/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
 * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
 *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
 *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
 *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
 *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
 *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <editeng/memberids.h>
#include <editeng/langitem.hxx>
#include <svl/hint.hxx>
#include <svl/itemprop.hxx>
#include <svx/unomid.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <i18nlangtag/languagetag.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyAttribute.hpp>
#include <scitems.hxx>
#include <defltuno.hxx>
#include <miscuno.hxx>
#include <docsh.hxx>
#include <docpool.hxx>
#include <unonames.hxx>
#include <docoptio.hxx>
#include <limits>
class SvxFontItem;
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry* lcl_GetDocDefaultsMap()
    static const SfxItemPropertyMapEntry aDocDefaultsMap_Impl[] =
        {OUString(SC_UNONAME_CFCHARS),  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CJK_CFCHARS),  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CTL_CFCHARS),  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_CHAR_SET },
        {OUString(SC_UNONAME_CFFAMIL),  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CJK_CFFAMIL),  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CTL_CFFAMIL),  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_FAMILY },
        {OUString(SC_UNONAME_CFNAME),   ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),    0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CJK_CFNAME),   ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),    0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CTL_CFNAME),   ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),    0, MID_FONT_FAMILY_NAME },
        {OUString(SC_UNONAME_CFPITCH),  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CJK_CFPITCH),  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CTL_CFPITCH),  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, MID_FONT_PITCH },
        {OUString(SC_UNONAME_CFSTYLE),  ATTR_FONT,          cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),    0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CJK_CFSTYLE),  ATTR_CJK_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),    0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CTL_CFSTYLE),  ATTR_CTL_FONT,      cppu::UnoType<OUString>::get(),    0, MID_FONT_STYLE_NAME },
        {OUString(SC_UNONAME_CLOCAL),   ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(),     0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CJK_CLOCAL),   ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(), 0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_CTL_CLOCAL),   ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE, cppu::UnoType<lang::Locale>::get(), 0, MID_LANG_LOCALE },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_STANDARDDEC),              0,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int16>::get(),        0, 0 },
        {OUString(SC_UNO_TABSTOPDIS),               0,      cppu::UnoType<sal_Int32>::get(),        0, 0 },
        { OUString(), 0, css::uno::Type(), 0, 0 }
    return aDocDefaultsMap_Impl;
using sc::HMMToTwips;
using sc::TwipsToEvenHMM;
SC_SIMPLE_SERVICE_INFO( ScDocDefaultsObj, "ScDocDefaultsObj", "com.sun.star.sheet.Defaults" )
ScDocDefaultsObj::ScDocDefaultsObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh) :
    pDocShell( pDocSh ),
    SolarMutexGuard g;
    if (pDocShell)
void ScDocDefaultsObj::Notify( SfxBroadcaster&, const SfxHint& rHint )
    if ( rHint.GetId() == SfxHintId::Dying )
        pDocShell = nullptr;       // document gone
void ScDocDefaultsObj::ItemsChanged()
    if (pDocShell)
        //! if not in XML import, adjust row heights
        pDocShell->PostPaint(ScRange(0, 0, 0, MAXCOL, MAXROW, MAXTAB), PaintPartFlags::Grid);
// XPropertySet
uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertySetInfo()
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    static uno::Reference<beans::XPropertySetInfo> aRef = new SfxItemPropertySetInfo(
                                                                        aPropertyMap );
    return aRef;
void SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::setPropertyValue(
                        const OUString& aPropertyName, const uno::Any& aValue )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
        if(aPropertyName ==SC_UNO_STANDARDDEC)
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            ScDocOptions aDocOpt(rDoc.GetDocOptions());
            sal_Int16 nValue = 0;
            if (aValue >>= nValue)
                aDocOpt.SetStdPrecision(static_cast<sal_uInt16> (nValue));
        else if (aPropertyName == SC_UNO_TABSTOPDIS)
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            ScDocOptions aDocOpt(rDoc.GetDocOptions());
            sal_Int32 nValue = 0;
            if (aValue >>= nValue)
    else if ( pEntry->nWID == ATTR_FONT_LANGUAGE ||
              pEntry->nWID == ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE ||
              pEntry->nWID == ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE )
        //  for getPropertyValue the PoolDefaults are sufficient,
        //  but setPropertyValue has to be handled differently
        lang::Locale aLocale;
        if ( aValue >>= aLocale )
            LanguageType eNew;
            if (!aLocale.Language.isEmpty() || !aLocale.Country.isEmpty())
                eNew = LanguageTag::convertToLanguageType( aLocale, false);
                eNew = LANGUAGE_NONE;
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            LanguageType eLatin, eCjk, eCtl;
            rDoc.GetLanguage( eLatin, eCjk, eCtl );
            if ( pEntry->nWID == ATTR_CJK_FONT_LANGUAGE )
                eCjk = eNew;
            else if ( pEntry->nWID == ATTR_CTL_FONT_LANGUAGE )
                eCtl = eNew;
                eLatin = eNew;
            rDoc.SetLanguage( eLatin, eCjk, eCtl );
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetPool();
        SfxPoolItem* pNewItem = pPool->GetDefaultItem(pEntry->nWID).Clone();
        if( !pNewItem->PutValue( aValue, pEntry->nMemberId ) )
            throw lang::IllegalArgumentException();
        pPool->SetPoolDefaultItem( *pNewItem );
        delete pNewItem;    // copied in SetPoolDefaultItem
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    //  use pool default if set
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    uno::Any aRet;
    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    if (!pEntry->nWID)
        if(aPropertyName == SC_UNO_STANDARDDEC)
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            const ScDocOptions& aDocOpt = rDoc.GetDocOptions();
            sal_uInt16 nPrec = aDocOpt.GetStdPrecision();
            // the max value of unsigned 16-bit integer is used as the flag
            // value for unlimited precision, c.f.
            // SvNumberFormatter::UNLIMITED_PRECISION.
            if (nPrec <= ::std::numeric_limits<sal_Int16>::max())
                aRet <<= static_cast<sal_Int16> (nPrec);
        else if (aPropertyName == SC_UNO_TABSTOPDIS)
            ScDocument& rDoc = pDocShell->GetDocument();
            const ScDocOptions& aDocOpt = rDoc.GetDocOptions();
            sal_Int32 nValue (TwipsToEvenHMM(aDocOpt.GetTabDistance()));
            aRet <<= nValue;
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetPool();
        const SfxPoolItem& rItem = pPool->GetDefaultItem( pEntry->nWID );
        rItem.QueryValue( aRet, pEntry->nMemberId );
    return aRet;
// XPropertyState
beans::PropertyState SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertyState( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    beans::PropertyState eRet = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE;
    sal_uInt16 nWID = pEntry->nWID;
    if ( nWID == ATTR_FONT || nWID == ATTR_CJK_FONT || nWID == ATTR_CTL_FONT || !nWID )
        //  static default for font is system-dependent,
        //  so font default is always treated as "direct value".
        eRet = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
        //  check if pool default is set
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetPool();
        if ( pPool->GetPoolDefaultItem( nWID ) != nullptr )
            eRet = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE;
    return eRet;
uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyState> SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertyStates(
                            const uno::Sequence<OUString>& aPropertyNames )
    //  the simple way: call getPropertyState
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    const OUString* pNames = aPropertyNames.getConstArray();
    uno::Sequence<beans::PropertyState> aRet(aPropertyNames.getLength());
    beans::PropertyState* pStates = aRet.getArray();
    for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < aPropertyNames.getLength(); i++)
        pStates[i] = getPropertyState(pNames[i]);
    return aRet;
void SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::setPropertyToDefault( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    if (pEntry->nWID)
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetPool();
        pPool->ResetPoolDefaultItem( pEntry->nWID );
uno::Any SAL_CALL ScDocDefaultsObj::getPropertyDefault( const OUString& aPropertyName )
    //  always use static default
    SolarMutexGuard aGuard;
    if ( !pDocShell )
        throw uno::RuntimeException();
    const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = aPropertyMap.getByName( aPropertyName );
    if ( !pEntry )
        throw beans::UnknownPropertyException();
    uno::Any aRet;
    if (pEntry->nWID)
        ScDocumentPool* pPool = pDocShell->GetDocument().GetPool();
        const SfxPoolItem* pItem = pPool->GetItem2Default( pEntry->nWID );
        if (pItem)
            pItem->QueryValue( aRet, pEntry->nMemberId );
    return aRet;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */

V524 It is odd that the body of 'removeVetoableChangeListener' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'addVetoableChangeListener' function.

V524 It is odd that the body of 'removePropertyChangeListener' function is fully equivalent to the body of 'addPropertyChangeListener' function.