/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <vcl/waitobj.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/util/URL.hpp>
#include <vcl/stdtext.hxx>
#include <comphelper/types.hxx>
#include <comphelper/sequence.hxx>
#include "framectr.hxx"
#include "datman.hxx"
#include "bibview.hxx"
#include "bibresid.hxx"
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
#include "bibconfig.hxx"
#include <cppuhelper/implbase.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/form/XConfirmDeleteListener.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/form/runtime/XFormController.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyState.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/dialogs/XExecutableDialog.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbcx/Privilege.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdbc/XResultSetUpdate.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdb/FilterDialog.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sdb/RowChangeAction.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/CommandGroup.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/datatransfer/clipboard/XClipboard.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/interfacecontainer.hxx>
#include <cppuhelper/supportsservice.hxx>
#include <sot/exchange.hxx>
#include <sot/formats.hxx>
#include <vcl/edit.hxx>
#include <osl/mutex.hxx>
#include <o3tl/make_unique.hxx>
#include <unordered_map>
using namespace osl;
using namespace cppu;
using namespace com::sun::star::sdbc;
using namespace com::sun::star::frame;
using namespace com::sun::star::uno;
using namespace com::sun::star;
struct DispatchInfo
    const char*   pCommand;
    sal_Int16     nGroupId;
    bool      bActiveConnection;
struct CacheDispatchInfo
    sal_Int16     nGroupId;
    bool      bActiveConnection;
// Attention: commands must be sorted by command groups. Implementation is dependent
// on this!!
static const DispatchInfo SupportedCommandsArray[] =
    { ".uno:Undo"               ,   frame::CommandGroup::EDIT       , false },
    { ".uno:Cut"                ,   frame::CommandGroup::EDIT       , false },
    { ".uno:Copy"               ,   frame::CommandGroup::EDIT       , false },
    { ".uno:Paste"              ,   frame::CommandGroup::EDIT       , false },
    { ".uno:SelectAll"          ,   frame::CommandGroup::EDIT       , false },
    { ".uno:CloseDoc"           ,   frame::CommandGroup::DOCUMENT   , false },
    { ".uno:StatusBarVisible"   ,   frame::CommandGroup::VIEW       , false },
    { ".uno:AvailableToolbars"  ,   frame::CommandGroup::VIEW       , false },
    { ".uno:Bib/standardFilter" ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { ".uno:Bib/DeleteRecord"   ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { ".uno:Bib/InsertRecord"   ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { ".uno:Bib/query"          ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { ".uno:Bib/autoFilter"     ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { ".uno:Bib/source"         ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { ".uno:Bib/removeFilter"   ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { ".uno:Bib/sdbsource"      ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { ".uno:Bib/Mapping"        ,   frame::CommandGroup::DATA       , true  },
    { nullptr                         ,   0                               , false }
typedef std::unordered_map< OUString, CacheDispatchInfo > CmdToInfoCache;
const CmdToInfoCache& GetCommandToInfoCache()
    static bool       bCacheInitialized = false;
    static CmdToInfoCache aCmdToInfoCache;
    if ( !bCacheInitialized )
        ::osl::MutexGuard aGuard( ::osl::Mutex::getGlobalMutex() );
        if ( !bCacheInitialized )
            sal_Int32 i( 0 );
            while ( SupportedCommandsArray[i].pCommand != nullptr )
                OUString aCommand( OUString::createFromAscii( SupportedCommandsArray[i].pCommand ));
                CacheDispatchInfo aDispatchInfo;
                aDispatchInfo.nGroupId          = SupportedCommandsArray[i].nGroupId;
                aDispatchInfo.bActiveConnection = SupportedCommandsArray[i].bActiveConnection;
                aCmdToInfoCache.emplace(aCommand, aDispatchInfo);
            bCacheInitialized = true;
    return aCmdToInfoCache;
class BibFrameCtrl_Impl : public cppu::WeakImplHelper < XFrameActionListener >
    Mutex                               aMutex;
    OMultiTypeInterfaceContainerHelper  aLC;
    BibFrameController_Impl*            pController;
                                            : aLC( aMutex )
                                            , pController(nullptr)
    virtual void                        SAL_CALL frameAction(const FrameActionEvent& aEvent) override;
    virtual void                        SAL_CALL disposing( const lang::EventObject& Source ) override;
void BibFrameCtrl_Impl::frameAction(const FrameActionEvent& )
void BibFrameCtrl_Impl::disposing( const lang::EventObject& /*Source*/ )
    ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( pController )
        pController->getFrame()->removeFrameActionListener( this );
BibFrameController_Impl::BibFrameController_Impl( const uno::Reference< awt::XWindow > & xComponent,
                                                BibDataManager* pDataManager)
    :xWindow( xComponent )
    ,m_xDatMan( pDataManager )
    mxImpl = new BibFrameCtrl_Impl;
    mxImpl->pController = this;
    mxImpl->pController = nullptr;
OUString SAL_CALL BibFrameController_Impl::getImplementationName()
    return OUString("com.sun.star.comp.extensions.Bibliography");
sal_Bool SAL_CALL BibFrameController_Impl::supportsService( const OUString& sServiceName )
    return cppu::supportsService( this, sServiceName );
css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL BibFrameController_Impl::getSupportedServiceNames()
    // return only top level services ...
    // base services are included there and should be asked by uno-rtti.
    css::uno::Sequence< OUString > lNames { "com.sun.star.frame.Bibliography" };
    return lNames;
void BibFrameController_Impl::attachFrame( const uno::Reference< XFrame > & xArg )
    xFrame = xArg;
    xFrame->addFrameActionListener( mxImpl.get() );
sal_Bool BibFrameController_Impl::attachModel( const uno::Reference< XModel > & /*xModel*/ )
    return false;
sal_Bool BibFrameController_Impl::suspend( sal_Bool bSuspend )
    if ( bSuspend )
        getFrame()->removeFrameActionListener( mxImpl.get() );
        getFrame()->addFrameActionListener( mxImpl.get() );
    return true;
uno::Any BibFrameController_Impl::getViewData()
    return uno::Any();
void BibFrameController_Impl::restoreViewData( const uno::Any& /*Value*/ )
uno::Reference< XFrame >  BibFrameController_Impl::getFrame()
    return xFrame;
uno::Reference< XModel >  BibFrameController_Impl::getModel()
    return uno::Reference< XModel > ();
void BibFrameController_Impl::dispose()
    bDisposing = true;
    lang::EventObject aObject;
    aObject.Source = static_cast<XController*>(this);
void BibFrameController_Impl::addEventListener( const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener > & aListener )
    mxImpl->aLC.addInterface( cppu::UnoType<lang::XEventListener>::get(), aListener );
void BibFrameController_Impl::removeEventListener( const uno::Reference< lang::XEventListener > & aListener )
    mxImpl->aLC.removeInterface( cppu::UnoType<lang::XEventListener>::get(), aListener );
uno::Reference< frame::XDispatch >  BibFrameController_Impl::queryDispatch( const util::URL& aURL, const OUString& /*aTarget*/, sal_Int32 /*nSearchFlags*/ )
    if ( !bDisposing )
        const CmdToInfoCache& rCmdCache = GetCommandToInfoCache();
        CmdToInfoCache::const_iterator pIter = rCmdCache.find( aURL.Complete );
        if ( pIter != rCmdCache.end() )
            if (( m_xDatMan->HasActiveConnection() ) ||
                ( !pIter->second.bActiveConnection ))
                return static_cast<frame::XDispatch*>(this);
    return uno::Reference< frame::XDispatch > ();
uno::Sequence<uno::Reference< XDispatch > > BibFrameController_Impl::queryDispatches( const uno::Sequence<DispatchDescriptor>& aDescripts )
    uno::Sequence< uno::Reference< XDispatch > > aDispatches( aDescripts.getLength() );
    for ( sal_Int32 i=0; i<aDescripts.getLength(); ++i )
        aDispatches[i] = queryDispatch( aDescripts[i].FeatureURL, aDescripts[i].FrameName, aDescripts[i].SearchFlags );
    return aDispatches;
uno::Sequence< ::sal_Int16 > SAL_CALL BibFrameController_Impl::getSupportedCommandGroups()
    uno::Sequence< ::sal_Int16 > aDispatchInfo( 4 );
    aDispatchInfo[0] = frame::CommandGroup::EDIT;
    aDispatchInfo[1] = frame::CommandGroup::DOCUMENT;
    aDispatchInfo[2] = frame::CommandGroup::DATA;
    aDispatchInfo[3] = frame::CommandGroup::VIEW;
    return aDispatchInfo;
uno::Sequence< frame::DispatchInformation > SAL_CALL BibFrameController_Impl::getConfigurableDispatchInformation( ::sal_Int16 nCommandGroup )
    const CmdToInfoCache& rCmdCache = GetCommandToInfoCache();
    frame::DispatchInformation                  aDispatchInfo;
    std::vector< frame::DispatchInformation >   aDispatchInfoVector;
    if (( nCommandGroup == frame::CommandGroup::EDIT ) ||
        ( nCommandGroup == frame::CommandGroup::DOCUMENT ) ||
        ( nCommandGroup == frame::CommandGroup::DATA ) ||
        ( nCommandGroup == frame::CommandGroup::VIEW ))
        bool bGroupFound = false;
        for (auto const& item : rCmdCache)
            if ( item.second.nGroupId == nCommandGroup )
                bGroupFound = true;
                aDispatchInfo.Command = item.first;
                aDispatchInfo.GroupId = item.second.nGroupId;
                aDispatchInfoVector.push_back( aDispatchInfo );
            else if ( bGroupFound )
    return comphelper::containerToSequence( aDispatchInfoVector );
bool canInsertRecords(const Reference< beans::XPropertySet>& _rxCursorSet)
    sal_Int32 nPriv = 0;
    _rxCursorSet->getPropertyValue("Privileges") >>= nPriv;
    return _rxCursorSet.is() && (nPriv & sdbcx::Privilege::INSERT) != 0;
bool BibFrameController_Impl::SaveModified(const Reference< form::runtime::XFormController>& xController)
    if (!xController.is())
        return false;
    Reference< XResultSetUpdate> _xCursor(xController->getModel(), UNO_QUERY);
    if (!_xCursor.is())
        return false;
    Reference< beans::XPropertySet> _xSet(_xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
    if (!_xSet.is())
        return false;
    // need to save?
    bool  bIsNew        = ::comphelper::getBOOL(_xSet->getPropertyValue("IsNew"));
    bool  bIsModified   = ::comphelper::getBOOL(_xSet->getPropertyValue("IsModified"));
    bool bResult = !bIsModified;
    if (bIsModified)
            if (bIsNew)
            bResult = true;
        catch(const Exception&)
            OSL_FAIL("SaveModified: Exception occurred!");
    return bResult;
static vcl::Window* lcl_GetFocusChild( vcl::Window const * pParent )
    sal_uInt16 nChildren = pParent->GetChildCount();
    for( sal_uInt16 nChild = 0; nChild < nChildren; ++nChild)
        vcl::Window* pChild = pParent->GetChild( nChild );
            return pChild;
        vcl::Window* pSubChild = lcl_GetFocusChild( pChild );
            return pSubChild;
    return nullptr;
//class XDispatch
void BibFrameController_Impl::dispatch(const util::URL& _rURL, const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs)
    if ( !bDisposing )
        ::SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
        VclPtr<vcl::Window> pParent = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow );
        WaitObject aWaitObject( pParent );
        OUString aCommand( _rURL.Path);
        if(aCommand == "Bib/Mapping")
        else if(aCommand == "Bib/source")
        else if(aCommand == "Bib/sdbsource")
            OUString aURL = m_xDatMan->CreateDBChangeDialog(pParent);
                    uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aNewDataSource(2);
                    beans::PropertyValue* pProps = aNewDataSource.getArray();
                    pProps[0].Value <<= OUString();
                    pProps[1].Value <<= aURL;
                catch(const Exception&)
                    OSL_FAIL("Exception caught while changing the data source");
        else if(aCommand == "Bib/autoFilter")
            sal_uInt16 nCount = aStatusListeners.size();
            for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<nCount; n++ )
                BibStatusDispatch *pObj = aStatusListeners[n].get();
                if ( pObj->aURL.Path == "Bib/removeFilter" )
                    FeatureStateEvent  aEvent;
                    aEvent.FeatureURL = pObj->aURL;
                    aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
                    aEvent.Requery    = false;
                    aEvent.Source     = static_cast<XDispatch *>(this);
                    pObj->xListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
                    //break; because there are more than one
            const beans::PropertyValue* pPropertyValue = aArgs.getConstArray();
            uno::Any aValue=pPropertyValue[0].Value;
            OUString aQuery;
            aValue >>= aQuery;
            OUString aQueryField;
            aValue >>= aQueryField;
            BibConfig* pConfig = BibModul::GetConfig();
        else if(aCommand == "Bib/standardFilter")
                uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext = ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext();
                // create the dialog object
                uno::Reference< ui::dialogs::XExecutableDialog > xDialog = sdb::FilterDialog::createWithQuery(xContext, m_xDatMan->getParser(),
                           Reference<sdbc::XRowSet>(m_xDatMan->getForm(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW), xWindow);
                // execute it
                if ( xDialog->execute( ) )
                    // the dialog has been executed successfully, and the filter on the query composer
                    // has been changed
                    OUString sNewFilter = m_xDatMan->getParser()->getFilter();
                    m_xDatMan->setFilter( sNewFilter );
            catch( const uno::Exception& )
                OSL_FAIL( "BibFrameController_Impl::dispatch: caught an exception!" );
            sal_uInt16 nCount = aStatusListeners.size();
            for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<nCount; n++ )
                BibStatusDispatch *pObj = aStatusListeners[n].get();
                if ( pObj->aURL.Path == "Bib/removeFilter" && m_xDatMan->getParser().is())
                    FeatureStateEvent  aEvent;
                    aEvent.FeatureURL = pObj->aURL;
                    aEvent.IsEnabled  = !m_xDatMan->getParser()->getFilter().isEmpty();
                    aEvent.Requery    = false;
                    aEvent.Source     = static_cast<XDispatch *>(this);
                    pObj->xListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
        else if(aCommand == "Bib/removeFilter")
        else if( _rURL.Complete == "slot:5503" || aCommand == "CloseDoc" )
            Application::PostUserEvent( LINK( this, BibFrameController_Impl,
                                        DisposeHdl ) );
        else if(aCommand == "Bib/InsertRecord")
            Reference<form::runtime::XFormController > xFormCtrl = m_xDatMan->GetFormController();
                    Reference< sdbc::XResultSet >  xCursor( m_xDatMan->getForm(), UNO_QUERY );
                    Reference< XResultSetUpdate >  xUpdateCursor( m_xDatMan->getForm(), UNO_QUERY );
                catch(const Exception&)
                    OSL_FAIL("Exception in last() or moveToInsertRow()");
        else if(aCommand == "Bib/DeleteRecord")
            Reference< css::sdbc::XResultSet >  xCursor(m_xDatMan->getForm(), UNO_QUERY);
            Reference< XResultSetUpdate >       xUpdateCursor(xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
            Reference< beans::XPropertySet >    xSet(m_xDatMan->getForm(), UNO_QUERY);
            bool  bIsNew  = ::comphelper::getBOOL(xSet->getPropertyValue("IsNew"));
                sal_uInt32 nCount = 0;
                xSet->getPropertyValue("RowCount") >>= nCount;
                // determine next position
                bool bSuccess = false;
                bool bLeft = false;
                bool bRight = false;
                    bLeft = xCursor->isLast() && nCount > 1;
                    bRight= !xCursor->isLast();
                    // ask for confirmation
                    Reference< frame::XController > xCtrl = mxImpl->pController;
                    Reference< form::XConfirmDeleteListener >  xConfirm(m_xDatMan->GetFormController(),UNO_QUERY);
                    if (xConfirm.is())
                        sdb::RowChangeEvent aEvent;
                        aEvent.Source.set(xCursor, UNO_QUERY);
                        aEvent.Action = sdb::RowChangeAction::DELETE;
                        aEvent.Rows = 1;
                        bSuccess = xConfirm->confirmDelete(aEvent);
                    // delete it
                    if (bSuccess)
                catch(const Exception&)
                    bSuccess = false;
                if (bSuccess)
                    if (bLeft || bRight)
                        xCursor->relative(bRight ? 1 : -1);
                        bool bCanInsert = canInsertRecords(xSet);
                        // can another entry be inserted?
                            if (bCanInsert)
                                // move data entry to reset state
                        catch(const Exception&)
                            OSL_FAIL("DeleteRecord: exception caught!");
        else if(aCommand == "Cut")
            vcl::Window* pChild = lcl_GetFocusChild( VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow ) );
                KeyEvent aEvent( 0, KeyFuncType::CUT );
                pChild->KeyInput( aEvent );
        else if(aCommand == "Copy")
            vcl::Window* pChild = lcl_GetFocusChild( VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow ) );
                KeyEvent aEvent( 0, KeyFuncType::COPY );
                pChild->KeyInput( aEvent );
        else if(aCommand == "Paste")
            vcl::Window* pChild = lcl_GetFocusChild( VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow ) );
                KeyEvent aEvent( 0, KeyFuncType::PASTE );
                pChild->KeyInput( aEvent );
IMPL_LINK_NOARG( BibFrameController_Impl, DisposeHdl, void*, void )
void BibFrameController_Impl::addStatusListener(
    const uno::Reference< frame::XStatusListener > & aListener,
    const util::URL& aURL)
    BibConfig* pConfig = BibModul::GetConfig();
    // create a new Reference and insert into listener array
    aStatusListeners.push_back( o3tl::make_unique<BibStatusDispatch>( aURL, aListener ) );
    // send first status synchronously
    FeatureStateEvent aEvent;
    aEvent.FeatureURL = aURL;
    aEvent.Requery    = false;
    aEvent.Source     = static_cast<XDispatch *>(this);
    if ( aURL.Path == "StatusBarVisible" )
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = false;
        aEvent.State <<= false;
    else if ( aURL.Path == "Bib/hierarchical" )
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
        const char*  pHier = bHierarchical? "" : "*" ;
        aEvent.State <<= OUString::createFromAscii(pHier);
    else if(aURL.Path == "Bib/MenuFilter")
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
        aEvent.State <<= m_xDatMan->getQueryFields();
    else if ( aURL.Path == "Bib/source")
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
        aEvent.State <<= m_xDatMan->getDataSources();
    else if( aURL.Path == "Bib/sdbsource" ||
             aURL.Path == "Bib/Mapping" ||
             aURL.Path == "Bib/autoFilter" ||
             aURL.Path == "Bib/standardFilter" )
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
    else if(aURL.Path == "Bib/query")
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
        aEvent.State <<= pConfig->getQueryText();
    else if (aURL.Path == "Bib/removeFilter" )
        OUString aFilterStr=m_xDatMan->getFilter();
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = !aFilterStr.isEmpty();
    else if(aURL.Path == "Cut")
        vcl::Window* pChild = lcl_GetFocusChild( VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow ) );
        Edit* pEdit = dynamic_cast<Edit*>( pChild );
        if( pEdit )
            aEvent.IsEnabled  = !pEdit->IsReadOnly() && pEdit->GetSelection().Len();
    if(aURL.Path == "Copy")
        vcl::Window* pChild = lcl_GetFocusChild( VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow ) );
        Edit* pEdit = dynamic_cast<Edit*>( pChild );
        if( pEdit )
            aEvent.IsEnabled  = pEdit->GetSelection().Len() > 0;
    else if(aURL.Path == "Paste" )
        aEvent.IsEnabled  = false;
        vcl::Window* pChild = lcl_GetFocusChild( VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( xWindow ) );
            uno::Reference< datatransfer::clipboard::XClipboard > xClip = pChild->GetClipboard();
                uno::Reference< datatransfer::XTransferable > xDataObj;
                        SolarMutexReleaser aReleaser;
                        xDataObj = xClip->getContents();
                catch( const uno::Exception& )
                if ( xDataObj.is() )
                    datatransfer::DataFlavor aFlavor;
                    SotExchange::GetFormatDataFlavor( SotClipboardFormatId::STRING, aFlavor );
                        uno::Any aData = xDataObj->getTransferData( aFlavor );
                        OUString aText;
                        aData >>= aText;
                        aEvent.IsEnabled  = !aText.isEmpty();
                    catch( const uno::Exception& )
    else if(aURL.Path == "Bib/DeleteRecord")
        Reference< beans::XPropertySet >    xSet(m_xDatMan->getForm(), UNO_QUERY);
        bool  bIsNew  = ::comphelper::getBOOL(xSet->getPropertyValue("IsNew"));
            sal_uInt32 nCount = 0;
            xSet->getPropertyValue("RowCount") >>= nCount;
            aEvent.IsEnabled  = nCount > 0;
    else if (aURL.Path == "Bib/InsertRecord")
        Reference< beans::XPropertySet >  xSet(m_xDatMan->getForm(), UNO_QUERY);
        aEvent.IsEnabled = canInsertRecords(xSet);
    aListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
void BibFrameController_Impl::removeStatusListener(
    const uno::Reference< frame::XStatusListener > & aObject, const util::URL& aURL)
    // search listener array for given listener
    // for checking equality always "cast" to XInterface
    if ( !bDisposing )
        sal_uInt16 nCount = aStatusListeners.size();
        for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<nCount; n++ )
            BibStatusDispatch *pObj = aStatusListeners[n].get();
            bool bFlag=pObj->xListener.is();
            if (!bFlag || (pObj->xListener == aObject &&
                ( aURL.Complete.isEmpty() || pObj->aURL.Path == aURL.Path  )))
                aStatusListeners.erase( aStatusListeners.begin() + n );
void BibFrameController_Impl::RemoveFilter()
    OUString aQuery;
    sal_uInt16 nCount = aStatusListeners.size();
    bool bRemoveFilter=false;
    bool bQueryText=false;
    for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<nCount; n++ )
        BibStatusDispatch *pObj = aStatusListeners[n].get();
        if ( pObj->aURL.Path == "Bib/removeFilter" )
            FeatureStateEvent  aEvent;
            aEvent.FeatureURL = pObj->aURL;
            aEvent.IsEnabled  = false;
            aEvent.Requery    = false;
            aEvent.Source     = static_cast<XDispatch *>(this);
            pObj->xListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
        else if(pObj->aURL.Path == "Bib/query")
            FeatureStateEvent  aEvent;
            aEvent.FeatureURL = pObj->aURL;
            aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
            aEvent.Requery    = false;
            aEvent.Source     = static_cast<XDispatch *>(this);
            aEvent.State <<= aQuery;
            pObj->xListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
        if(bRemoveFilter && bQueryText)
void BibFrameController_Impl::ChangeDataSource(const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs)
    const beans::PropertyValue* pPropertyValue = aArgs.getConstArray();
    uno::Any aValue=pPropertyValue[0].Value;
    OUString aDBTableName;
    aValue >>= aDBTableName;
    if(aArgs.getLength() > 1)
        uno::Any aDB = pPropertyValue[1].Value;
        OUString aURL;
        aDB >>= aURL;
        aDBTableName = m_xDatMan->getActiveDataTable();
        Reference<css::form::XLoadable> xLoadable(m_xDatMan.get());
    sal_uInt16 nCount = aStatusListeners.size();
    bool bMenuFilter=false;
    bool bQueryText=false;
    for ( sal_uInt16 n=0; n<nCount; n++ )
        BibStatusDispatch *pObj = aStatusListeners[n].get();
        if (pObj->aURL.Path == "Bib/MenuFilter")
            FeatureStateEvent  aEvent;
            aEvent.FeatureURL = pObj->aURL;
            aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
            aEvent.Requery    = false;
            aEvent.Source     = static_cast<XDispatch *>(this);
            uno::Sequence<OUString> aStringSeq=m_xDatMan->getQueryFields();
            aEvent.State <<= aStringSeq;
            pObj->xListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
        else if (pObj->aURL.Path == "Bib/query")
            FeatureStateEvent  aEvent;
            aEvent.FeatureURL = pObj->aURL;
            aEvent.IsEnabled  = true;
            aEvent.Requery    = false;
            aEvent.Source     = static_cast<XDispatch *>(this);
            BibConfig* pConfig = BibModul::GetConfig();
            aEvent.State <<= pConfig->getQueryText();
            pObj->xListener->statusChanged( aEvent );
        if (bMenuFilter && bQueryText)
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V519 The 'aValue' variable is assigned values twice successively. Perhaps this is a mistake. Check lines: 437, 439.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Result of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Result of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Result of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Result of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V1029 Numeric Truncation Error. Result of the 'size' function is written to the 16-bit variable.

V547 Expression '!bCacheInitialized' is always true.