/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <memory>
#include <impanmvw.hxx>
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <tools/helpers.hxx>
#include <window.h>
ImplAnimView::ImplAnimView( Animation* pParent, OutputDevice* pOut,
                            const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz,
                            sal_uLong nExtraData,
                            OutputDevice* pFirstFrameOutDev ) :
        mpParent        ( pParent ),
        mpOut           ( pFirstFrameOutDev ? pFirstFrameOutDev : pOut ),
        mnExtraData     ( nExtraData ),
        maPt            ( rPt ),
        maSz            ( rSz ),
        maSzPix         ( mpOut->LogicToPixel( maSz ) ),
        maClip          ( mpOut->GetClipRegion() ),
        mpBackground    ( VclPtr<VirtualDevice>::Create() ),
        mpRestore       ( VclPtr<VirtualDevice>::Create() ),
        meLastDisposal  ( Disposal::Back ),
        mbPause         ( false ),
        mbMarked        ( false ),
        mbHMirr         ( maSz.Width() < 0 ),
        mbVMirr         ( maSz.Height() < 0 )
    // Mirrored horizontally?
    if( mbHMirr )
        maDispPt.setX( maPt.X() + maSz.Width() + 1 );
        maDispSz.setWidth( -maSz.Width() );
        maSzPix.setWidth( -maSzPix.Width() );
        maDispPt.setX( maPt.X() );
        maDispSz.setWidth( maSz.Width() );
    // Mirrored vertically?
    if( mbVMirr )
        maDispPt.setY( maPt.Y() + maSz.Height() + 1 );
        maDispSz.setHeight( -maSz.Height() );
        maSzPix.setHeight( -maSzPix.Height() );
        maDispPt.setY( maPt.Y() );
        maDispSz.setHeight( maSz.Height() );
    // save background
    mpBackground->SetOutputSizePixel( maSzPix );
    if( mpOut->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW )
        MapMode aTempMap( mpOut->GetMapMode() );
        aTempMap.SetOrigin( Point() );
        mpBackground->SetMapMode( aTempMap );
        static_cast<vcl::Window*>( mpOut.get() )->SaveBackground( maDispPt, maDispSz, *mpBackground );
        mpBackground->SetMapMode( MapMode() );
        mpBackground->DrawOutDev( Point(), maSzPix, maDispPt, maDispSz, *mpOut );
    // Initialize drawing to actual position
    drawToPos( mpParent->ImplGetCurPos() );
    // If first frame OutputDevice is set, update variables now for real OutputDevice
    if( pFirstFrameOutDev )
        maClip = ( mpOut = pOut )->GetClipRegion();
bool ImplAnimView::matches( OutputDevice* pOut, long nExtraData ) const
    bool bRet = false;
    if( nExtraData )
        if( ( mnExtraData == nExtraData ) && ( !pOut || ( pOut == mpOut ) ) )
            bRet = true;
    else if( !pOut || ( pOut == mpOut ) )
        bRet = true;
    return bRet;
void ImplAnimView::getPosSize( const AnimationBitmap& rAnm, Point& rPosPix, Size& rSizePix )
    const Size& rAnmSize = mpParent->GetDisplaySizePixel();
    Point       aPt2( rAnm.aPosPix.X() + rAnm.aSizePix.Width() - 1,
                      rAnm.aPosPix.Y() + rAnm.aSizePix.Height() - 1 );
    double      fFactX, fFactY;
    // calculate x scaling
    if( rAnmSize.Width() > 1 )
        fFactX = static_cast<double>( maSzPix.Width() - 1 ) / ( rAnmSize.Width() - 1 );
        fFactX = 1.0;
    // calculate y scaling
    if( rAnmSize.Height() > 1 )
        fFactY = static_cast<double>( maSzPix.Height() - 1 ) / ( rAnmSize.Height() - 1 );
        fFactY = 1.0;
    rPosPix.setX( FRound( rAnm.aPosPix.X() * fFactX ) );
    rPosPix.setY( FRound( rAnm.aPosPix.Y() * fFactY ) );
    aPt2.setX( FRound( aPt2.X() * fFactX ) );
    aPt2.setY( FRound( aPt2.Y() * fFactY ) );
    rSizePix.setWidth( aPt2.X() - rPosPix.X() + 1 );
    rSizePix.setHeight( aPt2.Y() - rPosPix.Y() + 1 );
    // Mirrored horizontally?
    if( mbHMirr )
        rPosPix.setX( maSzPix.Width() - 1 - aPt2.X() );
    // Mirrored vertically?
    if( mbVMirr )
        rPosPix.setY( maSzPix.Height() - 1 - aPt2.Y() );
void ImplAnimView::drawToPos( sal_uLong nPos )
    VclPtr<vcl::RenderContext> pRenderContext = mpOut;
    std::unique_ptr<PaintBufferGuard> pGuard;
    if (mpOut->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW)
        vcl::Window* pWindow = static_cast<vcl::Window*>(mpOut.get());
        pGuard.reset(new PaintBufferGuard(pWindow->ImplGetWindowImpl()->mpFrameData, pWindow));
        pRenderContext = pGuard->GetRenderContext();
    ScopedVclPtrInstance<VirtualDevice> aVDev;
    std::unique_ptr<vcl::Region> xOldClip(!maClip.IsNull() ? new vcl::Region( pRenderContext->GetClipRegion() ) : nullptr);
    aVDev->SetOutputSizePixel( maSzPix, false );
    nPos = std::min( nPos, static_cast<sal_uLong>(mpParent->Count()) - 1 );
    for( sal_uLong i = 0; i <= nPos; i++ )
        draw( i, aVDev.get() );
    if (xOldClip)
        pRenderContext->SetClipRegion( maClip );
    pRenderContext->DrawOutDev( maDispPt, maDispSz, Point(), maSzPix, *aVDev.get() );
    if (pGuard)
        pGuard->SetPaintRect(tools::Rectangle(maDispPt, maDispSz));
    if (xOldClip)
void ImplAnimView::draw( sal_uLong nPos, VirtualDevice* pVDev )
    VclPtr<vcl::RenderContext> pRenderContext = mpOut;
    std::unique_ptr<PaintBufferGuard> pGuard;
    if (!pVDev && mpOut->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW)
        vcl::Window* pWindow = static_cast<vcl::Window*>(mpOut.get());
        pGuard.reset(new PaintBufferGuard(pWindow->ImplGetWindowImpl()->mpFrameData, pWindow));
        pRenderContext = pGuard->GetRenderContext();
    tools::Rectangle aOutRect( pRenderContext->PixelToLogic( Point() ), pRenderContext->GetOutputSize() );
    // check, if output lies out of display
    if( aOutRect.Intersection( tools::Rectangle( maDispPt, maDispSz ) ).IsEmpty() )
        setMarked( true );
    else if( !mbPause )
        VclPtr<VirtualDevice>   pDev;
        Point                   aPosPix;
        Point                   aBmpPosPix;
        Size                    aSizePix;
        Size                    aBmpSizePix;
        const sal_uLong             nLastPos = mpParent->Count() - 1;
        const AnimationBitmap&  rAnm = mpParent->Get( static_cast<sal_uInt16>( mnActPos = std::min( nPos, nLastPos ) ) );
        getPosSize( rAnm, aPosPix, aSizePix );
        // Mirrored horizontally?
        if( mbHMirr )
            aBmpPosPix.setX( aPosPix.X() + aSizePix.Width() - 1 );
            aBmpSizePix.setWidth( -aSizePix.Width() );
            aBmpPosPix.setX( aPosPix.X() );
            aBmpSizePix.setWidth( aSizePix.Width() );
        // Mirrored vertically?
        if( mbVMirr )
            aBmpPosPix.setY( aPosPix.Y() + aSizePix.Height() - 1 );
            aBmpSizePix.setHeight( -aSizePix.Height() );
            aBmpPosPix.setY( aPosPix.Y() );
            aBmpSizePix.setHeight( aSizePix.Height() );
        // get output device
        if( !pVDev )
            pDev = VclPtr<VirtualDevice>::Create();
            pDev->SetOutputSizePixel( maSzPix, false );
            pDev->DrawOutDev( Point(), maSzPix, maDispPt, maDispSz, *pRenderContext );
            pDev = pVDev;
        // restore background after each run
        if( !nPos )
            meLastDisposal = Disposal::Back;
            maRestPt = Point();
            maRestSz = maSzPix;
        // restore
        if( ( Disposal::Not != meLastDisposal ) && maRestSz.Width() && maRestSz.Height() )
            if( Disposal::Back == meLastDisposal )
                pDev->DrawOutDev( maRestPt, maRestSz, maRestPt, maRestSz, *mpBackground );
                pDev->DrawOutDev( maRestPt, maRestSz, Point(), maRestSz, *mpRestore );
        meLastDisposal = rAnm.eDisposal;
        maRestPt = aPosPix;
        maRestSz = aSizePix;
        // What do we need to restore the next time?
        // Put it into a bitmap if needed, else delete
        // SaveBitmap to conserve memory
        if( ( meLastDisposal == Disposal::Back ) || ( meLastDisposal == Disposal::Not ) )
            mpRestore->SetOutputSizePixel( Size( 1, 1 ), false );
            mpRestore->SetOutputSizePixel( maRestSz, false );
            mpRestore->DrawOutDev( Point(), maRestSz, aPosPix, aSizePix, *pDev );
        pDev->DrawBitmapEx( aBmpPosPix, aBmpSizePix, rAnm.aBmpEx );
        if( !pVDev )
            std::unique_ptr<vcl::Region> xOldClip(!maClip.IsNull() ? new vcl::Region( pRenderContext->GetClipRegion() ) : nullptr);
            if (xOldClip)
                pRenderContext->SetClipRegion( maClip );
            pRenderContext->DrawOutDev( maDispPt, maDispSz, Point(), maSzPix, *pDev );
            if (pGuard)
                pGuard->SetPaintRect(tools::Rectangle(maDispPt, maDispSz));
            if( xOldClip)
            if( pRenderContext->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW )
                static_cast<vcl::Window*>( pRenderContext.get() )->Flush();
void ImplAnimView::repaint()
    const bool bOldPause = mbPause;
    if( mpOut->GetOutDevType() == OUTDEV_WINDOW )
        MapMode aTempMap( mpOut->GetMapMode() );
        aTempMap.SetOrigin( Point() );
        mpBackground->SetMapMode( aTempMap );
        static_cast<vcl::Window*>( mpOut.get() )->SaveBackground( maDispPt, maDispSz, *mpBackground );
        mpBackground->SetMapMode( MapMode() );
        mpBackground->DrawOutDev( Point(), maSzPix, maDispPt, maDispSz, *mpOut );
    mbPause = false;
    drawToPos( mnActPos );
    mbPause = bOldPause;
AInfo* ImplAnimView::createAInfo() const
    AInfo* pAInfo = new AInfo;
    pAInfo->aStartOrg = maPt;
    pAInfo->aStartSize = maSz;
    pAInfo->pOutDev = mpOut;
    pAInfo->pViewData = const_cast<ImplAnimView *>(this);
    pAInfo->nExtraData = mnExtraData;
    pAInfo->bPause = mbPause;
    return pAInfo;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V730 It is possible that not all members of a class are initialized inside the constructor. Consider inspecting: mnActPos.