/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include "main.hxx"
#include "cgmtypes.hxx"
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#define nBackGroundColor    aColorTable[ 0 ]
typedef ::std::vector< std::unique_ptr<Bundle> > BundleList;
class CGMElements
        void                ImplInsertHatch( sal_Int32 Key, int Style, long Distance, long Angle );
        long                nMetaFileVersion;
        sal_uInt32          nIntegerPrecision;  // maybe 1, 2, 4 Bytes
        sal_uInt32          nIndexPrecision;    //   "      "       "
        RealPrecision       eRealPrecision;
        sal_uInt32          nRealSize;          // maybe 4 or 8 bytes
        sal_uInt32          nColorPrecision;    //   "      "       "
        sal_uInt32          nColorIndexPrecision;//  "      "       "
        ScalingMode         eScalingMode;
        double              nScalingFactor;
        VDCType             eVDCType;           // Integer / Real
        sal_uInt32          nVDCIntegerPrecision;
        RealPrecision       eVDCRealPrecision;
        sal_uInt32          nVDCRealSize;
        FloatRect           aVDCExtent;
        FloatRect           aVDCExtentMaximum;
        DeviceViewPortMode  eDeviceViewPortMode;
        double              nDeviceViewPortScale;
        DeviceViewPortMap   eDeviceViewPortMap;
        DeviceViewPortMapH  eDeviceViewPortMapH;
        DeviceViewPortMapV  eDeviceViewPortMapV;
        FloatRect           aDeviceViewPort;
        double              nMitreLimit;
        ClipIndicator       eClipIndicator;
        FloatRect           aClipRect;
        ColorSelectionMode  eColorSelectionMode;
        ColorModel          eColorModel;
        sal_uInt32          nColorMaximumIndex;             // default 63
        sal_uInt32          nLatestColorMaximumIndex;       // default 63
        sal_Int8            aColorTableEntryIs[ 256 ];
        sal_uInt32          aColorTable[ 256 ];
        sal_uInt32          aLatestColorTable[ 256 ];
        sal_uInt32          nColorValueExtent[ 8 ]; // RGB, CMYK
        sal_uInt32          nAspectSourceFlags; // bit = 0 -> INDIVIDUAL
                                                //       1 -> BUNDLED
        LineBundle*         pLineBundle;        // Pointer to the current LineBundleIndex
        LineBundle          aLineBundle;
        BundleList          aLineList;
        SpecMode            eLineWidthSpecMode;
        LineCapType         eLineCapType;
        LineJoinType        eLineJoinType;
        MarkerBundle*       pMarkerBundle;      // Pointer to the current MarkerBundleIndex
        MarkerBundle        aMarkerBundle;
        BundleList          aMarkerList;
        SpecMode            eMarkerSizeSpecMode;
        EdgeBundle*         pEdgeBundle;        // Pointer to the current EdgeBundleIndex
        EdgeBundle          aEdgeBundle;
        BundleList          aEdgeList;
        EdgeVisibility      eEdgeVisibility;
        SpecMode            eEdgeWidthSpecMode;
        TextBundle*         pTextBundle;        // Pointer to the current TextBundleIndex
        TextBundle          aTextBundle;
        BundleList          aTextList;
        double              nCharacterHeight;
        double              nCharacterOrientation[ 4 ];
        UnderlineMode       eUnderlineMode;
        sal_uInt32          nUnderlineColor;
        TextPath            eTextPath;
        TextAlignmentH      eTextAlignmentH;
        TextAlignmentV      eTextAlignmentV;
        double              nTextAlignmentHCont;
        double              nTextAlignmentVCont;
        long                nCharacterSetIndex;
        long                nAlternateCharacterSetIndex;
        CharacterCodingA    eCharacterCodingA;
        CGMFList            aFontList;
        FillBundle*         pFillBundle;        // Pointer to the current EdgeBundleIndex
        FillBundle          aFillBundle;
        BundleList          aFillList;
        FloatPoint          aFillRefPoint;
        ::std::map<sal_uInt32, HatchEntry>
        Transparency        eTransparency;
        sal_uInt32          nAuxiliaryColor;
        // Delimiter Counts -> which will be increased by each 'begin' operation
        //                     and decreased by each 'end' operation
        bool                bSegmentCount;
        explicit CGMElements();
        CGMElements&        operator=( const CGMElements& );
        void                Init();
        static Bundle*      GetBundleIndex( long nIndex, BundleList&, Bundle& );
        static Bundle*      GetBundle( BundleList& rList, long nIndex );
        static Bundle*      InsertBundle( BundleList&, Bundle& );
        static void         CopyAllBundles( const BundleList& Source, BundleList& Dest );
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V690 The 'CGMElements' class implements the '=' operator, but lacks a copy constructor. It is dangerous to use such a class.