/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <fuinsfil.hxx>
#include <vcl/wrkwin.hxx>
#include <sfx2/progress.hxx>
#include <editeng/outliner.hxx>
#include <editeng/outlobj.hxx>
#include <editeng/editeng.hxx>
#include <svl/stritem.hxx>
#include <sfx2/request.hxx>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <vcl/weld.hxx>
#include <sfx2/printer.hxx>
#include <svx/svdorect.hxx>
#include <svx/svdundo.hxx>
#include <svx/svdoutl.hxx>
#include <sfx2/filedlghelper.hxx>
#include <sot/formats.hxx>
#include <svl/urihelper.hxx>
#include <editeng/forbiddencharacterstable.hxx>
#include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
#include <sfx2/docfilt.hxx>
#include <sfx2/fcontnr.hxx>
#include <svx/svdpagv.hxx>
#include <svx/dialogs.hrc>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XFilterManager.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XFilePicker.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XFilePickerControlAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/TemplateDescription.hpp>
#include <sdresid.hxx>
#include <drawdoc.hxx>
#include <Window.hxx>
#include <View.hxx>
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <stlpool.hxx>
#include <sdmod.hxx>
#include <sdpage.hxx>
#include <strmname.h>
#include <ViewShellBase.hxx>
#include <DrawViewShell.hxx>
#include <OutlineView.hxx>
#include <OutlineViewShell.hxx>
#include <DrawDocShell.hxx>
#include <GraphicDocShell.hxx>
#include <app.hrc>
#include <unmovss.hxx>
#include <Outliner.hxx>
#include <sdabstdlg.hxx>
#include <memory>
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui::dialogs;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
typedef ::std::pair< OUString, OUString > FilterDesc;
OUString lcl_GetExtensionsList ( ::std::vector< FilterDesc > const& rFilterDescList )
    OUStringBuffer aExtensions;
    ::std::vector< FilterDesc >::const_iterator aIter( rFilterDescList.begin() );
    while (aIter != rFilterDescList.end())
        OUString sWildcard = (*aIter).second;
        if ( aExtensions.indexOf( sWildcard ) == -1 )
            if ( !aExtensions.isEmpty() )
    return aExtensions.makeStringAndClear();
void lcl_AddFilter ( ::std::vector< FilterDesc >& rFilterDescList,
                     const std::shared_ptr<const SfxFilter>& pFilter )
    if (pFilter)
        rFilterDescList.emplace_back( pFilter->GetUIName(), pFilter->GetDefaultExtension() );
namespace sd {
FuInsertFile::FuInsertFile (
    ViewShell*    pViewSh,
    ::sd::Window*      pWin,
    ::sd::View*        pView,
    SdDrawDocument* pDoc,
    SfxRequest&    rReq)
    : FuPoor(pViewSh, pWin, pView, pDoc, rReq)
rtl::Reference<FuPoor> FuInsertFile::Create( ViewShell* pViewSh, ::sd::Window* pWin, ::sd::View* pView, SdDrawDocument* pDoc, SfxRequest& rReq )
    rtl::Reference<FuPoor> xFunc( new FuInsertFile( pViewSh, pWin, pView, pDoc, rReq ) );
    return xFunc;
void FuInsertFile::DoExecute( SfxRequest& rReq )
    SfxFilterMatcher&       rMatcher = SfxGetpApp()->GetFilterMatcher();
    ::std::vector< FilterDesc > aFilterVector;
    ::std::vector< OUString > aOtherFilterVector;
    const SfxItemSet*       pArgs = rReq.GetArgs ();
    FuInsertFile::GetSupportedFilterVector( aOtherFilterVector );
    if (!pArgs)
        sfx2::FileDialogHelper      aFileDialog(
                FileDialogFlags::Insert, mpWindow ? mpWindow->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr);
        Reference< XFilePicker >    xFilePicker( aFileDialog.GetFilePicker(), UNO_QUERY );
        Reference< XFilterManager > xFilterManager( xFilePicker, UNO_QUERY );
        OUString aOwnCont;
        OUString aOtherCont;
        aFileDialog.SetTitle( SdResId(STR_DLG_INSERT_PAGES_FROM_FILE) );
        if( mpDoc->GetDocumentType() == DocumentType::Impress )
            aOwnCont = "simpress";
            aOtherCont = "sdraw";
            aOtherCont = "simpress";
            aOwnCont = "sdraw" ;
        SfxFilterMatcher aMatch( aOwnCont );
        if( xFilterManager.is() )
            // Get filter for current format
                // Get main filter
                std::shared_ptr<const SfxFilter> pFilter = SfxFilter::GetDefaultFilterFromFactory( aOwnCont );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                // get template filter
                if( mpDoc->GetDocumentType() == DocumentType::Impress )
                    pFilter = DrawDocShell::Factory().GetTemplateFilter();
                    pFilter = GraphicDocShell::Factory().GetTemplateFilter();
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                // get cross filter
                pFilter = SfxFilter::GetDefaultFilterFromFactory( aOtherCont );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                // get Powerpoint filter
                OUString aExt = ".ppt";
                pFilter = aMatch.GetFilter4Extension( aExt );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                // Get other draw/impress filters
                pFilter = aMatch.GetFilter4ClipBoardId( SotClipboardFormatId::STARIMPRESS_60, SfxFilterFlags::IMPORT, SfxFilterFlags::TEMPLATEPATH );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                pFilter = aMatch.GetFilter4ClipBoardId( SotClipboardFormatId::STARIMPRESS_60, SfxFilterFlags::TEMPLATEPATH );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                pFilter = aMatch.GetFilter4ClipBoardId( SotClipboardFormatId::STARDRAW_60, SfxFilterFlags::IMPORT, SfxFilterFlags::TEMPLATEPATH  );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                pFilter = aMatch.GetFilter4ClipBoardId( SotClipboardFormatId::STARDRAW_60, SfxFilterFlags::TEMPLATEPATH  );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                pFilter = aMatch.GetFilter4ClipBoardId( SotClipboardFormatId::STARDRAW, SfxFilterFlags::IMPORT, SfxFilterFlags::TEMPLATEPATH  );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                pFilter = aMatch.GetFilter4ClipBoardId( SotClipboardFormatId::STARDRAW, SfxFilterFlags::TEMPLATEPATH  );
                lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                // add additional supported filters
                ::std::vector< OUString >::const_iterator aOtherIter( aOtherFilterVector.begin() );
                while( aOtherIter != aOtherFilterVector.end() )
                    if( ( pFilter = rMatcher.GetFilter4Mime( *aOtherIter ) ) != nullptr )
                        lcl_AddFilter( aFilterVector, pFilter );
                // set "All supported formats" as the default filter
                OUString aAllSpec( SdResId( STR_ALL_SUPPORTED_FORMATS ) );
                OUString aExtensions = lcl_GetExtensionsList( aFilterVector );
                OUString aGUIName = aAllSpec + " (" + aExtensions + ")";
                xFilterManager->appendFilter( aGUIName, aExtensions );
                xFilterManager->setCurrentFilter( aAllSpec );
                // append individual filters
                ::std::vector< ::std::pair < OUString, OUString > >::const_iterator aIter( aFilterVector.begin() );
                while( aIter != aFilterVector.end() )
                    xFilterManager->appendFilter( (*aIter).first, (*aIter).second );
                // end with "All files" as fallback
                xFilterManager->appendFilter( SdResId( STR_ALL_FILES ), "*.*" );
            catch (const IllegalArgumentException&)
        if( aFileDialog.Execute() != ERRCODE_NONE )
            aFilterName = aFileDialog.GetCurrentFilter();
            aFile = aFileDialog.GetPath();
        const SfxStringItem* pFileName = rReq.GetArg<SfxStringItem>(ID_VAL_DUMMY0);
        const SfxStringItem* pFilterName = rReq.GetArg<SfxStringItem>(ID_VAL_DUMMY1);
        aFile = pFileName->GetValue ();
        if( pFilterName )
            aFilterName = pFilterName->GetValue ();
    mpDocSh->SetWaitCursor( true );
    std::unique_ptr<SfxMedium>  xMedium(new SfxMedium(aFile, StreamMode::READ | StreamMode::NOCREATE));
    std::shared_ptr<const SfxFilter> pFilter;
    SfxGetpApp()->GetFilterMatcher().GuessFilter(*xMedium, pFilter);
    bool                bDrawMode = dynamic_cast< const DrawViewShell *>( mpViewShell ) != nullptr;
    bool                bInserted = false;
    if( pFilter )
        xMedium->SetFilter( pFilter );
        aFilterName = pFilter->GetFilterName();
        if( xMedium->IsStorage() || ( xMedium->GetInStream() && SotStorage::IsStorageFile( xMedium->GetInStream() ) ) )
            if ( pFilter->GetServiceName() == "com.sun.star.presentation.PresentationDocument" ||
                 pFilter->GetServiceName() == "com.sun.star.drawing.DrawingDocument" )
                // Draw, Impress or PowerPoint document
                // the ownership of the Medium is transferred
                if( bDrawMode )
                // ownership of pMedium has changed in this case
                bInserted = true;
            bool bFound = ( ::std::find( aOtherFilterVector.begin(), aOtherFilterVector.end(), pFilter->GetMimeType() ) != aOtherFilterVector.end() );
            if( !bFound &&
                ( aFilterName.indexOf( "Text" ) != -1 ||
                aFilterName.indexOf( "Rich" ) != -1 ||
                aFilterName.indexOf( "RTF" )  != -1 ||
                aFilterName.indexOf( "HTML" ) != -1 ) )
                bFound = true;
            if( bFound )
                if( bDrawMode )
                bInserted = true;
    mpDocSh->SetWaitCursor( false );
    if( !bInserted )
        std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xErrorBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(mpWindow->GetFrameWeld(),
                                                       VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok, SdResId(STR_READ_DATA_ERROR)));
bool FuInsertFile::InsSDDinDrMode(SfxMedium* pMedium)
    bool bOK = false;
    mpDocSh->SetWaitCursor( false );
    SdAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SdAbstractDialogFactory::Create();
    vcl::Window* pParent = mpViewShell ? mpViewShell->GetActiveWindow() : nullptr;
    ScopedVclPtr<AbstractSdInsertPagesObjsDlg> pDlg( pFact->CreateSdInsertPagesObjsDlg(pParent, mpDoc, pMedium, aFile) );
    sal_uInt16 nRet = pDlg->Execute();
    mpDocSh->SetWaitCursor( true );
    if( nRet == RET_OK )
        /* list with page names (if NULL, then all pages)
           First, insert pages */
        std::vector<OUString> aBookmarkList = pDlg->GetList( 1 ); // pages
        bool bLink = pDlg->IsLink();
        SdPage* pPage = nullptr;
        ::sd::View* pView = mpViewShell ? mpViewShell->GetView() : nullptr;
        if (pView)
            if( dynamic_cast< const OutlineView *>( pView ) !=  nullptr)
                pPage = static_cast<OutlineView*>(pView)->GetActualPage();
                pPage = static_cast<SdPage*>(pView->GetSdrPageView()->GetPage());
        sal_uInt16 nPos = 0xFFFF;
        if (pPage && !pPage->IsMasterPage())
            if (pPage->GetPageKind() == PageKind::Standard)
                nPos = pPage->GetPageNum() + 2;
            else if (pPage->GetPageKind() == PageKind::Notes)
                nPos = pPage->GetPageNum() + 1;
        bool  bNameOK;
        std::vector<OUString> aExchangeList;
        std::vector<OUString> aObjectBookmarkList = pDlg->GetList( 2 ); // objects
        /* if pBookmarkList is NULL, we insert selected pages, and/or selected
           objects or everything. */
        if( !aBookmarkList.empty() || aObjectBookmarkList.empty() )
            /* To ensure that all page names are unique, we check the ones we
               want to insert and insert them into a substitution list if
               bNameOK is sal_False if the user has canceled. */
            bNameOK = mpView->GetExchangeList( aExchangeList, aBookmarkList, 0 );
            if( bNameOK )
                bOK = mpDoc->InsertBookmarkAsPage( aBookmarkList, &aExchangeList,
                                    bLink, false/*bReplace*/, nPos,
                                    false, nullptr, true, true, false );
        // to ensure ... (see above)
        bNameOK = mpView->GetExchangeList( aExchangeList, aObjectBookmarkList, 1 );
        if( bNameOK )
            bOK = mpDoc->InsertBookmarkAsObject( aObjectBookmarkList, aExchangeList,
                                nullptr, nullptr, false );
        if( pDlg->IsRemoveUnnessesaryMasterPages() )
    return bOK;
void FuInsertFile::InsTextOrRTFinDrMode(SfxMedium* pMedium)
    SdAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = SdAbstractDialogFactory::Create();
    ScopedVclPtr<AbstractSdInsertPagesObjsDlg> pDlg( pFact->CreateSdInsertPagesObjsDlg(mpViewShell->GetActiveWindow(), mpDoc, nullptr, aFile) );
    mpDocSh->SetWaitCursor( false );
    sal_uInt16 nRet = pDlg->Execute();
    mpDocSh->SetWaitCursor( true );
    if( nRet == RET_OK )
        // selected file format: text, RTF or HTML (default is text)
        EETextFormat nFormat = EETextFormat::Text;
        if( aFilterName.indexOf( "Rich") != -1 )
            nFormat = EETextFormat::Rtf;
        else if( aFilterName.indexOf( "HTML" ) != -1 )
            nFormat = EETextFormat::Html;
        /* create our own outline since:
           - it is possible that the document outliner is actually used in the
             structuring mode
           - the draw outliner of the drawing engine has to draw something in
           - the global outliner could be used in SdPage::CreatePresObj */
        std::unique_ptr<SdrOutliner> pOutliner(new SdOutliner( mpDoc, OutlinerMode::TextObject ));
        // set reference device
        pOutliner->SetRefDevice( SD_MOD()->GetVirtualRefDevice() );
        SdPage* pPage = static_cast<DrawViewShell*>(mpViewShell)->GetActualPage();
        aLayoutName = pPage->GetLayoutName();
        sal_Int32 nIndex = aLayoutName.indexOf(SD_LT_SEPARATOR);
        if( nIndex != -1 )
            aLayoutName = aLayoutName.copy(0, nIndex);
        SvStream* pStream = pMedium->GetInStream();
        assert(pStream && "No InStream!");
        pStream->Seek( 0 );
        ErrCode nErr = pOutliner->Read( *pStream, pMedium->GetBaseURL(), nFormat, mpDocSh->GetHeaderAttributes() );
        if (nErr || pOutliner->GetEditEngine().GetText().isEmpty())
            std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xErrorBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(mpWindow->GetFrameWeld(),
                                                           VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok, SdResId(STR_READ_DATA_ERROR)));
            // is it a master page?
            if (static_cast<DrawViewShell*>(mpViewShell)->GetEditMode() == EditMode::MasterPage &&
                pPage = static_cast<SdPage*>(&(pPage->TRG_GetMasterPage()));
            assert(pPage && "page not found");
            // if editing is going on right now, let it flow into this text object
            OutlinerView* pOutlinerView = mpView->GetTextEditOutlinerView();
            if( pOutlinerView )
                SdrObject* pObj = mpView->GetTextEditObject();
                if( pObj &&
                    pObj->GetObjInventor()   == SdrInventor::Default &&
                    pObj->GetObjIdentifier() == OBJ_TITLETEXT &&
                    pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() > 1 )
                    // in title objects, only one paragraph is allowed
                    while ( pOutliner->GetParagraphCount() > 1 )
                        Paragraph* pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 );
                        sal_uLong nLen = pOutliner->GetText( pPara ).getLength();
                        pOutliner->QuickDelete( ESelection( 0, nLen, 1, 0 ) );
                        pOutliner->QuickInsertLineBreak( ESelection( 0, nLen, 0, nLen ) );
            std::unique_ptr<OutlinerParaObject> pOPO = pOutliner->CreateParaObject();
            if (pOutlinerView)
                SdrRectObj* pTO = new SdrRectObj(
                const bool bUndo = mpView->IsUndoEnabled();
                if( bUndo )
                /* can be bigger as the maximal allowed size:
                   limit object size if necessary */
                Size aSize(pOutliner->CalcTextSize());
                Size aMaxSize = mpDoc->GetMaxObjSize();
                aSize.setHeight( std::min(aSize.Height(), aMaxSize.Height()) );
                aSize.setWidth( std::min(aSize.Width(), aMaxSize.Width()) );
                aSize = mpWindow->LogicToPixel(aSize);
                // put it at the center of the window
                Size aTemp(mpWindow->GetOutputSizePixel());
                Point aPos(aTemp.Width() / 2, aTemp.Height() / 2);
                aPos.AdjustX( -(aSize.Width() / 2) );
                aPos.AdjustY( -(aSize.Height() / 2) );
                aSize = mpWindow->PixelToLogic(aSize);
                aPos = mpWindow->PixelToLogic(aPos);
                pTO->SetLogicRect(::tools::Rectangle(aPos, aSize));
                if (pDlg->IsLink())
                    pTO->SetTextLink(aFile, aFilterName );
                if( bUndo )
void FuInsertFile::InsTextOrRTFinOlMode(SfxMedium* pMedium)
    // selected file format: text, RTF or HTML (default is text)
    EETextFormat nFormat = EETextFormat::Text;
    if( aFilterName.indexOf( "Rich") != -1 )
        nFormat = EETextFormat::Rtf;
    else if( aFilterName.indexOf( "HTML" ) != -1 )
        nFormat = EETextFormat::Html;
    ::Outliner&    rDocliner = static_cast<OutlineView*>(mpView)->GetOutliner();
    std::vector<Paragraph*> aSelList;
    Paragraph* pPara = aSelList.empty() ? nullptr : *(aSelList.begin());
    // what should we insert?
    while (pPara && !Outliner::HasParaFlag(pPara, ParaFlag::ISPAGE))
        pPara = rDocliner.GetParent(pPara);
    sal_Int32 nTargetPos = rDocliner.GetAbsPos(pPara) + 1;
    // apply layout of predecessor page
    sal_uInt16 nPage = 0;
    pPara = rDocliner.GetParagraph( rDocliner.GetAbsPos( pPara ) - 1 );
    while (pPara)
        sal_Int32 nPos = rDocliner.GetAbsPos( pPara );
        if ( Outliner::HasParaFlag( pPara, ParaFlag::ISPAGE ) )
        pPara = rDocliner.GetParagraph( nPos - 1 );
    SdPage* pPage = mpDoc->GetSdPage(nPage, PageKind::Standard);
    aLayoutName = pPage->GetLayoutName();
    sal_Int32 nIndex = aLayoutName.indexOf(SD_LT_SEPARATOR);
    if( nIndex != -1 )
        aLayoutName = aLayoutName.copy(0, nIndex);
    /* create our own outline since:
       - it is possible that the document outliner is actually used in the
         structuring mode
       - the draw outliner of the drawing engine has to draw something in
       - the global outliner could be used in SdPage::CreatePresObj */
    std::unique_ptr< ::Outliner> pOutliner(new ::Outliner( &mpDoc->GetItemPool(), OutlinerMode::OutlineObject ));
    // set reference device
    pOutliner->SetPaperSize(Size(0x7fffffff, 0x7fffffff));
    SvStream* pStream = pMedium->GetInStream();
    DBG_ASSERT( pStream, "No InStream!" );
    pStream->Seek( 0 );
    ErrCode nErr = pOutliner->Read(*pStream, pMedium->GetBaseURL(), nFormat, mpDocSh->GetHeaderAttributes());
    if (nErr || pOutliner->GetEditEngine().GetText().isEmpty())
        std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xErrorBox(Application::CreateMessageDialog(mpWindow->GetFrameWeld(),
                                                       VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok, SdResId(STR_READ_DATA_ERROR)));
        sal_Int32 nParaCount = pOutliner->GetParagraphCount();
        // for progress bar: number of level-0-paragraphs
        sal_uInt16 nNewPages = 0;
        pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 );
        while (pPara)
            sal_Int32 nPos = pOutliner->GetAbsPos( pPara );
            if( Outliner::HasParaFlag( pPara, ParaFlag::ISPAGE ) )
            pPara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( ++nPos );
        mpDocSh->SetWaitCursor( false );
        std::unique_ptr<SfxProgress> pProgress(new SfxProgress( mpDocSh, SdResId(STR_CREATE_PAGES), nNewPages));
        if( pProgress )
            pProgress->SetState( 0, 100 );
        nNewPages = 0;
        ViewShellId nViewShellId = mpViewShell ? mpViewShell->GetViewShellBase().GetViewShellId() : ViewShellId(-1);
                                    SdResId(STR_UNDO_INSERT_FILE), OUString(), 0, nViewShellId );
        sal_Int32 nSourcePos = 0;
        SfxStyleSheet* pStyleSheet = pPage->GetStyleSheetForPresObj( PRESOBJ_OUTLINE );
        Paragraph* pSourcePara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( 0 );
        while (pSourcePara)
            sal_Int32 nPos = pOutliner->GetAbsPos( pSourcePara );
            sal_Int16 nDepth = pOutliner->GetDepth( nPos );
            // only take the last paragraph if it is filled
            if (nSourcePos < nParaCount - 1 ||
                rDocliner.Insert( pOutliner->GetText(pSourcePara), nTargetPos, nDepth );
                OUString aStyleSheetName( pStyleSheet->GetName() );
                aStyleSheetName = aStyleSheetName.copy( 0, aStyleSheetName.getLength()-1 );
                aStyleSheetName += OUString::number( nDepth <= 0 ? 1 : nDepth+1 );
                SfxStyleSheetBasePool* pStylePool = mpDoc->GetStyleSheetPool();
                SfxStyleSheet* pOutlStyle = static_cast<SfxStyleSheet*>( pStylePool->Find( aStyleSheetName, pStyleSheet->GetFamily() ) );
                rDocliner.SetStyleSheet( nTargetPos, pOutlStyle );
            if( Outliner::HasParaFlag( pSourcePara, ParaFlag::ISPAGE ) )
                if( pProgress )
                    pProgress->SetState( nNewPages );
            pSourcePara = pOutliner->GetParagraph( ++nPos );
        mpDocSh->SetWaitCursor( true );
bool FuInsertFile::InsSDDinOlMode(SfxMedium* pMedium)
    OutlineView* pOlView = static_cast<OutlineView*>(mpView);
    // transfer Outliner content to SdDrawDocument
    // read in like in the character mode
    if (InsSDDinDrMode(pMedium))
        ::Outliner* pOutliner = pOlView->GetViewByWindow(mpWindow)->GetOutliner();
        // cut notification links temporarily
        Link<Outliner::ParagraphHdlParam,void> aOldParagraphInsertedHdl = pOutliner->GetParaInsertedHdl();
        pOutliner->SetParaInsertedHdl( Link<Outliner::ParagraphHdlParam,void>());
        Link<Outliner::ParagraphHdlParam,void> aOldParagraphRemovingHdl = pOutliner->GetParaRemovingHdl();
        pOutliner->SetParaRemovingHdl( Link<Outliner::ParagraphHdlParam,void>());
        Link<Outliner::DepthChangeHdlParam,void> aOldDepthChangedHdl = pOutliner->GetDepthChangedHdl();
        pOutliner->SetDepthChangedHdl( Link<::Outliner::DepthChangeHdlParam,void>());
        Link<::Outliner*,void> aOldBeginMovingHdl = pOutliner->GetBeginMovingHdl();
        pOutliner->SetBeginMovingHdl( Link<::Outliner*,void>());
        Link<::Outliner*,void> aOldEndMovingHdl = pOutliner->GetEndMovingHdl();
        pOutliner->SetEndMovingHdl( Link<::Outliner*,void>());
        Link<EditStatus&,void> aOldStatusEventHdl = pOutliner->GetStatusEventHdl();
        // set links again
        return true;
        return false;
void FuInsertFile::GetSupportedFilterVector( ::std::vector< OUString >& rFilterVector )
    SfxFilterMatcher&   rMatcher = SfxGetpApp()->GetFilterMatcher();
    std::shared_ptr<const SfxFilter> pSearchFilter;
    if( ( pSearchFilter = rMatcher.GetFilter4Mime( "text/plain" )) != nullptr )
        rFilterVector.push_back( pSearchFilter->GetMimeType() );
    if( ( pSearchFilter = rMatcher.GetFilter4Mime( "application/rtf" ) ) != nullptr )
        rFilterVector.push_back( pSearchFilter->GetMimeType() );
    if( ( pSearchFilter = rMatcher.GetFilter4Mime( "text/html" ) ) != nullptr )
        rFilterVector.push_back( pSearchFilter->GetMimeType() );
} // end of namespace sd
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V668 There is no sense in testing the 'pProgress' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.

V668 There is no sense in testing the 'pProgress' pointer against null, as the memory was allocated using the 'new' operator. The exception will be generated in the case of memory allocation error.