/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <systools/win32/uwinapi.h>
#include "file_url.hxx"
#include "filetime.hxx"
#include "file_error.hxx"
#include "path_helper.hxx"
#include <rtl/alloc.h>
#include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
#include <rtl/character.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <o3tl/char16_t2wchar_t.hxx>
static const wchar_t UNC_PREFIX[] = L"\\\\";
static const wchar_t BACKSLASH = '\\';
static const wchar_t SLASH = '/';
BOOL TimeValueToFileTime(const TimeValue *cpTimeVal, FILETIME *pFTime)
    SYSTEMTIME  BaseSysTime;
    FILETIME    BaseFileTime;
    FILETIME    FTime;
    BOOL        fSuccess = FALSE;
    BaseSysTime.wYear         = 1970;
    BaseSysTime.wMonth        = 1;
    BaseSysTime.wDayOfWeek    = 0;
    BaseSysTime.wDay          = 1;
    BaseSysTime.wHour         = 0;
    BaseSysTime.wMinute       = 0;
    BaseSysTime.wSecond       = 0;
    BaseSysTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
    if (cpTimeVal==nullptr)
        return fSuccess;
    if ( SystemTimeToFileTime(&BaseSysTime, &BaseFileTime) )
        __int64 timeValue;
        __int64 localTime = cpTimeVal->Seconds*__int64(10000000)+cpTimeVal->Nanosec/100;
        osl::detail::setFiletime(FTime, localTime);
        fSuccess = 0 <= (timeValue= osl::detail::getFiletime(BaseFileTime) + osl::detail::getFiletime(FTime));
        if (fSuccess)
            osl::detail::setFiletime(*pFTime, timeValue);
    return fSuccess;
BOOL FileTimeToTimeValue(const FILETIME *cpFTime, TimeValue *pTimeVal)
    SYSTEMTIME  BaseSysTime;
    FILETIME    BaseFileTime;
    BOOL        fSuccess = FALSE;   /* Assume failure */
    BaseSysTime.wYear         = 1970;
    BaseSysTime.wMonth        = 1;
    BaseSysTime.wDayOfWeek    = 0;
    BaseSysTime.wDay          = 1;
    BaseSysTime.wHour         = 0;
    BaseSysTime.wMinute       = 0;
    BaseSysTime.wSecond       = 0;
    BaseSysTime.wMilliseconds = 0;
    if ( SystemTimeToFileTime(&BaseSysTime, &BaseFileTime) )
        __int64     Value;
        fSuccess = 0 <= (Value = osl::detail::getFiletime(*cpFTime) - osl::detail::getFiletime(BaseFileTime));
        if ( fSuccess )
            pTimeVal->Seconds  = static_cast<unsigned long>(Value / 10000000L);
            pTimeVal->Nanosec  = static_cast<unsigned long>((Value % 10000000L) * 100);
    return fSuccess;
    struct Component
        Component() :
            begin_(nullptr), end_(nullptr)
        bool isPresent() const
        { return (static_cast<sal_IntPtr>(end_ - begin_) > 0); }
        const sal_Unicode* begin_;
        const sal_Unicode* end_;
    struct UNCComponents
        Component server_;
        Component share_;
        Component resource_;
    inline bool is_UNC_path(const sal_Unicode* path)
    { return (0 == wcsncmp(UNC_PREFIX, o3tl::toW(path), SAL_N_ELEMENTS(UNC_PREFIX) - 1)); }
    void parse_UNC_path(const sal_Unicode* path, UNCComponents* puncc)
        OSL_PRECOND(is_UNC_path(path), "Precondition violated: No UNC path");
        OSL_PRECOND(rtl_ustr_indexOfChar(path, SLASH) == -1, "Path must not contain slashes");
        const sal_Unicode* pend = path + rtl_ustr_getLength(path);
        const sal_Unicode* ppos = path + 2;
        puncc->server_.begin_ = ppos;
        while ((ppos < pend) && (*ppos != BACKSLASH))
        puncc->server_.end_ = ppos;
        if (BACKSLASH == *ppos)
            puncc->share_.begin_ = ++ppos;
            while ((ppos < pend) && (*ppos != BACKSLASH))
            puncc->share_.end_ = ppos;
            if (BACKSLASH == *ppos)
                puncc->resource_.begin_ = ++ppos;
                while (ppos < pend)
                puncc->resource_.end_ = ppos;
        SAL_WARN_IF(!puncc->server_.isPresent() || !puncc->share_.isPresent(),
            "Postcondition violated: Invalid UNC path detected");
    bool has_path_parent(const sal_Unicode* path)
        // Has the given path a parent or are we already there,
        // e.g. 'c:\' or '\\server\share\'?
        bool has_parent = false;
        if (is_UNC_path(path))
            UNCComponents unc_comp;
            parse_UNC_path(path, &unc_comp);
            has_parent = unc_comp.resource_.isPresent();
            has_parent = !osl::systemPathIsLogicalDrivePattern(path);
        return has_parent;
    inline bool has_path_parent(const rtl::OUString& path)
    { return has_path_parent(path.getStr()); }
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_acquireVolumeDeviceHandle( oslVolumeDeviceHandle Handle )
    if ( Handle )
        rtl_uString_acquire( static_cast<rtl_uString *>(Handle) );
        return osl_File_E_None;
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_releaseVolumeDeviceHandle( oslVolumeDeviceHandle Handle )
    if ( Handle )
        rtl_uString_release( static_cast<rtl_uString *>(Handle) );
        return osl_File_E_None;
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_getVolumeDeviceMountPath( oslVolumeDeviceHandle Handle, rtl_uString **pstrPath )
    if ( Handle && pstrPath )
        rtl_uString_assign( pstrPath, static_cast<rtl_uString *>(Handle) );
        return osl_File_E_None;
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
struct DirectoryItem_Impl
    UINT uType;
    union {
        WIN32_FIND_DATAW FindData;
        WCHAR            cDriveString[MAX_PATH];
    rtl_uString*    m_pFullPath;
    BOOL            bFullPathNormalized;
    int             nRefCount;
struct Directory_Impl
    UINT uType;
    union {
        HANDLE  hDirectory;
        HANDLE  hEnumDrives;
    rtl_uString*    m_pDirectoryPath;
typedef struct tagDRIVEENUM
    LPCWSTR lpIdent;
    WCHAR   cBuffer[/*('Z' - 'A' + 1) * sizeof("A:\\") + 1*/256];
    LPCWSTR lpCurrent;
static HANDLE WINAPI OpenLogicalDrivesEnum()
    LPDRIVEENUM pEnum = static_cast<LPDRIVEENUM>(HeapAlloc( GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(DRIVEENUM) ));
    if ( pEnum )
        DWORD dwNumCopied = GetLogicalDriveStringsW( SAL_N_ELEMENTS(pEnum->cBuffer) - 1, pEnum->cBuffer );
        if ( dwNumCopied && dwNumCopied < SAL_N_ELEMENTS(pEnum->cBuffer) )
            pEnum->lpCurrent = pEnum->cBuffer;
            pEnum->lpIdent = L"tagDRIVEENUM";
            HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pEnum );
            pEnum = nullptr;
    return pEnum ? static_cast<HANDLE>(pEnum) : INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
static BOOL WINAPI EnumLogicalDrives(HANDLE hEnum, LPWSTR lpBuffer)
    BOOL        fSuccess = FALSE;
    LPDRIVEENUM pEnum = static_cast<LPDRIVEENUM>(hEnum);
    if ( pEnum )
        int nLen = wcslen( pEnum->lpCurrent );
        if ( nLen )
            CopyMemory( lpBuffer, pEnum->lpCurrent, (nLen + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
            pEnum->lpCurrent += nLen + 1;
            fSuccess = TRUE;
            SetLastError( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES );
        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );
    return fSuccess;
static BOOL WINAPI CloseLogicalDrivesEnum(HANDLE hEnum)
    BOOL        fSuccess = FALSE;
    LPDRIVEENUM pEnum = static_cast<LPDRIVEENUM>(hEnum);
    if ( pEnum )
        HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, pEnum );
        fSuccess = TRUE;
        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );
    return fSuccess;
typedef struct tagDIRECTORY
    HANDLE           hFind;
    WIN32_FIND_DATAW aFirstData;
static HANDLE WINAPI OpenDirectory( rtl_uString* pPath)
    LPDIRECTORY pDirectory = nullptr;
    if ( pPath )
        sal_uInt32 nLen = rtl_uString_getLength( pPath );
        if ( nLen )
            const WCHAR* pSuffix = nullptr;
            sal_uInt32 nSuffLen = 0;
            if ( pPath->buffer[nLen - 1] != L'\\' )
                pSuffix = L"\\*.*";
                nSuffLen = 4;
                pSuffix = L"*.*";
                nSuffLen = 3;
            WCHAR* szFileMask = static_cast< WCHAR* >( malloc( sizeof( WCHAR ) * ( nLen + nSuffLen + 1 ) ) );
            wcscpy( szFileMask, o3tl::toW(rtl_uString_getStr( pPath )) );
            wcscat( szFileMask, pSuffix );
            pDirectory = static_cast<LPDIRECTORY>(HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(DIRECTORY)));
            pDirectory->hFind = FindFirstFileW(szFileMask, &pDirectory->aFirstData);
            if (!IsValidHandle(pDirectory->hFind))
                if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES )
                    HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pDirectory);
                    pDirectory = nullptr;
    return static_cast<HANDLE>(pDirectory);
BOOL WINAPI EnumDirectory(HANDLE hDirectory, LPWIN32_FIND_DATAW pFindData)
    BOOL        fSuccess = FALSE;
    LPDIRECTORY pDirectory = static_cast<LPDIRECTORY>(hDirectory);
    if ( pDirectory )
        BOOL    fValid;
            if ( pDirectory->aFirstData.cFileName[0] )
                *pFindData = pDirectory->aFirstData;
                fSuccess = TRUE;
                pDirectory->aFirstData.cFileName[0] = 0;
            else if ( IsValidHandle( pDirectory->hFind ) )
                fSuccess = FindNextFileW( pDirectory->hFind, pFindData );
                fSuccess = FALSE;
                SetLastError( ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES );
            fValid = fSuccess && wcscmp( L".", pFindData->cFileName ) != 0 && wcscmp( L"..", pFindData->cFileName ) != 0;
        } while( fSuccess && !fValid );
        SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE );
    return fSuccess;
static BOOL WINAPI CloseDirectory(HANDLE hDirectory)
    BOOL        fSuccess = FALSE;
    LPDIRECTORY pDirectory = static_cast<LPDIRECTORY>(hDirectory);
    if (pDirectory)
        if (IsValidHandle(pDirectory->hFind))
            fSuccess = FindClose(pDirectory->hFind);
        fSuccess = HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pDirectory) && fSuccess;
    return fSuccess;
static oslFileError osl_openLocalRoot(
    rtl_uString *strDirectoryPath, oslDirectory *pDirectory)
    rtl_uString     *strSysPath = nullptr;
    oslFileError    error;
    if ( !pDirectory )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    *pDirectory = nullptr;
    error = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_( strDirectoryPath, &strSysPath, false );
    if ( osl_File_E_None == error )
        Directory_Impl  *pDirImpl;
        pDirImpl = static_cast<Directory_Impl*>(malloc( sizeof(Directory_Impl)));
        ZeroMemory( pDirImpl, sizeof(Directory_Impl) );
        rtl_uString_newFromString( &pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath, strSysPath );
        /* Append backslash if necessary */
        /* @@@ToDo
           use function ensure backslash
        sal_uInt32 nLen = rtl_uString_getLength( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath );
        if ( nLen && pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath->buffer[nLen - 1] != L'\\' )
            rtl_uString* pCurDir = nullptr;
            rtl_uString* pBackSlash = nullptr;
            rtl_uString_assign( &pCurDir, pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath );
            rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pBackSlash, "\\" );
            rtl_uString_newConcat( &pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath, pCurDir, pBackSlash );
            rtl_uString_release( pBackSlash );
            rtl_uString_release( pCurDir );
        pDirImpl->uType = DIRECTORYTYPE_LOCALROOT;
        pDirImpl->hEnumDrives = OpenLogicalDrivesEnum();
        /* @@@ToDo
           Use IsValidHandle(...)
        if ( pDirImpl->hEnumDrives != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
            *pDirectory = static_cast<oslDirectory>(pDirImpl);
            error = osl_File_E_None;
            if ( pDirImpl )
                if ( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath )
                    rtl_uString_release( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath );
                    pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath = nullptr;
                pDirImpl = nullptr;
            error = oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
        rtl_uString_release( strSysPath );
    return error;
static oslFileError osl_openFileDirectory(
    rtl_uString *strDirectoryPath, oslDirectory *pDirectory)
    oslFileError error = osl_File_E_None;
    if ( !pDirectory )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    *pDirectory = nullptr;
    Directory_Impl *pDirImpl = static_cast<Directory_Impl*>(malloc(sizeof(Directory_Impl)));
    ZeroMemory( pDirImpl, sizeof(Directory_Impl) );
    rtl_uString_newFromString( &pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath, strDirectoryPath );
    /* Append backslash if necessary */
    /* @@@ToDo
       use function ensure backslash
    sal_uInt32 nLen = rtl_uString_getLength( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath );
    if ( nLen && pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath->buffer[nLen - 1] != L'\\' )
        rtl_uString* pCurDir = nullptr;
        rtl_uString* pBackSlash = nullptr;
        rtl_uString_assign( &pCurDir, pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath );
        rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pBackSlash, "\\" );
        rtl_uString_newConcat( &pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath, pCurDir, pBackSlash );
        rtl_uString_release( pBackSlash );
        rtl_uString_release( pCurDir );
    pDirImpl->hDirectory = OpenDirectory( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath );
    if ( !pDirImpl->hDirectory )
        error = oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
        if ( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath )
            rtl_uString_release( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath );
            pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath = nullptr;
        pDirImpl = nullptr;
    *pDirectory = static_cast<oslDirectory>(pDirImpl);
    return error;
static oslFileError osl_openNetworkServer(
    rtl_uString *strSysDirPath, oslDirectory *pDirectory)
    NETRESOURCEW    aNetResource;
    HANDLE          hEnum;
    DWORD           dwError;
    ZeroMemory( &aNetResource, sizeof(aNetResource) );
    aNetResource.lpRemoteName = o3tl::toW(strSysDirPath->buffer);
    dwError = WNetOpenEnumW(
        &hEnum );
    if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == dwError )
        Directory_Impl  *pDirImpl;
        pDirImpl = static_cast<Directory_Impl*>(malloc(sizeof(Directory_Impl)));
        ZeroMemory( pDirImpl, sizeof(Directory_Impl) );
        pDirImpl->uType = DIRECTORYTYPE_NETROOT;
        pDirImpl->hDirectory = hEnum;
        *pDirectory = static_cast<oslDirectory>(pDirImpl);
    return oslTranslateFileError( dwError );
static DWORD create_dir_with_callback(
    rtl_uString * dir_path,
    oslDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc,
    void* pData)
    // Create the specified directory and call the
    // user specified callback function. On success
    // the function returns ERROR_SUCCESS else a Win32 error code.
    BOOL bCreated = CreateDirectoryW( o3tl::toW(rtl_uString_getStr( dir_path )), nullptr );
    if ( bCreated )
        if (aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc)
            rtl::OUString url;
            osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath(dir_path, &(url.pData));
            aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc(pData, url.pData);
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;
    return GetLastError();
static int path_make_parent(sal_Unicode* path)
    /*  Cut off the last part of the given path to
    get the parent only, e.g. 'c:\dir\subdir' ->
    'c:\dir' or '\\share\sub\dir' -> '\\share\sub'
    @return The position where the path has been cut
    off (this is the position of the last backslash).
    If there are no more parents 0 will be returned,
    e.g. 'c:\' or '\\Share' have no more parents */
    OSL_PRECOND(rtl_ustr_indexOfChar(path, SLASH) == -1, "Path must not contain slashes");
    OSL_PRECOND(has_path_parent(path), "Path must have a parent");
    sal_Unicode* pos_last_backslash = path + rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar(path, BACKSLASH);
    *pos_last_backslash = 0;
    return (pos_last_backslash - path);
static DWORD create_dir_recursively_(
    rtl_uString * dir_path,
    oslDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc,
    void* pData)
        rtl_ustr_lastIndexOfChar_WithLength(dir_path->buffer, dir_path->length, BACKSLASH) != dir_path->length,
        "Path must not end with a backslash");
    DWORD w32_error = create_dir_with_callback(
        dir_path, aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc, pData);
    if (w32_error == ERROR_SUCCESS)
        return ERROR_SUCCESS;
    if ((w32_error != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) || !has_path_parent(dir_path->buffer))
        return w32_error;
    int pos = path_make_parent(dir_path->buffer); // dir_path->buffer[pos] = 0, restore below
    w32_error = create_dir_recursively_(
        dir_path, aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc, pData);
    dir_path->buffer[pos] = BACKSLASH; // restore
    if (ERROR_SUCCESS != w32_error && ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != w32_error)
        return w32_error;
    return create_dir_recursively_(dir_path, aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc, pData);
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_createDirectoryPath(
    rtl_uString* aDirectoryUrl,
    oslDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc,
    void* pData)
    if (aDirectoryUrl == nullptr)
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    rtl::OUString sys_path;
    oslFileError osl_error =
        osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_(aDirectoryUrl, &sys_path.pData, false);
    if (osl_error != osl_File_E_None)
        return osl_error;
    // const_cast because sys_path is a local copy
    // which we want to modify inplace instead of
    // copy it into another buffer on the heap again
    return oslTranslateFileError(create_dir_recursively_(
        sys_path.pData, aDirectoryCreationCallbackFunc, pData));
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_createDirectory(rtl_uString* strPath)
    return osl_createDirectoryWithFlags(
        strPath, osl_File_OpenFlag_Read | osl_File_OpenFlag_Write);
oslFileError osl_createDirectoryWithFlags(rtl_uString * strPath, sal_uInt32)
    rtl_uString *strSysPath = nullptr;
    oslFileError    error = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_( strPath, &strSysPath, false );
    if ( osl_File_E_None == error )
        BOOL bCreated = CreateDirectoryW( o3tl::toW(rtl_uString_getStr( strSysPath )), nullptr );
        if ( !bCreated )
              The following case is a hack because the ucb or the webtop had some
              problems with the error code that CreateDirectory returns in
              case the path is only a logical drive, should be removed!
            const sal_Unicode   *pBuffer = rtl_uString_getStr( strSysPath );
            sal_Int32           nLen = rtl_uString_getLength( strSysPath );
            if (
                ( ( pBuffer[0] >= 'A' && pBuffer[0] <= 'Z' ) ||
                  ( pBuffer[0] >= 'a' && pBuffer[0] <= 'z' ) ) &&
                pBuffer[1] == ':' && ( nLen ==2 || ( nLen == 3 && pBuffer[2] == '\\' ) )
                SetLastError( ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS );
            error = oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
        rtl_uString_release( strSysPath );
    return error;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_removeDirectory(rtl_uString* strPath)
    rtl_uString *strSysPath = nullptr;
    oslFileError    error = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_( strPath, &strSysPath, false );
    if ( osl_File_E_None == error )
        if ( RemoveDirectoryW( o3tl::toW(rtl_uString_getStr( strSysPath ) )) )
            error = osl_File_E_None;
            error = oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
        rtl_uString_release( strSysPath );
    return error;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_openDirectory(rtl_uString *strDirectoryPath, oslDirectory *pDirectory)
    oslFileError    error;
    if ( 0 == rtl_ustr_ascii_compareIgnoreAsciiCase( strDirectoryPath->buffer, "file:///" ) )
        error = osl_openLocalRoot( strDirectoryPath, pDirectory );
        rtl_uString *strSysDirectoryPath = nullptr;
        DWORD       dwPathType;
        error = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_( strDirectoryPath, &strSysDirectoryPath, false );
        if ( osl_File_E_None != error )
                return error;
        dwPathType = IsValidFilePath( strSysDirectoryPath, VALIDATEPATH_NORMAL, nullptr );
        if ( dwPathType & PATHTYPE_IS_SERVER )
            error = osl_openNetworkServer( strSysDirectoryPath, pDirectory );
            error = osl_openFileDirectory( strSysDirectoryPath, pDirectory );
        rtl_uString_release( strSysDirectoryPath );
    return error;
static oslFileError osl_getNextNetResource(
    oslDirectory Directory, oslDirectoryItem *pItem, sal_uInt32 /*uHint*/ )
    Directory_Impl      *pDirImpl = static_cast<Directory_Impl *>(Directory);
    DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl = nullptr;
    BYTE                buffer[16384];
    LPNETRESOURCEW      lpNetResource = reinterpret_cast<LPNETRESOURCEW>(buffer);
    DWORD               dwError, dwCount, dwBufSize;
    if ( !pItem )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    *pItem = nullptr;
    if ( !pDirImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    dwCount = 1;
    dwBufSize = sizeof(buffer);
    dwError = WNetEnumResourceW( pDirImpl->hDirectory, &dwCount, lpNetResource, &dwBufSize );
    switch ( dwError )
        case NO_ERROR:
        case ERROR_MORE_DATA:
            pItemImpl = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl*>(malloc(sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl)));
            if ( !pItemImpl )
                return osl_File_E_NOMEM;
            ZeroMemory( pItemImpl, sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl) );
            pItemImpl->uType = DIRECTORYITEM_DRIVE;
            osl_acquireDirectoryItem( static_cast<oslDirectoryItem>(pItemImpl) );
            wcscpy( pItemImpl->cDriveString, lpNetResource->lpRemoteName );
            *pItem = pItemImpl;
        return osl_File_E_None;
        case ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS:
            return osl_File_E_NOENT;
            return oslTranslateFileError( dwError );
static oslFileError osl_getNextDrive(
    oslDirectory Directory, oslDirectoryItem *pItem, sal_uInt32 /*uHint*/ )
    Directory_Impl      *pDirImpl = static_cast<Directory_Impl *>(Directory);
    DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl = nullptr;
    BOOL                fSuccess;
    if ( !pItem )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    *pItem = nullptr;
    if ( !pDirImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    pItemImpl = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl*>(malloc(sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl)));
    if ( !pItemImpl )
        return osl_File_E_NOMEM;
    ZeroMemory( pItemImpl, sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl) );
    pItemImpl->uType = DIRECTORYITEM_DRIVE;
    osl_acquireDirectoryItem( static_cast<oslDirectoryItem>(pItemImpl) );
    fSuccess = EnumLogicalDrives( pDirImpl->hEnumDrives, pItemImpl->cDriveString );
    if ( fSuccess )
        *pItem = pItemImpl;
        return osl_File_E_None;
        if ( pItemImpl->m_pFullPath )
            rtl_uString_release( pItemImpl->m_pFullPath );
            pItemImpl->m_pFullPath = nullptr;
        free( pItemImpl );
        return oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
static oslFileError osl_getNextFileItem(
    oslDirectory Directory, oslDirectoryItem *pItem, sal_uInt32 /*uHint*/)
    Directory_Impl      *pDirImpl = static_cast<Directory_Impl *>(Directory);
    DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl = nullptr;
    BOOL                fFound;
    if ( !pItem )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    *pItem = nullptr;
    if ( !pDirImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    pItemImpl = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl*>(malloc(sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl)));
    if ( !pItemImpl )
        return osl_File_E_NOMEM;
    memset( pItemImpl, 0, sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl) );
    fFound = EnumDirectory( pDirImpl->hDirectory, &pItemImpl->FindData );
    if ( fFound )
        pItemImpl->uType = DIRECTORYITEM_FILE;
        pItemImpl->nRefCount = 1;
        rtl_uString* pTmpFileName = nullptr;
        rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pTmpFileName, o3tl::toU(pItemImpl->FindData.cFileName) );
        rtl_uString_newConcat( &pItemImpl->m_pFullPath, pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath, pTmpFileName );
        rtl_uString_release( pTmpFileName );
        pItemImpl->bFullPathNormalized = FALSE;
        *pItem = static_cast<oslDirectoryItem>(pItemImpl);
        return osl_File_E_None;
        if ( pItemImpl->m_pFullPath )
            rtl_uString_release( pItemImpl->m_pFullPath );
            pItemImpl->m_pFullPath = nullptr;
        free( pItemImpl );
        return oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_getNextDirectoryItem(
    oslDirectory Directory, oslDirectoryItem *pItem, sal_uInt32 uHint)
    Directory_Impl      *pDirImpl = static_cast<Directory_Impl *>(Directory);
    /* Assume failure */
    if ( !pItem )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    *pItem = nullptr;
    if ( !pDirImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    switch ( pDirImpl->uType )
        return osl_getNextDrive( Directory, pItem, uHint );
        return osl_getNextNetResource( Directory, pItem, uHint );
        return osl_getNextFileItem( Directory, pItem, uHint );
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_closeDirectory(oslDirectory Directory)
    Directory_Impl  *pDirImpl = static_cast<Directory_Impl *>(Directory);
    oslFileError    eError = osl_File_E_INVAL;
    if ( pDirImpl )
        switch ( pDirImpl->uType )
            eError = CloseDirectory( pDirImpl->hDirectory ) ? osl_File_E_None : oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
            eError = CloseLogicalDrivesEnum( pDirImpl->hEnumDrives ) ? osl_File_E_None : oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
                DWORD err = WNetCloseEnum(pDirImpl->hDirectory);
                eError = (err == NO_ERROR) ? osl_File_E_None : oslTranslateFileError(err);
            OSL_FAIL( "Invalid directory type" );
        if ( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath )
            rtl_uString_release( pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath );
            pDirImpl->m_pDirectoryPath = nullptr;
    return eError;
/* Different types of paths */
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_getDirectoryItem(rtl_uString *strFilePath, oslDirectoryItem *pItem)
    oslFileError    error = osl_File_E_None;
    rtl_uString*    strSysFilePath = nullptr;
    PATHTYPE        type = PATHTYPE_FILE;
    DWORD           dwPathType;
    /* Assume failure */
    if ( !pItem )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    *pItem = nullptr;
    error = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_( strFilePath, &strSysFilePath, false );
    if ( osl_File_E_None != error )
            return error;
    dwPathType = IsValidFilePath( strSysFilePath, VALIDATEPATH_NORMAL, nullptr );
    if ( dwPathType & PATHTYPE_IS_VOLUME )
        type = PATHTYPE_VOLUME;
    else if ( dwPathType & PATHTYPE_IS_SERVER )
        type = PATHTYPE_NETSERVER;
        type = PATHTYPE_FILE;
    switch ( type )
            DirectoryItem_Impl* pItemImpl =
            if ( !pItemImpl )
                error = osl_File_E_NOMEM;
            if ( osl_File_E_None == error )
                ZeroMemory( pItemImpl, sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl) );
                pItemImpl->uType = DIRECTORYITEM_SERVER;
                osl_acquireDirectoryItem( static_cast<oslDirectoryItem>(pItemImpl) );
                rtl_uString_newFromString( &pItemImpl->m_pFullPath, strSysFilePath );
                // Assign a title anyway
                    int iSrc = 2;
                    int iDst = 0;
                    while( iSrc < strSysFilePath->length && strSysFilePath->buffer[iSrc] && strSysFilePath->buffer[iSrc] != '\\' )
                        pItemImpl->FindData.cFileName[iDst++] = strSysFilePath->buffer[iSrc++];
                *pItem = pItemImpl;
            DirectoryItem_Impl* pItemImpl =
            if ( !pItemImpl )
                error = osl_File_E_NOMEM;
            if ( osl_File_E_None == error )
                ZeroMemory( pItemImpl, sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl) );
                pItemImpl->uType = DIRECTORYITEM_DRIVE;
                osl_acquireDirectoryItem( static_cast<oslDirectoryItem>(pItemImpl) );
                wcscpy( pItemImpl->cDriveString, o3tl::toW(strSysFilePath->buffer) );
                pItemImpl->cDriveString[0] = rtl::toAsciiUpperCase( pItemImpl->cDriveString[0] );
                if ( pItemImpl->cDriveString[wcslen(pItemImpl->cDriveString) - 1] != '\\' )
                    wcscat( pItemImpl->cDriveString, L"\\" );
                *pItem = pItemImpl;
            HANDLE              hFind;
            WIN32_FIND_DATAW     aFindData;
            if ( strSysFilePath->length > 0 && strSysFilePath->buffer[strSysFilePath->length - 1] == '\\' )
                rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength( &strSysFilePath, strSysFilePath->buffer, strSysFilePath->length - 1 );
            hFind = FindFirstFileW( o3tl::toW(rtl_uString_getStr(strSysFilePath)), &aFindData );
            if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
                DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl =
                ZeroMemory( pItemImpl, sizeof(DirectoryItem_Impl) );
                osl_acquireDirectoryItem( static_cast<oslDirectoryItem>(pItemImpl) );
                CopyMemory( &pItemImpl->FindData, &aFindData, sizeof(WIN32_FIND_DATAW) );
                rtl_uString_newFromString( &pItemImpl->m_pFullPath, strSysFilePath );
                // MT: This costs 600ms startup time on fast v60x!
                // GetCaseCorrectPathName( pItemImpl->szFullPath, pItemImpl->szFullPath, sizeof(pItemImpl->szFullPath) );
                pItemImpl->uType = DIRECTORYITEM_FILE;
                *pItem = pItemImpl;
                FindClose( hFind );
                error = oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
    if ( strSysFilePath )
        rtl_uString_release( strSysFilePath );
    return error;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_acquireDirectoryItem( oslDirectoryItem Item )
    DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl *>(Item);
    if ( !pItemImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    return osl_File_E_None;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_releaseDirectoryItem( oslDirectoryItem Item )
    DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl *>(Item);
    if ( !pItemImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    if ( ! --pItemImpl->nRefCount )
        if ( pItemImpl->m_pFullPath )
            rtl_uString_release( pItemImpl->m_pFullPath );
            pItemImpl->m_pFullPath = nullptr;
        free( pItemImpl );
    return osl_File_E_None;
SAL_CALL osl_identicalDirectoryItem( oslDirectoryItem a, oslDirectoryItem b)
    DirectoryItem_Impl *pA = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl *>(a);
    DirectoryItem_Impl *pB = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl *>(b);
    if (a == b)
        return true;
    /* same name => same item, unless renaming / moving madness has occurred */
    if (pA->m_pFullPath == pB->m_pFullPath)
        return true;
    // FIXME: as/when/if this is used in anger on Windows we could
    // do better here.
    return false;
static inline bool is_floppy_A_present()
{ return (GetLogicalDrives() & 1); }
static inline bool is_floppy_B_present()
{ return (GetLogicalDrives() & 2); }
bool is_floppy_volume_mount_point(const rtl::OUString& path)
    // determines if a volume mount point shows to a floppy
    // disk by comparing the unique volume names
    static const LPCWSTR FLOPPY_A = L"A:\\";
    static const LPCWSTR FLOPPY_B = L"B:\\";
    rtl::OUString p(path);
    WCHAR vn[51];
    if (GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW(o3tl::toW(p.getStr()), vn, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(vn)))
        WCHAR vnfloppy[51];
        if (is_floppy_A_present() &&
            GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW(FLOPPY_A, vnfloppy, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(vnfloppy)) &&
            (0 == wcscmp(vn, vnfloppy)))
            return true;
        if (is_floppy_B_present() &&
            GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW(FLOPPY_B, vnfloppy, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(vnfloppy)) &&
            (0 == wcscmp(vn, vnfloppy)))
            return true;
    return false;
static bool is_floppy_drive(const rtl::OUString& path)
    static const LPCWSTR FLOPPY_DRV_LETTERS = L"AaBb";
    // we must take into account that even a floppy
    // drive may be mounted to a directory so checking
    // for the drive letter alone is not sufficient
    // we must compare the unique volume name with
    // that of the available floppy disks
    const sal_Unicode* pszPath = path.getStr();
    return ((wcschr(FLOPPY_DRV_LETTERS, pszPath[0]) && (L':' == pszPath[1])) || is_floppy_volume_mount_point(path));
static bool is_volume_mount_point(const rtl::OUString& path)
    rtl::OUString p(path);
    bool  is_volume_root = false;
    if (!is_floppy_drive(p))
        DWORD fattr = GetFileAttributesW(o3tl::toW(p.getStr()));
        if ((INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES != fattr) &&
            (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT & fattr))
            WIN32_FIND_DATAW find_data;
            HANDLE h_find = FindFirstFileW(o3tl::toW(p.getStr()), &find_data);
            if (IsValidHandle(h_find) &&
                (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT & find_data.dwFileAttributes) &&
                (IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT == find_data.dwReserved0))
                is_volume_root = true;
            if (IsValidHandle(h_find))
    return is_volume_root;
static UINT get_volume_mount_point_drive_type(const rtl::OUString& path)
    if (0 == path.getLength())
        return GetDriveTypeW(nullptr);
    rtl::OUString p(path);
    WCHAR vn[51];
    if (GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW(o3tl::toW(p.getStr()), vn, SAL_N_ELEMENTS(vn)))
        return GetDriveTypeW(vn);
    return DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR;
static inline bool is_drivetype_request(sal_uInt32 field_mask)
    return (field_mask & osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_Attributes);
static oslFileError osl_get_drive_type(
    const rtl::OUString& path, oslVolumeInfo* pInfo)
    // GetDriveType fails on empty volume mount points
    // see Knowledge Base Q244089
    UINT drive_type;
    if (is_volume_mount_point(path))
        drive_type = get_volume_mount_point_drive_type(path);
        drive_type = GetDriveTypeW(o3tl::toW(path.getStr()));
    if (DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR == drive_type)
        return oslTranslateFileError(ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE);
    pInfo->uValidFields |= osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_Attributes;
    switch (drive_type)
        case DRIVE_CDROM:
            pInfo->uAttributes |= osl_Volume_Attribute_CompactDisc | osl_Volume_Attribute_Removeable;
        case DRIVE_REMOVABLE:
            pInfo->uAttributes |= osl_Volume_Attribute_Removeable;
            if (is_floppy_drive(path))
                pInfo->uAttributes |= osl_Volume_Attribute_FloppyDisk;
        case DRIVE_FIXED:
            pInfo->uAttributes |= osl_Volume_Attribute_FixedDisk;
        case DRIVE_RAMDISK:
            pInfo->uAttributes |= osl_Volume_Attribute_RAMDisk;
        case DRIVE_REMOTE:
            pInfo->uAttributes |= osl_Volume_Attribute_Remote;
        case DRIVE_UNKNOWN:
            pInfo->uAttributes = 0;
            pInfo->uValidFields &= ~osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_Attributes;
            pInfo->uAttributes = 0;
    return osl_File_E_None;
static inline bool is_volume_space_info_request(sal_uInt32 field_mask)
    return (field_mask &
            (osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_TotalSpace |
             osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_UsedSpace  |
static void get_volume_space_information(
    const rtl::OUString& path, oslVolumeInfo *pInfo)
    BOOL ret = GetDiskFreeSpaceExW(
    if (ret)
        pInfo->uUsedSpace    = pInfo->uTotalSpace - pInfo->uFreeSpace;
        pInfo->uValidFields |= osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_TotalSpace |
            osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_UsedSpace |
static inline bool is_filesystem_attributes_request(sal_uInt32 field_mask)
    return (field_mask &
            (osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxNameLength |
             osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxPathLength |
             osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemName |
static oslFileError get_filesystem_attributes(
    const rtl::OUString& path, sal_uInt32 field_mask, oslVolumeInfo* pInfo)
    pInfo->uAttributes = 0;
    // osl_get_drive_type must be called first because
    // this function resets osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_Attributes
    // on failure
    if (is_drivetype_request(field_mask))
        oslFileError osl_error = osl_get_drive_type(path, pInfo);
        if (osl_File_E_None != osl_error)
            return osl_error;
    if (is_filesystem_attributes_request(field_mask))
        /* the following two parameters can not be longer than MAX_PATH+1 */
        WCHAR vn[MAX_PATH+1];
        WCHAR fsn[MAX_PATH+1];
        DWORD serial;
        DWORD mcl;
        DWORD flags;
        LPCWSTR pszPath = o3tl::toW(path.getStr());
        if (GetVolumeInformationW(pszPath, vn, MAX_PATH+1, &serial, &mcl, &flags, fsn, MAX_PATH+1))
            // Currently sal does not use this value, instead MAX_PATH is used
            pInfo->uValidFields   |= osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxNameLength;
            pInfo->uMaxNameLength  = mcl;
            // Should the uMaxPathLength be set to 32767, "\\?\" prefix allowes it
            pInfo->uValidFields   |= osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_MaxPathLength;
            pInfo->uMaxPathLength  = MAX_PATH;
            pInfo->uValidFields   |= osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_FileSystemName;
            rtl_uString_newFromStr(&pInfo->ustrFileSystemName, o3tl::toU(fsn));
            // volumes (even NTFS) will always be considered case
            // insensitive because the Win32 API is not able to
            // deal with case sensitive volumes see M$ Knowledge Base
            // article 100625 that's why we never set the attribute
            // osl_Volume_Attribute_Case_Sensitive
            if (flags & FS_CASE_IS_PRESERVED)
                pInfo->uAttributes |= osl_Volume_Attribute_Case_Is_Preserved;
            pInfo->uValidFields |= osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_Attributes;
    return osl_File_E_None;
static bool path_get_parent(rtl::OUString& path)
    OSL_PRECOND(path.lastIndexOf(SLASH) == -1, "Path must not have slashes");
    if (!has_path_parent(path))
        sal_Int32 i = path.lastIndexOf(BACKSLASH);
        if (-1 < i)
            path = rtl::OUString(path.getStr(), i);
            return true;
    return false;
static void path_travel_to_volume_root(const rtl::OUString& system_path, rtl::OUString& volume_root)
    rtl::OUString sys_path(system_path);
    while(!is_volume_mount_point(sys_path) && path_get_parent(sys_path))
    volume_root = sys_path;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_getVolumeInformation(
    rtl_uString *ustrURL, oslVolumeInfo *pInfo, sal_uInt32 uFieldMask )
    if (!pInfo)
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    rtl::OUString system_path;
    oslFileError error = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_(ustrURL, &system_path.pData, false);
    if (osl_File_E_None != error)
        return error;
    rtl::OUString volume_root;
    path_travel_to_volume_root(system_path, volume_root);
    pInfo->uValidFields = 0;
    if ((error = get_filesystem_attributes(volume_root, uFieldMask, pInfo)) != osl_File_E_None)
        return error;
    if (is_volume_space_info_request(uFieldMask))
        get_volume_space_information(volume_root, pInfo);
    if (uFieldMask & osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_DeviceHandle)
        error = osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath(volume_root.pData, reinterpret_cast<rtl_uString**>(&pInfo->pDeviceHandle));
        if (error != osl_File_E_None)
            return error;
        pInfo->uValidFields |= osl_VolumeInfo_Mask_DeviceHandle;
    return osl_File_E_None;
static oslFileError osl_getDriveInfo(
    oslDirectoryItem Item, oslFileStatus *pStatus, sal_uInt32 uFieldMask)
    DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl *>(Item);
    WCHAR               cDrive[3] = L"A:";
    WCHAR               cRoot[4] = L"A:\\";
    if ( !pItemImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    pStatus->uValidFields = 0;
    cDrive[0] = pItemImpl->cDriveString[0];
    cRoot[0] = pItemImpl->cDriveString[0];
    if ( uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName )
        if ( pItemImpl->cDriveString[0] == '\\' && pItemImpl->cDriveString[1] == '\\' )
            LPCWSTR lpFirstBkSlash = wcschr( &pItemImpl->cDriveString[2], '\\' );
            if ( lpFirstBkSlash && lpFirstBkSlash[1] )
                LPCWSTR lpLastBkSlash = wcschr( &lpFirstBkSlash[1], '\\' );
                if ( lpLastBkSlash )
                    rtl_uString_newFromStr_WithLength( &pStatus->ustrFileName, o3tl::toU(&lpFirstBkSlash[1]), lpLastBkSlash - lpFirstBkSlash - 1 );
                    rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pStatus->ustrFileName, o3tl::toU(&lpFirstBkSlash[1]) );
                pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName;
        else switch ( GetDriveTypeW( cRoot ) )
            case DRIVE_REMOTE:
                WCHAR szBuffer[1024];
                DWORD const dwBufsizeConst = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(szBuffer);
                DWORD dwBufsize = dwBufsizeConst;
                DWORD dwResult = WNetGetConnectionW( cDrive, szBuffer, &dwBufsize );
                if ( NO_ERROR == dwResult )
                    WCHAR szFileName[dwBufsizeConst + 16];
                    swprintf( szFileName, L"%s [%s]", cDrive, szBuffer );
                    rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pStatus->ustrFileName, o3tl::toU(szFileName) );
                    rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pStatus->ustrFileName, o3tl::toU(cDrive) );
            pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName;
            case DRIVE_FIXED:
                WCHAR szVolumeNameBuffer[1024];
                DWORD const dwBufsizeConst = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(szVolumeNameBuffer);
                if ( GetVolumeInformationW( cRoot, szVolumeNameBuffer, dwBufsizeConst, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0 ) )
                    WCHAR   szFileName[dwBufsizeConst + 16];
                    swprintf( szFileName, L"%s [%s]", cDrive, szVolumeNameBuffer );
                    rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pStatus->ustrFileName, o3tl::toU(szFileName) );
                    rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pStatus->ustrFileName, o3tl::toU(cDrive) );
            pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName;
            case DRIVE_CDROM:
            case DRIVE_REMOVABLE:
                pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName;
                rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pStatus->ustrFileName, o3tl::toU(cRoot) );
            case DRIVE_UNKNOWN:
    pStatus->eType = osl_File_Type_Volume;
    pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type;
    if ( uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL )
        rtl_uString *ustrSystemPath = nullptr;
        rtl_uString_newFromStr( &ustrSystemPath, o3tl::toU(pItemImpl->cDriveString) );
        oslFileError error = osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( ustrSystemPath, &pStatus->ustrFileURL );
        rtl_uString_release( ustrSystemPath );
        if (error != osl_File_E_None)
            return error;
        pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL;
    return osl_File_E_None;
static oslFileError osl_getServerInfo(
    oslDirectoryItem Item, oslFileStatus *pStatus, sal_uInt32 uFieldMask )
    DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl *>(Item);
    if ( !pItemImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    pStatus->uValidFields = 0;
    pStatus->eType = osl_File_Type_Directory;
    pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type;
    if ( uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL )
        oslFileError error = osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( pItemImpl->m_pFullPath, &pStatus->ustrFileURL );
        if (error != osl_File_E_None)
            return error;
        pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL;
    return osl_File_E_None;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_getFileStatus(
    oslDirectoryItem Item,
    oslFileStatus *pStatus,
    sal_uInt32 uFieldMask )
    DirectoryItem_Impl  *pItemImpl = static_cast<DirectoryItem_Impl *>(Item);
    if ( !pItemImpl )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    switch ( pItemImpl->uType  )
        return osl_getDriveInfo( Item, pStatus, uFieldMask );
        return osl_getServerInfo( Item, pStatus, uFieldMask );
    OUString sFullPath(pItemImpl->m_pFullPath);
    // Prefix long paths, windows API calls expect this prefix
    // (only local paths starting with something like C: or D:)
    if (sFullPath.getLength() >= MAX_PATH && isalpha(sFullPath[0]) && sFullPath[1] == ':')
        sFullPath = "\\\\?\\" + sFullPath;
    if ( uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_Validate )
        HANDLE  hFind = FindFirstFileW( o3tl::toW(sFullPath.getStr() ), &pItemImpl->FindData );
        if ( hFind != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
            FindClose( hFind );
            return oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
        uFieldMask &= ~ osl_FileStatus_Mask_Validate;
    /* If no fields to retrieve left ignore pStatus */
    if ( !uFieldMask )
        return osl_File_E_None;
    /* Otherwise, this must be a valid pointer */
    if ( !pStatus )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    if ( pStatus->uStructSize != sizeof(oslFileStatus) )
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
    pStatus->uValidFields = 0;
    /* File time stamps */
    if ( (uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_ModifyTime) &&
        FileTimeToTimeValue( &pItemImpl->FindData.ftLastWriteTime, &pStatus->aModifyTime ) )
        pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_ModifyTime;
    if ( (uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_AccessTime) &&
        FileTimeToTimeValue( &pItemImpl->FindData.ftLastAccessTime, &pStatus->aAccessTime ) )
        pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_AccessTime;
    if ( (uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_CreationTime) &&
        FileTimeToTimeValue( &pItemImpl->FindData.ftCreationTime, &pStatus->aCreationTime ) )
        pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_CreationTime;
    /* Most of the fields are already set, regardless of required fields */
    rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pStatus->ustrFileName, o3tl::toU(pItemImpl->FindData.cFileName) );
    pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileName;
    if ((FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT & pItemImpl->FindData.dwFileAttributes) &&
        (IO_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT == pItemImpl->FindData.dwReserved0))
        pStatus->eType = osl_File_Type_Volume;
    else if (pItemImpl->FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
        pStatus->eType = osl_File_Type_Directory;
        pStatus->eType = osl_File_Type_Regular;
    pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_Type;
    pStatus->uAttributes = pItemImpl->FindData.dwFileAttributes;
    pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_Attributes;
    pStatus->uFileSize = static_cast<sal_uInt64>(pItemImpl->FindData.nFileSizeLow) + (static_cast<sal_uInt64>(pItemImpl->FindData.nFileSizeHigh) << 32);
    pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileSize;
    if ( uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_LinkTargetURL )
        oslFileError error = osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( sFullPath.pData, &pStatus->ustrLinkTargetURL );
        if (error != osl_File_E_None)
            return error;
        pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_LinkTargetURL;
    if ( uFieldMask & osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL )
        if ( !pItemImpl->bFullPathNormalized )
            ::osl::LongPathBuffer< sal_Unicode > aBuffer( MAX_LONG_PATH );
            sal_uInt32 nNewLen = GetCaseCorrectPathName( o3tl::toW( sFullPath.getStr() ),
                                                         o3tl::toW( aBuffer ),
                                                         true );
            if ( nNewLen )
                rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pItemImpl->m_pFullPath, aBuffer );
                sFullPath = OUString( pItemImpl->m_pFullPath );
                pItemImpl->bFullPathNormalized = TRUE;
        oslFileError error = osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( sFullPath.pData, &pStatus->ustrFileURL );
        if (error != osl_File_E_None)
            return error;
        pStatus->uValidFields |= osl_FileStatus_Mask_FileURL;
    return osl_File_E_None;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_setFileAttributes(
    rtl_uString *ustrFileURL,
    sal_uInt64 uAttributes )
    oslFileError    error;
    rtl_uString     *ustrSysPath = nullptr;
    DWORD           dwFileAttributes;
    BOOL            fSuccess;
    // Converts the normalized path into a systempath
    error = osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_( ustrFileURL, &ustrSysPath, false );
    if ( osl_File_E_None != error )
        return error;
    dwFileAttributes = GetFileAttributesW( o3tl::toW(rtl_uString_getStr(ustrSysPath)) );
    if ( DWORD(-1) != dwFileAttributes )
        if ( uAttributes & osl_File_Attribute_ReadOnly )
            dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY;
        if ( uAttributes & osl_File_Attribute_Hidden )
            dwFileAttributes |= FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN;
        fSuccess = SetFileAttributesW( o3tl::toW(rtl_uString_getStr(ustrSysPath)), dwFileAttributes );
        fSuccess = FALSE;
    if ( !fSuccess )
        error = oslTranslateFileError( GetLastError() );
    rtl_uString_release( ustrSysPath );
    return error;
oslFileError SAL_CALL osl_setFileTime(
    rtl_uString *filePath,
    const TimeValue *aCreationTime,
    const TimeValue *aLastAccessTime,
    const TimeValue *aLastWriteTime)
    oslFileError error;
    rtl_uString *sysPath=nullptr;
    FILETIME *lpCreationTime=nullptr;
    FILETIME *lpLastAccessTime=nullptr;
    FILETIME *lpLastWriteTime=nullptr;
    FILETIME ftCreationTime;
    FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
    FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
    HANDLE hFile;
    BOOL fSuccess;
    error=osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL_(filePath, &sysPath, false);
    if (error==osl_File_E_INVAL)
        return error;
    hFile=CreateFileW(o3tl::toW(rtl_uString_getStr(sysPath)), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr , OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr);
        return osl_File_E_NOENT;
    if (TimeValueToFileTime(aCreationTime, &ftCreationTime))
    if (TimeValueToFileTime(aLastAccessTime, &ftLastAccessTime))
    if (TimeValueToFileTime(aLastWriteTime, &ftLastWriteTime))
    fSuccess=SetFileTime(hFile, lpCreationTime, lpLastAccessTime, lpLastWriteTime);
    if (!fSuccess)
        return osl_File_E_INVAL;
        return osl_File_E_None;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'wcscpy' function. Inspect the first argument. Check lines: 349, 347.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument. Check lines: 1040, 1033.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument. Check lines: 1009, 1002.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument. Check lines: 1072, 1070.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument. Check lines: 569, 568.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument. Check lines: 504, 503.

V575 The potential null pointer is passed into 'memset' function. Inspect the first argument. Check lines: 440, 439.