDocName.isEmpty() )
            // Always use Calc A1 syntax for paste link.
            OUString aRefName;
            ScRefFlags nFlags = ScRefFlags::VALID | ScRefFlags::TAB_3D;
            if( bSingle )
                aRefName = aRange.aStart.Format(nFlags, pDoc, formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO);
                if( aRange.aStart.Tab() != aRange.aEnd.Tab() )
                    nFlags |= ScRefFlags::TAB2_3D;
                aRefName = aRange.Format(nFlags, pDoc, formula::FormulaGrammar::CONV_OOO);
            OUString aAppName = Application::GetAppName();
            // extra bits are used to tell the client to prefer external
            // reference link.
            OUString const aExtraBits("calc:extref");
            WriteUnicodeOrByteString( rStrm, aAppName, true );
            WriteUnicodeOrByteString( rStrm, aDocName, true );
            WriteUnicodeOrByteString( rStrm, aRefName, true );
            WriteUnicodeOrByteString( rStrm, aExtraBits, true );
            if ( rStrm.GetStreamCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
                rStrm.WriteUInt16( 0 );
                rStrm.WriteChar( 0 );
            return rStrm.GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::HTML )
        if( Doc2HTML( rStrm, rBaseURL ) )
            return true;
    if( nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::RTF || nFmt == SotClipboardFormatId::RICHTEXT )
        if( Doc2RTF( rStrm ) )
            return true;
    return false;
void ScImportExport::WriteUnicodeOrByteString( SvStream& rStrm, const OUString& rString, bool bZero )
    rtl_TextEncoding eEnc = rStrm.GetStreamCharSet();
        if ( !lcl_IsEndianSwap( rStrm ) )
            rStrm.WriteBytes(rString.getStr(), rString.getLength() * sizeof(sal_Unicode));
            const sal_Unicode* p = rString.getStr();
            const sal_Unicode* const pStop = p + rString.getLength();
            while ( p < pStop )
                rStrm.WriteUInt16( *p );
        if ( bZero )
            rStrm.WriteUInt16( 0 );
        OString aByteStr(OUStringToOString(rString, eEnc));
        rStrm.WriteCharPtr( aByteStr.getStr() );
        if ( bZero )
            rStrm.WriteChar( 0 );
// This function could be replaced by endlub()
void ScImportExport::WriteUnicodeOrByteEndl( SvStream& rStrm )
    if ( rStrm.GetStreamCharSet() == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
    {   // same as endl() but unicode
        switch ( rStrm.GetLineDelimiter() )
            case LINEEND_CR :
                rStrm.WriteUInt16( '\r' );
            case LINEEND_LF :
                rStrm.WriteUInt16( '\n' );
                rStrm.WriteUInt16( '\r' ).WriteUInt16( '\n' );
        endl( rStrm );
void ScImportExport::SetNoEndianSwap( SvStream& rStrm )
    rStrm.SetEndian( SvStreamEndian::BIG );
    rStrm.SetEndian( SvStreamEndian::LITTLE );
enum QuoteType
/** Determine if *p is a quote that ends a quoted field.
    Precondition: we are parsing a quoted field already and *p is a quote.
        FIELDEND_QUOTE if end of field quote
        DONTKNOW_QUOTE anything else
static QuoteType lcl_isFieldEndQuote( const sal_Unicode* p, const sal_Unicode* pSeps, sal_Unicode& rcDetectSep )
    // Due to broken CSV generators that don't double embedded quotes check if
    // a field separator immediately or with trailing spaces follows the quote,
    // only then end the field, or at end of string.
    const sal_Unicode cBlank = ' ';
    if (p[1] == cBlank && ScGlobal::UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, cBlank))
        return FIELDEND_QUOTE;
    // Detect a possible blank separator if it's not already in the list (which
    // was checked right above for p[1]==cBlank).
    if (p[1] == cBlank && !rcDetectSep && p[2] && p[2] != cBlank)
        rcDetectSep = cBlank;
    while (p[1] == cBlank)
    if (!p[1] || ScGlobal::UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, p[1]))
        return FIELDEND_QUOTE;
    return DONTKNOW_QUOTE;
/** Determine if *p is a quote that is escaped by being doubled or ends a
    quoted field.
    Precondition: *p is a quote.
    @param nQuotes
        Quote characters encountered so far.
        Odd (after opening quote) means either no embedded quotes or only quote
        pairs so far.
        Even means either not in a quoted field or already one quote
        encountered, the first of a pair.
        FIELDSTART_QUOTE if first quote in a field, either starting content or
                            embedded so caller should check beforehand.
        FIRST_QUOTE      if first of a doubled quote
        SECOND_QUOTE     if second of a doubled quote
        FIELDEND_QUOTE   if end of field quote
        DONTKNOW_QUOTE   if an unescaped quote we don't consider as end of field,
                            do not increment nQuotes in caller then!
static QuoteType lcl_isEscapedOrFieldEndQuote( sal_Int32 nQuotes, const sal_Unicode* p,
        const sal_Unicode* pSeps, sal_Unicode cStr, sal_Unicode& rcDetectSep )
    if ((nQuotes % 2) == 0)
        if (p[-1] == cStr)
            return SECOND_QUOTE;
            SAL_WARN( "sc", "lcl_isEscapedOrFieldEndQuote: really want a FIELDSTART_QUOTE?");
            return FIELDSTART_QUOTE;
    if (p[1] == cStr)
        return FIRST_QUOTE;
    return lcl_isFieldEndQuote( p, pSeps, rcDetectSep);
/** Append characters of [p1,p2) to rField.
    @returns TRUE if ok; FALSE if data overflow, truncated
static bool lcl_appendLineData( OUString& rField, const sal_Unicode* p1, const sal_Unicode* p2 )
    OSL_ENSURE( rField.getLength() + (p2 - p1) <= SAL_MAX_UINT16, "lcl_appendLineData: data overflow");
    if (rField.getLength() + (p2 - p1) <= SAL_MAX_UINT16)
        rField += OUString( p1, sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>( p2 - p1 ) );
        return true;
        rField += OUString( p1, SAL_MAX_UINT16 - rField.getLength() );
        return false;
enum class DoubledQuoteMode
    KEEP_ALL,   // both are taken, additionally start and end quote are included in string
    ESCAPE,     // escaped quote, one is taken, one ignored
static const sal_Unicode* lcl_ScanString( const sal_Unicode* p, OUString& rString,
            const sal_Unicode* pSeps, sal_Unicode cStr, DoubledQuoteMode eMode, bool& rbOverflowCell )
    if (eMode != DoubledQuoteMode::KEEP_ALL)
        p++;    //! jump over opening quote
    bool bCont;
        bCont = false;
        const sal_Unicode* p0 = p;
        for( ;; )
            if( !*p )
            if( *p == cStr )
                if ( *++p != cStr )
                    // break or continue for loop
                    if (eMode == DoubledQuoteMode::ESCAPE)
                        sal_Unicode cDetectSep = 0xffff;    // No separator detection here.
                        if (lcl_isFieldEndQuote( p-1, pSeps, cDetectSep) == FIELDEND_QUOTE)
                // doubled quote char
                switch ( eMode )
                    case DoubledQuoteMode::KEEP_ALL :
                        p++;            // both for us (not breaking for-loop)
                    case DoubledQuoteMode::ESCAPE :
                        p++;            // one for us (breaking for-loop)
                        bCont = true;   // and more
                if ( eMode == DoubledQuoteMode::ESCAPE )
        if ( p0 < p )
            if (!lcl_appendLineData( rString, p0, ((eMode != DoubledQuoteMode::KEEP_ALL && (*p || *(p-1) == cStr)) ? p-1 : p)))
                rbOverflowCell = true;
    } while ( bCont );
    return p;
static void lcl_UnescapeSylk( OUString & rString, SylkVersion eVersion )
    // Older versions didn't escape the semicolon.
    // Older versions quoted the string and doubled embedded quotes, but not
    // the semicolons, which was plain wrong.
    if (eVersion >= SylkVersion::OOO32)
        rString = rString.replaceAll(";;", ";");
        rString = rString.replaceAll("\"\"", "\"");
    rString = rString.replaceAll(SYLK_LF, "\n");
static const sal_Unicode* lcl_ScanSylkString( const sal_Unicode* p,
        OUString& rString, SylkVersion eVersion )
    const sal_Unicode* pStartQuote = p;
    const sal_Unicode* pEndQuote = nullptr;
    while( *(++p) )
        if( *p == '"' )
            pEndQuote = p;
            if (eVersion >= SylkVersion::OOO32)
                if (*(p+1) == ';')
                    if (*(p+2) == ';')
                        p += 2;     // escaped ';'
                        pEndQuote = nullptr;
                        break;      // end field
                if (*(p+1) == '"')
                    ++p;            // escaped '"'
                    pEndQuote = nullptr;
                else if (*(p+1) == ';')
                    break;          // end field
    if (!pEndQuote)
        pEndQuote = p;  // Take all data as string.
    rString += OUString(pStartQuote + 1, sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>( pEndQuote - pStartQuote - 1 ) );
    lcl_UnescapeSylk( rString, eVersion);
    return p;
static const sal_Unicode* lcl_ScanSylkFormula( const sal_Unicode* p,
        OUString& rString, SylkVersion eVersion )
    const sal_Unicode* pStart = p;
    if (eVersion >= SylkVersion::OOO32)
        while (*p)
            if (*p == ';')
                if (*(p+1) == ';')
                    ++p;        // escaped ';'
                    break;      // end field
        rString += OUString( pStart, sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>( p - pStart));
        lcl_UnescapeSylk( rString, eVersion);
        // Nasty. If in old versions the formula contained a semicolon, it was
        // quoted and embedded quotes were doubled, but semicolons were not. If
        // there was no semicolon, it could still contain quotes and doubled
        // embedded quotes if it was something like ="a""b", which was saved as
        // E"a""b" as is and has to be preserved, even if older versions
        // couldn't even load it correctly. However, theoretically another
        // field might follow and thus the line contain a semicolon again, such
        // as ...;E"a""b";...
        bool bQuoted = false;
        if (*p == '"')
            // May be a quoted expression or just a string constant expression
            // with quotes.
            while (*(++p))
                if (*p == '"')
                    if (*(p+1) == '"')
                        ++p;            // escaped '"'
                        break;          // closing '"', had no ';' yet
                else if (*p == ';')
                    bQuoted = true;     // ';' within quoted expression
            p = pStart;
        if (bQuoted)
            p = lcl_ScanSylkString( p, rString, eVersion);
            while (*p && *p != ';')
            rString += OUString( pStart, sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int32>( p - pStart));
    return p;
static void lcl_DoubleEscapeChar( OUString& rString, sal_Unicode cStr )
    sal_Int32 n = 0;
    while( ( n = rString.indexOf( cStr, n ) ) != -1 )
        rString = rString.replaceAt( n, 0, OUString(cStr) );
        n += 2;
static void lcl_WriteString( SvStream& rStrm, OUString& rString, sal_Unicode cQuote, sal_Unicode cEsc )
    if (cEsc)
        lcl_DoubleEscapeChar( rString, cEsc );
    if (cQuote)
        rString = OUStringLiteral1(cQuote) + rString + OUStringLiteral1(cQuote);
    ScImportExport::WriteUnicodeOrByteString( rStrm, rString );
static inline void lcl_WriteSimpleString( SvStream& rStrm, const OUString& rString )
    ScImportExport::WriteUnicodeOrByteString( rStrm, rString );
bool ScImportExport::Text2Doc( SvStream& rStrm )
    bool bOk = true;
    sal_Unicode pSeps[2];
    pSeps[0] = cSep;
    pSeps[1] = 0;
    ScSetStringParam aSetStringParam;
    aSetStringParam.mbCheckLinkFormula = true;
    SCCOL nStartCol = aRange.aStart.Col();
    SCROW nStartRow = aRange.aStart.Row();
    SCCOL nEndCol = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW nEndRow = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    sal_uLong  nOldPos = rStrm.Tell();
    rStrm.StartReadingUnicodeText( rStrm.GetStreamCharSet() );
    bool   bData = !bSingle;
    if( !bSingle)
        bOk = StartPaste();
    while( bOk )
        OUString aLine;
        OUString aCell;
        SCROW nRow = nStartRow;
        rStrm.Seek( nOldPos );
        for( ;; )
            rStrm.ReadUniOrByteStringLine( aLine, rStrm.GetStreamCharSet(), nArbitraryLineLengthLimit );
            if( rStrm.eof() )
            SCCOL nCol = nStartCol;
            const sal_Unicode* p = aLine.getStr();
            while( *p )
                const sal_Unicode* q = p;
                while (*p && *p != cSep)
                    // Always look for a pairing quote and ignore separator in between.
                    while (*p && *p == cStr)
                        q = p = lcl_ScanString( p, aCell, pSeps, cStr, DoubledQuoteMode::KEEP_ALL, bOverflowCell );
                    // All until next separator or quote.
                    while (*p && *p != cSep && *p != cStr)
                    if (!lcl_appendLineData( aCell, q, p))
                        bOverflowCell = true;   // display warning on import
                    q = p;
                if (*p)
                if (ValidCol(nCol) && ValidRow(nRow) )
                    if( bSingle )
                        if (nCol>nEndCol) nEndCol = nCol;
                        if (nRow>nEndRow) nEndRow = nRow;
                    if( bData && nCol <= nEndCol && nRow <= nEndRow )
                        pDoc->SetString( nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab(), aCell, &aSetStringParam );
                else                            // too many columns/rows
                    if (!ValidRow(nRow))
                        bOverflowRow = true;    // display warning on import
                    if (!ValidCol(nCol))
                        bOverflowCol = true;    // display warning on import
        if( !bData )
            aRange.aEnd.SetCol( nEndCol );
            aRange.aEnd.SetRow( nEndRow );
            bOk = StartPaste();
            bData = true;
    if (bOk && mbImportBroadcast)
        pDoc->BroadcastCells(aRange, SfxHintId::ScDataChanged);
    return bOk;
//  Extended Ascii-Import
static bool lcl_PutString(
    ScDocumentImport& rDocImport, bool bUseDocImport,
    SCCOL nCol, SCROW nRow, SCTAB nTab, const OUString& rStr, sal_uInt8 nColFormat,
    SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter, bool bDetectNumFormat, bool bSkipEmptyCells,
    const ::utl::TransliterationWrapper& rTransliteration, CalendarWrapper& rCalendar,
    const ::utl::TransliterationWrapper* pSecondTransliteration, CalendarWrapper* pSecondCalendar )
    ScDocument* pDoc = &rDocImport.getDoc();
    bool bMultiLine = false;
    if ( nColFormat == SC_COL_SKIP || !ValidCol(nCol) || !ValidRow(nRow) )
        return bMultiLine;
    if ( rStr.isEmpty() )
        if ( !bSkipEmptyCells )
        {   // delete destination cell
            if ( bUseDocImport )
                rDocImport.setAutoInput(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), rStr );
                pDoc->SetString( nCol, nRow, nTab, rStr );
        return false;
    if ( nColFormat == SC_COL_TEXT )
        double fDummy;
        sal_uInt32 nIndex = 0;
        if (pFormatter->IsNumberFormat(rStr, nIndex, fDummy))
            // Set the format of this cell to Text.
            sal_uInt32 nFormat = pFormatter->GetStandardFormat(SvNumFormatType::TEXT);
            ScPatternAttr aNewAttrs(pDoc->GetPool());
            SfxItemSet& rSet = aNewAttrs.GetItemSet();
            rSet.Put( SfxUInt32Item(ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, nFormat) );
            pDoc->ApplyPattern(nCol, nRow, nTab, aNewAttrs);
        if ( bUseDocImport )
                ScFieldEditEngine& rEngine = pDoc->GetEditEngine();
                rDocImport.setEditCell(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), rEngine.CreateTextObject());
                return true;
                rDocImport.setStringCell(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), rStr);
                return false;
        } else
            pDoc->SetTextCell(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), rStr);
            return bMultiLine;
    if ( nColFormat == SC_COL_ENGLISH )
        //! SetString with Extra-Flag ???
        SvNumberFormatter* pDocFormatter = pDoc->GetFormatTable();
        sal_uInt32 nEnglish = pDocFormatter->GetStandardIndex(LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US);
        double fVal;
        if ( pDocFormatter->IsNumberFormat( rStr, nEnglish, fVal ) )
            // Numberformat will not be set to English
            if ( bUseDocImport )
                rDocImport.setNumericCell( ScAddress( nCol, nRow, nTab ), fVal );
                pDoc->SetValue( nCol, nRow, nTab, fVal );
            return bMultiLine;
        // else, continue with SetString
    else if ( nColFormat != SC_COL_STANDARD ) // Datumformats
        const sal_uInt16 nMaxNumberParts = 7; // Y-M-D h:m:s.t
        sal_Int32 nLen = rStr.getLength();
        sal_Int32 nStart[nMaxNumberParts];
        sal_Int32 nEnd[nMaxNumberParts];
        sal_uInt16 nDP, nMP, nYP;
        switch ( nColFormat )
            case SC_COL_YMD: nDP = 2; nMP = 1; nYP = 0; break;
            case SC_COL_MDY: nDP = 1; nMP = 0; nYP = 2; break;
            case SC_COL_DMY:
            default:         nDP = 0; nMP = 1; nYP = 2; break;
        sal_uInt16 nFound = 0;
        bool bInNum = false;
        for ( sal_Int32 nPos=0; nPos<nLen && (bInNum ||
                    nFound<nMaxNumberParts); nPos++ )
            if (bInNum && nFound == 3 && nColFormat == SC_COL_YMD &&
                    nPos <= nStart[nFound]+2 && rStr[nPos] == 'T')
                bInNum = false;     // ISO-8601: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm...
            else if ((((!bInNum && nFound==nMP) || (bInNum && nFound==nMP+1))
                        && ScGlobal::pCharClass->isLetterNumeric( rStr, nPos))
                    || ScGlobal::pCharClass->isDigit( rStr, nPos))
                if (!bInNum)
                    bInNum = true;
                    nStart[nFound] = nPos;
                nEnd[nFound-1] = nPos;
                bInNum = false;
        if ( nFound == 1 )
            //  try to break one number (without separators) into date fields
            sal_Int32 nDateStart = nStart[0];
            sal_Int32 nDateLen = nEnd[0] + 1 - nDateStart;
            if ( nDateLen >= 5 && nDateLen <= 8 &&
                    ScGlobal::pCharClass->isNumeric( rStr.copy( nDateStart, nDateLen ) ) )
                //  6 digits: 2 each for day, month, year
                //  8 digits: 4 for year, 2 each for day and month
                //  5 or 7 digits: first field is shortened by 1
                bool bLongYear = ( nDateLen >= 7 );
                bool bShortFirst = ( nDateLen == 5 || nDateLen == 7 );
                sal_uInt16 nFieldStart = nDateStart;
                for (sal_uInt16 nPos=0; nPos<3; nPos++)
                    sal_uInt16 nFieldEnd = nFieldStart + 1;     // default: 2 digits
                    if ( bLongYear && nPos == nYP )
                        nFieldEnd += 2;                     // 2 extra digits for long year
                    if ( bShortFirst && nPos == 0 )
                        --nFieldEnd;                        // first field shortened?
                    nStart[nPos] = nFieldStart;
                    nEnd[nPos]   = nFieldEnd;
                    nFieldStart  = nFieldEnd + 1;
                nFound = 3;
        if ( nFound >= 3 )
            using namespace ::com::sun::star;
            bool bSecondCal = false;
            sal_uInt16 nDay  = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(rStr.copy( nStart[nDP], nEnd[nDP]+1-nStart[nDP] ).toInt32());
            sal_uInt16 nYear = static_cast<sal_uInt16>(rStr.copy( nStart[nYP], nEnd[nYP]+1-nStart[nYP] ).toInt32());
            OUString aMStr = rStr.copy( nStart[nMP], nEnd[nMP]+1-nStart[nMP] );
            sal_Int16 nMonth = static_cast<sal_Int16>(aMStr.toInt32());
            if (!nMonth)
                static const char aSepShortened[] = "SEP";
                uno::Sequence< i18n::CalendarItem2 > xMonths;
                sal_Int32 i, nMonthCount;
                //  first test all month names from local international
                xMonths = rCalendar.getMonths();
                nMonthCount = xMonths.getLength();
                for (i=0; i<nMonthCount && !nMonth; i++)
                    if ( rTransliteration.isEqual( aMStr, xMonths[i].FullName ) ||
                         rTransliteration.isEqual( aMStr, xMonths[i].AbbrevName ) )
                        nMonth = sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>( i+1 );
                    else if ( i == 8 && rTransliteration.isEqual( "SEPT",
                                xMonths[i].AbbrevName ) &&
                            rTransliteration.isEqual( aMStr, aSepShortened ) )
                    {   // correct English abbreviation is SEPT,
                        // but data mostly contains SEP only
                        nMonth = sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>( i+1 );
                //  if none found, then test english month names
                if ( !nMonth && pSecondCalendar && pSecondTransliteration )
                    xMonths = pSecondCalendar->getMonths();
                    nMonthCount = xMonths.getLength();
                    for (i=0; i<nMonthCount && !nMonth; i++)
                        if ( pSecondTransliteration->isEqual( aMStr, xMonths[i].FullName ) ||
                             pSecondTransliteration->isEqual( aMStr, xMonths[i].AbbrevName ) )
                            nMonth = sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>( i+1 );
                            bSecondCal = true;
                        else if ( i == 8 && pSecondTransliteration->isEqual(
                                    aMStr, aSepShortened ) )
                        {   // correct English abbreviation is SEPT,
                            // but data mostly contains SEP only
                            nMonth = sal::static_int_cast<sal_Int16>( i+1 );
                            bSecondCal = true;
            SvNumberFormatter* pDocFormatter = pDoc->GetFormatTable();
            if ( nYear < 100 )
                nYear = pDocFormatter->ExpandTwoDigitYear( nYear );
            CalendarWrapper* pCalendar = (bSecondCal ? pSecondCalendar : &rCalendar);
            sal_Int16 nNumMonths = pCalendar->getNumberOfMonthsInYear();
            if ( nDay && nMonth && nDay<=31 && nMonth<=nNumMonths )
                pCalendar->setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::DAY_OF_MONTH, nDay );
                pCalendar->setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::MONTH, nMonth );
                pCalendar->setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::YEAR, nYear );
                sal_Int16 nHour, nMinute, nSecond, nMilli;
                // #i14974# The imported value should have no fractional value, so set the
                // time fields to zero (ICU calendar instance defaults to current date/time)
                nHour = nMinute = nSecond = nMilli = 0;
                if (nFound > 3)
                    nHour = static_cast<sal_Int16>(rStr.copy( nStart[3], nEnd[3]+1-nStart[3]).toInt32());
                if (nFound > 4)
                    nMinute = static_cast<sal_Int16>(rStr.copy( nStart[4], nEnd[4]+1-nStart[4]).toInt32());
                if (nFound > 5)
                    nSecond = static_cast<sal_Int16>(rStr.copy( nStart[5], nEnd[5]+1-nStart[5]).toInt32());
                if (nFound > 6)
                    sal_Unicode cDec = '.';
                    OUString aT( &cDec, 1);
                    aT += rStr.copy( nStart[6], nEnd[6]+1-nStart[6]);
                    rtl_math_ConversionStatus eStatus;
                    double fV = rtl::math::stringToDouble( aT, cDec, 0, &eStatus );
                    if (eStatus == rtl_math_ConversionStatus_Ok)
                        nMilli = static_cast<sal_Int16>(1000.0 * fV + 0.5);
                pCalendar->setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::HOUR, nHour );
                pCalendar->setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::MINUTE, nMinute );
                pCalendar->setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::SECOND, nSecond );
                pCalendar->setValue( i18n::CalendarFieldIndex::MILLISECOND, nMilli );
                if ( pCalendar->isValid() )
                    double fDiff = DateTime(pDocFormatter->GetNullDate()) -
                    // #i14974# must use getLocalDateTime to get the same
                    // date values as set above
                    double fDays = pCalendar->getLocalDateTime();
                    fDays -= fDiff;
                    LanguageType eLatin, eCjk, eCtl;
                    pDoc->GetLanguage( eLatin, eCjk, eCtl );
                    LanguageType eDocLang = eLatin;     //! which language for date formats?
                    SvNumFormatType nType = (nFound > 3 ? SvNumFormatType::DATETIME : SvNumFormatType::DATE);
                    sal_uLong nFormat = pDocFormatter->GetStandardFormat( nType, eDocLang );
                    // maybe there is a special format including seconds or milliseconds
                    if (nFound > 5)
                        nFormat = pDocFormatter->GetStandardFormat( fDays, nFormat, nType, eDocLang);
                    ScAddress aPos(nCol,nRow,nTab);
                    if ( bUseDocImport )
                        rDocImport.setNumericCell(aPos, fDays);
                        pDoc->SetValue( aPos, fDays );
                    pDoc->SetNumberFormat(aPos, nFormat);
                    return bMultiLine;     // success
    // Standard or date not determined -> SetString / EditCell
    if( rStr.indexOf( '\n' ) == -1 )
        ScSetStringParam aParam;
        aParam.mpNumFormatter = pFormatter;
        aParam.mbDetectNumberFormat = bDetectNumFormat;
        aParam.meSetTextNumFormat = ScSetStringParam::SpecialNumberOnly;
        aParam.mbHandleApostrophe = false;
        aParam.mbCheckLinkFormula = true;
        if ( bUseDocImport )
            rDocImport.setAutoInput(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), rStr, &aParam);
            pDoc->SetString( nCol, nRow, nTab, rStr, &aParam );
        bMultiLine = true;
        ScFieldEditEngine& rEngine = pDoc->GetEditEngine();
        if ( bUseDocImport )
            rDocImport.setEditCell(ScAddress(nCol, nRow, nTab), rEngine.CreateTextObject());
            pDoc->SetEditText( ScAddress( nCol, nRow, nTab ), rEngine.CreateTextObject() );
    return bMultiLine;
static OUString lcl_GetFixed( const OUString& rLine, sal_Int32 nStart, sal_Int32 nNext,
                     bool& rbIsQuoted, bool& rbOverflowCell )
    sal_Int32 nLen = rLine.getLength();
    if (nNext > nLen)
        nNext = nLen;
    if ( nNext <= nStart )
        return EMPTY_OUSTRING;
    const sal_Unicode* pStr = rLine.getStr();
    sal_Int32 nSpace = nNext;
    while ( nSpace > nStart && pStr[nSpace-1] == ' ' )
    rbIsQuoted = (pStr[nStart] == '"' && pStr[nSpace-1] == '"');
    if (rbIsQuoted)
        bool bFits = (nSpace - nStart - 3 <= SAL_MAX_UINT16);
        OSL_ENSURE( bFits, "lcl_GetFixed: line doesn't fit into data");
        if (bFits)
            return rLine.copy(nStart+1, nSpace-nStart-2);
            rbOverflowCell = true;
            return rLine.copy(nStart+1, SAL_MAX_UINT16);
        bool bFits = (nSpace - nStart <= SAL_MAX_UINT16);
        OSL_ENSURE( bFits, "lcl_GetFixed: line doesn't fit into data");
        if (bFits)
            return rLine.copy(nStart, nSpace-nStart);
            rbOverflowCell = true;
            return rLine.copy(nStart, SAL_MAX_UINT16);
bool ScImportExport::ExtText2Doc( SvStream& rStrm )
    if (!pExtOptions)
        return Text2Doc( rStrm );
    sal_uInt64 const nOldPos = rStrm.Tell();
    sal_uInt64 const nRemaining = rStrm.remainingSize();
    std::unique_ptr<ScProgress> xProgress( new ScProgress( pDocSh,
            ScResId( STR_LOAD_DOC ), nRemaining, true ));
    rStrm.StartReadingUnicodeText( rStrm.GetStreamCharSet() );
    SCCOL nStartCol = aRange.aStart.Col();
    SCCOL nEndCol = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW nStartRow = aRange.aStart.Row();
    SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
    bool    bFixed              = pExtOptions->IsFixedLen();
    OUString aSeps              = pExtOptions->GetFieldSeps();  // Need non-const for ReadCsvLine(),
    const sal_Unicode* pSeps    = aSeps.getStr();               // but it will be const anyway (asserted below).
    bool    bMerge              = pExtOptions->IsMergeSeps();
    bool    bRemoveSpace        = pExtOptions->IsRemoveSpace();
    sal_uInt16  nInfoCount      = pExtOptions->GetInfoCount();
    const sal_Int32* pColStart  = pExtOptions->GetColStart();
    const sal_uInt8* pColFormat = pExtOptions->GetColFormat();
    long nSkipLines             = pExtOptions->GetStartRow();
    LanguageType eDocLang = pExtOptions->GetLanguage();
    SvNumberFormatter aNumFormatter( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), eDocLang);
    bool bDetectNumFormat = pExtOptions->IsDetectSpecialNumber();
    bool bSkipEmptyCells = pExtOptions->IsSkipEmptyCells();
    // For date recognition
    ::utl::TransliterationWrapper aTransliteration(
        comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), TransliterationFlags::IGNORE_CASE );
    aTransliteration.loadModuleIfNeeded( eDocLang );
    CalendarWrapper aCalendar( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
        LanguageTag::convertToLocale( eDocLang ) );
    std::unique_ptr< ::utl::TransliterationWrapper > pEnglishTransliteration;
    std::unique_ptr< CalendarWrapper > pEnglishCalendar;
    if ( eDocLang != LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US )
        pEnglishTransliteration.reset(new ::utl::TransliterationWrapper (
            comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), TransliterationFlags::IGNORE_CASE ));
        aTransliteration.loadModuleIfNeeded( LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US );
        pEnglishCalendar.reset(new CalendarWrapper ( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() ));
            LanguageTag::convertToLocale( LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US ) );
    OUString aLine;
    OUString aCell;
    sal_uInt16 i;
    SCROW nRow = nStartRow;
    sal_Unicode cDetectSep = 0xffff;    // No separator detection here.
        aLine = ReadCsvLine(rStrm, !bFixed, aSeps, cStr, cDetectSep); // content is ignored
        if ( rStrm.eof() )
    // Determine range for Undo.
    // We don't need this during import of a file to a new sheet or document...
    bool bDetermineRange = bUndo;
    // Row heights don't need to be adjusted on the fly if EndPaste() is called
    // afterwards, which happens only if bDetermineRange. This variable also
    // survives the toggle of bDetermineRange down at the end of the do{} loop.
    bool bRangeIsDetermined = bDetermineRange;
    bool bQuotedAsText = pExtOptions && pExtOptions->IsQuotedAsText();
    sal_uLong nOriginalStreamPos = rStrm.Tell();
    ScDocumentImport aDocImport(*pDoc);
        for( ;; )
            aLine = ReadCsvLine(rStrm, !bFixed, aSeps, cStr, cDetectSep);
            if ( rStrm.eof() && aLine.isEmpty() )
            assert(pSeps == aSeps.getStr());
            if ( nRow > MAXROW )
                bOverflowRow = true;    // display warning on import
                break;  // for
            EmbeddedNullTreatment( aLine);
            sal_Int32 nLineLen = aLine.getLength();
            SCCOL nCol = nStartCol;
            bool bMultiLine = false;
            if ( bFixed ) //  Fixed line length
                // Yes, the check is nCol<=MAXCOL+1, +1 because it is only an
                // overflow if there is really data following to be put behind
                // the last column, which doesn't happen if info is
                // SC_COL_SKIP.
                for ( i=0; i<nInfoCount && nCol <= MAXCOL+1; i++ )
                    sal_uInt8 nFmt = pColFormat[i];
                    if (nFmt != SC_COL_SKIP)        // otherwise don't increment nCol either
                        if (nCol > MAXCOL)
                            bOverflowCol = true;    // display warning on import
                        else if (!bDetermineRange)
                            sal_Int32 nStart = pColStart[i];
                            sal_Int32 nNext = ( i+1 < nInfoCount ) ? pColStart[i+1] : nLineLen;
                            bool bIsQuoted = false;
                            aCell = lcl_GetFixed( aLine, nStart, nNext, bIsQuoted, bOverflowCell );
                            if (bIsQuoted && bQuotedAsText)
                                nFmt = SC_COL_TEXT;
                            bMultiLine |= lcl_PutString(
                                aDocImport, !mbOverwriting, nCol, nRow, nTab, aCell, nFmt,
                                &aNumFormatter, bDetectNumFormat, bSkipEmptyCells, aTransliteration, aCalendar,
                                pEnglishTransliteration.get(), pEnglishCalendar.get());
            else // Search for the separator
                SCCOL nSourceCol = 0;
                sal_uInt16 nInfoStart = 0;
                const sal_Unicode* p = aLine.getStr();
                // Yes, the check is nCol<=MAXCOL+1, +1 because it is only an
                // overflow if there is really data following to be put behind
                // the last column, which doesn't happen if info is
                // SC_COL_SKIP.
                while (*p && nCol <= MAXCOL+1)
                    bool bIsQuoted = false;
                    p = ScImportExport::ScanNextFieldFromString( p, aCell,
                            cStr, pSeps, bMerge, bIsQuoted, bOverflowCell, bRemoveSpace );
                    sal_uInt8 nFmt = SC_COL_STANDARD;
                    for ( i=nInfoStart; i<nInfoCount; i++ )
                        if ( pColStart[i] == nSourceCol + 1 )       // pColStart is 1-based
                            nFmt = pColFormat[i];
                            nInfoStart = i + 1;     // ColInfos are in succession
                            break;  // for
                    if ( nFmt != SC_COL_SKIP )
                        if (nCol > MAXCOL)
                            bOverflowCol = true;    // display warning on import
                        else if (!bDetermineRange)
                            if (bIsQuoted && bQuotedAsText)
                                nFmt = SC_COL_TEXT;
                            bMultiLine |= lcl_PutString(
                                aDocImport, !mbOverwriting, nCol, nRow, nTab, aCell, nFmt,
                                &aNumFormatter, bDetectNumFormat, bSkipEmptyCells, aTransliteration,
                                aCalendar, pEnglishTransliteration.get(), pEnglishCalendar.get());
            if (nEndCol < nCol)
                nEndCol = nCol;     //! points to the next free or even MAXCOL+2
            if (!bDetermineRange)
                if (bMultiLine && !bRangeIsDetermined && pDocSh)
                    pDocSh->AdjustRowHeight( nRow, nRow, nTab);
                xProgress->SetStateOnPercent( rStrm.Tell() - nOldPos );
        // so far nRow/nEndCol pointed to the next free
        if (nRow > nStartRow)
        if (nEndCol > nStartCol)
            nEndCol = ::std::min( static_cast<SCCOL>(nEndCol - 1), MAXCOL);
        if (bDetermineRange)
            aRange.aEnd.SetCol( nEndCol );
            aRange.aEnd.SetRow( nRow );
            if ( !mbApi && nStartCol != nEndCol &&
                 !pDoc->IsBlockEmpty( nTab, nStartCol + 1, nStartRow, nEndCol, nRow ) )
                vcl::Window* pWin = ScDocShell::GetActiveDialogParent();
                ScReplaceWarnBox aBox(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr);
                if (aBox.execute() != RET_YES)
                    return false;
            rStrm.Seek( nOriginalStreamPos );
            nRow = nStartRow;
            if (!StartPaste())
                return false;
        bDetermineRange = !bDetermineRange;     // toggle
    } while (!bDetermineRange);
    if ( !mbOverwriting )
    xProgress.reset();    // make room for AdjustRowHeight progress
    if (bRangeIsDetermined)
    if (mbImportBroadcast && !mbOverwriting)
        pDoc->BroadcastCells(aRange, SfxHintId::ScDataChanged);
    return true;
void ScImportExport::EmbeddedNullTreatment( OUString & rStr )
    // A nasty workaround for data with embedded NULL characters. As long as we
    // can't handle them properly as cell content (things assume 0-terminated
    // strings at too many places) simply strip all NULL characters from raw
    // data. Excel does the same. See fdo#57841 for sample data.
    // The normal case is no embedded NULL, check first before de-/allocating
    // ustring stuff.
    sal_Unicode cNull = 0;
    if (rStr.indexOf( cNull) >= 0)
        rStr = rStr.replaceAll( OUString( &cNull, 1), "");
const sal_Unicode* ScImportExport::ScanNextFieldFromString( const sal_Unicode* p,
        OUString& rField, sal_Unicode cStr, const sal_Unicode* pSeps, bool bMergeSeps, bool& rbIsQuoted,
        bool& rbOverflowCell, bool bRemoveSpace )
    rbIsQuoted = false;
    const sal_Unicode cBlank = ' ';
    if (!ScGlobal::UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, cBlank))
        // Cope with broken generators that put leading blanks before a quoted
        // field, like "field1", "field2", "..."
        // NOTE: this is not in conformance with http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180
        const sal_Unicode* pb = p;
        while (*pb == cBlank)
        if (*pb == cStr)
            p = pb;
    if ( *p == cStr )           // String in quotes
        rbIsQuoted = true;
        const sal_Unicode* p1;
        p1 = p = lcl_ScanString( p, rField, pSeps, cStr, DoubledQuoteMode::ESCAPE, rbOverflowCell );
        while ( *p && !ScGlobal::UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, *p ) )
        // Append remaining unquoted and undelimited data (dirty, dirty) to
        // this field.
        if (p > p1)
            const sal_Unicode* ptrim_f = p;
            if ( bRemoveSpace )
                while ( ptrim_f > p1  && ( *(ptrim_f - 1) == cBlank ) )
            if (!lcl_appendLineData( rField, p1, ptrim_f))
                rbOverflowCell = true;
        if( *p )
    else                        // up to delimiter
        const sal_Unicode* p0 = p;
        while ( *p && !ScGlobal::UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, *p ) )
        const sal_Unicode* ptrim_i = p0;
        const sal_Unicode* ptrim_f = p;  // [ptrim_i,ptrim_f) is cell data after trimming
        if ( bRemoveSpace )
            while ( *ptrim_i == cBlank )
            while ( ptrim_f > ptrim_i && ( *(ptrim_f - 1) == cBlank ) )
        if (!lcl_appendLineData( rField, ptrim_i, ptrim_f))
            rbOverflowCell = true;
        if( *p )
    if ( bMergeSeps )           // skip following delimiters
        while ( *p && ScGlobal::UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, *p ) )
    return p;
namespace {
 * Check if a given string has any line break characters or separators.
 * @param rStr string to inspect.
 * @param cSep separator character.
bool hasLineBreaksOrSeps( const OUString& rStr, sal_Unicode cSep )
    const sal_Unicode* p = rStr.getStr();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0, n = rStr.getLength(); i < n; ++i, ++p)
        sal_Unicode c = *p;
        if (c == cSep)
            // separator found.
            return true;
        switch (c)
            case '\n':
            case '\r':
                // line break found.
                return true;
    return false;
bool ScImportExport::Doc2Text( SvStream& rStrm )
    SCCOL nCol;
    SCROW nRow;
    SCCOL nStartCol = aRange.aStart.Col();
    SCROW nStartRow = aRange.aStart.Row();
    SCTAB nStartTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
    SCCOL nEndCol = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW nEndRow = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    SCTAB nEndTab = aRange.aEnd.Tab();
    if (!pDoc->GetClipParam().isMultiRange() && nStartTab == nEndTab)
        if (!pDoc->ShrinkToDataArea( nStartTab, nStartCol, nStartRow, nEndCol, nEndRow ))
            return false;
    OUString aCellStr;
    bool bConvertLF = (GetSystemLineEnd() != LINEEND_LF);
    for (nRow = nStartRow; nRow <= nEndRow; nRow++)
        if (bIncludeFiltered || !pDoc->RowFiltered( nRow, nStartTab ))
            for (nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol; nCol++)
                ScAddress aPos(nCol, nRow, nStartTab);
                sal_uInt32 nNumFmt = pDoc->GetNumberFormat(aPos);
                SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = pDoc->GetFormatTable();
                ScRefCellValue aCell(*pDoc, aPos);
                switch (aCell.meType)
                    case CELLTYPE_FORMULA:
                        if (bFormulas)
                            aCell.mpFormula->GetFormula( aCellStr );
                            if( aCellStr.indexOf( cSep ) != -1 )
                                lcl_WriteString( rStrm, aCellStr, cStr, cStr );
                                lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, aCellStr );
                            Color* pColor;
                            ScCellFormat::GetString(aCell, nNumFmt, aCellStr, &pColor, *pFormatter, pDoc);
                            bool bMultiLineText = ( aCellStr.indexOf( '\n' ) != -1 );
                            if( bMultiLineText )
                                if( mExportTextOptions.meNewlineConversion == ScExportTextOptions::ToSpace )
                                    aCellStr = aCellStr.replaceAll( "\n", " " );
                                else if ( mExportTextOptions.meNewlineConversion == ScExportTextOptions::ToSystem && bConvertLF )
                                    aCellStr = convertLineEnd(aCellStr, GetSystemLineEnd());
                            if( mExportTextOptions.mcSeparatorConvertTo && cSep )
                                aCellStr = aCellStr.replaceAll( OUStringLiteral1(cSep), OUStringLiteral1(mExportTextOptions.mcSeparatorConvertTo) );
                            if( mExportTextOptions.mbAddQuotes && ( aCellStr.indexOf( cSep ) != -1 ) )
                                lcl_WriteString( rStrm, aCellStr, cStr, cStr );
                                lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, aCellStr );
                    case CELLTYPE_VALUE:
                        Color* pColor;
                        ScCellFormat::GetString(aCell, nNumFmt, aCellStr, &pColor, *pFormatter, pDoc);
                        lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, aCellStr );
                    case CELLTYPE_NONE:
                        Color* pColor;
                        ScCellFormat::GetString(aCell, nNumFmt, aCellStr, &pColor, *pFormatter, pDoc);
                        bool bMultiLineText = ( aCellStr.indexOf( '\n' ) != -1 );
                        if( bMultiLineText )
                            if( mExportTextOptions.meNewlineConversion == ScExportTextOptions::ToSpace )
                                aCellStr = aCellStr.replaceAll( "\n", " " );
                            else if ( mExportTextOptions.meNewlineConversion == ScExportTextOptions::ToSystem && bConvertLF )
                                aCellStr = convertLineEnd(aCellStr, GetSystemLineEnd());
                        if( mExportTextOptions.mcSeparatorConvertTo && cSep )
                            aCellStr = aCellStr.replaceAll( OUStringLiteral1(cSep), OUStringLiteral1(mExportTextOptions.mcSeparatorConvertTo) );
                        if( mExportTextOptions.mbAddQuotes && hasLineBreaksOrSeps(aCellStr, cSep) )
                            lcl_WriteString( rStrm, aCellStr, cStr, cStr );
                            lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, aCellStr );
                if( nCol < nEndCol )
                    lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, OUString(cSep) );
            WriteUnicodeOrByteEndl( rStrm );
            if( rStrm.GetError() != ERRCODE_NONE )
            if( nSizeLimit && rStrm.Tell() > nSizeLimit )
    return rStrm.GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE;
bool ScImportExport::Sylk2Doc( SvStream& rStrm )
    bool bOk = true;
    bool bMyDoc = false;
    SylkVersion eVersion = SylkVersion::OTHER;
    // US-English separators for StringToDouble
    sal_Unicode const cDecSep = '.';
    sal_Unicode const cGrpSep = ',';
    SCCOL nStartCol = aRange.aStart.Col();
    SCROW nStartRow = aRange.aStart.Row();
    SCCOL nEndCol = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW nEndRow = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    sal_uLong nOldPos = rStrm.Tell();
    bool bData = !bSingle;
    ::std::vector< sal_uInt32 > aFormats;
    if( !bSingle)
        bOk = StartPaste();
    while( bOk )
        OUString aLine;
        OUString aText;
        OString aByteLine;
        SCCOL nCol = nStartCol;
        SCROW nRow = nStartRow;
        SCCOL nRefCol = nCol;
        SCROW nRefRow = nRow;
        rStrm.Seek( nOldPos );
        for( ;; )
            //! allow unicode
            rStrm.ReadLine( aByteLine );
            aLine = OStringToOUString(aByteLine, rStrm.GetStreamCharSet());
            if( rStrm.eof() )
            bool bInvalidCol = false;
            bool bInvalidRow = false;
            bool bInvalidRefCol = false;
            bool bInvalidRefRow = false;
            const sal_Unicode* p = aLine.getStr();
            sal_Unicode cTag = *p++;
            if( cTag == 'C' )       // Content
                if( *p++ != ';' )
                    return false;
                while( *p )
                    sal_Unicode ch = *p++;
                    ch = ScGlobal::ToUpperAlpha( ch );
                    switch( ch )
                        case 'X':
                            bInvalidCol = false;
                            bool bFail = o3tl::checked_add<SCCOL>(OUString(p).toInt32(), nStartCol - 1, nCol);
                            if (bFail || nCol < 0 || MAXCOL < nCol)
                                SAL_WARN("sc.ui","ScImportExport::Sylk2Doc - ;X invalid nCol=" << nCol);
                                nCol = std::max<SCCOL>(0, std::min<SCCOL>(nCol, MAXCOL));
                                bInvalidCol = bOverflowCol = true;
                        case 'Y':
                            bInvalidRow = false;
                            bool bFail = o3tl::checked_add(OUString(p).toInt32(), nStartRow - 1, nRow);
                            if (bFail || nRow < 0 || nMaxImportRow < nRow)
                                SAL_WARN("sc.ui","ScImportExport::Sylk2Doc - ;Y invalid nRow=" << nRow);
                                nRow = std::max<SCROW>(0, std::min<SCROW>(nRow, nMaxImportRow));
                                bInvalidRow = bOverflowRow = true;
                        case 'C':
                            bInvalidRefCol = false;
                            bool bFail = o3tl::checked_add<SCCOL>(OUString(p).toInt32(), nStartCol - 1, nRefCol);
                            if (bFail || nRefCol < 0 || MAXCOL < nRefCol)
                                SAL_WARN("sc.ui","ScImportExport::Sylk2Doc - ;C invalid nRefCol=" << nRefCol);
                                nRefCol = std::max<SCCOL>(0, std::min<SCCOL>(nRefCol, MAXCOL));
                                bInvalidRefCol = bOverflowCol = true;
                        case 'R':
                            bInvalidRefRow = false;
                            bool bFail = o3tl::checked_add(OUString(p).toInt32(), nStartRow - 1, nRefRow);
                            if (bFail || nRefRow < 0 || nMaxImportRow < nRefRow)
                                SAL_WARN("sc.ui","ScImportExport::Sylk2Doc - ;R invalid nRefRow=" << nRefRow);
                                nRefRow = std::max<SCROW>(0, std::min<SCROW>(nRefRow, nMaxImportRow));
                                bInvalidRefRow = bOverflowRow = true;
                        case 'K':
                            if( !bSingle &&
                                    ( nCol < nStartCol || nCol > nEndCol
                                      || nRow < nStartRow || nRow > nEndRow
                                      || nCol > MAXCOL || nRow > nMaxImportRow
                                      || bInvalidCol || bInvalidRow ) )
                            if( !bData )
                                if( nRow > nEndRow )
                                    nEndRow = nRow;
                                if( nCol > nEndCol )
                                    nEndCol = nCol;
                            bool bText;
                            if( *p == '"' )
                                bText = true;
                                p = lcl_ScanSylkString( p, aText, eVersion);
                                bText = false;
                            const sal_Unicode* q = p;
                            while( *q && *q != ';' )
                            if ( !(*q == ';' && *(q+1) == 'I') && !bInvalidCol && !bInvalidRow )
                            {   // don't ignore value
                                if( bText )
                                        ScAddress(nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab()), aText);
                                    double fVal = rtl_math_uStringToDouble( p,
                                            aLine.getStr() + aLine.getLength(),
                                            cDecSep, cGrpSep, nullptr, nullptr );
                                    pDoc->SetValue( nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab(), fVal );
                        case 'E':
                        case 'M':
                            if ( ch == 'M' )
                                if ( nRefCol < nCol )
                                    nRefCol = nCol;
                                if ( nRefRow < nRow )
                                    nRefRow = nRow;
                                if ( !bData )
                                    if( nRefRow > nEndRow )
                                        nEndRow = nRefRow;
                                    if( nRefCol > nEndCol )
                                        nEndCol = nRefCol;
                            if( !bMyDoc || !bData )
                            aText = "=";
                            p = lcl_ScanSylkFormula( p, aText, eVersion);
                            if (bInvalidCol || bInvalidRow || (ch == 'M' && (bInvalidRefCol || bInvalidRefRow)))
                            ScAddress aPos( nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab() );
                            /* FIXME: do we want GRAM_ODFF_A1 instead? At the
                             * end it probably should be GRAM_ODFF_R1C1, since
                             * R1C1 is what Excel writes in SYLK, or even
                             * better GRAM_ENGLISH_XL_R1C1. */
                            const formula::FormulaGrammar::Grammar eGrammar = formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_PODF_A1;
                            ScCompiler aComp( pDoc, aPos, eGrammar);
                            std::unique_ptr<ScTokenArray> xCode(aComp.CompileString(aText)); // ctor/InsertMatrixFormula did copy TokenArray
                            if ( ch == 'M' )
                                ScMarkData aMark;
                                aMark.SelectTable( aPos.Tab(), true );
                                pDoc->InsertMatrixFormula( nCol, nRow, nRefCol,
                                    nRefRow, aMark, EMPTY_OUSTRING, xCode.get() );
                                ScFormulaCell* pFCell = new ScFormulaCell(
                                        pDoc, aPos, *xCode, eGrammar, ScMatrixMode::NONE);
                                pDoc->SetFormulaCell(aPos, pFCell);
                    while( *p && *p != ';' )
                    if( *p )
            else if( cTag == 'F' )      // Format
                if( *p++ != ';' )
                    return false;
                sal_Int32 nFormat = -1;
                while( *p )
                    sal_Unicode ch = *p++;
                    ch = ScGlobal::ToUpperAlpha( ch );
                    switch( ch )
                        case 'X':
                            bInvalidCol = false;
                            bool bFail = o3tl::checked_add<SCCOL>(OUString(p).toInt32(), nStartCol - 1, nCol);
                            if (bFail || nCol < 0 || MAXCOL < nCol)
                                SAL_WARN("sc.ui","ScImportExport::Sylk2Doc - ;X invalid nCol=" << nCol);
                                nCol = std::max<SCCOL>(0, std::min<SCCOL>(nCol, MAXCOL));
                                bInvalidCol = bOverflowCol = true;
                        case 'Y':
                            bInvalidRow = false;
                            bool bFail = o3tl::checked_add(OUString(p).toInt32(), nStartRow - 1, nRow);
                            if (bFail || nRow < 0 || nMaxImportRow < nRow)
                                SAL_WARN("sc.ui","ScImportExport::Sylk2Doc - ;Y invalid nRow=" << nRow);
                                nRow = std::max<SCROW>(0, std::min<SCROW>(nRow, nMaxImportRow));
                                bInvalidRow = bOverflowRow = true;
                        case 'P' :
                            if ( bData )
                                // F;P<n> sets format code of P;P<code> at
                                // current position, or at ;X;Y if specified.
                                // Note that ;X;Y may appear after ;P
                                const sal_Unicode* p0 = p;
                                while( *p && *p != ';' )
                                OUString aNumber(p0, p - p0);
                                nFormat = aNumber.toInt32();
                    while( *p && *p != ';' )
                    if( *p )
                if ( !bData )
                    if( nRow > nEndRow )
                        nEndRow = nRow;
                    if( nCol > nEndCol )
                        nEndCol = nCol;
                if ( 0 <= nFormat && nFormat < static_cast<sal_Int32>(aFormats.size()) && !bInvalidCol && !bInvalidRow )
                    sal_uInt32 nKey = aFormats[nFormat];
                    pDoc->ApplyAttr( nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab(),
                            SfxUInt32Item( ATTR_VALUE_FORMAT, nKey ) );
            else if( cTag == 'P' )
                if ( bData && *p == ';' && *(p+1) == 'P' )
                    OUString aCode( p+2 );
                    // unescape doubled semicolons
                    aCode = aCode.replaceAll(";;", ";");
                    // get rid of Xcl escape characters
                    aCode = aCode.replaceAll("\x1b", "");
                    sal_Int32 nCheckPos;
                    SvNumFormatType nType;
                    sal_uInt32 nKey;
                    pDoc->GetFormatTable()->PutandConvertEntry( aCode, nCheckPos, nType, nKey,
                                                                LANGUAGE_ENGLISH_US, ScGlobal::eLnge, false);
                    if ( nCheckPos )
                        nKey = 0;
                    aFormats.push_back( nKey );
            else if( cTag == 'I' && *p == 'D' )
                aLine = aLine.copy(4);
                if (aLine == "CALCOOO32")
                    eVersion = SylkVersion::OOO32;
                else if (aLine == "SCALC3")
                    eVersion = SylkVersion::SCALC3;
                bMyDoc = (eVersion <= SylkVersion::OWN);
            else if( cTag == 'E' )                      // End
        if( !bData )
            aRange.aEnd.SetCol( nEndCol );
            aRange.aEnd.SetRow( nEndRow );
            bOk = StartPaste();
            bData = true;
    return bOk;
bool ScImportExport::Doc2Sylk( SvStream& rStrm )
    SCCOL nCol;
    SCROW nRow;
    SCCOL nStartCol = aRange.aStart.Col();
    SCROW nStartRow = aRange.aStart.Row();
    SCCOL nEndCol = aRange.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW nEndRow = aRange.aEnd.Row();
    OUString aCellStr;
    OUString aValStr;
    lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, "ID;PCALCOOO32" );
    WriteUnicodeOrByteEndl( rStrm );
    for (nRow = nStartRow; nRow <= nEndRow; nRow++)
        for (nCol = nStartCol; nCol <= nEndCol; nCol++)
            OUString aBufStr;
            double nVal;
            bool bForm = false;
            SCROW r = nRow - nStartRow + 1;
            SCCOL c = nCol - nStartCol + 1;
            ScRefCellValue aCell(*pDoc, ScAddress(nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab()));
            CellType eType = aCell.meType;
            switch( eType )
                case CELLTYPE_FORMULA:
                    bForm = bFormulas;
                    if( pDoc->HasValueData( nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab()) )
                        goto hasvalue;
                        goto hasstring;
                case CELLTYPE_VALUE:
                    pDoc->GetValue( nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab(), nVal );
                    aValStr = ::rtl::math::doubleToUString( nVal,
                            rtl_math_DecimalPlaces_Max, '.', true );
                    aBufStr = "C;X"
                            + OUString::number( c )
                            + ";Y"
                            + OUString::number( r )
                            + ";K"
                            + aValStr;
                    lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, aBufStr );
                    goto checkformula;
                case CELLTYPE_STRING:
                case CELLTYPE_EDIT:
                    aCellStr = pDoc->GetString(nCol, nRow, aRange.aStart.Tab());
                    aCellStr = aCellStr.replaceAll("\n", SYLK_LF);
                    aBufStr = "C;X"
                            + OUString::number( c )
                            + ";Y"
                            + OUString::number( r )
                            + ";K";
                    lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, aBufStr );
                    lcl_WriteString( rStrm, aCellStr, '"', ';' );
                    if( bForm )
                        const ScFormulaCell* pFCell = aCell.mpFormula;
                        switch ( pFCell->GetMatrixFlag() )
                            case ScMatrixMode::Reference :
                                OUString aOUCellStr;
                                pFCell->GetFormula( aOUCellStr,formula::FormulaGrammar::GRAM_PODF_A1);
                                aCellStr = aOUCellStr;
                                /* FIXME: do we want GRAM_ODFF_A1 instead? At
                                 * the end it probably should be
                                 * GRAM_ODFF_R1C1, since R1C1 is what Excel
                                 * writes in SYLK, or even better
                                 * GRAM_ENGLISH_XL_R1C1. */
                        if ( pFCell->GetMatrixFlag() != ScMatrixMode::NONE &&
                                aCellStr.startsWith("{") &&
                                aCellStr.endsWith("}") )
                        {   // cut off matrix {} characters
                            aCellStr = aCellStr.copy(1, aCellStr.getLength()-2);
                        if ( aCellStr[0] == '=' )
                            aCellStr = aCellStr.copy(1);
                        OUString aPrefix;
                        switch ( pFCell->GetMatrixFlag() )
                            case ScMatrixMode::Formula :
                            {   // diff expression with 'M' M$-extension
                                SCCOL nC;
                                SCROW nR;
                                pFCell->GetMatColsRows( nC, nR );
                                nC += c - 1;
                                nR += r - 1;
                                aPrefix = ";R"
                                        + OUString::number( nR )
                                        + ";C"
                                        + OUString::number( nC )
                                        + ";M";
                            case ScMatrixMode::Reference :
                            {   // diff expression with 'I' M$-extension
                                ScAddress aPos;
                                (void)pFCell->GetMatrixOrigin( aPos );
                                aPrefix = ";I;R"
                                        + OUString::number( aPos.Row() - nStartRow + 1 )
                                        + ";C"
                                        + OUString::number( aPos.Col() - nStartCol + 1 );
                                // formula Expression
                                aPrefix = ";E";
                        lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, aPrefix );
                        if ( !aCellStr.isEmpty() )
                            lcl_WriteString( rStrm, aCellStr, 0, ';' );
                    WriteUnicodeOrByteEndl( rStrm );
                    // added to avoid warnings
    lcl_WriteSimpleString( rStrm, OUString( 'E' ) );
    WriteUnicodeOrByteEndl( rStrm );
    return rStrm.GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE;
bool ScImportExport::Doc2HTML( SvStream& rStrm, const OUString& rBaseURL )
    // rtl_TextEncoding is ignored in ScExportHTML, read from Load/Save HTML options
    ScFormatFilter::Get().ScExportHTML( rStrm, rBaseURL, pDoc, aRange, RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW, bAll,
        aStreamPath, aNonConvertibleChars, maFilterOptions );
    return rStrm.GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE;
bool ScImportExport::Doc2RTF( SvStream& rStrm )
    //  rtl_TextEncoding is ignored in ScExportRTF
    ScFormatFilter::Get().ScExportRTF( rStrm, pDoc, aRange, RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW );
    return rStrm.GetError() == ERRCODE_NONE;
bool ScImportExport::Doc2Dif( SvStream& rStrm )
    // for DIF in the clipboard, IBM_850 is always used
    ScFormatFilter::Get().ScExportDif( rStrm, pDoc, aRange, RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850 );
    return true;
bool ScImportExport::Dif2Doc( SvStream& rStrm )
    SCTAB nTab = aRange.aStart.Tab();
    ScDocumentUniquePtr pImportDoc( new ScDocument( SCDOCMODE_UNDO ) );
    pImportDoc->InitUndo( pDoc, nTab, nTab );
    // for DIF in the clipboard, IBM_850 is always used
    ScFormatFilter::Get().ScImportDif( rStrm, pImportDoc.get(), aRange.aStart, RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850 );
    SCCOL nEndCol;
    SCROW nEndRow;
    pImportDoc->GetCellArea( nTab, nEndCol, nEndRow );
    // if there are no cells in the imported content, nEndCol/nEndRow may be before the start
    if ( nEndCol < aRange.aStart.Col() )
        nEndCol = aRange.aStart.Col();
    if ( nEndRow < aRange.aStart.Row() )
        nEndRow = aRange.aStart.Row();
    aRange.aEnd = ScAddress( nEndCol, nEndRow, nTab );
    bool bOk = StartPaste();
    if (bOk)
        InsertDeleteFlags nFlags = InsertDeleteFlags::ALL & ~InsertDeleteFlags::STYLES;
        pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange, nFlags );
        pImportDoc->CopyToDocument(aRange, nFlags, false, *pDoc);
    return bOk;
bool ScImportExport::RTF2Doc( SvStream& rStrm, const OUString& rBaseURL )
    std::unique_ptr<ScEEAbsImport> pImp = ScFormatFilter::Get().CreateRTFImport( pDoc, aRange );
    if (!pImp)
        return false;
    pImp->Read( rStrm, rBaseURL );
    aRange = pImp->GetRange();
    bool bOk = StartPaste();
    if (bOk)
        InsertDeleteFlags const nFlags = InsertDeleteFlags::ALL & ~InsertDeleteFlags::STYLES;
        pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange, nFlags );
    return bOk;
bool ScImportExport::HTML2Doc( SvStream& rStrm, const OUString& rBaseURL )
    std::unique_ptr<ScEEAbsImport> pImp = ScFormatFilter::Get().CreateHTMLImport( pDoc, rBaseURL, aRange);
    if (!pImp)
        return false;
    pImp->Read( rStrm, rBaseURL );
    aRange = pImp->GetRange();
    bool bOk = StartPaste();
    if (bOk)
        // ScHTMLImport may call ScDocument::InitDrawLayer, resulting in
        // a Draw Layer but no Draw View -> create Draw Layer and View here
        if (pDocSh)
        InsertDeleteFlags const nFlags = InsertDeleteFlags::ALL & ~InsertDeleteFlags::STYLES;
        pDoc->DeleteAreaTab( aRange, nFlags );
        if (pExtOptions)
            // Pick up import options if available.
            LanguageType eLang = pExtOptions->GetLanguage();
            SvNumberFormatter aNumFormatter( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), eLang);
            bool bSpecialNumber = pExtOptions->IsDetectSpecialNumber();
            pImp->WriteToDocument(false, 1.0, &aNumFormatter, bSpecialNumber);
            // Regular import, with no options.
    return bOk;
extern "C" { static void thisModule() {} }
extern "C" {
ScFormatFilterPlugin* ScFilterCreate();
typedef ScFormatFilterPlugin * (*FilterFn)(void);
ScFormatFilterPlugin &ScFormatFilter::Get()
    static ScFormatFilterPlugin *plugin;
    if (plugin != nullptr)
        return *plugin;
    OUString sFilterLib(SVLIBRARY("scfilt"));
    static ::osl::Module aModule;
    bool bLoaded = aModule.is();
    if (!bLoaded)
        bLoaded = aModule.loadRelative(&thisModule, sFilterLib);
    if (!bLoaded)
        bLoaded = aModule.load(sFilterLib);
    if (bLoaded)
        oslGenericFunction fn = aModule.getFunctionSymbol( "ScFilterCreate" );
        if (fn != nullptr)
            plugin = reinterpret_cast<FilterFn>(fn)();
    assert(plugin != nullptr);
    plugin = ScFilterCreate();
    return *plugin;
// Precondition: pStr is guaranteed to be non-NULL and points to a 0-terminated
// array.
static inline const sal_Unicode* lcl_UnicodeStrChr( const sal_Unicode* pStr,
        sal_Unicode c )
    while (*pStr)
        if (*pStr == c)
            return pStr;
    return nullptr;
ScImportStringStream::ScImportStringStream( const OUString& rStr )
    : SvMemoryStream( const_cast<sal_Unicode *>(rStr.getStr()),
            rStr.getLength() * sizeof(sal_Unicode), StreamMode::READ)
OUString ReadCsvLine( SvStream &rStream, bool bEmbeddedLineBreak,
        OUString& rFieldSeparators, sal_Unicode cFieldQuote, sal_Unicode& rcDetectSep )
    enum RetryState
    } eRetryState = (bEmbeddedLineBreak && rcDetectSep == 0 ? RetryState::ALLOW : RetryState::FORBID);
    sal_uInt64 nStreamPos = (eRetryState == RetryState::ALLOW ? rStream.Tell() : 0);
    if (eRetryState == RetryState::RETRY)
        eRetryState = RetryState::RETRIED;
        rStream.Seek( nStreamPos);
    OUString aStr;
    rStream.ReadUniOrByteStringLine(aStr, rStream.GetStreamCharSet(), nArbitraryLineLengthLimit);
    if (bEmbeddedLineBreak)
        const sal_Unicode* pSeps = rFieldSeparators.getStr();
        QuoteType eQuoteState = FIELDEND_QUOTE;
        bool bFieldStart = true;
        sal_Int32 nLastOffset = 0;
        sal_Int32 nQuotes = 0;
        while (!rStream.eof() && aStr.getLength() < nArbitraryLineLengthLimit)
            const sal_Unicode *p, *pStart;
            p = pStart = aStr.getStr();
            p += nLastOffset;
            while (*p)
                if (nQuotes)
                    if (*p == cFieldQuote)
                        if (bFieldStart)
                            bFieldStart = false;
                            eQuoteState = FIELDSTART_QUOTE;
                        // Do not detect a FIELDSTART_QUOTE if not in
                        // bFieldStart mode, in which case for unquoted content
                        // we are in FIELDEND_QUOTE state.
                        else if (eQuoteState != FIELDEND_QUOTE)
                            eQuoteState = lcl_isEscapedOrFieldEndQuote( nQuotes, p, pSeps, cFieldQuote, rcDetectSep);
                            if (eRetryState == RetryState::ALLOW && rcDetectSep == ' ')
                                eRetryState = RetryState::RETRY;
                                rFieldSeparators += OUString(' ');
                                goto Label_RetryWithNewSep;
                            // DONTKNOW_QUOTE is an embedded unescaped quote we
                            // don't count for pairing.
                            if (eQuoteState != DONTKNOW_QUOTE)
                    else if (eQuoteState == FIELDEND_QUOTE)
                        if (bFieldStart)
                            // If blank is a separator it starts a field, if it
                            // is not and thus maybe leading before quote we
                            // are still at start of field regarding quotes.
                            bFieldStart = (*p == ' ' || lcl_UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, *p) != nullptr);
                            bFieldStart = (lcl_UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, *p) != nullptr);
                    if (*p == cFieldQuote && bFieldStart)
                        nQuotes = 1;
                        eQuoteState = FIELDSTART_QUOTE;
                        bFieldStart = false;
                    else if (eQuoteState == FIELDEND_QUOTE)
                        // This also skips leading blanks at beginning of line
                        // if followed by a quote. It's debatable whether we
                        // actually want that or not, but congruent with what
                        // ScanNextFieldFromString() does.
                        if (bFieldStart)
                            bFieldStart = (*p == ' ' || lcl_UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, *p) != nullptr);
                            bFieldStart = (lcl_UnicodeStrChr( pSeps, *p) != nullptr);
                // A quote character inside a field content does not start
                // a quote.
            if (nQuotes % 2 == 0)
                // We still have a (theoretical?) problem here if due to
                // nArbitraryLineLengthLimit we split a string right between a
                // doubled quote pair.
                nLastOffset = aStr.getLength();
                OUString aNext;
                rStream.ReadUniOrByteStringLine(aNext, rStream.GetStreamCharSet(), nArbitraryLineLengthLimit);
                aStr += "\n" + aNext;
    return aStr;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V776 Potentially infinite loop. The variable in the loop exit condition 'p < pStop' does not change its value between iterations.