/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <sc.hrc>
#include <vcl/errinf.hxx>
#include <editeng/justifyitem.hxx>
#include <comphelper/fileformat.h>
#include <comphelper/classids.hxx>
#include <formula/errorcodes.hxx>
#include <vcl/weld.hxx>
#include <vcl/virdev.hxx>
#include <vcl/waitobj.hxx>
#include <rtl/bootstrap.hxx>
#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <svl/PasswordHelper.hxx>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <sfx2/bindings.hxx>
#include <sfx2/dinfdlg.hxx>
#include <sfx2/docfile.hxx>
#include <sfx2/event.hxx>
#include <sfx2/fcontnr.hxx>
#include <sfx2/objface.hxx>
#include <sfx2/viewfrm.hxx>
#include <svl/documentlockfile.hxx>
#include <svl/sharecontrolfile.hxx>
#include <svl/urihelper.hxx>
#include <osl/file.hxx>
#include <chgtrack.hxx>
#include <chgviset.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/Key.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/awt/KeyModifier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XContentEnumerationAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/UpdateDocMode.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/vba/VBAEventId.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/vba/VBAScriptEventId.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/vba/XVBAEventProcessor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/vba/XVBAScriptListener.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/script/vba/XVBACompatibility.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheetView.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/task/XJob.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/theModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/XAcceleratorConfiguration.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/VetoException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheetDocument.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSpreadsheet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/table/XTableChartsSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/table/XTableCharts.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/table/XTableChart.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/chart2/XChartDocument.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/document/XEmbeddedObjectSupplier.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XStorable2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/Desktop.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XSingleComponentFactory.hpp>
#include <config_folders.h>
#include <scabstdlg.hxx>
#include <sot/formats.hxx>
#include <svx/dialogs.hrc>
#include <formulacell.hxx>
#include <postit.hxx>
#include <global.hxx>
#include <filter.hxx>
#include <scmod.hxx>
#include <tabvwsh.hxx>
#include <docfunc.hxx>
#include <imoptdlg.hxx>
#include <impex.hxx>
#include <scresid.hxx>
#include <strings.hrc>
#include <globstr.hrc>
#include <scerrors.hxx>
#include <brdcst.hxx>
#include <stlpool.hxx>
#include <autostyl.hxx>
#include <attrib.hxx>
#include <asciiopt.hxx>
#include <waitoff.hxx>
#include <docpool.hxx>
#include <progress.hxx>
#include <pntlock.hxx>
#include <docuno.hxx>
#include <appoptio.hxx>
#include <detdata.hxx>
#include <printfun.hxx>
#include <dociter.hxx>
#include <cellform.hxx>
#include <chartlis.hxx>
#include <hints.hxx>
#include <xmlwrap.hxx>
#include <drwlayer.hxx>
#include <refreshtimer.hxx>
#include <dbdata.hxx>
#include <scextopt.hxx>
#include <compiler.hxx>
#include <warnpassword.hxx>
#include <optsolver.hxx>
#include <sheetdata.hxx>
#include <tabprotection.hxx>
#include <transobj.hxx>
#include <docparam.hxx>
#include "docshimp.hxx"
#include <sizedev.hxx>
#include <refreshtimerprotector.hxx>
#include <orcus/orcus_import_ods.hpp>
#include <orcusfiltersimpl.hxx>
#include <officecfg/Office/Calc.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
#include <comphelper/string.hxx>
#include <unotools/configmgr.hxx>
#include <uiitems.hxx>
#include <cellsuno.hxx>
#include <dpobject.hxx>
#include <markdata.hxx>
#include <optuno.hxx>
#include <orcusfilters.hxx>
#include <datastream.hxx>
#include <documentlinkmgr.hxx>
#include <refupdatecontext.hxx>
#include <o3tl/make_unique.hxx>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
using namespace com::sun::star;
using ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference;
using ::com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory;
using std::shared_ptr;
using ::std::vector;
//  Filter names (like in sclib.cxx)
static const sal_Char pFilterSc50[]     = "StarCalc 5.0";
static const sal_Char pFilterXML[]      = "StarOffice XML (Calc)";
static const sal_Char pFilterAscii[]    = SC_TEXT_CSV_FILTER_NAME;
static const sal_Char pFilterLotus[]    = "Lotus";
static const sal_Char pFilterQPro6[]    = "Quattro Pro 6.0";
static const sal_Char pFilterExcel4[]   = "MS Excel 4.0";
static const sal_Char pFilterEx4Temp[]  = "MS Excel 4.0 Vorlage/Template";
static const sal_Char pFilterExcel5[]   = "MS Excel 5.0/95";
static const sal_Char pFilterEx5Temp[]  = "MS Excel 5.0/95 Vorlage/Template";
static const sal_Char pFilterExcel95[]  = "MS Excel 95";
static const sal_Char pFilterEx95Temp[] = "MS Excel 95 Vorlage/Template";
static const sal_Char pFilterExcel97[]  = "MS Excel 97";
static const sal_Char pFilterEx97Temp[] = "MS Excel 97 Vorlage/Template";
static const sal_Char pFilterDBase[]    = "dBase";
static const sal_Char pFilterDif[]      = "DIF";
static const sal_Char pFilterSylk[]     = "SYLK";
static const sal_Char pFilterHtml[]     = "HTML (StarCalc)";
static const sal_Char pFilterHtmlWebQ[] = "calc_HTML_WebQuery";
static const sal_Char pFilterRtf[]      = "Rich Text Format (StarCalc)";
#define ShellClass_ScDocShell
#include <scslots.hxx>
void ScDocShell::InitInterface_Impl()
//  GlobalName of the current version:
SFX_IMPL_OBJECTFACTORY( ScDocShell, SvGlobalName(SO3_SC_CLASSID), SfxObjectShellFlags::STD_NORMAL, "scalc" )
void ScDocShell::FillClass( SvGlobalName* pClassName,
                                        SotClipboardFormatId* pFormat,
                                        OUString* /* pAppName */,
                                        OUString* pFullTypeName,
                                        OUString* pShortTypeName,
                                        sal_Int32 nFileFormat,
                                        bool bTemplate /* = false */) const
    if ( nFileFormat == SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_60 )
        *pClassName     = SvGlobalName( SO3_SC_CLASSID_60 );
        *pFormat        = SotClipboardFormatId::STARCALC_60;
        *pFullTypeName  = ScResId( SCSTR_LONG_SCDOC_NAME_60 );
        *pShortTypeName = ScResId( SCSTR_SHORT_SCDOC_NAME );
    else if ( nFileFormat == SOFFICE_FILEFORMAT_8 )
        *pClassName     = SvGlobalName( SO3_SC_CLASSID_60 );
        *pFormat        = bTemplate ? SotClipboardFormatId::STARCALC_8_TEMPLATE : SotClipboardFormatId::STARCALC_8;
        *pFullTypeName  = ScResId( SCSTR_LONG_SCDOC_NAME_80 );
        *pShortTypeName = ScResId(SCSTR_SHORT_SCDOC_NAME);
        OSL_FAIL("Which version?");
std::set<Color> ScDocShell::GetDocColors()
    return m_aDocument.GetDocColors();
void ScDocShell::DoEnterHandler()
    ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
    if (pViewSh)
        if (pViewSh->GetViewData().GetDocShell() == this)
SCTAB ScDocShell::GetSaveTab()
    SCTAB nTab = 0;
    ScTabViewShell* pSh = GetBestViewShell();
    if (pSh)
        const ScMarkData& rMark = pSh->GetViewData().GetMarkData();
        nTab = rMark.GetFirstSelected();
    return nTab;
HiddenInformation ScDocShell::GetHiddenInformationState( HiddenInformation nStates )
    // get global state like HiddenInformation::DOCUMENTVERSIONS
    HiddenInformation nState = SfxObjectShell::GetHiddenInformationState( nStates );
    if ( nStates & HiddenInformation::RECORDEDCHANGES )
        if ( m_aDocument.GetChangeTrack() && m_aDocument.GetChangeTrack()->GetFirst() )
          nState |= HiddenInformation::RECORDEDCHANGES;
    if ( nStates & HiddenInformation::NOTES )
        SCTAB nTableCount = m_aDocument.GetTableCount();
        bool bFound = false;
        for (SCTAB nTab = 0; nTab < nTableCount && !bFound; ++nTab)
            if (m_aDocument.HasTabNotes(nTab)) //TODO:
                bFound = true;
        if (bFound)
            nState |= HiddenInformation::NOTES;
    return nState;
void ScDocShell::BeforeXMLLoading()
    // prevent unnecessary broadcasts and updates
    OSL_ENSURE(m_pModificator == nullptr, "The Modificator should not exist");
    m_pModificator.reset( new ScDocShellModificator( *this ) );
    m_aDocument.SetImportingXML( true );
    m_aDocument.EnableExecuteLink( false );   // #i101304# to be safe, prevent nested loading from external references
    m_aDocument.EnableUndo( false );
    // prevent unnecessary broadcasts and "half way listeners"
    m_aDocument.SetInsertingFromOtherDoc( true );
void ScDocShell::AfterXMLLoading(bool bRet)
    if (GetCreateMode() != SfxObjectCreateMode::ORGANIZER)
        // don't prevent establishing of listeners anymore
        m_aDocument.SetInsertingFromOtherDoc( false );
        if ( bRet )
            ScChartListenerCollection* pChartListener = m_aDocument.GetChartListenerCollection();
            if (pChartListener)
            // #95582#; set the table names of linked tables to the new path
            SCTAB nTabCount = m_aDocument.GetTableCount();
            for (SCTAB i = 0; i < nTabCount; ++i)
                if (m_aDocument.IsLinked( i ))
                    OUString aName;
                    m_aDocument.GetName(i, aName);
                    OUString aLinkTabName = m_aDocument.GetLinkTab(i);
                    sal_Int32 nLinkTabNameLength = aLinkTabName.getLength();
                    sal_Int32 nNameLength = aName.getLength();
                    if (nLinkTabNameLength < nNameLength)
                        // remove the quotes on begin and end of the docname and restore the escaped quotes
                        const sal_Unicode* pNameBuffer = aName.getStr();
                        if ( *pNameBuffer == '\'' && // all docnames have to have a ' character on the first pos
                            ScGlobal::UnicodeStrChr( pNameBuffer, SC_COMPILER_FILE_TAB_SEP ) )
                            OUStringBuffer aDocURLBuffer;
                            bool bQuote = true; // Document name is always quoted
                            while ( bQuote && *pNameBuffer )
                                if ( *pNameBuffer == '\'' && *(pNameBuffer-1) != '\\' )
                                    bQuote = false;
                                else if( !(*pNameBuffer == '\\' && *(pNameBuffer+1) == '\'') )
                                    aDocURLBuffer.append(*pNameBuffer); // If escaped quote: only quote in the name
                            if( *pNameBuffer == SC_COMPILER_FILE_TAB_SEP )  // after the last quote of the docname should be the # char
                                sal_Int32 nIndex = nNameLength - nLinkTabNameLength;
                                INetURLObject aINetURLObject(aDocURLBuffer.makeStringAndClear());
                                if(aName.match( aLinkTabName, nIndex) &&
                                    (aName[nIndex - 1] == '#') && // before the table name should be the # char
                                    !aINetURLObject.HasError()) // the docname should be a valid URL
                                    aName = ScGlobal::GetDocTabName( m_aDocument.GetLinkDoc( i ), m_aDocument.GetLinkTab( i ) );
                                    m_aDocument.RenameTab(i, aName, true/*bExternalDocument*/);
                                // else;  nothing has to happen, because it is a user given name
                            // else;  nothing has to happen, because it is a user given name
                        // else;  nothing has to happen, because it is a user given name
                    // else;  nothing has to happen, because it is a user given name
            // #i94570# DataPilot table names have to be unique, or the tables can't be accessed by API.
            // If no name (or an invalid name, skipped in ScXMLDataPilotTableContext::EndElement) was set, create a new name.
            ScDPCollection* pDPCollection = m_aDocument.GetDPCollection();
            if ( pDPCollection )
                size_t nDPCount = pDPCollection->GetCount();
                for (size_t nDP=0; nDP<nDPCount; ++nDP)
                    ScDPObject& rDPObj = (*pDPCollection)[nDP];
                    if (rDPObj.GetName().isEmpty())
                        rDPObj.SetName( pDPCollection->CreateNewName() );
        m_aDocument.SetInsertingFromOtherDoc( false );
    m_aDocument.SetImportingXML( false );
    m_aDocument.EnableExecuteLink( true );
    m_aDocument.EnableUndo( true );
    m_bIsEmpty = false;
    if (m_pModificator)
        ScDocument::HardRecalcState eRecalcState = m_aDocument.GetHardRecalcState();
        // Temporarily set hard-recalc to prevent calling
        // ScFormulaCell::Notify() during destruction of the Modificator which
        // will set the cells dirty.
        if (eRecalcState == ScDocument::HardRecalcState::OFF)
        OSL_FAIL("The Modificator should exist");
namespace {
class LoadMediumGuard
    explicit LoadMediumGuard(ScDocument* pDoc) :
    ScDocument* mpDoc;
void processDataStream( ScDocShell& rShell, const sc::ImportPostProcessData& rData )
    if (!rData.mpDataStream)
    const sc::ImportPostProcessData::DataStream& r = *rData.mpDataStream;
    if (!r.maRange.IsValid())
    // Break the streamed range into the top range and the height limit.  A
    // height limit of 0 means unlimited i.e. the streamed data will go all
    // the way to the last row.
    ScRange aTopRange = r.maRange;
    sal_Int32 nLimit = r.maRange.aEnd.Row() - r.maRange.aStart.Row() + 1;
    if (r.maRange.aEnd.Row() == MAXROW)
        // Unlimited range.
        nLimit = 0;
    sc::DataStream::MoveType eMove =
        r.meInsertPos == sc::ImportPostProcessData::DataStream::InsertTop ?
        sc::DataStream::MOVE_DOWN : sc::DataStream::RANGE_DOWN;
    sc::DataStream* pStrm = new sc::DataStream(&rShell, r.maURL, aTopRange, nLimit, eMove, 0);
    sc::DocumentLinkManager& rMgr = rShell.GetDocument().GetDocLinkManager();
class MessageWithCheck : public weld::MessageDialogController
    std::unique_ptr<weld::CheckButton> m_xWarningOnBox;
    MessageWithCheck(weld::Window *pParent, const OUString& rUIFile, const OString& rDialogId)
        : weld::MessageDialogController(pParent, rUIFile, rDialogId, "ask")
        , m_xWarningOnBox(m_xBuilder->weld_check_button("ask"))
    bool get_active() const { return m_xWarningOnBox->get_active(); }
class VBAScriptListener : public ::cppu::WeakImplHelper< css::script::vba::XVBAScriptListener >
    ScDocShell* m_pDocSh;
    VBAScriptListener(ScDocShell* pDocSh) : m_pDocSh(pDocSh)
    // XVBAScriptListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL notifyVBAScriptEvent( const ::css::script::vba::VBAScriptEvent& aEvent ) override
        if (aEvent.Identifier == script::vba::VBAScriptEventId::SCRIPT_STOPPED &&
    // XEventListener
    virtual void SAL_CALL disposing( const ::css::lang::EventObject& /*Source*/ ) override
bool ScDocShell::LoadXML( SfxMedium* pLoadMedium, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage >& xStor )
    LoadMediumGuard aLoadGuard(&m_aDocument);
    //  MacroCallMode is no longer needed, state is kept in SfxObjectShell now
    // no Seek(0) here - always loading from storage, GetInStream must not be called
    ScXMLImportWrapper aImport(*this, pLoadMedium, xStor);
    bool bRet = false;
    ErrCode nError = ERRCODE_NONE;
    if (GetCreateMode() == SfxObjectCreateMode::ORGANIZER)
        bRet = aImport.Import(ImportFlags::Styles, nError);
        bRet = aImport.Import(ImportFlags::All, nError);
    if ( nError )
    processDataStream(*this, aImport.GetImportPostProcessData());
    //if the document was not generated by LibreOffice, do hard recalc in case some other document
    //generator saved cached formula results that differ from LibreOffice's calculated results or
    //did not use cached formula results.
    uno::Reference<document::XDocumentPropertiesSupplier> xDPS(GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW);
    uno::Reference<document::XDocumentProperties> xDocProps = xDPS->getDocumentProperties();
    Reference<uno::XComponentContext> xContext = comphelper::getProcessComponentContext();
    ScRecalcOptions nRecalcMode =
    bool bHardRecalc = false;
    if (nRecalcMode == RECALC_ASK)
        OUString sProductName(utl::ConfigManager::getProductName());
        if (m_aDocument.IsUserInteractionEnabled() && xDocProps->getGenerator().indexOf(sProductName) == -1)
            // Generator is not LibreOffice.  Ask if the user wants to perform
            // full re-calculation.
            vcl::Window* pWin = GetActiveDialogParent();
            MessageWithCheck aQueryBox(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr,
                    "modules/scalc/ui/recalcquerydialog.ui", "RecalcQueryDialog");
            bHardRecalc = aQueryBox.run() == RET_YES;
            if (aQueryBox.get_active())
                // Always perform selected action in the future.
                std::shared_ptr<comphelper::ConfigurationChanges> batch(comphelper::ConfigurationChanges::create());
                officecfg::Office::Calc::Formula::Load::ODFRecalcMode::set(sal_Int32(0), batch);
                ScFormulaOptions aOpt = SC_MOD()->GetFormulaOptions();
                aOpt.SetODFRecalcOptions(bHardRecalc ? RECALC_ALWAYS : RECALC_NEVER);
                /* XXX  is this really supposed to set the ScModule options?
                 *      Not the ScDocShell options? */
    else if (nRecalcMode == RECALC_ALWAYS)
        bHardRecalc = true;
    if (bHardRecalc)
        // still need to recalc volatile formula cells.
        m_aDocument.Broadcast(ScHint(SfxHintId::ScDataChanged, BCA_BRDCST_ALWAYS));
    return bRet;
bool ScDocShell::SaveXML( SfxMedium* pSaveMedium, const css::uno::Reference< css::embed::XStorage >& xStor )
    ScXMLImportWrapper aImport(*this, pSaveMedium, xStor);
    bool bRet(false);
    if (GetCreateMode() != SfxObjectCreateMode::ORGANIZER)
        bRet = aImport.Export(false);
        bRet = aImport.Export(true);
    return bRet;
bool ScDocShell::SaveCurrentChart( SfxMedium& rMedium )
        uno::Reference< lang::XComponent > xCurrentComponent = frame::Desktop::create( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() )->getCurrentComponent();
        uno::Reference< frame::XStorable2 > xStorable( xCurrentComponent, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xChartDoc ( xCurrentComponent, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        ScXMLChartExportWrapper aExport( xChartDoc, rMedium );
        return true;
        SAL_WARN("sc", "exception thrown while saving chart. Bug!!!");
        return false;
bool ScDocShell::Load( SfxMedium& rMedium )
    LoadMediumGuard aLoadGuard(&m_aDocument);
    ScRefreshTimerProtector aProt( m_aDocument.GetRefreshTimerControlAddress() );
    //  only the latin script language is loaded
    //  -> initialize the others from options (before loading)
    // If this is an ODF file being loaded, then by default, use legacy processing
    // for tdf#99729 (if required, it will be overridden in *::ReadUserDataSequence())
    if (IsOwnStorageFormat(rMedium))
        if (m_aDocument.GetDrawLayer())
    bool bRet = SfxObjectShell::Load(rMedium);
    if (bRet)
        comphelper::EmbeddedObjectContainer& rEmbeddedObjectContainer = getEmbeddedObjectContainer();
        if (GetMedium())
            const SfxUInt16Item* pUpdateDocItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem<SfxUInt16Item>(rMedium.GetItemSet(), SID_UPDATEDOCMODE, false);
            m_nCanUpdate = pUpdateDocItem ? pUpdateDocItem->GetValue() : css::document::UpdateDocMode::NO_UPDATE;
            //  prepare a valid document for XML filter
            //  (for ConvertFrom, InitNew is called before)
            if (!m_bUcalcTest)
                /* Create styles that are imported through Orcus */
                OUString aURL("$BRAND_BASE_DIR" LIBO_SHARE_FOLDER "/calc/styles.xml");
                OUString aPath;
                osl::FileBase::getSystemPathFromFileURL(aURL, aPath);
                ScOrcusFilters* pOrcus = ScFormatFilter::Get().GetOrcusFilters();
                if (pOrcus)
                    pOrcus->importODS_Styles(m_aDocument, aPath);
            bRet = LoadXML( &rMedium, nullptr );
    if (!bRet && !rMedium.GetError())
    if (rMedium.GetError())
    // invalidate eventually temporary table areas
    if ( bRet )
    m_bIsEmpty = false;
    return bRet;
void ScDocShell::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    const ScTablesHint* pScHint = dynamic_cast< const ScTablesHint* >( &rHint );
    if (pScHint)
        if (pScHint->GetTablesHintId() == SC_TAB_INSERTED)
            uno::Reference< script::vba::XVBAEventProcessor > xVbaEvents = m_aDocument.GetVbaEventProcessor();
            if ( xVbaEvents.is() ) try
                uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs( 1 );
                aArgs[0] <<= pScHint->GetTab1();
                xVbaEvents->processVbaEvent( script::vba::VBAEventId::WORKBOOK_NEWSHEET, aArgs );
            catch( uno::Exception& )
    if ( dynamic_cast<const SfxStyleSheetHint*>(&rHint) ) // Template changed
        NotifyStyle( static_cast<const SfxStyleSheetHint&>(rHint) );
    else if ( dynamic_cast<const ScAutoStyleHint*>(&rHint) )
        //! direct call for AutoStyles
        //  this is called synchronously from ScInterpreter::ScStyle,
        //  modifying the document must be asynchronous
        //  (handled by AddInitial)
        const ScAutoStyleHint& rStlHint = static_cast<const ScAutoStyleHint&>(rHint);
        const ScRange& aRange = rStlHint.GetRange();
        const OUString& aName1 = rStlHint.GetStyle1();
        const OUString& aName2 = rStlHint.GetStyle2();
        sal_uInt32 nTimeout = rStlHint.GetTimeout();
        if (!m_pAutoStyleList)
            m_pAutoStyleList.reset( new ScAutoStyleList(this) );
        m_pAutoStyleList->AddInitial( aRange, aName1, nTimeout, aName2 );
    else if ( dynamic_cast<const SfxEventHint*>(&rHint) )
        SfxEventHintId nEventId = static_cast<const SfxEventHint*>(&rHint)->GetEventId();
        switch ( nEventId )
            case SfxEventHintId::LoadFinished:
                    // the readonly documents should not be opened in shared mode
                    if ( HasSharedXMLFlagSet() && !SC_MOD()->IsInSharedDocLoading() && !IsReadOnly() )
                        if ( SwitchToShared( true, false ) )
                            ScViewData* pViewData = GetViewData();
                            ScTabView* pTabView = ( pViewData ? dynamic_cast< ScTabView* >( pViewData->GetView() ) : nullptr );
                            if ( pTabView )
                            // switching to shared mode has failed, the document should be opened readonly
                            // TODO/LATER: And error message should be shown here probably
            case SfxEventHintId::ViewCreated:
                    uno::Reference<script::vba::XVBACompatibility> xVBACompat(GetBasicContainer(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
                    if ( !m_xVBAListener.is() && xVBACompat.is() )
                        m_xVBAListener.set(new VBAScriptListener(this));
                    if ( IsDocShared() && !SC_MOD()->IsInSharedDocLoading() )
                        ScAppOptions aAppOptions = SC_MOD()->GetAppOptions();
                        if ( aAppOptions.GetShowSharedDocumentWarning() )
                            vcl::Window* pWin = ScDocShell::GetActiveDialogParent();
                            MessageWithCheck aWarningBox(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr,
                                    "modules/scalc/ui/sharedwarningdialog.ui", "SharedWarningDialog");
                            bool bChecked = aWarningBox.get_active();
                            if (bChecked)
                                aAppOptions.SetShowSharedDocumentWarning( !bChecked );
                                SC_MOD()->SetAppOptions( aAppOptions );
                        uno::Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext(
                            comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() );
                        uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xServiceManager(
                            uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                        uno::Reference< container::XContentEnumerationAccess > xEnumAccess( xServiceManager, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                        uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration> xEnum = xEnumAccess->createContentEnumeration(
                            "com.sun.star.sheet.SpreadsheetDocumentJob" );
                        if ( xEnum.is() )
                            while ( xEnum->hasMoreElements() )
                                uno::Any aAny = xEnum->nextElement();
                                uno::Reference< lang::XSingleComponentFactory > xFactory;
                                aAny >>= xFactory;
                                if ( xFactory.is() )
                                    uno::Reference< task::XJob > xJob( xFactory->createInstanceWithContext( xContext ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                                    ScViewData* pViewData = GetViewData();
                                    SfxViewShell* pViewShell = ( pViewData ? pViewData->GetViewShell() : nullptr );
                                    SfxViewFrame* pViewFrame = ( pViewShell ? pViewShell->GetViewFrame() : nullptr );
                                    SfxFrame* pFrame = ( pViewFrame ? &pViewFrame->GetFrame() : nullptr );
                                    uno::Reference< frame::XController > xController = ( pFrame ? pFrame->GetController() : nullptr );
                                    uno::Reference< sheet::XSpreadsheetView > xSpreadsheetView( xController, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                                    uno::Sequence< beans::NamedValue > aArgsForJob { { "SpreadsheetView", uno::makeAny( xSpreadsheetView ) } };
                                    xJob->execute( aArgsForJob );
                    catch ( uno::Exception & )
            case SfxEventHintId::SaveDoc:
                    if ( IsDocShared() && !SC_MOD()->IsInSharedDocSaving() )
                        bool bSuccess = false;
                        bool bRetry = true;
                        while ( bRetry )
                            bRetry = false;
                            uno::Reference< frame::XModel > xModel;
                                // load shared file
                                xModel.set( LoadSharedDocument(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                                uno::Reference< util::XCloseable > xCloseable( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                                // check if shared flag is set in shared file
                                bool bShared = false;
                                ScModelObj* pDocObj = ScModelObj::getImplementation( xModel );
                                ScDocShell* pSharedDocShell = ( pDocObj ? dynamic_cast< ScDocShell* >( pDocObj->GetObjectShell() ) : nullptr );
                                if ( pSharedDocShell )
                                    bShared = pSharedDocShell->HasSharedXMLFlagSet();
                                // #i87870# check if shared status was disabled and enabled again
                                bool bOwnEntry = false;
                                bool bEntriesNotAccessible = false;
                                    ::svt::ShareControlFile aControlFile( GetSharedFileURL() );
                                    bOwnEntry = aControlFile.HasOwnEntry();
                                catch ( uno::Exception& )
                                    bEntriesNotAccessible = true;
                                if ( bShared && bOwnEntry )
                                    uno::Reference< frame::XStorable > xStorable( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                                    if ( xStorable->isReadonly() )
                                        xCloseable->close( true );
                                        OUString aUserName( ScResId( STR_UNKNOWN_USER ) );
                                        bool bNoLockAccess = false;
                                            ::svt::DocumentLockFile aLockFile( GetSharedFileURL() );
                                            LockFileEntry aData = aLockFile.GetLockData();
                                            if ( !aData[LockFileComponent::OOOUSERNAME].isEmpty() )
                                                aUserName = aData[LockFileComponent::OOOUSERNAME];
                                            else if ( !aData[LockFileComponent::SYSUSERNAME].isEmpty() )
                                                aUserName = aData[LockFileComponent::SYSUSERNAME];
                                        catch ( uno::Exception& )
                                            bNoLockAccess = true;
                                        if ( bNoLockAccess )
                                            // TODO/LATER: in future an error regarding impossibility to open file for writing could be shown
                                            ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL );
                                            OUString aMessage( ScResId( STR_FILE_LOCKED_SAVE_LATER ) );
                                            aMessage = aMessage.replaceFirst( "%1", aUserName );
                                            vcl::Window* pWin = GetActiveDialogParent();
                                            std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xWarn(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr,
                                                                                       VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::NONE,
                                            xWarn->add_button(Button::GetStandardText(StandardButtonType::Retry), RET_RETRY);
                                            xWarn->add_button(Button::GetStandardText(StandardButtonType::Cancel), RET_CANCEL);
                                            if (xWarn->run() == RET_RETRY)
                                                bRetry = true;
                                        // merge changes from shared file into temp file
                                        bool bSaveToShared = false;
                                        if ( pSharedDocShell )
                                            bSaveToShared = MergeSharedDocument( pSharedDocShell );
                                        // close shared file
                                        xCloseable->close( true );
                                        // TODO: keep file lock on shared file
                                        // store to shared file
                                        if ( bSaveToShared )
                                            bool bChangedViewSettings = false;
                                            ScChangeViewSettings* pChangeViewSet = m_aDocument.GetChangeViewSettings();
                                            if ( pChangeViewSet && pChangeViewSet->ShowChanges() )
                                                pChangeViewSet->SetShowChanges( false );
                                                pChangeViewSet->SetShowAccepted( false );
                                                m_aDocument.SetChangeViewSettings( *pChangeViewSet );
                                                bChangedViewSettings = true;
                                            uno::Reference< frame::XStorable > xStor( GetModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                                            // TODO/LATER: More entries from the MediaDescriptor might be interesting for the merge
                                            uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aValues(1);
                                            aValues[0].Name = "FilterName";
                                            aValues[0].Value <<= GetMedium()->GetFilter()->GetFilterName();
                                            const SfxStringItem* pPasswordItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem<SfxStringItem>(GetMedium()->GetItemSet(), SID_PASSWORD, false);
                                            if ( pPasswordItem && !pPasswordItem->GetValue().isEmpty() )
                                                aValues.realloc( 2 );
                                                aValues[1].Name = "Password";
                                                aValues[1].Value <<= pPasswordItem->GetValue();
                                            SC_MOD()->SetInSharedDocSaving( true );
                                            xStor->storeToURL( GetSharedFileURL(), aValues );
                                            SC_MOD()->SetInSharedDocSaving( false );
                                            if ( bChangedViewSettings )
                                                pChangeViewSet->SetShowChanges( true );
                                                pChangeViewSet->SetShowAccepted( true );
                                                m_aDocument.SetChangeViewSettings( *pChangeViewSet );
                                        bSuccess = true;
                                    xCloseable->close( true );
                                    if ( bEntriesNotAccessible )
                                        // TODO/LATER: in future an error regarding impossibility to write to share control file could be shown
                                        ErrorHandler::HandleError( ERRCODE_IO_GENERAL );
                                        vcl::Window* pWin = GetActiveDialogParent();
                                        std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xWarn(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr,
                                                                                   VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::Ok,
                                        SfxBindings* pBindings = GetViewBindings();
                                        if ( pBindings )
                                            pBindings->ExecuteSynchron( SID_SAVEASDOC );
                            catch ( uno::Exception& )
                                OSL_FAIL( "SfxEventHintId::SaveDoc: caught exception" );
                                SC_MOD()->SetInSharedDocSaving( false );
                                    uno::Reference< util::XCloseable > xClose( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
                                    xClose->close( true );
                                catch ( uno::Exception& )
                        if ( !bSuccess )
                            SetError(ERRCODE_IO_ABORT); // this error code will produce no error message, but will break the further saving process
                    if (m_pSheetSaveData)
            case SfxEventHintId::SaveAsDoc:
                    if ( GetDocument().GetExternalRefManager()->containsUnsavedReferences() )
                        vcl::Window* pWin = GetActiveDialogParent();
                        std::unique_ptr<weld::MessageDialog> xWarn(Application::CreateMessageDialog(pWin ? pWin->GetFrameWeld() : nullptr,
                                                                   VclMessageType::Warning, VclButtonsType::YesNo,
                        if (RET_NO == xWarn->run())
                            SetError(ERRCODE_IO_ABORT); // this error code will produce no error message, but will break the further saving process
            case SfxEventHintId::SaveToDoc:
                // #i108978# If no event is sent before saving, there will also be no "...DONE" event,
                // and SAVE/SAVEAS can't be distinguished from SAVETO. So stream copying is only enabled
                // if there is a SAVE/SAVEAS/SAVETO event first.
                if (m_pSheetSaveData)
            case SfxEventHintId::SaveDocDone:
            case SfxEventHintId::SaveAsDocDone:
                    // new positions are used after "save" and "save as", but not "save to"
                    UseSheetSaveEntries();      // use positions from saved file for next saving
            case SfxEventHintId::SaveToDocDone:
                // only reset the flag, don't use the new positions
                if (m_pSheetSaveData)
    else if (rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::TitleChanged) // Without parameter
        m_aDocument.SetName( SfxShell::GetName() );
        //  RegisterNewTargetNames doesn't exist any longer
        SfxGetpApp()->Broadcast(SfxHint( SfxHintId::ScDocNameChanged )); // Navigator
    else if (rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Deinitializing)
        uno::Reference<script::vba::XVBACompatibility> xVBACompat(GetBasicContainer(), uno::UNO_QUERY);
        if (m_xVBAListener.is() && xVBACompat.is())
        if (m_aDocument.IsClipboardSource())
            // Notes copied to the clipboard have a raw SdrCaptionObj pointer
            // copied from this document, forget it as it references this
            // document's drawing layer pages and what not, which otherwise when
            // pasting to another document after this document was destructed would
            // attempt to access non-existing data. Preserve the text data though.
            ScDocument* pClipDoc = GetClipDoc();
            if (pClipDoc)
    if ( const SfxEventHint* pSfxEventHint = dynamic_cast<const SfxEventHint*>(&rHint) )
        switch( pSfxEventHint->GetEventId() )
           case SfxEventHintId::CreateDoc:
                    uno::Any aWorkbook;
                    aWorkbook <<= mxAutomationWorkbookObject;
                    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs(1);
                    aArgs[0] = aWorkbook;
                    SC_MOD()->CallAutomationApplicationEventSinks( "NewWorkbook", aArgs );
            case SfxEventHintId::OpenDoc:
                    uno::Any aWorkbook;
                    aWorkbook <<= mxAutomationWorkbookObject;
                    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs(1);
                    aArgs[0] = aWorkbook;
                    SC_MOD()->CallAutomationApplicationEventSinks( "WorkbookOpen", aArgs );
// Load contents for organizer
bool ScDocShell::LoadFrom( SfxMedium& rMedium )
    LoadMediumGuard aLoadGuard(&m_aDocument);
    ScRefreshTimerProtector aProt( m_aDocument.GetRefreshTimerControlAddress() );
    WaitObject aWait( GetActiveDialogParent() );
    bool bRet = false;
    if (GetMedium())
        const SfxUInt16Item* pUpdateDocItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem<SfxUInt16Item>(rMedium.GetItemSet(), SID_UPDATEDOCMODE, false);
        m_nCanUpdate = pUpdateDocItem ? pUpdateDocItem->GetValue() : css::document::UpdateDocMode::NO_UPDATE;
    //  until loading/saving only the styles in XML is implemented,
    //  load the whole file
    bRet = LoadXML( &rMedium, nullptr );
    SfxObjectShell::LoadFrom( rMedium );
    return bRet;
static void lcl_parseHtmlFilterOption(const OUString& rOption, LanguageType& rLang, bool& rDateConvert)
    OUStringBuffer aBuf;
    std::vector< OUString > aTokens;
    sal_Int32 n = rOption.getLength();
    const sal_Unicode* p = rOption.getStr();
    for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        const sal_Unicode c = p[i];
        if (c == ' ')
            if (!aBuf.isEmpty())
                aTokens.push_back( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() );
    if (!aBuf.isEmpty())
        aTokens.push_back( aBuf.makeStringAndClear() );
    rLang = LanguageType( 0 );
    rDateConvert = false;
    if (aTokens.size() > 0)
        rLang = static_cast<LanguageType>(aTokens[0].toInt32());
    if (aTokens.size() > 1)
        rDateConvert = static_cast<bool>(aTokens[1].toInt32());
bool ScDocShell::ConvertFrom( SfxMedium& rMedium )
    LoadMediumGuard aLoadGuard(&m_aDocument);
    bool bRet = false; // sal_False means user quit!
                           // On error: Set error at stream
    ScRefreshTimerProtector aProt( m_aDocument.GetRefreshTimerControlAddress() );
    // Set optimal col width after import?
    bool bSetColWidths = false;
    bool bSetSimpleTextColWidths = false;
    std::map<SCCOL, ScColWidthParam> aColWidthParam;
    ScRange aColWidthRange;
    // Set optimal row height after import?
    bool bSetRowHeights = false;
    vector<ScDocRowHeightUpdater::TabRanges> aRecalcRowRangesArray;
    //  All filters need the complete file in one piece (not asynchronously)
    //  So make sure that we transfer the whole file with CreateFileStream
    rMedium.GetPhysicalName();  //! Call CreateFileStream directly, if available
    const SfxUInt16Item* pUpdateDocItem = SfxItemSet::GetItem<SfxUInt16Item>(rMedium.GetItemSet(), SID_UPDATEDOCMODE, false);
    m_nCanUpdate = pUpdateDocItem ? pUpdateDocItem->GetValue() : css::document::UpdateDocMode::NO_UPDATE;
    std::shared_ptr<const SfxFilter> pFilter = rMedium.GetFilter();
    if (pFilter)
        OUString aFltName = pFilter->GetFilterName();
        bool bCalc3 = aFltName == "StarCalc 3.0";
        bool bCalc4 = aFltName == "StarCalc 4.0";
        if (!bCalc3 && !bCalc4)
            m_aDocument.SetInsertingFromOtherDoc( true );
        if (aFltName == pFilterXML)
            bRet = LoadXML( &rMedium, nullptr );
        else if (aFltName == pFilterLotus)
            OUString sItStr;
            SfxItemSet*  pSet = rMedium.GetItemSet();
            const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
            if ( pSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                 pSet->GetItemState( SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem ) )
                sItStr = static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
            if (sItStr.isEmpty())
                //  default for lotus import (from API without options):
                //  IBM_437 encoding
                sItStr = ScGlobal::GetCharsetString( RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_437 );
            ErrCode eError = ScFormatFilter::Get().ScImportLotus123( rMedium, &m_aDocument,
            if (eError != ERRCODE_NONE)
                if (!GetError())
                if( eError.IsWarning() )
                    bRet = true;
                bRet = true;
            bSetColWidths = true;
            bSetRowHeights = true;
        else if ( aFltName == pFilterExcel4 || aFltName == pFilterExcel5 ||
                   aFltName == pFilterExcel95 || aFltName == pFilterExcel97 ||
                   aFltName == pFilterEx4Temp || aFltName == pFilterEx5Temp ||
                   aFltName == pFilterEx95Temp || aFltName == pFilterEx97Temp )
            EXCIMPFORMAT eFormat = EIF_AUTO;
            if ( aFltName == pFilterExcel4 || aFltName == pFilterEx4Temp )
                eFormat = EIF_BIFF_LE4;
            else if ( aFltName == pFilterExcel5 || aFltName == pFilterExcel95 ||
                      aFltName == pFilterEx5Temp || aFltName == pFilterEx95Temp )
                eFormat = EIF_BIFF5;
            else if ( aFltName == pFilterExcel97 || aFltName == pFilterEx97Temp )
                eFormat = EIF_BIFF8;
            MakeDrawLayer(); //! In the filter
            CalcOutputFactor(); // prepare update of row height
            ErrCode eError = ScFormatFilter::Get().ScImportExcel( rMedium, &m_aDocument, eFormat );
            if ( m_aDocument.IsChartListenerCollectionNeedsUpdate() )
                m_aDocument.UpdateChartListenerCollection(); //! For all imports?
            // all graphics objects must have names
            if (eError == SCWARN_IMPORT_RANGE_OVERFLOW)
                if (!GetError())
                bRet = true;
            else if (eError != ERRCODE_NONE)
                if (!GetError())
                bRet = true;
        else if (aFltName == "Gnumeric Spreadsheet")
            ScOrcusFilters* pOrcus = ScFormatFilter::Get().GetOrcusFilters();
            if (!pOrcus)
                return false;
            bRet = pOrcus->importGnumeric(m_aDocument, rMedium);
        else if (aFltName == "MS Excel 2003 XML Orcus")
            ScOrcusFilters* pOrcus = ScFormatFilter::Get().GetOrcusFilters();
            if (!pOrcus)
                return false;
            bRet = pOrcus->importExcel2003XML(m_aDocument, rMedium);
        else if (aFltName == pFilterAscii)
            SfxItemSet*  pSet = rMedium.GetItemSet();
            const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
            ScAsciiOptions aOptions;
            bool bOptInit = false;
            if ( pSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                 pSet->GetItemState( SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem ) )
                aOptions.ReadFromString( static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue() );
                bOptInit = true;
            if ( !bOptInit )
                //  default for ascii import (from API without options):
                //  ISO8859-1/MS_1252 encoding, comma, double quotes
                aOptions.SetCharSet( RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
                aOptions.SetFieldSeps( OUString(',') );
                aOptions.SetTextSep( '"' );
            ErrCode eError = ERRCODE_NONE;
            bool bOverflowRow, bOverflowCol, bOverflowCell;
            bOverflowRow = bOverflowCol = bOverflowCell = false;
            if( ! rMedium.IsStorage() )
                ScImportExport  aImpEx( &m_aDocument );
                aImpEx.SetExtOptions( aOptions );
                SvStream* pInStream = rMedium.GetInStream();
                if (pInStream)
                    pInStream->SetStreamCharSet( aOptions.GetCharSet() );
                    pInStream->Seek( 0 );
                    bRet = aImpEx.ImportStream( *pInStream, rMedium.GetBaseURL(), SotClipboardFormatId::STRING );
                    eError = bRet ? ERRCODE_NONE : SCERR_IMPORT_CONNECT;
                    sc::SetFormulaDirtyContext aCxt;
                    // The same resulting name has to be handled in
                    // ScExternalRefCache::initializeDoc() and related, hence
                    // pass 'true' for RenameTab()'s bExternalDocument for a
                    // composed name so ValidTabName() will not be checked,
                    // which could veto the rename in case it contained
                    // characters that Excel does not handle. If we wanted to
                    // change that then it needed to be handled in all
                    // corresponding places of the external references
                    // manager/cache. Likely then we'd also need a method to
                    // compose a name excluding such characters.
                    m_aDocument.RenameTab( 0, INetURLObject( rMedium.GetName()).GetBase(), true/*bExternalDocument*/);
                    bOverflowRow = aImpEx.IsOverflowRow();
                    bOverflowCol = aImpEx.IsOverflowCol();
                    bOverflowCell = aImpEx.IsOverflowCell();
                    OSL_FAIL( "No Stream" );
            if (eError != ERRCODE_NONE)
                if (!GetError())
            else if (!GetError() && (bOverflowRow || bOverflowCol || bOverflowCell))
                // precedence: row, column, cell
                ErrCode nWarn = (bOverflowRow ? SCWARN_IMPORT_ROW_OVERFLOW :
                        (bOverflowCol ? SCWARN_IMPORT_COLUMN_OVERFLOW :
            bSetColWidths = true;
            bSetSimpleTextColWidths = true;
        else if (aFltName == pFilterDBase)
            OUString sItStr;
            SfxItemSet*  pSet = rMedium.GetItemSet();
            const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
            if ( pSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                 pSet->GetItemState( SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem ) )
                sItStr = static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
            if (sItStr.isEmpty())
                //  default for dBase import (from API without options):
                //  IBM_850 encoding
                sItStr = ScGlobal::GetCharsetString( RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850 );
            ScDocRowHeightUpdater::TabRanges aRecalcRanges(0);
            ErrCode eError = DBaseImport( rMedium.GetPhysicalName(),
                    ScGlobal::GetCharsetValue(sItStr), aColWidthParam, *aRecalcRanges.mpRanges );
            if (eError != ERRCODE_NONE)
                if (!GetError())
                bRet = ( eError == SCWARN_IMPORT_RANGE_OVERFLOW );
                bRet = true;
            aColWidthRange.aStart.SetRow( 1 );  // Except for the column header
            bSetColWidths = true;
            bSetSimpleTextColWidths = true;
        else if (aFltName == pFilterDif)
            SvStream* pStream = rMedium.GetInStream();
            if (pStream)
                ErrCode eError;
                OUString sItStr;
                SfxItemSet*  pSet = rMedium.GetItemSet();
                const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
                if ( pSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                     pSet->GetItemState( SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem ) )
                    sItStr = static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
                if (sItStr.isEmpty())
                    //  default for DIF import (from API without options):
                    //  ISO8859-1/MS_1252 encoding
                    sItStr = ScGlobal::GetCharsetString( RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
                eError = ScFormatFilter::Get().ScImportDif( *pStream, &m_aDocument, ScAddress(0,0,0),
                if (eError != ERRCODE_NONE)
                    if (!GetError())
                    if( eError.IsWarning() )
                        bRet = true;
                    bRet = true;
            bSetColWidths = true;
            bSetSimpleTextColWidths = true;
            bSetRowHeights = true;
        else if (aFltName == pFilterSylk)
            ErrCode eError = SCERR_IMPORT_UNKNOWN;
            bool bOverflowRow, bOverflowCol, bOverflowCell;
            bOverflowRow = bOverflowCol = bOverflowCell = false;
            if( !rMedium.IsStorage() )
                ScImportExport aImpEx( &m_aDocument );
                SvStream* pInStream = rMedium.GetInStream();
                if (pInStream)
                    pInStream->Seek( 0 );
                    bRet = aImpEx.ImportStream( *pInStream, rMedium.GetBaseURL(), SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK );
                    eError = bRet ? ERRCODE_NONE : SCERR_IMPORT_UNKNOWN;
                    sc::SetFormulaDirtyContext aCxt;
                    bOverflowRow = aImpEx.IsOverflowRow();
                    bOverflowCol = aImpEx.IsOverflowCol();
                    bOverflowCell = aImpEx.IsOverflowCell();
                    OSL_FAIL( "No Stream" );
            if ( eError != ERRCODE_NONE && !GetError() )
            else if (!GetError() && (bOverflowRow || bOverflowCol || bOverflowCell))
                // precedence: row, column, cell
                ErrCode nWarn = (bOverflowRow ? SCWARN_IMPORT_ROW_OVERFLOW :
                        (bOverflowCol ? SCWARN_IMPORT_COLUMN_OVERFLOW :
            bSetColWidths = true;
            bSetSimpleTextColWidths = true;
            bSetRowHeights = true;
        else if (aFltName == pFilterQPro6)
            ErrCode eError = ScFormatFilter::Get().ScImportQuattroPro(rMedium.GetInStream(), &m_aDocument);
            if (eError != ERRCODE_NONE)
                if (!GetError())
                if( eError.IsWarning() )
                    bRet = true;
                bRet = true;
            // TODO: Filter should set column widths. Not doing it here, it may
            // result in very narrow or wide columns, depending on content.
            // Setting row heights makes cells with font size attribution or
            // wrapping enabled look nicer..
            bSetRowHeights = true;
        else if (aFltName == pFilterRtf)
            ErrCode eError = SCERR_IMPORT_UNKNOWN;
            if( !rMedium.IsStorage() )
                SvStream* pInStream = rMedium.GetInStream();
                if (pInStream)
                    pInStream->Seek( 0 );
                    ScRange aRange;
                    eError = ScFormatFilter::Get().ScImportRTF( *pInStream, rMedium.GetBaseURL(), &m_aDocument, aRange );
                    if (eError != ERRCODE_NONE)
                        if (!GetError())
                        if( eError.IsWarning() )
                            bRet = true;
                        bRet = true;
                    sc::SetFormulaDirtyContext aCxt;
                    bSetColWidths = true;
                    bSetRowHeights = true;
                    OSL_FAIL( "No Stream" );
            if ( eError != ERRCODE_NONE && !GetError() )
        else if (aFltName == pFilterHtml || aFltName == pFilterHtmlWebQ)
            ErrCode eError = SCERR_IMPORT_UNKNOWN;
            bool bWebQuery = aFltName == pFilterHtmlWebQ;
            if( !rMedium.IsStorage() )
                SvStream* pInStream = rMedium.GetInStream();
                if (pInStream)
                    LanguageType eLang = LANGUAGE_SYSTEM;
                    bool bDateConvert = false;
                    SfxItemSet*  pSet = rMedium.GetItemSet();
                    const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
                    if ( pSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                         pSet->GetItemState( SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem ) )
                        OUString aFilterOption = static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
                        lcl_parseHtmlFilterOption(aFilterOption, eLang, bDateConvert);
                    pInStream->Seek( 0 );
                    ScRange aRange;
                    // HTML does its own ColWidth/RowHeight
                    SvNumberFormatter aNumFormatter( comphelper::getProcessComponentContext(), eLang);
                    eError = ScFormatFilter::Get().ScImportHTML( *pInStream, rMedium.GetBaseURL(), &m_aDocument, aRange,
                                            GetOutputFactor(), !bWebQuery, &aNumFormatter, bDateConvert );
                    if (eError != ERRCODE_NONE)
                        if (!GetError())
                        if( eError.IsWarning() )
                            bRet = true;
                        bRet = true;
                    sc::SetFormulaDirtyContext aCxt;
                    OSL_FAIL( "No Stream" );
            if ( eError != ERRCODE_NONE && !GetError() )
            if (!GetError())
                SAL_WARN("sc.filter", "No match for filter '" << aFltName << "' in ConvertFrom");
        if (!bCalc3)
            m_aDocument.SetInsertingFromOtherDoc( false );
        OSL_FAIL("No Filter in ConvertFrom");
    if ( bRet && (bSetColWidths || bSetRowHeights) )
    {   // Adjust column width/row height; base 100% zoom
        Fraction aZoom( 1, 1 );
        double nPPTX = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTX * static_cast<double>(aZoom) / GetOutputFactor(); // Factor is printer display ratio
        double nPPTY = ScGlobal::nScreenPPTY * static_cast<double>(aZoom);
        ScopedVclPtrInstance< VirtualDevice > pVirtDev;
        //  all sheets (for Excel import)
        SCTAB nTabCount = m_aDocument.GetTableCount();
        for (SCTAB nTab=0; nTab<nTabCount; nTab++)
            SCCOL nEndCol;
            SCROW nEndRow;
            m_aDocument.GetCellArea( nTab, nEndCol, nEndRow );
            aColWidthRange.aEnd.SetCol( nEndCol );
            aColWidthRange.aEnd.SetRow( nEndRow );
            ScMarkData aMark;
            aMark.SetMarkArea( aColWidthRange );
            // Order is important: First width, then height
            if ( bSetColWidths )
                for ( SCCOL nCol=0; nCol <= nEndCol; nCol++ )
                    if (!bSetSimpleTextColWidths)
                        aColWidthParam[nCol].mbSimpleText = false;
                    sal_uInt16 nWidth = m_aDocument.GetOptimalColWidth(
                        nCol, nTab, pVirtDev, nPPTX, nPPTY, aZoom, aZoom, false, &aMark,
                        &aColWidthParam[nCol] );
                    m_aDocument.SetColWidth( nCol, nTab,
                        nWidth + static_cast<sal_uInt16>(ScGlobal::nLastColWidthExtra) );
        if (bSetRowHeights)
            // Update all rows in all tables.
            ScSizeDeviceProvider aProv(this);
            ScDocRowHeightUpdater aUpdater(m_aDocument, aProv.GetDevice(), aProv.GetPPTX(), aProv.GetPPTY(), nullptr);
        else if (!aRecalcRowRangesArray.empty())
            // Update only specified row ranges for better performance.
            ScSizeDeviceProvider aProv(this);
            ScDocRowHeightUpdater aUpdater(m_aDocument, aProv.GetDevice(), aProv.GetPPTX(), aProv.GetPPTY(), &aRecalcRowRangesArray);
    // invalidate eventually temporary table areas
    if ( bRet )
    m_bIsEmpty = false;
    return bRet;
bool ScDocShell::LoadExternal( SfxMedium& rMed )
    std::shared_ptr<const SfxFilter> pFilter = rMed.GetFilter();
    if (!pFilter)
        return false;
    if (pFilter->GetProviderName() == "orcus")
        ScOrcusFilters* pOrcus = ScFormatFilter::Get().GetOrcusFilters();
        if (!pOrcus)
            return false;
        const OUString& rFilterName = pFilter->GetName();
        if (rFilterName == "gnumeric")
            if (!pOrcus->importGnumeric(m_aDocument, rMed))
                return false;
        else if (rFilterName == "csv")
            if (!pOrcus->importCSV(m_aDocument, rMed))
                return false;
        else if (rFilterName == "xlsx")
            if (!pOrcus->importXLSX(m_aDocument, rMed))
                return false;
        else if (rFilterName == "ods")
            if (!pOrcus->importODS(m_aDocument, rMed))
                return false;
        return true;
    return false;
ScDocShell::PrepareSaveGuard::PrepareSaveGuard( ScDocShell& rDocShell )
    : mrDocShell( rDocShell)
    // DoEnterHandler not here (because of AutoSave), is in ExecuteSave.
    ScChartListenerCollection* pCharts = mrDocShell.m_aDocument.GetChartListenerCollection();
    if (pCharts)
        pCharts->UpdateDirtyCharts();                           // Charts to be updated.
    if (mrDocShell.m_pAutoStyleList)
        mrDocShell.m_pAutoStyleList->ExecuteAllNow();             // Execute template timeouts now.
    if (mrDocShell.m_aDocument.HasExternalRefManager())
        ScExternalRefManager* pRefMgr = mrDocShell.m_aDocument.GetExternalRefManager();
        if (pRefMgr && pRefMgr->hasExternalData())
            pRefMgr->setAllCacheTableReferencedStati( false);
            mrDocShell.m_aDocument.MarkUsedExternalReferences();  // Mark tables of external references to be written.
    if (mrDocShell.GetCreateMode()== SfxObjectCreateMode::STANDARD)
        mrDocShell.SfxObjectShell::SetVisArea( tools::Rectangle() );   // "Normally" worked on => no VisArea.
    if (mrDocShell.m_aDocument.HasExternalRefManager())
        ScExternalRefManager* pRefMgr = mrDocShell.m_aDocument.GetExternalRefManager();
        if (pRefMgr && pRefMgr->hasExternalData())
            // Prevent accidental data loss due to lack of knowledge.
            pRefMgr->setAllCacheTableReferencedStati( true);
bool ScDocShell::Save()
    ScRefreshTimerProtector aProt( m_aDocument.GetRefreshTimerControlAddress() );
    PrepareSaveGuard aPrepareGuard( *this);
    SfxViewFrame* pFrame1 = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( this );
    if (pFrame1)
        vcl::Window* pWindow = &pFrame1->GetWindow();
        if ( pWindow )
            vcl::Window* pSysWin = pWindow->GetSystemWindow();
            if ( pSysWin )
    //  wait cursor is handled with progress bar
    bool bRet = SfxObjectShell::Save();
    if( bRet )
        bRet = SaveXML( GetMedium(), nullptr );
    return bRet;
namespace {
 * Remove the file name from the full path, to keep only the directory path.
void popFileName(OUString& rPath)
    if (!rPath.isEmpty())
        INetURLObject aURLObj(rPath);
        rPath = aURLObj.GetMainURL(INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::NONE);
bool ScDocShell::SaveAs( SfxMedium& rMedium )
    OUString aCurPath; // empty for new document that hasn't been saved.
    const SfxMedium* pCurMedium = GetMedium();
    if (pCurMedium)
        aCurPath = pCurMedium->GetName();
    if (!aCurPath.isEmpty())
        // current document has a path -> not a brand-new document.
        OUString aNewPath = rMedium.GetName();
        OUString aRel = URIHelper::simpleNormalizedMakeRelative(aCurPath, aNewPath);
        if (!aRel.isEmpty())
            // Directory path will change before and after the save.
    ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = GetBestViewShell();
    bool bNeedsRehash = ScPassHashHelper::needsPassHashRegen(m_aDocument, PASSHASH_SHA1);
    if (bNeedsRehash)
        // legacy xls hash double-hashed by SHA1 is also supported.
        bNeedsRehash = ScPassHashHelper::needsPassHashRegen(m_aDocument, PASSHASH_XL, PASSHASH_SHA1);
    if (bNeedsRehash)
    {   // SHA256 explicitly supported in ODF 1.2, implicitly in ODF 1.1
        bNeedsRehash = ScPassHashHelper::needsPassHashRegen(m_aDocument, PASSHASH_SHA256);
    if (pViewShell && bNeedsRehash)
        if (!pViewShell->ExecuteRetypePassDlg(PASSHASH_SHA1))
            // password re-type cancelled.  Don't save the document.
            return false;
    ScRefreshTimerProtector aProt( m_aDocument.GetRefreshTimerControlAddress() );
    PrepareSaveGuard aPrepareGuard( *this);
    OUString aFltName = rMedium.GetFilter()->GetFilterName();
    bool bChartExport = aFltName.indexOf("chart8") != -1;
    //  wait cursor is handled with progress bar
    bool bRet = false;
        bRet = SfxObjectShell::SaveAs( rMedium );
        if (bRet)
            bRet = SaveXML( &rMedium, nullptr );
        bRet = SaveCurrentChart( rMedium );
    return bRet;
namespace {
// Xcl-like column width measured in characters of standard font.
sal_Int32 lcl_ScDocShell_GetColWidthInChars( sal_uInt16 nWidth )
    double f = nWidth;
    f *= 1328.0 / 25.0;
    f += 90.0;
    f *= 1.0 / 23.0;
    f /= 256.0;
    return sal_Int32( f );
void lcl_ScDocShell_GetFixedWidthString( OUString& rStr, const ScDocument& rDoc,
        SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol, bool bValue, SvxCellHorJustify eHorJust )
    OUString aString = rStr;
    sal_Int32 nLen = lcl_ScDocShell_GetColWidthInChars(
            rDoc.GetColWidth( nCol, nTab ) );
    //If the text won't fit in the column
    if ( nLen < aString.getLength() )
        OUStringBuffer aReplacement;
        if (bValue)
        //truncate to the number of characters that should fit, even in the
        //bValue case nLen might be < len ###
        aString = comphelper::string::truncateToLength(aReplacement, nLen).makeStringAndClear();
    if ( nLen > aString.getLength() )
        if ( bValue && eHorJust == SvxCellHorJustify::Standard )
            eHorJust = SvxCellHorJustify::Right;
        sal_Int32 nBlanks = nLen - aString.getLength();
        switch ( eHorJust )
            case SvxCellHorJustify::Right:
                OUStringBuffer aTmp;
                aTmp = comphelper::string::padToLength( aTmp, nBlanks, ' ' );
                aString = aTmp.append(aString).makeStringAndClear();
            case SvxCellHorJustify::Center:
                sal_Int32 nLeftPad = nBlanks / 2;
                OUStringBuffer aTmp;
                comphelper::string::padToLength( aTmp, nLeftPad, ' ' );
                comphelper::string::padToLength( aTmp, nLen, ' ' );
                aString = aTmp.makeStringAndClear();
                OUStringBuffer aTmp(aString);
                comphelper::string::padToLength( aTmp, nLen, ' ' );
                aString = aTmp.makeStringAndClear();
    rStr = aString;
void lcl_ScDocShell_WriteEmptyFixedWidthString( SvStream& rStream,
        const ScDocument& rDoc, SCTAB nTab, SCCOL nCol )
    OUString aString;
    lcl_ScDocShell_GetFixedWidthString( aString, rDoc, nTab, nCol, false,
            SvxCellHorJustify::Standard );
    rStream.WriteUnicodeOrByteText( aString );
template<typename StrT, typename SepCharT>
sal_Int32 getTextSepPos(
    const StrT& rStr, const ScImportOptions& rAsciiOpt, const SepCharT& rTextSep, const SepCharT& rFieldSep, bool& rNeedQuotes)
    // #i116636# quotes are needed if text delimiter (quote), field delimiter,
    // or LF or CR is in the cell text.
    sal_Int32 nPos = rStr.indexOf(rTextSep);
    rNeedQuotes = rAsciiOpt.bQuoteAllText || (nPos >= 0) ||
        (rStr.indexOf(rFieldSep) >= 0) ||
        (rStr.indexOf('\n') >= 0) ||
        (rStr.indexOf('\r') >= 0);
    return nPos;
template<typename StrT, typename StrBufT>
void escapeTextSep(sal_Int32 nPos, const StrT& rStrDelim, StrT& rStr)
    while (nPos >= 0)
        StrBufT aBuf(rStr);
        aBuf.insert(nPos, rStrDelim);
        rStr = aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
        nPos = rStr.indexOf(rStrDelim, nPos+1+rStrDelim.getLength());
void ScDocShell::AsciiSave( SvStream& rStream, const ScImportOptions& rAsciiOpt )
    sal_Unicode cDelim    = rAsciiOpt.nFieldSepCode;
    sal_Unicode cStrDelim = rAsciiOpt.nTextSepCode;
    rtl_TextEncoding eCharSet      = rAsciiOpt.eCharSet;
    bool bFixedWidth      = rAsciiOpt.bFixedWidth;
    bool bSaveAsShown     = rAsciiOpt.bSaveAsShown;
    bool bShowFormulas    = rAsciiOpt.bSaveFormulas;
    rtl_TextEncoding eOldCharSet = rStream.GetStreamCharSet();
    rStream.SetStreamCharSet( eCharSet );
    SvStreamEndian nOldNumberFormatInt = rStream.GetEndian();
    OString aStrDelimEncoded;    // only used if not Unicode
    OUString aStrDelimDecoded;     // only used if context encoding
    OString aDelimEncoded;
    OUString aDelimDecoded;
    bool bContextOrNotAsciiEncoding;
        bContextOrNotAsciiEncoding = false;
        aStrDelimEncoded = OString(&cStrDelim, 1, eCharSet);
        aDelimEncoded = OString(&cDelim, 1, eCharSet);
        rtl_TextEncodingInfo aInfo;
        aInfo.StructSize = sizeof(aInfo);
        if ( rtl_getTextEncodingInfo( eCharSet, &aInfo ) )
            bContextOrNotAsciiEncoding =
                (((aInfo.Flags & RTL_TEXTENCODING_INFO_CONTEXT) != 0) ||
                 ((aInfo.Flags & RTL_TEXTENCODING_INFO_ASCII) == 0));
            if ( bContextOrNotAsciiEncoding )
                aStrDelimDecoded = OStringToOUString(aStrDelimEncoded, eCharSet);
                aDelimDecoded = OStringToOUString(aDelimEncoded, eCharSet);
            bContextOrNotAsciiEncoding = false;
    SCCOL nStartCol = 0;
    SCROW nStartRow = 0;
    SCTAB nTab = GetSaveTab();
    SCCOL nEndCol;
    SCROW nEndRow;
    m_aDocument.GetCellArea( nTab, nEndCol, nEndRow );
    ScProgress aProgress( this, ScResId( STR_SAVE_DOC ), nEndRow, true );
    OUString aString;
    bool bTabProtect = m_aDocument.IsTabProtected( nTab );
    SCCOL nCol;
    SCROW nRow;
    SCCOL nNextCol = nStartCol;
    SCROW nNextRow = nStartRow;
    SCCOL nEmptyCol;
    SCROW nEmptyRow;
    SvNumberFormatter& rFormatter = *m_aDocument.GetFormatTable();
    ScHorizontalCellIterator aIter( &m_aDocument, nTab, nStartCol, nStartRow,
        nEndCol, nEndRow );
    ScRefCellValue* pCell;
    while ( ( pCell = aIter.GetNext( nCol, nRow ) ) != nullptr )
        bool bProgress = false;     // only upon line change
        if ( nNextRow < nRow )
        {   // empty rows or/and empty columns up to end of row
            bProgress = true;
            for ( nEmptyCol = nNextCol; nEmptyCol < nEndCol; nEmptyCol++ )
            {   // remaining columns of last row
                if ( bFixedWidth )
                    lcl_ScDocShell_WriteEmptyFixedWidthString( rStream,
                            m_aDocument, nTab, nEmptyCol );
                else if ( cDelim != 0 )
                    rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cDelim );
            endlub( rStream );
            for ( nEmptyRow = nNextRow; nEmptyRow < nRow; nEmptyRow++ )
            {   // completely empty rows
                for ( nEmptyCol = nStartCol; nEmptyCol < nEndCol; nEmptyCol++ )
                    if ( bFixedWidth )
                        lcl_ScDocShell_WriteEmptyFixedWidthString( rStream,
                                m_aDocument, nTab, nEmptyCol );
                    else if ( cDelim != 0 )
                        rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cDelim );
                endlub( rStream );
            for ( nEmptyCol = nStartCol; nEmptyCol < nCol; nEmptyCol++ )
            {   // empty columns at beginning of row
                if ( bFixedWidth )
                    lcl_ScDocShell_WriteEmptyFixedWidthString( rStream,
                            m_aDocument, nTab, nEmptyCol );
                else if ( cDelim != 0 )
                    rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cDelim );
            nNextRow = nRow;
        else if ( nNextCol < nCol )
        {   // empty columns in same row
            for ( nEmptyCol = nNextCol; nEmptyCol < nCol; nEmptyCol++ )
            {   // columns in between
                if ( bFixedWidth )
                    lcl_ScDocShell_WriteEmptyFixedWidthString( rStream,
                            m_aDocument, nTab, nEmptyCol );
                else if ( cDelim != 0 )
                    rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cDelim );
        if ( nCol == nEndCol )
            bProgress = true;
            nNextCol = nStartCol;
            nNextRow = nRow + 1;
            nNextCol = nCol + 1;
        CellType eType = pCell->meType;
        ScAddress aPos(nCol, nRow, nTab);
        if ( bTabProtect )
            const ScProtectionAttr* pProtAttr =
                m_aDocument.GetAttr( nCol, nRow, nTab, ATTR_PROTECTION );
            if ( pProtAttr->GetHideCell() ||
                    ( eType == CELLTYPE_FORMULA && bShowFormulas &&
                      pProtAttr->GetHideFormula() ) )
                eType = CELLTYPE_NONE;  // hide
        bool bString;
        switch ( eType )
            case CELLTYPE_NONE:
                bString = false;
            case CELLTYPE_FORMULA :
                    FormulaError nErrCode;
                    if ( bShowFormulas )
                        bString = true;
                    else if ((nErrCode = pCell->mpFormula->GetErrCode()) != FormulaError::NONE)
                        aString = ScGlobal::GetErrorString( nErrCode );
                        bString = true;
                    else if (pCell->mpFormula->IsValue())
                        sal_uInt32 nFormat = m_aDocument.GetNumberFormat(aPos);
                        if ( bFixedWidth || bSaveAsShown )
                            Color* pDummy;
                            ScCellFormat::GetString(*pCell, nFormat, aString, &pDummy, rFormatter, &m_aDocument);
                            bString = bSaveAsShown && rFormatter.IsTextFormat( nFormat);
                            ScCellFormat::GetInputString(*pCell, nFormat, aString, rFormatter, &m_aDocument);
                            bString = false;
                        if ( bSaveAsShown )
                            sal_uInt32 nFormat = m_aDocument.GetNumberFormat(aPos);
                            Color* pDummy;
                            ScCellFormat::GetString(*pCell, nFormat, aString, &pDummy, rFormatter, &m_aDocument);
                            aString = pCell->mpFormula->GetString().getString();
                        bString = true;
            case CELLTYPE_STRING :
                if ( bSaveAsShown )
                    sal_uInt32 nFormat = m_aDocument.GetNumberFormat(aPos);
                    Color* pDummy;
                    ScCellFormat::GetString(*pCell, nFormat, aString, &pDummy, rFormatter, &m_aDocument);
                    aString = pCell->mpString->getString();
                bString = true;
            case CELLTYPE_EDIT :
                    const EditTextObject* pObj = pCell->mpEditText;
                    EditEngine& rEngine = m_aDocument.GetEditEngine();
                    rEngine.SetText( *pObj);
                    aString = rEngine.GetText();  // including LF
                    bString = true;
            case CELLTYPE_VALUE :
                    sal_uInt32 nFormat;
                    m_aDocument.GetNumberFormat( nCol, nRow, nTab, nFormat );
                    if ( bFixedWidth || bSaveAsShown )
                        Color* pDummy;
                        ScCellFormat::GetString(*pCell, nFormat, aString, &pDummy, rFormatter, &m_aDocument);
                        bString = bSaveAsShown && rFormatter.IsTextFormat( nFormat);
                        ScCellFormat::GetInputString(*pCell, nFormat, aString, rFormatter, &m_aDocument);
                        bString = false;
                OSL_FAIL( "ScDocShell::AsciiSave: unknown CellType" );
                bString = false;
        if ( bFixedWidth )
            SvxCellHorJustify eHorJust =
                m_aDocument.GetAttr( nCol, nRow, nTab, ATTR_HOR_JUSTIFY )->GetValue();
            lcl_ScDocShell_GetFixedWidthString( aString, m_aDocument, nTab, nCol,
                    !bString, eHorJust );
            rStream.WriteUnicodeOrByteText( aString );
            OUString aUniString = aString;// TODO: remove that later
            if (!bString && cStrDelim != 0 && !aUniString.isEmpty())
                sal_Unicode c = aUniString[0];
                bString = (c == cStrDelim || c == ' ' ||
                        aUniString.endsWith(" ") ||
                        aUniString.indexOf(cStrDelim) >= 0);
                if (!bString && cDelim != 0)
                    bString = (aUniString.indexOf(cDelim) >= 0);
            if ( bString )
                if ( cStrDelim != 0 ) //@ BugId 55355
                    if ( eCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_UNICODE )
                        bool bNeedQuotes = false;
                        sal_Int32 nPos = getTextSepPos(
                            aUniString, rAsciiOpt, cStrDelim, cDelim, bNeedQuotes);
                        escapeTextSep<OUString, OUStringBuffer>(
                            nPos, OUString(cStrDelim), aUniString);
                        if ( bNeedQuotes )
                            rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cStrDelim, eCharSet );
                        write_uInt16s_FromOUString(rStream, aUniString);
                        if ( bNeedQuotes )
                            rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cStrDelim, eCharSet );
                        // This is nasty. The Unicode to byte encoding
                        // may convert typographical quotation marks to ASCII
                        // quotation marks, which may interfere with the delimiter,
                        // so we have to escape delimiters after the string has
                        // been encoded. Since this may happen also with UTF-8
                        // encoded typographical quotation marks if such was
                        // specified as a delimiter we have to check for the full
                        // encoded delimiter string, not just one character.
                        // Now for RTL_TEXTENCODING_ISO_2022_... and similar brain
                        // dead encodings where one code point (and especially a
                        // low ASCII value) may represent different characters, we
                        // have to convert forth and back and forth again. Same for
                        // UTF-7 since it is a context sensitive encoding too.
                        if ( bContextOrNotAsciiEncoding )
                            // to byte encoding
                            OString aStrEnc = OUStringToOString(aUniString, eCharSet);
                            // back to Unicode
                            OUString aStrDec = OStringToOUString(aStrEnc, eCharSet);
                            // search on re-decoded string
                            bool bNeedQuotes = false;
                            sal_Int32 nPos = getTextSepPos(
                                aStrDec, rAsciiOpt, aStrDelimDecoded, aDelimDecoded, bNeedQuotes);
                            escapeTextSep<OUString, OUStringBuffer>(
                                nPos, aStrDelimDecoded, aStrDec);
                            // write byte re-encoded
                            if ( bNeedQuotes )
                                rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cStrDelim, eCharSet );
                            rStream.WriteUnicodeOrByteText( aStrDec, eCharSet );
                            if ( bNeedQuotes )
                                rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cStrDelim, eCharSet );
                            OString aStrEnc = OUStringToOString(aUniString, eCharSet);
                            // search on encoded string
                            bool bNeedQuotes = false;
                            sal_Int32 nPos = getTextSepPos(
                                aStrEnc, rAsciiOpt, aStrDelimEncoded, aDelimEncoded, bNeedQuotes);
                            escapeTextSep<OString, OStringBuffer>(
                                nPos, aStrDelimEncoded, aStrEnc);
                            // write byte encoded
                            if ( bNeedQuotes )
                                    aStrDelimEncoded.getStr(), aStrDelimEncoded.getLength());
                            rStream.WriteBytes(aStrEnc.getStr(), aStrEnc.getLength());
                            if ( bNeedQuotes )
                                    aStrDelimEncoded.getStr(), aStrDelimEncoded.getLength());
                    rStream.WriteUnicodeOrByteText( aUniString );
                rStream.WriteUnicodeOrByteText( aUniString );
        if( nCol < nEndCol )
            if(cDelim!=0) //@ BugId 55355
                rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cDelim );
            endlub( rStream );
        if ( bProgress )
            aProgress.SetStateOnPercent( nRow );
    // write out empty if requested
    if ( nNextRow <= nEndRow )
        for ( nEmptyCol = nNextCol; nEmptyCol < nEndCol; nEmptyCol++ )
        {   // remaining empty columns of last row
            if ( bFixedWidth )
                lcl_ScDocShell_WriteEmptyFixedWidthString( rStream,
                        m_aDocument, nTab, nEmptyCol );
            else if ( cDelim != 0 )
                rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cDelim );
        endlub( rStream );
    for ( nEmptyRow = nNextRow; nEmptyRow <= nEndRow; nEmptyRow++ )
    {   // entire empty rows
        for ( nEmptyCol = nStartCol; nEmptyCol < nEndCol; nEmptyCol++ )
            if ( bFixedWidth )
                lcl_ScDocShell_WriteEmptyFixedWidthString( rStream,
                        m_aDocument, nTab, nEmptyCol );
            else if ( cDelim != 0 )
                rStream.WriteUniOrByteChar( cDelim );
        endlub( rStream );
    rStream.SetStreamCharSet( eOldCharSet );
    rStream.SetEndian( nOldNumberFormatInt );
bool ScDocShell::ConvertTo( SfxMedium &rMed )
    ScRefreshTimerProtector aProt( m_aDocument.GetRefreshTimerControlAddress() );
    //  #i6500# don't call DoEnterHandler here (doesn't work with AutoSave),
    //  it's already in ExecuteSave (as for Save and SaveAs)
    if (m_pAutoStyleList)
        m_pAutoStyleList->ExecuteAllNow(); // Execute template timeouts now
    if (GetCreateMode()== SfxObjectCreateMode::STANDARD)
        SfxObjectShell::SetVisArea( tools::Rectangle() ); // Edited normally -> no VisArea
    OSL_ENSURE( rMed.GetFilter(), "Filter == 0" );
    bool bRet = false;
    OUString aFltName = rMed.GetFilter()->GetFilterName();
    if (aFltName == pFilterXML)
        //TODO/LATER: this shouldn't happen!
        OSL_FAIL("XML filter in ConvertFrom?!");
        bRet = SaveXML( &rMed, nullptr );
    else if (aFltName == pFilterExcel5 || aFltName == pFilterExcel95 ||
             aFltName == pFilterExcel97 || aFltName == pFilterEx5Temp ||
             aFltName == pFilterEx95Temp || aFltName == pFilterEx97Temp)
        WaitObject aWait( GetActiveDialogParent() );
        bool bDoSave = true;
        if( ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = GetBestViewShell() )
            ScExtDocOptions* pExtDocOpt = m_aDocument.GetExtDocOptions();
            if( !pExtDocOpt )
                m_aDocument.SetExtDocOptions( o3tl::make_unique<ScExtDocOptions>() );
                pExtDocOpt = m_aDocument.GetExtDocOptions();
            pViewShell->GetViewData().WriteExtOptions( *pExtDocOpt );
            /*  #i104990# If the imported document contains a medium
                password, determine if we can save it, otherwise ask the users
                whether they want to save without it. */
            if( (rMed.GetFilter()->GetFilterFlags() & SfxFilterFlags::ENCRYPTION) == SfxFilterFlags::NONE )
                SfxItemSet* pItemSet = rMed.GetItemSet();
                const SfxPoolItem* pItem = nullptr;
                if( pItemSet && pItemSet->GetItemState( SID_PASSWORD, true, &pItem ) == SfxItemState::SET )
                    bDoSave = ScWarnPassword::WarningOnPassword( rMed );
                    // #i42858# remove password from medium (warn only one time)
                    if( bDoSave )
                        pItemSet->ClearItem( SID_PASSWORD );
            if( bDoSave )
                bool bNeedRetypePassDlg = ScPassHashHelper::needsPassHashRegen( m_aDocument, PASSHASH_XL );
                bDoSave = !bNeedRetypePassDlg || pViewShell->ExecuteRetypePassDlg( PASSHASH_XL );
        if( bDoSave )
            ExportFormatExcel eFormat = ExpBiff5;
            if( aFltName == pFilterExcel97 || aFltName == pFilterEx97Temp )
                eFormat = ExpBiff8;
            ErrCode eError = ScFormatFilter::Get().ScExportExcel5( rMed, &m_aDocument, eFormat, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
            if( eError && !GetError() )
            // don't return false for warnings
            bRet = eError.IsWarning() || (eError == ERRCODE_NONE);
            // export aborted, i.e. "Save without password" warning
    else if (aFltName == pFilterAscii)
        SvStream* pStream = rMed.GetOutStream();
        if (pStream)
            OUString sItStr;
            SfxItemSet*  pSet = rMed.GetItemSet();
            const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
            if ( pSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                 pSet->GetItemState( SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem ) )
                sItStr = static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
            if ( sItStr.isEmpty() )
                //  default for ascii export (from API without options):
                //  ISO8859-1/MS_1252 encoding, comma, double quotes
                ScImportOptions aDefOptions( ',', '"', RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
                sItStr = aDefOptions.BuildString();
            WaitObject aWait( GetActiveDialogParent() );
            ScImportOptions aOptions( sItStr );
            AsciiSave( *pStream, aOptions );
            bRet = true;
            if (m_aDocument.GetTableCount() > 1)
                if (!rMed.GetError())
    else if (aFltName == pFilterDBase)
        OUString sCharSet;
        SfxItemSet* pSet = rMed.GetItemSet();
        const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
        if ( pSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
             pSet->GetItemState( SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem ) )
            sCharSet = static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
        if (sCharSet.isEmpty())
            //  default for dBase export (from API without options):
            //  IBM_850 encoding
            sCharSet = ScGlobal::GetCharsetString( RTL_TEXTENCODING_IBM_850 );
        WaitObject aWait( GetActiveDialogParent() );
        // FIXME:  Hack so that the Sba opened TempFile can be overwritten
        bool bHasMemo = false;
        ErrCode eError = DBaseExport(
            rMed.GetPhysicalName(), ScGlobal::GetCharsetValue(sCharSet), bHasMemo);
        if ( eError != ERRCODE_NONE && eError.IsWarning() )
            eError = ERRCODE_NONE;
        INetURLObject aTmpFile( rMed.GetPhysicalName(), INetProtocol::File );
        if ( bHasMemo )
        if ( eError != ERRCODE_NONE )
            if (!GetError())
            if ( bHasMemo && IsDocument( aTmpFile ) )
                KillFile( aTmpFile );
            bRet = true;
            if ( bHasMemo )
                const SfxStringItem* pNameItem = rMed.GetItemSet()->GetItem<SfxStringItem>( SID_FILE_NAME );
                INetURLObject aDbtFile( pNameItem->GetValue(), INetProtocol::File );
                // tdf#40713: don't lose dbt file
                // if aDbtFile corresponds exactly to aTmpFile, we just have to return
                if (aDbtFile.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::Unambiguous ) == aTmpFile.GetMainURL( INetURLObject::DecodeMechanism::Unambiguous ))
                    return bRet;
                if ( IsDocument( aDbtFile ) && !KillFile( aDbtFile ) )
                    bRet = false;
                if ( bRet && !MoveFile( aTmpFile, aDbtFile ) )
                    bRet = false;
                if ( !bRet )
                    KillFile( aTmpFile );
                    if ( !GetError() )
    else if (aFltName == pFilterDif)
        SvStream* pStream = rMed.GetOutStream();
        if (pStream)
            OUString sItStr;
            SfxItemSet*  pSet = rMed.GetItemSet();
            const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
            if ( pSet && SfxItemState::SET ==
                 pSet->GetItemState( SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem ) )
                sItStr = static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
            if (sItStr.isEmpty())
                //  default for DIF export (from API without options):
                //  ISO8859-1/MS_1252 encoding
                sItStr = ScGlobal::GetCharsetString( RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
            WaitObject aWait( GetActiveDialogParent() );
            ScFormatFilter::Get().ScExportDif( *pStream, &m_aDocument, ScAddress(0,0,0),
                ScGlobal::GetCharsetValue(sItStr) );
            bRet = true;
            if (m_aDocument.GetTableCount() > 1)
                if (!rMed.GetError())
    else if (aFltName == pFilterSylk)
        SvStream* pStream = rMed.GetOutStream();
        if ( pStream )
            WaitObject aWait( GetActiveDialogParent() );
            SCCOL nEndCol;
            SCROW nEndRow;
            m_aDocument.GetCellArea( 0, nEndCol, nEndRow );
            ScRange aRange( 0,0,0, nEndCol,nEndRow,0 );
            ScImportExport aImExport( &m_aDocument, aRange );
            aImExport.SetFormulas( true );
            bRet = aImExport.ExportStream( *pStream, rMed.GetBaseURL( true ), SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK );
    else if (aFltName == pFilterHtml)
        SvStream* pStream = rMed.GetOutStream();
        if ( pStream )
            SfxItemSet* pSet = rMed.GetItemSet();
            const SfxPoolItem* pItem;
            OUString sFilterOptions;
            if (pSet->GetItemState(SID_FILE_FILTEROPTIONS, true, &pItem) == SfxItemState::SET)
                sFilterOptions = static_cast<const SfxStringItem*>(pItem)->GetValue();
            WaitObject aWait(GetActiveDialogParent());
            ScImportExport aImExport(&m_aDocument);
            bRet = aImExport.ExportStream(*pStream, rMed.GetBaseURL(true), SotClipboardFormatId::HTML);
            if (bRet && !aImExport.GetNonConvertibleChars().isEmpty())
                SetError(*new StringErrorInfo(
                    DialogMask::ButtonsOk | DialogMask::MessageInfo));
        if (GetError())
    return bRet;
bool ScDocShell::DoSaveCompleted( SfxMedium * pNewStor, bool bRegisterRecent )
    bool bRet = SfxObjectShell::DoSaveCompleted( pNewStor, bRegisterRecent );
    //  SfxHintId::ScDocSaved for change ReadOnly -> Read/Write
    Broadcast( SfxHint( SfxHintId::ScDocSaved ) );
    return bRet;
bool ScDocShell::QuerySlotExecutable( sal_uInt16 nSlotId )
    // #i112634# ask VBA event handlers whether to save or print the document
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::script::vba;
    sal_Int32 nVbaEventId = VBAEventId::NO_EVENT;
    uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs;
    switch( nSlotId )
        case SID_SAVEDOC:
        case SID_SAVEASDOC:
            nVbaEventId = VBAEventId::WORKBOOK_BEFORESAVE;
            aArgs.realloc( 1 );
            aArgs[ 0 ] <<= (nSlotId == SID_SAVEASDOC);
        case SID_PRINTDOC:
            nVbaEventId = VBAEventId::WORKBOOK_BEFOREPRINT;
    bool bSlotExecutable = true;
    if( nVbaEventId != VBAEventId::NO_EVENT ) try
        uno::Reference< XVBAEventProcessor > xEventProcessor( m_aDocument.GetVbaEventProcessor(), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW );
        xEventProcessor->processVbaEvent( nVbaEventId, aArgs );
    catch( util::VetoException& )
        bSlotExecutable = false;
    catch( uno::Exception& )
    return bSlotExecutable;
bool ScDocShell::PrepareClose( bool bUI )
        SfxViewFrame* pFrame = SfxViewFrame::GetFirst( this );
        if( pFrame )
            SfxViewShell* p = pFrame->GetViewShell();
            ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = dynamic_cast< ScTabViewShell *>( p );
                vcl::Window *pWin=pViewSh->GetWindow();
                if(pWin!=nullptr) pWin->GrabFocus();
        return false;
    if ( m_aDocument.IsInLinkUpdate() || m_aDocument.IsInInterpreter() )
        return false;
    // start 'Workbook_BeforeClose' VBA event handler for possible veto
    if( !IsInPrepareClose() )
            uno::Reference< script::vba::XVBAEventProcessor > xVbaEvents( m_aDocument.GetVbaEventProcessor(), uno::UNO_SET_THROW );
            uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aArgs;
            xVbaEvents->processVbaEvent( script::vba::VBAEventId::WORKBOOK_BEFORECLOSE, aArgs );
        catch( util::VetoException& )
            // if event processor throws VetoException, macro has vetoed close
            return false;
        catch( uno::Exception& )
    // end handler code
    bool bRet = SfxObjectShell::PrepareClose( bUI );
    if (bRet) // true == close
        m_aDocument.EnableIdle(false); // Do not mess around with it anymore!
    return bRet;
void ScDocShell::PrepareReload()
    SfxObjectShell::PrepareReload(); // FIXME: Doesn't do a thing?
    //  The Disconnect of DDE Links can trigger a Reschedule.
    //  If the DDE Links are not deleted before the Document dtor,
    //  the DDE Link Update for this Document can be triggered from this Reschedule on Reload.
    //  This causes a hang.
    //  Thus: Disconnect the DDE Links of the old Document before Reload
OUString ScDocShell::GetOwnFilterName()
    return OUString(pFilterSc50);
OUString ScDocShell::GetHtmlFilterName()
    return OUString(pFilterHtml);
OUString ScDocShell::GetWebQueryFilterName()
    return OUString(pFilterHtmlWebQ);
OUString ScDocShell::GetAsciiFilterName()
    return OUString(pFilterAscii);
OUString ScDocShell::GetLotusFilterName()
    return OUString(pFilterLotus);
OUString ScDocShell::GetDBaseFilterName()
    return OUString(pFilterDBase);
OUString ScDocShell::GetDifFilterName()
    return OUString(pFilterDif);
bool ScDocShell::HasAutomaticTableName( const OUString& rFilter )
    //  sal_True for those filters that keep the default table name
    //  (which is language specific)
    return rFilter == pFilterAscii
        || rFilter == pFilterLotus
        || rFilter == pFilterExcel4
        || rFilter == pFilterEx4Temp
        || rFilter == pFilterDBase
        || rFilter == pFilterDif
        || rFilter == pFilterSylk
        || rFilter == pFilterHtml
        || rFilter == pFilterRtf;
std::unique_ptr<ScDocFunc> ScDocShell::CreateDocFunc()
    return o3tl::make_unique<ScDocFuncDirect>( *this );
ScDocument* ScDocShell::GetClipDoc()
    vcl::Window* pWin = nullptr;
    if (ScTabViewShell* pViewShell = GetBestViewShell())
        pWin = pViewShell->GetViewData().GetActiveWin();
    const ScTransferObj* pObj = ScTransferObj::GetOwnClipboard(ScTabViewShell::GetClipData(pWin));
    if (pObj)
        ScDocument* pDoc = pObj->GetDocument();
        assert((!pDoc || pDoc->IsClipboard()) && "Document is not clipboard, how can that be?");
        return pDoc;
    return nullptr;
ScDocShell::ScDocShell( const ScDocShell& rShell ) :
    SfxObjectShell( rShell.GetCreateMode() ),
    m_aDocument       ( SCDOCMODE_DOCUMENT, this ),
    m_nPrtToScreenFactor( 1.0 ),
    m_pImpl           ( new DocShell_Impl ),
    m_bHeaderOn       ( true ),
    m_bFooterOn       ( true ),
    m_bIsEmpty        ( true ),
    m_bIsInUndo       ( false ),
    m_bDocumentModifiedPending( false ),
    m_bUpdateEnabled  ( true ),
    m_nDocumentLock   ( 0 ),
    m_nCanUpdate (css::document::UpdateDocMode::ACCORDING_TO_CONFIG)
    SetPool( &SC_MOD()->GetPool() );
    m_bIsInplace = rShell.m_bIsInplace;
    m_pDocFunc = CreateDocFunc();
    //  SetBaseModel needs exception handling
    ScModelObj::CreateAndSet( this );
    SfxStyleSheetPool* pStlPool = m_aDocument.GetStyleSheetPool();
    if (pStlPool)
    GetPageOnFromPageStyleSet( nullptr, 0, m_bHeaderOn, m_bFooterOn );
    // InitItems and CalcOutputFactor are called now in Load/ConvertFrom/InitNew
ScDocShell::ScDocShell( const SfxModelFlags i_nSfxCreationFlags ) :
    SfxObjectShell( i_nSfxCreationFlags ),
    m_aDocument       ( SCDOCMODE_DOCUMENT, this ),
    m_nPrtToScreenFactor( 1.0 ),
    m_pImpl           ( new DocShell_Impl ),
    m_bHeaderOn       ( true ),
    m_bFooterOn       ( true ),
    m_bIsEmpty        ( true ),
    m_bIsInUndo       ( false ),
    m_bDocumentModifiedPending( false ),
    m_bUpdateEnabled  ( true ),
    m_bUcalcTest     ( false ),
    m_nDocumentLock   ( 0 ),
    m_nCanUpdate (css::document::UpdateDocMode::ACCORDING_TO_CONFIG)
    SetPool( &SC_MOD()->GetPool() );
    m_bIsInplace = (GetCreateMode() == SfxObjectCreateMode::EMBEDDED);
    //  Will be reset if not in place
    m_pDocFunc = CreateDocFunc();
    //  SetBaseModel needs exception handling
    ScModelObj::CreateAndSet( this );
    SfxStyleSheetPool* pStlPool = m_aDocument.GetStyleSheetPool();
    if (pStlPool)
        LINK( this, ScDocShell, RefreshDBDataHdl ) );
    // InitItems and CalcOutputFactor are called now in Load/ConvertFrom/InitNew
    ResetDrawObjectShell(); // If the Drawing Layer still tries to access it, access it
    SfxStyleSheetPool* pStlPool = m_aDocument.GetStyleSheetPool();
    if (pStlPool)
    SfxApplication *pSfxApp = SfxGetpApp();
    if ( pSfxApp->GetDdeService() ) // Delete DDE for Document
        pSfxApp->RemoveDdeTopic( this );
    delete m_aDocument.mpUndoManager;
    m_aDocument.mpUndoManager = nullptr;
    if (m_pModificator)
        OSL_FAIL("The Modificator should not exist");
SfxUndoManager* ScDocShell::GetUndoManager()
    return m_aDocument.GetUndoManager();
void ScDocShell::SetModified( bool bModified )
    if ( SfxObjectShell::IsEnableSetModified() )
        SfxObjectShell::SetModified( bModified );
        Broadcast( SfxHint( SfxHintId::DocChanged ) );
void ScDocShell::SetDocumentModified()
    //  BroadcastUno must also happen right away with pPaintLockData
    //  FIXME: Also for SetDrawModified, if Drawing is connected
    //  FIXME: Then own Hint?
    if ( m_pPaintLockData )
        // #i115009# broadcast BCA_BRDCST_ALWAYS, so a component can read recalculated results
        // of RecalcModeAlways formulas (like OFFSET) after modifying cells
        m_aDocument.Broadcast(ScHint(SfxHintId::ScDataChanged, BCA_BRDCST_ALWAYS));
        m_aDocument.InvalidateTableArea();    // #i105279# needed here
        m_aDocument.BroadcastUno( SfxHint( SfxHintId::DataChanged ) );
        m_pPaintLockData->SetModified(); // Later on ...
    if ( m_aDocument.IsAutoCalcShellDisabled() )
        SetDocumentModifiedPending( true );
        SetDocumentModifiedPending( false );
        m_aDocument.Broadcast(ScHint(SfxHintId::ScDataChanged, BCA_BRDCST_ALWAYS));
        if ( m_aDocument.IsForcedFormulaPending() && m_aDocument.GetAutoCalc() )
            m_aDocument.CalcFormulaTree( true );
        //  Detective AutoUpdate:
        //  Update if formulas were modified (DetectiveDirty) or the list contains
        //  "Trace Error" entries (Trace Error can look completely different
        //  after changes to non-formula cells).
        ScDetOpList* pList = m_aDocument.GetDetOpList();
        if ( pList && ( m_aDocument.IsDetectiveDirty() || pList->HasAddError() ) &&
             pList->Count() && !IsInUndo() && SC_MOD()->GetAppOptions().GetDetectiveAuto() )
            GetDocFunc().DetectiveRefresh(true);    // sal_True = caused by automatic update
        m_aDocument.SetDetectiveDirty(false);         // always reset, also if not refreshed
    // notify UNO objects after BCA_BRDCST_ALWAYS etc.
    m_aDocument.BroadcastUno( SfxHint( SfxHintId::DataChanged ) );
 * SetDrawModified - without Formula update
 * Drawing also needs to be updated for the normal SetDocumentModified
 * e.g.: when deleting tables etc.
void ScDocShell::SetDrawModified()
    bool bUpdate = !IsModified();
    SfxBindings* pBindings = GetViewBindings();
    if (bUpdate)
        if (pBindings)
            pBindings->Invalidate( SID_SAVEDOC );
            pBindings->Invalidate( SID_DOC_MODIFIED );
    if (pBindings)
        // #i105960# Undo etc used to be volatile.
        // They always have to be invalidated, including drawing layer or row height changes
        // (but not while pPaintLockData is set).
        pBindings->Invalidate( SID_UNDO );
        pBindings->Invalidate( SID_REDO );
        pBindings->Invalidate( SID_REPEAT );
    if ( m_aDocument.IsChartListenerCollectionNeedsUpdate() )
        SfxGetpApp()->Broadcast(SfxHint( SfxHintId::ScDrawChanged ));    // Navigator
void ScDocShell::SetInUndo(bool bSet)
    m_bIsInUndo = bSet;
void ScDocShell::GetDocStat( ScDocStat& rDocStat )
    SfxPrinter* pPrinter = GetPrinter();
    m_aDocument.GetDocStat( rDocStat );
    rDocStat.nPageCount = 0;
    if ( pPrinter )
        for ( SCTAB i=0; i<rDocStat.nTableCount; i++ )
            rDocStat.nPageCount = sal::static_int_cast<sal_uInt16>( rDocStat.nPageCount +
                static_cast<sal_uInt16>(ScPrintFunc( this, pPrinter, i ).GetTotalPages()) );
VclPtr<SfxDocumentInfoDialog> ScDocShell::CreateDocumentInfoDialog( const SfxItemSet &rSet )
    VclPtr<SfxDocumentInfoDialog> pDlg   = VclPtr<SfxDocumentInfoDialog>::Create( nullptr, rSet );
    ScDocShell*            pDocSh = dynamic_cast< ScDocShell *>( SfxObjectShell::Current() );
    // Only for statistics, if this Doc is shown; not from the Doc Manager
    if( pDocSh == this )
        ScAbstractDialogFactory* pFact = ScAbstractDialogFactory::Create();
        ::CreateTabPage ScDocStatPageCreate = pFact->GetTabPageCreatorFunc(SID_SC_TP_STAT);
        OSL_ENSURE(ScDocStatPageCreate, "Tabpage create fail!");
        pDlg->AddTabPage( 42,
            ScResId( STR_DOC_STAT ),
    return pDlg;
vcl::Window* ScDocShell::GetActiveDialogParent()
    ScTabViewShell* pViewSh = ScTabViewShell::GetActiveViewShell();
    if ( pViewSh )
        return pViewSh->GetDialogParent();
        return Application::GetDefDialogParent();
void ScDocShell::SetSolverSaveData( std::unique_ptr<ScOptSolverSave> pData )
    m_pSolverSaveData = std::move(pData);
ScSheetSaveData* ScDocShell::GetSheetSaveData()
    if (!m_pSheetSaveData)
        m_pSheetSaveData.reset( new ScSheetSaveData );
    return m_pSheetSaveData.get();
ScFormatSaveData* ScDocShell::GetFormatSaveData()
    if (!m_pFormatSaveData)
        m_pFormatSaveData.reset( new ScFormatSaveData );
    return m_pFormatSaveData.get();
namespace {
void removeKeysIfExists(const Reference<ui::XAcceleratorConfiguration>& xScAccel, const vector<const awt::KeyEvent*>& rKeys)
    vector<const awt::KeyEvent*>::const_iterator itr = rKeys.begin(), itrEnd = rKeys.end();
    for (; itr != itrEnd; ++itr)
        const awt::KeyEvent* p = *itr;
        if (!p)
        catch (const container::NoSuchElementException&) {}
void ScDocShell::ResetKeyBindings( ScOptionsUtil::KeyBindingType eType )
    using namespace ::com::sun::star::ui;
    Reference<uno::XComponentContext> xContext = ::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext();
    if (!xContext.is())
    Reference<XModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier> xModuleCfgSupplier(
        theModuleUIConfigurationManagerSupplier::get(xContext) );
    // Grab the Calc configuration.
    Reference<XUIConfigurationManager> xConfigMgr =
    if (!xConfigMgr.is())
    // shortcut manager
    Reference<XAcceleratorConfiguration> xScAccel = xConfigMgr->getShortCutManager();
    if (!xScAccel.is())
    vector<const awt::KeyEvent*> aKeys;
    // Backspace key
    awt::KeyEvent aBackspace;
    aBackspace.KeyCode = awt::Key::BACKSPACE;
    aBackspace.Modifiers = 0;
    // Delete key
    awt::KeyEvent aDelete;
    aDelete.KeyCode = awt::Key::DELETE;
    aDelete.Modifiers = 0;
    // Ctrl-D
    awt::KeyEvent aCtrlD;
    aCtrlD.KeyCode = awt::Key::D;
    aCtrlD.Modifiers = awt::KeyModifier::MOD1;
    // Alt-Down
    awt::KeyEvent aAltDown;
    aAltDown.KeyCode = awt::Key::DOWN;
    aAltDown.Modifiers = awt::KeyModifier::MOD2;
    // Ctrl-Space
    awt::KeyEvent aCtrlSpace;
    aCtrlSpace.KeyCode = awt::Key::SPACE;
    aCtrlSpace.Modifiers = awt::KeyModifier::MOD1;
    // Ctrl-Shift-Space
    awt::KeyEvent aCtrlShiftSpace;
    aCtrlShiftSpace.KeyCode = awt::Key::SPACE;
    aCtrlShiftSpace.Modifiers = awt::KeyModifier::MOD1 | awt::KeyModifier::SHIFT;
    // F4
    awt::KeyEvent aF4;
    aF4.KeyCode = awt::Key::F4;
    aF4.Modifiers = 0;
    // CTRL+SHIFT+F4
    awt::KeyEvent aCtrlShiftF4;
    aCtrlShiftF4.KeyCode = awt::Key::F4;
    aCtrlShiftF4.Modifiers = awt::KeyModifier::MOD1 | awt::KeyModifier::SHIFT;
    // SHIFT+F4
    awt::KeyEvent aShiftF4;
    aShiftF4.KeyCode = awt::Key::F4;
    aShiftF4.Modifiers = awt::KeyModifier::SHIFT;
    // Remove all involved keys first, because swapping commands don't work
    // well without doing this.
    removeKeysIfExists(xScAccel, aKeys);
    switch (eType)
        case ScOptionsUtil::KEY_DEFAULT:
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aDelete, ".uno:ClearContents");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aBackspace, ".uno:Delete");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aCtrlD, ".uno:FillDown");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aAltDown, ".uno:DataSelect");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aCtrlSpace, ".uno:SelectColumn");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aCtrlShiftSpace, ".uno:SelectAll");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aF4, ".uno:ToggleRelative");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aCtrlShiftF4, ".uno:ViewDataSourceBrowser");
        case ScOptionsUtil::KEY_OOO_LEGACY:
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aDelete, ".uno:Delete");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aBackspace, ".uno:ClearContents");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aCtrlD, ".uno:DataSelect");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aCtrlShiftSpace, ".uno:SelectColumn");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aF4, ".uno:ViewDataSourceBrowser");
            xScAccel->setKeyEvent(aShiftF4, ".uno:ToggleRelative");
void ScDocShell::UseSheetSaveEntries()
    if (m_pSheetSaveData)
        m_pSheetSaveData->UseSaveEntries();   // use positions from saved file for next saving
        bool bHasEntries = false;
        SCTAB nTabCount = m_aDocument.GetTableCount();
        SCTAB nTab;
        for (nTab = 0; nTab < nTabCount; ++nTab)
            if (m_pSheetSaveData->HasStreamPos(nTab))
                bHasEntries = true;
        if (!bHasEntries)
            // if no positions were set (for example, export to other format),
            // reset all "valid" flags
            for (nTab = 0; nTab < nTabCount; ++nTab)
                m_aDocument.SetStreamValid(nTab, false);
// --- ScDocShellModificator ------------------------------------------
ScDocShellModificator::ScDocShellModificator( ScDocShell& rDS )
        rDocShell( rDS ),
        mpProtector(new ScRefreshTimerProtector(rDS.GetDocument().GetRefreshTimerControlAddress()))
    ScDocument& rDoc = rDocShell.GetDocument();
    bAutoCalcShellDisabled = rDoc.IsAutoCalcShellDisabled();
    bIdleEnabled = rDoc.IsIdleEnabled();
    rDoc.SetAutoCalcShellDisabled( true );
ScDocShellModificator::~ScDocShellModificator() COVERITY_NOEXCEPT_FALSE
    ScDocument& rDoc = rDocShell.GetDocument();
    rDoc.SetAutoCalcShellDisabled( bAutoCalcShellDisabled );
    if ( !bAutoCalcShellDisabled && rDocShell.IsDocumentModifiedPending() )
        rDocShell.SetDocumentModified();    // last one shuts off the lights
void ScDocShellModificator::SetDocumentModified()
    ScDocument& rDoc = rDocShell.GetDocument();
    if ( !rDoc.IsImportingXML() )
        // temporarily restore AutoCalcShellDisabled
        bool bDisabled = rDoc.IsAutoCalcShellDisabled();
        rDoc.SetAutoCalcShellDisabled( bAutoCalcShellDisabled );
        rDoc.SetAutoCalcShellDisabled( bDisabled );
        // uno broadcast is necessary for api to work
        // -> must also be done during xml import
        rDoc.BroadcastUno( SfxHint( SfxHintId::DataChanged ) );
bool ScDocShell::IsChangeRecording() const
    ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = m_aDocument.GetChangeTrack();
    return pChangeTrack != nullptr;
bool ScDocShell::HasChangeRecordProtection() const
    bool bRes = false;
    ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = m_aDocument.GetChangeTrack();
    if (pChangeTrack)
        bRes = pChangeTrack->IsProtected();
    return bRes;
void ScDocShell::SetChangeRecording( bool bActivate )
    bool bOldChangeRecording = IsChangeRecording();
    if (bActivate)
        ScChangeViewSettings aChangeViewSet;
    if (bOldChangeRecording != IsChangeRecording())
        // invalidate slots
        SfxBindings* pBindings = GetViewBindings();
        if (pBindings)
void ScDocShell::SetProtectionPassword( const OUString &rNewPassword )
    ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = m_aDocument.GetChangeTrack();
    if (pChangeTrack)
        bool bProtected = pChangeTrack->IsProtected();
        if (!rNewPassword.isEmpty())
            // when password protection is applied change tracking must always be active
            SetChangeRecording( true );
            css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aProtectionHash;
            SvPasswordHelper::GetHashPassword( aProtectionHash, rNewPassword );
            pChangeTrack->SetProtection( aProtectionHash );
            pChangeTrack->SetProtection( css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >() );
        if ( bProtected != pChangeTrack->IsProtected() )
bool ScDocShell::GetProtectionHash( /*out*/ css::uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > &rPasswordHash )
    bool bRes = false;
    ScChangeTrack* pChangeTrack = m_aDocument.GetChangeTrack();
    if (pChangeTrack && pChangeTrack->IsProtected())
        rPasswordHash = pChangeTrack->GetProtection();
        bRes = true;
    return bRes;
void ScDocShell::SetIsInUcalc()
    m_bUcalcTest = true;
void ScDocShell::RegisterAutomationWorkbookObject(css::uno::Reference< ooo::vba::excel::XWorkbook > const& xWorkbook)
    mxAutomationWorkbookObject = xWorkbook;
extern "C" SAL_DLLPUBLIC_EXPORT bool TestImportSLK(SvStream &rStream)
    ScDocument aDocument;
    ScDocOptions aDocOpt = aDocument.GetDocOptions();
    ScImportExport aImpEx(&aDocument);
    return aImpEx.ImportStream(rStream, OUString(), SotClipboardFormatId::SYLK);
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V547 Expression '!bChecked' is always false.

V547 Expression 'pWindow' is always true.